I've been following a lot of English teaching channels for a long time now, But, trust me, you guys provide the most advanced and natural language. My respect to you ladies ❤❤
Wow Leila! My goodness! What a gift! What a gem! How I loved that lesson !!! Honestly I just didn't see the 15 minutes pass. I totally lost the track of time that flew off in a blink of an eye. Not only all the expressions were absolutely amazing but I laugh my ass off all the lesson long (especially the part related to the 'I made a a mistake' alternatives 😂). Your humour and facial expressivity are a real treat and pleasure! It was very rhythmic and edgy; clear, fluid, accurate, expressive and rather straight to the point or ... How to learn without even realising! 👍 Probably the greatest compliment a teacher can receive I guess ... Both you and Sabrah are incredible teachers. Your British voices and accent are to me like the epitome of the English language and a real climax to my ears !!! Thanks a million for that. I just ...love you my sweeties 👏👏👏... I feel like that lesson is gonna be a hit! Gros bisous Leila! You rocked it, you kicked ass... That was downright fantastic 🥰😘🌹🌹🧡🧡💕💕 ........+ ∞ I think I'm gonna watch this endlessly ... Please all, share, SHARE! 😊
Hello Leila, My son and I are learning English from your channel. My son is primary 4 in Hong Kong. His English teacher always made positive comments on his writing , excellent usage of vocabularies and outstanding adjectives! He learned all of english from you. Thank you very much indeed!
Hi!!! What a wonderful comment to read! Thank you so much for taking the time to message us and put a big smile on my face! What’s your son’s name? I’ll say hi in the next video I film! 💕💕💕
Hi Leila, it's another great lesson, you have always provided crystal clear explanations which have taken my English to next level . you hit it off the park. Keep up the good work. 👍
Hello Leila english teaching the lessons create some thing new words to learn some of them are know and not know becouse never have use familiar daily life thanks to you
You're so right Leila! Learning and becoming familiar with the expressions, idioms and phrases is so important because they are so much used on a daily basis and also they make the richness and 'colour' of the language. I dunno if you studied a bit of French next to Italian and Spanish but I know Sabrah did so here are some common equivalents in French you'll maybe find interesting: 1) I'm afraid I can't J'ai bien peur de ne pas pouvoir .... Then you can give a reason like Je suis vraiment désolé mais j'ai déjà autre chose de prévu....etc. 2) Over my dead body Ah non! Plutôt mourir ! Il faudra me passer sur le corps ! Sur mon cadavre ! Jamais de la vie ! 3) It's not really my thing! C'est pas trop mon truc/mon 'trip' ! Ex: Non, merci mais c'est pas trop mon truc en fait ! 4) I would jump at the chance! Je sauterais sur l' occasion / Je foncerais sans hésiter / je n' hésiterais pas une seconde ... 5) How could I say no to that! Comment refuser ! / Comment pourrais-je refuser ! / Comment dire non ! .... 6) Would you like to get a coffee/glass/drink...? Wanna grab a coffee? Tu prends un café ? / Tu bois un coup ? / Tu prends un verre ? ... (or you can use the more polite 'vous prenez' if you don't know the person well) 7) Wait! (Attends/Attendez ! ) Hang on! could/would you hang on? excuse(z)-moi une seconde/minute ! Patiente(z) un instant s.v.p. ! ... 8) Hold your horses! On se calme ! / du calme ! / Attends un peu ! / Minute papillon ! ... 9) Gimme a sec! (Donne-moi/laisse moi) une seconde/minute ! Donnez-moi/Laissez-moi une seconde/minute ! 10) Hurry up! (Dépêche-toi ! fam: Magne-toi ! Grouille-toi ! ...) Dépêchez-vous ! Magnez-vous ! Grouillez-vous ! Don't dilly dally Ne traine(z) pas ! Ne lambinez pas ! 11) Stop faffing about/around! arrête(z)/cesse(z) de traîner/tourner en rond/tergiverser ! 12) Why? (pourquoi ?) how come? Comment se fait-ce ? Comment ça se fait ? Comment se fait-il ? 