Wallahi. I'm so sad to see this video. They should not have this conversation in open place like this. Go get nice place and talk in warm brotherhood of Islam. They should work together to spread dakwah in non moslem country or where moslem is minority. Please remember. Non believer doesn't read Quran neither hadist. They read us. The moslem. So, show them we are United. May Allah azzawajalla bless us all.
Firmansyah excellent comment I couldn’t agree more with you, but unfortunately too much division and ego in our hearts. Can’t help remember the 3 supplications made and only 2 granted, the one that was not granted was the infighting amongst the ummah. May Allah keep us as one!
Firmansyah Brother be careful with this whole uniting thing be careful we should and must unit upon the truth and that’s it and that’s 1. 2- When speaking about deen you have to know from you’re getting your knowledge from which means not every so called sheikh is reliable and you would know them by mixing emotions and speak with opinion instead of scriptural proofs things like rebelling against a muslim leaders and making takfir on them. As for rebelling there are conditions to rebel against a muslim leader and it all starts with seeing from him a clear kuffur even then you should have the power to remove him with little to no bloodshed not start an actual war where thousands of Muslims are dying and being thrown out of their houses while fighting in a war where they are clearly losing and many so called sheikhs call upon such thing. 3-Learn from those well known scholars of our time that had been praised by other scholars from the past that had been praised by the one before these scholars nothing out of Allah said, the Messenger of Allah said, the companies of the Messenger of Allah said. Brother you can watch Shamsi’s videos he always speaks about deen using the Salaf way (Allah said, the Messenger of Allah said, the companies of the Messenger of Allah said) that’s it comparing to Hijab may Allah guide him speaks a lot of times using philosophy and opinion.
These brothers are both very educated in their specific areas. Mohammed is great at Islam vs Atheist/Christian/etc. Shamsi is great at conveying the message to those that don't know much and are searching Islam.
I feel like shamsi is a lot better at refuting Christian's and especially atheists I feel like hijab spends more time going off topic rather than pressuring his opponents and not giving them a chance to spread their shubuhat. May Allah bless them and guide them both ameen
They strawman the Christian beliefs to ignorant muslims. Those same muslim whos watch these guys are generally too lazy to do their own research and look into what is said. Thats why you can actually think they make ''good arguments'' lol
@@johnkttraining no one can accept jesus as God, deal with it mate. In matter of fact if christians learned islam they won't worship the prophet anymore.
أخونا شمسي وبعض من معه من إخواننا متأثرون بحزب الجامية/المداخِلة ويحسبون أنه كما يزعم على منهج السلف الصالح أي منهج أهل السنة والجماعة أي منهج أهل الحديث. ولعل أوضح مثال على هذا هو خلط أخونا شمسي بين مسائل الفقه والعقيدة؛ من 2:13 إلى 2:37 تقريباً. وقذفه لمن يتكلم أو يعترض أو يثور على الحُكّام بأنه خارجي لمجرد كلامه أو اعتراضه أو ثورته، من 5:20 تقريباً وما بعدها ! وهذة عَجَلَة من صغار طلاب العلم وهي - في معظمها - نتيجة تدليس وتضليل وكتمان للعلم من قِبل رؤوس حزب الجاميّة/المداخِلة وتغطيتهم لكلام أهل العلم بشأن أكثر المُكفّرات ارتكاباً من الحُكّام وهي الإعراض عن أحكام القرآن والسُنّة من جهة وتحكيم قوانين الكفار (القوانين الوضعية) من جهة أخرى.
@@داعيإلىاللهعلىمنهجالسلف جزاك الله خيراً، لم يحملني على هذا التعليق إلا التقوى والنصح لكل مسلم. ومن بحث وتثبّت وصَبَر عرف هذا الغلو في حزب الجاميّة/المداخِلة وحال المغرّر بهم من قِبَلِه وإن كان أكثرهم لا يشعرون.
@@AppsTricksByNazakatUmrani bro what? you realize, majority of the salaf were hanafi, imam shafi'i praised him, ibn mubarak and dhabi called him the greatest imam
People Like you is the reason we have devided in many ways shamsi is good my Allah bless him he sticks to sunnah strongly but what does matter if he is from Algeria he is brother not matter where he comes from
Hijab is more known for his philosophical knowledge and he’s better than shamsi when he speaks with atheist’s,but I think shamsi has more knowledge about the deen.
hijab has made jahmi errors in debates with atheists, he is better against some liberal ideas because he knows there ideas but this will backfire if they don't know Islam they will misrepresent Islam, its better to be patient and learn Islam!
@@timk6041 There's a "CURE" for atheism?? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!! What are you talking about? So what's the cure for Theism? LMFAO! You people talk utter nonsense its unbelievable. "A Cure" WTF!
12210 - حدثنا محمد بن الحسين قال، حدثنا أحمد بن المفضل قال، حدثنا أسباط، عن السدي قال: ثم أخبرهم بمن يتولاهم فقال: " إنما وليكم الله ورسوله والذين آمنوا الذين يقيمون الصلاة ويؤتون الزكاة وهم راكعون "، هؤلاء جميع المؤمنين، ولكن علي بن أبي طالب مرَّ به سائل وهو راكع في المسجد، فأعطاه خاتَمَه.
@@waliavelithedon he judge bro. And because of his judgement, the poor fellow days may just be worse than it was. I used to like shamsi, but after the beef he had with Ali and Hijab where Ali was just trying to help and also his judgemental attitude in bid'ah-ing others, it's best not to follow him anymore...for me. If you still want to follow him then it's up to you.
@@humbleservant4726 nah I don't think Shamsi does that he doesn't pass judgment without proof like how you did now "The evidence on the accuser" by the way so you must give us proof that he's like what you've said so we can advice him
يا اخي وشمن سلف سلف امن الدوله تقصد ؟؟؟ هات الدليل ايي شخص يعارضكم تقولو له خارجي ؟؟ ماذا يقول علمائكم عن العلاقة الحميمية بين السعودية والإمارات وعمان والأردن ومصر. مع إسرائيل !!! تسكتون عن كل الفضائع التي تحدث للمسلمين وتتحدثون عندما يدافع عن حقوقهم !! دعون من هرائكم وهرائي شمسي .
@@ouailmelki9128 يا اخي هؤلاء مداخله و عقيدتهم هي عدم الخروج على الحاكم حتى لو زنى و شرب الخمر و هي عقيدة شيخهم الاعظم الفوزان الذي خرج على الهواء و له فيديو على اليوتيوب يقول هذا الكلام ربنا يهديهم الي طريق الحق
أخونا شمسي وبعض من معه من إخواننا متأثرون بالفِرقة المدخلية/الجامية ويحسبون أنها كما تزعم على منهج السلف الصالح أي منهج أهل السنة والجماعة أي منهج أهل الحديث. ولعل أوضح مثال على هذا هو خلطه بين مسائل الفقه والعقيدة، من 2:13 إلى 2:37 تقريباً و قذف من يتكلم أويعترض أو يثور على الحُكّام بأنه خارجي لمجرد كلامه أو اعتراضه أو ثورته، من 5:20 تقريباً وما بعدها ! وهذة عَجَلَة من صغار طلاب العلم وهي - في معظمها - نتيجة تدليس وتضليل وكتمان للعلم من قِبل رؤوس الفرقة المدخلية/الجامية وتغطيتهم لكلام أهل العلم بشأن أكثر المُكفّرات ارتكاباً من الحُكّام وهي الإعراض عن أحكام القرآن والسُنّة من جهة وتحكيم قوانين الكفار (القوانين الوضعية) من جهة أخرى.
Looking back at this, wallahi the way shamsi speaks is so refreshing, no games just straight forward😂 Whilst Brother Hijab plays games, goes around a lot, and also uses words u have to spend a few seconds on to understand ...
Shamsi is only playing to the camera and crowd. Muhammad hijab is clearly there for a sincere discussion. How? For you blind people, I'll explain the obvious for the ones whose hearts are sealed and have a disease. Brother hijab is always facing and looking at the person he is talking to. But shameless shamsi is always trying to look directly into the camera and when he has a point to sound clever with, he will turn to the crowd and appeal to them even though he is having a discussion with a guy right in front of him who he is supposed to be looking at if he is addressing him. Secondly shameless shamsi loves to quote a hadith or qquran verse in an exaggerated loud Arabic voice and tone and he evidently gets carried away at this point because then he starts using his Whole body movement to reflect what point he has especially with his arms and hands, and this is when he starts addressing the crowd and camera rather than hijab and he falls to translate what he had just said in Arabic for everyone benefit. This process he is not there to benefit anyone with paying correct knowledge, rather he is there to put on a display that he is knowledgeable and wiser than the rest,, and he feels gratified knowing that he addressed the camera and that a crowd way there to witness him correcting someone. Biggest scammer and bullshitter .. he was on the streets a few years ago selling bits until he got caught and then started gaining knowledge from people that are sectarianism debaters and defeatist methods of questioning in order to label someone as an innovator, khawarij, etc etc. This is not the method prescribed or practised by the prophet Muhammad peace be upon him nor is it the way that Allah has told us to invite to Islam. So if it isn't the way I of the prophet or the way of Allah, which is the same, then it is certainly the way of the shaytaan. It is ugly, arrogant, ignorant, hostile, argumentative, disruptive , bad mannered, desperate , egoistic and barbaric way of trying to represent the r beauty and truth of Islam and unjust and false way of portraying the character of the prophet Muhammad peace be upon him . Why are you making big fuss about sunni and the conditions that qualify one to be a flower of the sunnah when nothing about you by way òf character or body language or method of engaging in discussion or manners or general behaviour has anything to do with the prophet. So assassinating the Character of the prophet Muhammad please. Learn the basics of sunnah behaviour and conduct andmanners and read how the sahabi would imitate him and you do the same I.e. follow the sunnah ways before leaving to others about what A sunni is. Remember the hadith of the day of judgment and the first three to enter hell will be the martyr, the wealthy man and the scholars. ? Why? The martyr will be asked what he did and he will say that he fought and died for the sake of Allahbut he will be told he's lying because he only fought so that the people can praise him and say he is a brave man so he will be thrown into hell. The wealthy man will be asked what he did and he will say he spent in the way of Allahbut he will be told he's lying because he only spent so people can say he's generous so he e well be thrown into hell. The solar will be asked what he didand he will say he learned and taught the deen of Allah for Allah's sake but he will be told he's is lying because he only gained knowledge so that people can praise him and say that he's a wise knowledgeable man and he will be thrown into hell. Let this be a warning. Shamsi you blatantly be trying to address the camera or the crowd because you need them desperately to hear and see you talking about Islam because you get satisfied and assured from their praise and compliments and that therefore is whose sake you are doing it for. Your from the street but doesn't mean that you čarry street mentality with you forever. The fact that you still do proves again that you're seeking knowledge for insincere aims and reasons otherwise if you were sincere you wouldn't care about the camera position or if the crowd is listening he even present, you would be focused on the truth of Allah being spread and you would be behaving like the prophet. Please take this as sincere advise and please don't be Arrogant and ignorant to dismiss what I said. It's your here after that you're playing with.
Hijab wasn't joking about deen.its because he was angry at this stupid shams, who does not even listen and respect what others have to say. And hijab didn't want to disrespect him. Just because he is Muslim, this shamsou should learn manners and morals of Islam. Big respect to a true ideal example of Islam brother hijab
@@londonalgeria2180 nice manners shams is good person why you call him stupid? Because of his lahja? He speak like this his tune like this because he from algera many algera people there talk tune llike this.
@@monirul4478 imagine thinking that the law of God is strict. Then you must be a jew like person who wants it to change to suit his own needs Truly shamsi is on true guidance.
Remember to follow the true teachings of Islam, and to politely point out the mistakes a brother might make , knowingly or unknowingly. It's not about whose better than who. We got to remember, ego should not have any part in Islam. This is a platform for duwah, an example of a perfect being and respect for one another. May ALLAH keep the ummah strong on eman - ameen.
Study the life of Jesus in Gospels & seek to follow & emulate him. He is the one true & perfect example for all mankind to follow. Muhammad was & is not such example. Don't agree with the above? Read the Quran & Hadith & examine the life of Muhammad & see if he was/is such an example for anyone to follow. Jesus is the "way, truth & the life, no one comes to the Father, God," except through Him. So, follow Him!
Shamsi is only playing to the camera and crowd. Muhammad hijab is clearly there for a sincere discussion. How? For you blind people, I'll explain the obvious for the ones whose hearts are sealed and have a disease. Brother hijab is always facing and looking at the person he is talking to. But shameless shamsi is always trying to look directly into the camera and when he has a point to sound clever with, he will turn to the crowd and appeal to them even though he is having a discussion with a guy right in front of him who he is supposed to be looking at if he is addressing him. Secondly shameless shamsi loves to quote a hadith or qquran verse in an exaggerated loud Arabic voice and tone and he evidently gets carried away at this point because then he starts using his Whole body movement to reflect what point he has especially with his arms and hands, and this is when he starts addressing the crowd and camera rather than hijab and he falls to translate what he had just said in Arabic for everyone benefit. This process he is not there to benefit anyone with paying correct knowledge, rather he is there to put on a display that he is knowledgeable and wiser than the rest,, and he feels gratified knowing that he addressed the camera and that a crowd way there to witness him correcting someone. Biggest scammer and bullshitter .. he was on the streets a few years ago selling bits until he got caught and then started gaining knowledge from people that are sectarianism debaters and defeatist methods of questioning in order to label someone as an innovator, khawarij, etc etc. This is not the method prescribed or practised by the prophet Muhammad peace be upon him nor is it the way that Allah has told us to invite to Islam. So if it isn't the way I of the prophet or the way of Allah, which is the same, then it is certainly the way of the shaytaan. It is ugly, arrogant, ignorant, hostile, argumentative, disruptive , bad mannered, desperate , egoistic and barbaric way of trying to represent the r beauty and truth of Islam and unjust and false way of portraying the character of the prophet Muhammad peace be upon him . Why are you making big fuss about sunni and the conditions that qualify one to be a flower of the sunnah when nothing about you by way òf character or body language or method of engaging in discussion or manners or general behaviour has anything to do with the prophet. So assassinating the Character of the prophet Muhammad please. Learn the basics of sunnah behaviour and conduct andmanners and read how the sahabi would imitate him and you do the same I.e. follow the sunnah ways before leaving to others about what A sunni is. Remember the hadith of the day of judgment and the first three to enter hell will be the martyr, the wealthy man and the scholars. ? Why? The martyr will be asked what he did and he will say that he fought and died for the sake of Allahbut he will be told he's lying because he only fought so that the people can praise him and say he is a brave man so he will be thrown into hell. The wealthy man will be asked what he did and he will say he spent in the way of Allahbut he will be told he's lying because he only spent so people can say he's generous so he e well be thrown into hell. The solar will be asked what he didand he will say he learned and taught the deen of Allah for Allah's sake but he will be told he's is lying because he only gained knowledge so that people can praise him and say that he's a wise knowledgeable man and he will be thrown into hell. Let this be a warning. Shamsi you blatantly be trying to address the camera or the crowd because you need them desperately to hear and see you talking about Islam because you get satisfied and assured from their praise and compliments and that therefore is whose sake you are doing it for. Your from the street but doesn't mean that you čarry street mentality with you forever. The fact that you still do proves again that you're seeking knowledge for insincere aims and reasons otherwise if you were sincere you wouldn't care about the camera position or if the crowd is listening he even present, you would be focused on the truth of Allah being spread and you would be behaving like the prophet. Please take this as sincere advise and please don't be Arrogant and ignorant to dismiss what I said. It's your here after that you're playing with.
@@robertokello5201you follow Paul’s teaching not Jesus. Like for example: Jesus fell on his face and prayed, who prays like that??? MUSLIMS. We follow Jesus more than you guys lol.
@@robertokello5201paul wrote the bible and never met jesus himself he went against the companions and claimed there were “500 witnesses to the crucifixion” no other witnesses came out nor did he prove he was speaking the word of god if anything he disproved himself by telling his followers to break the law something jesus peace be upon him specifically said not to do where as the prophet muhammad peace be upon taught the same things all prophets did including jesus pbuh which is submit to one god.
