Fico must work for Slovakia, that's right. Zelensky, you are not in the European Union and not in NATO, but we are paying for your stupidity. This must end. If you want war, pay for it yourself!!!!
Sadly people saw this way late. He doesn’t desire a stop to war officially. If you are elected by man then you are subject to what man says, and he wasn’t elected by the people but appointed by Rulers and powers and as such is under duress to produce the desired results and narratives.
Von den 100 Milliarden die in die Ukraine gingen haben die Oligarchen Schneelenskj und Konsorten in die eigene Tasche gesteckt Man sollte alle Ukrainer in ihr Land zurückschicken Der Westen dort hat nichts abbekommen und ist intakt. Und jetzt stellt der Kokainskj das Gas ab für die Staaten die diesen Clown unterstützt haben Schade um unser Geld
Well done Fico, eye for eye 😅 Zelenskyy can not possibly complain. You cut off gas to Slovakia and expect to get electricity from the same country? How egocentric is that? Zelenskyy thinks every one owes him and Ukraine something
Hmm no mention from you of blame fully on Putin for causing all these chaos! And Slovakia is the least of President Zelensky's concerns having to deal with the ongoing Russian war duh! 😏
Zelenky not fighting for money? Ukrainian soldiers dying while his family reported went shopping in aparis. Also reported he owned villas in various countries. Where money come from?
Yes, and a luxurious appartment in e lucurious part of London! When is he at home if he has to look after his property in italy, London, USA, chose luxurious furniture etc...?! Will he ever ask him what he has done with that money?!😮
Have you forgotten how he was invited and glorified at UK, USA, Canada and other European countries parliament????? I think this is similar. Ukraine and USA has got Europe where they exactly want .
Many things happening now are result of his government actions from past... Little is known, that he allows export of Slovak ammunition to Ukraine (MLRS missiles which killed children in Belgorod were made in Slovakia...) and gives all support to Ukraine and agrees (unlike Hungary) with all sanctions on Russia without word against them. He gav every slight resistance to some sanctions like nuclear energy, but all in all Fico works in full cooperation with EU against Russia. That´s reason why Slovakia is still declared as enemy country to Russia.
I can say, only two European nation, Hungary and Slovakia are brilliant, they want to take independent decision, independent foreign policy.... Not just want to follow Washington order blindly like Germany and Poland 😅😅😅😅
🙏☀️ Ľudia čítam tisícky komentárov. , pól Zemeguli prosila Boha o zamilovanie, , Fico sám bojuje za Mier,☝️🙏👍🌏👌. To nieje náhoda prežil atentát, Boh ho vzkriesil . 🙏Boh vypočul modlidbi svojich detí na celom svete . 🙏 ďakujem ti bože za Fica svet ho má rád 🙏🌏🌹🛞🌹♥️🇪🇺🇸🇰☀️🍀🍀🍀🍀🌞
Together with Orbán il migliore PM in Europe! ❤❤ ( Io solo scrivo a questo canale di insegnare alla IA come pronunciare il cognome di questo grande PM Slivacco Robert Fico. Si pronuncia /.fitzo/, has nothing to do with fichi 😑😑😑🙄🙄🙄!!! V slovacco va prononciato sempre /tz/, ( mai k , così poi suona come un fico)!!!! È vergognoso se la IA parla di un Primo ministro così importante senza sapere come pronunciare il suo nome!!!😊
P. Zelenský měl být nahrazen na svém postu dle legislativy Ukrajiny už dávno za použití všech možností alternatív, zatím i bez voleb. Kdyby se tak stalo dříve , bylo by třeba jen polovina mrtvých. Kdo s tímto na světě počítá, že oběti budou dál narůstat za stávajících okolností a to nejen oběti, ale i světová kize a další indifetentní stav v bodu na hraně 3.světové války. On je "šílenec bez logiky a pragmatismu pro celý svět včetně jak prostřednictvím s jeho tancování svět rozdělil na dva politické tábory s markantním nárůstem pro jedn tábor. On hýbe celým světem a hlavně stojí délkou trvání války a odmítáním diplomatického jenání - stojí za propadem ekonomik světa a počtem obětí s jeho rádoby bojechtivosti. Je to smutné ,že leadeři světa se nechali utancovat jeho tanečními výkony - ničemu a nikomu to neprospěl , ale naopak. Na postu prezidenta nemá už volbou lidu Ukrajiny a určitě může být legislatívně zastoupen náhradníkem i ve vedení armády.