13) Can you help me? Would you ming giving me a hand? Could you give me a hand? Peux-tu/pouvez-vous me donner un coup de main (s.v.p.) ? Pourrais-tu/pourriez-vous me donner un coup de main (s.v.p.) ? 14) What do you fancy? Que veux-tu ? Que désires-tu ? Que souhaites-tu ? Que voulez-vous ? Que désirez-vous ? Que souhaitez-vous ? Or with the 'est-ce que' as you know very used in French: Qu' est-ce que tu veux/désires/souhaites ? Qu'est-ce que vous voulez/désirez/souhaitez ? More polite using the conditional: Que voudrais/désirerais/souhaiterais-tu ? Que voudriez/désireriez/souhaiteriez-vous ? qu'est-ce que tu voudrais/désirerais/souhaiterais ? Qu'est-ce que vous voudriez/désireriez/souhaiteriez ? Note: A perfect example where you see how English is way much simpler than French, right? 😂 15) What's wrong? What's up? Qu'est-ce qui ne va pas ? Qu'est-ce qu'il se passe ? Que se passe-t-il ? Qu' y-a-t-il ? 16) Long time no see! ça faisait longtemps ! ça fait un bail ! ça fait une paye ! Depuis le temps ! .... To be followed ... 🥰🌹🧡
Hello, Leila! I'm all ears to your explanation. I get it and would like to apply several of the words I could remember on my conversation. Thank you for the materials. It helps me a lot.
Oh wow, lovely to see you in the brand new.year.... Infact, I was impatiently waiting to wish you for the new 2022 but this was the only forum that I can get through to you and glad you came up with this great lesson earlier than expected which helped me in a big way to wish you and sabrah for the new 2022 ❤️❤️... And here's to you and Sabrah for a great 2022...and May you and sabrah draw all the courage and blessings and execute your precious and valuable lessons as the year unfolds!!! 🙏🙏 Tnx for all your commitment and support during the last year... ❤️❤️😘👍🙏 Finally, May god bless you,Sabrah and all your families and friends always and forever... Yours always xoxoxo, "Gams..." ❤️
Madam Leila is bestowed a prudent trait that catalyses the listeners' curiosity and attention towards her well lovely explained lessons! Actually beautiful and Paradised teacher.
Hi, Queen Leila. Holy cow, what a great smashing lesson! You're on a whole new level. Moreover it was laughable, you put a smile on our faces. Your expressive facial expressions are a real doozy! A total class act!👍🏻❣️ Wishing you the best! Tons of love!🥰💞🤘😘💖💗💗💕
Hi Leila, Wish you a very Happy New Year! An interesting and informative lesson about idioms and phrases to daily uses. I sincerely appreciate your efforts and learnered many new things. It is truly useful to all learners. Thanks and regards,
Leila mam u r stupendous 😇😇and unstoppable ,nothing can stop ur great effort, it's been everyone's privilege to have u as a great tutor 👨🏫👨🏫each and every videos🎥🎥 you are uploading it brings a great smile😊😊😊 on our face, for this smile we always eager to learn something new that we haven't learn during our past time so and we always exhilarating ourselves and prepare for your next video
Thks so much for new year gift in 2022. Excellent lesson as always. I really appreciate yr time n yr hard work to do this. Happy New Year Leila Keep up the great work 💕👍🥰
I really liked 'wait a sec, I'll be there in a minute ...' and then you're left waiting for - how long? rofl - honestly, I really do enjoy your lessons.
Really Thanks so much for your video, it's really very useful for me to understand the native English speakers, I really like it cos these English expressions I were never taught in local school in Hong Kong. You know what? the expression "Long time no see" , this one I totally understand it, cos this expression is a Chinese word directly translated to an English word. The Chinese English teachers always laugh that students should not say in this way, cos it's "a very Chinese "English expression. But now is a Native English Speaker like you to say it is more native way to express "Haven't seen you for ages"is "Long Time No See " Is it ridiculous?!
