Thanks to Kobold Press for sponsoring this video! Pledge on Kickstarter to get your copy of "Southlands":
Everytime Ginny makes a new look she knocks it out the park. Half Elf Healer? Amazing. Tiefling Crime Boss? Fearsome. Doing a new version of a character that both looks fresh and interesting and is still clearly Aisling? BOOM.
I love the choice of druid levels paired with the warlock. Levelling choices based on character rather than a careful plan for optimisation are so cool.
Interesting observation. I think she might be talking about something I have experience with. At least for me, there's a difference between what you've decided you want a character (or country or animal or god or whatever) to be like\have happened to them\etc and what you're thinking about deciding on but haven't decided yet. And then there's the areas where you have more of a feeling than anything as concrete as an idea. I don't know, maybe other people aren't familiar with the difference. Then there's two other areas to consider. 1. Sometimes something is such a new angle on (insert here) you've never even begun to consider it. 2. Creators can make fanfiction about their own creations just as much as anyone else can. That's all I'm saying about that. Hopefully this makes sense.
I don't want to butt in if you already have ideas that you love about Aisling, but right now I can't stop thinking about how adorable it would be if in the spring time Aisling's hair was light pink like cherry blossoms. How precious is that!
Honestly, you ARE seeing her rebellious side! Seeing her dressed up nicely and wearing pretty clothes is inherently against the way she was raised. Her rebellion comes in a different form than you'd expect!!
Fun lore stuff to validate your character choices: Eladrin do have that color-changing mechanic, but they're not the only ones who do that (they're just the most extreme). The prevalence of exotic elven hair colors is correlated to the prevalence of fey energies. A creature (but elves are especially sensitive) subject to large amounts of fey magic will tend to transition colors when the energies change. Fey wanderers (thanks Tasha) also have this ability. Also, the black kinda worked for Winter Aisling. I think a deeper blue-green would have worked better than black (but what can you do), but you got it to work.
I love that you have almost 200K subscribers with an almost perfect like to dislike ratio. Your content is so relentlessly optimistic and genuine that even though it’s not my usual scene, it’s too compelling to ignore.
she's so cuuuute ahh, what a cutie pie and i love her gritty meets cutesy style and backstory, it's so high magic with a fey pact and flowers growing in her hair and having a little animal friend but also has her doing gross/unfortunate things w eating bugs and watching people die . feels disney princess but more grounded, no Woman of the Soil pun intended. i love this character you've created!!
17:05 I'm imagining Aisling soaking in her first hot bath soon after meeting the party, her head slipping under the water and coming up spluttering, then realizing why the water tastes good.
So Nightshade is what Aisling *thinks* she's like, essentially. (Over-simplifying it, obviously, but!) Thank you for this lovely video and insight in your excellent character!
>I was in a party with an Eladrin, and I'll admit, I never made that connection with Aisling. I am intrigued by them, both stylistically and mechanically. Aisling's view on food also sounds similar to something in the Winter personality table. >omg, somebody needs to draw Nightshade and spider!Aisling. >I'm imagining Aisling tricking an enemy into drinking one of her poison teas. >This was a lot of fun to watch.
I love how entertaining and cute your sponsorships are! It's obvious you put so much work into them and they're so enjoyable to watch! Also I love the look! Your videos always make my day 💚💚
Hearing your answer about Aisling's decision to pursue druidic magic made me smile. I created a warlock of the archfey, but he has adopted bardic magic for much the same reason. He hasn't stopped being a warlock as much as he also uses bardic magic to further his patron's goals.
i love this green to blue fade you’ve got going on in your natural hair!! whether that was deliberate or a remnant of the previous blue (bc as a fun coloured hair person i know that struggle all too well) it’s really pretty!
This look is so gorgeous. I wish I looked like this all year round! That said, I can't wait to eventually see Autumn Aisling. I'm sure she'll be stunning too.
Thank you for the window into Aisling's character. She seems really interesting. Also, that look is fantastic. Also, like, you're really good at posing in a way that doesn't look forced. Your portrayal of Aisling felt very natural.