Diabol straca kontrolu nad svetom, ktoru doteraz mal. Je to nevyhnutne a nejde tomu nijak zabranit. To vsak neznamena ze sa nebude snazit drzat zubami nechtami.
Fico is a brave politician. He is consern of higer cost of gas as every politican in EU shuold be but have no curage to opoose the west mainstream. Dont give up Fico stay at your path.
Klikněte na ozubené kolečko a tam si vyberte Slovenštinu. Nabídka se objeví jen když obdelník vedle ozubeného kolečka v levo je podtržen červeně. Pokud není podtržen , klikněte na něj. Někdy to napíše, že titulky nejsou k dispozici. U tohoti videa jsou k dispozici.
To people outside of Slovakia, this guy was also strongly hated due to "corruption" and similar activities, as the media used to spread for a long time in the recent past. Some believed it, and some didn't. And now it is crystal clear who truly cares about Slovakia and its people. While Fico is trying to end the conflict through diplomacy, his opponents like Čaputová or the Progressive Slovakia Party blindly support the warmongering, imperialism, and Russophobia of the U.S. It is also crystal clear that all those years of hate against Fico's "corruption" etc were just misinformation or info-war against Slovakia led by the U.S., to overthrow the true leaders and continue with ideological war against Russia.
Accuse the other of what you, yourself are guilty of! "Deceit's favourite role is to play the victim. To make the Innocent appear Guilty, and the Guilty seem Innocent" Paul Galindo.
What I know is that if a person, or an entity was helping you, and you see that suddenly that help stops, don't talk bad about that person or entity. It is not the right way to follow,
Bucket. Not basket. Like it makes no sense to put clean water in a dirty bucket. Love it! Go Fico.Tell him like it is and see how he likes having no electricity and all the aid that you’ve given them throughout this war. He bites every hand that feeds him and America just eats it up.
Wow! Everyone forgot that RUSSIA breached the 6, December 1994 agreement by aggressively ATTACKING? Shame on you all. When deals are broken those who break them should be held ACCOUNTABLE.
What people need to understand, and I see this sort of a mistake in the comments, is that this feud isn't Fico vs Zelensky (or Orban vs Zelensky for that matter). It's Fico vs the EU parliament, which makes this much much worse and an even bigger grotesque.
Fico and Orban seem to be the only sensible leaders in Europe. Zelensky is subjecting his people to incredible hardships while reaping unbeliavable wealth...
@Samson-j9yPLEASE only Russians believe in propaganda as they FINALLY got their samsung TVs. Rest visited Auschwitz and saw what it did for Hitler and Stalin deal making.
Let's face it, Ukraine is de facto and de jure not a member of Nato and dares to criticize the leader of a Nato member country, for us viewers this is a funny and interesting thing to watch.
Experts here, is "Fico" pronounced as "FEE-Call" or "FEE-Car"? Pardon my use of quote marks and words as opposed to IPA phonetic symbols and / /, [ ] for phonemes & allophones.
Zelensky is pathetic. He can't even see he a pawn in a proxy war. His country is finished.... thanks to him. Follow the money trail. Bank balance prior to and after the proxy war.
Zelensky is Right bcoz he flight Russia NATO don't want him in NATO and NATO wants russian Gas and passes through the country russia hit every day NATO should look another NATO country to pass there Gas not Ukraine😂😂😂😂hahahaha
Citizen of SLovakia here. Although all is Matrix game, fact is, that Slovakia without RUssian gas will be slowly dying and economic downturn of practically poorest country in EU might cause civil war here. Nobody in West can understand how is to live off of 800 EUR per month (typical income of 60% of Slovak citizen) with costs similar or even higher (food as an example) to Western and with increased taxation and cuts in social spendings for 2025 (induced by Fico´s government).... This might really mean end of Slovak republic and her division between Poland and Hungary.
Without removing the puppet from power how will change be brought about, Wont cutting electicity only make lives misreable for the already suffering innocent Ukrainian people in the harsh winter.
