【ドローン空撮 4K】『ソレイユの丘とシーボニアヨットクラブ 三浦半島の西岸を空撮』神奈川 観光名所 [Hill of Soleil,Sightseeing spots in Japan]
- เผยแพร่เมื่อ 10 ก.พ. 2025
- 神奈川県の三浦半島の西岸を空撮しました。
撮影機器:DJI Mavic Pro、HC-VX985M
This video is an aerial shooting on the west coast of the Miura Peninsula in Kanagawa Prefecture.
The first half is an aerial photograph of Aburatsubo Marine Park and Seabornia Yacht Club in Misaki Town, Miura City.
The second half is the view of "Hill of Soleil" in Nagai in Yokosuka.And it is the scenery of Sajima, Ashina, Akiya in Yokosuka.
Small islands and coves that stick out in the ocean of the emerald green folded over and over, creating a magnificent view.
You can see the shape of the whole area of the Miura Peninsula from the sky and you can see the Boso Peninsula over the coastline of Miura coast and beyond Tokyo Bay.
A vast vegetable field spreads on the hill overlooking the sea of the Miura Peninsula, and it has a reputation for taste as Miura vegetables.
From the west coast of the Miura Peninsula, Mt. Fuji can be seen well beyond Sagami Bay. When the setting sun goes down, the silhouette is very beautiful.
It is 4K video of Drone shooting.
Equipment:DJI Mavic Pro、HC-VX985M
Movie editing:original
Music:original music
投稿動画[Distribution video]
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Wow great video...did you have a filter on front of camera. So sharp video
Thank you for watching.
Yes. I used a polarizing filter.
Adjustment of gamma and color adjustment are done with VEGAS PRO of editing software.