This show is getting boring and dumber by the day hope need to sit her sour tail down somewhere and sick and tired of ridge waffling back and forth with brook and taylor this is so old and boring this doesn't even seem right with the forester company under the control of Carter make you not want to watch anymore it's just dull
I've been watching this soap every since it came on, now I hardly watch it anymore, it just not making sense anymore. Please get some better some better writers asap!
Give me a break this getting redicoulas. 😊
This show is getting boring and dumber by the day hope need to sit her sour tail down somewhere and sick and tired of ridge waffling back and forth with brook and taylor this is so old and boring this doesn't even seem right with the forester company under the control of Carter make you not want to watch anymore it's just dull
I've been watching this soap every since it came on, now I hardly watch it anymore, it just not making sense anymore. Please get some better some better writers asap!
First it was Hope that. Had brain tumor, now Carter.
Fake spoiler as usual with you
Stop always talking about Abrain tumor
Nope carter d I'd faint today or one hour ago either.😮
Not true
The cancer he has is Hope😡
Is this really true