I love seeing cosplayer GRWM videos! It's neat to have learnt all that we did about Aisling and to hear your thought process not only throughout original character creation but also during your game time and how she's grown or changed. The twigs and holly in her hair are my favourite!! That's such a gorgeous idea?? 😍✨ Can't wait to receive her postcard!
This was awesome to see. The video that got me into D&D was a video back in 2015(?) that was basically just a guy telling a story from one of his childhood D&D games. This video reminded me of that. I don't know why, but people just getting excited and telling stories about their games is just the best thing to see.
Thank you for these GRWM vids! I really hope you do her summer and autumn versions, too. Can Aisling pick what plants grow in her hair? Maybe grow fruit in the summer? Or is that just too Carmen Miranda?
That's a ferocious looking Tabaxi you've got there, bit of a tude' on him too lol. In all seriousness though, this was a good expansion of the lore you've already shared with us about Aisling.
I've been playing a D&D for almost a year now and my first character I've made is a half-elf druid, and Aisling's appearance has really inspired my design for her! I gave her really curly and matted white hair that's decorated with yellow flowers tangled all in it.
Oh, wow! An Anne McAffrey fan, too. It's fun to imagine Aisling Impressing Nightshade by feeding her pickles. Also, the mermaid character could have an intelligent dolphin companion a la Dolphins of Pern!
4:38 Honestly relatable. I'm currently playing a drow oathbreaker who acts not too dissimilarly. She thinks she is incredibly hardened by the underdark and that might be a bit true but mostly, she's just confused as hell after making it to the surface
Loved the video! I really enjoy when you talk about Aisling. I wish we could hear stories of her adventures, maybe told from her perspective. 😁 Last but not least...guys am I the only one who thinks bald Aisling for winter would be bad ass and she could pull it off hahahaha
It is finally snowing here after more than two years of disappointment. Part of my reason for moving from Hawaii was to experience seasons again. Having you do a Winter Aisling on this snowy day is such a wonderful thing! Thank you so much, and stay warm!
@23:11 It looks so much like you're getting the question piped into your earpiece from the reporter in the audience! XD Also, I had no idea that's how the ears worked, and now I'm curious about getting some for a future boring zoom meeting.
Your DM has a pretty wicked imagination. That second monster (the large skeleton inhabited by thousands of worms) reminded me of the Hunters (Mgalekgolo) from Halo.
I also grew up on Anne McCaffrey books and have always wanted a tiny dragon friend! My compromise is having a small bird friend, which some days is almost as hazardous haha
1:30 "I have always been into designing characters that have flowers in their hair and plants growing off their body. That's just, like, a vibe that I'm into." Says the woman with green hair... 🤔
Love the hair changing with the seasons but how about pure white with maybe sparkles in it for winter? That would look great with holly berries. Just a suggestion.
There is a third option i can attest to. As soon as money is an option, this type of people give more freely, knowing how a bit of charity could have helped them on the way - if it didn't do so already. Might be less frequent, though.
Just me so far, but Brin the rogue is a homebrew halfling reskin that's like a little fox, and her player wears fox-themed clothes and jewelry and hats all the time during sessions!!
@@GinnyDi that's so cute! I love a theme like that. I'm currently playing an Eladrin southern belle named Dixie who is stuck blue (in winter form) due to heartbreak from losing her husband.
The roots pun does double the work because you were sticking the branch into the part of the wig that has the "black roots" you had mentioned earlier in the video.
Thanks to Kobold Press for sponsoring this video! Pledge on Kickstarter to get your copy of "Southlands":
Looking forward to getting a postcard 🥰
will there be a aisling response to the matchmaker video?
Everytime Ginny makes a new look she knocks it out the park. Half Elf Healer? Amazing. Tiefling Crime Boss? Fearsome. Doing a new version of a character that both looks fresh and interesting and is still clearly Aisling? BOOM.
I love the choice of druid levels paired with the warlock. Levelling choices based on character rather than a careful plan for optimisation are so cool.
Taking about head cannon for your own character is funny to me. She's your character, it's actual cannon.
HAHA that's fair!! I just meant it hasn't come up in gameplay yet!
