Revelation 20:15; "Whoever is not in the book of life will be thrown into the lake of fire." Our world does not know whose name is written in the book of life and whose name is not written and who will enter Lake of Fire, who wouldn't. This is the judgment authority that only the Lamb has. He is a just God who cannot make mistakes. The work of our Christians is to deny ourselves and bear the cross, obey the Holy Spirit to follow the Lord Jesus, repent, spread the gospel, and resist all the enemies of God, Satan and demons, etc. God’s will is for everyone to repent and believe in the Lord Jesus to be saved. . .🙏✝...Amen...!....! You wicked people who betrayed Jesus... children.! Confess now...! The Russo-Ukraine War....The virus spreads all over the world....The end is coming....Time is limited...! Opportunities are limited too... ! ..Why choose to perish...?? the name of the Lord Jesus Christ....beg God to give you one last chance to repent....🙏✝.. Amen...!
聽唐教牧不是一次…一路工作一路靈修, 願主的話語;打入我心..主祐...感恩...阿們
方的言• 成都学生•教师知行楼
每年的圣诞节和复活节…. 此两天.上帝都汇给了我们教会一个不可思议的圣灵降臨异象見證......
★……许多愚昧 不信主的人..,常痴心妄想.以辩论方式来决定上帝的存在……显得幼稚、荒谬、可笑、肤浅……你感觉不到,你听不到,你看不到,你可以 闻不到,不代表不存在……! 就像(重力)..(电磁波)..(无线电波)..(空气)..( 空气中甚至含有氮、氧气、氩气、CO2..) 我有足够的证据证明上帝存在。 而且也经历太多不可思议的神蹟,……我把VIDEO同主内外朋友分享...,他们甚为震惊..,个个啧啧称奇.......
每年的圣诞节和复活节…. 上帝都汇给了我们教会一个异象......神蹟
此两天..我们吃过一次圣餐。 见证分享后...牧师和传道人虔诚地读方言,向我们慈爱的天父耶和华祷告...然后牧师摘下他的脖子...十字架...在地上...牧师问弟兄姐妹们..谁能把你的脚..跨过..地上的十字架..?! 首先,我们认为这是对神的猥亵,对神的大不敬……大家不敢跨过去……!
但他们经不起牧师的一再怂恿……70多位弟兄姊妹……一个个站了起来…尝试跨过地上的十字架…此时,神蹟发生了……大家不仅无法跨过十字架,反而 被放在地上的十字架聖靈充滿.,突然发射出刺眼闪烁的光芒.,几乎令人短暂失明….大腿好像被高压电吸了.. 动不了..!但霎那间又被爆开 ..兄弟姐妹各个都被摔倒在地上..脚踝严重受伤......! 令人惊悚 战慄..神奇..并且屡试不爽,足显上帝的大能.威摄力,相当震撼.令人惊叹折服.,至今各个弟兄姊妹仍心有馀悸…...!
★所以咱們必須憑著信心信.....圣灵必定澆灌咱們...神蹟既可發生.....所謂(精誠所至 金石為開) 就是這個道理……..!
.★哈利路亚...! 讚美我的主耶稣.....❤✝😇...这一切都是奇蹟...💖💖👍..! 一切荣耀归于主....💖💖👍....! .主上帝..咱们天父.阿爸 是应该永远歌颂讚美的 .🙏✝.. 阿门...!
Revelation 20:15; "Whoever is not in the book of life will be thrown into the lake of fire." Our world does not know whose name is written in the book of life and whose name is not written and who will enter Lake of Fire, who wouldn't. This is the judgment authority that only the Lamb has. He is a just God who cannot make mistakes. The work of our Christians is to deny ourselves and bear the cross, obey the Holy Spirit to follow the Lord Jesus, repent, spread the gospel, and resist all the enemies of God, Satan and demons, etc. God’s will is for everyone to repent and believe in the Lord Jesus to be saved. . .🙏✝...Amen...!....!
You wicked people who betrayed Jesus... children.! Confess now...! The Russo-Ukraine War....The virus spreads all over the world....The end is coming....Time is limited...! Opportunities are limited too... ! ..Why choose to perish...?? the name of the Lord Jesus Christ....beg God to give you one last chance to repent....🙏✝.. Amen...!