connecting to old friends, tears of joy, & some vulnerable sharing. [i guess my period is coming]

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 14 ส.ค. 2021
  • It’s been a long time I was called Đao Đao Đao Đao Đao from those talkative mouths! & it felt so good to be called the nickname only close / old friends do. I haven't been able to connect properly to my A6 friends at home especially since I experienced Depression when I was abroad and I carried so much baggage and fear that they may not get me. But the stories I created in my mind were just wrong. I talk more about it in the video.
    ahhh hello august - another #hàvenforhealing chit-chatting to my camera this month. just feel like capture this moment of vulnerability. ahh I just wanna say that I miss my friends and I love and treasure our friendship so so so much. and here’s a reminder that learnt from lũ khi dở hơi này today that never take life too seriously.
    as always, A6 Keep Moving Forward - mmnt kbhtđ Liên Xún ơi.

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