The haqq is clear. May Allaah preserve the salafis and guide the people of misguidance. Aameen. Shamsi and Anwar make it clear may Allaah preserve and protect them.
Study the life of Jesus in Gospels & seek to follow & emulate him. He is the one true & perfect example for all mankind to follow. Muhammad was & is not such example. Don't agree with the above? Read the Quran & Hadith & examine the life of Muhammad & see if he was/is such an example for anyone to follow. Jesus is the "way, truth & the life, no one comes to the Father, God," except through Him. So, follow Him!
@@therealist7248 what do you mean by ummah? Does that include those who oppose the messenger of Allaah. If so why would i ask Allaah to preserve people upon such action. Rather i ask Allaah to guide them.
@@tomolo2619 don’t start this convo bro. No one in their right mind worships a god who has a mother and this god is in the form of a human that died for the sins of humans. Sincerely study islam and you will come to know the truth.
Don't worry about what others may say what is right is right harshness should be addressed when necessary its cuz br shams is very passionate in his deen u can't mess abt
To put a false thought or a question is very easy but to answer and clarifying required complete hold of Knowledge from Salaf ..... and one should listen full answer to clear his doubts ..... its always a long shot to understand these matters .... May Allah help Shamsi Ameen😊
Wallahi shami I just 100 love him because he is humble in his knowledge. His smarts are based on referring to Quran and Hadith. Love this man. mashaAllah. They get mad and interrupt because his answers come off to them like a grown man schooling an arrogant child. Explains step by step. Lol. His arguments always have structure. like an essay, starts with a thesis and builds from there. References and facts etc.
Shamsi is only playing to the camera and crowd. Muhammad hijab is clearly there for a sincere discussion. How? For you blind people, I'll explain the obvious for the ones whose hearts are sealed and have a disease. Brother hijab is always facing and looking at the person he is talking to. But shameless shamsi is always trying to look directly into the camera and when he has a point to sound clever with, he will turn to the crowd and appeal to them even though he is having a discussion with a guy right in front of him who he is supposed to be looking at if he is addressing him. Secondly shameless shamsi loves to quote a hadith or qquran verse in an exaggerated loud Arabic voice and tone and he evidently gets carried away at this point because then he starts using his Whole body movement to reflect what point he has especially with his arms and hands, and this is when he starts addressing the crowd and camera rather than hijab and he falls to translate what he had just said in Arabic for everyone benefit. This process he is not there to benefit anyone with paying correct knowledge, rather he is there to put on a display that he is knowledgeable and wiser than the rest,, and he feels gratified knowing that he addressed the camera and that a crowd way there to witness him correcting someone. Biggest scammer and bullshitter .. he was on the streets a few years ago selling bits until he got caught and then started gaining knowledge from people that are sectarianism debaters and defeatist methods of questioning in order to label someone as an innovator, khawarij, etc etc. This is not the method prescribed or practised by the prophet Muhammad peace be upon him nor is it the way that Allah has told us to invite to Islam. So if it isn't the way I of the prophet or the way of Allah, which is the same, then it is certainly the way of the shaytaan. It is ugly, arrogant, ignorant, hostile, argumentative, disruptive , bad mannered, desperate , egoistic and barbaric way of trying to represent the r beauty and truth of Islam and unjust and false way of portraying the character of the prophet Muhammad peace be upon him . Why are you making big fuss about sunni and the conditions that qualify one to be a flower of the sunnah when nothing about you by way òf character or body language or method of engaging in discussion or manners or general behaviour has anything to do with the prophet. So assassinating the Character of the prophet Muhammad please. Learn the basics of sunnah behaviour and conduct andmanners and read how the sahabi would imitate him and you do the same I.e. follow the sunnah ways before leaving to others about what A sunni is. Remember the hadith of the day of judgment and the first three to enter hell will be the martyr, the wealthy man and the scholars. ? Why? The martyr will be asked what he did and he will say that he fought and died for the sake of Allahbut he will be told he's lying because he only fought so that the people can praise him and say he is a brave man so he will be thrown into hell. The wealthy man will be asked what he did and he will say he spent in the way of Allahbut he will be told he's lying because he only spent so people can say he's generous so he e well be thrown into hell. The solar will be asked what he didand he will say he learned and taught the deen of Allah for Allah's sake but he will be told he's is lying because he only gained knowledge so that people can praise him and say that he's a wise knowledgeable man and he will be thrown into hell. Let this be a warning. Shamsi you blatantly be trying to address the camera or the crowd because you need them desperately to hear and see you talking about Islam because you get satisfied and assured from their praise and compliments and that therefore is whose sake you are doing it for. Your from the street but doesn't mean that you čarry street mentality with you forever. The fact that you still do proves again that you're seeking knowledge for insincere aims and reasons otherwise if you were sincere you wouldn't care about the camera position or if the crowd is listening he even present, you would be focused on the truth of Allah being spread and you would be behaving like the prophet. Please take this as sincere advise and please don't be Arrogant and ignorant to dismiss what I said. It's your here after that you're playing with.
*Who explains to us why the Koran says Christians believe God has a biological son!* To all Muslims! Son of God means NOT SON! What is called the son of God is the word of God = god himself! Which has nothing to do with a child (son)! Thus, the Son of God is incarnated as the human Jesus and the human Jesus is therefore referred to as a son, which does not mean a son!
Hebr 1,2 Hath in these last days spoken unto us by his Son, whom he hath appointed heir of all things, *by whom also he made the worlds;* as everyone can see the term Son of God refers to the Word of God = god himself! For through that God created the worlds! *what a mistake in the Qur'an!*
You guys can see for the first 17mins of this video Brother Shamsi has been mentioning scholars and didn't mention Sheikh Rabii' al-Madkhaliyy, but Muhammad Hijab still blame Shamsi fow always saying Sheikh Rabii' .
@@charliefoxtrotter Hijab is definitely an intellectual stop being rude and ignorant just because you dislike someone doesn't give you the right to discredit their hard work and Intelligence Allah yehdik
All religions presented themselves as Llies when they denied Jesus his sacrifice! God is holy and therefore inevitably always righteous. So God can never be merciful, gracious, because grace is not justice and therefore is wrong! A holy God can only be holy if he Never does wrong !! So Fact is without Jesus his SACRIFICE out of love for us we would all be lost! Only YHWH is not lying when he says he is HOLY and merciful! Who is YHWH equal? Exactly no one!! JESUS gave himself as a sin offering !! A pure life for a life !! Because we have to be holy = without guilt otherwise God will judge us fair and just !! Jesus is YHWH and thus the Creator of everything and thus has the weight to wash the whole creation clean with these pure lives (Blood) !! God bless you
It's certainly is difficulty to be patient when you have to keep repeating your clear cut point over and over again. May Allah reward Shamsi for his patience and increase us all in patience.
@Nick Reigh My brother, in reality nationalism that exists today is one of the biggest idols which is being worshipped alongside Allah today but Allah doesn't accept anyone to be worshipped beside Him. Unfortunately a lot of so called Muslims in " Muslim countries" are busy worshipping this idol with no shame or regret rather they are so proud of it that they might even call you khawarij if you point to their kufr of nationalism. Some people think that just praying salat and identifying themselves as Muslims makes them bulletproof- takfeerproof individuals but this is absolutely not the case. First Caliph and companion Abu bakr made clear takfeer of people who merely refused to pay zakat to Him.. I wonder what these people would have called him if he wasn't a high stature individual in Islam.
Shamsi your so passionate about keeping everyone on Deen as you take it seriously and seem to make sure you keep MUSLIMS and nonmuslims in the loop about how is Islam feels about each subject and clarifies the facts for everyone. Mashalla. Can you explain exactly why the fitnah continues with Bro Hajib and Ali.
Masha Allah Tabarak Allah This is the most beautiful discussion, so fruitful and learned a lot from. This is how it should be like. May Allah unite us and soften our hearts to one another and increase our knowledge and make it easy for us to act on the knowledge we have in sincere and way that pleases him all mighty.
When muslims discussing, the level of knowledge is now in another level. Br Shamsi seems to have better arguments when people are already back to Islam. Both are great btw. Love them both
@@Mozee854 You'd be clowned 1 min in a debate with MH so just shut up and know your place. You said nothing about how MH is a clown you can't just say stuff out your ass.
@@Csgo-beast Don’t project your ignorance and cringe worthy awe of MH onto me. You might get mesmerised by his philosophical babble but I can see right through it. Shamsi came with evidences. MH came with opinions. That’s why one is a person of Sunnah (Shamsi), the other is a person of Bid’a (MH). Mans be getting star struck by some clown philosopher. Dumb bre.
Brother Mohammed Hijab should have really studied in this particular subject before going out there, this seemed more like a class than a discussion or debate.
@@SS-rp6ws who and who are not the Khawarej. (Whoever rebels against caliphs and leaders). Under which circumstances can you make takfeer on someone (call him a non Muslim) When can you make tabdi3 in someone (accuse him of following a certain sect) Is takfeer a bid3a or not.
@@southernrealist5789 did Allah ever tell us to say that our group are more true and holier than others and only our group will go to paradise like what these salafi is saying to other muslim? Allah already forbid muslim from creating group and yet these salafi came here telling that other muslim are not going to paradise bruh (Quran 6: 159) Indeed, those who have divided their religion and become sects - you, [O Muhammad], are not [associated] with them in anything. Their affair is only [left] to Allah ; then He will inform them about what they used to do.
@@Itachiuchiha-dh6gc 1- we know because shamsi says he supports all of these atheist-israely funded regimes like saudi and any1 against these satanic regimes is khawarij he says 2- he promotes madkhali saudi salafi Islam, which is fake Islam calls for obedience to disbelieving atheist rulers instead of opposing them. This fake Saudi salafi islam is funded by usa and saudi gov 3- He tries to get arrested all of his opponents no different from the secret services in egypt or saudi etc.
@@capnsmo6888 The khawarij are the dogs of hell, if the leaders are fasiqs then its between him and Allah Subhanahu Wa Tala no doubt. Who are we to point at people saying this and thus are non believers. Allah guides whom He wants. And Allahu Alem
@@SalafiyahManhaj Allah swt sent Quran to judge with. You must use Quran as evidence. Allah swt says those who do not judge by what ALlah swt has revealed are disbelievers. Todays rulers do not abide by sharia and they take disbelievers as awliya which is another nullifiar of iman. Quran “...Those who do not rule by what Allah has revealed are Kafirun(disbelievers).”[5-44] ... And whoever does not judge by what Allah has revealed - then it is those who are the Zalimun(wrongdoers).(5:45) ...And whoever does not judge by what Allah has revealed - then it is those who are the Fasiqun(defiantly disobedient).(5:47) Shaykh Al-Islam, Ibn Taymiyyah said: “The person who is obeyed in disobedience of Allah or the person who is obeyed in following other than the guidance of the religion of truth; in either case, if what he orders mankind is in opposition to Allah’s orders, then he is a Taghoot. For this reason, we call the people who rule by other than what Allah revealed, a ‘Taghoot’.” (“Al-Fatawa”, Vol. 28/200)
@@moinshaik4284 in simple terms, hijab is not following the teachings of the quran and sunnah. Shamsi is firm on quran and sunnah. I advise you to avoid listening to people who are not firm on quran and sunnah. the Prophet (sallallāhu ‘alayhi wa sallam) where he said: “Whoever innovates or gives protection to an innovator therein, upon him is the curse of Allah, of the angels and of all the people.” This is a hadīth reported by Muslim (1371).
Shamsi is only playing to the camera and crowd. Muhammad hijab is clearly there for a sincere discussion. How? For you blind people, I'll explain the obvious for the ones whose hearts are sealed and have a disease. Brother hijab is always facing and looking at the person he is talking to. But shameless shamsi is always trying to look directly into the camera and when he has a point to sound clever with, he will turn to the crowd and appeal to them even though he is having a discussion with a guy right in front of him who he is supposed to be looking at if he is addressing him. Secondly shameless shamsi loves to quote a hadith or qquran verse in an exaggerated loud Arabic voice and tone and he evidently gets carried away at this point because then he starts using his Whole body movement to reflect what point he has especially with his arms and hands, and this is when he starts addressing the crowd and camera rather than hijab and he falls to translate what he had just said in Arabic for everyone benefit. This process he is not there to benefit anyone with paying correct knowledge, rather he is there to put on a display that he is knowledgeable and wiser than the rest,, and he feels gratified knowing that he addressed the camera and that a crowd way there to witness him correcting someone. Biggest scammer and bullshitter .. he was on the streets a few years ago selling bits until he got caught and then started gaining knowledge from people that are sectarianism debaters and defeatist methods of questioning in order to label someone as an innovator, khawarij, etc etc. This is not the method prescribed or practised by the prophet Muhammad peace be upon him nor is it the way that Allah has told us to invite to Islam. So if it isn't the way I of the prophet or the way of Allah, which is the same, then it is certainly the way of the shaytaan. It is ugly, arrogant, ignorant, hostile, argumentative, disruptive , bad mannered, desperate , egoistic and barbaric way of trying to represent the r beauty and truth of Islam and unjust and false way of portraying the character of the prophet Muhammad peace be upon him . Why are you making big fuss about sunni and the conditions that qualify one to be a flower of the sunnah when nothing about you by way òf character or body language or method of engaging in discussion or manners or general behaviour has anything to do with the prophet. So assassinating the Character of the prophet Muhammad please. Learn the basics of sunnah behaviour and conduct andmanners and read how the sahabi would imitate him and you do the same I.e. follow the sunnah ways before leaving to others about what A sunni is. Remember the hadith of the day of judgment and the first three to enter hell will be the martyr, the wealthy man and the scholars. ? Why? The martyr will be asked what he did and he will say that he fought and died for the sake of Allahbut he will be told he's lying because he only fought so that the people can praise him and say he is a brave man so he will be thrown into hell. The wealthy man will be asked what he did and he will say he spent in the way of Allahbut he will be told he's lying because he only spent so people can say he's generous so he e well be thrown into hell. The solar will be asked what he didand he will say he learned and taught the deen of Allah for Allah's sake but he will be told he's is lying because he only gained knowledge so that people can praise him and say that he's a wise knowledgeable man and he will be thrown into hell. Let this be a warning. Shamsi you blatantly be trying to address the camera or the crowd because you need them desperately to hear and see you talking about Islam because you get satisfied and assured from their praise and compliments and that therefore is whose sake you are doing it for. Your from the street but doesn't mean that you čarry street mentality with you forever. The fact that you still do proves again that you're seeking knowledge for insincere aims and reasons otherwise if you were sincere you wouldn't care about the camera position or if the crowd is listening he even present, you would be focused on the truth of Allah being spread and you would be behaving like the prophet. Please take this as sincere advise and please don't be Arrogant and ignorant to dismiss what I said. It's your here after that you're playing with.
throughout this whole video mo hijab was getting educated by shamsi so hijab should really just stop with his lame jokes and read more books of the salaf assalih
yes me too, and I am very disgusted to see mo hijab, her clothes and her behavior towards shaykh syamsi makes me sick. But before I got to know the sheikh shamsi I was amazed by Mo Hijab, after this video made me change my mind about mo hijab.
I hardly understand Shamsi, but I still hear him crying about creating takfeer on the leaders. But how much takfeer do you make on Muslims? How often do you say '' this '' and '' that '' scholar is erring? Or that he is an innovator? When you walk on the street you even have trouble giving the salaam because he does not belong to the small club called '' salaf ''. I have seen in several videos that you are allergic to hearing the term '' unity ''. The artificial borders that the West has created between the Muslim countries. In short, everything that Western governments are allergic to, you are also allergic to.
I have been introduced to theses speaker corner videos; started watching from Ali dawah, Hijab, Mansoor and to Shamsi. All are well equipped with knowledge and Logic. But if I have to choose who is better amongst them, I will definitely go For Br Shamsi.