Hi Leila, great video. Apropos the first example i.e. “No”, if I have to decline an offer of tea at my friend’s place, what else could I colloquially say in English / American lingo (besides “I’m good”) ?
I really liked "cocked it up" - it sounds pretty much like the four-letter word in this sense, and "I don't give a crap" sounds just fine as well. Just found "I don't give a flying crap" is also acceptable, or rather unacceptable, and most amazing, "I don't give a rat's behind".
Golly 😍 What a dog's bollocks lesson!!!🥰 It's hecka come in handy for us mam.....You rock everywhen mam...A heart-to-heart with you mam It's been ages since you and your pal saw on TH-cam mam..... Are you okay mam?🤔 Nevertheless Your teaching is greatest thing since sliced bread and your mate as well mam.....😁 Thanks for sharing spectacular lesson and I'm so grateful for your assistance mam.....♥️♥️♥️
Hello Leila! Hope you are doing great! I want to tell you something, maybe no one has never told you this, you are soo hilarious. You got me at 8:02🤣🤣🤣 I never heard of such thing before. I wondered how hard was it for you to hold your laugh. Probably, you are that funny that you haven't paid attention to it. I love watching your videos to see the jokes you crack. Anyway, have a good one.
Good job teacher, excellent class, I have learned several expressions more, but please, don't let me down, sometimes I am feeling blue because I get lost ( I don't use a translator) with your words. You slam the accelerator and I start being back and forth trying to understand, and taking up the lesson again. Good job, I can't keep with your rhythm. I am a marathon man not a sprinter like Usain Bolt. Bolt, It is funny, you don't run as Bolt does, you fly. But I need to get used to following your rhythm. It will be my challenge.
1:27 Hahaha! 😂Personally I would be so chuffed to bits if I could be uploaded in the flesh by you and Sabrah even only for a hug, to say you a little hello and be close to you 2 my sweeties! I feel a bit devastated that you don't need to upload me! 😂😂👍👌 🥰😘🌹🌹🧡💕. Gonna watch the lesson now. See ya later Leila!
(suite...) For you Sabe ;-) 17) I said the wrong thing! I put my foot in it! J'ai fait/commis une gaffe ! (or une bévue/une maladresse) J'ai gaffé ! Colloquial: J'ai merdé ! J'ai foiré ! J'ai mis les pieds dans le plat (but here there is sometimes an intention!) 18-21) I made a mistake I messed/ballsed/screwed/cocked up! J' ai fait une erreur/faute/bêtise/gaffe/bévue ... Colloquial-informal: J'ai merdé ! J'ai merdoyé ! J'ai foiré ! J'ai fait une connerie ! ... je me suis planté ! Je me suis gourré ! 22-24) I don't know! (je ne sais pas!) I haven't got the foggiest! (a clue!) Beats me! Je n'en ai pas la moindre idée ! Aucune idée ! Beats me!: Cela/ça me dépasse ! 25) Make up your mind! You have to make up your mind! Décide-toi ! Décidez-vous ! Tu dois te décider ! Vous devez vous décider ! Il faut te décider ! Vous faut vous décider ! Prends une décision ! Prenez une décision ! Tu dois prendre une décision ! Vous devez prendre une décision ! 26-28) I don't mind! I'm easy! I'm not bothered/fussed! Peu importe ! Peu m'importe ! ça m'est égal ! C'est égal ! C'est comme vous voulez ! Faites comme bon vous semble ! .... Cela/ça ne me dérange pas ! 