Embracing Desire & Aligning with Source: The Journey of Eternal Expansion | Abraham Hicks

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 24 ก.ค. 2024
  • Join Abraham Hicks in this enlightening conversation about eternal expansion, the nature of desire, and the importance of aligning oneself with non-resistant energy.
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    In this talk, viewers are invited to examine their vibrational relationship to their inner selves and the greater universe. Through Abraham's profound insights, learn to drop the oars and let the current of life carry you towards the fulfillment of unfulfilled desires, basking in the glory of the journey itself.
    Abraham emphasizes that you are a physical genius, capable of focusing in or out of alignment with the source. What path will you choose?
    Watch till the end for a deeper understanding of embracing where you are and realizing that it's just fine.
    Key Insights From This Segment:
    0:00 - Introduction and Importance of Desire
    0:28 - The Nature of Eternal Beings
    1:27 - Alignment with Source Energy
    2:47 - Vibrational Feedback of Emotions
    4:06 - Observing Reality: Truth vs. Feel
    5:31 - Focus on Wellness, not Sickness
    6:13 - Trust the Current to Carry You
    7:57 - The Relief Factor: Stop the Struggle
    8:59 - Embrace Where You Are
    Interpretation and Reflection
    The teachings of Hicks seem to propose a philosophical approach to life, emphasizing alignment with a higher power or Source. The concept of eternal expansion reminds individuals to be content with unfulfilled desires, seeing them as part of an ongoing growth process. Emotions are not mere feelings but indicators of alignment or misalignment with one's true self. The guidance to focus on positive truths and the metaphor of the current collectively form a prescription for a joyful, harmonious life.
    Critical Evaluation
    While inspiring and comforting, Hicks' philosophy may not resonate with everyone. The focus on positive truths might be seen as an oversimplification of complex issues. Additionally, the metaphorical language and abstract concepts could be confusing for some. Critics might also argue that the teachings promote a self-centered worldview.
    Final Thoughts
    Abraham Hicks' teachings in this video offer a unique perspective on life's unfulfilled desires and the eternal process of expansion. Through aligning with Source Energy and embracing a positive view of life, Hicks suggests a pathway to joy, love, and fulfillment. While the philosophy may not suit everyone, it provides a refreshing viewpoint on life's complexities, urging individuals to flow with life's current rather than fight against it. For those seeking to find harmony, purpose, and peace, Hicks' wisdom may offer a valuable guide.
    Most Inspiring Quotes:
    1:27 - "You are an extension of what we call pure positive energy because you are an extension of a source energy that is without resistance."
    3:00 - "As you're beating the drum of despair, you are activating a vibration within you that is so different from the vibration of empowerment and knowledge that is the source energy part of you."
    5:42 - "Source does not see your sickness, source knows your wellness and holds the vibrational equivalent of wellness as a standard for you to reach for."
    8:09 - "In other words, drop the oars, the current will turn you, and the current will begin to carry you."
    Video created by QuantumCreators
    The audio excerpt in this video is used with permission from Abraham Hicks following the guidelines on their channel: / abrahamhicks
    All Abraham-Hicks materials, recordings and workshops are copyrighted by Esther Hicks and may not be shared or re-broadcast without her permission.
    To learn more about Abraham Hicks visit www.abraham-hicks.com
    #QuantumCreators #AbrahamHicks #EternalExpansion #AlignmentWithSource #EmbracingDesire #SpiritualGrowth #PositiveEnergy
    Abraham Hicks, eternal beings, source energy, vibrational relationship, alignment, non-resistant energy, emotions, despair, empowerment, love, appreciation, wellness, sickness, struggle, relief factor, current of life, unfulfilled desires, profound insights.
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ความคิดเห็น • 14

  • @quantumcreators
    @quantumcreators  11 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

    🌟 You ARE where you are, and it's more than just fine - it's perfect! Embrace the current of life that knows your worthiness and is always guiding you. Let's celebrate this eternal state of expansion, love, and joy together. If you're ready to flow with the stream of well-being, give a thumbs up, and don't forget to subscribe to join our uplifting community. Keep shining, dear friend, for you are an extension of pure positive energy. 🌟

