They did what they always do...and it's so good to see this collaboration, because it proves to the doubters that Chris didn't leave due to hard feelings, but they are all still good friends, some are family members, etc....there is still a lot of love between Chris & Home Free !!
Chris Rupp is the brother of the beat boxer... and a founding member of Home Free... he left Home Free a couple of years ago... But this is a return to the fold as a Feature Artists... and talk about reclaiming his fit and meshing into the old harmonies... WOW
This was Chris Rupp's arrangement - he used to do a lot of the arranging for Home Free while he was still a member of the group. He knows a lot about how to get the best out of these voices, including that incredible pipe organ harmony you hear at the end.
I so enjoy your reactions; I've been a long time Home Free fan but your explanation of the musicality of their arrangements makes it even more fun! Thank you!
5 home free plus one home free equal 6 part harmony perfection. they are already superlative in the normal formation, adding chris bring them to another level if this was even possible
Thank you for reacting to this one, Jarvis! On point, as always! What I love the most about this song is that all six members of Home Free in the last 9 years are singing together and sound utterly incredible! The arrangement, the harmonies, it's just amazing.
I love your reactions because you help me hear and understand things musically that I would miss just listening to their beautiful voices. Thank you always for a job well done!
Yep! - and I also get the goosebumps when Austin reaches to the heavens - but mostly when their harmonies go into unexpected complex chords. Or when Adam does something totally insane. In other words, lots of goose-bump moments in a Home Free song!
Chris Rupp had a YT channel (if you haven’t already found it). He releases his own music and collabs, but also does BTS videos about Home Free songs/videos during his time with the band. And he and Adam (brothers) founded the group, and he is still friends with them all.
I agree, the matching of their voices is amazing, especially considering you have 3 southern boys and 2 (in this song 3) Minnesotans.. To get that kind of unity in sound with the varying accents takes amazing skill, practice and intuition on their part. They are all students of music, and well-versed in all genres of vocal technique. Their arrangements are so tight and just fit them like a glove. Happy New Year to you, and look forward to more Home Free analysis!
I love this so much! Watch it a lot. Chris Rupp is a super talented man, arranger, singer, classical pianist. Not a lot he can't do really with music. Check out his channel too. But this is a masterpiece with Home Free isn't it?!!! Thanks.
Yes!!! Thanks so much JB! This one is really beautiful! I I have only heard it once before till now, I appreciate all the little nuance's you bring out that really makes the music sound so good! Wishing you great blessings in the coming year!♥️😃⭐
What a great reaction, you never fail to inform and entertain !!! Love that you have chosen ths song, it is one of my favorites. My favorite part is when Austin comes in with his powerful tenor voice and gives me goosebumps and chills combined. They all do such a beautiful job with this song and the arrangement by Chris is outstanding, all of them have such beautiful voices.
If you have not done a reaction to it already, I would recommend Austin Brown's solo version of Unchained Melody on his personal TH-cam channel. It is just him singing along with some brilliant accompaniment by guitarist Steven Martinez. He kills it, and his version is the only one that I have ever heard that can hold a candle the to original by Bobby Hatfield.
Great informative reaction, Jarvis, as usual! I had missed this video somehow, so I'm glad you reviewed it. Wonderful arrangement, which I'm assuming Chris (and Adam?) came up with. Gorgeous Home Free-style harmonies, impressive solos, and Adam's percussion precision. What's not to love! Happy New Year!
Chris Rupp also have the behind the scenes of this video on his channel. The guys never fail to mix it up with some fun stuff. Here is the link to the video on chris' channel:
Jarvis, I haven't seen you in 2 weeks & I've missed you & your reactions! You are the only reactor I've seen react to this AMAZING video during this entire Christmas season so thank you! What ear candy we would've been deprived of if you hadn't done this song! I hope you had a wonderful Christmas & I pray we ALL have a better New Year!
LOVE THIS! Thanks for reacting to this. Not many reactors do and you’re right they are so good matching their notes and those harmonies are just….magnificent. Love it and it had both Chris and Chance (who replaced Chris) in it. So beautiful!!! Great reaction Jarvis!! Hope you had a wonderful Christmas!
Jarvis, have you heard of a singer named Chris Blue? I believe he was on The Voice and was on Alicia Keys team. He is incredible! I heard him do jazz and some flat out fabulous black gospel from a Bill Gaither video. If you haven't already, check him out, I think you will be glad you did!