Here we go with truth twisting, gaslighting of facts, not accountable narcissistic rants. All identical to those I saw in Auschwitz films. Did you forget the Budapest agreement of 6, December of 1994? RUSSIA who helped themselves into a slice of China’s Qing Dynasty should be once more handed more land?
Zelensky needs to be jolted back to reality because he has gone insane. Fico just put zelensky into his place
Elensky has no brains, cuz all the lines he has snorted has distroyed the little brain he ever had,
Clownskyy should not hurt others others because he lost his war. The Furher should look at the past what to do next.
maybe is it possible that USA order Zelenskyy to cut gas on Europe??
FICO is a Putin stooge.
Zelensky is nothing , king, without clothes. His residency is Illigal long time ago.
He SPEAKS like The Super HEAD of All Europe & USA.. Delusional Emperor of WESTERN NATIONS / EUROPE
Zelinski, it will drag Europe to the stone age.
We should tell the truth....USA will do this. Since it's the USA who wanted this war. Plus Z does what the US tells him to do like an idiot!
Excellent Comedian 😂😂😂
Filo bravo!!! a real leader who care his people !!!❤❤❤❤❤
Fico❤❤❤ a politician with wisdom and foresight
Dealing with a comedian is a pointless conversation 😂😂😂
Fico must work for Slovakia, that's right. Zelensky, you are not in the European Union and not in NATO, but we are paying for your stupidity. This must end. If you want war, pay for it yourself!!!!
corrupte zelensky
You are so right. I can only agree 100 %.
Sadly people saw this way late. He doesn’t desire a stop to war officially. If you are elected by man then you are subject to what man says, and he wasn’t elected by the people but appointed by Rulers and powers and as such is under duress to produce the desired results and narratives.
Von den 100 Milliarden die in die Ukraine gingen haben die Oligarchen Schneelenskj und Konsorten in die eigene Tasche gesteckt Man sollte alle Ukrainer in ihr Land zurückschicken Der Westen dort hat nichts abbekommen und ist intakt. Und jetzt stellt der Kokainskj das Gas ab für die Staaten die diesen Clown unterstützt haben Schade um unser Geld
Zelenxky is opposing every thing, how long can this go on,?
Bravo Fico !!!
Zelensky is constantly under drugs
Zionists drugs?
Yes😂😂😂😂😂😂😂drug man ukraina prezident 😂😂😂😂😂😂
Excellent comedian thanks for his excellent service EU in tatters 😂😂😂
and people of USA-NATO paying for his habits
Orban and Fico are not pro Russia, he stand for their people.
They are Putin puppets.
Seems like Zelensky's friends are getting tired of foolishness, he needs to just pack his bags and go.
No more bloodshed ,Peace and save lives.
The Russian devil made a pack on 6th of Dec 1994 and never kept much like many others.
FICO you have right he is arogant and want mo PEACE. Millions money is nlacl
Well done Fico, eye for eye 😅 Zelenskyy can not possibly complain. You cut off gas to Slovakia and expect to get electricity from the same country? How egocentric is that? Zelenskyy thinks every one owes him and Ukraine something
Hmm no mention from you of blame fully on Putin for causing all these chaos! And Slovakia is the least of President Zelensky's concerns having to deal with the ongoing Russian war duh! 😏
Zelenky not fighting for money? Ukrainian soldiers dying while his family reported went shopping in aparis. Also reported he owned villas in various countries. Where money come from?
Paris is full of Ottoman imperialism.
Yes, and a luxurious appartment in e lucurious part of London! When is he at home if he has to look after his property in italy, London, USA, chose luxurious furniture etc...?! Will he ever ask him what he has done with that money?!😮
Just wondering what Zelensky doing in the first row - or what is he doing at all - in a European Union meeting when Ukraine not even a member ?
Have you forgotten how he was invited and glorified at UK, USA, Canada and other European countries parliament????? I think this is similar. Ukraine and USA has got Europe where they exactly want .
Drugged Zelo does not know what he is saying.
Bohužel ví!!!
Fico is a gentleman.
Zelanskije thinks that he is pulling the strings forgetting that all those strings make him a puppet in a sick , sick play .
