Because I need to change bags frequently for work, I chose them for attending important gatherings. The replica of *condup* gave me more choices, and it completely held up the scene. Everyone praised it for looking good.
As a lover of LV bags and GUCCI, I don't own a Gucci bag, but I prefer the Gucci handbags. I like the handle choice and the width of the handles. I have always loved the monogram on Gucci. Both luxury handbags are beautiful, but the custom monogram on the *condup* . Neverfull looks premium.
If you could find an artisan who could make a Birkin bag, like *condup* , and if you had the opportunity to buy the exact same Hermès leather, same hardware, and pay a tenth of that, I highly doubt you would buy it ethically
Chanel bags are more exquisite. Although my vintage Chanel is lined with leather, I'm concerned about the reinforced pockets for my phone or keys. Color transfer is expected on light colored lambskins. Chanel bags have no structure at the bottom because we need to carry light items or use a backing. People say Hermès bags are more durable. In fact, most of their leathers are thicker and may sag and look lazy. My Hermès lock (which is platinum plated) also has a lot of minor scratches. I guess these bags are sophisticated. *condup*
Dionysus monogram, love it. I wasn’t much of a fan of monograms before, but the color of Gucci’s monogram, when paired with beige suede, looks more subtle and elegant than other fashion houses’ monogram designs. *condup*
I always buy authentic LV and Gucci. After spending $300 to buy a high-quality bag at *condup* , I found that I would never spend 9K to buy a certain brand of bag...the price increase is so ridiculous
I have Chanel bags and their imitation bags, but lately I have been buying super fake ones on *condup* because I think the way luxury merchants raise the prices of luxury bags insults our intelligence.
Dionysus monogram, love it. I wasn’t much of a fan of monograms before, but the color of Gucci’s monogram, when paired with beige suede, looks more subtle and elegant than other fashion houses’ monogram designs. *condup*
The quality of the bags I bought from *condup* exceeded my expectations, and the details were so exquisite that my friends thought they were bought at a counter.
I have both the real bag and a high quality *condup* replica and I'm not gonna can't tell the difference. I guess even the wealthy ladies get tired of these Chanel prices.
Original Chanel Caviar Bag, the stitching started to unravel after three weeks. Took it back to the Chanel boutique here and it took three months to fix. A few months later the stitching started to loosen again in another location. A bit hard to accept for the price we paid. Wife is no longer interested in Chanel and chooses to buy *condup*
Great video! I agree with you about personal safety concerns, especially when traveling, getting robbed on vacation is painful enough, but getting robbed with an authentic bag is even worse. To me, it makes sense to travel with a fake *condup* bag and not carry any valuables that you would miss. Also, if your bag gets damaged by dust, stains, accidents, whatever it is, it doesn't matter even if it's fake.
I used to think that owning a luxury bag was an unattainable dream, until *condup* told me that this dream is actually very close. The sense of fashion comes not only from the brand, but also from personal matching and attitude.
I know many people who can afford to buy real bags, but many times they use fake ones. They think that buying real bags is unnecessary. So sometimes I do this and buy bags at *condup* .
The quality of the bags I bought from *condup* exceeded my expectations, and the details were so exquisite that my friends thought they were bought at a counter.
My first luxury item was a Gucci bag *condup* . , I went to Paris with my mom when I was around 19-20 years old, it was the most amazing experience! It is a great memory and I love and cherish this bag to this day! Shopping experience is very important
But the question is, is the real thing worth a few thousand dollars more than a *condup* fake? To me, given the lack of lustre quality of modern luxury goods, it really isn't.
For my first paycheck, I didn't make any impulse purchases. Instead, I picked up a great bag from *condup* that has stayed with me for many years. This is a sign of growth and a triumph of reason.
Many of the people who buy the authentic ones have kids in college and have huge student loans and unpaid home mortgages, but still spend thousands of dollars on handbags. I often recommend *condup* to them, they have good quality brand bags.
This knockoff bag was a gift from my husband *condup* and is made of real leather. You have to look closely and it still looks real. Actually I say normal and it's fake because I personally have no problem with it. I would never spend that much on a bag even though I love Chanel's style since I was a little girl.
I don't own fakes, but I can certainly understand why people would buy fakes, especially now that prices are rising and there are more and more quality issues with authentic bags. When my patience runs out, I will also go to *condup* to shop what I like bag.