If youli,e drums, youshou.d listen to "Litt.e Drummer Boy" fro. The group for King and Country. All their music is a azing if you want to dive into that rabbit hole.
Their cover of this one is pretty 🔥! Great reaction! I have a good one for you! Look up O Holy Night covered by Tommee Proffit feat. SVRCINA and Tauren Wells. It’ll blow you away. Promise. 🔥🔥🔥
The wild thing is that CHRIS RUPP - founded this Group over twenty years ago - he is the weakest quality voice in this group AND HE SINGS BEAUTIFULLY .... here WITH ADAM CHANCE who replaced him nearly six years ago .... a wonderful tribute to this GREAT IDEA of A Capella music by Five (six here) we love - Home Free . GBjj
6 of the best the world has to offer.
They did what they always do...and it's so good to see this collaboration, because it proves to the doubters that Chris didn't leave due to hard feelings, but they are all still good friends, some are family members, etc....there is still a lot of love between Chris & Home Free !!
Chris Rupp is the brother of the beat boxer... and a founding member of Home Free... he left Home Free a couple of years ago... But this is a return to the fold as a Feature Artists... and talk about reclaiming his fit and meshing into the old harmonies... WOW
Jarvis, like Home Free, you both never disappoint . Your reactions are on point.
This was Chris Rupp's arrangement - he used to do a lot of the arranging for Home Free while he was still a member of the group. He knows a lot about how to get the best out of these voices, including that incredible pipe organ harmony you hear at the end.
Yesss he's so good at arranging and I agree. Perfect set up to bring out the best in everyone !
Naw, this is the most amazing arrangement I've ever heard. Truly. Ever. In my 50 years.
I so enjoy your reactions; I've been a long time Home Free fan but your explanation of the musicality of their arrangements makes it even more fun! Thank you!
Beautiful, absolutely beautiful.
Ooo, so beautiful! I would so love to be able to praise the LORD with this level of beauty. Their sounds are other worldly!
5 home free plus one home free equal 6 part harmony perfection. they are already superlative in the normal formation, adding chris bring them to another level if this was even possible
Thank you for reacting to this one, Jarvis! On point, as always!
What I love the most about this song is that all six members of Home Free in the last 9 years are singing together and sound utterly incredible! The arrangement, the harmonies, it's just amazing.
Love this arrangement--especially the bell tones and Chris' and Chance's duet. Magnificent!!
I had actually never heard this arrangement before. Love it and your reaction.
I am so glad you did this. I was blown away the first time I heard it.
I love your reactions because you help me hear and understand things musically that I would miss just listening to their beautiful voices. Thank you always for a job well done!
I love the goosebumps I get every time Tim hits those low notes
Yep! - and I also get the goosebumps when Austin reaches to the heavens - but mostly when their harmonies go into unexpected complex chords. Or when Adam does something totally insane. In other words, lots of goose-bump moments in a Home Free song!
Chris Rupp had a YT channel (if you haven’t already found it). He releases his own music and collabs, but also does BTS videos about Home Free songs/videos during his time with the band. And he and Adam (brothers) founded the group, and he is still friends with them all.
This is absolutely gorgeous. They are amazing.😍
I agree, the matching of their voices is amazing, especially considering you have 3 southern boys and 2 (in this song 3) Minnesotans.. To get that kind of unity in sound with the varying accents takes amazing skill, practice and intuition on their part. They are all students of music, and well-versed in all genres of vocal technique. Their arrangements are so tight and just fit them like a glove. Happy New Year to you, and look forward to more Home Free analysis!
I love this so much! Watch it a lot. Chris Rupp is a super talented man, arranger, singer, classical pianist. Not a lot he can't do really with music. Check out his channel too. But this is a masterpiece with Home Free isn't it?!!! Thanks.
Thanks for this one....its absolutely were the only one to react to it!
This is the only official video that I've seen with both Chance and Chris in it together.
Love, love, love your Home Free reactions. Please do more!!! You're the best!
More to come for sure!!! 😊😊😊😊
Sing Austin Sing 🥰
Another great reaction, thank you! Love your Home Free analysis, always learn something new!
I appreciate that!
I love your reaction, the way you break it down while recognizing their talent, thank you.
