I was very blessed and my heart was so overjoyed by the GPS. Earth's Final Movie is now in my memory's hall. The Seventh Day Adventist Prophetic Church is blessed to be given The Three Angels' Messages to Proclaim to world by the Power of the Holy Spirit. May God's Church not fumble and take these Messages to the End Zone! What a Powerful way God has blessed our Pastor to summarize and to teach the GPS. Praise GOD! Praise the Lord Jesus! To The Prophetic Church, we got work to do and serious work indeed! May GOD use everyone of us to move forward in victory through Jesus Christ! Amen! 🙏
Excelente predicacion no tengo palabras para agradecer a Dios por este mensaje estoy impresionada es hermoso todo mundo deberia de escuchar este mensaje maravilloso Dios lo siga bendiciendo pastor y le siga dando sabiduría 🙏 🙏🙏👏👏👏
Speachless no words can express the gratitude and thankfulness l feel that God has given this man the ability,and strength to convey this wonderful message to all who was fortunate to have listened to it. From the bottom of my heart Thankyou God,how could anyone,be left in any doubt,that the bread of life is the Bible,and the Adventist message is the truth. Thankyou Pastor for your hardwork,and your relentless persistance in getting the gospels message, that will let lots of people into the kingdom of God.please may God bless you.
AMEN!!! THANK YOU PASTOR IVOR! 😭💝😢🥲😇✝️🤲👏👏👏 I Can't Wait To Meet You In Heaven! You've Been Such A Blessing! Praise God! He Loves Us So Much! I Love Him!! 🥰💝😇✝️😭🙌🥳
🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯 Min 42:35ish.. 😳😨😢😭 Woww!!! That's Some Real Stuff Right There!!!... Deeper Meaning, And TRUTH! 🙌👏👏👏🤲🙏✝️ PRAISE GOD! Thank You Brother! 😓😢🥲🥳🤩🥰💝 God Is So Good... (ok.. continuing... 👍)
This study of the sanctuary and God's plan of salvation was laid out so thoroughly and beautifully explained, so that I completely understand. I am elated to finally get it! Thank you Holy Spirit for working through Pastor Myers.
I am from Chile and I would like to have the image of the plan of salvation in Spanish, if it were possible, please? I would really appreciate it, God bless you very much.
Such an AWESOME serum. I have shared video with friends. I found the because of The Days of Noah. In Part 4 it shows a couple opening up what looks to be a foldout of The Blueprint. Is there a Pamplet/Foldout available to purchase? I have downloaded the PDF but it is 100 pages. I would love to handout something like shown in TDON Pt 4, if it exist. Thank you for your awesome teaching.
Greetings in the Name of Jesus by Who’s grace I hope you are well. It appears that the link to the slides for this presentation has expired. Is there any chance that you would be able to share it again? I am sure you must be very busy. Thank you for your time. May God continue to bless you, Pastor. Maranatha.
I have one important question in regards to Adam and Eve existing after Satan was banished, wasn’t Satan cast down to earth as it says in revelation 12:9? Or is it the earth without form at that time? But then it doesn’t really make sense if God were to create Earth which was perfect with Satan and the fallen angels dwelling in it. God only knows
Explain the death bed repentance in relation to Gods word, to him that overcome, what are we to overcome? Revalation chp 2 : 17 & 26, chp 3: 5 & 12 & 21. If you ask for forgiveness and die you cannot overcome. Some of your hand movements resembles masonic signs.
How could the gospel have been restored in 1844? Are you forgetting that in 1844 all the Millerites including EGW were Sunday keepers and PORK eaters, keeping the pagan holidays of their protestant churches Christmas & Easter?
13:21 wrong we know from the first chapter PP that they were not even aware that they ( angelic host) were under law. The law that Lucifer transgressed in thought because of what he was cherishing in his heart was the tenth. He coveted the job that only " The Son Of God " could do. Transgression was conceived in his mind but as yet had not become acts of transgression.