@@hamzaajakkaf7523 he is an arabic..lol his language is arabic..So what do you mean some arabic words? LOL That is your only response? Muslims can't play games with him because he speaks the language of the quran
@@raiyatsaadman8763 I have......Not one lie told. unlike others I actually research what another person is saying. You can not name 1 lie christian prince told. Just 1 I ask of you. All you have to listen to what he saying and compare. I would respect muslims a lot more if they just say ok, we were wrong and continue on with life but every year they are so desperate to find their prophet in the holy scriptures...not happening
I have great respect for brother Hijab, but I as a brother I would recommend to my brother in Islam to hear as much as he talks and not interrupt. Also I hope brother leaves his personal opinion out when it come to the deen and I am glad brother Shamsi pointed this out to and a respectable way. Also I am glad I have just to learn about brother Anwar from this video. He makes very clear cut points. And also if someone was to put their hands my shoulder so many times I am sure I will be irritated.
Who is this brother Anwar?... never heard of him... Brother Hijab is very honest when it comes to expressing his mind.. brother shamsi is very knowledgeable Masha'Allah
@Mohammad Alsomaiif u say i follow the way Salafi salihun did here u go..but if u say i'm salafi to differ ur self from other Muslim brother and sister it is wrong.... and if Salafi means Muslim then why are u not Sunni??
“Indeed, I am of the submitted*” Muslims means nothing muslimeen means submitted which is an adjective to describe the state of the soul of someone who believe. Muslim is created by unbelievers and demons to create illusion of a third monotheistic religion when Islam is a universal religion who call all believers from whatever religious community to submit their soul and belief to One God, God. Their is no God but God, God is one Jesus can’t be be God cause God is God and He is the God of everybody.
Our din is One, we have to act like that and admit our errors and enjoin truth and forbid evil and then we will be One, we have same Aqidah Manhaj and some differing on fiqh is ok!
@Nym GRACE Prophet Muhamamd peace and blessings on him is a hero, and isis is a westernized mossad cia terrorist group, like ibn saba with shias and ignorant Sunnis, but not from the sunnah or tradition of the Prophet much peace and blessings on him. you only piss on yourself being a hog for the devil!
false sects like shia are judeo made salafists and wahabis only sprouted their ugly heads recently, they are 100% Bidda invented by the British. I’m not sure how you’re attacking everyone else. At least they’ve been around since the beginning, ignorant wahabi.
I don't understand while Hijabi is not understanding, why not learn or listen carefully to what Shamsi is saying. What's the meaning of in my opinion or in my point of view in deen, this is deen.
أخونا شمسي وبعض من معه من إخواننا متأثرون بالفِرقة المدخلية/الجامية ويحسبون أنها كما تزعم على منهج السلف الصالح أي منهج أهل السنة والجماعة أي منهج أهل الحديث. ولعل أوضح مثال على هذا هو خلطه بين مسائل الفقه والعقيدة، من 2:13 إلى 2:37 تقريباً و قذف من يتكلم أويعترض أو يثور على الحُكّام بأنه خارجي لمجرد كلامه أو اعتراضه أو ثورته، من 5:20 تقريباً وما بعدها ! وهذة عَجَلَة من صغار طلاب العلم وهي - في معظمها - نتيجة تدليس وتضليل وكتمان للعلم من قِبل رؤوس الفرقة المدخلية/الجامية وتغطيتهم لكلام أهل العلم بشأن أكثر المُكفّرات ارتكاباً من الحُكّام وهي الإعراض عن أحكام القرآن والسُنّة من جهة وتحكيم قوانين الكفار (القوانين الوضعية) من جهة أخرى.
@@موحدبالله-ف4ذ الشيخ شمسي ينصح محمد حجاب بعدم مجالسة أهل البدع على الدوام لأنهم يؤثرون على عقيدة من يجالسهم و استمر بنصحهم لأنه صاحب علم بارك الله فيه ، أما محمد حجاب فمجاله مناظرة الملحدين و عقيدته و ثقافته في الدين لا تصل لمرحلة شمسي فهنا شمسي بدأ بنصحه بعدم مجالسة الشيعة ولا عدم مجالسة أهل البدع و قال له إنصحهم لكن لكن لا تجالسهم و استدل بأحاديث من السنه بينما محمد حجاب هداه الله ما زال يتعلم و استمر النقاش و حجة شمسي من الكتاب و السنه و اما محمد فهداه الله يرغي في الكلام نسأل الله له الهدايه هو و من معه .
@@UnHoLyHooLiGaN و حن على منهج السلف، والشيخ ربيع المدخلي تم تزكيته من كبار الشيوخ ابن عثيمين و ابن باز رحمهم الله فتطاولك على الشيخ و ادعائك عليه شي لم يقوله او يفعله لا يصح وانا اخوك...
So true, all I see is two musliams talking about Islam and trying to reach the truth. No one is playing or acting, thats really rude. All of them are musliams and brothers in Islam.
أود أن أنوه الأخ شمسي بارك الله فيه و زاده الله علما أن يتحلى بالحلم و الصبر ما استطاع و لا يتسرع في إطلاق الأحكام أو حتى في محاولة الإقناع، لأن الأسلوب يجذب أكثر من الحجة نفسها، و ليس الجميع يفهم بنفس المستوى أو يفهم بنفس السرعة أو حتى بنفس الطريقة.
صراحة كلامك صحيح لكن شمسي أعطانا وأعطى حجاب ما يجب أن يأخذ به وهو ما قاله عمر بن الخطاب رضي الله عنه وارضاه هذا خلاصة كل هذا الفيديو ما يعيب حجاب هو أنا رأيي أنا أردت أن أقول وهذا ما قام من أجله النقاش
@@bochrabichvahid2109 معك حق و مع ذلك وجب التحلي بالصبر و الحلم مع الإخوة فيما بينهم، و مع الجميع بصفة عامة، فالنفس نفس تميل لمن يتقرب منها بالأسلوب الذي يزين الحجة بعد ذلك و يزيدها اقناعا و خاصة أن حجاب لا ينقصه فهم او رجاحة عقل. فكما نصبر على حوار غير المسلم و نتلطف به فالأولى بنا الصبر على حوار المسلم الذي ننصحه
أخونا شمسي وبعض من معه من إخواننا متأثرون بالفِرقة المدخلية/الجامية ويحسبون أنها كما تزعم على منهج السلف الصالح أي منهج أهل السنة والجماعة أي منهج أهل الحديث. ولعل أوضح مثال على هذا هو خلطه بين مسائل الفقه والعقيدة؛ من 2:13 إلى 2:37 تقريباً. وقذفه لمن يتكلم أويعترض أو يثور على الحُكّام بأنه خارجي لمجرد كلامه أو اعتراضه أو ثورته، من 5:20 تقريباً وما بعدها ! وهذة عَجَلَة من صغار طلاب العلم وهي - في معظمها - نتيجة تدليس وتضليل وكتمان للعلم من قِبل رؤوس الفرقة المدخلية/الجامية وتغطيتهم لكلام أهل العلم بشأن أكثر المُكفّرات ارتكاباً من الحُكّام وهي الإعراض عن أحكام القرآن والسُنّة من جهة وتحكيم قوانين الكفار (القوانين الوضعية) من جهة أخرى.
@@mansour3250 أنت مخطيء في هذا و ردك يتطلب دليلا على أنهم يخالفون أهل السنة و الجماعة. فإلصاق مسميات لهم لا يغير من حقيقة ما يدعون إليه ألا و هو إتباع الدليل حيث ما كان. فإن أنت أتيت لهم بدليل من الكتاب و السنة أن قولهم خاطيء و قولك صحيح ما كان لهم إلا الأخذ به. فمن أين لك القول أن مؤاخذتهم لمن يتكلم و يثور على حكام المسلمين هو تدليس و تضليل و كتمان للعلم و الدين؟! هل من دليل تقارع به أدلتهم!! أم هو الرأي! عليك بعدم التسرع في إطلاق الأحكام لأن المسألة ليست بالهينة كما تظن، و ليست بالعواطف و الحماس، و خاتمتها اما جنة أو نار، فاحذر أخي من ذلك. عليك بمراجعة أقوال السلف من الصحابة و من تبعهم باحسان لترى من خالف السنة و من تمسك بها، فمن هناك ينطلق البحث عن الحقيقة و لا تعصب إلا للحق
الناس اللي بتقول إن شمسي والرفاق لازم يبتهجوا شوية ،لازم يعرفوا إن النقاشات فى الدين والعقيدة مينفعش فيها هزار ،وإن النقاشات دي تختلف عن دعوة غير المسلمين
@@stargazing2792 هناك عدة مشاكل أهمها :نقص العلم الشرعي والتأصيل عند علي دعوة ومحمد طريقة محمد وعلي دعوة في الدعوة خطأ فمن منهج أهل السنة التركيز على التوحيد، قال رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم لمعاذ لما أراد أن يرسله للكفار 《فليكن أول ماتدعوهم إليه شهادة أن لا إله إلا الله 》 وفي رواية 《إلى أن يوحدوا الله》 3- بعض الأفكار العقدية الخاطئة عند محمد وعلي دعوة وغيرها كثير ..ويعرفها العاقل عند سماع كلامهما
Hijabs constant need to establish himself as the alpha is so annoying. The constant interrupting, touching, laughing around and not listening etc. Shamsi has so much patience Alhamdullilah.
@@starplatinum5325 you can see in first few minute that hijab tries to "act friendly" by touching Shamsi. But you can clearly see Shamsi distance himself from hijab everytime hijab extend his hand, showing that Shamsi is uncomfortable with him being touchy
As Salaam Wa Alaykoum, greetings and blessings from Sydney Australia, I’m of ARABIC Background, I really appreciate and like their DA’WAH, however the way of The SALAF, is the HAQQ and knowledge way forward for The UMMAH, May ALLAH SWT, unite us. ☝🏽🤲🏼💯
أولا على محمد حجاب التعمق اكثر في تعلم اللغة العربية و مراجعة اقوال كبار العلماء بدل الاخذ برأيه الخاص ثانيا لا اظن المكان مناسبا لنقاش كهاذا ، فالهدف من ركن الخطباء هو نشر الدعوة و كلمة الله قال تعالى {واعتصموا بحبل الله جميعا ولا تفرقوا}
@@AbdelkaderCH 12210 - حدثنا محمد بن الحسين قال، حدثنا أحمد بن المفضل قال، حدثنا أسباط، عن السدي قال: ثم أخبرهم بمن يتولاهم فقال: " إنما وليكم الله ورسوله والذين آمنوا الذين يقيمون الصلاة ويؤتون الزكاة وهم راكعون "، هؤلاء جميع المؤمنين، ولكن علي بن أبي طالب مرَّ به سائل وهو راكع في المسجد، فأعطاه خاتَمَه.
@@musti-sk5js يا أخي سيدنا علي على العين و الرأس ، و لكن الزيادة في الدين تورث الفتنة ، الاسلام هو ما فعل و قال و أمر به سيدنا محمد عليه الصلاة و السلام ، و أما السياسة فلا يجب ان تغير في الدين ولا في العبادات. لو كان البكاء و النواح و ضرب النفس تعبيرا عن المحبة ، لضرب علي كرم الله وجهه و الصحاا الكرام نفسهم عند موت محمد سيد الخلق سلام الله و صلواته عليه. و لو جاز تكفير أحد من الصحابة لكفرهم علي أو الحسن ، لكن الحسن صلى على شهداء معركة الصفين و لم يسب أو يكفر منهم أحدا. كلنا نحب سيدنا علي و الحسن و الحسين ، لكن هذا ليس ذريعة للغلو في الدين أو لقلب السياسة و الخلافات التي حدثت بعد وفات النبي و نسبها للدين الاسلامي الحنيف. الإسلام دين عقل و ليس دين خضوع للعواطف. و الله أعلم.
Allah Ta'ala said, واعتصموا بحبل الله جميعا ولا تفرقوا واذكروا نعمت الله عليكم إذ كنتم أعدآء فألف بين قلوبكم فأصبحتم بنعمته إخوانا And all of you hold on to the rope (religion) of Allah, and do not divorce, and remember Allah's favor to you when the enemies (the time of Jahiliyah) are enemies, then Allah unites your heart, then be you for the favor of Allah the brothers . (Surat Ali Imran: 103)
hijab hasn't recovered from being put in his place by shamsi. most revealing is the intro where shamsi asks him directly and hijab refuses to name his shaykhs (tariq ramadan, h haddad, ie all the miserable ikhwanis).
@@achrafelkhanjari9157 i follow Quran, Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, sahabas, ijma' of and muslim scholars. Shamsi follows his "shaykhs" from Saudi Arabia
Hearing and obeying Muslim leaders is ordered by Allah, the most high and by his Messenger, peace be upon him, not by “madkhali”. However this order does not fit the desires of the people of innovation...
Хуршед Рахмон and When the leader goes agins the brother how fights and helping kufar to fight the brothers.. is he still a leader??? However the madkhali dont like this beacus dont fit the desires.
@@youneshammi2748 And he ensures that the Islamic Learning seminaries in Qum are adequately funded, whilst also lecturing and teaching himself, whilst following the Sunna of the Prophet by tending to a variety of political dignitaries from different countries. I mean. Defense of The Islamic Realm is an obligation.. no ?
Have you seen what shamsi's video about eesa the brother who passed away it was disgusting I used too like him a lot too but he lost all respect from that video
@@liluzi_9mm78 what's disgusting is ali's picking of shamsi mistakes, the scholars of islam always corrected the dead scholars mistakes, and that what shamsi mentioned when essas mistakes were public; then it should be clarified publicly so the general muslims wouldn't be misguided, shamsi clearly praised essas and said may allah have mercy on him, but because ali has something personal hes trying to look for his mistakes. May Allah guide brother ali
@@liluzi_9mm78 th-cam.com/video/eCEK1714isg/w-d-xo.html and soon shamsi will have a response video inshallah, Alhamdulilah the truth is clear as day, just dont put your emotions over the truth
please brothers remember we're all Muslim's, that should believe in ALLAH and to follow the ALLMIGHTY 'S rule. let's not stray from that path. we cannot call a Muslim brother a khafir. if he's doing something wrong, guide him with gentleness. may ALLAH SWT keep the Ummah rightly guided - ameen.
Ahmed Qazi better sentence would be.. " Just because anyone calls them selves salafi does not mean they are following the salaf. The name has been hijacked by 3-4 groups. Most of them are sects and will be amongst the 72 going to hell. If anyone is confused they need to do more research with an open mind and do dua to allah for guidance" hint : anyone busy labeling others are most likely deviant themselves
The true way is Ahlus Sunnah Wal Jamaah, not the so-called "pseudo-Salafi way" of divisiveness. Look at the sheer carnage that has been unleashed by the madkhali movement and the khawarij.
You can’t debate with Salafi when it comes to Islamic knowledge.💯 Because they know what they talk about and they have reference for each and ever words they say btw this is not disrespecting Brother M.H but this is where knowledge plays a great key. They put him right where he belongs to.💯
أخونا شمسي وبعض من معه من إخواننا متأثرون بالفِرقة المدخلية/الجامية ويحسبون أنها كما تزعم على منهج السلف الصالح أي منهج أهل السنة والجماعة أي منهج أهل الحديث. ولعل أوضح مثال على هذا هو خلطه بين مسائل الفقه والعقيدة، من 2:13 إلى 2:37 تقريباً. وقذفه لمن يتكلم أويعترض أو يثور على الحُكّام بأنه خارجي لمجرد كلامه أو اعتراضه أو ثورته، من 5:20 تقريباً وما بعدها ! وهذة عَجَلَة من صغار طلاب العلم وهي - في معظمها - نتيجة تدليس وتضليل وكتمان للعلم من قِبل رؤوس الفرقة المدخلية/الجامية وتغطيتهم لكلام أهل العلم بشأن أكثر المُكفّرات ارتكاباً من الحُكّام وهي الإعراض عن أحكام القرآن والسُنّة من جهة وتحكيم قوانين الكفار (القوانين الوضعية) من جهة أخرى.
