hello william the jumps are located at the back left hand corner of baggeridge. if you still cant find it ask any near dog walkers or others with a bike.
+William New Hello, im part of G&M bikez and the ramps at baggeridge are located at the back of the country park, You can hire a map from the cafe if you need to but they are in the far left corner :)
hello william the jumps are located at the back left hand corner of baggeridge. if you still cant find it ask any near dog walkers or others with a bike.
How do I get to the jumps
+William New Hello, im part of G&M bikez and the ramps at baggeridge are located at the back of the country park, You can hire a map from the cafe if you need to but they are in the far left corner :)
You can download the map on baggeridge website