taron isnt overrated, yes it doesnt have insane airtime but we like the sense of speed u get going around the village especially since it has the best 2nd launch of any multi launch
you may not think Taron is overrated but OBcoasters thinks it is and I definitely agree with him. It’s a fun ride but there’s a lack of standout moments and it would be better with some inversions and stronger airtime moments. Great theming but overall i definitely prefer other intamin launch coasters like gotham city escape, taiga and toutatis.
Calling roller coasters "overrated" that already have bad reputations and poor ratings just makes a really bad video. Half of the coasters in this video should've been omitted because most people dont rate them highly at all. No offense
F.L.Y is sooooo overrated if it wasn’t for the theming people would call it an ‘average’ flying coaster with a simple layout carried by the force. There’s waaaayyyyy better rides at Phantasialand like my fave ride there, black mamba! That ride 🤘
Its actually a pretty good flying coaster as far as flying coasters go. I do like Taron and blackmamba better but yup i think that one is overhyped to.
@@Klombo114 Nope that would be a bit much. I love I305 or whatever they call it now. But i would need to maney breaks between rides if they where all that forcefull. Having said that its still my number 2 or 3 coaster not sure is i find ride to happines or I305 nicer.
@@arturobianco848 I totally agree that i305 is too much, I was exaggerating. Although, i feel that quite a lot of enthusiasts expect any coaster to be very intense and forceful.
I honestly think silver bullet is overheated, nobody i know praises it and every enthusiast i’ve seen complains the same reasons of how it’s not intense enough while i think the coaster serves its purpose for the park that can only fit so many coasters; it doesn’t create unbearable head banging and a rough ride while also not being an extremely calm and boring coaster, it’s a good middle.
Yup but thats what most of the enthousiast are saying so how did it get overrated is what i wonder about. Ok there are some that like verything but i don't count those.
@iliketrains3546 Depending if its top 3 for Woody's i can live with that. If its overall they need to go see a shrink. I'm not counting Briitish enthousiast they might just be a bit to biased.
Wicker man is one of my favourites too and thats because of the whole package. The preshow, the huge statue, a good layout and the superb theming really puts it higher than other woodies I have ridden. Also a night ride on it is INSANE. :D
I can understand what you are saying got that with Taron myself. Wich is way higher in my list then it should be considering the coaster wich is still pretty good. But come on wickerman truly is just an avarage woody. I would recommend el toro, Wildfire (the kolmarden one) or my personale favorite woody Voyager. Ride those and come back to me that Wickerman still is your favorite woody. Having said that, considering the woody's in england and a lot of them on the continent i can certainely understand why you like it so much. So no disrespect for your opnion just hoping you can do some more woody's and giving you some pointers (sadly most of the good ones are in the states) personaly i think Baldur, Wodan and Troy are better woody's but considering the overall picture i can certainly see why you find that Wickerman might be the better experience.
@@foofoo-g9o Thats a pretty nice one also nicely themed. But i can understand if you still like the overal package on wickerman better after you done wodan. Have fun in Europapark.
I think you absolutely right on this list. These are all coasters that get overhyped for some reasons. Some have great theming but the layout isn’t actually that special, some of them have one great element end that’s it, some have history but are actually outdated the day they opened they probably were something special but if you compare them to newer coasters the oldies aren’t that great still respect their history, some of them hebe to drown out elements so the forces aren’t their or the just meander to much it’s to much of the same thing over and over, some of them are just to painful to ride for number of reasons and for some you just expected something else from that kind of model from a manufacturer. Yes these have their fanbase and absolutely a reason to be their but are overrated for a lot of other enthousiasts and that isn’t going to be a popular opinion with those fans. I thought you were very mild in your opinion and didn’t even bury these coasters. I like it when TH-camrs give an honest opinion even when it isn’t a popular one.