How about a New Years reveiw of Auld Lang Syne by H F? It's Great, you'll Love it & start your new year off right! Lol
Yes!!! Thanks so much JB! This one is really beautiful! I I have only heard it once before till now, I appreciate all the little nuance's you bring out that really makes the music sound so good!
Wishing you great blessings in the coming year!♥️😃⭐
What a great reaction, you never fail to inform and entertain !!! Love that you have chosen ths song, it is one of my favorites. My favorite part is when Austin comes in with his powerful tenor voice and gives me goosebumps and chills combined. They all do such a beautiful job with this song and the arrangement by Chris is outstanding, all of them have such beautiful voices.
Thanks soooo much Terri! I appreciate you 😊🙌🏽
I love this whish they would do another collaboration
If you like Tim Foust's base, look for Misty Mountain with Tim and Peter Hollens.So well done.
Love your musicality, Jarvis!
Did you notice that both Chris Rupp and Adam Chance are both in the group. This was just before Chris broke with the group to go solo.
Love your reactions. You are probably the most knowledgeable reactor I have seen. Good job man.
You both never disappoint! Bravo on your reaction as always! 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼♥️
Thanks Diane 😊😊😊😊
Love your descriptions on their technical skills.
Thanks Cheri I appreciate you! more to come for sure!
If you have not done a reaction to it already, I would recommend Austin Brown's solo version of Unchained Melody on his personal TH-cam channel. It is just him singing along with some brilliant accompaniment by guitarist Steven Martinez. He kills it, and his version is the only one that I have ever heard that can hold a candle the to original by Bobby Hatfield.
You are awesome just like HF!!❤️
Great informative reaction, Jarvis, as usual! I had missed this video somehow, so I'm glad you reviewed it. Wonderful arrangement, which I'm assuming Chris (and Adam?) came up with. Gorgeous Home Free-style harmonies, impressive solos, and Adam's percussion precision. What's not to love! Happy New Year!
Chris Rupp also have the behind the scenes of this video on his channel.
The guys never fail to mix it up with some fun stuff.
Here is the link to the video on chris' channel:
My guess is that Chris Rupp arranged this. He did a lot of the group's arrangements while he was with them.
Chris has a video called the Revolution of Hymns which is pure perfection. Please check that out. He does all parts.
Jarvis, I haven't seen you in 2 weeks & I've missed you & your reactions! You are the only reactor I've seen react to this AMAZING video during this entire Christmas season so thank you! What ear candy we would've been deprived of if you hadn't done this song! I hope you had a wonderful Christmas & I pray we ALL have a better New Year!
Found you like your reactions to HF have a few would like you to do please
LOVE THIS! Thanks for reacting to this. Not many reactors do and you’re right they are so good matching their notes and those harmonies are just….magnificent. Love it and it had both Chris and Chance (who replaced Chris) in it. So beautiful!!! Great reaction Jarvis!! Hope you had a wonderful Christmas!
Thank you sooo much! Happy holidays to you and your family 🥁🙌🏽😊
So beautiful
So good!
Jarvis, have you heard of a singer named Chris Blue? I believe he was on The Voice and was on Alicia Keys team. He is incredible! I heard him do jazz and some flat out fabulous black gospel from a Bill Gaither video. If you haven't already, check him out, I think you will be glad you did!
That last line almost sounded like a pipe organ.
Did you see Adam’s drum solo? Live
Chris Rupp is Adam's brother. Adam Chance replaced Chris when he left the group
If youli,e drums, youshou.d listen to "Litt.e Drummer Boy" fro. The group for King and Country. All their music is a azing if you want to dive into that rabbit hole.
Their cover of this one is pretty 🔥! Great reaction!
I have a good one for you! Look up O Holy Night covered by Tommee Proffit feat. SVRCINA and Tauren Wells. It’ll blow you away. Promise. 🔥🔥🔥
The wild thing is that CHRIS RUPP - founded this Group over twenty years ago - he is the weakest quality voice in this group AND HE SINGS BEAUTIFULLY .... here WITH ADAM CHANCE who replaced him nearly six years ago .... a wonderful tribute to this GREAT IDEA of A Capella music by Five (six here) we love - Home Free . GBjj
Chris rupp was a former member of home free just fyi
That’s adam rupp brother