"ያመነ የተጠመቀ ይድናል" 1st this verse is telling us those who baptized are saved! So we get salivation through baptism!. 2nd if you see the verse properly it's not0 about sequence. It is ...and is baptized not ...and then baptized. Mark 16 KJV - ማርቆስ 16: He that believeth and is baptized shall be saved; but he that believeth not shall be damned. The other thing in your definition: ስለዚህ ህጻናት ስላላመኑ ተፈርዶባቸዋል ማለት ነዉ !
Amanuel's grasp of Protestant doctrine is limited, and i realy questioning his frequent invitations as a speaker on the subject. He could not speak on behalf of protestant. Despite some naunced perspectives on baptism and salvation across Protestant denominations, all mainstream Protestant regard baptism as more than mere symbolism-Calvin, notably, esteemed it highly Except with modern day Protestant, especially Pentecostal and charismatic circles who are detached from history and dont have time to read the Word of God except engaging in gebberish and gullible emotional exercises. Scripture affirm clearly that baptism is necessary for salvation. This is uniformly supported by early church fathers including protestant reformers until Zwingli introduced corrupt views on baptism and the Eucharist. The sacraments are vital for salvation; any one who denies and dont or participate in the sacrement is not Christian. Christianity is not intellectual assent as Protestant in Ethiopia would like to put instead it is living by imitating Christ.
በእውነት ስለ እናንተ ጌታ እየሱስ ይባረክ!! የወንጌሉን እውነት ከዚህ በላይ ያብራላቹ ያባቴ ልጆች!!!
አመን እውቀትህ ይለያል እንኮንም በሰላም መጣልን
ለድህነት ሳይሆን ለድነት ወይም ለመዳን በሚለው ይስተካከል።
apostle Peter says Baptism now Saves you Evangelicals no it does not saves you.
መርቅኖ ነዉ ሚያስተምረዉ ዉይ ጉድ
የጠጪ ሰዉ ኮመንት
"ያመነ የተጠመቀ ይድናል"
1st this verse is telling us those who baptized are saved! So we get salivation through baptism!. 2nd if you see the verse properly it's not0 about sequence. It is ...and is baptized not ...and then baptized. Mark 16 KJV - ማርቆስ
16: He that believeth and is baptized shall be saved; but he that believeth not shall be damned.
The other thing in your definition:
ስለዚህ ህጻናት ስላላመኑ ተፈርዶባቸዋል ማለት ነዉ !
ስለዚህ የሚፈርደው ስላላመነ ነው ወይስ ስላልተጠመቀ ነው????
Amanuel's grasp of Protestant doctrine is limited, and i realy questioning his frequent invitations as a speaker on the subject. He could not speak on behalf of protestant. Despite some naunced perspectives on baptism and salvation across Protestant denominations, all mainstream Protestant regard baptism as more than mere symbolism-Calvin, notably, esteemed it highly
Except with modern day Protestant, especially Pentecostal and charismatic circles who are detached from history and dont have time to read the Word of God except engaging in gebberish and gullible emotional exercises.
Scripture affirm clearly that baptism is necessary for salvation. This is uniformly supported by early church fathers including protestant reformers until Zwingli introduced corrupt views on baptism and the Eucharist.
The sacraments are vital for salvation; any one who denies and dont or participate in the sacrement is not Christian. Christianity is not intellectual assent as Protestant in Ethiopia would like to put instead it is living by imitating Christ.