There's couple of other tracks where I decided to do a "guitar duet" with both of the lead guitars, it's a neat way to bring variety to the sound while still being able to use a lead guitar tune for melodies.
Klassinen Megaman-sarja olisi voinut päättyä seiskaan tai sitten tosiaan jatkaa samoilla poluilla kuin Megaman 7. Kahdeksannelle Megamanille en ole vieläkään oikein lämmennyt.
That transition from X2 to X1 od guitar was smooth
There's couple of other tracks where I decided to do a "guitar duet" with both of the lead guitars, it's a neat way to bring variety to the sound while still being able to use a lead guitar tune for melodies.
Klassinen Megaman-sarja olisi voinut päättyä seiskaan tai sitten tosiaan jatkaa samoilla poluilla kuin Megaman 7. Kahdeksannelle Megamanille en ole vieläkään oikein lämmennyt.
@@rjagadtortilla tavataan