Building it this way causes an issue with note priority and I don't know how to fix it. If I hold the note before so that it overlaps the next note just a little bit, playing legato essentially, the note after gets cancelled immediately by the note off message of the note before... In logics quick sampler for instance there's last note priority so that if you hold multiple notes in a monophonic patch there will just be a glissando when you release one of them. Do you know how to implement this in this max patch?
Building it this way causes an issue with note priority and I don't know how to fix it. If I hold the note before so that it overlaps the next note just a little bit, playing legato essentially, the note after gets cancelled immediately by the note off message of the note before... In logics quick sampler for instance there's last note priority so that if you hold multiple notes in a monophonic patch there will just be a glissando when you release one of them. Do you know how to implement this in this max patch?
Yes, polyphony is another beast. I'll get to that eventually!