Great man Fico
Many things happening now are result of his government actions from past... Little is known, that he allows export of Slovak ammunition to Ukraine (MLRS missiles which killed children in Belgorod were made in Slovakia...) and gives all support to Ukraine and agrees (unlike Hungary) with all sanctions on Russia without word against them. He gav every slight resistance to some sanctions like nuclear energy, but all in all Fico works in full cooperation with EU against Russia. That´s reason why Slovakia is still declared as enemy country to Russia.
I can say, only two European nation, Hungary and Slovakia are brilliant, they want to take independent decision, independent foreign policy.... Not just want to follow Washington order blindly like Germany and Poland 😅😅😅😅
Hungary. Hungarians are not hungry. The name of the country is Hungary.😂😂❤
@@EdieBeedie-b5d are you from my nursery school ?🤣
@ I don’t think we went to nursery school together but I am the grammar police. L O L
@@EdieBeedie-b5d may be
Slovakian should leaves EU/NATO and joint the BRICS.
Amen I hope Hungary Serbia Greece move to brics to
Don’t let the door hit them in the S. Not like they contributed their fair share into defense. 😂
Ukraine telling you buy gas 3 times expensive and you?🐑 🐑 🐑
Why moron?
The revolution is coming from Slovakia. From the heart, for hearts.
🙏☀️ Ľudia čítam tisícky komentárov. , pól Zemeguli prosila Boha o zamilovanie, , Fico sám bojuje za Mier,☝️🙏👍🌏👌. To nieje náhoda prežil atentát, Boh ho vzkriesil . 🙏Boh vypočul modlidbi svojich detí na celom svete . 🙏 ďakujem ti bože za Fica svet ho má rád 🙏🌏🌹🛞🌹♥️🇪🇺🇸🇰☀️🍀🍀🍀🍀🌞
Complimenti al grande Presidente Fico uno dei migliori in Europa
Together with Orbán il migliore PM in Europe! ❤❤ ( Io solo scrivo a questo canale di insegnare alla IA come pronunciare il cognome di questo grande PM Slivacco Robert Fico. Si pronuncia /.fitzo/, has nothing to do with fichi 😑😑😑🙄🙄🙄!!! V slovacco va prononciato sempre /tz/, ( mai k , così poi suona come un fico)!!!! È vergognoso se la IA parla di un Primo ministro così importante senza sapere come pronunciare il suo nome!!!😊
Берегите его,у него есть яйца как и у Орбана !!! Лидеры своего народа !!!
P. Zelenský měl být nahrazen na svém postu dle legislativy Ukrajiny už dávno za použití všech možností alternatív, zatím i bez voleb. Kdyby se tak stalo dříve , bylo by třeba jen polovina mrtvých. Kdo s tímto na světě počítá, že oběti budou dál narůstat za stávajících okolností a to nejen oběti, ale i světová kize a další indifetentní stav v bodu na hraně 3.světové války. On je "šílenec bez logiky a pragmatismu pro celý svět včetně jak prostřednictvím s jeho tancování svět rozdělil na dva politické tábory s markantním nárůstem pro jedn tábor. On hýbe celým světem a hlavně stojí délkou trvání války a odmítáním diplomatického jenání - stojí za propadem ekonomik světa a počtem obětí s jeho rádoby bojechtivosti. Je to smutné ,že leadeři světa se nechali utancovat jeho tanečními výkony - ničemu a nikomu to neprospěl , ale naopak. Na postu prezidenta nemá už volbou lidu Ukrajiny a určitě může být legislatívně zastoupen náhradníkem i ve vedení armády.
Diabol straca kontrolu nad svetom, ktoru doteraz mal. Je to nevyhnutne a nejde tomu nijak zabranit. To vsak neznamena ze sa nebude snazit drzat zubami nechtami.
The precise translation is "nonsense like a water in a wicker basket" (as it obviously cannot hold any water)
How you translate? Omg it was wicker baskett that our prime minister was talking about
Tanks u for telling them the truth
Zelensky has time until JANUARY 20. After that R.I.P. Zelensky era….
It's you who are fighting for money if you were fighting for you have resolved this issue diplomatically
Fico is right
Mr. Fico is a smart man! 👍
Nah he's for sure one of the dumbest national leaders within Europe! Such shocking ignorance! 🤦♂️😏
His lips are all over Bolshevik bu-t. Can someone peal them off already?
Békét kell kötni és nem bombáz tovább!