@@GinnyDi hi! Love your videos! I just noticed the little musical note in your user name. 🎶
Interesting observation. I think she might be talking about something I have experience with. At least for me, there's a difference between what you've decided you want a character (or country or animal or god or whatever) to be like\have happened to them\etc and what you're thinking about deciding on but haven't decided yet. And then there's the areas where you have more of a feeling than anything as concrete as an idea. I don't know, maybe other people aren't familiar with the difference.
Then there's two other areas to consider. 1. Sometimes something is such a new angle on (insert here) you've never even begun to consider it. 2. Creators can make fanfiction about their own creations just as much as anyone else can. That's all I'm saying about that.
Hopefully this makes sense.
@@RedBlitzen agreed
i watched this while cuddling my own demanding lion man, what an adorable ad
'The idea of having a tiny pet dragon was very appealing to me'
Cool my sorcerer has a pseudo-dragon
Sometimes, the pseudodragon familiar is the only dragon in a D&D game.
I don't want to butt in if you already have ideas that you love about Aisling, but right now I can't stop thinking about how adorable it would be if in the spring time Aisling's hair was light pink like cherry blossoms. How precious is that!
omg, that's so pretty!! Maybe I'll put cherry blossoms into her hair in the spring!
Aisling cleans up pretty good for the holidays. Are we ever gonna see her rebellious side? Aisling: Punkcore! Whoo!
Honestly, you ARE seeing her rebellious side! Seeing her dressed up nicely and wearing pretty clothes is inherently against the way she was raised. Her rebellion comes in a different form than you'd expect!!
@@GinnyDi so she's like her own brand of avant-garde punk already? Fantastic. I like.
'Hang out while I get ready' Q+A videos like this have real chill kitchen party hangout vibes and I am 100% here for it
Thank you for the cat. The sudden epic voice and mane nearly made burst out in laughter.
Fun lore stuff to validate your character choices: Eladrin do have that color-changing mechanic, but they're not the only ones who do that (they're just the most extreme). The prevalence of exotic elven hair colors is correlated to the prevalence of fey energies. A creature (but elves are especially sensitive) subject to large amounts of fey magic will tend to transition colors when the energies change. Fey wanderers (thanks Tasha) also have this ability.
Also, the black kinda worked for Winter Aisling. I think a deeper blue-green would have worked better than black (but what can you do), but you got it to work.
Winter Aisling postcard this year!?!?! :D
I love that you have almost 200K subscribers with an almost perfect like to dislike ratio. Your content is so relentlessly optimistic and genuine that even though it’s not my usual scene, it’s too compelling to ignore.
she's so cuuuute ahh, what a cutie pie and i love her gritty meets cutesy style and backstory, it's so high magic with a fey pact and flowers growing in her hair and having a little animal friend but also has her doing gross/unfortunate things w eating bugs and watching people die . feels disney princess but more grounded, no Woman of the Soil pun intended.
i love this character you've created!!
I have to admit I expected her hair to turn white during the winter season. However that dark green looks just as cool!
17:05 I'm imagining Aisling soaking in her first hot bath soon after meeting the party, her head slipping under the water and coming up spluttering, then realizing why the water tastes good.
So Nightshade is what Aisling *thinks* she's like, essentially. (Over-simplifying it, obviously, but!)
Thank you for this lovely video and insight in your excellent character!
10/10 best ad! Chaucer has impeccable acting skills.
>I was in a party with an Eladrin, and I'll admit, I never made that connection with Aisling. I am intrigued by them, both stylistically and mechanically. Aisling's view on food also sounds similar to something in the Winter personality table.
>omg, somebody needs to draw Nightshade and spider!Aisling.
>I'm imagining Aisling tricking an enemy into drinking one of her poison teas.
>This was a lot of fun to watch.
The kickstarter part actually made me laugh out loud. I love that catfolk voice 😂
Winter Aisling is such an aesthetic ♡︎
Also could not help but notice the Mighty Nein phone case, I love it!
I love how entertaining and cute your sponsorships are! It's obvious you put so much work into them and they're so enjoyable to watch!
Also I love the look! Your videos always make my day 💚💚
Just wanted to say, I just started getting my 6 year old daughter into DnD and she loves how you made Aisling look! She made a druid elf character. 😊
How did Aisling's first party die?
What makes the rot problem so deadly/worldending?