I couldn't agree more about Blue Fire.. Got so disappointed last time I visited Europapark ! It used to be a coaster I was enjoying a lot and a machine I was looking forward to go on again and again..Not anymore!! Wodan is way above this coaster and Silver Star remains Silver Star, shakier than before but always a great hyper B&M for me, old but gold !
It depends how good it is depending on when you ride it because if you get a night ride it is insane. It goes about 10-15mph faster than usual which is why it is very hyped up. However, if you get a morning ride you get weak airtime.
Did you go to PW Madrid in a cold day? Because nowhere Batman GCE is overrated. Been there first time December last year, freezing cold day, and honestly, it felt a bit that way, but then returned there lat August this year... and... WTF, that thing IS REALLY INCREDIBLE. Maybe you need to reride it on a good day as much as Mr. @OBcoasters needs a Zadra reride.
@@ruipeixoto5737 Except for superman at new England wich i happen to agree with that its overrated in my opnion (then again i'm not a big fan of that kind of coasters i find them pretty boaring). but I think he needs his head examented. It such a weird collection of differnt coasters sure i can understand FLY i think its overhyped (not overrated)to a nice coaster don't get me wrong but overhyped. And a Woody can always be hit and miss, but Untamed Lech and batman at madrid (done that one when it was 38 C and it was insane.)
Zadra and overrated? 🤔 For me it get‘s to less credit. I rode most coasters in europe, and Zadra is for me still the best. But everyone is different 😊👍🏻
Yeah at this point Zadra is underrated by how many ( specially „big“ people, mainly coasterstudios*cough*) find it overrated. If you count in a lot of even the small youtubers who actually have ridden it you get the real picture. It is a well deserved loved ride and probably consent to be the best ride in europe. There is a reason it just recently overtook Iron Gwazi to become number 2 on captaincoaster and was also in the top 5 last year on coasterbot. If anything the prominent nay sayers of Zadra seem to be in the „wrong“. As for me, it is also my favourite coaster in europe, not even close, and I cant understand any of the ever so small criticism its getting but hey maybe they had just off days^^
@@slifer19964444 Ah i have to say Ride to happiness is a good contender for the nr 1 spot in europe. Depending on what you like it could go either way for me its still Zadra. although an exceptionaly good ride on the ride to happiness is probable just a slightly better then an exceptionaly good ride on Zadra. Now how often do you get those so my winner is Zadra.
@@OBcoasters dude I would love to like all those better than Zadra and allthough Im missing a lot in europe I have ridden all those and they are a rather long shot off Zadra. I mean not super long but a solid 30% off a warm Zadra ride. And all those rides are elite dont get me wrong. They are all on the same level as Hyperion for me and you see how much tastes differ if you see that some people like Hyperion better than Zadra. Might just be the day or coasters really are that subjective but thats ok as well. All Im saying is that the masses seem to finally give Zadra its (in my opinion) well deserved praise.
Couldnt agree more but only thing ill say is that Goliath at walibi holland is a front row ride so that might be why u didnt like it as much as expected
Taron is soooooo overrated like it doesn't even have interesting elements, for me, it's ranked in the very last spot of Intamil blitz/multi-launch coasters
Hmmm had thats same problem with Maverick for some reason its quite the reverse with Taron for me. I just love the damm thing and you are right it just ain't that good but i can't help myself.
To be honest about half of them i agree with you. For a part of them i think you are just moaning about things. Done about a thousand coasters and Zadra is still nr 1 for me, did Expedition Gforce again this year and its still an encridable good coaster and Taron is still in my top 5. Ok it probable shouldn't be there but i just like it. completly agree with you about Magnum, goliath and although i haven't done the big one, i have done they one in Ceddar point and the sooner they remove that coaster the better so i probable will agree with you on that one. I can understand why About Valraven thats a good coaster just because you don't like the restrains doesn't make it overhyped it makes you a bad commentator not to se through what is a good coaster and what is your personale problem. As for the other coasters like Wicekrman, and that one in florida. Have you really listened to the better vloggers? Wickerman is the best woody in England according to them, thats says more about the woody's in england then about it being a good Woody. Almost all just acall it a fine but avarage woody. Same with launcher in Tussenfjyrd most have them have pretty negative comments about it. I don't get where you get that overrated from. Looks to me the titel should have been the most dissapointed coaster for me. For me the most overhyped coaster was steel vengeance. I fully expected it to be my number 1 turns out i like it about as much as Taron. Wich was pretty dissapointing still an incredable good ride though.
