Did God Create Evil? A Misunderstood Bible Verse: Isaiah 45:7

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 28 ก.ย. 2024

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  • @SimoneMarie4
    @SimoneMarie4 5 ปีที่แล้ว +146

    My friends and I had a long conversation about this! Awesome to have additional information. I love the fact that i can have bible study all day every day with Mike Winger! Thank you very much! May God richly bless you. I am truly blessed by your videos!!! God bless.

    • @miketuggle9273
      @miketuggle9273 8 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

      If God did not create evil and evil was created by some other being, then does that mean God is not in control? If God is in control he either created it or allowed it to be created. If not, If God did not will its creation or allowed for it to me says God is not in control. The other thing that I think about is if God did not create it, rahter it came from Satan. God created Satan and the Angels who fell with him. Did God not see that coming when he created these beings? If that is the case, then it sounds like God is not in control as he did not anticipate this. Or did God create these beings with the ability to do evil and if that is the case then evil has its root in an action from God.

    • @heidibrown997
      @heidibrown997 6 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      Truly, this is going to the root. Did God make man and angels with the free will to choose Him.
      Yes, He did, and in that sense He made evil possible.
      But love is not love unless there is that freedom to chose.
      Angels knew full well the cost of rebelling against God.
      That to me is puzzling.
      While man can be deceived or blinded, Angels are not deceived but just what we would call rebellious.
      So even Angels obey God because they love God.
      God who had created Angels before making mankind, made man to be served by Angels, to judge Angels even.
      I believe from reading the Word, that is why Satan rebelled.
      The point you make is still true. However, God's plan is good, so good in fact, that we have have all eternity to praise His grace. We do see darkly not clearly for now, until faith shall be sight.
      Could it be, that none of us could appreciate God's goodness, love and kindness without the evil that Satan personifies.
      In conclusion, God is our Father to love, to be in awe of and worship. Since He IS GOOD, then all His plans are good.

  • @ericweathersby7924
    @ericweathersby7924 4 ปีที่แล้ว +202

    Sir. this was my first time ever seeing you on TH-cam I typed in the question did God create evil and you were the most recent upload you are very wise you are very humble You're a very good man I will be listening to you from now on be blessed, in Jesus Name!💯😇🙏

    • @chrissonofpear1384
      @chrissonofpear1384 3 ปีที่แล้ว

      But how do we assess Leviticus 25:46 (and it's CENTURIES Of impact) as nought BUT evil?

    • @kevinschaefer3945
      @kevinschaefer3945 2 ปีที่แล้ว +7

      @@chrissonofpear1384 Presuming you are referring to the word "slave", we assess it by looking at the Hebrew word used. Here it is the word "ebed", which can be translated as "slave", but also "attendant", "servant" (indentured or otherwise) , "official" and "officer". As the context and tone of your question seem to be combative and accusatory, feel free to interpret it as you want, as most in your position are not open to reason and probably no explanation or facts will satisfy you.

    • @chrissonofpear1384
      @chrissonofpear1384 2 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      @@kevinschaefer3945 Somewhat relevant, but parse first all the verses that have non Hebrews treated DIFFERENTLY when in that same context, first. It would appear that loopholes allow them to be... retained, longer.

    • @kevinschaefer3945
      @kevinschaefer3945 2 ปีที่แล้ว +5

      @@chrissonofpear1384 Then here's something a bit broader for you: Regulating something is not synonymous with approval or endorsement. As an expression of His love, God gives us freedom to choose, i.e. we're not robots. Unfortunately, on our own, we are naturally proud and rebellious towards God and make poor decisions based on self-centeredness rather than God-centeredness. As God knows this, He will implement regulations in order to minimize the detrimental impact we have on each other. Jesus did the same regarding divorce (Matt. 19:3-9). This is not the same as approving of or endorsing an action.

    • @chrissonofpear1384
      @chrissonofpear1384 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@kevinschaefer3945 Regulating? And what of when they didn't need it at all, post 0 AD? Why leave an ambiguously worded concept around to be used as a weapon at all, thereafter? Or failing that, why not intervene on the scale of Numbers 15:32, when it DID start being misused or abused?
      And where do we get our rebelliousness from? Most of us cannot SEE this God, by default. ALL angels could though, in a perfect realm, and some of THEM were the first to rebel. Quite at odds with what Romans 1:20 implies.
      And I didn't see any 'minimizing' in much of the Inquisition, or Thirty Years War, either.
      Meanwhile, what does having a 'sin nature' hereditarily mean, or being born 'spiritually dead' - does that ever look like programmed behavior, at all...

  • @dmonti20
    @dmonti20 2 ปีที่แล้ว +52

    Very interesting 🤔! My first language is Spanish and in our translations the word used here is not “EVIL” but “ ADVERSITY”, “DISASTER”& “CALAMITY”! Great teaching Mike!

    • @nowolvesministries9677
      @nowolvesministries9677 2 ปีที่แล้ว +5

      But isn’t adversity and calamity EVIL ? This sounds like satan twisting words like he did in the Garden of Eden smh

    • @mathieuswife3292
      @mathieuswife3292 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      I'm from Namibia and mother tongue is Oshiwambo. Our translation has is also not ''evil '' but ''curse '' 🤔

    • @nowolvesministries9677
      @nowolvesministries9677 2 ปีที่แล้ว +4

      @@mathieuswife3292 so a curse is not EVIL ? Smh

    • @idongesitx1873
      @idongesitx1873 2 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      @@nowolvesministries9677 adversity and calamity are nouns, evil is descriptive/adjective. They are not the same thing.

    • @nowolvesministries9677
      @nowolvesministries9677 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@idongesitx1873 lol it is when you are comparing in to something else in a sentence. He says this very simply…
      “I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil: I the LORD do all these things.”
      ‭‭Isaiah‬ ‭45:7‬ ‭KJV‬‬
      This is a very simple and to the point that he created one thing and the complete opposite of that things showing his true power on the earth. The problem is this isn’t basic information or a math problem it’s TRUTH from God or lies from satan. God is not the author of confusion he says what he says and those that believe simply believe. Then there are people like you who follow satan and listen to his nonsense and they act like children losing all comprehension skills to prove that they can’t even read or understand simple text . It’s funny to us but to God it’s blasphemy. Good luck calling God a liar I guess 🤷🏿‍♂️ smh

  • @islanderxx5269
    @islanderxx5269 3 ปีที่แล้ว +145

    My native tongue is faroese. In our translation of the old testament (translated from hebrew) it reads “misfortune” or, “ill fortune”. In line with your explanation. 👌

    • @louiseleite3866
      @louiseleite3866 2 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      Are you from the Faroe Islands?

    • @trinchezito1383
      @trinchezito1383 ปีที่แล้ว

      Demon/devil/Satan means to distribute fortune

    • @Imaginathor-1k0
      @Imaginathor-1k0 7 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Does the original scripture say that?

    • @angelam6066
      @angelam6066 6 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Armenia, i think.

    • @jseehowitsbeen3177
      @jseehowitsbeen3177 5 หลายเดือนก่อน

      I just read this chapter in Isaiah earlier today, and had written down this verse and a few others, and in the ESV (English Standard Version) it says “calamity” not evil. Seems like it lines up more with your translation.

  • @Angel-nh5by
    @Angel-nh5by 3 ปีที่แล้ว +301

    "If ever you find that God and you are at odds, you're wrong." That's sooo true...

    • @DigitalResurrection
      @DigitalResurrection 3 ปีที่แล้ว +5


    • @GODemon13
      @GODemon13 3 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Unless your idea of God comes from the bible which says God commands us to kill disobedient children, people who work on Sabbath and adulterers and homosexuals.
      You bible worshipers are down right EVIL!!!