Correct, but it was because the law was summarized in one word, love. It was naturally written on the heart of angels, and hence why it came as a "surprise to the angels". It was not the commandments written out in the form of the 10 commandments.
@@powerofthelamb The purpose of the law being written on the heart is for it to prompt the "free moral agent" to go to God when the thoughts cherished in the heart , if acted out, would result in transgression of the law.Transgression of the law always comes from the mindset of the heart(the spring and the water that comes forth) What all free moral agents must come to realize is "God is love". Whilst a created free moral agent does enjoy administering the fruits of love (even the corrupt enjoy giving good gifts to their children) ,it does not mean their good works are a clear and transparent indication of their character. The argumentative posture of Lucifer towards God shows he did not trust "God's love" and failed to respect the omniscience of the Divine in comparison to his own wisdom. 1 John "God is light and in Him is no darkness at all" whereas a created free moral agent can cherish thoughts that can result in discord to themselves and their community .i suspect that Lucifer had become bored with taking Gods wisdom to the angelic host and whoever,,it is interesting to note the prequel to the ten commandments " God is the one that delivers from bondage" .As a cherub overlooking the mercy seat the acts of love that blossomed from the light he bore into the creation from the mercy seat meant nothing to him.His role was not "cover the law" in upholding its merit to others.His job was to carry God's administration of light. The ten commandments are the rules that the Father determined would ensure the smooth functioning of a society where righteousness abounds, knowing full well the limitations of the created free moral agents perspective. Christianity today would have us believe that Jesus's death enables our righteousness.We live in circumstances where Lucifer can suggest to our minds and have us act out our propensities.John 14 :30 records that Jesus was emptied of propensities. How did Jesus do that? He sought the Father's help and together the ten commandments were written on Jesus's heart. When Lucifer's temptation found resonance in Jesus's heart , those ten commandments written there had him go to the Father in confession and seeking Divine aid to change the current of his actions . Having the ten commandments written in stone in the most elaborate of circumstances will never compel a created free moral agent to obey them .Even a second chance at life and access to the tree of life ( that we would have the full vigor of life ),will not compel a free moral agent to obey them . A free moral agent can express his willingness to obey them by doing everything that he can to obey them and that means writing them on his heart with God's help. Michael declared His confidence in the Justice of those laws by emptying Himself of His divinity and taking on the existence of a created free moral agent. Any who do not live within the confines of those laws have the right to have their existence terminated.But what of those who cherish such a person..to which i say look at the callus disregard Lucifer has had that he led a third of the angels into total sadness and the sadness that continues in the descendants of Adam .
They are literal books. God has an administration. And he operates within this administration. He has laws, ministers, ( Angels), a heavenly council (24 Elders), etc... so the idea of books in Heaven is not far fetched, it’s very practical.
Even if 'they are symbolic" and is not a 'physical or literal book", it can still be a book! A 'memory book". Regardless of anything, things will be recorded. Where do you record that? Either a literal book or a mental book. Eitherway, there will still be documentation of some kind.