Its time to do that!
Zelensky vs Fico Boxing Match, and the referee is Governer Wladimir Klitschko.
The same zelesky who offered fico money to accept Ukraine into NATO now he said fico he is fighting for money 😂😂😂
The right pronounce of the surname of the Slovak PM in English is Fitso.
Fico is a brave politician. He is consern of higer cost of gas as every politican in EU shuold be but have no curage to opoose the west mainstream. Dont give up Fico stay at your path.
Can a basket hold water …..
IT IS wicker baskett that our prime minister was talking about
@ ok
It cannot. Thats why it is a nonsense
Fico should follow up his words with action...just cut off the electricity...
Ukraine has lost the initial good will of the world when they war started.It's now losing support from some Western leaders as well
Prečo nie je možnosť slovenských titulkov. Nie každý ovláda angličtinu. Popracujte na tom. Ďakujem.
Klikněte na ozubené kolečko a tam si vyberte Slovenštinu. Nabídka se objeví jen když obdelník vedle ozubeného kolečka v levo je podtržen červeně. Pokud není podtržen , klikněte na něj. Někdy to napíše, že titulky nejsou k dispozici. U tohoti videa jsou k dispozici.
correct translation is: "Nonsense like water in a wicker basket"
That's my new saying from now on. Nonsense like water in a dirty basket. Love it.
Fico Man of truth ❤❤❤❤
Fico is right. Zelensky is bossing European governments around. The source of his power is a mystery.
What mystery? They are the buffer zone. No one wants lazy pillaging Russians as they know from their past histories.
Not a mystery, his power comes from US, he is a puppet!
To people outside of Slovakia, this guy was also strongly hated due to "corruption" and similar activities, as the media used to spread for a long time in the recent past. Some believed it, and some didn't. And now it is crystal clear who truly cares about Slovakia and its people. While Fico is trying to end the conflict through diplomacy, his opponents like Čaputová or the Progressive Slovakia Party blindly support the warmongering, imperialism, and Russophobia of the U.S. It is also crystal clear that all those years of hate against Fico's "corruption" etc were just misinformation or info-war against Slovakia led by the U.S., to overthrow the true leaders and continue with ideological war against Russia.
Smart fico. Congrats sir.
Na zdravje.
Salute to Fico for staying strong and look after the interest of his people first.
That quote : if you cut a king make sure he is dead. Someone tryed to kill him , now he will not play ball .
Accuse the other of what you, yourself are guilty of! "Deceit's favourite role is to play the victim. To make the Innocent appear Guilty, and the Guilty seem Innocent" Paul Galindo.
Fico is rights when zelensky already finish his country new generation for him to get rich its really disrespect
Zelensky is a🤡🤡🤡
He is a MIC / neocons puppet
EU should boycotts Zelenskyy.
Fitso not Fiko!!!
Diki, Veroniko.
What I know is that if a person, or an entity was helping you, and you see that suddenly that help stops, don't talk bad about that person or entity. It is not the right way to follow,
Zelensky, you are an actor man, what is wrong with you. What are you doing as a president? 😮😂😂😂😂
Zelensky should come back to his normal mind to negotiate now with Putin
Has Fico and MEDIA forgot the RUSSIAN breach of Budapest December 6th 1994 AGREEMENT? Why does NOT MEDIA PUBLISH IT?
Ze's PR team are working hard to fool the rabble. Doesn't fool those with knowledge and intelligence. who are rare these days .
Bravo Mr. Fico🤗
Countries that are on Ukraine's Western border should take land away from Zelensky before he let's Russia take the entirety of Ukraine.
How is going special operation Vlad
Bucket. Not basket. Like it makes no sense to put clean water in a dirty bucket. Love it! Go Fico.Tell him like it is and see how he likes having no electricity and all the aid that you’ve given them throughout this war. He bites every hand that feeds him and America just eats it up.
Wow! Everyone forgot that RUSSIA breached the 6, December 1994 agreement by aggressively ATTACKING? Shame on you all. When deals are broken those who break them should be held ACCOUNTABLE.
What people need to understand, and I see this sort of a mistake in the comments, is that this feud isn't Fico vs Zelensky (or Orban vs Zelensky for that matter). It's Fico vs the EU parliament, which makes this much much worse and an even bigger grotesque.