Walahi i am soo ptoud of brother shamsi, i am moroccan and algeria is our neighbour and algerians are our brothers, and brother shamsi you're a true lion, may allah bless you and grant you janah inshae allah
Same 🇹🇳 Tunisian and proud as well Love my Muslim brothers from all around the world, and my Algerian and Moroccan brothers which whom we share so much 🌎
The deviance of Mohamed Hijab came out a lot in this video. One of the signs is Mohamed keeps saying in my opinion instead of referring to the Islamic evidence like hadiis and the scholars. Shamsi did the opposite he kept referring his proof or evidence with hadiis, Quran and scholars. These men are night and day. Complete opposite. One is based on deviance and misguidance( Hijab fella) and the other based on haqq as he refers to the Quran and Sunna (Shamsi). Can’t compare these individuals.
@@SaebHalbouni shamsi when away from the clowns is a good debater I don't care for religion but when you see someone like him who cares for his religion and doesn't think he is above anyone I respect them and will listen
@@gibbo822 you don’t care for the guidance that God revealed to mankind in order to be saved from hellfire Ans to enter paradise ? That is exactly wha you just said btw. Do you belive in God?
السلام عليكم إن الدين عند الله الاسلام والمسلمين هو الإسم الذي ارتضاه لنا ربنا جل في علاه فامن أين لكم بهته الأسماء الطائفية التي لم ينزل الله بها من سلطان هاذا يقول شيعي و الآخر سني و ذاك علوي والأخر صوفي و ماتريدي و رافضي ووووووو... إلخ والله يهدي الجميع
To sum up, Takfeer has conditions to apply it to a specific person. Thats what Hijab was trying to say and thats what Shamsi agreed on. But when it comes to applying it to the guy that Shamsi called khariji (which was the main reason for this discussion), Shamsi didn’t want to take it back. The argument goes from being an honest discussion, to a discussion where everyone is trying to prove he is right. Thats where it should have stopped. I watch both of them, and respect and actually like them both for their work and job. But this discussion should have been in private in the first place, because it started as an advise for Shamsi. And as we all know if you want to correct someone or advise him for something he did wrong, we should talk to him privately and not infront of camara where ego can become a factor.
You missed the point. Shamsi agrees that there are conditions for making takfeer, however Hijab is trying to say they also exist for tabdi'. This isn't really the case as shamsi tried to explain many times. An ignorant Sufi is still a Sufi..
ماشاء الله تبارك الله أتلجتم قلبي في هذا اليوم المبارك ،نتعلّم منكم الكثير ،حواراتكم تنير عقولنا رغم اننا ولدنا في بلد إسلامي ،كتاب الله بين ايدينا ،المساجد من حولنا ونحن كُثر وكثيراً ما نجهل ديننا وعقيدتنا اخترلنا ديننا في العبادات و الفرائض وكثيرٌ منا لم يُسلم وجهه الى الله بإبتعاده عن منهج الرسول صلّ الله غله وسلّم😢 ادعو الله ان يحفضكم بما يحفض به عباده الصالحين🤲 اخوكم ياسين من مراكش
أخونا شمسي وبعض من معه من إخواننا متأثرون بالفِرقة المدخلية/الجامية ويحسبون أنها كما تزعم على منهج السلف الصالح أي منهج أهل السنة والجماعة أي منهج أهل الحديث. ولعل أوضح مثال على هذا هو خلطه بين مسائل الفقه والعقيدة، من 2:13 إلى 2:37 تقريباً و قذف من يتكلم أويعترض أو يثور على الحُكّام بأنه خارجي لمجرد كلامه أو اعتراضه أو ثورته، من 5:20 تقريباً وما بعدها ! وهذة عَجَلَة من صغار طلاب العلم وهي - في معظمها - نتيجة تدليس وتضليل وكتمان للعلم من قِبل رؤوس الفرقة المدخلية/الجامية وتغطيتهم لكلام أهل العلم بشأن أكثر المُكفّرات ارتكاباً من الحُكّام وهي الإعراض عن أحكام القرآن والسُنّة من جهة وتحكيم قوانين الكفار (القوانين الوضعية) من جهة أخرى.
الشيخ العلّامة عبدالله بن محمد بن حميد ت ١٤٠٢ يبين أن البلاء من القادة لا الشعوب فيقول: "الشعوب أعتقد أن فيها خير، معظم الشعوب فيها خير. لكن القادة، البلاء في القادة. الشعوب فيهم خير في الجملة" th-cam.com/video/8S30iasy7GQ/w-d-xo.html
وعن عبدالله بن مسعود رضي الله عنه قال: قال رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم ( سيكونُ أُمَراءُ مِن بعدي يقولونَ ما لا يفعَلونَ ويفعَلونَ ما لا يُؤمَرونَ فمَن جاهَدهم بيدِه فهو مُؤمِنٌ ومَن جاهَدهم بلسانِه فهو مُؤمِنٌ ومَن جاهَدهم بقلبِه فهو مُؤمِنٌ لا إيمانَ بعدَه ) قال عطاءٌ : فحين سمِعْتُ الحديثَ منه انطلَقْتُ به إلى عبدِ اللهِ بنِ عُمَرَ فأخبَرْتُه فقال : أنتَ سمِعْتَ ابنَ مسعودٍ يقولُ هذا ؟ كالمُدخِلِ عليه في حديثِه - قال عطاءٌ : فقُلْتُ : هو مريضٌ فما يمنَعُكَ أنْ تعُودَه ؟ قال : فانطلِقْ بنا إليه فانطلَق وانطلَقْتُ معه فسأَله عن شكواه ثمَّ سأَله عنِ الحديثِ قال : فخرَج ابنُ عُمَرَ وهو يُقلِّبُ كفَّه وهو يقولُ : ما كان ابنُ أمِّ عبدٍ يكذِبُ على رسولِ اللهِ صلَّى اللهُ عليه وسلَّم. أخرجه مسلم في صحيحه (٥٠) باختلاف يسير وأحمد في مسنده(٤٣٦٣) مختصراً وابن حبان في صحيحه (١٧٧) واللفظ له.
Wallahi. I'm so sad to see this video. They should not have this conversation in open place like this. Go get nice place and talk in warm brotherhood of Islam.
They should work together to spread dakwah in non moslem country or where moslem is minority.
Please remember. Non believer doesn't read Quran neither hadist. They read us. The moslem. So, show them we are United. May Allah azzawajalla bless us all.
Firmansyah excellent comment I couldn’t agree more with you, but unfortunately too much division and ego in our hearts.
Can’t help remember the 3 supplications made and only 2 granted, the one that was not granted was the infighting amongst the ummah.
May Allah keep us as one!
You need to unite amongst yourself first. Ant that won't happen with so many versions of Islam.
Ronald Joseph shamsi brought proofs and you brought your opinion. May Allah guide you to the truth.
You just want to hide the deep divisions of Islam and this video showcased it
Brother be careful with this whole uniting thing be careful we should and must unit upon the truth and that’s it and that’s 1.
2- When speaking about deen you have to know from you’re getting your knowledge from which means not every so called sheikh is reliable and you would know them by mixing emotions and speak with opinion instead of scriptural proofs things like rebelling against a muslim leaders and making takfir on them. As for rebelling there are conditions to rebel against a muslim leader and it all starts with seeing from him a clear kuffur even then you should have the power to remove him with little to no bloodshed not start an actual war where thousands of Muslims are dying and being thrown out of their houses while fighting in a war where they are clearly losing and many so called sheikhs call upon such thing.
3-Learn from those well known scholars of our time that had been praised by other scholars from the past that had been praised by the one before these scholars nothing out of Allah said, the Messenger of Allah said, the companies of the Messenger of Allah said.
Brother you can watch Shamsi’s videos he always speaks about deen using the Salaf way (Allah said, the Messenger of Allah said, the companies of the Messenger of Allah said) that’s it comparing to Hijab may Allah guide him speaks a lot of times using philosophy and opinion.
Shamsi isn't shouting
He's Algerian
@حامد شاورما بالزبط 👌👍😂
@Alias Afe yes cuz you're being yourself 😁😁👍
@Alias Afe awww who hurt your feelings? 🥺
It's okay it's okay don't cry 🥺
@Alias Afe bro that's how we talk , we do it after preyers sometimes, then we sit clearly quite talking and joking.
This is not a debate but a discussion among brothers.
Among Arabs.
@@xpacnwo2000 shamsi is not arab he's north african algerian algeria is a berber/amazighan country not arabic.,
@@scumbagmgtowmonk4251 lol
@@xpacnwo2000 you're welcome.
@@xpacnwo2000 ok and ?
May Allaah bless Shamsi and grant him all the good in this dunya and in the hereafter..
After this debate i have become now Fan of Bro shamshi really gem full of knowledge...very informative discussion
Jazakallah love you brother's
Ma shaa Allah
Its not a debate brother its just a discussion between brothers
5 years later 🤡
@@islamogram7 5 years later shamsi is still same my allah preserve him
@@Ahmed-li4bw he's still a 🤡
Brother shamsi no nonsense clarity only !!! Love he’s passion !
These brothers are both very educated in their specific areas. Mohammed is great at Islam vs Atheist/Christian/etc. Shamsi is great at conveying the message to those that don't know much and are searching Islam.
I feel like shamsi is a lot better at refuting Christian's and especially atheists I feel like hijab spends more time going off topic rather than pressuring his opponents and not giving them a chance to spread their shubuhat. May Allah bless them and guide them both ameen
They strawman the Christian beliefs to ignorant muslims. Those same muslim whos watch these guys are generally too lazy to do their own research and look into what is said. Thats why you can actually think they make ''good arguments'' lol
@@johnkttraining no one can accept jesus as God, deal with it mate.
In matter of fact if christians learned islam they won't worship the prophet anymore.
Mohammed Hijab is a ashairah 🤡
@@johnkttraining What you described is actually what you christians do, you never question anything... you're so jealous of Muslims 🤣🤣🤣
when i listen to shamsi.. i always realise i have yet alot to learn
Follow their websites and works and will be blown away by their authenticity in the religion
May Allah preserve Shamsi
أخونا شمسي وبعض من معه من إخواننا متأثرون بحزب الجامية/المداخِلة ويحسبون أنه كما يزعم على منهج السلف الصالح أي منهج أهل السنة والجماعة أي منهج أهل الحديث. ولعل أوضح مثال على هذا هو خلط أخونا شمسي بين مسائل الفقه والعقيدة؛ من 2:13 إلى 2:37 تقريباً.
وقذفه لمن يتكلم أو يعترض أو يثور على الحُكّام بأنه خارجي لمجرد كلامه أو اعتراضه أو ثورته، من 5:20 تقريباً وما بعدها !
وهذة عَجَلَة من صغار طلاب العلم وهي - في معظمها - نتيجة تدليس وتضليل وكتمان للعلم من قِبل رؤوس حزب الجاميّة/المداخِلة وتغطيتهم لكلام أهل العلم بشأن أكثر المُكفّرات ارتكاباً من الحُكّام وهي الإعراض عن أحكام القرآن والسُنّة من جهة وتحكيم قوانين الكفار (القوانين الوضعية) من جهة أخرى.
@@mansour3250 هذا كلام مردود أخي اتقي الله في أخيك
جزاك الله خيراً، لم يحملني على هذا التعليق إلا التقوى والنصح لكل مسلم. ومن بحث وتثبّت وصَبَر عرف هذا الغلو في حزب الجاميّة/المداخِلة وحال المغرّر بهم من قِبَلِه وإن كان أكثرهم لا يشعرون.
People don’t get that Shamsi isn’t aggressive on purpose. It’s his Algerian. Love it
They have to understand this
Still love algerian 🤣❤
@@kaka777752 حبيتوا ترجعوا كلش مغربي هذا جزائري حر
@@kaka777752 Algerian form Oran 😉
When did he say that? lol
Shamsi is following the scholars of the crown, if you oppose the president you are opposition not Khawarij!
What I have seen is that brother shamsi is straight to the point with proves Alhamdulillaah
The very last statement of shamsi “Quran and sunnah the way of the salaf go back to ulumah” it is as easy as that 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
Yes easy peasy nothing complicated and very simple method
Lets see who really does it, clearly not hijab 😂
you deny imam abu hanifa the teacher of all madhahib
@@Ahl-Haqqhis own students denies him brother what are you talking about go and research
@@AppsTricksByNazakatUmrani bro what? you realize, majority of the salaf were hanafi, imam shafi'i praised him, ibn mubarak and dhabi called him the greatest imam
Algeria is very proud of giving birth to people like Brother Shamsi. May Allah bless him with patience and protect him from any harm. Amen.
He is jaahil and kaafir. Doesn't understand the A B C of Islam.
@iiooeuu No I am Muslim, you are jahil, you don't even know what Islam means.
God bless Algerians brother
from Kuwait ❤
People Like you is the reason we have devided in many ways shamsi is good my Allah bless him he sticks to sunnah strongly but what does matter if he is from Algeria he is brother not matter where he comes from
I love people like shemsi who stick to a selef. And original teachings
Hijab is more known for his philosophical knowledge and he’s better than shamsi when he speaks with atheist’s,but I think shamsi has more knowledge about the deen.
hijab has made jahmi errors in debates with atheists, he is better against some liberal ideas because he knows there ideas but this will backfire if they don't know Islam they will misrepresent Islam, its better to be patient and learn Islam!
@- الهُذلي jezakallah akhi barakallah feek
El_3skrAziz_Gmz philosophy is not from islaam
@@Yahya-gw5qw however it was Islam that lead to the Arabic philosophy age. Greeks made the best philosophers til Muslims came around
@@timk6041 There's a "CURE" for atheism?? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!! What are you talking about? So what's the cure for Theism? LMFAO! You people talk utter nonsense its unbelievable.
"A Cure" WTF!
﴿ وَأَطيعُوا اللَّهَ وَرَسولَهُ وَلا تَنازَعوا فَتَفشَلوا وَتَذهَبَ ريحُكُم وَاصبِروا إِنَّ اللَّهَ مَعَ الصّابِرينَ ﴾
ابراهيم محمد سلطان so true
Believers are brothers❤️✍️🙏
ليسوا في خصام بل فقط نقاش
12210 - حدثنا محمد بن الحسين قال، حدثنا أحمد بن المفضل قال، حدثنا أسباط، عن السدي قال: ثم أخبرهم بمن يتولاهم فقال: " إنما وليكم الله ورسوله والذين آمنوا الذين يقيمون الصلاة ويؤتون الزكاة وهم راكعون "، هؤلاء جميع المؤمنين، ولكن علي بن أبي طالب مرَّ به سائل وهو راكع في المسجد، فأعطاه خاتَمَه.
الموضوع محمد حجاب وعلي دعوه اخوانيين الفكر وشمسي ينبههم عن طريقهم
@@mansour3250 نعم الأخ شمسي على منهج السلف الصالح بإذن الله .
ومن يقول غير ذلك .
I love brother shamsi he’s a strong brother may Allah keep him strong
Machalah, shamsi is amazing. He talks using quran, hadith, sahaba's way. Inchallah the truth appears to brother Mohammed
mach inch
The people who appreciated shamsi because of his creed of manhaj al salaf salaheen.Alhamdulillah
And made him judgemental towards other muslims? Yeah no. That's not the way of the salaf.
Who did he judge?
Did he speak without evidence or without the scholars ?
@@waliavelithedon he judge bro. And because of his judgement, the poor fellow days may just be worse than it was.
I used to like shamsi, but after the beef he had with Ali and Hijab where Ali was just trying to help and also his judgemental attitude in bid'ah-ing others, it's best not to follow him anymore...for me. If you still want to follow him then it's up to you.
@@humbleservant4726 just emotions basicslly?
@@humbleservant4726 nah
I don't think Shamsi does that
he doesn't pass judgment without proof like how you did now
"The evidence on the accuser" by the way so you must give us proof that he's like what you've said
so we can advice him
This was the first time I listened to brother Shamsi, and today I only listen to him from Speakers Corner.