    • @DigitalResurrection
      @DigitalResurrection 3 ปีที่แล้ว +5

      @@GODemon13 In the Mosaic law, Israelites who broke the command against working on the Sabbath faced the death penalty. This penalty not only underscored the supreme importance of observing a holy day of rest as a sign of Israel’s covenant relationship with God but also established a symbolic truth regarding God’s eternal rest.
      In Exodus 35:2, as Israel was about to embark on the work of building the tabernacle, Moses gathered all the people together and said, “For six days, work is to be done, but the seventh day shall be your holy day, a day of sabbath rest to the LORD. Whoever does any work on it is to be put to death.” This passage reiterates the Sabbath observance that the Lord had given to Israel through Moses in Exodus 31:12-18 and earlier in Exodus 20:8-11 and Exodus 16:21-26.
      Observing the Sabbath was an important sign of the covenant between God and His people. Failure to observe this critical symbol of the covenant was such a serious breach of the relationship that it was assigned a penalty of death. Up to this point, Israel had a proven track record of either forgetting or disobeying God’s commands. In the people’s excitement to begin constructing the tabernacle, it was imperative that worship not be overlooked even to do praiseworthy work. For putting work before the Lord was a challenge to His authority. Thus, the death penalty emphasized the seriousness of maintaining fidelity to the solemn pledge between the people and God.
      Gathering sticks in itself is not wrong. It could be for the purpose of providing fire for warmth or cooking. The problem is that a man was deliberately and flagrantly gathering sticks in the open on the Sabbath day when God had commanded that no work be done on the Sabbath. This was a direct challenge to God’s authority.
      Keeping the Sabbath was a sign for the people of Israel, but it also holds symbolic significance to all those who are in covenant relationship with the Lord. New Testament believers are under a new covenant and no longer required to keep the Sabbath as a legalistic day with rules about no work; however, the principle of prioritizing time to worship and honor God remains. When we give preeminence to God, we acknowledge to ourselves and others that He is Lord over our work, our time, and our lives.
      To fully understand the spiritual significance of the Sabbath, it is necessary to see its connection to the rest of God. The creation account records that God, after creating the heavens and the earth in six days, rested on the seventh day (Genesis 2:2-3). This rest of God teaches us that the Creator graciously set an example for how we His creatures are to spend and enjoy a regular day of rest from our labors. But there is a deeper meaning to this phrase. God’s rest points to a spiritual rest for us-the joy of heaven forever with God-that comes through faith in Jesus Christ and obedience to Him (Hebrews 4:1-10). If we do not rest in the finished work of Jesus Christ on the cross, we remain spiritually dead.
      Under the Old Covenant, the Jewish people labored to make themselves acceptable to God but, of course, were unable to keep all of God’s laws. The sacrifices required by the law had to be repeated again and again to allow sinners to approach a Holy God. The elaborate but inadequate system was designed to point to the Messiah, Jesus Christ, who would offer “once for all time one sacrifice for sins.” After Jesus completed His mission at Calvary, He sat down and “rested” at the right hand of God (Hebrews 10:1-14). Because of Christ’s completed work on the cross, believers no longer have to labor to be right with God but can enter into His rest (Hebrews 9:11-14). Jesus is our Sabbath Rest, and in Him we cease from our toils and find complete rest from our self-effort. We rest in Christ, not just one day a week, but always. The consequence of continuing our work when we should be resting in Christ is death-foreshadowed by the death penalty for Israelites working on the Sabbath.
      For Israel, keeping the Sabbath was a sign of obedience to God’s covenant. Those who did not observe the Sabbath by ceasing from work were by their actions openly proving that they were not partners in the agreement. On the other hand, those who faithfully kept the Sabbath made a public show of their resolute faithfulness to the Lord of the Sabbath. The weekly Sabbath is also a symbolic reminder of God’s divine, eternal rest, and the death penalty for working on the Sabbath pointed to the fate of unbelievers who refuse to enter God’s rest through the atoning death of Jesus Christ on the cross.

    • @GODemon13
      @GODemon13 3 ปีที่แล้ว +8

      @@DigitalResurrection Too long didn't read. The bible is evil. That's all you need to know.

    • @timisa58
      @timisa58 3 ปีที่แล้ว +9

      Ugh. What a terrible statement to make. No wonder EVERY religious faith makes this claim. It's to control and prevent considering objectivity.

  • @rebeccamiller9558
    @rebeccamiller9558 5 ปีที่แล้ว +265

    Mike. I've been binge watching your sermons. I appreciate the chapter by chapter, verse by verse content, especially in an age when it is tempting to paraphrase all for the sake of "evangelism"

    • @cathywestholt5324
      @cathywestholt5324 5 ปีที่แล้ว +18

      I binge watch as well. I have for the greatest portion of my free time forsaken TV, and watch hours of Mike's teaching.

    • @BabyDoIIx
      @BabyDoIIx 3 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      I can’t say I “binge” but I do watch 2-3 ish videos per week, & Mike is one of my favorites, because unlike so many others...despite if he may agree w/ some, he goes way out of his way to make sure they, & we know that he never means any disrespect, or harm. Mike has such a kind heart for people, & you can just feel that he truly believes what he says, I just know Mike is a Godly man, if the camera is rolling, or he’s alone at home not filming. He’s so genuine. I don’t agree w/ him on everything... but I don’t respect many other Pastors more than Mike. He’s wonderful, & a great role model to us all!!!
      And, yeah... TV is just horrible...especially in the last I’d say... 10 years or so...? It used to be an escape, now it’s basically used as political propaganda, & social programming ...it’s pretty much many young peoples mind now days. They are taught, & raised by TV & it’s really heartbreaking... I’ve not commonly sat down & watched more than 10+ hours of TV per week in I’d say over 6-7 years now, & I don’t miss it ONE BIT!!! It’s a waste of time really, & all that doesn’t include the commercials which are a nightmare in their own right!! =P
      P.s. I’m curious what you ladies think of another Pastor I really enjoy (he’s more of an educator than a preacher I’d say?? He does so many debates) his name is, James White. He’s a Calvinist, which I am not... but he’s so incredibly intelligent in apologetics, & just Theology (he preaches at his Church from a Greek N.T lol) in general. So while I don’t agree w/ James White either totally, he’s someone I love to watch speak on Religion!! I know many people, especially Mikes fan...they’re not big James White fans lol, was just curious :)

    • @chrissonofpear1384
      @chrissonofpear1384 3 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Did He let Satan keep his powers POST EXILE? What's your point, here?
      Because it seems like - yes, He did...

    • @chrissonofpear1384
      @chrissonofpear1384 3 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      So, why DID Satan keep any angelic powers, and was HE trusted to know what good or evil was, BEFORE Adam and Eve were - or the wider stakes beyond, to two lives?

    • @mr.frisbysministry9268
      @mr.frisbysministry9268 3 ปีที่แล้ว +5

      @@chrissonofpear1384 Sorry Chris but I disagree with your answer to your question. Satan actually has zero power. Sin is squarely in mans court POST EXILE. We men are tempted and make our own choices. Satan has no power but what each man individually gives to him.

  • @DarkArtDave
    @DarkArtDave 5 ปีที่แล้ว +293

    I loved the pun Mike "Only the God of Israel Is Real" :D

    • @angel77503
      @angel77503 4 ปีที่แล้ว

      I hope you are in israel otherwise gtfoh with that nonsense let the jews worship whatever they want in their country which by their same god dont have

    • @boynton20
      @boynton20 4 ปีที่แล้ว +10

      Which god from any other religion revealed themselves to the world .

    • @DarkArtDave
      @DarkArtDave 4 ปีที่แล้ว +16

      @Mister Wake Up Call my God is awesome. He is greater than the sun because he created the sun. The God of Israel is the God of Everything else as well but obviously he was revealed through the Jewish people. Wasn't meant to cause offence to you, I just liked the pun he made.

    • @deolenebosman5766
      @deolenebosman5766 4 ปีที่แล้ว +8

      @@angel77503 name Israel.... sounds like IS RAEL(real) get it?
      Its funny. 😅😂
      The humour from Ps Mike is hilarious, but I usually feel sorry for him when theres no one IRL to laugh with him when he cracks these golden ones.

    • @sandygrogg1203
      @sandygrogg1203 3 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      NKJV and ESV says “calamity”...

  • @ReasonedAnswers
    @ReasonedAnswers 2 ปีที่แล้ว +5

    I would suggest one reason (not the only one) for suffering is exactly the same as the man born blind - to allow the love of God to be made manifest. In other words, when someone is suffering it is our opportunity to demonstrate the love of God that is living in us by caring for the one who is suffering.

  • @summerwind1979
    @summerwind1979 3 ปีที่แล้ว +11

    I like your explanation. It reminds me of something I heard in a science class, that "cold" doesn't exist, except that it is measured as the absence of heat. When you stop to look at all the polar axes the world is made with, it seems to be always the case that the "bad" one is more simply a measure of the absence of the "good" one. Hate is the absence of love. Dark is the absence of light. Etc.

    • @a-sheepof-christ9027
      @a-sheepof-christ9027 3 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Going by that example we could try and claim "ra" (the hebrew word for >evil/calamity< in Isaiah 45:7) would be "absence of Goodness" and we could then pretend that "God did not create evil, because evil is the absence of God aka true goodness".
      But that logic is unbiblical since God, before casting his light (Greek: Phos/literal light: the logos: jesus, the image of God) into this universe already made "the heavens" as stated by Genesis 1:1.
      So the assessment that "God did not actively create evil" makes no sense when looking at 1) biblical exegesis/theology and 2) actual greek words.
      God did create evil to turn it to Good (Gensis 50:20; water to whine:John 2:1-11; true wedding feast: Revelation 19:6-9).
      Read Romans 9:20 and Ephesians 1:11 on predestination and 1 John 2:2
      1 Timothy 4:10 and 1 Corinthians 15:22-28 on universal reconciliation (salvation of all).

