If we have supplier or customer opening balance individually How to entering ? In vendor creation no opinion to enter And also In bill or invoice no way
The accounts receivable account may occasionally have credit balances. When money is received in excess or as advance payment, this occurs. You can add opening debit and credit in the account as per your requirement.
how to add bill wise customer and vendor opening balances?
If we have supplier or customer opening balance individually
How to entering ?
In vendor creation no opinion to enter
And also
In bill or invoice no way
I couldn't find in the COA the Opening Dr. and Opening Cr. as you are showing and I am using the V.16 why is that.?
This will be available at the initial stage only. If you have posted the opening journal entry it won't appear from the dashboard.
why opening balance AR is credit?
Can I launch Odoo system with uploading only quantities , but without uploading the opening balances, as they need time to prepare. ?
Yes possible, but the thing is that the financial report might not be correct since it missing the opening balances of stock and other ledgers.
How we make opening jv for inventory ?
The accounts receivable account may occasionally have credit balances. When money is received in excess or as advance payment, this occurs. You can add opening debit and credit in the account as per your requirement.