" a virgin shall give birth and he shall be called " Emanuel" that is to say God with us" from the moment of Jesus's conception to the time of his death was the period of " The Son Of God's" existence where He was not divine other than having the authority of the office " The Word Of God".During that period he had no more access to the Father's Divine Attributes than any other " created free moral agent" for He came to give us an example of how a created free moral agent is to live even when that created free moral agent has lost the physical vigour of the original creation intent ( something which was not inherent to the physical,for only God is self existent ,but provided through the tree of life ).John 17:5,11,24. So Jesus becomes " God with us " after his resurrection and in the new earth He will ever be known as the man Jesus who is God with us. During the time of the angelic discord they slowly lost sight of,in that they ignored (" seared their consciousness") that Michael was " The Son Of God".Had Adam and Eve not eaten of the tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil( and to do that there is a time line ,picking,placing in the mouth biting down) then the fruit of the doctrine of Lucifer would become manifest by the record of thoughts suggested to minds at the tree of Knowledge Of Good And Evil. After the fall the " Oh Ha" moment occurred to Gods angelic host when they saw how Lucifer and his angels incited men to falsy accuse ,torture ,humiliate and crucify Jesus on the day of his death. The Son of God will now for eternity come forth from his council with our Father God as Jesus ( flesh and blood) and not Michael ( an angel of light) .This is the fulfillment of " bruise his heel ".Before Jesus could come to give us an example of how to live , He had to empty Himself of Divine Attributes so that he could in all points be tempted as we are. For the Father this was akin to Abraham bringing the knife down to kill his son before his hand was stayed by the angel under Gods instructions. For God to raise anyone from the dust of the earth the complete fabric of that persons being must be retained in the mind of God. The Divinely experienced Son of God had to empty Himself into His Father where it stayed until he was resurrected by His Father. And like Abraham said ,Genesis 22:8
Encouraging but colossians 2v16,Say let no man there fore judge you in meat, or drink, or of the new moon ,or of the Sabbath days ,because they were just shadow of things to come, but now Christ is the Lord of the sabbath, I thing that is religion and Christ came to redeem us from performance base religion ,and to trust only on the finnish work on calvary,
The Sabbath though is about rest not performance. The "Sabbaths" spoken of in Col.2:16 are the ceremonial ones which were abolished with the death of Christ, not the Sabbath contained in the 10 Commandments.
@@powerofthelambOK,,Thanks for that clearity, because I believe that you know this, No man is justified by the law in the sight of God, for the just shall live by faith(Galatians 3v11) IF RIGHTEOUSNESS COME BY THE LAW,THEN CHRIST IS DEAD IN VAIN.(Galatians 2v21)
@@treasuresofchristtv4844 Nobody is justified by the Law. But by the blood of Jesus Christ. If you study the sanctuary in the video again. You will notice that Faith in the death of Christ (For our sins) is just the beginning (altar of sacrifice) but you must be born again and be baptized (laver) and receive the Holy Spirit and then you will bear fruits of the spirit which will help you to keep the Law. Jesus Christ died for our sins not for us to keep on sinning. Sin is transgression of the Law. Jesus constantly said “Go sin no more.” Did anyone say LORD you know I can’t stop sinning. Please reevaluate your understanding of scripture.
@@DonPedroIXIV have you stopped sinning Don? Based on your comment the Holy Spirit should have been able to get you to stop sinning by now right? The law requires perfection, are you perfect with your own efforts as yet? If you are hoping to be made right with God by your efforts, you have fallen away from grace! That should scare you, Paul makes it clear that the two cannot mix. Whatever good works you think you do doesn't commend you to God. Period...only Jesus' imputed righteousness credited to us COUNTS. Read the law in exodus and in duet and you will see that it doesn't offer second chances or do overs....break one once and you are guilty of all. So by that standard, if you have ever lied, it means you have never kept the Sabbath. Please note that there are 613 commands not just 10 in the mosaic covenant. This fact is why the gospel is so important. Please start by reading Galatians and Hebrews in one sitting and you will start to see. This (SDAism) is a counterfeit gospel, christ and "salvation plan". Run to the true Christ and He will save you. He is not just trying to save you or waiting on you to contribute to your salvation, He is a perfect Savior. You can rest and trust in Him not your own efforts.
@@KcheatsheetGod decreed 10 commandments by his own figure and spoke them to the people from Sinai. He did not write 613 laws. The Bible say His way is in the sanctuary. You want to stop sinning look into the sanctuary of God there you will find help for your trouble. If you say I’ll keep on sinning then you’re making God a liar. Christ sacrifice is imputed to us so as we receive power to overcome sin. We are being perfected for holiness as saints. And the sanctuary system is the perfect plan to make us perfect in God’s eyes. So to answer your question I am being perfected. The sinful things that I used to enjoy I no longer enjoy and have left those things behind me. Everyday the Lord is working with me as all the body of believers. You too can be made whole through obedience to His Word. The Lord said I will reward you according to your works not your beliefs. Because your belief has to have works or it is no belief at all but lip service.