    • @jaromgregson8923
      @jaromgregson8923 2 ปีที่แล้ว +5

      @@a-sheepof-christ9027 this is interesting but doesn't seem to make sense. Why would God make Evil to create Good? Does that mean that Evil and Good existed outside of Him? Did God need to create Evil to create Himself? My understanding is juvenile and naive, but I'd like to truly understand.

    • @servantofourlordjesuschris6456
      @servantofourlordjesuschris6456 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@a-sheepof-christ9027 do you believe that evil is the absence of good? Reply with Yes and No and back up your answer on another line.

  • @livewireOrourke
    @livewireOrourke 4 ปีที่แล้ว +122

    Mike: "....dogs are evil..."
    Mike's cats: "This guy is pretty wise. Maybe we'll keep him around."

    • @melfuz
      @melfuz 3 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      Lol! 😂 Love it!

    • @godlessblessings7020
      @godlessblessings7020 3 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      Good Idea!!

    • @christophernb1963
      @christophernb1963 3 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      No matter how you look at it evil is evil no matter how you put it.
      According to Leibniz, there are three forms of evil in the world: moral, physical, and metaphysical.
      You can relate evil to many words.
      All these other translations replaced the word evil with something else all relate to the same thing, evil.
      The answer to who created evil was the first Bible verse you read, the most high God Yahawah created evil.

    • @christophernb1963
      @christophernb1963 3 ปีที่แล้ว

      I don't know what God you're talking about but the one that's in this King James Bible can be terrible.
      What about the Passover where he killed the firstborn even of the animals.
      Deuteronomy 10:16-17
      [16]Circumcise therefore the foreskin of your heart, and be no more stiffnecked.
      [17]For the LORD your God is God of gods, and Lord of lords, a great God, a mighty, and a terrible, which regardeth not persons, nor taketh reward:

    • @christophernb1963
      @christophernb1963 3 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      This guy's all over the place.
      I found it strange that a person would ask someone born blind sin.
      Makes me believe in regeneration, AKA reincarnation.
      It seems that the person asked did he send in his past life.

  • @lizjansevanrensburg5911
    @lizjansevanrensburg5911 3 ปีที่แล้ว +7

    Hi Mike, this is a first for me and truly you are a wise teacher. You did your homework well and beautifully and brilliantly executed the truth in an understandable and acceptable way. May all your teaching et people free !!! UNLIMITED BLESSINGS !!!

  • @rosyg6616
    @rosyg6616 2 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    Evil is the absence of God.

  • @fernandop1
    @fernandop1 5 ปีที่แล้ว +40

    -God is light, and in Him, there is no darkness (1 John 1:5). The light can exist without the shadows, but the shadows can’t exist without the light. The shadows exist because we as the objects block the light from shining through us and therefore there is darkness in this world.
    The only way the light (God) can create darkness (evil) is by His absence and not by His nature. If you want the light to shine in your life, let the light shine through you first (in Jesus’ name).

    • @j.a.greene3523
      @j.a.greene3523 5 ปีที่แล้ว +4

      Absence would indicate that God is not all-present.

    • @fernandop1
      @fernandop1 5 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      @@j.a.greene3523 -His attributes are not all present even if He is omnipresent

    • @fernandop1
      @fernandop1 5 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@InsanelyBaked -I guess

    • @j.a.greene3523
      @j.a.greene3523 5 ปีที่แล้ว

      To quote Ron Burgandy... "That doesn't make sense".
      So... God is all-present, but His attributes aren't? Doesn't God's attributes qualify God being God? How can God be present somewhere, but not His attributes? Please explain this to me...

    • @fernandop1
      @fernandop1 5 ปีที่แล้ว +6

      @@j.a.greene3523 -His attributes of life are not present in hell even if the fire of hell represent His wrath. In hell there is no love, not mercy, not light, not God's attributes of life just His wrath upon unrepented sinner
      You can be present in any place, that doesn't mean you will provide

  • @carladurland5194
    @carladurland5194 3 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    You are the first place i look when i have questions to ponder ✌💕🙏

  • @BLAHhappy7
    @BLAHhappy7 3 ปีที่แล้ว +10

    I knew where you were going with the donut hole... then you said “it’s a sad place to be.” 😂👍🏻

  • @andsoitgoes1142
    @andsoitgoes1142 2 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    MIKE, YOU shouldn’t be surprised that we are here. You are feeding God’s people. We just show up for the meal. Thank you and God bless you.

  • @zekdom
    @zekdom 2 ปีที่แล้ว +18

    4:27, 6:07 - another way of looking at it
    7:21 - “moral evil” or “hardship”
    7:41 - usage
    8:04, 9:18, 11:34 - context
    8:52, 11:53 - what’s the contrast?
    10:48 , 11:12, 11:34 - sovereignty
    12:33 - Isaiah 41:23
    13:51, 14:12, 14:35 - Lamentations 3:38-39
    15:23, 15:40, 15:55 - Job 2:10
    15:52 - “bad times”, Winger uses an analogy
    17:00, 17:21 - meaning of evil
    17:34, 18:34 - why new translations are different

  • @Yipper64
    @Yipper64 3 ปีที่แล้ว +6

    20:35 you know I never thought about it that way but it makes a lot of sense. Evil is an absense, it isnt really a *thing* as much as it is a lack of a thing.

  • @ClauGutierrezY
    @ClauGutierrezY 5 ปีที่แล้ว +6

    I've been reading the Bible my whole life, I'm not a theologian, but something that kind of bothers me big time is, if we have scholars working on translations 24/7... 365 a year, and the scrolls were written this way so long ago, why it seems to be that we never get a definitive translation once for all? Whenever we think we understand some of this in our path for enlightenment, something comes across and it turns out that one word means a complete different thing and curves the meaning of a whole passage completely! Do we need to be experts in Aramaic, Old Greek etc to have the real thing? Sorry for my rant-like comment, but following Jesus is hard enough to also add up the fact that what you're reading my mean something completely different, no matter how straight forward it may sound

  • @andsoitgoes1142
    @andsoitgoes1142 2 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    If God is goodness, then evil is anything that is against God and God gives us the ability to go against Him, letting us engage in evil, because He does not want slaves.

  • @kevinbrislawn5918
    @kevinbrislawn5918 5 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    Mike..I just love you..you're such a good teacher who brings CLARITY!

    • @pricelessperfection4606
      @pricelessperfection4606 5 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@InsanelyBaked light & darkness cannot cohere, hey, ya wit-brained

    • @pricelessperfection4606
      @pricelessperfection4606 5 ปีที่แล้ว

      for God's word says this for our understanding.

    • @pricelessperfection4606
      @pricelessperfection4606 5 ปีที่แล้ว

      Jesus Christ gave this answer pointedly, as he declared that only God is inherently good.
      With man, we have variations, which are dependent upon the influences thereof, of light verses darkness.

  • @FAITHFULsk8r
    @FAITHFULsk8r 8 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Right when I feel like I've seen all of Brother Mike's videos, yet another pops up! 🙌🏼🤠

  • @luigilol
    @luigilol 4 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    I feel that is a reminder that the lord is capable of quite literally everything and anything he desires

    • @popedope8121
      @popedope8121 3 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      It also makes him a monster

  • @tomkendrick7844
    @tomkendrick7844 5 ปีที่แล้ว +7

    Let me guess: the verse doesn't mean what it clearly states?

    • @samopoku6660
      @samopoku6660 5 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      Tom Kendrick did you watch the video?

    • @tomkendrick7844
      @tomkendrick7844 5 ปีที่แล้ว +7

      @@samopoku6660 If he has a good point, he shouldn't need 45 minutes to make it. What I don't understand is why can't we just take a natural reading of the scriptures? If it says god created evil, why can't we just conclude god created evil? What's the problem? Why do we have to go to the original greek for some verses and spend 45 minutes trying to show how it actually says something different for some verse, but when it's a verse that we like, we NEVER feel the urge to look at the ancient greek. I don't understand this.

    • @atypicalhiker
      @atypicalhiker 4 ปีที่แล้ว +5

      You are onto something here. Dont dig or question too deeply you won't like what you find.

