Dear Composer, is it possible to get the song lyrics in Englsh language so that i can understand this so anointed song. i fall in love with its music n hope to know how deep this song can impact my love for Jesus Christ my Lord n Saviour. Thanking u in advance. With Blessings in Christ Jesus, Rena Ooi
Thank you for your support. This song is entitled "Found", which means "I was found by God" and "I have found the right direction". Please refer to English translation below. Hope you enjoy it. 《尋回》"Found" 原諒我那日無知 走了我喜歡走的路 Forgive me for being ignorant That I walked in the will of my heart 尋尋覓覓 迷失了都不知道 人生旅途遇上了風暴 I was seeking a way out but never got the right one And my life's journey got stuck in countless storms 是祢那日扶持我 再走上應當走的路 Lord, You lifted me up that day Then I got back on track 那日重生找到了方向 沒甚麼能代替祢的愛 I was reborn and found my direction Nothing could replace Your love for me 立志一生裡行在祢的旨意 獻最好的給我天上的主 Walk in Your will for my whole life Give the Lord in Heaven my very best 獻上生命 獻上活祭 在祢座前自由地敬拜祢 Offer my life as a living sacrifice Worship You freely before Your throne
Dear AGWMM publication, i am so thankful for translation of this meaningful song into English so that many of my friends can be encouraged to pursue God. Once again, thsnk u so much
無論我走失了多遠多久,又走失了多少次,感謝主總會尋回我🙏. 很感動
Yvonne, thank you for your sharing!❤️❤️❤️ Love it🥰
Dear Composer, is it possible to get the song lyrics in Englsh language so that i can understand this so anointed song. i fall in love with its music n hope to know how deep this song can impact my love for Jesus Christ my Lord n Saviour. Thanking u in advance. With Blessings in Christ Jesus, Rena Ooi
Thank you for your support. This song is entitled "Found", which means "I was found by God" and "I have found the right direction". Please refer to English translation below. Hope you enjoy it.
Forgive me for being ignorant
That I walked in the will of my heart
尋尋覓覓 迷失了都不知道
I was seeking a way out but never got the right one
And my life's journey got stuck in countless storms
Lord, You lifted me up that day
Then I got back on track
I was reborn and found my direction
Nothing could replace Your love for me
Walk in Your will for my whole life
Give the Lord in Heaven my very best
獻上生命 獻上活祭
Offer my life as a living sacrifice
Worship You freely before Your throne
Dear AGWMM publication, i am so thankful for translation of this meaningful song into English so that many of my friends can be encouraged to pursue God. Once again, thsnk u so much