In my opinion I think Satan and his fallen angels were cast down a short time after God created Earth because it wouldn’t make sense that God created mankind for the purpose of a jury rather He created mankind to extend His fellowship, but then in casting Satan down I don’t think God would cast Him to a planet that is perfect so I kind of defeated my own point. But it also can’t be that God would create mankind on a planet that Satan occupies. I left more confused then when I started lol
Ohh amazing, what a strong massage is that
Love this sermon 🙏🙏🙏 May God continue to bless your life.
I was very blessed and my heart was so overjoyed by the GPS. Earth's Final Movie is now in my memory's hall. The Seventh Day Adventist Prophetic Church is blessed to be given The Three Angels' Messages to Proclaim to world by the Power of the Holy Spirit. May God's Church not fumble and take these Messages to the End Zone! What a Powerful way God has blessed our Pastor to summarize and to teach the GPS. Praise GOD! Praise the Lord Jesus! To The Prophetic Church, we got work to do and serious work indeed! May GOD use everyone of us to move forward in victory through Jesus Christ! Amen! 🙏
I have never seen the entirety of my faith described this way. I am in awe of the AWESOMENESS of God. Thank you Pastor Myers. God bless you
I'm going to rewatch this over and over again this is such a profound message thank you brother Myers
What a movie. Praise God
Wow the sanctuary message is really eye opening
Best thing I've ever watched in TH-cam
I have to listen again and again. Amazing Grace! The Sanctuary!Is my prayer for God to use me and my family. Thanks Lord .
Sister Ginger here. New and Very Inspired!!!
OUCH! 30 minutes???
Excelente predicacion no tengo palabras para agradecer a Dios por este mensaje estoy impresionada es hermoso todo mundo deberia de escuchar este mensaje maravilloso Dios lo siga bendiciendo pastor y le siga dando sabiduría 🙏 🙏🙏👏👏👏
Speachless no words can express the gratitude and thankfulness l feel that God has given this man the ability,and strength to convey this wonderful message to all who was fortunate to have listened to it.
From the bottom of my heart Thankyou God,how could anyone,be left in any doubt,that the bread of life is the Bible,and the Adventist message is the truth.
Thankyou Pastor for your hardwork,and your relentless persistance in getting the gospels message, that will let lots of people into the kingdom of God.please may God bless you.
AMEN!!! THANK YOU PASTOR IVOR! 😭💝😢🥲😇✝️🤲👏👏👏 I Can't Wait To Meet You In Heaven! You've Been Such A Blessing! Praise God! He Loves Us So Much! I Love Him!! 🥰💝😇✝️😭🙌🥳
Thank You Pastor. May Almighty God bless you
Thank you Ivor for your dedication to getting present truth to a suffering world.
A Firey Law Went Forth Through HIS Fingers... 😭😭😭💝🤲✝️🙏
The Blueprint is a very important point for ALL to know
So blessed!
God is good!
This is very powerful for me. I am glad I have another opportunity to help others see the light. God Bless you Pastor Myers and family.
🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯 Min 42:35ish.. 😳😨😢😭 Woww!!! That's Some Real Stuff Right There!!!... Deeper Meaning, And TRUTH! 🙌👏👏👏🤲🙏✝️ PRAISE GOD! Thank You Brother! 😓😢🥲🥳🤩🥰💝 God Is So Good... (ok.. continuing... 👍)
I love this study. God is good.
Amen! This helps me understand a lot better about the Sanctuary and its significance. Praise the Lord God almighty!
Powerful 🙌🏾🙌🏾🙌🏾🙌🏾🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
Thanks, Pastor Myers!!!!
I need to watch this video at least 3 times!!!
Awesome message!!!!
I give God the glory!!!!!
Beautiful sermon!! Very moving. Thank you for this presentation!!