والله بارك الله فيك اخي شمسي وزادك في العلم وثبتك على منهج السلف الصالح
يا اخي وشمن سلف سلف امن الدوله تقصد ؟؟؟
هات الدليل ايي شخص يعارضكم تقولو له خارجي ؟؟
ماذا يقول علمائكم عن العلاقة الحميمية بين السعودية والإمارات وعمان والأردن ومصر. مع إسرائيل !!!
تسكتون عن كل الفضائع التي تحدث للمسلمين وتتحدثون عندما يدافع عن حقوقهم !!
دعون من هرائكم وهرائي شمسي .
@@ouailmelki9128 لاتتكلم ففط لتتكلم ولا تنتقد فقط لتنتقد انت اصلا لا تعرف شمسي من اي دولة 🙂 هداك الله وشفا قلبك 🙂
@@ouailmelki9128 يا اخي هؤلاء مداخله و عقيدتهم هي عدم الخروج على الحاكم حتى لو زنى و شرب الخمر
و هي عقيدة شيخهم الاعظم الفوزان الذي خرج على الهواء و له فيديو على اليوتيوب يقول هذا الكلام
ربنا يهديهم الي طريق الحق
رد عليا بحجج وبراهين وهات دليلك !!
وهو من نفس دولتي بالمناسبه مع اني لا أرى الرابط بين هذا وذاك !!
أخونا شمسي وبعض من معه من إخواننا متأثرون بالفِرقة المدخلية/الجامية ويحسبون أنها كما تزعم على منهج السلف الصالح أي منهج أهل السنة والجماعة أي منهج أهل الحديث. ولعل أوضح مثال على هذا هو خلطه بين مسائل الفقه والعقيدة، من 2:13 إلى 2:37 تقريباً
و قذف من يتكلم أويعترض أو يثور على الحُكّام بأنه خارجي لمجرد كلامه أو اعتراضه أو ثورته، من 5:20 تقريباً وما بعدها !
وهذة عَجَلَة من صغار طلاب العلم وهي - في معظمها - نتيجة تدليس وتضليل وكتمان للعلم من قِبل رؤوس الفرقة المدخلية/الجامية وتغطيتهم لكلام أهل العلم بشأن أكثر المُكفّرات ارتكاباً من الحُكّام وهي الإعراض عن أحكام القرآن والسُنّة من جهة وتحكيم قوانين الكفار (القوانين الوضعية) من جهة أخرى.
Looking back at this, wallahi the way shamsi speaks is so refreshing, no games just straight forward😂 Whilst Brother Hijab plays games, goes around a lot, and also uses words u have to spend a few seconds on to understand ...
As a none Muslim I hate hijab but like shamsi
@@gibbo822I pray you find the path to islam
yeah because hijab speaks with academic background shamsi speaks with ignorance
not my fault you don't speak English fluently
Dont backbite 😊
24:45 good advice from shamsi to hijab.... You don't joke around when you're talking about Deen
Wallahi so true. We can joke about other things but never Allah's deen.
Shamsi is only playing to the camera and crowd. Muhammad hijab is clearly there for a sincere discussion. How? For you blind people, I'll explain the obvious for the ones whose hearts are sealed and have a disease. Brother hijab is always facing and looking at the person he is talking to. But shameless shamsi is always trying to look directly into the camera and when he has a point to sound clever with, he will turn to the crowd and appeal to them even though he is having a discussion with a guy right in front of him who he is supposed to be looking at if he is addressing him. Secondly shameless shamsi loves to quote a hadith or qquran verse in an exaggerated loud Arabic voice and tone and he evidently gets carried away at this point because then he starts using his Whole body movement to reflect what point he has especially with his arms and hands, and this is when he starts addressing the crowd and camera rather than hijab and he falls to translate what he had just said in Arabic for everyone benefit. This process he is not there to benefit anyone with paying correct knowledge, rather he is there to put on a display that he is knowledgeable and wiser than the rest,, and he feels gratified knowing that he addressed the camera and that a crowd way there to witness him correcting someone. Biggest scammer and bullshitter .. he was on the streets a few years ago selling bits until he got caught and then started gaining knowledge from people that are sectarianism debaters and defeatist methods of questioning in order to label someone as an innovator, khawarij, etc etc. This is not the method prescribed or practised by the prophet Muhammad peace be upon him nor is it the way that Allah has told us to invite to Islam. So if it isn't the way I of the prophet or the way of Allah, which is the same, then it is certainly the way of the shaytaan. It is ugly, arrogant, ignorant, hostile, argumentative, disruptive , bad mannered, desperate , egoistic and barbaric way of trying to represent the r beauty and truth of Islam and unjust and false way of portraying the character of the prophet Muhammad peace be upon him . Why are you making big fuss about sunni and the conditions that qualify one to be a flower of the sunnah when nothing about you by way òf character or body language or method of engaging in discussion or manners or general behaviour has anything to do with the prophet. So assassinating the Character of the prophet Muhammad please. Learn the basics of sunnah behaviour and conduct andmanners and read how the sahabi would imitate him and you do the same I.e. follow the sunnah ways before leaving to others about what A sunni is.
Remember the hadith of the day of judgment and the first three to enter hell will be the martyr, the wealthy man and the scholars. ? Why? The martyr will be asked what he did and he will say that he fought and died for the sake of Allahbut he will be told he's lying because he only fought so that the people can praise him and say he is a brave man so he will be thrown into hell. The wealthy man will be asked what he did and he will say he spent in the way of Allahbut he will be told he's lying because he only spent so people can say he's generous so he e well be thrown into hell. The solar will be asked what he didand he will say he learned and taught the deen of Allah for Allah's sake but he will be told he's is lying because he only gained knowledge so that people can praise him and say that he's a wise knowledgeable man and he will be thrown into hell.
Let this be a warning. Shamsi you blatantly be trying to address the camera or the crowd because you need them desperately to hear and see you talking about Islam because you get satisfied and assured from their praise and compliments and that therefore is whose sake you are doing it for. Your from the street but doesn't mean that you čarry street mentality with you forever. The fact that you still do proves again that you're seeking knowledge for insincere aims and reasons otherwise if you were sincere you wouldn't care about the camera position or if the crowd is listening he even present, you would be focused on the truth of Allah being spread and you would be behaving like the prophet.
Please take this as sincere advise and please don't be Arrogant and ignorant to dismiss what I said. It's your here after that you're playing with.
Hijab wasn't joking about deen.its because he was angry at this stupid shams, who does not even listen and respect what others have to say. And hijab didn't want to disrespect him. Just because he is Muslim, this shamsou should learn manners and morals of Islam. Big respect to a true ideal example of Islam brother hijab
@@londonalgeria2180 nice manners shams is good person why you call him stupid?
Because of his lahja?
He speak like this his tune like this because he from algera many algera people there talk tune llike this.
Shamsi talks with lot of science, knowledge, evidences, says of salaf... Macha Allah, continue like this brother.
What is sunna wal jamaa
@@alihasanashrafi6058 The way of Prophet Mohammad peace be upon him and his companions
@@monirul4478 imagine thinking that the law of God is strict. Then you must be a jew like person who wants it to change to suit his own needs
Truly shamsi is on true guidance.
Stop writing mashallah with a C
Shamsi’s slogan should be ‘clear cut’ walahi I love he’s statement ‘I don’t bring my opinion’
I seen a few videos now of shamsi educating hijab and Ali Dawah . Years later they are slandering his name online it’s a shame
That's not how it works. Madkhalis have messed up big time, creating unnecessary fitnah amongst the ummah.
@Aboo_Khaalid lol I hardly watch their videos. You are a slanderer (typical madkhali)
Yes its very funny if u think about it, they are indirectly seeking knowledge, and when they understand a few things, they wanna slander
Because shamsi makes fun of the ahlul bait
Shamsi is a person who makes his point clearly on quran and sahi ahhadees and don't uses his thinking. His message is more profound ...
Alhamdulillah...in sha Allah i will also in sha Allah
of course, he is a saudi disco king's fan too, did you know about that?
@@sovu9399 i think you're hurt...haha
@@ubaidshaikh1837 i'm not a saudi disco king's fan, why would i be hurt?
@@sovu9399 takfir is not a joke.......
So he's trying tell that don't go beyond the boundries....that's it.....
What's the problem
Remember to follow the true teachings of Islam, and to politely point out the mistakes a brother might make , knowingly or unknowingly. It's not about whose better than who. We got to remember, ego should not have any part in Islam. This is a platform for duwah, an example of a perfect being and respect for one another.
May ALLAH keep the ummah strong on eman - ameen.
Shamsi is so clear and direct I agree with him
Study the life of Jesus in Gospels & seek to follow & emulate him. He is the one true & perfect example for all mankind to follow. Muhammad was & is not such example.
Don't agree with the above? Read the Quran & Hadith & examine the life of Muhammad & see if he was/is such an example for anyone to follow.
Jesus is the "way, truth & the life, no one comes to the Father, God," except through Him. So, follow Him!
Shamsi is only playing to the camera and crowd. Muhammad hijab is clearly there for a sincere discussion. How? For you blind people, I'll explain the obvious for the ones whose hearts are sealed and have a disease. Brother hijab is always facing and looking at the person he is talking to. But shameless shamsi is always trying to look directly into the camera and when he has a point to sound clever with, he will turn to the crowd and appeal to them even though he is having a discussion with a guy right in front of him who he is supposed to be looking at if he is addressing him. Secondly shameless shamsi loves to quote a hadith or qquran verse in an exaggerated loud Arabic voice and tone and he evidently gets carried away at this point because then he starts using his Whole body movement to reflect what point he has especially with his arms and hands, and this is when he starts addressing the crowd and camera rather than hijab and he falls to translate what he had just said in Arabic for everyone benefit. This process he is not there to benefit anyone with paying correct knowledge, rather he is there to put on a display that he is knowledgeable and wiser than the rest,, and he feels gratified knowing that he addressed the camera and that a crowd way there to witness him correcting someone. Biggest scammer and bullshitter .. he was on the streets a few years ago selling bits until he got caught and then started gaining knowledge from people that are sectarianism debaters and defeatist methods of questioning in order to label someone as an innovator, khawarij, etc etc. This is not the method prescribed or practised by the prophet Muhammad peace be upon him nor is it the way that Allah has told us to invite to Islam. So if it isn't the way I of the prophet or the way of Allah, which is the same, then it is certainly the way of the shaytaan. It is ugly, arrogant, ignorant, hostile, argumentative, disruptive , bad mannered, desperate , egoistic and barbaric way of trying to represent the r beauty and truth of Islam and unjust and false way of portraying the character of the prophet Muhammad peace be upon him . Why are you making big fuss about sunni and the conditions that qualify one to be a flower of the sunnah when nothing about you by way òf character or body language or method of engaging in discussion or manners or general behaviour has anything to do with the prophet. So assassinating the Character of the prophet Muhammad please. Learn the basics of sunnah behaviour and conduct andmanners and read how the sahabi would imitate him and you do the same I.e. follow the sunnah ways before leaving to others about what A sunni is.
Remember the hadith of the day of judgment and the first three to enter hell will be the martyr, the wealthy man and the scholars. ? Why? The martyr will be asked what he did and he will say that he fought and died for the sake of Allahbut he will be told he's lying because he only fought so that the people can praise him and say he is a brave man so he will be thrown into hell. The wealthy man will be asked what he did and he will say he spent in the way of Allahbut he will be told he's lying because he only spent so people can say he's generous so he e well be thrown into hell. The solar will be asked what he didand he will say he learned and taught the deen of Allah for Allah's sake but he will be told he's is lying because he only gained knowledge so that people can praise him and say that he's a wise knowledgeable man and he will be thrown into hell.
Let this be a warning. Shamsi you blatantly be trying to address the camera or the crowd because you need them desperately to hear and see you talking about Islam because you get satisfied and assured from their praise and compliments and that therefore is whose sake you are doing it for. Your from the street but doesn't mean that you čarry street mentality with you forever. The fact that you still do proves again that you're seeking knowledge for insincere aims and reasons otherwise if you were sincere you wouldn't care about the camera position or if the crowd is listening he even present, you would be focused on the truth of Allah being spread and you would be behaving like the prophet.
Please take this as sincere advise and please don't be Arrogant and ignorant to dismiss what I said. It's your here after that you're playing with.
@@robertokello5201 you don't follow him only Paul!!
@@robertokello5201you follow Paul’s teaching not Jesus. Like for example: Jesus fell on his face and prayed, who prays like that??? MUSLIMS. We follow Jesus more than you guys lol.
@@robertokello5201paul wrote the bible and never met jesus himself he went against the companions and claimed there were “500 witnesses to the crucifixion” no other witnesses came out nor did he prove he was speaking the word of god if anything he disproved himself by telling his followers to break the law something jesus peace be upon him specifically said not to do where as the prophet muhammad peace be upon taught the same things all prophets did including jesus pbuh which is submit to one god.
The specifics here about every single detail that they speak on is on point. Mashallah🤲🏾
I actually love how they respect & understand each other. Allahumma barik.
only they don't
@@TheOnlyIncognito 🤓🤓🤓
Yes at that time they had a beautiful conversation but now they shooting to eachother very sad :( there shouldn‘t be fitnah under the muslims
Muhammad Hijab is more respectful here & made more sense.
اَمِين يَا رَبَّ الْعَالَمِيْن
The haqq is clear. May Allaah preserve the salafis and guide the people of misguidance. Aameen.
Shamsi and Anwar make it clear may Allaah preserve and protect them.
Study the life of Jesus in Gospels & seek to follow & emulate him. He is the one true & perfect example for all mankind to follow. Muhammad was & is not such example.
Don't agree with the above? Read the Quran & Hadith & examine the life of Muhammad & see if he was/is such an example for anyone to follow.
Jesus is the "way, truth & the life, no one comes to the Father, God," except through Him. So, follow Him!
Why don't you say may Allah preserve the Muslim unnmah?
@@therealist7248 what do you mean by ummah? Does that include those who oppose the messenger of Allaah. If so why would i ask Allaah to preserve people upon such action. Rather i ask Allaah to guide them.
True love = the love of God!
*God himself went to the cross for you out of love for you as a human being*
Philippians 2:5-8
@@tomolo2619 don’t start this convo bro. No one in their right mind worships a god who has a mother and this god is in the form of a human that died for the sins of humans. Sincerely study islam and you will come to know the truth.
Don't worry about what others may say what is right is right harshness should be addressed when necessary its cuz br shams is very passionate in his deen u can't mess abt
You are a madkhalis supporter right
Aaliyah Imaan A hey sexy
Aaliyah Imaan A u have fb?
@@aqilbaghdad9741 don't treat her like the ppl in your family teach you to treat woman, she's not your mom!
Shamsi always speaking facts
To put a false thought or a question is very easy but to answer and clarifying required complete hold of Knowledge from Salaf ..... and one should listen full answer to clear his doubts ..... its always a long shot to understand these matters .... May Allah help Shamsi Ameen😊
Wallahi shami I just 100 love him because he is humble in his knowledge. His smarts are based on referring to Quran and Hadith. Love this man. mashaAllah. They get mad and interrupt because his answers come off to them like a grown man schooling an arrogant child. Explains step by step. Lol. His arguments always have structure. like an essay, starts with a thesis and builds from there. References and facts etc.
