If I was you next time You go back on this, I would suggest on taking out the rebellion and then push further into Scotland to take over the entire country
The most annoying thing is that those aren't even the swedes. It's the commune of Verona. The swedish kingdom is in this game but they do not have that flag.
I love u DAYLEY please bring back fall of the republic series love your content and hope to see it back soon, I also love history so I’m fine with this😊
I know you don't do any of this Daley but do you think you can maybe get like jurassic world evolution 2 maybe too give yourself a diverse set of videos and subscribers I would love to see some dinosaur content on your channel
Please play some more warlord Britannia love your content!
Love these medieval videos
If I was you next time You go back on this, I would suggest on taking out the rebellion and then push further into Scotland to take over the entire country
Daley 2022 "frickin swedes" "pesky swedes". All the swedes watching🥲
The most annoying thing is that those aren't even the swedes. It's the commune of Verona. The swedish kingdom is in this game but they do not have that flag.
Dude pls do more of this it is very epic
I love u DAYLEY please bring back fall of the republic series love your content and hope to see it back soon, I also love history so I’m fine with this😊
I would love you to bring back fall of the republic!
Love the vid Daley! Keep up the great content and take over Europe!
Pls dailey do more of total war :)
That was going around, like bad to good to bad
Nice work
They really need to let you dig ditches in front of your walls as a defense
I can’t wait to see how mincraft goes
Daley can u do a three way battle between the Romans,Egyptians,and medieval army with all there units in ultimate epic battle simulator 2
What mods is he using?
Nvm i think i figured it out
Daily please play ancestors Legacy it’s a fun Viking rts game
Aarons not ammo
When’s the next Xcom series
Priviet mon comrade
I know you don't do any of this Daley but do you think you can maybe get like jurassic world evolution 2 maybe too give yourself a diverse set of videos and subscribers I would love to see some dinosaur content on your channel
Xcom 2and rico's brigade please stop
Do a clone v clone training sim in men of war pls.
Yo show us that nice hair
lets goooooo
They aren't the Swedish
It was the commune of verona
It's so annoying how he continues to call them the swedes when Sweden is actually in this game.
Daley auto resolve makes me cringe
1 hour ago
Pls do a rip technoblade