    • @johngraves9237
      @johngraves9237 3 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@tomkendrick7844 There is no evil in his nature, you need to understand the nature of God. The closer you get to Jesus you will understand the Word of God much better.

    • @brandondrinkwater8723
      @brandondrinkwater8723 3 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@johngraves9237 you need to read the Old Testament to see Gods evil. Slavery, human sacrifice, mass slaughters and women as booty just to name a few.

  • @deluxeassortment
    @deluxeassortment 5 ปีที่แล้ว +6

    Did God create the universe and everything in it? Yes.
    Is God omniscient? Yes.
    Did God know before he created the universe that when he created man and the angels that some of them would become evil? Yes.
    Is God omnipotent? Yes.
    Does God know how to create a universe without evil? Yes.
    Does God know how to stop evil? Yes.
    Therefore, either God created evil, allows evil to exist, and wants evil as part of his plan, or God is not omniscient or omnipotent or does not exist. Just because we cannot imagine a universe where God creates a being that chooses to worship him with free will without evil doesn't mean an Omnipotent and Omniscient God would not be capable of doing so. So either he is unwilling or unable or nonexistent.

    • @deluxeassortment
      @deluxeassortment 5 ปีที่แล้ว

      @Sergeant 235 If evil has no positive nature, then why are people always claiming Satan is evil? However you want to define evil, children still die horrible deaths by rape and torture in sex trafficking. God allows that to exist.

    • @hobosekschuel8290
      @hobosekschuel8290 5 ปีที่แล้ว

      Alkyl Dimethyl Benzyl Ammonium Chloride God also allows your hand to burn when you touch a hot stove. He even allows you to get a papercut! How horrible

    • @deluxeassortment
      @deluxeassortment 5 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@hobosekschuel8290 Appreciate the sarcasm

    • @hobosekschuel8290
      @hobosekschuel8290 5 ปีที่แล้ว

      Alkyl Dimethyl Benzyl Ammonium Chloride hopefully you understand the point

    • @deluxeassortment
      @deluxeassortment 5 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@hobosekschuel8290 I do, but don't agree with the comparison. I don't have a problem reconciling the problems around me with my non-theological worldview. It just doesn't logically make sense with a theological worldview.

  • @andrewjackson8244
    @andrewjackson8244 10 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    Thankyou for this Mike!! Extremely helpful
    While I was listening, my mind went straight to your reasoning of evil as, "It's not a thing but a lack of good." When reading the passage in Isaiah, I thought, "Well darkness is nothing more than the absence of light, and evil isn't the same to peace as darkness is to light, so the logical question is what happens when you remove peace that is equivalent to darkness and light? Distress and agony." Which is what you went on to say. Really really helpful. Again, thankyou so much for your ministry

    • @iam604
      @iam604 10 หลายเดือนก่อน

      You should have went to Exodus instead and clearly seen just how evil your god is for hardening Pharaoh’s heart so it could torture the same people that allowed your god’s people to come join them when they were in need.

    • @andrewjackson8244
      @andrewjackson8244 10 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

      @@iam604 you should read Exodus for yourself because none of what you said is in there. Did God harden Pharaoh's heart? Yes, but Pharoah hardened his own heart according to Exodus. God didn't do what he did to torture the Egyptions, that is just you re-writing the narrative. And God did not punish the same people who welcomed the Israelites when they were in need. Sure it was the same nation, but the Egyptians brotally tormented the Israelites and enslaved them for four hundred years. How is that taking care of them when they were in need? The Egyptian Pharoah in the time of Joseph was a good Pharoah and he certainly did help the Israelites, but it wasn't long after that good Pharoah died that another Pharoah came into power and enslaved the Israelites. Instead of just regurgitating petty criticisms, how about actually reading it for yourself?

    • @iam604
      @iam604 10 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@andrewjackson8244 I see you can’t even understand your own words let alone what the Bible says. You just agreed that your god hardened his heart, then go and contradict that by saying that Pharoah hardened his own heart. Which has more power? Your god or Pharoah? Who has is omniscient and who is not? So it goes right back to your god for that caused of it all.
      YES, your god did do all that it did to torture the Egyptians because it could have, I don’t know, NOT HARDENED PHAROAH’S HEART to begin with and maybe the same outcome could have happened the 2 TIMES the PHAROAH’S were LIED to by your god’s so called chosen people. But then again…who is omniscient and already knows the outcome of all the decisions it makes? There is no revision of this FACT, only you and your fellow believers of it ignorant knowledge of this FACT. THE EXACT SAME can be, and is, applied to all stories in the book. Adam and Eve…Same. Cain and Abel…Same. The whole world and Noah…Same. All by your god’s will and plan.
      Where is it written that the Egyptian were brutal to the Hebrews? What…because they made them work harder? Moses actually murdered someone and yet your god chose him to lead people away from Egypt? Cain murdered his brother and yet was allowed to live, have a family, AND A CITY?! Again…all by your god.
      You should take your own advice at the end of your ignorant post because it is very clear to me that are incapable of understanding your god based off what is written. Good luck in your cult.

    • @iam604
      @iam604 10 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@andrewjackson8244 CHECKMATE!

    • @andrewjackson8244
      @andrewjackson8244 10 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      @@iam604 In what way?

  • @ΑθηνάΑλεξανδράκη-σ4μ
    @ΑθηνάΑλεξανδράκη-σ4μ 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Hi , am watching through u tube from Cyprus a Greek island, may God bless you

  • @evangelistkimpatrik
    @evangelistkimpatrik 4 ปีที่แล้ว +6

    Evil does not need to be created, but it is rather permitted. Good explanation!

    • @papiD69
      @papiD69 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      The verse doesn't say "permitted", it says "created".

    • @evangelistkimpatrik
      @evangelistkimpatrik 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@papiD69 Exactly that word ”created” was explained in the video. God did not create evil, but he created the possibility for evil. Through free will.

  • @ChrisContin
    @ChrisContin ปีที่แล้ว

    I’m God. “Create unto Me and sign your name, like the light.” As I made is the World at large! All Evil is Me of Heaven, the rest is not allowed in Use. Peace is a Blessed Form another. Nice insight!

  • @davidhill5897
    @davidhill5897 2 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Thank you for the explanation of good and evil. I’ve often wondered about the scriptures that God states he created good and evil. Even so I have always believed God is good and what ever God does is from his nature in which their is no evil. Again thank you.

    • @disturbedvelo7199
      @disturbedvelo7199 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      He wouldn’t have nature tho he wasn’t born with it he created it himself so how does he have a nature

    • @davidhill5897
      @davidhill5897 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@disturbedvelo7199 nature of God isn’t born since he’s eternal. He creates beings with with various natures. Issues of good and evil in the cosmos ie creation would be (I assume) by permission, not to be confused by authorship. God is the prime progenitor ie life creating, any will apart is death spiraling. Since God is the author of life. We have a tendency to view God subjectively through our fallen nature eyes. Not sure I’m accurate but that’s my view.

  • @hieishiro6354
    @hieishiro6354 10 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

    There is nothing wrong with believing God created evil in all forms. You ask people if they believe God is omnipotent and then say he cant do something. When we make a donut we make it within the rules that bind the universe. When God made the concept so that a donut could exist the way we understand it, he created the concept of nothing so the donut hole could exist. Because in the beginning, there was God. There wasnt nothing.

    • @iam604
      @iam604 10 หลายเดือนก่อน

      There was never a time where there was nothing if you believe there is a god. Theist can believe their god existed with nothing else but there is and has always been a something.

  • @nathanburgett1599
    @nathanburgett1599 5 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    I might be wrong, but I think if you look at the context of that proverb about the lot Cast, it's in the context of what we're not supposed to do. I need to look at it again but I do remember having the same question in looking into it and remember what I found was basically that it's not a direct teaching on how to find the will of God but rather kind of how the pagans would do it and how we're not supposed to go about it.
    While still understanding that at certain times the leaders of Israel use lots and God did use that and honor it, it wasn't like what we're supposed to do. Like when God was tested with the fleece 3 times. is that teaching that we can all take a fleece out any time you want God to confirm something for us?
    So while I could be wrong I remember when I looked into it that the general context was something along the lines of that idea, that it's not affirming this is what we do.❤

  • @hellomotto2183
    @hellomotto2183 5 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    In the book of Job, the devil had to ask God to test Job and God agreed to the devil terms/challenge, but he warned the devil not to touch or kill Job. So the devil tormented Job killing his children's, causing all sorts of unpleasant thing to happen, etc... all with God's say so.
    So Isaiah 45: 7 doesn't say he created evil as in sin or evil thoughts, but the bible clearly shows God allowing bad people to be blessed (natural resources, genetics, good looks, money, natural talent and smarts) and good people to suffer. The bible also says God allows people to be deceived by false prophets to test them. The bible says God allows life and death, he chooses who he wants to bless and wants to curse, God gives peace and also allows disasters.

