It is really a gigantic proof of Kirill Pokrovsky unique work that all Original Sin's games can still use Divine Divinity music and still be a refreshing-sounding ost.
I bought this series for the Christmas 2012 sale. It was so worth it. Originally I bought the series to get up to speed on plot for the Dragon Knight Sage (who does not love turning into a dragon) but Divine Divinity turned out to be one of the best games I have ever played.
This and The Four Seasons Singing so far are my absolute favorite tracks in this game....looking forward to what other highly immersive, grand, epic tracks this game will put out :)
this is a weird game cuz u could see in real life who addcit to Divine Dvinity you could see the same character in the game ..same face.. this gave me a Matrix-goose bumbs
It is really a gigantic proof of Kirill Pokrovsky unique work that all Original Sin's games can still use Divine Divinity music and still be a refreshing-sounding ost.
playing in 2017, best game ever
me too now ;) one of the best rpg
playing in 2018
damn right man play it every year once
@Antonio Jakobac and the game will turn 20 yo next year. Damm time flies
All the soundtracks of this game are ageless.
Das spiel werde ich wirklich NIE vergessen. Es ist einfach nur EPIC !!
ich auch nicht. Hat mein Leben verändert.
heard it first time in Divinity Original Sin
me too in luculla Forest
I bought this series for the Christmas 2012 sale. It was so worth it. Originally I bought the series to get up to speed on plot for the Dragon Knight Sage (who does not love turning into a dragon) but Divine Divinity turned out to be one of the best games I have ever played.
it is ! :)
I never realised I was playing as Lucian until the very end of the game xD (i played the dragon knight saga first)
Волшебная и очень атмосферная.Сразу картинку нужную даёт,никакой графики не надо.
I'm still play the game in 2016 i just love it so much!!
Damn this theme is so serene, The Gregorian Monk chants are great compliments to the female vocals. A classic. Thanks for the upload.
Thank you for creating this
Divine Divinity is and always will be a fantastic game!!! :)
I love this song.
Awesome song first time i heard it when i found the sacred sword in the stone
Damm that was amazing
This song plays in Luculla Forrest in Divinity Original Sin.
was amazing to listen to while playing
I legit just sat in the forest and waited while I was in the area while this song played. So damned good!
This and The Four Seasons Singing so far are my absolute favorite tracks in this game....looking forward to what other highly immersive, grand, epic tracks this game will put out :)
they were my favorite tracks too
Better than Diablo II.
Not even for a comparation, this is true rpg.
yeah, can't compate those two. totally different core
Your statement wa correct MUCH BETTER
@@cleftboywonder yeah! Enjoy the game man!
I'm playing it right now :3
Love it
relax to the sound :-) Iplayed this game 5times to 100% , nice game !
3 times but i am playing it through now again. i never rly startet to play warrior as i wanted. Always mage :D
I play this game in 2012 :D
2018 ^^
2023 (I felt i need to touch this masterpiece game once more)
i want to appear divine divinity 2 but same soundtrack and the game not never ends!![I LOVE THIS GAME]!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I want to play this game in 2012... *-*
A remake and actual finish would be in check
I want Divine Divinity Multi Player mode :(
I also
I play it in 2013 :P
2018 ^^
How far into the game do you hear this?
Elven village at dark forest
So do I. But Divine is old game. :)
does anyone have the lyrics?
thats gibberish
Uuuuu do do aaaaa aaaa aaaa nama nama ditaaaaa
I am :)
this is a weird game cuz u could see in real life who addcit to Divine Dvinity
you could see the same character in the game ..same face..
this gave me a Matrix-goose bumbs
what do you mean?
1 imp didnt like this video.