I respect your opinion ;) I just think the UK Vloggers tend to overhype some of the rides in my opinion. But thanks for supporting the video and commenting ;)
When do you people understand that overrated is a toxic term that shouldn't be used? Sometimes I feel a sense of weight in this community and it's given by those judgement. I like something more than you do, all of us have different tastes and ALL are valid!
What are you yapping about? If I don’t enjoy a ride as much as most other people do then that makes it overrated in my opinion. That doesn’t mean that others aren’t allowed to enjoy that ride.
@coasters4life388 overrated is an objective statement. It means, literally, "something that is rated higher than it deserves". But who decided that this ride shouldn't be rated high? If it's rated high there must be a good reason (there's still some exceptions). It's like saying that my opinion is the right one and who thinks the opposite is wrong. Often people use the word overrated for saying "it's bad" and the two should not be confused. It would be much better if we said "I didn't like it as many people do" or "I was disappointed", instead of overrated. This creates a sense of hate in the community
@coasters4life388 Well if you make a titel of your clipp the most overrated coasters in the world and then base is soley on your own prefernces that its just pure clickbate. Also the fact that half of them are actually not rated that great one of them mostly has only negative comments i wonder how he comes to overrated? Nope this is another one of his thats all bad. Wich is fine because i'm not taking him that serieus anyway. From the coaster vloggers he is a bit like cheap but easy to watch type of content maker.
taron isnt overrated, yes it doesnt have insane airtime but we like the sense of speed u get going around the village especially since it has the best 2nd launch of any multi launch
same with wickerman, the sense of speed is great
you may not think Taron is overrated but OBcoasters thinks it is and I definitely agree with him. It’s a fun ride but there’s a lack of standout moments and it would be better with some inversions and stronger airtime moments. Great theming but overall i definitely prefer other intamin launch coasters like gotham city escape, taiga and toutatis.
@coasters4life388 OBcoasters doesn't know what he's talking about as he hasn't even experienced most of the coasters he 'ranks'
I have tried Taron Many times tbh 😅 So in This case… i 100% know 😝
@@joost6994 he has done every coaster on this list tho and judging off that I can assume he has been to most places in Europe and North America
Skyrush isn’t overrated. It’s over hyped as a super intense coaster. It’s an airtime machine but not
Intense. Just my opinion.
Respect 🙌
Calling roller coasters "overrated" that already have bad reputations and poor ratings just makes a really bad video.
Half of the coasters in this video should've been omitted because most people dont rate them highly at all. No offense
I dont really agree with that! Its for entertainment 🫶🙌
F.L.Y is sooooo overrated if it wasn’t for the theming people would call it an ‘average’ flying coaster with a simple layout carried by the force.
There’s waaaayyyyy better rides at Phantasialand like my fave ride there, black mamba! That ride 🤘
Its actually a pretty good flying coaster as far as flying coasters go. I do like Taron and blackmamba better but yup i think that one is overhyped to.
I agree 100% its very overrated
Not every coaster has to be as forceful as i305 btw
@@Klombo114 Nope that would be a bit much. I love I305 or whatever they call it now. But i would need to maney breaks between rides if they where all that forcefull. Having said that its still my number 2 or 3 coaster not sure is i find ride to happines or I305 nicer.
@@arturobianco848 I totally agree that i305 is too much, I was exaggerating. Although, i feel that quite a lot of enthusiasts expect any coaster to be very intense and forceful.