Amazing ....Our God is great❤❤❤
This study has opened my eyes on God's Love ! Thank you so much !!!!!! Stay blessed !
This is beautiful AMEN Pastor ❤️🙏
This delivery hits every time one of the best sermons on TH-cam 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟
This study of the sanctuary and God's plan of salvation was laid out so thoroughly and beautifully explained, so that I completely understand. I am elated to finally get it! Thank you Holy Spirit for working through Pastor Myers.
The sanctuary has so much! ... it has it all! i wish more could hear or discover the sanctuary message.. let's do our part!
Started listening and realized I had to take notes. Fabulous thinking. Grounded in truth
Powerful message.
Awesome message..know the truth of God's Word.
I don’t know the guy screaming praise The Lord, but he’s definitely on FIRE for our Lord.
I AM IN THE ARK! AMEN! 🙏 🥰🤩💝🙌👏🤲🙏✝️🥳
Share this sermon in all WhatsApp groups. ALL
Hallelujah...to this message
Thank you
Amen indeed.
I still get hype watching this video 8 years later!
I am from Chile and I would like to have the image of the plan of salvation in Spanish, if it were possible, please? I would really appreciate it, God bless you very much.
Pastor will you pls give me the new link for this presentation?Thank u. God bless
Such an AWESOME serum. I have shared video with friends. I found the because of The Days of Noah. In Part 4 it shows a couple opening up what looks to be a foldout of The Blueprint. Is there a Pamplet/Foldout available to purchase? I have downloaded the PDF but it is 100 pages. I would love to handout something like shown in TDON Pt 4, if it exist. Thank you for your awesome teaching.
Is there an Orion sermon now that would be 🔥
I would start with " let there be light"
Can we order the blueprint Pastor Myers?
Please upload video very interesting
Death and Hell are casted into the Lake of fFre and saw the souls that sinners in the forever Shall burn and eternity.
Greetings in the Name of Jesus by Who’s grace I hope you are well.
It appears that the link to the slides for this presentation has expired. Is there any chance that you would be able to share it again?
I am sure you must be very busy. Thank you for your time.
May God continue to bless you, Pastor.
Let me check look into it.
I have one important question in regards to Adam and Eve existing after Satan was banished, wasn’t Satan cast down to earth as it says in revelation 12:9? Or is it the earth without form at that time? But then it doesn’t really make sense if God were to create Earth which was perfect with Satan and the fallen angels dwelling in it. God only knows
Explain the death bed repentance in relation to Gods word, to him that overcome, what are we to overcome? Revalation chp 2 : 17 & 26, chp 3: 5 & 12 & 21. If you ask for forgiveness and die you cannot overcome. Some of your hand movements resembles masonic signs.
Download my updated Blueprint presentation. Just click the link.
How could the gospel have been restored in 1844? Are you forgetting that in 1844 all the Millerites including EGW were Sunday keepers and PORK eaters, keeping the pagan holidays of their protestant churches Christmas & Easter?
13:21 wrong we know from the first chapter PP that they were not even aware that they ( angelic host) were under law. The law that Lucifer transgressed in thought because of what he was cherishing in his heart was the tenth. He coveted the job that only " The Son Of God " could do. Transgression was conceived in his mind but as yet had not become acts of transgression.
Correct, but it was because the law was summarized in one word, love. It was naturally written on the heart of angels, and hence why it came as a "surprise to the angels". It was not the commandments written out in the form of the 10 commandments.