  • @AletaWalker-ke7ub
    @AletaWalker-ke7ub 2 วันที่ผ่านมา +1

    Cheers and Great Joy to you and all...And ...Thank You...🌬️✨💌

    • @quantumcreators
      @quantumcreators  2 วันที่ผ่านมา

      @AletaWalker-ke7ub Thanks a ton for the love and positivity! Keep rocking and spreading those good vibes! 🙌

  • @AletaWalker-ke7ub
    @AletaWalker-ke7ub 2 วันที่ผ่านมา +1

    How exciting...Memories: light the corners of my mind ... like waiting in the shortest line on your favorite ride at Disney Land...Whoa 🌬️🌊🏄‍♀️🎢🎡🪁🦋🎶💌🎶✨

    • @AletaWalker-ke7ub
      @AletaWalker-ke7ub 2 วันที่ผ่านมา +1

      Second star to the right and straight on till morning...🪁🌟💌

    • @quantumcreators
      @quantumcreators  2 วันที่ผ่านมา

      @AletaWalker-ke7ub Memories are like Disney lines, the longer they are, the more stories you have to tell! Keep watching!

    • @quantumcreators
      @quantumcreators  2 วันที่ผ่านมา

      Love that quote! It always makes me feel like embarking on a magical adventure. Thanks for sharing!

  • @AletaWalker-ke7ub
    @AletaWalker-ke7ub 2 วันที่ผ่านมา +1

    Brilliant..I rest my case... 🌈🌬️💌

    • @quantumcreators
      @quantumcreators  2 วันที่ผ่านมา

      @AletaWalker-ke7ub Your comment made my day! I'm grateful for your positive feedback.

  • @blodwyne1873
    @blodwyne1873 10 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    I would say that low Vibrational frequencies that produce emotions which vibrations are related to, belong to the conscious and subconscious MIND.
    MIND with its subconscious extension is an external programme connected to our physical body,. The latter is hosting the Divine Essence who is an extension of the Divine Source
    So, the programme = MIND with its subconscious extension, has nothing to do with US = with the Divine Essence
    MND's programme is permanently nourrished by egregores in a kind of no ending story, as long as we identify ourselves (and so The Source) with the external MIND programme 😉

    • @quantumcreators
      @quantumcreators  11 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      @blodwyne1873, thank you for your insightful comment. Your perspective on the distinction between the conscious and subconscious mind, and how they connect to our Divine Essence, offers a unique lens through which to view our spiritual journey.
      I appreciate your thoughts on how the mind's programming can sometimes distract us from our true selves, and how remaining mindful of our Divine Essence can guide us back to alignment with Source.
      Would you mind elaborating on how you think we might consciously nourish our connection to the Divine Essence, while navigating the complexities of the mind's programming? Your thoughts could be a guiding light for many on their path towards spiritual growth. 🌟

    • @blodwyne1873
      @blodwyne1873 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      @@quantumcreators I feel that we don't have to nourrish our connection to the Divine Essence/Divine Source as we, extensions of Her-Him have been always connected with She-He. Leaves and fruits on a tree don't have to ask or do anything in order to be nourrished by the tree they are developping on
      The challenge of the incarnation would be MIND programming-programme and its subconscious extension.
      Once we understand that is an external-connected programme to our incarnation, it become much more easy to drain itss supply from and towards egregores and so towards all other MIND-programmes and their subconscious extension
      Once we become aware of this, we become aware of the highly nurturing role and permanent action of the Divine Essence wwwithin us and so, we stop searching "solutions" in the external MIND-programme. We stop nourrishing MIND-programmes, its subconscious extensions and finally egregores. So wee stop and reversee the evolution of low frequence egregores and all their chain reactions

    • @quantumcreators
      @quantumcreators  11 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      @blodwyne1873, your analogy comparing our inherent connection to the Divine Source with leaves and fruits on a tree is both poetic and profound. Your thoughts on the challenge of MIND programming, its role as an external-connected programme to our incarnation, and how awareness of this can help stop and reverse the evolution of low-frequency egregores, are insightful and inspiring.
      We're grateful for your participation in our community and for sharing your unique perspective. It's contributions like yours that enrich our collective understanding and inspire us all on our spiritual journeys. Thank you for being a part of this incredible community. 🌟

    • @AletaWalker-ke7ub
      @AletaWalker-ke7ub 2 วันที่ผ่านมา

      Whoa... and so are a lot of Big.Words , but with logical thoughts...🌬️💌