His channel is dus dawah
Shamsi is only playing to the camera and crowd. Muhammad hijab is clearly there for a sincere discussion. How? For you blind people, I'll explain the obvious for the ones whose hearts are sealed and have a disease. Brother hijab is always facing and looking at the person he is talking to. But shameless shamsi is always trying to look directly into the camera and when he has a point to sound clever with, he will turn to the crowd and appeal to them even though he is having a discussion with a guy right in front of him who he is supposed to be looking at if he is addressing him. Secondly shameless shamsi loves to quote a hadith or qquran verse in an exaggerated loud Arabic voice and tone and he evidently gets carried away at this point because then he starts using his Whole body movement to reflect what point he has especially with his arms and hands, and this is when he starts addressing the crowd and camera rather than hijab and he falls to translate what he had just said in Arabic for everyone benefit. This process he is not there to benefit anyone with paying correct knowledge, rather he is there to put on a display that he is knowledgeable and wiser than the rest,, and he feels gratified knowing that he addressed the camera and that a crowd way there to witness him correcting someone. Biggest scammer and bullshitter .. he was on the streets a few years ago selling bits until he got caught and then started gaining knowledge from people that are sectarianism debaters and defeatist methods of questioning in order to label someone as an innovator, khawarij, etc etc. This is not the method prescribed or practised by the prophet Muhammad peace be upon him nor is it the way that Allah has told us to invite to Islam. So if it isn't the way I of the prophet or the way of Allah, which is the same, then it is certainly the way of the shaytaan. It is ugly, arrogant, ignorant, hostile, argumentative, disruptive , bad mannered, desperate , egoistic and barbaric way of trying to represent the r beauty and truth of Islam and unjust and false way of portraying the character of the prophet Muhammad peace be upon him . Why are you making big fuss about sunni and the conditions that qualify one to be a flower of the sunnah when nothing about you by way òf character or body language or method of engaging in discussion or manners or general behaviour has anything to do with the prophet. So assassinating the Character of the prophet Muhammad please. Learn the basics of sunnah behaviour and conduct andmanners and read how the sahabi would imitate him and you do the same I.e. follow the sunnah ways before leaving to others about what A sunni is.
Remember the hadith of the day of judgment and the first three to enter hell will be the martyr, the wealthy man and the scholars. ? Why? The martyr will be asked what he did and he will say that he fought and died for the sake of Allahbut he will be told he's lying because he only fought so that the people can praise him and say he is a brave man so he will be thrown into hell. The wealthy man will be asked what he did and he will say he spent in the way of Allahbut he will be told he's lying because he only spent so people can say he's generous so he e well be thrown into hell. The solar will be asked what he didand he will say he learned and taught the deen of Allah for Allah's sake but he will be told he's is lying because he only gained knowledge so that people can praise him and say that he's a wise knowledgeable man and he will be thrown into hell.
Let this be a warning. Shamsi you blatantly be trying to address the camera or the crowd because you need them desperately to hear and see you talking about Islam because you get satisfied and assured from their praise and compliments and that therefore is whose sake you are doing it for. Your from the street but doesn't mean that you čarry street mentality with you forever. The fact that you still do proves again that you're seeking knowledge for insincere aims and reasons otherwise if you were sincere you wouldn't care about the camera position or if the crowd is listening he even present, you would be focused on the truth of Allah being spread and you would be behaving like the prophet.
Please take this as sincere advise and please don't be Arrogant and ignorant to dismiss what I said. It's your here after that you're playing with.
*Who explains to us why the Koran says Christians believe God has a biological son!*
To all Muslims! Son of God means NOT SON! What is called the son of God is the word of God = god himself! Which has nothing to do with a child (son)! Thus, the Son of God is incarnated as the human Jesus and the human Jesus is therefore referred to as a son, which does not mean a son!
Hebr 1,2 Hath in these last days spoken unto us by his Son, whom he hath appointed heir of all things, *by whom also he made the worlds;*
as everyone can see the term Son of God refers to the Word of God = god himself! For through that God created the worlds! *what a mistake in the Qur'an!*
Shamsi is good with quran and sunnah ....while hijab is more philosophical...and Islam is not philosophy
It is a healthy discussion among brothers. need more discussions like this. Allah bless you all brothers and sisters from Saudi Arabia
1:53:10 in case you didnt see the whole video the last message from shamsi is very important and i want everyone to hear it especially non muslims
The Prophet said to follow the Quran and Ahyl Bayt, not Quran and companions.
@@BodmonBullet are you Shia?
@@asmaa.184 Of course, the real islam
@@BodmonBullet obviously you’d say that, go watch shamsi’s debate with Shias
@@BodmonBullet y’all worship Ali RA and curse the rest of the companions🤦♀️
Mohammad hijab is speaking about opinions not facts, not the way of salaf
You guys can see for the first 17mins of this video Brother Shamsi has been mentioning scholars and didn't mention Sheikh Rabii' al-Madkhaliyy, but Muhammad Hijab still blame Shamsi fow always saying Sheikh Rabii' .
I like shamsy he is not aggressive, It's just the Algerian way to talk😂😂😛
Brother from Tunisia
He doesn't have manner of debating, keep interrupting his opponents.
Same 🇹🇳
It’s a normal way of talking in fact for Morrocan/Algerian/Tunisian, it’s just passionate
Algerian way doesnt make it ok
@@ggvv9700 his logic and proofs do
🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 yeah الطبع غلااااب 🇩🇿🇩🇿🇩🇿🇩🇿
Chamssi An educated person who speaks with evidence and reference
Subhanallah this is not a debate. This is two good intellectual brothers having a good intellectual discussion.
saying hijab is an intellectual almost made me spit out my ahwe laughing
@@charliefoxtrotter Hijab is definitely an intellectual stop being rude and ignorant just because you dislike someone doesn't give you the right to discredit their hard work and Intelligence Allah yehdik
@@charliefoxtrotter Lol, impossible. Where is his intelectualism tho? Hahahaha
@@StimuliKingintellectual freemason
Shamsi is simply on another level ❤
May Allah protect us from Bidaah and innovation, and show us the straight path
semoga aja.. Amin
***True love = the love of God!*** God himself went to the cross for you out of love for you as a human being Philippians 2:5-8
@@tomolo2619 why God need blood 🩸 for forgive us?😂
All religions presented themselves as Llies when they denied Jesus his sacrifice!
God is holy and therefore inevitably always righteous. So God can never be merciful, gracious, because grace is not justice and therefore is wrong! A holy God can only be holy if he Never does wrong !! So Fact is without Jesus his SACRIFICE out of love for us we would all be lost! Only YHWH is not lying when he says he is HOLY and merciful! Who is YHWH equal? Exactly no one!!
JESUS gave himself as a sin offering !! A pure life for a life !! Because we have to be holy = without guilt otherwise God will judge us fair and just !! Jesus is YHWH and thus the Creator of everything and thus has the weight to wash the whole creation clean with these pure lives (Blood) !! God bless you
It's certainly is difficulty to be patient when you have to keep repeating your clear cut point over and over again. May Allah reward Shamsi for his patience and increase us all in patience.
Mannnn. Shamsi is incredible so smart so strong faith. May allah bless you Shamsi and guide us all and guide you mohammed hijab.
@Nick Reigh My brother, in reality nationalism that exists today is one of the biggest idols which is being worshipped alongside Allah today but Allah doesn't accept anyone to be worshipped beside Him.
Unfortunately a lot of so called Muslims in " Muslim countries" are busy worshipping this idol with no shame or regret rather they are so proud of it that they might even call you khawarij if you point to their kufr of nationalism.
Some people think that just praying salat and identifying themselves as Muslims makes them bulletproof- takfeerproof individuals but this is absolutely not the case.
First Caliph and companion Abu bakr made clear takfeer of people who merely refused to pay zakat to Him.. I wonder what these people would have called him if he wasn't a high stature individual in Islam.
Shamsi is knowledgeable but he have much to benefit from proper etiquette of debating
@@autorefresher1 No I don't agree with that. He wants to stay firm on the topic
@@autorefresher1 you're right he had to learn manners when dealing with others he is so agressive
May Allah guide shamsi far from hizb and sect of madkhali to the true path of kitab and sunna
May Allah swt reward these two dedicated brothers and guide them along the straight path 🤲
Shamsi your so passionate about keeping everyone on Deen as you take it seriously and seem to make sure you keep MUSLIMS and nonmuslims in the loop about how is Islam feels about each subject and clarifies the facts for everyone. Mashalla. Can you explain exactly why the fitnah continues with Bro Hajib and Ali.
That dead look by shamsi, they kept cutting and diversing from the main points, may Allah give him patience.
Masha Allah Tabarak Allah
This is the most beautiful discussion, so fruitful and learned a lot from.
This is how it should be like.
May Allah unite us and soften our hearts to one another and increase our knowledge and make it easy for us to act on the knowledge we have in sincere and way that pleases him all mighty.
After this discussion, Hijab went on a mission to slander and do character assassination on Shamsi
@@bilalalmurtaza2733 you jumbled the names, probably. Be fair, and recognise the cult-worshipping mentalities
brother shamsi is right may allah support his purpose
When muslims discussing, the level of knowledge is now in another level. Br Shamsi seems to have better arguments when people are already back to Islam. Both are great btw. Love them both
One is a person of Sunnah (Shamsi). The other is a misguided innovator, circus clown and a fool (MH). How on earth can you love both?
@@Mozee854 Bro just shut up
@@Csgo-beast and remain silent for ahlul-Bid’a to promote their evil? No thanks.
@@Mozee854 You'd be clowned 1 min in a debate with MH so just shut up and know your place. You said nothing about how MH is a clown you can't just say stuff out your ass.
@@Csgo-beast Don’t project your ignorance and cringe worthy awe of MH onto me. You might get mesmerised by his philosophical babble but I can see right through it.
Shamsi came with evidences. MH came with opinions. That’s why one is a person of Sunnah (Shamsi), the other is a person of Bid’a (MH).
Mans be getting star struck by some clown philosopher. Dumb bre.
Brother Mohammed Hijab should have really studied in this particular subject before going out there, this seemed more like a class than a discussion or debate.
Brother, he fell down at the first hurdle. The foundations are weak the building (however tall) will fall
Why are they talking about please?
School was in session
@@SS-rp6ws who and who are not the Khawarej. (Whoever rebels against caliphs and leaders).
Under which circumstances can you make takfeer on someone (call him a non Muslim)
When can you make tabdi3 in someone (accuse him of following a certain sect)
Is takfeer a bid3a or not.
@@southernrealist5789 did Allah ever tell us to say that our group are more true and holier than others and only our group will go to paradise like what these salafi is saying to other muslim?
Allah already forbid muslim from creating group and yet these salafi came here telling that other muslim are not going to paradise bruh
(Quran 6: 159)
Indeed, those who have divided their religion and become sects - you, [O Muhammad], are not [associated] with them in anything. Their affair is only [left] to Allah ; then He will inform them about what they used to do.
Shamsi knowledge is amazing and on point, he doesn't have time to waste, he wants hijab to get to the point quickly as possible.
shamsi is a hypocrite who supports israely stooge saudi regime
@@capnsmo6888 how do you know
@@Itachiuchiha-dh6gc 1- we know because shamsi says he supports all of these atheist-israely funded regimes like saudi and any1 against these satanic regimes is khawarij he says
2- he promotes madkhali saudi salafi Islam, which is fake Islam calls for obedience to disbelieving atheist rulers instead of opposing them. This fake Saudi salafi islam is funded by usa and saudi gov
3- He tries to get arrested all of his opponents no different from the secret services in egypt or saudi etc.
@@capnsmo6888 The khawarij are the dogs of hell, if the leaders are fasiqs then its between him and Allah Subhanahu Wa Tala no doubt. Who are we to point at people saying this and thus are non believers. Allah guides whom He wants. And Allahu Alem
@@SalafiyahManhaj Allah swt sent Quran to judge with. You must use Quran as evidence. Allah swt says those who do not judge by what ALlah swt has revealed are disbelievers. Todays rulers do not abide by sharia and they take disbelievers as awliya which is another nullifiar of iman.
“...Those who do not rule by what Allah has revealed are Kafirun(disbelievers).”[5-44]
... And whoever does not judge by what Allah has revealed - then it is those who are the Zalimun(wrongdoers).(5:45)
...And whoever does not judge by what Allah has revealed - then it is those who are the Fasiqun(defiantly disobedient).(5:47)
Shaykh Al-Islam, Ibn Taymiyyah said:
“The person who is obeyed in disobedience of Allah or the person who is obeyed in following other than the guidance of the religion of truth;
in either case, if what he orders mankind is in opposition to Allah’s orders, then he is a Taghoot. For this reason, we call the people
who rule by other than what Allah revealed, a ‘Taghoot’.” (“Al-Fatawa”, Vol. 28/200)
we need brothers like Shamsi and Mohammad , may Allah(swt) always guide and bless them so they can continue to teach us all. Subhanallah
Why he says sunni salaf are the real Muslim ??
What about other sects like hanafi hanbali and others ??
@@ToCatchALiarOnTH-cam hanafi hanbali are not sects 🤦🏾♂️
@@ToCatchALiarOnTH-cam There is only Muslim thats it ahki no "sects" these things are made up for politics not Allah(swt)
Sects exist and the prophet salahallah alaihi wasallam said they will be 73. You must accept and learn which one is following the correct one.
Honestly, Shamsi makes me want to run to him to get some of that knowledge! I'm not at all intimidated out see him as aggressive at all ☝🏿🕋.
His channel is dus dawah
Can anybody tell me what’s happening? Please I am a revert, don’t know about what they are talking.
@@moinshaik4284 in simple terms, hijab is not following the teachings of the quran and sunnah.
Shamsi is firm on quran and sunnah.
I advise you to avoid listening to people who are not firm on quran and sunnah.
the Prophet (sallallāhu ‘alayhi wa sallam) where he said: “Whoever innovates or gives protection to an innovator therein, upon him is the curse of Allah, of the angels and of all the people.” This is a hadīth reported by Muslim (1371).
@@southernrealist5789 thanks..
Shamsi isn't being aggressive he only stats the truth
Shemsi may allah reward you for your good deeds
Shamsi is only playing to the camera and crowd. Muhammad hijab is clearly there for a sincere discussion. How? For you blind people, I'll explain the obvious for the ones whose hearts are sealed and have a disease. Brother hijab is always facing and looking at the person he is talking to. But shameless shamsi is always trying to look directly into the camera and when he has a point to sound clever with, he will turn to the crowd and appeal to them even though he is having a discussion with a guy right in front of him who he is supposed to be looking at if he is addressing him. Secondly shameless shamsi loves to quote a hadith or qquran verse in an exaggerated loud Arabic voice and tone and he evidently gets carried away at this point because then he starts using his Whole body movement to reflect what point he has especially with his arms and hands, and this is when he starts addressing the crowd and camera rather than hijab and he falls to translate what he had just said in Arabic for everyone benefit. This process he is not there to benefit anyone with paying correct knowledge, rather he is there to put on a display that he is knowledgeable and wiser than the rest,, and he feels gratified knowing that he addressed the camera and that a crowd way there to witness him correcting someone. Biggest scammer and bullshitter .. he was on the streets a few years ago selling bits until he got caught and then started gaining knowledge from people that are sectarianism debaters and defeatist methods of questioning in order to label someone as an innovator, khawarij, etc etc. This is not the method prescribed or practised by the prophet Muhammad peace be upon him nor is it the way that Allah has told us to invite to Islam. So if it isn't the way I of the prophet or the way of Allah, which is the same, then it is certainly the way of the shaytaan. It is ugly, arrogant, ignorant, hostile, argumentative, disruptive , bad mannered, desperate , egoistic and barbaric way of trying to represent the r beauty and truth of Islam and unjust and false way of portraying the character of the prophet Muhammad peace be upon him . Why are you making big fuss about sunni and the conditions that qualify one to be a flower of the sunnah when nothing about you by way òf character or body language or method of engaging in discussion or manners or general behaviour has anything to do with the prophet. So assassinating the Character of the prophet Muhammad please. Learn the basics of sunnah behaviour and conduct andmanners and read how the sahabi would imitate him and you do the same I.e. follow the sunnah ways before leaving to others about what A sunni is.
Remember the hadith of the day of judgment and the first three to enter hell will be the martyr, the wealthy man and the scholars. ? Why? The martyr will be asked what he did and he will say that he fought and died for the sake of Allahbut he will be told he's lying because he only fought so that the people can praise him and say he is a brave man so he will be thrown into hell. The wealthy man will be asked what he did and he will say he spent in the way of Allahbut he will be told he's lying because he only spent so people can say he's generous so he e well be thrown into hell. The solar will be asked what he didand he will say he learned and taught the deen of Allah for Allah's sake but he will be told he's is lying because he only gained knowledge so that people can praise him and say that he's a wise knowledgeable man and he will be thrown into hell.
