@@lt.branwulfram4794 Raven Guard ? You're kidding with that low bar right, the Carcharodons mol*sted the Khornate Bezerkers when they managed to corner the Blood Angels during the 7th black crusade.
@@javierguardiola7122 Considering their obsession to bring the death penalty to any and all Xenos, i would say it's not XIX but more likely XIX - XI = VIII
This, plus the whole red and grey tithe thing. The sharks are banished but they can still draw supplies and enter the imperium in order to fight for it. This isn't usually how the Imperium does things with renegade chapters, but for loyal but troublesome chapters.... well just look at the totally not 1000 sons successors the blood ravens.
0:32 Thats Bail Sharr, Reaper Prime and company master of the 3rd. That breastplate with the lightning bolts, is from the Unification Wars. Its ace to see how much old tech this chapter keeps.
That helmet is a really really old model as well if I recall correctly, Good catch. These guys could be thrown into the Horace heresy era and fit right in with people just confused by their paint scheme and a few odd bits of gear.
It's a thunder warrior breastplate. Entirely possible that they were built from the loyalist remnants of two or three traitor chapters. Deemed too dangerous to leave in the Empire proper but to loyal and useful to discard out of hand. So instead you reinforce them with some survivors of the Unification War proto-Astartes used to finish off the Thunder Warriors, maybe had questionable gene-seed patched up with some Thunder Warrior material. And set loose to hunt the void.
*So they either have shark DNA, are Loyalist Night Lord's, or are the Terran-born faction that Corax sent into exile because they were too brutal for the Raven Guard.*
Or one of the missing legions before 40k became 40k in the olden days there were the rainbow warriors abd space sharks guess which ones didnt make the cut
Ask what the Raven Guard was like before the connection with Corax ... Corcharadon is a 100% Teran raven guard, if fans of the lords of the night don't want it there.
@@ihorandroshhuk2345 if that's true then please explain why Tybros is as big a Guilim. Or why he is twice the size of a normal Marine. To top it off in rouge trader Space sharks were one of the original founding legions.
@@worldofwarcraftman2 Because, you know, some marines are bigger then the others. His size proves nothing, and there is a lot of proof that Carcharodons were part of the group exiled by Corax.
(Vun-vun. Vun-Vun. Vun-vun Vun-vun Vun-vun Vun-vun Vun-vun Vun-vun--) Tau: WHAT IS THAT SOUND?! Space Sharks: Our theme. (Cue ripping and tearing until it is done) (Jaws theme. Because sharks)
@@jackstrayfeald1007 Yes I know this possibility but the prevailing theory is that they belong in remnants of loyalist World Eaters, in the end they are loyal warriors of the emperor, it only counts.
A possible mix of Raven Guard and Night Lords. | How about "Highway to Oblivion - DragonForce" with the Speed Freeks or the Evil Suns as that fits their desire for speed.
@@johnwayne6047 Badab war, they had a loyalty oath with the astral claws that put them, with the lamenters and executioners against the imperium, they all took (exept the astral claws who became the red corsairs) a penitent crusade vow when it all ended to regain their honour.
They definitely have Maori/Polynesian inspirations, and their behavior does relate to great whites. Still though, as a Polynesian, the Space Sharks are without a doubt, fucking amazing
They’re the Carcharodons Astra ,Space Sharks in low gothic, they’re a Loyalist Chapter supposedly of the Raven Guard though there is speculation that they have a hybrid gene seed of loyalist and traitor stock. They hunt in the void where the enemies of Man think they’re invulnerable. The Space Sharks have been active inside the galaxy, notably the badab wars.
Great vid, but so many unaccurate arts. Carcharodons never remove their helmets in combat, their lore in IA X"The Badab War part 2" is very clear about that.
@@Fvillalba8 Execpt that, that in most of them they dont seem to have taken any. Only one of them looks like he sustained enough damage to warrant such action.
You know your badass when your chapter manages to ambush the nightlords
now that's something xddd
And Scare the Shit of them.
For the Void Father
Sharks eat bats. Every. Time. All the more reason for the Raven Guard to stand aside when the Carcharodons get to work.
@@lt.branwulfram4794 Raven Guard ? You're kidding with that low bar right, the Carcharodons mol*sted the Khornate Bezerkers when they managed to corner the Blood Angels during the 7th black crusade.