I honestly think silver bullet is overheated, nobody i know praises it and every enthusiast i’ve seen complains the same reasons of how it’s not intense enough while i think the coaster serves its purpose for the park that can only fit so many coasters; it doesn’t create unbearable head banging and a rough ride while also not being an extremely calm and boring coaster, it’s a good middle.
We want intensity ;)
I've never heard of anyone saying saw the ride is good so not sure how it's over hyped, colossus at Thorpe is the roughest by a million miles.
Wicker man is valid, it’s an average to below average GCI with world class theming
Completely Agree 🙌🎢
Yup but thats what most of the enthousiast are saying so how did it get overrated is what i wonder about. Ok there are some that like verything but i don't count those.
@ no lol most enthusiasts consider it top 3 in the UK which it just isnt
@iliketrains3546 Depending if its top 3 for Woody's i can live with that. If its overall they need to go see a shrink. I'm not counting Briitish enthousiast they might just be a bit to biased.
I consider Zadra as underrated. For me its the 3rd best coaster in Europa (close to be no 1) and has a shot to be top 10 in the world
I just rode Zadra for the first time yesterday and it was far from overrated that thing is absolutely insane, easily my no.1
Maybe i have to do some rerides? 🙌😌
Yup done a few coasters and that one is still my number one.
El Toro....
I have not ridden it yet.. since it was also closed for a bit..
Wicker man is one of my favourites too and thats because of the whole package. The preshow, the huge statue, a good layout and the superb theming really puts it higher than other woodies I have ridden. Also a night ride on it is INSANE. :D
I respect the opinion 🙌🫶
@@foofoo-g9o back row Wikerman is so good
I can understand what you are saying got that with Taron myself. Wich is way higher in my list then it should be considering the coaster wich is still pretty good. But come on wickerman truly is just an avarage woody. I would recommend el toro, Wildfire (the kolmarden one) or my personale favorite woody Voyager. Ride those and come back to me that Wickerman still is your favorite woody. Having said that, considering the woody's in england and a lot of them on the continent i can certainely understand why you like it so much. So no disrespect for your opnion just hoping you can do some more woody's and giving you some pointers (sadly most of the good ones are in the states) personaly i think Baldur, Wodan and Troy are better woody's but considering the overall picture i can certainly see why you find that Wickerman might be the better experience.
@@arturobianco848 I'll be doing Wodan next year
@@foofoo-g9o Thats a pretty nice one also nicely themed. But i can understand if you still like the overal package on wickerman better after you done wodan. Have fun in Europapark.
I think you absolutely right on this list. These are all coasters that get overhyped for some reasons. Some have great theming but the layout isn’t actually that special, some of them have one great element end that’s it, some have history but are actually outdated the day they opened they probably were something special but if you compare them to newer coasters the oldies aren’t that great still respect their history, some of them hebe to drown out elements so the forces aren’t their or the just meander to much it’s to much of the same thing over and over, some of them are just to painful to ride for number of reasons and for some you just expected something else from that kind of model from a manufacturer. Yes these have their fanbase and absolutely a reason to be their but are overrated for a lot of other enthousiasts and that isn’t going to be a popular opinion with those fans. I thought you were very mild in your opinion and didn’t even bury these coasters. I like it when TH-camrs give an honest opinion even when it isn’t a popular one.
Thanks Man! ;)
Number 1 overrated coaster for me is Zadra. Its just not as good as some other RMC's and dont understand why people rate it so highly.
I agree 👌👌
I couldn't agree more about Blue Fire.. Got so disappointed last time I visited Europapark ! It used to be a coaster I was enjoying a lot and a machine I was looking forward to go on again and again..Not anymore!! Wodan is way above this coaster and Silver Star remains Silver Star, shakier than before but always a great hyper B&M for me, old but gold !