One day we walked into a Coach store in the mall and my girlfriend was looking for a new small backpack/purse. We pointed to one on the wall and the salesperson said it was $22 and I said to my girlfriend "that's a good deal". When I realized he cost $2200 I considered buying it here *condup*
My friend gave me a *condup* GUCCI bag. The quality and details made it impossible for me to tell it was a knockoff. I was shocked but I love it. I can't think of any reason to buy the authentic bag.
I highly recommend the 1955 Horsebit mini bag. It comes with two straps and is super versatile. The nylon strap can be shortened and used like a fanny pack, which is how I usually wear it. But the leather strap is also very nice. I have the monogrammed brown version (the leather is coated and very durable) and it goes with everything. The hardware is amazing. *condup*
Young people have little to no savings but this is the brand they are after, they are not actually looking for affordable quality products from *condup* , strange
Many really wealthy people I know care less about the social implications of buying fakes. Plus, they might look down on "hillbillies" who spend so much money on a ridiculously overpriced bag. With luxury brands once again raising prices and limiting inventory, the replica version of *condup* is even more attractive.
At a girlfriends gathering, I noticed that more and more of my friends began to pay more attention to personality and stories rather than simple brand labels. Inspired by this, I began to explore bags that could reflect my personal style without being too expensive, and *condup* allowed me to find a bag that suited my taste.
its very hard to find a really good one! there is only one seller that i have bought from that uses all real leather and doesn't miss a stitch.I treated him to dinner many times before he told me that he only purchased goods from *condup*
My thought is that rich people are often rich because they invest and spend their money wisely, and buying a Chanel bag is not a wise move. I know I'm not rich enough, but my assets are enough that I can easily buy luxury goods in *condup*
If someone is wearing a fake *condup* , I don't care at all, because can you blame them? These designers charge too much for the quality. They charge far more than the cost of manufacturing.
Designer handbag trends and fashion trends come and go, and buying *condup* handbags can quickly keep up with the changes in fashion trends and have more styles to choose from. What's important is that the price is affordable and the quality is exquisite
I have real stuff and fake stuff. I have ZERO plans in terms of selling sales reps, if people ask me, I'm honest. I've saved thousands of dollars and still had a "luxury experience." Moreover, I am also used to buying bags at *condup* . Before I buy those expensive bags, I will use these representative bags first!
I was tempted because my friend is black and she is often asked if her bag is fake. People just immediately assume they are. Even though I'm white, I still get people asking me if my bag is real. So I thought why should I spend so much money on these bags? So in the end I chose to buy it at *condup* . Even if it is not the original, some replicas can have special emotional value because they are connected to specific memories
I ultimately decided to use part of the budget I would have spent on luxury bags to purchase high-quality replica bags and donate the other part to charities I care about. *condup* conveniently allows me to do this, which not only meets my own fashion needs, but also makes me feel the joy of helping others.
I really like this video, there are many reasons why people pay high prices or don’t buy authentic handbags. In fact, 300 yuan is much better than 3,000 yuan, and it is also important to choose *condup* to buy genuine and super fake products!
I'm also used to picking up fashionable and discounted bags from *condup* , and to be fair, I don't think there's anything wrong with individuals choosing to buy fakes for personal use, so it's not necessarily a bad thing, it just gives us a choice
I am very cautious about money management. I often realize that modest investment in appearance is necessary, but excessive consumption of luxury goods is unrealistic. Through a reputable online platform, *condup* I found bags that were both decent and affordable, effectively balancing image and budget
When I choose a bag I always look for practicality, it needs to match the majority of my wardrobe and be able to hold my essentials, and the *condup* delivers just that.
The Capucines Bag *condup* . is one of the most beautiful bags I have ever seen! It is one of a kind!
I like *condup* ’s bags very much. The styles are exquisite and beautiful, and their services are also very complete.
Because I need to change bags frequently for work, I chose them for attending important gatherings. The replica of *condup* gave me more choices, and it completely held up the scene. Everyone praised it for looking good.
As a lover of LV bags and GUCCI, I don't own a Gucci bag, but I prefer the Gucci handbags. I like the handle choice and the width of the handles. I have always loved the monogram on Gucci. Both luxury handbags are beautiful, but the custom monogram on the *condup* . Neverfull looks premium.