@@bgcvetan charcaradons are children of corax :''v
Out of all the tributes, I really didn't think you would make a Carchardon. I'm glad you did, not many people know about them.
they're one of my favs, amongst the Storm Wardens and Doom Eagles
The loyal sons of the daddy Konrad
Well, they are actually one of the more popular non first or second founding chapter.
@@henrymilner7061I think they are raven guard that were Terran born and exiled, it makes sense too.
@@RomanvonUngernSternbergnrmfvus true but a man can dream
Legend has it they watch a famous film from ancient Terra’s past titled “Jaws.”
Sounds like their inspiration.
1d4chan right?
ps: are they really sons of *ehem* CORAX!!! *ehem*
Javier Guardiola yep the joke comes from the sharks’ page on 1d4chan.
@@javierguardiola7122 Considering their obsession to bring the death penalty to any and all Xenos, i would say it's not XIX
but more likely XIX - XI = VIII
@@bgcvetan so they're blood angels?
In my opinion they're loyalist terran Night Lord because their tactics , behavior , old equipment and inqusition's. control of data about them.
This, plus the whole red and grey tithe thing. The sharks are banished but they can still draw supplies and enter the imperium in order to fight for it. This isn't usually how the Imperium does things with renegade chapters, but for loyal but troublesome chapters.... well just look at the totally not 1000 sons successors the blood ravens.
@@crystalalarm3 Great comment!
@@rafjas9850carcharodons primarch corvus corax?
0:32 Thats Bail Sharr, Reaper Prime and company master of the 3rd.
That breastplate with the lightning bolts, is from the Unification Wars. Its ace to see how much old tech this chapter keeps.
That helmet is a really really old model as well if I recall correctly, Good catch. These guys could be thrown into the Horace heresy era and fit right in with people just confused by their paint scheme and a few odd bits of gear.
@@RomanvonUngernSternbergnrmfvus hehehe...Horace Heresy
It's a thunder warrior breastplate. Entirely possible that they were built from the loyalist remnants of two or three traitor chapters. Deemed too dangerous to leave in the Empire proper but to loyal and useful to discard out of hand. So instead you reinforce them with some survivors of the Unification War proto-Astartes used to finish off the Thunder Warriors, maybe had questionable gene-seed patched up with some Thunder Warrior material. And set loose to hunt the void.
*So they either have shark DNA, are Loyalist Night Lord's, or are the Terran-born faction that Corax sent into exile because they were too brutal for the Raven Guard.*
Or loyalist World Eaters (without the butcher nails)
Or one of the missing legions before 40k became 40k in the olden days there were the rainbow warriors abd space sharks guess which ones didnt make the cut
Ask what the Raven Guard was like before the connection with Corax ... Corcharadon is a 100% Teran raven guard, if fans of the lords of the night don't want it there.
@@ihorandroshhuk2345 if that's true then please explain why Tybros is as big a Guilim. Or why he is twice the size of a normal Marine. To top it off in rouge trader Space sharks were one of the original founding legions.
@@worldofwarcraftman2 Because, you know, some marines are bigger then the others. His size proves nothing, and there is a lot of proof that Carcharodons were part of the group exiled by Corax.
they are the emperor's sharknado
As silent and deadly as the great whites of Old Earth......
Now it makes sense to call them Raven Guard successor, even if ravens and sharks are about as similar as cotton and boulders.
I hope they howl for potatoes as much as their ancestors from old terra.
(Vun-vun. Vun-Vun. Vun-vun Vun-vun Vun-vun Vun-vun Vun-vun Vun-vun--)
Space Sharks: Our theme. (Cue ripping and tearing until it is done)
(Jaws theme. Because sharks)
The one at 1:41 stole the Dragonslayer from Guts
Apparently after Miura's death, the Carcharodons crossed into Midland via The Warp and recruited Guts via the Red Tithe.
Space sharks get surrounded, become very happy because their foes are about to get mercilessly slaughtered
From the void we come - darkness there and nothing more. Also at 2:04 that guy is probably like “only in death does duty end” or “well frak”
That is the Chapter Master of the Carcharadons, a man so large that he wears modified dreadnought armour
@@Weak_Texas I was referring to the poor Lamenter he was about to kill.