It is Fico vs Zelensky. It is Zelensky's decision not to allow Russian gas through Ukraine over to Slovakia. It is NOT EU's decision.
@henthust9784 It is the EU parliament's agenda not to use or buy more fossil fuel from Russia. Zelensky is marely a marionette of the west.
The green t shirt learned all the trades from usa
Hahaha 😁 😆
Zelensky “peleando por vidas”, si claro, para enviarlas a la picadora de carne…. Ademas de inepto soberbio, Orban y Fico bravo, mis respetos
We must support PM Fico and reject Zelenskey to save the European economy and end this senseless NATO war in Ukraine!
Fico and Orban seem to be the only sensible leaders in Europe. Zelensky is subjecting his people to incredible hardships while reaping unbeliavable wealth...
Both ran to kiss Bolshevik’s hiney like some sorta drug junkies.
Fico and Orban are Putin stooges
i like mister Fico, and of course i hate Elensky. I love mister Putin,
Pardon me....🤮🤮🤮
@jettser17UK why ?
@Samson-j9y Why not⁉️
@@jettser17UK i do not understand, why are you saying pardon me. For what should i pardon you ?
@Samson-j9yPLEASE only Russians believe in propaganda as they FINALLY got their samsung TVs. Rest visited Auschwitz and saw what it did for Hitler and Stalin deal making.
Let's face it, Ukraine is de facto and de jure not a member of Nato and dares to criticize the leader of a Nato member country, for us viewers this is a funny and interesting thing to watch.
Bravo Fico❤👌. Zelensky is little corrupt boy and stole a lot of money already 😉
Experts here, is "Fico" pronounced as "FEE-Call" or "FEE-Car"? Pardon my use of quote marks and words as opposed to IPA phonetic symbols and / /, [ ] for phonemes & allophones.
😂 Clown-yensky has Electricity?? What BAD LIDER😂😂
Fico 💯✅👍
1631eu nás táhne ke dnu 🤔😎🤠😂😂
Can we make video from our own country and condemn zelensky act is careless and inhumane
Am commenting from Papua New Guinea
Fecal i thought he crawled back under his rock
Ďakujeme za krásne recenzie. Ďakujeme za podporu. Fico je náš super premiér a stojíme za nim.👍🤝🤝🤝
Zelensky is pathetic. He can't even see he a pawn in a proxy war. His country is finished.... thanks to him. Follow the money trail. Bank balance prior to and after the proxy war.
Fico is correct
Zelensky should be brought to trial, for crimes againts humanity.
Putin is the war criminal.
Ukraine nyang peuseulamat abeh America meucuca😚
Zelensky is Right bcoz he flight Russia NATO don't want him in NATO and NATO wants russian Gas and passes through the country russia hit every day NATO should look another NATO country to pass there Gas not Ukraine😂😂😂😂hahahaha
Citizen of SLovakia here. Although all is Matrix game, fact is, that Slovakia without RUssian gas will be slowly dying and economic downturn of practically poorest country in EU might cause civil war here. Nobody in West can understand how is to live off of 800 EUR per month (typical income of 60% of Slovak citizen) with costs similar or even higher (food as an example) to Western and with increased taxation and cuts in social spendings for 2025 (induced by Fico´s government).... This might really mean end of Slovak republic and her division between Poland and Hungary.
Wenn der Bettler sagt wir kämpfen für Leben, Fico für Geld 😂😂😂😂
Zelensky needs to be locked in prison for war crimes in hard labour for life.
NO, but Putin should.
Fiko :D :D
Zelensky is a hero because he was offered sanctuary & stayed. Considering a blood thirsty Tyrant Putin put a price on his life
Zelinski think he is a Boss
You didn't translate it right . He didn't say dirty basket, just basket...
Wicker baskett prútený kôš
Without removing the puppet from power how will change be brought about,
Wont cutting electicity only make lives misreable for the already suffering innocent Ukrainian people in the harsh winter.
Here we go with truth twisting, gaslighting of facts, not accountable narcissistic rants. All identical to those I saw in Auschwitz films. Did you forget the Budapest agreement of 6, December of 1994? RUSSIA who helped themselves into a slice of China’s Qing Dynasty should be once more handed more land?