Please help Needed with Rosh HaShanah meals, cloths and more for children, orphans and families.🙏🏻🙌

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 28 ม.ค. 2025
  • Rosh HaShanah meals, cloths and more for children and families in need.
    Kindly participate in a SPECIAL HELP FOR HOLIDAYS
    אחים ואחיות יקרים/ות. - שנה טובה וגמר חתימה ✍️ טובה ב״ה
    לכבוד ראש השנה, כבכל שנה אנו מצווים ומזכים לעשות מיצוות צדקה, עזרה לקדושים ניצרכים - ארוחות, בגדים, נעלים, ומטעמים ועוד🙌 ליתומים, לילדים ניצרכים, לתלמידי תורה, לחולים, ומשפחות הניזקקות.
    בבקשה עיזרו לנו לעזור להם.
    1 ארוחת ראש השנה $48 (כולל הכל).
    4 ארוחות $180.
    8 ארוחות $360.
    תבורכו מפי עליון לשנה טובה, מבורכת וגמר חתימה טובה ב״ה
    Donation via credit card at link:
    B”H - Dear brothers and sisters,
    As in every year before ROSH HASHANAH, we have the Zechut (merit) and the Mitzvah of helping orphans, Torah Children and families in need who are in dire straits.
    Together we help make sure that their holiday is blessed, joyful, fulfilled and provided with their necessity and meals. צדקה תציל ממות “And charity will save you from death” the Torah says.
    It is a great Mitzvah and privilege to bring joy Simchah to the poor and to care for their deprivation throughout the year and especially in times of holidays. A Mitzvah: "And poor and Avion do not leave,"
    A $180 donation provides Rosh HaShanah provides meals for 4 people.
    A $360 provides for both days (8 meals).
    A $48 provides for 1 person.
    Donation via credit card at link:
    All donation are tax deductible and welcome. They are greatly appreciated! We have many orphans, children, and families in need🙏🏻 kindly help us help them.
    Please join us in participating in this huge MITZVAH are commandment shall be blessed B”H.
    HaShem BLESS YOU! ALL G’Mar Chatima Tovah (please spread the word and invite your friends to help B”H) Note: All donations are tax deductible.
    Thank you 🙏🏻
    Kollel Baruch A’Havat Israel

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