If you could find an artisan who could make a Birkin bag, like *condup* , and if you had the opportunity to buy the exact same Hermès leather, same hardware, and pay a tenth of that, I highly doubt you would buy it ethically
Chanel bags are more exquisite. Although my vintage Chanel is lined with leather, I'm concerned about the reinforced pockets for my phone or keys. Color transfer is expected on light colored lambskins. Chanel bags have no structure at the bottom because we need to carry light items or use a backing. People say Hermès bags are more durable. In fact, most of their leathers are thicker and may sag and look lazy. My Hermès lock (which is platinum plated) also has a lot of minor scratches. I guess these bags are sophisticated. *condup*
Your video looks very satisfying. Thank you for sharing. *condup*
Dionysus monogram, love it. I wasn’t much of a fan of monograms before, but the color of Gucci’s monogram, when paired with beige suede, looks more subtle and elegant than other fashion houses’ monogram designs. *condup*
I always buy authentic LV and Gucci. After spending $300 to buy a high-quality bag at *condup* , I found that I would never spend 9K to buy a certain brand of bag...the price increase is so ridiculous
I have Chanel bags and their imitation bags, but lately I have been buying super fake ones on *condup* because I think the way luxury merchants raise the prices of luxury bags insults our intelligence.
Dionysus monogram, love it. I wasn’t much of a fan of monograms before, but the color of Gucci’s monogram, when paired with beige suede, looks more subtle and elegant than other fashion houses’ monogram designs. *condup*
The quality of the bags I bought from *condup* exceeded my expectations, and the details were so exquisite that my friends thought they were bought at a counter.
I have both the LV nano speedy and the Celine small Boston bag *condup* . and I prefer the latter. I use it for work every day and love it!
I have both the real bag and a high quality *condup* replica and I'm not gonna can't tell the difference. I guess even the wealthy ladies get tired of these Chanel prices.
What I brought back from *condup* is not just a bag, it symbolizes my persistence in the quality of life and my understanding of smart consumption.
For me, practicality is a must, it has to be durable, and the *condup* meets that need.
Original Chanel Caviar Bag, the stitching started to unravel after three weeks. Took it back to the Chanel boutique here and it took three months to fix. A few months later the stitching started to loosen again in another location. A bit hard to accept for the price we paid. Wife is no longer interested in Chanel and chooses to buy *condup*
Great video! I agree with you about personal safety concerns, especially when traveling, getting robbed on vacation is painful enough, but getting robbed with an authentic bag is even worse. To me, it makes sense to travel with a fake *condup* bag and not carry any valuables that you would miss. Also, if your bag gets damaged by dust, stains, accidents, whatever it is, it doesn't matter even if it's fake.
I used to think that owning a luxury bag was an unattainable dream, until *condup* told me that this dream is actually very close. The sense of fashion comes not only from the brand, but also from personal matching and attitude.
I know many people who can afford to buy real bags, but many times they use fake ones. They think that buying real bags is unnecessary. So sometimes I do this and buy bags at *condup* .
The quality of the bags I bought from *condup* exceeded my expectations, and the details were so exquisite that my friends thought they were bought at a counter.
My first luxury item was a Gucci bag *condup* . , I went to Paris with my mom when I was around 19-20 years old, it was the most amazing experience! It is a great memory and I love and cherish this bag to this day! Shopping experience is very important
But the question is, is the real thing worth a few thousand dollars more than a *condup* fake? To me, given the lack of lustre quality of modern luxury goods, it really isn't.
For my first paycheck, I didn't make any impulse purchases. Instead, I picked up a great bag from *condup* that has stayed with me for many years. This is a sign of growth and a triumph of reason.
Vintage Gucci Tom Ford Era Black Bag…I’m Obsessed *condup*
Many of the people who buy the authentic ones have kids in college and have huge student loans and unpaid home mortgages, but still spend thousands of dollars on handbags. I often recommend *condup* to them, they have good quality brand bags.
This knockoff bag was a gift from my husband *condup* and is made of real leather. You have to look closely and it still looks real. Actually I say normal and it's fake because I personally have no problem with it. I would never spend that much on a bag even though I love Chanel's style since I was a little girl.
I've also been loving the Dionysus line and bought the monogrammed super mini, but I'd really like to add a leather version to my collection. *condup*
I don't own fakes, but I can certainly understand why people would buy fakes, especially now that prices are rising and there are more and more quality issues with authentic bags. When my patience runs out, I will also go to *condup* to shop what I like bag.