Hearing your answer about Aisling's decision to pursue druidic magic made me smile. I created a warlock of the archfey, but he has adopted bardic magic for much the same reason. He hasn't stopped being a warlock as much as he also uses bardic magic to further his patron's goals.
i love this green to blue fade you’ve got going on in your natural hair!! whether that was deliberate or a remnant of the previous blue (bc as a fun coloured hair person i know that struggle all too well) it’s really pretty!
This look is so gorgeous. I wish I looked like this all year round! That said, I can't wait to eventually see Autumn Aisling. I'm sure she'll be stunning too.
Thank you for the window into Aisling's character. She seems really interesting. Also, that look is fantastic. Also, like, you're really good at posing in a way that doesn't look forced. Your portrayal of Aisling felt very natural.
Oh Aisling looks so good!!!! I hope we get to see the rest of the seasons 👀👀
I love seeing cosplayer GRWM videos! It's neat to have learnt all that we did about Aisling and to hear your thought process not only throughout original character creation but also during your game time and how she's grown or changed. The twigs and holly in her hair are my favourite!! That's such a gorgeous idea?? 😍✨ Can't wait to receive her postcard!
This was awesome to see. The video that got me into D&D was a video back in 2015(?) that was basically just a guy telling a story from one of his childhood D&D games. This video reminded me of that. I don't know why, but people just getting excited and telling stories about their games is just the best thing to see.
Shes so pretty!! I actually watched this while doing some festive makeup so it worked out perfectly! Thanks Ginny! Great work!
Thank you for these GRWM vids! I really hope you do her summer and autumn versions, too. Can Aisling pick what plants grow in her hair? Maybe grow fruit in the summer? Or is that just too Carmen Miranda?
I‘m absolutely in love with Aisling!!! Her hair looks gorgeous!!
Double fisting coffee and a mimosa is honestly how we cope with 2020
The montage at the end is like the video tape of a main character's dead wife in a movie
That's a ferocious looking Tabaxi you've got there, bit of a tude' on him too lol. In all seriousness though, this was a good expansion of the lore you've already shared with us about Aisling.
Winter Aisling and I have the same colour hair 😊
This whole look is stunningly beautiful, especially when you see the whole finished look in the photoshoot. 25:05 = absolutely gorgeous.
I love the winter aisling
I have almost the same sweater she’s wearing at the beginning lol
It's a lovely sweater
I've been playing a D&D for almost a year now and my first character I've made is a half-elf druid, and Aisling's appearance has really inspired my design for her! I gave her really curly and matted white hair that's decorated with yellow flowers tangled all in it.
Oh, wow! An Anne McAffrey fan, too.
It's fun to imagine Aisling Impressing Nightshade by feeding her pickles.
Also, the mermaid character could have an intelligent dolphin companion a la Dolphins of Pern!
I totes homebrewed my own fire lizards...
In both 3.5 and a whole new redo in 5e
Chaucer did excellent work for the ad! Glad to see he got extra scritches for that stellar performance!
the intro of this video just radiates casual chaotic energy and that is a BIG MOOD
I love giving my characters a strong history/backstory
4:38 Honestly relatable. I'm currently playing a drow oathbreaker who acts not too dissimilarly. She thinks she is incredibly hardened by the underdark and that might be a bit true but mostly, she's just confused as hell after making it to the surface
Loved the video! I really enjoy when you talk about Aisling.
I wish we could hear stories of her adventures, maybe told from her perspective. 😁
Last but not least...guys am I the only one who thinks bald Aisling for winter would be bad ass and she could pull it off hahahaha
It is finally snowing here after more than two years of disappointment. Part of my reason for moving from Hawaii was to experience seasons again. Having you do a Winter Aisling on this snowy day is such a wonderful thing! Thank you so much, and stay warm!
TFW you go to like the video, but can't, because you already liked it and forgot.
@23:11 It looks so much like you're getting the question piped into your earpiece from the reporter in the audience!
Also, I had no idea that's how the ears worked, and now I'm curious about getting some for a future boring zoom meeting.
😂 this sponsor spot is freakin hilarious! And the kitty is adorable!