    • @dwo356
      @dwo356 5 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      @@InsanelyBaked Well, other than this situation, what other "evil" acts did the devil commit? I mean sure, he killed people and caused bad things to happen here, but it was at the allowance of God.
      All his power is given by God and every bad thing he did was condoned by God.
      They only worked together because nothing he did wasn't condoned by God.

    • @angelmoore2588
      @angelmoore2588 4 ปีที่แล้ว

      How did he not touch Job when it talks about Job being cursed with sores all over his body?

  • @ashley_brown6106
    @ashley_brown6106 3 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    I'm strugglimg with my faith because of verses like that... All of the Old Testament is full of immorality and cruelty and God seems more like Satan. Pray that I'll understand the Truth and come closer to God... This video helped a lot, thank you❤

    • @krustysurfer
      @krustysurfer 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      I hear you it's real easy to believe ina God of love, the person the persona of Jesus how he was and how he treated people, the goodness the miracles the kindness the self-denial the self-sacrifice dying for his enemies yes I believe in that God.
      Believing in what is written in the Old Testament is very hard to do for me as well even when pastor's do their best to explain, it it does not seem to make sense sometimes.
      I guess our perceptions are imperfect,
      Especially those who were in high places who supposedly knew God and knew the ways of God better than anybody else the religious leaders the Pharisees the Sanhedrin Jesus said their father was the devil and they were doing the works of their father and because her father was a devil they were incapable of recognizing Jesus recognizing him as the Messiah as God incarnate as God In the flesh according to their knowledge of scripture which was left in their care they called Christ a madman demon possessed that he had the devil inside him so if those knowing the Old Testament the Torah better than anyone else still to this day deny Jesus as the Messiah and Jesus said they were the Antichrist and they were filled with the Antichrist spirit, and me as a simple man a lonely man and nothing in a nobody who does not know the Bible very well I am expected to know Jesus to recognize Jesus to worship Jesus to rely on Jesus to be friends with Jesus and I am a gentile born without the law of Moses I'm supposed to know God that is a big task. So me and nothing and a nobody I struggle I struggle to have faith in it all I definitely struggle in having any faith in myself, Paul's words of oh what a wretched Man I am and one of jesus's stalkers says I believe help my unbelief I find myself in that camp I can believe in Jesus but ever really hard time believing in any religion or religious leaders because of the Old Testament leaders got it wrong and New Testament preachers have mucked things up so many bad things have happened in the name of God in the name of religion have a very hard time entering into the doors of a building with other believers I love you let's walk as Jesus walked even though that's what I most want I want to hear well done good and faithful servant when I'm standing in front of Jesus but even as a Christian I have done many things wrong I have sinned in every way possible knowing right from wrong and still doing wrong anyways I doubt my own salvation so I am in the place where I even struggle to have faith that I am saved I can say Jesus is Lord and savior I just don't think like that and I do not act like he is Lord and savior I do not act like he is my God because if I truly thought that he is God then why do I still sin why do I still disobey why do I still do wrong?
      The only thing that brings me solace in this is knowing there are other supposed believers who are in the same boat as me worried about their salvation feeling very badly about the things they have done in their life and pleading to Jesus to forgive them and fix them.
      I do apologize for sharing my deepest darkest fears but we are supposed to as believers in Jesus rely on one another.
      It says for two or more gathered in his name that the holy spirit is there, so in these comments sections even though we may not be talking to each other in real time there are more than two of us gathered in Jesus name working out our Salvation in fear and trembling....... May God use this same technology we are using to confess and pray with one another, may God use the same technology against Babylon Satan the antichrist the beast the false prophets the powers and principalities in high places.
      God bless you.

    • @thewordrappergma7713
      @thewordrappergma7713 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@krustysurfer Hello T. D. First and foremost, YAH understands and still loves you! Secondly, everyone has had a difficult time with the actions of the Most High in the Old Covenant. However, if you do a study on the Nephilim, the watchers, and how the giants got here that will help you- (remember Goliath).The Most High stated that the woman’s SEED would be enmity against the servants seed. Those nations were contaminated. Satan was trying to contaminate the bloodline to prevent the Messiah’s mission. Read Mathew 13:39.
      You see, Israel’s continual generational disobedience brought about their punishments. The Pharisees practiced religion not relationship. Furthermore, Most of the Pharisees were contaminated with serpent seed. 1 John 3:11-12, St John 8: 38-58. Rev. 2:9. Look into the genealogy of Adam. Cain is not his child. That’s another study. Ask the Father for encounters with Him. To reveal Himself to You. Cry out from the depths of your heart, fast with prayer. He will destroy those strongholds in your mind and set you free so that you will realize the depth of His unconditional love for you. And remember, He doesn’t want us to disobey Him because it will always lead to death in those areas of our lives. Sin destroys us and those we are connected to. We may not experience the repercussions of those acts right away but be assured we all reap what we have sown. Therefore, through the power of the Holy Spirit in you along with His wisdom, knowledge and understanding He will empower you. Please remember His way is ALWAYS right. If He says evil communication corrupts good manners then there’s know guess work. If you are best friends with an evil individual then they will corrupt you period. Shalom

    • @krustysurfer
      @krustysurfer 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@thewordrappergma7713 I've studied Zechariah Sitchins historical work on the ancient cultures predating Summer and the origins of homo sapiens how it coincides with the book of Genesis and extraterrestrial beings.
      Is humanity being misled are things being kept from the General public is the real narrative only controlled and known by a select number of families who rule from behind the scenes because of the amount of gold that they own more than likely.
      Is Genesis the book of a condensed version of literary history more than likely.
      However Jesus came died and rose again and left his holy spirit to guide us through all things into truth knowledge of that truth wisdom and discernment with a covering of love.
      Jesus will return one day and set things right, however the book of Amos chapter 5 verse 18 gives us a Stern warning it says woe to you who wish for the day of the Lord for what is it to you? For it is a day of darkness and not light...
      I think it's a Stern warning for those who want to play God who want to fulfill prophecy by their own means their own terms that they will get their just reward for being stiff necked people rebellious and choosing to do things their own way choosing legalistic religious dogma instead of spirituality tempered by self sacrificing love. Ahhh to be in this world and to be not of this world lies a path that every follower of the way must undertake.
      I'm in agreement about what you say, the holy spirit will guide us and greater is he that is in us than he that is in this world and he that will take the throne of the Antichrist sitting inside the Antichrist Temple.
      Jesus is true third temple and we are the temple of the Lord where God the Father God the Son God the Holy Spirit reign in our hearts, the temple made without human hands. Where there is no need of a high priest because Jesus is our high priest there is no need of a sacrifice because Jesus was the good and perfect sacrifice there is no need of a physical Temple because he is the real Temple of the most high.
      So yeah everything is pretty clear everything is pretty laid out on what's going to happen the particulars of who the actual players are in the movie set are yet to be determined but it will all come to fruition and we will know the season because the tree is accursed and bears no good fruit except for blood tears that are paid for with gold of the nephilim / anunnaki and the Babylonian system that has been foisted upon the world.
      So our job is to stay prayed up to love God love our neighbors love our enemies even when they put us to the sword for speaking the truth.
      Being a real Christian and being aware of the battle and what our part is in that war against the saints is challenging and exciting and sometimes tiresome but in the end we will be able to cast crowns at the feet of our savior.
      Gods Blessings be unto you and your loved ones till kingdom comes.
      May the breath of God be upon you (Aloha)

  • @mayakinneysteachings2315
    @mayakinneysteachings2315 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Last night around 5am I asked god to show a sign that he forgave me because I thought I committed blasphemy against the Holy Spirit and I asked him to play “Jesus paid it all” in which when I went to go shower today it was my 2nd song on my Spotify list
    I have 18h of Music on there

    • @destinationjesuschrist7043
      @destinationjesuschrist7043 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      Blaspheming the Holy Spirit will not be forgiven like Jesus said, stop looking for external signs, it will be taken out of your inheritance in the kingdom of God.

  • @abhbible
    @abhbible 3 ปีที่แล้ว +6

    It’s less a “misunderstanding” and more an “understanding that would be inconvenient for your theology.” The Hebrew Bible is far more permissive in portraying God as doing evil things than contemporary Christian readers are comfortable with. You need to choose between being committed to biblical authority and accepting this moral ambiguity or being committed to your personal theology and explaining the ambiguity away, something you accuse “liberal and progressive Christians” of doing.

