father of the struggle as well as of people we need someone to adopt his perspectives on politics and policy over people am doing my best be nelson Mandela once said you can be that great person you see is
My beloved people, Garang Mabior did his part,whether their were some setbacks, they are elements of struggle for betterment. He is gone, do your obligation in relation/regarding nation building. God bless you. Wishing you the best in your present and future endeavor. yours sincerely, Aciek-macar.
حلم عابر الرحمه والمغفره من عند الله. الدكتور جون نحنا مابنعرف كان بيعمل شينو في الخفه احتمال كان مسلم بيصوم ويصلي ذي باقي ا المسلمين . في نفس الوقت كان رجل يسعي الي مصلت الانسان السوداني البسيط انته حصل سمعته اتكلم عن الاسلام بسو او شتم الاسلام او المسلمين وشكرا
ربنا يرحموو ب الجنه
انا شخصيا لا اقدر اصف دكتور جون قرنق
Rest en paix DR grang
our beloved leader of Sudan god bless him he was the right man to guide our mother land but unfortunately his life end.
نحن معاك بعد موتك و لسع منذكر اسمك و انت لسع في قلوبنا ي دكتور جون قرنق ابن ابوك بآلام
Great story delivered with confidence
Ilove this man realy he will rul sudan by justice god mercy him
From north 💔
one of star an king of africa and he was really hero
father of the struggle as well as of people
we need someone to adopt his perspectives on politics and policy over people am doing my best be
nelson Mandela once said you can be that great person you see is
great hero.
رجل نادر جدا
My beloved people, Garang Mabior did his part,whether their were some setbacks, they are elements of struggle for betterment. He is gone, do your obligation in relation/regarding nation building. God bless you. Wishing you the best in your present and future endeavor. yours sincerely, Aciek-macar.
اللهم ارحمه واغفر له واعف عنه يارب
تاني السودان
A real hero
some were sneaks out by the movement our hero,our liberator and our leader
Peter Akec رمضان مبروك
Jgtgjug Fhihgrr ياسلام يازعيم
لك الرحمه انت امه
We are not lucky because we lost him
Struggle is Struggle no matter how long it can take............!
نينجا ١
We against oll
صليبي حاااااقد
hassabo ahmad هذا عميل إسرائيل
hassabo ahmad حرام عليك
له الرحمه والمغفره الکریم اختاره ورحمه من مشاکل السودان المابتنتهی
حلم عابر
الرحمه والمغفره من عند الله. الدكتور جون نحنا مابنعرف كان بيعمل شينو في الخفه احتمال كان مسلم بيصوم ويصلي ذي باقي ا المسلمين . في نفس الوقت كان رجل يسعي الي مصلت الانسان السوداني البسيط انته حصل سمعته اتكلم عن الاسلام بسو او شتم الاسلام او المسلمين وشكرا
د جون شخص عظيم رغم كيد الحاقدين