One day we walked into a Coach store in the mall and my girlfriend was looking for a new small backpack/purse. We pointed to one on the wall and the salesperson said it was $22 and I said to my girlfriend "that's a good deal". When I realized he cost $2200 I considered buying it here *condup*
My friend gave me a *condup* GUCCI bag. The quality and details made it impossible for me to tell it was a knockoff. I was shocked but I love it. I can't think of any reason to buy the authentic bag.
I highly recommend the 1955 Horsebit mini bag. It comes with two straps and is super versatile. The nylon strap can be shortened and used like a fanny pack, which is how I usually wear it. But the leather strap is also very nice. I have the monogrammed brown version (the leather is coated and very durable) and it goes with everything. The hardware is amazing. *condup*
Young people have little to no savings but this is the brand they are after, they are not actually looking for affordable quality products from *condup* , strange
Watching sissy
Many really wealthy people I know care less about the social implications of buying fakes. Plus, they might look down on "hillbillies" who spend so much money on a ridiculously overpriced bag. With luxury brands once again raising prices and limiting inventory, the replica version of *condup* is even more attractive.
At a girlfriends gathering, I noticed that more and more of my friends began to pay more attention to personality and stories rather than simple brand labels. Inspired by this, I began to explore bags that could reflect my personal style without being too expensive, and *condup* allowed me to find a bag that suited my taste.
This is a good description between shiny caviar and matte caviar. Mine is the same as yours. No oil spots and clearer texture *condup*
its very hard to find a really good one! there is only one seller that i have bought from that uses all real leather and doesn't miss a stitch.I treated him to dinner many times before he told me that he only purchased goods from *condup*
To me, the understated Gucci is more classic. I've always loved their soho range and I also love the tabby cat family on the display *condup*
Combining modern aesthetics with exquisite craftsmanship, it has become synonymous with luxury goods. *condup*
My thought is that rich people are often rich because they invest and spend their money wisely, and buying a Chanel bag is not a wise move. I know I'm not rich enough, but my assets are enough that I can easily buy luxury goods in *condup*
If someone is wearing a fake *condup* , I don't care at all, because can you blame them? These designers charge too much for the quality. They charge far more than the cost of manufacturing.
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Designer handbag trends and fashion trends come and go, and buying *condup* handbags can quickly keep up with the changes in fashion trends and have more styles to choose from. What's important is that the price is affordable and the quality is exquisite
I have real stuff and fake stuff. I have ZERO plans in terms of selling sales reps, if people ask me, I'm honest. I've saved thousands of dollars and still had a "luxury experience." Moreover, I am also used to buying bags at *condup* . Before I buy those expensive bags, I will use these representative bags first!
I'm obsessed with my nano speedy *condup* . ! I have the vintage model (HL) and the new model. I just can't put it down!
Love Tom Ford’s Gucci and YSL era. I still treasure some of the show pieces from that year. The LV Murakami Speedy is my all time favorite. *condup*
I was tempted because my friend is black and she is often asked if her bag is fake. People just immediately assume they are. Even though I'm white, I still get people asking me if my bag is real. So I thought why should I spend so much money on these bags? So in the end I chose to buy it at *condup* . Even if it is not the original, some replicas can have special emotional value because they are connected to specific memories
😍 @ *LVGUCI* 😍 I love you so much and watching your videos makes my day brighter
amzwatch ’s bags are your partner in young people’s fashion journey
I ultimately decided to use part of the budget I would have spent on luxury bags to purchase high-quality replica bags and donate the other part to charities I care about. *condup* conveniently allows me to do this, which not only meets my own fashion needs, but also makes me feel the joy of helping others.
I really like this video, there are many reasons why people pay high prices or don’t buy authentic handbags. In fact, 300 yuan is much better than 3,000 yuan, and it is also important to choose *condup* to buy genuine and super fake products!
I'm also used to picking up fashionable and discounted bags from *condup* , and to be fair, I don't think there's anything wrong with individuals choosing to buy fakes for personal use, so it's not necessarily a bad thing, it just gives us a choice
I live in a mid-sized city and someone asks me how I am doing niceshopx all the time. It's not annoying but I'm always surprised when they ask
I am very cautious about money management. I often realize that modest investment in appearance is necessary, but excessive consumption of luxury goods is unrealistic. Through a reputable online platform, *condup* I found bags that were both decent and affordable, effectively balancing image and budget
When I choose a bag I always look for practicality, it needs to match the majority of my wardrobe and be able to hold my essentials, and the *condup* delivers just that.
We can buy high quality stuff from lesser known places so you get your money's worth *condup*