  • @earthgem777
    @earthgem777 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    So if God is good, why have I not experienced His goodness in my life when it comes to relationships? I feel so angry at God and I do not know how to stop. I have come to the point of brushing it all under the carpet, forgive God and move on. Then I would face another round of evil where I get mistreated, abused, molested, and these experiences come from strangers to church leaders themselves, friendships or relationships.
    I feel so tired of coming back to this place where I have to forgive God whom everyone tells me that He is good but in my experience, I am not seeing it. I see injustice and evil and I feel so tired. I feel sad about my relationship with God. I do not know how to move forward once again and be disappointed again in the future.
    I wish, really wish I lived another life where I can see evidently that God is good and never again do I face these injustice and bad experiences. Where is this good God that you speak of in my life?
    Please don't preach to me about fasting, praying, healing ministries...been there done that, 20 years. I am tired.
    Good God, where are you?

    • @projectbirdfeederman5491
      @projectbirdfeederman5491 ปีที่แล้ว

      I hear you. It's always a bad intervention if there's any spiritual intervention. Like another Job'ing or send in some more demons. Where the hell are all the angels? There's no balance here at all. They say "God was beside you all through that", but he didn't even say hello, it makes it worse to think he was there witnessing it all and no intervention or even some consolation.

    • @earthgem777
      @earthgem777 ปีที่แล้ว

      @projectbirdfeederman5491 Thank you for hearing me...the ones who chose to still praise God and see Him as good seem to have it easier or something...I don't know. I have done that but seems like it won't be long until the next test and the next test and the next test. And I'm gonna need healing again and again. Will this ever stop?
      I'm just a human doing what I can and my best. I get tired, worn out, I'd lose battles against the enemy and somehow I would be at fault for failing and not doing better and choosing His ways.
      I don't know how to navigate this. Can you tell me about your thoughts on free will becos I too do not believe there is free will.

  • @drIbeleme
    @drIbeleme ปีที่แล้ว

    I compliment you for the way you handled this.
    I was blessed by it and I trust that others were blessed as well.
    Thanks again

  • @theVampkingkindredk
    @theVampkingkindredk 3 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    Yup the most high God YAHAWAH made everything

  • @louisademmerle2628
    @louisademmerle2628 3 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    NLT "Good times and Bad times. Because that is just the way the NLT rolls! That was so funny!!! NLT is my favorite translation and now I love it even more. That aside I have really enjoyed and am blessed by your videos. I am now recommending you to my friends. I like how you break down topics and look at them from a biblical point of view.

  • @toddkeeran3479
    @toddkeeran3479 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    Seek our Father and his understanding.
    Ask that his Wisdom lead us in his path of Righteousness.
    Knock bless you Father for blessing us with your Son and name Jesus.

  • @k8aik8ai
    @k8aik8ai ปีที่แล้ว

    "I have seen the travail, which God hath given to the sons of men to be exercised in it." - Ecclesiastes 3:10

  • @sonofblessed
    @sonofblessed 3 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Winger brings up good points here. One question: when the word "evil" is used to describe events, such as, for example, a person being killed by lighting, I agree that it is not referring to moral evil. However, an "evil" event that befalls a person may also be carried out at the hands of others, such as in Lamentations 3:5, which says, "He has built up [camps of siege] against me, and encompassed [me with] gall and travail." "Camps of siege" are inanimate objects, but they were put there by human beings who acted with evil of their own accord. In other words, it's difficult to say that God caused a robbery to take place without Him (in some way) causing the robbers to perform that morally evil deed. So God _is_ creating moral evil, but that evil is instrumental to His Will in some way that is likely indecipherable to our human minds.
    Another example that comes to mind is when Joseph being sold into slavery by his brothers, which ended in their being saved from the famine in Israel. In Genesis 45:8 Joseph says to them, "And now, you did not send me here, but God, and He made me a father to Pharaoh, a lord over all his household, and a ruler over the entire land of Egypt." Even though they sold him, Joseph said "you did not send me here."
    Regarding God not creating moral evil, how do we understand Deuteronomy 30:15, which says, "Behold, I have set before you today life and good, and _death and evil...?"_ What does it mean that God sets before them evil if not that He actually created it? The verse doesn't say "I made you with the capability to perform evil that I did not create," but rather "I have set before you... evil." This seems to indicate that even evil needs "God's permission" to exist, for nothing can exist without His permitting it to.
    This may account for Isaiah 45:7 treating "peace" and "evil" as opposites. Good exists as a function of God's wanting it to be, so it can be said that evil exists as a function of God's not wanting it to be. Something that God wills will last forever, while something that He does not will can only last temporarily. The word "peace" in Hebrew (shalom) shares a root with "whole" or "complete" (shalem). So while peace is whole and lasting, evil is fractured and passing.
    I should say on record that I'm an Orthodox Jew so that this comment doesn't come out of left field.

    • @chrissonofpear1384
      @chrissonofpear1384 3 ปีที่แล้ว

      But He DID CREATE it. Satan KEPT HIS POWERS as an angel, and had access to people with NO IDEA what good, evil, death, or the stakes beyond to two lives, even were.
      And when was any angel able to 'choose' to alter the nature of other, as yet, unborn, angels?

    • @sonofblessed
      @sonofblessed 3 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@chrissonofpear1384 I'm a bit confused by this response because it seems like you're referring to the fall of Satan. I'm an Orthodox Jew and don't believe that this ever happened, so I can't respond directly to what you said.
      And did you mean to say "when was any angel able to 'choose' to alter the nature of other, as yet, unborn _children"_ instead of _angels?_

    • @chrissonofpear1384
      @chrissonofpear1384 3 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@sonofblessed Fair enough, but many nutters here treat human and angelic rebellion as equal, as if we all had equal awareness and equal pride. A trite comparison.
      And Adam and Eve are often said to do exactly that to our natures.

    • @sonofblessed
      @sonofblessed 3 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@chrissonofpear1384 I'm not totally following what the jist of your message is, but to comment on the angelic rebellion part of what you said, I believe that angels don't have free will, so they can't rebel against God in the first place. This includes Satan of course, who is just an angel.

    • @chrissonofpear1384
      @chrissonofpear1384 3 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@sonofblessed So what really happened, then? And will it lead to another, yawn, schism?

  • @MaliKorsten
    @MaliKorsten 5 ปีที่แล้ว +6

    I was thinking, "Doesn't everyone know what calamity means?", then I realised I must be in the "old" category.

    • @matthewdevine8275
      @matthewdevine8275 5 ปีที่แล้ว

      I was wondering the same thing. Must be because my Dad has used KJV all my life.

    • @biotorex8999
      @biotorex8999 5 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Clamity is the act of evil. Which again proves that Yahweh the Iron Age war god is a monster.

    • @Ghghghghgh-
      @Ghghghghgh- ปีที่แล้ว

      @@biotorex8999and you’re a sinner, like the rest of us. Repent and believe in the Lord Jesus Christ.

  • @dlilwon
    @dlilwon 4 ปีที่แล้ว +7

    How could we know something is good if evil/bad does not exist?

    • @lancelance2006
      @lancelance2006 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      If evil/bad does not exist, then there would be no need to worry about evil/bad since only good exists.

  • @davefk
    @davefk 4 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    How can you possibly compare all the evil in the world to a shadow? And God may be good but he still allows evil, which is very questionable?

    • @DGolden247
      @DGolden247 3 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      He still allows evil because that’s necessary in order for us humans to still have free will. Otherwise we would just be robots programmed to be yes-men. And the reason why God wants us to have free will is because (1) He loves us enough that He wants us to willingly choose Him rather than be forced to choose Him, and (2) As the King of Glory, what would glorify God more: humans who are preprogrammed to believe He is God and He is good, or humans with free will who willingly choose to believe He is God and He is good? Either way He is still God, He is still good, and He would still work things together for the greater good, but the former choice would not glorify God as much as the latter. If God can still make everything work for the greater good of those who love Him, in spite of humanity rejecting Him and committing sin, in spite all the evil that’s in the world; then that would glorify God the most.

  • @greggapowell67
    @greggapowell67 5 ปีที่แล้ว

    And now around 24:00 - I am happy to see that my understanding is aligned with your explanation and teaching Pastor Mike.

    • @underwaves75
      @underwaves75 3 ปีที่แล้ว

      It must align with Gods incorruptible word. Not the scholars opinions.
      Isaiah 45:7
      “I forme the light, and create darkenesse: I make peace, and create euill: I the Lord do all these things.”

  • @SOULSafeProductionZ
    @SOULSafeProductionZ 3 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Evil is the deviation from God...God is the standard. Evil is any deviation from Him...