I Think silverstar gets too much hate 😅
4:19 Nooooo wicker my beloved😭😭
It depends how good it is depending on when you ride it because if you get a night ride it is insane. It goes about 10-15mph faster than usual which is why it is very hyped up. However, if you get a morning ride you get weak airtime.
Uuupsiiii 😝
also very overrated coasters: untamed, Lech coaster, FLY, Troy, superman at new england and batman GCE
Untamed, and Fly? Now my Heart is destroyed 😝👌🙌
Did you go to PW Madrid in a cold day? Because nowhere Batman GCE is overrated. Been there first time December last year, freezing cold day, and honestly, it felt a bit that way, but then returned there lat August this year... and... WTF, that thing IS REALLY INCREDIBLE.
Maybe you need to reride it on a good day as much as Mr. @OBcoasters needs a Zadra reride.
@@ruipeixoto5737 Except for superman at new England wich i happen to agree with that its overrated in my opnion (then again i'm not a big fan of that kind of coasters i find them pretty boaring). but I think he needs his head examented. It such a weird collection of differnt coasters sure i can understand FLY i think its overhyped (not overrated)to a nice coaster don't get me wrong but overhyped. And a Woody can always be hit and miss, but Untamed Lech and batman at madrid (done that one when it was 38 C and it was insane.)
GeForce is sooooo goood
3:58 Hi! At the wickerman, you definitely got a slow ride, i rank it over veloicoaster. If you got a nightride, then let's see
Ohhh Nightride! Where do i Sit? 👀
@OBcoasters I recommend row 3. Every other seat is just okay. The backrow feels quite slow
Okay Roger that!
When do you Make a Video who you Rank your Personal Top coasters ?
In the near future 🙌👌
ZADRA??? on no
Saw and Wikerman are great coasters! I love them they are both in my top 10 (although I haven't done any coasters outside of UK or France)
Saw is a little rough but not as bad as Collososs 😅
You need to do back row Wikerman, then I think you would like it more ❤
I Will remember that! 🙌😌
very sigma videos 😊
Fury 325 is probably the most overrated ride there is
Have not ridden it yet 🙌👀
Nah Millennium Force
@@David51295 That's a fair opinion. My hot take, I actually prefer Millie over Fury.
Zadra and overrated? 🤔
For me it get‘s to less credit. I rode most coasters in europe, and Zadra is for me still the best. But everyone is different 😊👍🏻
Respect 🫶😌🙌
Yeah at this point Zadra is underrated by how many ( specially „big“ people, mainly coasterstudios*cough*) find it overrated. If you count in a lot of even the small youtubers who actually have ridden it you get the real picture. It is a well deserved loved ride and probably consent to be the best ride in europe. There is a reason it just recently overtook Iron Gwazi to become number 2 on captaincoaster and was also in the top 5 last year on coasterbot. If anything the prominent nay sayers of Zadra seem to be in the „wrong“. As for me, it is also my favourite coaster in europe, not even close, and I cant understand any of the ever so small criticism its getting but hey maybe they had just off days^^
@@slifer19964444 Untamed, Voltron and RTH is personally better in my opinion ;)
@@slifer19964444 Ah i have to say Ride to happiness is a good contender for the nr 1 spot in europe. Depending on what you like it could go either way for me its still Zadra. although an exceptionaly good ride on the ride to happiness is probable just a slightly better then an exceptionaly good ride on Zadra. Now how often do you get those so my winner is Zadra.
@@OBcoasters dude I would love to like all those better than Zadra and allthough Im missing a lot in europe I have ridden all those and they are a rather long shot off Zadra. I mean not super long but a solid 30% off a warm Zadra ride. And all those rides are elite dont get me wrong. They are all on the same level as Hyperion for me and you see how much tastes differ if you see that some people like Hyperion better than Zadra. Might just be the day or coasters really are that subjective but thats ok as well. All Im saying is that the masses seem to finally give Zadra its (in my opinion) well deserved praise.
