In terms of employment ndimqhwabela izandla home affairs data costs are way better than printing cv and qualifications and having to to to town to submit... u can only use R5 buy a day data submit your application I hope dt all other departments can learn from home affairs... qha bayeke iicoruptions cz eastern cape initiated erecruitment dt is very corrupt they still manage to employ the families and friends so basically it didn't even help ngoku uaplaya online... but as for online application iam really vouching for them if only they will be ethical
Ubegula u Mngomezulu kubuhlungu uphumlile kona eselokhu afika kwelicala
Year 2024 bazebafa abantu abaziwayo yooh 😢😮
Yooo...aiii aliyekwe lecala...lika Senzo Meyiwa...sekuryt manje abantu bafa sengathi zimpukane...kodwa akhp qili lazikhotha umhlane....RIP baba Mngomezulu....
Kozekufe abangaki abantu kqelicala kunzima esezinhlungwini on and off since joining in this case 😢😮
In terms of employment ndimqhwabela izandla home affairs data costs are way better than printing cv and qualifications and having to to to town to submit... u can only use R5 buy a day data submit your application I hope dt all other departments can learn from home affairs... qha bayeke iicoruptions cz eastern cape initiated erecruitment dt is very corrupt they still manage to employ the families and friends so basically it didn't even help ngoku uaplaya online... but as for online application iam really vouching for them if only they will be ethical
Job creation could be the key ingredient in fighting GBVF
KZN is leading spaza shops registration
Abasoze bafumane umsebenzi abantu base South Africa besathembe u government okhokhelwa ANC
Kelly think she' has survived