Let this be a warning. Shamsi you blatantly be trying to address the camera or the crowd because you need them desperately to hear and see you talking about Islam because you get satisfied and assured from their praise and compliments and that therefore is whose sake you are doing it for. Your from the street but doesn't mean that you čarry street mentality with you forever. The fact that you still do proves again that you're seeking knowledge for insincere aims and reasons otherwise if you were sincere you wouldn't care about the camera position or if the crowd is listening he even present, you would be focused on the truth of Allah being spread and you would be behaving like the prophet.
Please take this as sincere advise and please don't be Arrogant and ignorant to dismiss what I said. It's your here after that you're playing with.
throughout this whole video mo hijab was getting educated by shamsi so hijab should really just stop with his lame jokes and read more books of the salaf assalih
Hahaha ! The devil cult . Satan is waiting for all your souls to be tortured .
I am withe you%
@Floofy shibe not even evil loves evil. That's like a bad kid loving an abusive father
@@hamar5908 what is wrong with the books of the salaf
@@abdulallahabdulsomad3202 did I comment on the salaf?
I am from Bangladesh and I love brother Shamsi 🇧🇩🇧🇩🇸🇦🇸🇦🇩🇿🇩🇿❤️❤️
And we love Bangladesh from algeria ❤❤❤
I am an Albanian from Kosovo but I don't love Shamsi because he is Algerian but because he is Salafi only for this we love it
Shamsi is lion, I love this guy, MashaAllah....
اسد في بعث احذية الحكام
yes me too, and I am very disgusted to see mo hijab, her clothes and her behavior towards shaykh syamsi makes me sick. But before I got to know the sheikh shamsi I was amazed by Mo Hijab, after this video made me change my mind about mo hijab.
@@dinerdin2393 Mohammed hijab akida ignore.
Does Shamsi have a channel?
@@wylingfu DUS Dawah
كلاهما دعى إلى الله ودافعا عن الإسلام ، والله أعلم
نسأل الله لهم القبول والهداية والعلم .
May Allaah Azz Wajal preserve you Shamsi Ameen. Haq always will prevail Alhamdulillaah
I love knowladge of shamsi. May allah bless him
mohammed hijab bringing the topic of the fight between anwar and the other dude when it wasnt relevent to the topic was very disappointing to see
I hardly understand Shamsi, but I still hear him crying about creating takfeer on the leaders. But how much takfeer do you make on Muslims? How often do you say '' this '' and '' that '' scholar is erring? Or that he is an innovator? When you walk on the street you even have trouble giving the salaam because he does not belong to the small club called '' salaf ''.
I have seen in several videos that you are allergic to hearing the term '' unity ''. The artificial borders that the West has created between the Muslim countries. In short, everything that Western governments are allergic to, you are also allergic to.
@@The-intellectual-fighter salafis are all about unity by keeping the main body of muslims(jama'ah) alive on the straight path
@@abdulallahabdulsomad3202 That is what i never see by that kind of people who Shamsi belongs too.
@@The-intellectual-fighter I do see it with them, they call to salafia and warn against falsehood
@@abdulallahabdulsomad3202 I don't understand your comment...
I have been introduced to theses speaker corner videos; started watching from Ali dawah, Hijab, Mansoor and to Shamsi. All are well equipped with knowledge and Logic. But if I have to choose who is better amongst them, I will definitely go For Br Shamsi.
look up christian prince
@@TheAlilah lol he is stupid and you think he is smart because he says some arab words
@@hamzaajakkaf7523 he is an arabic..lol his language is arabic..So what do you mean some arabic words? LOL That is your only response? Muslims can't play games with him because he speaks the language of the quran
@@TheAlilah Watch Farid responds' playlist of 100 lies of Christian Prince.
@@raiyatsaadman8763 I have......Not one lie told. unlike others I actually research what another person is saying. You can not name 1 lie christian prince told. Just 1 I ask of you. All you have to listen to what he saying and compare. I would respect muslims a lot more if they just say ok, we were wrong and continue on with life but every year they are so desperate to find their prophet in the holy scriptures...not happening
I have great respect for brother Hijab, but I as a brother I would recommend to my brother in Islam to hear as much as he talks and not interrupt. Also I hope brother leaves his personal opinion out when it come to the deen and I am glad brother Shamsi pointed this out to and a respectable way. Also I am glad I have just to learn about brother Anwar from this video. He makes very clear cut points. And also if someone was to put their hands my shoulder so many times I am sure I will be irritated.
Who is this brother Anwar?... never heard of him... Brother Hijab is very honest when it comes to expressing his mind.. brother shamsi is very knowledgeable Masha'Allah
I agree 💯. It is a micro aggression if not aggression itself.
اسطورتي شمسي
عالم ما شاء الله عليه
يستدل بشيخ الإسلام وابن حجر وغيرهم
مطلع وحافظ وفاهم
الله يثبته ويهديه ويجمعنا به في الفردوس الأعلى
اللهم آمين
And who is better in speech than one who invites to Allah and does righteousness and says, "Indeed, I am of the Muslims."
Actually we have not to be selafi, suni wahabi..etc ....is it not sufficient for us being only Muslim...???
@@aman_tube9477 Allahu' Alam
@Mohammad Alsomaiif u say i follow the way Salafi salihun did here u go..but if u say i'm salafi to differ ur self from other Muslim brother and sister it is wrong.... and if Salafi means Muslim then why are u not Sunni??
“Indeed, I am of the submitted*” Muslims means nothing muslimeen means submitted which is an adjective to describe the state of the soul of someone who believe. Muslim is created by unbelievers and demons to create illusion of a third monotheistic religion when Islam is a universal religion who call all believers from whatever religious community to submit their soul and belief to One God, God. Their is no God but God, God is one Jesus can’t be be God cause God is God and He is the God of everybody.
Brothers stick together...dont let shaitan tear u down
Our din is One, we have to act like that and admit our errors and enjoin truth and forbid evil and then we will be One, we have same Aqidah Manhaj and some differing on fiqh is ok!
U moron they r the shaitan.lol.all pesos r.
@Nym GRACE Don't say that please. It's not helping anybody. Dhann is a terrible thing as said by Allah (swt) himself in Surah Al-Hujuraat v.12.
@Nym GRACE Prophet Muhamamd peace and blessings on him is a hero, and isis is a westernized mossad cia terrorist group, like ibn saba with shias and ignorant Sunnis, but not from the sunnah or tradition of the Prophet much peace and blessings on him. you only piss on yourself being a hog for the devil!
false sects like shia are judeo made salafists and wahabis only sprouted their ugly heads recently, they are 100% Bidda invented by the British. I’m not sure how you’re attacking everyone else. At least they’ve been around since the beginning, ignorant wahabi.
I don't understand while Hijabi is not understanding, why not learn or listen carefully to what Shamsi is saying. What's the meaning of in my opinion or in my point of view in deen, this is deen.
To a non muslim like myself it sounds like he is willing to give some fellow Sunni's the benefit of doubt which could cost lives.
@@1972dsrai nobody cares what y’all non Muslims think lol
Sadly its the main stream fashion in Egypt ( Allah the AlMighty says so&so, his prophet says the same think , but I think otherwise.)
أخونا شمسي وبعض من معه من إخواننا متأثرون بالفِرقة المدخلية/الجامية ويحسبون أنها كما تزعم على منهج السلف الصالح أي منهج أهل السنة والجماعة أي منهج أهل الحديث. ولعل أوضح مثال على هذا هو خلطه بين مسائل الفقه والعقيدة، من 2:13 إلى 2:37 تقريباً
و قذف من يتكلم أويعترض أو يثور على الحُكّام بأنه خارجي لمجرد كلامه أو اعتراضه أو ثورته، من 5:20 تقريباً وما بعدها !
وهذة عَجَلَة من صغار طلاب العلم وهي - في معظمها - نتيجة تدليس وتضليل وكتمان للعلم من قِبل رؤوس الفرقة المدخلية/الجامية وتغطيتهم لكلام أهل العلم بشأن أكثر المُكفّرات ارتكاباً من الحُكّام وهي الإعراض عن أحكام القرآن والسُنّة من جهة وتحكيم قوانين الكفار (القوانين الوضعية) من جهة أخرى.
@@bumpkin7171 للأسف
they learn from eachother
@@kerano861hijab learns from shamsi, not the other way around, Hijab is a liar, innovator, no one should listen to him
نسأل الله أن يجمعكم على الحق و على كتابه و سنة نبيّه الكريم ، بارك الله في علم شمسي و زاد الله محمد حجاب علماً و ثقفه في الدين .
ايش يتكلمو ؟؟.
واتمنى لو في ترجمه لها
الغال iutfyu ذكرني اشرح لك بعدين لاني مشغول ♥️
تقدر تشرح الحين اخوي
@@موحدبالله-ف4ذ الشيخ شمسي ينصح محمد حجاب بعدم مجالسة أهل البدع على الدوام لأنهم يؤثرون على عقيدة من يجالسهم و استمر بنصحهم لأنه صاحب علم بارك الله فيه ، أما محمد حجاب فمجاله مناظرة الملحدين و عقيدته و ثقافته في الدين لا تصل لمرحلة شمسي فهنا شمسي بدأ بنصحه بعدم مجالسة الشيعة ولا عدم مجالسة أهل البدع و قال له إنصحهم لكن لكن لا تجالسهم و استدل بأحاديث من السنه بينما محمد حجاب هداه الله ما زال يتعلم و استمر النقاش و حجة شمسي من الكتاب و السنه و اما محمد فهداه الله يرغي في الكلام نسأل الله له الهدايه هو و من معه .
الاخ الشمسي يمشي علا النهج الصحيح والعقيده السليمه عقيده اهل السنه والسلف الصالح ..
تحياتي من اليمن
اتفق معك.
نهج المداخلة تقصد
@@نورلاسلام-م3و المداخله ليس نهج او مذهب هو مصطلح اخترعه الاخوان المسلمين و السروريين لتشويه صورة اهل السنه و الجماعه و المتبعيين للسلف الصالح
@@bdot187um غير صحيح
منهج السلف يختلف عن المداخلة
السلف عندهم بيعة للحاكم و المداخلة مع اي حاكم حتى لو لم يكن هناك بيعة
@@UnHoLyHooLiGaN و حن على منهج السلف، والشيخ ربيع المدخلي تم تزكيته من كبار الشيوخ ابن عثيمين و ابن باز رحمهم الله فتطاولك على الشيخ و ادعائك عليه شي لم يقوله او يفعله لا يصح وانا اخوك...
People are always ready to see a fight and take sides, even if it is between brothers..just look at the comments
So true, all I see is two musliams talking about Islam and trying to reach the truth. No one is playing or acting, thats really rude. All of them are musliams and brothers in Islam.
Completely agreed. They are having a debate. And enjoying themselves.
Its not about taking side its about the truth and know who follow and not to follow
Seriously.. ‘oH mY gOd mOhaMmd kEe0pS tRyinG tO juStiFy hImseLf’ yes,. because it’s a conversation!!
I love shamsi may Allah bless him
أود أن أنوه الأخ شمسي بارك الله فيه و زاده الله علما أن يتحلى بالحلم و الصبر ما استطاع و لا يتسرع في إطلاق الأحكام أو حتى في محاولة الإقناع، لأن الأسلوب يجذب أكثر من الحجة نفسها، و ليس الجميع يفهم بنفس المستوى أو يفهم بنفس السرعة أو حتى بنفس الطريقة.
صراحة كلامك صحيح لكن شمسي أعطانا وأعطى حجاب ما يجب أن يأخذ به وهو ما قاله عمر بن الخطاب رضي الله عنه وارضاه هذا خلاصة كل هذا الفيديو
ما يعيب حجاب هو أنا رأيي أنا أردت أن أقول وهذا ما قام من أجله النقاش
معك حق
و مع ذلك وجب التحلي بالصبر و الحلم مع الإخوة فيما بينهم، و مع الجميع بصفة عامة، فالنفس نفس تميل لمن يتقرب منها بالأسلوب الذي يزين الحجة بعد ذلك و يزيدها اقناعا و خاصة أن حجاب لا ينقصه فهم او رجاحة عقل. فكما نصبر على حوار غير المسلم و نتلطف به فالأولى بنا الصبر على حوار المسلم الذي ننصحه
@@benabdeslem711 صح
أخونا شمسي وبعض من معه من إخواننا متأثرون بالفِرقة المدخلية/الجامية ويحسبون أنها كما تزعم على منهج السلف الصالح أي منهج أهل السنة والجماعة أي منهج أهل الحديث. ولعل أوضح مثال على هذا هو خلطه بين مسائل الفقه والعقيدة؛ من 2:13 إلى 2:37 تقريباً.
وقذفه لمن يتكلم أويعترض أو يثور على الحُكّام بأنه خارجي لمجرد كلامه أو اعتراضه أو ثورته، من 5:20 تقريباً وما بعدها !
وهذة عَجَلَة من صغار طلاب العلم وهي - في معظمها - نتيجة تدليس وتضليل وكتمان للعلم من قِبل رؤوس الفرقة المدخلية/الجامية وتغطيتهم لكلام أهل العلم بشأن أكثر المُكفّرات ارتكاباً من الحُكّام وهي الإعراض عن أحكام القرآن والسُنّة من جهة وتحكيم قوانين الكفار (القوانين الوضعية) من جهة أخرى.
أنت مخطيء في هذا
و ردك يتطلب دليلا على أنهم يخالفون أهل السنة و الجماعة. فإلصاق مسميات لهم لا يغير من حقيقة ما يدعون إليه ألا و هو إتباع الدليل حيث ما كان. فإن أنت أتيت لهم بدليل من الكتاب و السنة أن قولهم خاطيء و قولك صحيح ما كان لهم إلا الأخذ به.
فمن أين لك القول أن مؤاخذتهم لمن يتكلم و يثور على حكام المسلمين هو تدليس و تضليل و كتمان للعلم و الدين؟!
هل من دليل تقارع به أدلتهم!! أم هو الرأي!
عليك بعدم التسرع في إطلاق الأحكام لأن المسألة ليست بالهينة كما تظن، و ليست بالعواطف و الحماس، و خاتمتها اما جنة أو نار، فاحذر أخي من ذلك.
عليك بمراجعة أقوال السلف من الصحابة و من تبعهم باحسان لترى من خالف السنة و من تمسك بها، فمن هناك ينطلق البحث عن الحقيقة و لا تعصب إلا للحق
الناس اللي بتقول إن شمسي والرفاق لازم يبتهجوا شوية ،لازم يعرفوا إن النقاشات فى الدين والعقيدة مينفعش فيها هزار ،وإن النقاشات دي تختلف عن دعوة غير المسلمين
بارك الله فيك
انا للآن مو فاهمه ايش المشكله اللي بين محمد وعلي دعوة مع شمسي؟!!
@@stargazing2792 هناك عدة مشاكل
أهمها :نقص العلم الشرعي والتأصيل عند علي دعوة ومحمد
طريقة محمد وعلي دعوة في الدعوة خطأ فمن منهج أهل السنة التركيز على التوحيد، قال رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم لمعاذ لما أراد أن يرسله للكفار 《فليكن أول ماتدعوهم إليه شهادة أن لا إله إلا الله 》 وفي رواية 《إلى أن يوحدوا الله》
3- بعض الأفكار العقدية الخاطئة عند محمد وعلي دعوة
وغيرها كثير ..ويعرفها العاقل عند سماع كلامهما
@@MBdz557 👍🏻
Algerian guy مثل ماذا اخي ؟
Hijabs constant need to establish himself as the alpha is so annoying. The constant interrupting, touching, laughing around and not listening etc. Shamsi has so much patience Alhamdullilah.
What do you mean?
@@starplatinum5325 you can see in first few minute that hijab tries to "act friendly" by touching Shamsi.
