Guide to folding double hearts with paper money | Origami paper folding

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 22 ก.พ. 2019
  • Guide to folding double hearts with paper money | Origami paper folding. Thank you for watching VIDEO, please see other videos on TH-cam channel P.A channel:
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    Paper folding en.wikipedia.o... is a unique paper folding art of Japanese origin. The word Origami in Japanese originates from two words: Ori is folding and kami is paper. Origami was only used since 1880, before the Japanese used the word Orikata. Origami combines simple folding ways to turn rectangular pieces of paper (2-dimensional), which are usually square into complex shapes (3-dimensional), without collage during folding, which is also the trend of Origami. modern.
    It can be said Origami paper folding as well as many other Japanese words such as Sake, Shushi, Kimono ... have been internationalized, so when it comes to everyone, it is a characteristic of Japanese culture, unmistakably. And today Origami is expanding its influence to the world, not only limited to a hobby but also studied for other scientific purposes by many organizations and individuals.
    The basic rules in paper folding Origami according to the history of long-term development, forming many kinds of Origami with its own characteristics. Each participant in this art can simply follow the rules of a certain type. The special feature of Origami art is that the folding person only uses one sheet, without using any glue or glue. This means that every folded person must be really skillful and meticulous. They can create many ways to create many diverse models.
    Most complex origami folding patterns are based on basic patterns that are then created. Four basic patterns in folding paper include: folding kites, folding fish, folding birds and folding frogs. Animal folding and polyhedron cubes are a popular choice for many people, and since then the paradise has turned into many models. Based on detailed instructions, each person can change the way they fold according to their own preferences.
    Origami movement (Action Origami) is the type of Origami that creates objects that can be moved under human control. For example, the bird may flap its wings or the frog may bounce forward when we press its hind legs. Paper firecrackers are also a common example, many people used to play paper cannon and smash firecrackers; Jewelry Origami (Jewelry Origami) creates patterns that can be carried on people. And Food Origami player uses fruit or seaweed to create the specimens. The employees of the office also have another kind of Origami, that is Origami Note (Sticky Note Origami). As its name implies, the specimens of this type of Origami are made from memory paper, although sometimes the created specimens are quite small in size. Some artisans prefer the Origami ornate decorative patterns (Origami Tessellations). . This is because the surface of the paper that these artisans use is quite smooth and is folded into rich patterns and eyes, of course this is one of the types of Origami that requires very high meticulousness.
    P.A channel ( / channel0697 , seeing that the effects of Origami paper folding are not merely entertainment, making ordinary decorations. One of the reasons for the art of making Origami paper into a Japanese cultural symbol is because Origami paper also acts as a psychological therapy, helps to calm the mind, brings joy and inspiration to children. people when completing a work.
    In addition, the creation of an Origami paper pattern will have to apply a lot of geometric rules. In some parts of the world, it is also used to teach Origami in art classes, visual images. Especially in kindergarten and first grade, Origami helps children think about images, visual, abstract, space, 3-dimensional blocks, triangles, squares .... Very beneficial for the development of children's thinking. Please see the P.A CHANNEL paper folding templates at the web site
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