@@powerofthelamb The purpose of the law being written on the heart is for it to prompt the "free moral agent" to go to God when the thoughts cherished in the heart , if acted out, would result in transgression of the law.Transgression of the law always comes from the mindset of the heart(the spring and the water that comes forth) What all free moral agents must come to realize is "God is love". Whilst a created free moral agent does enjoy administering the fruits of love (even the corrupt enjoy giving good gifts to their children) ,it does not mean their good works are a clear and transparent indication of their character. The argumentative posture of Lucifer towards God shows he did not trust "God's love" and failed to respect the omniscience of the Divine in comparison to his own wisdom. 1 John "God is light and in Him is no darkness at all" whereas a created free moral agent can cherish thoughts that can result in discord to themselves and their community .i suspect that Lucifer had become bored with taking Gods wisdom to the angelic host and whoever,,it is interesting to note the prequel to the ten commandments " God is the one that delivers from bondage" .As a cherub overlooking the mercy seat the acts of love that blossomed from the light he bore into the creation from the mercy seat meant nothing to him.His role was not "cover the law" in upholding its merit to others.His job was to carry God's administration of light. The ten commandments are the rules that the Father determined would ensure the smooth functioning of a society where righteousness abounds, knowing full well the limitations of the created free moral agents perspective. Christianity today would have us believe that Jesus's death enables our righteousness.We live in circumstances where Lucifer can suggest to our minds and have us act out our propensities.John 14 :30 records that Jesus was emptied of propensities. How did Jesus do that? He sought the Father's help and together the ten commandments were written on Jesus's heart. When Lucifer's temptation found resonance in Jesus's heart , those ten commandments written there had him go to the Father in confession and seeking Divine aid to change the current of his actions . Having the ten commandments written in stone in the most elaborate of circumstances will never compel a created free moral agent to obey them .Even a second chance at life and access to the tree of life ( that we would have the full vigor of life ),will not compel a free moral agent to obey them . A free moral agent can express his willingness to obey them by doing everything that he can to obey them and that means writing them on his heart with God's help. Michael declared His confidence in the Justice of those laws by emptying Himself of His divinity and taking on the existence of a created free moral agent. Any who do not live within the confines of those laws have the right to have their existence terminated.But what of those who cherish such a person..to which i say look at the callus disregard Lucifer has had that he led a third of the angels into total sadness and the sadness that continues in the descendants of Adam .
Did you get the message?
@@powerofthelamb praise God for His goodness and mercy towards us the children of men.
I have a question. Somebody told me that the books in heaven are not real. Its symbolic. Because God knows everyone. Can somebody help me with this?
They are literal books. God has an administration. And he operates within this administration. He has laws, ministers, ( Angels), a heavenly council (24 Elders), etc... so the idea of books in Heaven is not far fetched, it’s very practical.
Even if 'they are symbolic" and is not a 'physical or literal book", it can still be a book! A 'memory book". Regardless of anything, things will be recorded. Where do you record that? Either a literal book or a mental book. Eitherway, there will still be documentation of some kind.
" a virgin shall give birth and he shall be called " Emanuel" that is to say God with us" from the moment of Jesus's conception to the time of his death was the period of " The Son Of God's" existence where He was not divine other than having the authority of the office " The Word Of God".During that period he had no more access to the Father's Divine Attributes than any other " created free moral agent" for He came to give us an example of how a created free moral agent is to live even when that created free moral agent has lost the physical vigour of the original creation intent ( something which was not inherent to the physical,for only God is self existent ,but provided through the tree of life ).John 17:5,11,24. So Jesus becomes " God with us " after his resurrection and in the new earth He will ever be known as the man Jesus who is God with us. During the time of the angelic discord they slowly lost sight of,in that they ignored (" seared their consciousness") that Michael was " The Son Of God".Had Adam and Eve not eaten of the tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil( and to do that there is a time line ,picking,placing in the mouth biting down) then the fruit of the doctrine of Lucifer would become manifest by the record of thoughts suggested to minds at the tree of Knowledge Of Good And Evil. After the fall the " Oh Ha" moment occurred to Gods angelic host when they saw how Lucifer and his angels incited men to falsy accuse ,torture ,humiliate and crucify Jesus on the day of his death. The Son of God will now for eternity come forth from his council with our Father God as Jesus ( flesh and blood) and not Michael ( an angel of light) .This is the fulfillment of " bruise his heel ".Before Jesus could come to give us an example of how to live , He had to empty Himself of Divine Attributes so that he could in all points be tempted as we are. For the Father this was akin to Abraham bringing the knife down to kill his son before his hand was stayed by the angel under Gods instructions. For God to raise anyone from the dust of the earth the complete fabric of that persons being must be retained in the mind of God. The Divinely experienced Son of God had to empty Himself into His Father where it stayed until he was resurrected by His Father. And like Abraham said ,Genesis 22:8
Encouraging but colossians 2v16,Say let no man there fore judge you in meat, or drink, or of the new moon ,or of the Sabbath days ,because they were just shadow of things to come, but now Christ is the Lord of the sabbath, I thing that is religion and Christ came to redeem us from performance base religion ,and to trust only on the finnish work on calvary,
The Sabbath though is about rest not performance. The "Sabbaths" spoken of in Col.2:16 are the ceremonial ones which were abolished with the death of Christ, not the Sabbath contained in the 10 Commandments.