  • @binushibu8649
    @binushibu8649 3 ปีที่แล้ว

    God bless you Sir. May His Wisdom flow through you forever.

  • @myhassles3614
    @myhassles3614 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Rev. 22:15
    The world will always exist on the World
    Is it so hard to believe that God loves all his children.

  • @SOULSafeProductionZ
    @SOULSafeProductionZ 3 ปีที่แล้ว

    I hope you read your comments...You have a GREAT WAY to explain things!

  • @derrickpurdy7011
    @derrickpurdy7011 3 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Question: If God did not create evil, where did it come from? If God didn't create it, then who is the other creative force in the Universe?

    • @areyoujelton
      @areyoujelton 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Exactly!!! The logic fails these sheep. Literally. They call themselves the flock 😂

    • @growinfaithkate6184
      @growinfaithkate6184 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      It is 'created' via an absence. Turn off a light and the absence of it is called dark, remove peace from a situation and it is chaos and misfortune. Evil is simply the absence of good. It is not created by a lack.

  • @adamrspears1981
    @adamrspears1981 4 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    If The LORD is meaning that HE creates hardship, rather than evil (as we would typically think evil to be, in our modern language), then why would HE allow The Bible to be translated in a way that misleads a reader of who HE is?
    What is the point of GOD teaching people, of THEM & THEIR way, if THEY allow The Bible to be translated, at least in modern English, in such a way that is paints a false picture & understanding in our minds of GOD??
    Wouldn't it be most beneficial for GOD if THEY made sure the Bible was translated accurately?

    • @abioyepeter2221
      @abioyepeter2221 3 ปีที่แล้ว

      The Bible goes through Four phases but God is fully responsible for one of it..
      God Words are fully infallible but the receiver or the one who receives an information from God may not fully be able to specifically put it out like God 100%.. Take the Old Testament tabernacle for example.. It was a "shadow" of that which was heavenly.. So God is responsible for Speaking not for the preconceiving,pretranslation,preinterpretation.. Man is responsible for that.. But God is able to give us what's necessary and relevant sometimes very obvious to us as he wills and he does it all to the praise of his Glory ..
      O the depth of the riches both of the wisdom and knowledge of God! how unsearchable are his judgments, and his ways past finding out! For who hath known the mind of the Lord? or who hath been his counsellor? Or who hath first given to him, and it shall be recompensed unto him again? For of him, and through him, and to him, are all things: to whom be glory for ever. Amen.
      Romans 11:33‭-‬36 KJV

    • @adamrspears1981
      @adamrspears1981 3 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      You didn't answer a question that I asked:
      IF GOD is in control (as Christians love to claim), & since it would be most beneficial to GOD to give a "Lost & Dying World" (again, as Christians love to claim) an accurate "Word of God" (also frequently claimed by Christians) ....uh, _why_ wouldn't GOD do that??
      The Bible, as it currently is in English, has caused confusion among people. & even The Bible Scholars, sometimes, have differing opinions concerning what The Bible teaches.
      Confusion doesn't come from GOD, it come from the enemy of GOD.

  • @deltalima1340
    @deltalima1340 4 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    It seems like you are cherry picking the "softest" definitions

  • @Tr1Hard777
    @Tr1Hard777 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    so, it's in the context of wrath. God can bring calm or disaster. disaster is bad to us but it's a righteous judgement.

  • @drinno8900
    @drinno8900 3 ปีที่แล้ว

    Love this 25:00 Refer Enchiridion 8:27 “God judged it better to bring good out of evil than to suffer no evil to exist”.

  • @glory2christcmj702
    @glory2christcmj702 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    My name is Cyrus so when you were reading from Isaiah 45, a couple of times when I had looked away from the screen and heard you say Cyrus I thought you were talking to me for a second 😂

  • @MateusPicolli
    @MateusPicolli หลายเดือนก่อน

    Thanks for the explanation Mike, I'm satisfied.

  • @Rachel-ng2wz
    @Rachel-ng2wz 4 ปีที่แล้ว

    I wouldn't say God give us a wicked heart but he gave us free will to do good or wicked

  • @justindorris9300
    @justindorris9300 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Gos IS everything, and in everything. All that is done, God does. If a person does something that has a negative effect on others or themselves is evil or sin.

  • @justinkase1360
    @justinkase1360 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    I think that RC Sproul brings up some points in his sermon on the problem of evil that really casts serious doubts on such a simplistic explaining away of evil. I would like to see Mike address Sproul's points, but I doubt that will ever happen.

  • @matthewterry9413
    @matthewterry9413 4 ปีที่แล้ว

    Hi Pastor Mike. Just found out that I work at a church down the street from you! Very cool; I’ll have to see you live one day. You could also explore “lead me not into temptation but deliver me from evil” from the Lord’s Prayer when discussing “evil” (Ra). I’m sure you’re aware that the Pope wanted to change the Lord’s Prayer because of this misunderstanding about temptation and evil (experiential vs moral).

  • @ebenezereghan6348
    @ebenezereghan6348 ปีที่แล้ว

    Evil is when you try to start an alternative authority to the authority of God.

  • @Angee82111
    @Angee82111 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    Wow thank you so much for explaining that the donut analogy is great! I appreciate you saying you don’t know when you don’t know that’s helpful. I will definitely check out the rest of your videos

  • @Maria_O
    @Maria_O 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    Excellent explanation regarding the existence of evil. Thank you

  • @PaulBraga-t2y
    @PaulBraga-t2y ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Bottom line, we can analyze it all we want but at the end of the day the bible explains he creates evil , and makes some for common use.

  • @michaeladner5485
    @michaeladner5485 5 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Thanks Mike. ..nice Job as always. ..greetings from Germany

  • @evelynhipple
    @evelynhipple ปีที่แล้ว +1

    You have no idea how apologists bend over backwards trying to change what the Bible meant to get God as far away as possible to creating evil. They say evil is not a thing that can be created

  • @theresa42213
    @theresa42213 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    COOL! RC Sproul talked on this, and said ''l dont know where evil came from, but God is not the author, He just uses it FOR HIS GLORY!''

  • @jrhemmerich
    @jrhemmerich 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    Mike, your observation about the Euthyphro dilemma, that it originally and forcefully applied to polytheism, is well taken. It’s actually a Socratic argument showing why monotheism, where God is identical with the good, is superior to the Greek gods. This is rarely pointed out, but is very true to the original context, so bravo.

  • @honestnewsnet
    @honestnewsnet 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    Isaiah 13:9 KJVS
    Behold, the day of the Lord cometh, cruel both with wrath and fierce anger, to lay the land desolate: and he shall destroy the sinners thereof out of it.

  • @patrickturuthi6751
    @patrickturuthi6751 5 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    I have a question nothing to do with this video i would greatly appreciate if you tackle the question. If God lives inside us, and the fullness of God is within via the Holy Spirit. Is it incorrect for Christians to ask for more of God. To pray and Fast. Is it necessary if God lives in fullness inside us

  • @heatheroliverfitness2249
    @heatheroliverfitness2249 4 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    I absolutely love that! The God of Isreal Is real 💖💖💖💖💖💖

  • @dayknight9045
    @dayknight9045 5 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    Stop justifying this demons works and admit that it failed to keep humans holy and pure.

  • @ErikaGarcia-sk4gr
    @ErikaGarcia-sk4gr 3 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Hi, You said that God planned out Cyrus' life. Would this be predestination? Does this passage line up with free will? I keep hearing both- we're not robots and have free will, as per God's purpose for us and then there is predestination that God's will will be done and our lives are already planned and we think we're making the choices? I just watched a video from Allen Parr about why did God create Satan and he said the free will that I mentioned before. My father says believes in predestination so I'm confused. Thank you.

  • @carmelitovista14
    @carmelitovista14 3 ปีที่แล้ว

    R.C. Sproul would rather describe evil as "no thing". That is not to say it does not exist but rather it is a state or condition that is dependent on something...

  • @greggapowell67
    @greggapowell67 5 ปีที่แล้ว

    Catching up - Thank You Pastor Mike!

  • @nickydaviesnsdpharms3084
    @nickydaviesnsdpharms3084 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    This is how one could look at it. The verse says what it says, and if people misinterpret it, that's entirely God's fault for not being clear. it's also his fault for us having all the different variations of the bible, because if he communicated like an all knowing communicator would this wouldn't be an issue.
    So maybe that's the conversation we should be having, God's inability to communicate his message properly.
    I mean look what it's caused: 55 minutes a video explaining the minutia and issue with interpretation, and this is just one example of thousands. When people's salvation is on the line.