But you can clearly see Shamsi distance himself from hijab everytime hijab extend his hand, showing that Shamsi is uncomfortable with him being touchy
As Salaam Wa Alaykoum, greetings and blessings from Sydney Australia, I’m of ARABIC Background, I really appreciate and like their DA’WAH, however the way of The SALAF, is the HAQQ and knowledge way forward for The UMMAH, May ALLAH SWT, unite us. ☝🏽🤲🏼💯
على محمد حجاب التعمق اكثر في تعلم اللغة العربية و مراجعة اقوال كبار العلماء بدل الاخذ برأيه الخاص
لا اظن المكان مناسبا لنقاش كهاذا ، فالهدف من ركن الخطباء هو نشر الدعوة و كلمة الله
قال تعالى {واعتصموا بحبل الله جميعا ولا تفرقوا}
ماذا تقول أنت هو يعلم جيدا و لكن يفضل أن يستمع على أن يتكلم
ما قلته من ظاهر ما رأيت، و الله اعلم.
@@AbdelkaderCH 12210 - حدثنا محمد بن الحسين قال، حدثنا أحمد بن المفضل قال، حدثنا أسباط، عن السدي قال: ثم أخبرهم بمن يتولاهم فقال: " إنما وليكم الله ورسوله والذين آمنوا الذين يقيمون الصلاة ويؤتون الزكاة وهم راكعون "، هؤلاء جميع المؤمنين، ولكن علي بن أبي طالب مرَّ به سائل وهو راكع في المسجد، فأعطاه خاتَمَه.
يا أخي سيدنا علي على العين و الرأس ، و لكن الزيادة في الدين تورث الفتنة ، الاسلام هو ما فعل و قال و أمر به سيدنا محمد عليه الصلاة و السلام ، و أما السياسة فلا يجب ان تغير في الدين ولا في العبادات. لو كان البكاء و النواح و ضرب النفس تعبيرا عن المحبة ، لضرب علي كرم الله وجهه و الصحاا الكرام نفسهم عند موت محمد سيد الخلق سلام الله و صلواته عليه. و لو جاز تكفير أحد من الصحابة لكفرهم علي أو الحسن ، لكن الحسن صلى على شهداء معركة الصفين و لم يسب أو يكفر منهم أحدا. كلنا نحب سيدنا علي و الحسن و الحسين ، لكن هذا ليس ذريعة للغلو في الدين أو لقلب السياسة و الخلافات التي حدثت بعد وفات النبي و نسبها للدين الاسلامي الحنيف. الإسلام دين عقل و ليس دين خضوع للعواطف.
و الله أعلم.
@@AbdelkaderCH الحديث إلي قال مو انا
Allah Ta'ala said,
واعتصموا بحبل الله جميعا ولا تفرقوا واذكروا نعمت الله عليكم إذ كنتم أعدآء فألف بين قلوبكم فأصبحتم بنعمته إخوانا
And all of you hold on to the rope (religion) of Allah, and do not divorce, and remember Allah's favor to you when the enemies (the time of Jahiliyah) are enemies, then Allah unites your heart, then be you for the favor of Allah the brothers . (Surat Ali Imran: 103)
hijab hasn't recovered from being put in his place by shamsi. most revealing is the intro where shamsi asks him directly and hijab refuses to name his shaykhs (tariq ramadan, h haddad, ie all the miserable ikhwanis).
Lol 😂😂😂
May Allah bless u with more knowledge br. Shamsi love from India,
Love Shamsi brother, the only guy who is 100% truth
The only person who’s is 100% truth is Prophet Muhammad ﷺ
@@ismailovsn and what does Shamsi follow ,and we follow ?
@@achrafelkhanjari9157 i follow Quran, Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, sahabas, ijma' of and muslim scholars. Shamsi follows his "shaykhs" from Saudi Arabia
@@ismailovsn shamsi is sunni,follows Quran,prophet mohamad salla lahu allayhi wassalam,and his sahaba,he clearly said this a lot of times
@@achrafelkhanjari9157 he said it, but he is not at all. he is wahhabi, not sunni.
Hearing and obeying Muslim leaders is ordered by Allah, the most high and by his Messenger, peace be upon him, not by “madkhali”.
However this order does not fit the desires of the people of innovation...
Хуршед Рахмон and When the leader goes agins the brother how fights and helping kufar to fight the brothers.. is he still a leader??? However the madkhali dont like this beacus dont fit the desires.
Did the prophet peace be upon him say obey the leader who rules by sharia ??? or any man made law ?
Tiger Rasool Barak Allahu feek! Ofc sharia brother
Well,in Saudi Arabia and Brunei they both rule by sharia.
El_3skrAziz_Gmz not full Sharia they have a king and what not
I met shamsi in Birmingham, such a nice brother!!! May Allah SWT reward his efforts clarifying the sunnah and being a thorn in the side of ahlul bidah
Shamsi is a very kindhearted person Allah bless him
Ayatollah Khomeini did a lot of work for Islam
@@Aliameem like what ?? Building Fake mosques ?!
Well actually he takes care of The Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps
And he ensures that the Islamic Learning seminaries in Qum are adequately funded, whilst also lecturing and teaching himself, whilst following the Sunna of the Prophet by tending to a variety of political dignitaries from different countries. I mean. Defense of The Islamic Realm is an obligation.. no ?
Shamsi , i love you for the sake of Allah, may allah protect you, and i ask allah Hidayah for Mohamed Hijab
It's sad How Hijab was being schooled for long and his still trying to Justify himself....
Shamsi MashAllah may Allah Bless
Have you seen what shamsi's video about eesa the brother who passed away it was disgusting I used too like him a lot too but he lost all respect from that video
@@liluzi_9mm78 Assalam Aleikum can you please share the link?
@@liluzi_9mm78 what's disgusting is ali's picking of shamsi mistakes, the scholars of islam always corrected the dead scholars mistakes, and that what shamsi mentioned when essas mistakes were public; then it should be clarified publicly so the general muslims wouldn't be misguided, shamsi clearly praised essas and said may allah have mercy on him, but because ali has something personal hes trying to look for his mistakes. May Allah guide brother ali
@@liluzi_9mm78 th-cam.com/video/eCEK1714isg/w-d-xo.html and soon shamsi will have a response video inshallah, Alhamdulilah the truth is clear as day, just dont put your emotions over the truth
@@FBM964tbh that's very true but I think he should've waited a couple days at least after his passing
please brothers remember we're all Muslim's, that should believe in ALLAH and to follow the ALLMIGHTY 'S rule. let's not stray from that path. we cannot call a Muslim brother a khafir. if he's doing something wrong, guide him with gentleness.
may ALLAH SWT keep the Ummah rightly guided - ameen.
Wow ! Thank god Shamsi is there to guide some british muslims to the true way of learning islam in the true way of salaf .
You mean the madhkali way..
Ikraam yes they do. I have met them.
@Ikraam too many to type here brother Yousef.
Please dm me.
Ahmed Qazi better sentence would be.. " Just because anyone calls them selves salafi does not mean they are following the salaf. The name has been hijacked by 3-4 groups. Most of them are sects and will be amongst the 72 going to hell. If anyone is confused they need to do more research with an open mind and do dua to allah for guidance" hint : anyone busy labeling others are most likely deviant themselves
The true way is Ahlus Sunnah Wal Jamaah, not the so-called "pseudo-Salafi way" of divisiveness. Look at the sheer carnage that has been unleashed by the madkhali movement and the khawarij.
You can’t debate with Salafi when it comes to Islamic knowledge.💯 Because they know what they talk about and they have reference for each and ever words they say btw this is not disrespecting Brother M.H but this is where knowledge plays a great key. They put him right where he belongs to.💯
Shamsi is an encyclopedia😲😦😮
Masha Allah Shamsi. We are watching you from Tajikistan
Ма ша Аллах ахи, джазакаЛлаху хайран
Да телеграмм канал хаст islam_tajikistan
Саласатуль усул ба забони точики хаст ин ша Аллах
@@bint-x7l jazak Allahu khayran. Tashakoor birodar
@@omarmirsaliktj9133 va iyyaka ahi al kareem
أخونا شمسي وبعض من معه من إخواننا متأثرون بالفِرقة المدخلية/الجامية ويحسبون أنها كما تزعم على منهج السلف الصالح أي منهج أهل السنة والجماعة أي منهج أهل الحديث. ولعل أوضح مثال على هذا هو خلطه بين مسائل الفقه والعقيدة، من 2:13 إلى 2:37 تقريباً.
وقذفه لمن يتكلم أويعترض أو يثور على الحُكّام بأنه خارجي لمجرد كلامه أو اعتراضه أو ثورته، من 5:20 تقريباً وما بعدها !
وهذة عَجَلَة من صغار طلاب العلم وهي - في معظمها - نتيجة تدليس وتضليل وكتمان للعلم من قِبل رؤوس الفرقة المدخلية/الجامية وتغطيتهم لكلام أهل العلم بشأن أكثر المُكفّرات ارتكاباً من الحُكّام وهي الإعراض عن أحكام القرآن والسُنّة من جهة وتحكيم قوانين الكفار (القوانين الوضعية) من جهة أخرى.
Walahi i am soo ptoud of brother shamsi, i am moroccan and algeria is our neighbour and algerians are our brothers, and brother shamsi you're a true lion, may allah bless you and grant you janah inshae allah
🇹🇳 Tunisian and proud as well
Love my Muslim brothers from all around the world, and my Algerian and Moroccan brothers which whom we share so much 🌎
@@a.b4531 we share Amazigh blood!!
@@amazingamazigh6847 We do Brother !
@@rootsism1 Good to see that you are awake. Many Tunisians are brainwashed by the pan arab regimes to believe they are ethnical arabs.
@@amazingamazigh6847 They are mistaken religion for root, many countries have accepted Islam but didn't got Arabized.
The deviance of Mohamed Hijab came out a lot in this video. One of the signs is Mohamed keeps saying in my opinion instead of referring to the Islamic evidence like hadiis and the scholars. Shamsi did the opposite he kept referring his proof or evidence with hadiis, Quran and scholars. These men are night and day. Complete opposite. One is based on deviance and misguidance( Hijab fella) and the other based on haqq as he refers to the Quran and Sunna (Shamsi). Can’t compare these individuals.
As a none Muslim I strongly agree can't stand Hijab but I like Shamsi
@@gibbo822 good conclusion. So why arent you muslim yet? Are you learning ?
@@SaebHalbouni shamsi when away from the clowns is a good debater I don't care for religion but when you see someone like him who cares for his religion and doesn't think he is above anyone I respect them and will listen
@@gibbo822 you don’t care for the guidance that God revealed to mankind in order to be saved from hellfire Ans to enter paradise ? That is exactly wha you just said btw. Do you belive in God?
@@SaebHalbouni I meant other people's aspect on God I'm not going to argue with someone on their beliefs but a healthy debate is fun to watch
SubhaanAllah it's so clear hijjab is just speaking from opinion and shamsi does not speak accept he has a scholar to back what he says الله أكبر
@Abdullah Forever stop these games brother. You're treating over 20 years no without succes. Be clear. Be straight to the point.
السلام عليكم
إن الدين عند الله الاسلام والمسلمين هو الإسم الذي ارتضاه لنا ربنا جل في علاه فامن أين لكم بهته الأسماء الطائفية التي لم ينزل الله بها من سلطان هاذا يقول شيعي و الآخر سني و ذاك علوي والأخر صوفي و ماتريدي و رافضي ووووووو... إلخ
والله يهدي الجميع
@@Movie2Documentarywhat is this discussion about what is salafi what is this about
To sum up, Takfeer has conditions to apply it to a specific person. Thats what Hijab was trying to say and thats what Shamsi agreed on. But when it comes to applying it to the guy that Shamsi called khariji (which was the main reason for this discussion), Shamsi didn’t want to take it back. The argument goes from being an honest discussion, to a discussion where everyone is trying to prove he is right. Thats where it should have stopped. I watch both of them, and respect and actually like them both for their work and job. But this discussion should have been in private in the first place, because it started as an advise for Shamsi. And as we all know if you want to correct someone or advise him for something he did wrong, we should talk to him privately and not infront of camara where ego can become a factor.
I couldn’t say it better my brother
You missed the point. Shamsi agrees that there are conditions for making takfeer, however Hijab is trying to say they also exist for tabdi'. This isn't really the case as shamsi tried to explain many times. An ignorant Sufi is still a Sufi..
So calling him ignorant sufi is the right thing?
ماشاء الله تبارك الله أتلجتم قلبي في هذا اليوم المبارك ،نتعلّم منكم الكثير ،حواراتكم تنير عقولنا رغم اننا ولدنا في بلد إسلامي ،كتاب الله بين ايدينا ،المساجد من حولنا ونحن كُثر وكثيراً ما نجهل ديننا وعقيدتنا اخترلنا ديننا في العبادات و الفرائض وكثيرٌ منا لم يُسلم وجهه الى الله بإبتعاده عن منهج الرسول صلّ الله غله وسلّم😢 ادعو الله ان يحفضكم بما يحفض به عباده الصالحين🤲 اخوكم ياسين من مراكش
@@mansour3250 انتو شتقولون؟ وشو جامية؟ مدخلية؟ اخوانية؟
سبحان الله، الرسول عليه الصلاة والسلام حذر وحذر وحذر من الخروج على الحاكم ثم تأتي ايها الخارجي وتتهم الناس بأنهم جامية ومرجئه !؟
أخونا شمسي وبعض من معه من إخواننا متأثرون بالفِرقة المدخلية/الجامية ويحسبون أنها كما تزعم على منهج السلف الصالح أي منهج أهل السنة والجماعة أي منهج أهل الحديث. ولعل أوضح مثال على هذا هو خلطه بين مسائل الفقه والعقيدة، من 2:13 إلى 2:37 تقريباً
و قذف من يتكلم أويعترض أو يثور على الحُكّام بأنه خارجي لمجرد كلامه أو اعتراضه أو ثورته، من 5:20 تقريباً وما بعدها !
وهذة عَجَلَة من صغار طلاب العلم وهي - في معظمها - نتيجة تدليس وتضليل وكتمان للعلم من قِبل رؤوس الفرقة المدخلية/الجامية وتغطيتهم لكلام أهل العلم بشأن أكثر المُكفّرات ارتكاباً من الحُكّام وهي الإعراض عن أحكام القرآن والسُنّة من جهة وتحكيم قوانين الكفار (القوانين الوضعية) من جهة أخرى.
الشيخ العلّامة عبدالله بن محمد بن حميد ت ١٤٠٢ يبين أن البلاء من القادة لا الشعوب فيقول: "الشعوب أعتقد أن فيها خير، معظم الشعوب فيها خير. لكن القادة، البلاء في القادة. الشعوب فيهم خير في الجملة"
وعن عبدالله بن مسعود رضي الله عنه قال: قال رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم
( سيكونُ أُمَراءُ مِن بعدي يقولونَ ما لا يفعَلونَ ويفعَلونَ ما لا يُؤمَرونَ فمَن جاهَدهم بيدِه فهو مُؤمِنٌ ومَن جاهَدهم بلسانِه فهو مُؤمِنٌ ومَن جاهَدهم بقلبِه فهو مُؤمِنٌ لا إيمانَ بعدَه ) قال عطاءٌ : فحين سمِعْتُ الحديثَ منه انطلَقْتُ به إلى عبدِ اللهِ بنِ عُمَرَ فأخبَرْتُه فقال : أنتَ سمِعْتَ ابنَ مسعودٍ يقولُ هذا ؟ كالمُدخِلِ عليه في حديثِه - قال عطاءٌ : فقُلْتُ : هو مريضٌ فما يمنَعُكَ أنْ تعُودَه ؟ قال : فانطلِقْ بنا إليه فانطلَق وانطلَقْتُ معه فسأَله عن شكواه ثمَّ سأَله عنِ الحديثِ قال : فخرَج ابنُ عُمَرَ وهو يُقلِّبُ كفَّه وهو يقولُ : ما كان ابنُ أمِّ عبدٍ يكذِبُ على رسولِ اللهِ صلَّى اللهُ عليه وسلَّم.
أخرجه مسلم في صحيحه (٥٠) باختلاف يسير
وأحمد في مسنده(٤٣٦٣) مختصراً
وابن حبان في صحيحه (١٧٧) واللفظ له.
we muslim love vary much hafid Quran like my Brother Shamsi May Allah bless him with patience and protect him from any harm. Amen yaa rabi.