@@powerofthelambOK,,Thanks for that clearity, because I believe that you know this, No man is justified by the law in the sight of God, for the just shall live by faith(Galatians 3v11) IF RIGHTEOUSNESS COME BY THE LAW,THEN CHRIST IS DEAD IN VAIN.(Galatians 2v21)
@@treasuresofchristtv4844 Nobody is justified by the Law. But by the blood of Jesus Christ. If you study the sanctuary in the video again. You will notice that Faith in the death of Christ (For our sins) is just the beginning (altar of sacrifice) but you must be born again and be baptized (laver) and receive the Holy Spirit and then you will bear fruits of the spirit which will help you to keep the Law. Jesus Christ died for our sins not for us to keep on sinning. Sin is transgression of the Law. Jesus constantly said “Go sin no more.” Did anyone say LORD you know I can’t stop sinning. Please reevaluate your understanding of scripture.
@@DonPedroIXIV have you stopped sinning Don? Based on your comment the Holy Spirit should have been able to get you to stop sinning by now right?
The law requires perfection, are you perfect with your own efforts as yet? If you are hoping to be made right with God by your efforts, you have fallen away from grace! That should scare you, Paul makes it clear that the two cannot mix. Whatever good works you think you do doesn't commend you to God. Period...only Jesus' imputed righteousness credited to us COUNTS.
Read the law in exodus and in duet and you will see that it doesn't offer second chances or do overs....break one once and you are guilty of all. So by that standard, if you have ever lied, it means you have never kept the Sabbath. Please note that there are 613 commands not just 10 in the mosaic covenant. This fact is why the gospel is so important. Please start by reading Galatians and Hebrews in one sitting and you will start to see.
This (SDAism) is a counterfeit gospel, christ and "salvation plan". Run to the true Christ and He will save you. He is not just trying to save you or waiting on you to contribute to your salvation, He is a perfect Savior. You can rest and trust in Him not your own efforts.
@@KcheatsheetGod decreed 10 commandments by his own figure and spoke them to the people from Sinai. He did not write 613 laws. The Bible say His way is in the sanctuary. You want to stop sinning look into the sanctuary of God there you will find help for your trouble. If you say I’ll keep on sinning then you’re making God a liar. Christ sacrifice is imputed to us so as we receive power to overcome sin. We are being perfected for holiness as saints. And the sanctuary system is the perfect plan to make us perfect in God’s eyes. So to answer your question I am being perfected. The sinful things that I used to enjoy I no longer enjoy and have left those things behind me. Everyday the Lord is working with me as all the body of believers. You too can be made whole through obedience to His Word. The Lord said I will reward you according to your works not your beliefs. Because your belief has to have works or it is no belief at all but lip service.
In my opinion I think Satan and his fallen angels were cast down a short time after God created Earth because it wouldn’t make sense that God created mankind for the purpose of a jury rather He created mankind to extend His fellowship, but then in casting Satan down I don’t think God would cast Him to a planet that is perfect so I kind of defeated my own point. But it also can’t be that God would create mankind on a planet that Satan occupies. I left more confused then when I started lol