  • @jamesstumpff7774
    @jamesstumpff7774 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    A thought….cold isn’t actually a thing, it is merely the lack of heat energy…in the same way dark is not a thing, again just the absence of light.
    Satan turns away and moves AWAY from God, so do we. And what seems to appear? Dark, cold ….evil, hate, pride…etc.
    God can’t make evil. He would have to leave Himself

  • @gio-gk6nz
    @gio-gk6nz 7 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    I love how people like to say “it’s actually translated this way” when it only applies to something contrary to specific beliefs that they are in favor of. Look at the Book of Job. Satan is allowed in heaven. And God tells Satan he is allowed to do his worst evil on Job EXCEPT kill him. So obviously God uses evil for his own purposes. It’s naive to think otherwise. He gave Satan power over this world to serve as a test for humans to overcome. God is all knowing and all powerful he very well knows how his creations will turn out and they serve his purpose. It’s annoying when people try to claim it’s a mistranslation only when it contradicts their beliefs. If one part is “mistranslated” then some of the parts you agree with very well may be mistranslated too. The tunnel vision is crazy. People only see what they want to see

  • @honestnewsnet
    @honestnewsnet 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    If you don't want to know the cruel side of God (evil) Seek His love and mercy and you can escape His evil cruel wrath.

  • @tristenwilliams1943
    @tristenwilliams1943 ปีที่แล้ว

    Thank you so much for this explanation!!!!

  • @tarawells7590
    @tarawells7590 3 ปีที่แล้ว

    The dilemma is an easy one.. The focus should rightly be on God (God-centered) rather than the thing (idol-centered).

  • @JayNDez22
    @JayNDez22 ปีที่แล้ว

    It is too important not to think about for sure

  • @gregmccarty331
    @gregmccarty331 3 ปีที่แล้ว

    Loving this teaching bro. Its comfirmation of what i had recently been thinking about thank's God's Blessing's

  • @derekcrockett7538
    @derekcrockett7538 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    At the very least, an all-knowing god would know that evil would be a consequence of its creation. Therefore, if an omnipotent, omniscient, omnipresent god created EVERYTHING, then, that god also created evil.

  • @icwiener9935
    @icwiener9935 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

    We tend to anthropomorphize God and talk about Him as caring, loving, and forgiving, or sometimes also wrathful. We use all those adjectives that we describe humans with, also to describe God. The idea of God having desires or issuing commands is as well an anthropomorphic misunderstanding. The stories in the Bible are written by humans, so they contain human biases and limitations. The writers try to explain God's rules with human language, logic, and morals so that it makes sense to the reader and themselves. But because God is eternal, all-powerful, and not limited by any natural laws, He is indifferent about us as He, in a way, is those natural laws He created which are as well indifferent about us. So "Good" and "evil" are not absolute concepts decreed by God. Instead, they are relative terms that humans use to describe what is beneficial or harmful to them. That does not mean that it doesn't matter if we do evil or good, because it clearly does, as our actions as free men and women have an effect on our lives and the society we live in. It just means that God Himself is indifferent about human decisions/actions and their consequences, hence their suffering.
    This perspective extends to other religious concepts as well. Heaven and hell can be seen rather symbolically and not as literal locations. 'Heaven' might represent a state of intellectual and emotional fulfillment, achieved through understanding the nature of reality, while 'Hell' could symbolize a state of confusion, ignorance, or bondage to passions and inadequate ideas, that leads to suffering in oneself or others.
    Furthermore, if we consider God as the totality of natural laws and the universe itself, then God's 'plan' was already fulfilled at the moment of creation. The universe, including humanity with their free will, simply unfolds according to these established natural laws. Our existence and experiences are the result of complex interactions within this system, rather than the product of continual divine intervention or planning.

  • @MrNpkellogg
    @MrNpkellogg 3 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    welcome from the Philippines: I've subscribed to you and have been frustrated by trying to find this verse and have had stressful talks with my 3 sons about it several times.I go away feeling stupid sometimes because I can't answer all of their questions. Can Logos be used by Windows and Mac also. I have an el-cheapo Windows 10 throw-together desktop and have thought about getting this; I tried the Logos free software, and didn't like it because you aren't gonna get a lot with anything that's free, (except for maybe e-Sword and the Blue Letter Bible) So I deleted it, and now I feel like I can't get it back because I can't remember the user name and password I used in order to get it, or any other version of Logos; plus I feel like I'd be taking all my retirement out the account just to get the Platinum Edition. Enuf of my ranting; thank you and keep on keepin' on.npk

  • @mr.frisbysministry9268
    @mr.frisbysministry9268 3 ปีที่แล้ว

    Love your Spirit Brother. thank you for the lessons!

  • @aspinalllandon
    @aspinalllandon 5 ปีที่แล้ว

    Just wanted to point out the buzzing on audio. Maybe have a tinker. Keep up the great work!

  • @joellukewarriorforjesusthe293
    @joellukewarriorforjesusthe293 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    Wow very interesting about the dilemma the 3rd is the right Amen

  • @sheilasmith7779
    @sheilasmith7779 ปีที่แล้ว

    The reason the debate over the existence of evil is because humans do not like the existance of "unpleasant," experiences.
    These unpleasant things would be everything from hurricanes destroying property to violent crime.
    The human perspective is that a benevolent God would not create or allow any suffering.....because we see ourselves as not creating or allowing these unplesant things. The root of this belief is suffering is bad.
    Of course what is not considered is the spiritual purpose of these experiences. Human perspective is that comfort is good, discomfort is bad.

  • @joeroubidoux2783
    @joeroubidoux2783 5 ปีที่แล้ว

    On the side of a “thing being Good because God wills it” one can posit that God establishes the ground of the Good and everything he wills is consistent with that. So in this case it is Good because God wills it and he wills it because it is Good. A constructive composition as it were.

  • @woodyg768
    @woodyg768 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    You gave me much to think about,thank you.

  • @Coast-to-Coast
    @Coast-to-Coast 3 ปีที่แล้ว

    Unimportant non-theological comment: I don't think we are losing words, exactly. Words in every language fall out of use when we don't need them, and we make new ones for new uses. Meanings of old words become obsolete, and other words develop new meanings. Not understanding old words isn't a sign of vocabulary shrinking, it's a sign of language changing, which it always has.

    • @chrissonofpear1384
      @chrissonofpear1384 3 ปีที่แล้ว

      How awkward for when popes misunderstand them, then?

  • @TheEmptyeye
    @TheEmptyeye 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    Generally what I hear non-believers say is something along the lines of “if God is real or good then why does he allow all these bad things to happen?”, and the defense is usually something like, “it’s not God that causes the bad but he gives free will and it’s man that’s responsible for the bad, or the devil.”
    I think this video from the beginning sets up a straw man argument to take down that it’s not “moral evil” that God is responsible for. I think this is one of those areas where we have to be careful not to be defending the god of our mind and truly try to accept God in His totality. 1)Does God cause bad things(calamity) to happen? Yes or No. 2)Did God create ALL things? Yes or No. 3)Did God create moral evil? Yes or No. 4))- If you found out that it was 100% true that God causes terrible things to happen and that He even created “moral evil”, would you still worship and serve Him? Yes or No.? This is where it can be seen if we are worshiping the god of Our imagination or the God of the Universe. IMO
    Next: when it gets to the donut hole analogy, it seems like trying to talk around the point ie. mental gymnastics. To say that the donut hole is the absence of donut therefore it wasn’t created is silly. The fact that the baker created the hole as well as the donut is obvious.
    Next: When he says “GOD IS PERFECTLY GOOD, He will never do anything wrong, HE MAKES SOMETHING OTHER THAN HIMSELF that has a mind and free will...” it literally is the explanation. Re-read and think.

  • @neilstone6882
    @neilstone6882 4 ปีที่แล้ว

    I have many Christian friends and they say that it’s complicated because god gave humans free will which allows us to do evil and as such he did indirectly create evil

  • @TASCO26
    @TASCO26 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    So it boils down to a misunderstanding of the word in different contexts? Makes sense to me.
    At least both my NKJ has Isaiah 45:7 with the word calamity. I think that is a better translation than the word evil.

  • @sonofblessed
    @sonofblessed 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    God's creating evil as stated in Isaiah 45:7 poses a unique issue to Christian doctrine that it does not pose to Jewish doctrine. The reason being is that Christian doctrine divides between the two domains of good and evil, with God overseeing good, and Satan, evil, essentially a dualistic view.

  • @RosannaMiller
    @RosannaMiller 4 ปีที่แล้ว

    How does God give anyone a wicked heart? Are they seeking God? No, then why are they blaming Him? If they are seeking God, then they would not be making that foolish claim.