Couldnt agree more but only thing ill say is that Goliath at walibi holland is a front row ride so that might be why u didnt like it as much as expected
I gotta Try the front then 🙌🙌
just dont do it in the rain like me😅
Taron is soooooo overrated like it doesn't even have interesting elements, for me, it's ranked in the very last spot of Intamil blitz/multi-launch coasters
Hmmm had thats same problem with Maverick for some reason its quite the reverse with Taron for me. I just love the damm thing and you are right it just ain't that good but i can't help myself.
Next the most underrated coasters.
Yessir 🙌
There are 4 Arrow hypers not 2
Now i would like to know what are your Favourites when you destroyed some of the best.
I should make a top 20 list 😱😱
Where is Voltron? Voltron is the Most overrated rollercoaster on the Planet.
No its not
That's because Voltron is a new rollercoaster and a very good one.
2:35 if im going to be honest, i never felt the roughness on rip ride. It may have been a good day, but i do agree wirh the absurd amount of trims
Where did You sit on the ride? 🙌👌👀
To be honest about half of them i agree with you. For a part of them i think you are just moaning about things. Done about a thousand coasters and Zadra is still nr 1 for me, did Expedition Gforce again this year and its still an encridable good coaster and Taron is still in my top 5. Ok it probable shouldn't be there but i just like it. completly agree with you about Magnum, goliath and although i haven't done the big one, i have done they one in Ceddar point and the sooner they remove that coaster the better so i probable will agree with you on that one. I can understand why
About Valraven thats a good coaster just because you don't like the restrains doesn't make it overhyped it makes you a bad commentator not to se through what is a good coaster and what is your personale problem.
As for the other coasters like Wicekrman, and that one in florida. Have you really listened to the better vloggers? Wickerman is the best woody in England according to them, thats says more about the woody's in england then about it being a good Woody. Almost all just acall it a fine but avarage woody. Same with launcher in Tussenfjyrd most have them have pretty negative comments about it. I don't get where you get that overrated from.
Looks to me the titel should have been the most dissapointed coaster for me.
For me the most overhyped coaster was steel vengeance. I fully expected it to be my number 1 turns out i like it about as much as Taron. Wich was pretty dissapointing still an incredable good ride though.
I respect your opinion ;) I just think the UK Vloggers tend to overhype some of the rides in my opinion. But thanks for supporting the video and commenting ;)
@@OBcoasters I always like your clipps even if i disagre with you on a lot of things.
When do you people understand that overrated is a toxic term that shouldn't be used? Sometimes I feel a sense of weight in this community and it's given by those judgement. I like something more than you do, all of us have different tastes and ALL are valid!
What are you yapping about? If I don’t enjoy a ride as much as most other people do then that makes it overrated in my opinion. That doesn’t mean that others aren’t allowed to enjoy that ride.
@coasters4life388 overrated is an objective statement. It means, literally, "something that is rated higher than it deserves". But who decided that this ride shouldn't be rated high? If it's rated high there must be a good reason (there's still some exceptions). It's like saying that my opinion is the right one and who thinks the opposite is wrong. Often people use the word overrated for saying "it's bad" and the two should not be confused. It would be much better if we said "I didn't like it as many people do" or "I was disappointed", instead of overrated. This creates a sense of hate in the community
That is Right ;)
I just don’t Think it should be Taken that serious, everyone has different opinions 🫶🙌
@coasters4life388 Well if you make a titel of your clipp the most overrated coasters in the world and then base is soley on your own prefernces that its just pure clickbate. Also the fact that half of them are actually not rated that great one of them mostly has only negative comments i wonder how he comes to overrated? Nope this is another one of his thats all bad. Wich is fine because i'm not taking him that serieus anyway. From the coaster vloggers he is a bit like cheap but easy to watch type of content maker.
The smiler is so much worse than saw
You Think so? 😱😱👀
@OBcoasters I have had smoother rides on saw, and it has a much better layout. Smiler feels very repetitive, forceless and juddery