Your DM has a pretty wicked imagination. That second monster (the large skeleton inhabited by thousands of worms) reminded me of the Hunters (Mgalekgolo) from Halo.
I also grew up on Anne McCaffrey books and have always wanted a tiny dragon friend! My compromise is having a small bird friend, which some days is almost as hazardous haha
That opener is a mood
Cool To See Winter Aisling! 😄
I really like how expressive you are with your emotions and everything!!! You are very friendly and it’s enjoyable to watch.
AAHHHHHH you did such a good job with the winter look it's ssSSOOOOOO PRETTY!! Loved all the questions too!
That lion cat costume was gold.
That was fun. Winter look is great. Good job.
Honestly this is one of the coolest looks I've ever seen for a character
I absolutely LOVE Winter Aisling!!
Love your content! Love your energy! Thanks for sharing with us!
I had a Scott McKenzie moment when she said "Flowers in my hair".
And when she said leaves I had a Mamas & the Papas moment.
Ahhh, I love her winter design so much!!!!
Yay winter aisling!! I love her!
You're adorable, Aisling is absolutely precious, and I just want you to keep this lovely energy up!
Omg Chaucer’s best guest appearance ever
I love winter Aisling so much!
well MY personal headcanon (no pun intended) for winter aisling is B A L D
i love winter Aisling so much
Gold-red hair in autumn? Okay that sounds super cool.
Every ad read recently has been absolute 🔥🔥🔥
Always wanted a fire lizard growing up but never had a pseudodragon familiar in D&D. That's about my life.
the ad was an excuse to wear that lion wig on the cat wasnt it
it's so cute that you think I need an excuse to put that thing on him 😂
@@GinnyDi honestly correct
That adorable ad added years to my life. Loved this video! ❤️
Love Winter Aisling! Can't wait to see the rest of the seasons!
1:30 "I have always been into designing characters that have flowers in their hair and plants growing off their body. That's just, like, a vibe that I'm into."
Says the woman with green hair... 🤔
Dragon as cat Shen (my familiar for my wizard) is the same way
'Winter in Colorado lasts through March.'
*looks at Colorado*
*looks at Portugal*
Damn, Gulf Stream stronk.
yyyeeeeAAAASS she looks so cool in her winter version!
Geebus, Ginny, why are you so delightful :D Best to you and your partner and ABSURD Thanks for everything you do! It is well appreciated!
I just got my Natural 2021 calendar yesterday! It’s so well done! My gf and I are excited to have it and start using it in the new year!
I love the annual postcard, looking forward to this year's!!
She's sooooo pretty!! 😍😍😍
Love the hair changing with the seasons but how about pure white with maybe sparkles in it for winter? That would look great with holly berries. Just a suggestion.
Nah, I've already made my decision!
i can't believe i am actually here on time
One of the PCs extras for the Fey Wander Ranger in Tasha's is thier hair/ skin changes color with the season.
So pretty! Awesome to learn more about Aisling.
Sunday energy to get us through Wednesday.
There is a third option i can attest to. As soon as money is an option, this type of people give more freely, knowing how a bit of charity could have helped them on the way - if it didn't do so already. Might be less frequent, though.
Watching your videos are a blast. I always catch myself smiling throughout it because the amount of passion you exert 💜💜
I am gonna make a hot cup a tea and absolutely chill with this video.
the campaign youre in sounds amazing
That was really fun to watch.
That is so sweet!!!!
I'd like to see the other seasonal looks as well! Very fun video, thanks.
I know you weren't so sure about the root color but I loooove the look of that wig. Does anyone else in your party cosplay their characters?
Just me so far, but Brin the rogue is a homebrew halfling reskin that's like a little fox, and her player wears fox-themed clothes and jewelry and hats all the time during sessions!!
@@GinnyDi that's so cute! I love a theme like that. I'm currently playing an Eladrin southern belle named Dixie who is stuck blue (in winter form) due to heartbreak from losing her husband.
that's charming as HECK!!!
That kitty wanted that treat SOOOO bad lol ❤❤
Don't worry, he got it!! 😊 He deserved it, after all his hard work on set!!
The roots pun does double the work because you were sticking the branch into the part of the wig that has the "black roots" you had mentioned earlier in the video.