Really , Tilahun was a once born in a century hero. Today from this video what added to my attention was how much he was strong in making kids.All these women loved him and gave him children not only to him also to the nation. which makes him alive not only through his music but also through his blood line. Bravo Tilahun.
ታማኝ አንተ እኮ የሰው ልክ ነህ ፈጣሪ ያክብርህ እኔ ሁሌ ኢትዮጵያን አንተ ላይ ነው የማያት ለኔ እንደ ሙዚየም ነህ ክምች ማለት ስለማይመጥንህ ሙዚየም ብዬኀለሁ
አለቀስኩአኝ ማርያምን እረ ጥሌ ጀግንነቱ ወታደር አይደለህም እንዴ ታማኝን ነው እንደዛ ያለው ወይኔ ጥሌ ጭራሽ ወደድኩት አለምምፀሐይን ካንቺ ይሄን አልጠብቅም አታልቅሱ ነው ታማኝ ለካ እንደዚህ እሩህሩህ ነህ
Really , Tilahun was a once born in a century hero. Today from this video what added to my attention was how much he was strong in making kids.All these women loved him and gave him children not only to him also to the nation. which makes him alive not only through his music but also through his blood line. Bravo Tilahun.
ያሳዝናል የኢትዮጵያ የሙዚቅ ንጉስ ያውም የአማርኛ የአብራኩ ክፋዮች አማርኛ አለመቻላቸው በእኔም ልጆች አዘንኩ ይሄ ነገር ይታሰብበት
እኔም ገርሞኛል
ታማኝ አንበሳው በጣም የምውድ ምርጥ ይትዮጰያዊ
ጥሌ በጣም ኩሩ ነበር በእውነት ነገር ግን አንድ ቀን ጡረታ ሚኒስትር ጋር በወወክማ በእግሩ ሲጓዝ ተገናኝተን እሱ ከሩቅ አይቶኝ ያየኛል አያየኝም በል ሀሳብ ውስጥ እንዳለ አጋጣሚ ቀና ስል ጥሌ ነው እጄን ስሰጠው ጨበጠን የእጁ የአጨባበጥ ጥንካሬ መቼም አረሳውም
Wow, It was amazing, really impressed. Tamagn, thank you so much for the documentation
Tamagnachen betam new yemakebreh. Tilek Sew neh!
I love you Tamagn
Specially for your kids
Please think for next
ለታማኝ ደግሞ ወያኔዎች እስቴድዮም ሲያባርሩት ከብዙ ፓሊሶች ጋር ተጣልቻለሁ
Yes I now you ...
Eritrean present our isu I don't what you call him he now tilahun gesese
Please he have families or friends Please
ጥሌ ሀብታም ነው ቤተሰቦቹ ይገርማሉ አልሞተም
Tamagmu kkk
Am eritrean because of your war am deported I now you... you now me even if when that but still I see you still you are.....
Nobody now you in eritrea but tilahun Mahmud ephrem aster Tefera tamrat ali... even after she comes on stage stage hamelmal nown in eri who u are
Teborne is best
We are eritrean don't...
S20 E100😂
ያሳዝናል የኢትዮጵያ የሙዚቅ ንጉስ ያውም የአማርኛ የአብራኩ ክፋዮች አማርኛ አለመቻላቸው በእኔም ልጆች አዘንኩ ይሄ ነገር ይታሰብበት