Tragedy: A Food Desert Driving Tour of West Knoxville

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 28 ก.ย. 2024
  • Alternate title: Food Desert in Paradise
    According to the US Department of Agriculture, almost all citizens of Knoxville, TN are trapped in one food desert or another.
    The Knoxville Metropolitan Planning Commission agrees and they note the same desert examined in this video too:
    I took a driving tour of one of them, it meets the original measure of a food desert: Low Income, and Low Access to food at 1 mile (urban area measure). The thing is, West Knoxville might be low income compared to the District of Columbia, Manhattan or San Francisco, but it is one of the pricer parts of town to live.
    How they are measuring "access" is a bit of a puzzle too. Not even a Kroger store the immediate area will eliminate a food desert, save for one Kroger at Knox Plaza located in the midst of some very pricey real estate. Not so with Super Walmart, Super Target, a food co-op, or a variety of ethnic stores. Still other parts of town with expensive homes are designated food deserts, but when you get into the very wealthy areas they lose that designation.
    Unless you have a Kroger in your front yard, or you are a professor at the local university (their favorite neighborhoods escaped desert status) you are in a food desert around here.
    As you will see in the video, the following grocers all operate within the food desert. Combined they provide incredible variety that should please any rich white liberal. They provide both variety and value that any normal person would love also.
    Trader Joe's #663
    Target store #151
    Lucky Asian Mart
    Mi Pueblo Super Mercado
    India Market
    The term "food desert" is nothing more than empty alarmist leftist garbage. The only way to "eliminate" them for this tract is to violate local zoning laws, knock down some houses, and build grocery stores every half mile.
    The Trader Joe's was featured in this Glenn Reynolds post:

ความคิดเห็น • 13

  • @countenanceblog
    @countenanceblog 10 ปีที่แล้ว +6

    "Food desert" = A census tract with neither a union shop/UFCW supermarket nor a Whole Paycheck/Trader Blows.

    • @AustrianAnarchy
      @AustrianAnarchy  10 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Our food desert has a Trader Joe's. It is at the end of the video.

  • @epobirs
    @epobirs 10 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    There are no food deserts in urban areas. There are crime oases. In the Los Angeles region, every place labeled as a food desert is a hellhole where the frequency of armed robbery means no sane operator would put a supermarket there.

    • @nickmitsialis
      @nickmitsialis 10 ปีที่แล้ว

      So you also noticed that! I always wondered why anybody would establish a business where you might get ransacked by Orcs.

    • @AustrianAnarchy
      @AustrianAnarchy  10 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      The urban areas of Knoxville actually have grocers doing business there too, but they somehow do not "count" as making enough of an "impact." The oldest community food co-op is located right in the corner of a downtown "food desert." Also, it is odd what they term "urban." The south portion of this one is square mile after square mile of single family homes and low-rise apartments, zoned for just that.

  • @warchild4069
    @warchild4069 4 ปีที่แล้ว

    Nice work

  • @richard40x
    @richard40x 10 ปีที่แล้ว

    So the food desert apparently is not all that parched.

  • @robertohlemeyer7646
    @robertohlemeyer7646 10 ปีที่แล้ว

    Poor audio!

  • @PacRimJim
    @PacRimJim 10 ปีที่แล้ว

    Politicians lie. Politicians lie. Politicians lie. Politicians lie. Politicians lie. Politicians lie. Politicians lie.
    Must it be repeated more?

  • @AustrianAnarchy
    @AustrianAnarchy  10 ปีที่แล้ว

    Funny and interesting comments by the Leftoids at St. Louis Today I think "Kind Sir" while whining about the term "Rich Liberal" may need an ObamaCare hearing aid, because I said "there is even something here for rich white leftists" around 5:44 while viewing the India Market. Later I said "rich white liberals have nothing to want for here" after passing Trader Joe's. He is also under the impression that Vlasic pickles are found in the refrigerated aisle, when everybody (including me and my narration) knows they are in Walmart right next to the Mt. Olive pickles. I'll make sure to feature that in the next food desert adventure.
    On the same thread, "Maylily" points out that food deserts are about how far the food is away from the customers and transportation. As noted in the video, all of these stores are in the only parts of this "desert" zoned for that use. Sure, I would love to be a rogue grocer in the middle of one of the apartment complexes or expensive subdivisions in the south portion of this desert, but hassles with the law ain't my bag. Plus, a bus lines crisscross this food desert.
    Just about the only person on that thread with a clue was Dave in South County, who linked to and accurately commented about this video. I salute you Dave!