@@josephmoffatt4696 ah fair enough, he's definitely fraked
@@josephmoffatt4696 That…is not a Lamenter.
@@tfan2222 is a mantis warrior
When your maxed volume but still not loud enough 😣
Id imagine when ever their in battle the Jaws theme just keeps playing in their heads
A chapter of Sharks? Holy Emperor
Great HUWHITE shark 🦈
The Loyalist counterparts of World Eaters perhaps even descendants of them
I thought they were loyalist Night Lords (Mixed with a bit of Raven Gaurd)
Maybe some Parts of the two "deleted" Legions?
@@jackstrayfeald1007 Yes I know this possibility but the prevailing theory is that they belong in remnants of loyalist World Eaters, in the end they are loyal warriors of the emperor, it only counts.
@@xristospalaiokostas8903 Preach it brother.
@@germanmandalorian3514 The two unknown legion had obliterated to the core or absorbed by Ultramarines.
Arch puts out a video where these guys arrive and this is recommended to me
A possible mix of Raven Guard and Night Lords. | How about "Highway to Oblivion - DragonForce" with the Speed Freeks or the Evil Suns as that fits their desire for speed.
Soldiers of the Wasteland for Krieg.
The Death Korps have had one done with "To Hell and Back."
@@NetMoverSitan they could literally have hundreds
White Scars with The Great Chinggis Khaan by the Hu would be epic!
Mauri space marines 🦈
Merlin Pias really love b mashina
Thats some nice Fishy Sons of the Emperor. And what is this for a Chapter, This Yellow Marine at 2:01?
I think those are the Mantis Warriors but they actually got light green armor. It’s just the lighting that makes them look yellow
Not just the lighting. Mantis Warrior shoulder pads are yellow with the rest of the armor being light green.
Robert Jarvis Good point
Super late but the mantis warriors are they evil or at the wrong place at the wrong time since that tends to happen in 40k
@@johnwayne6047 Badab war, they had a loyalty oath with the astral claws that put them, with the lamenters and executioners against the imperium, they all took (exept the astral claws who became the red corsairs) a penitent crusade vow when it all ended to regain their honour.
I would've preferred you use Alien Weaponry - Kai Tangata but this is good as well.
What a surprise!
I feel like a lot of chapters/legions draw inspiration from real life cultures. I guess these would be like Maori/Viking mix? Very bad ass.
I think they're inspiration comes from Jaws
They definitely have Maori/Polynesian inspirations, and their behavior does relate to great whites. Still though, as a Polynesian, the Space Sharks are without a doubt, fucking amazing
Black dragons next pls
Someone tell a half-blood mainstream fella...
Who exactly are these guys?
They’re called Hulkoff. This is from their album Kven, which is definitely an amazing album.
They’re the Carcharodons Astra ,Space Sharks in low gothic, they’re a Loyalist Chapter supposedly of the Raven Guard though there is speculation that they have a hybrid gene seed of loyalist and traitor stock. They hunt in the void where the enemies of Man think they’re invulnerable. The Space Sharks have been active inside the galaxy, notably the badab wars.
Great vid, but so many unaccurate arts. Carcharodons never remove their helmets in combat, their lore in IA X"The Badab War part 2" is very clear about that.
Well, it could be the case that the marine had to remove the helmet due to malfunction or combat damage.
@@Fvillalba8 Execpt that, that in most of them they dont seem to have taken any. Only one of them looks like he sustained enough damage to warrant such action.
If we’re bringing Hulkoff into the mix. Einherjr fits the space wolves perfectly
Iron Snakes tribute please :D
Please make an Astartes video using "Hell to Pay" by miracleofsound!
Raven Guard))
You should do the Raptor Chapter
I have a video idea for you, Eldar tribute using Burn to Embrace by Kamelot
If you don't know - they are loyalist)))
Могу посоветовать Вам создать видеоролик про орден Космических Волков од музыку группы Ария :Викинг
Faravid for Guilliman?
1000.th like ;)
Sons of angron 😱
Corax not angron
@@ancientrylanor8621 corax dont act like that
They are loyalist Night Lords.
Shane Grimes *Konrad
ANCIENT RYLANOR you mean Konrad
Basically, they are Maori inspired?
Мария марта халат не забудь. В
I shall listen this this song in Shark Week 🦈🩸🪓 💀