29) I don't understand (je ne comprends pas !) I don't get it! Je ne pige pas ! (parlé: J'pige pas !) Je ne capte pas ! J'ai rien pigé ! J'ai rien capté ! (je n'ai pas...) Je ne saisis pas ! J'ai pas saisi ! (je n'ai pas...) Slang / argot / vulg. J'ai rien bité ! (to be used with care: bite =cock!) 30-31) I understand (je comprends) Fair enough! Je pige ! Je saisis ! (fam.) J'ai capté ! ... fair enough!: ça me va ! Ok, (bon) d'accord ! C'est assez juste ! Très bien ! 31) I'm listening to you! (je t'écoute/je vous écoute) I'm all ears Je suis tout(e) ouïe ! 32-35) I'll pay the bill! (je paye l'addition !) It's on me! Let me get this! My shout! C'est pour moi ! C'est ma tournée ! C'est moi qui invite ! A fun expression to 'invite' someone to buy a round: Tu pousses ton cri ?! ... (familiar) --> your shout?! ... 36-38) I don't have any money! (Je n'ai pas d'argent/de monnaie/de sous sur moi !) I'm skint/broke/brassic/hard up! J' ai pas un rond ! J'ai pas un radis ! J'ai pas une thune ! J'ai pas un copeck ! (spoken; correct form= je n'ai pas) Je suis fauché ! je suis à sec ! je suis sans le sou ! Je suis capot ! je suis sur la paille ! 39-40) That's expensive! (C'est cher !) It's a rip off! It costs an arm and a leg! C'est une arnaque ! Le prix est exorbitant ! C'est prohibitif ! ça coute bonbon ! ça coute les yeux de la tête ! ça coute la peau des fesses ! fam./vulg.: ça coute la peau du cul ! ça coute peau de balle ! .... C'est 'reuch' ! (Verlan (envers) I reckon I already explained the principle of French Verlan/backwards slang: reuch=cher (backwards)) 41) I'll keep your secret! Mum's the word! Motus ! Motus et bouche cousue ! 42-43) I fell asleep! I nodded/dozed off! Je me suis assoupi(e) J'ai somnolé ! J'ai piqué du nez ! 44) I'll call you later! (Je te rappelle !) I'll give you a bell! j' te 'bigophone' ! j' te phone ! 45) It's not difficult! It's really not rocket science! C'est pas sorcier ! C'est pas la mer à boire ! (parlé! forme correcte = ce n'est pas) 46) That was easy! (C'était facile) That was a piece of cake! C' était un jeu d'enfant ! C'était de la rigolade ! C'était une partie de plaisir ! C' est du gâteau / de la tarte ! note: tarte is more used in a negative sentence to say it was not easy: C'était pas de la tarte! (ce n'était pas ...) 47) I'm going to (Je vais à ...) I'm popping to the shops Je fais un saut à/au ... (à la boulangerie, au magasin etc.) faire un saut, faire un crochet, faire l'aller-retour vite fait .... 48-50) I'm going home (je rentre à la maison ! - Je m'en vais !) I'm gonna head off! I'm gonna take off! I'm gonna hit the road! Je me sauve ! Je file ! Je décolle ! Je reprends la route ! slang (argot): Je me casse ! Je me tire ! je m' arrache ! (j'me tire; j'me casse; j'm'arrache..) 51-52) Are you serious? (tu es sérieux ?) For real? Are you kidding me? Are you pulling my leg? T'es sérieux là ?! ... Pour de vrai ? ... Tu te moques de moi ?! Sans blague ?! Tu plaisantes ?! .... Tu rigoles ?! ... slang/colloquial: tu déconnes ? ... Hope you'll like it. Bisous 🥰🌹🧡 Funny fact: In English the 'C' word is the most taboo! In French 'con!' is very used and one of the most popular, along with 'merde!' of course! Sorry, excuse my French! ;-) 😂 Or should I say maybe: Excuse my English! like you Leila! (thanks by the way! 😂) In fact 'un con' originally designated the female pudenda and therefore the same thing as a 'c--t' but it hasn't the same vulgar or dirty connotation in French ! (For example Georges Brassens or Pierre Perret used it in many songs with that 'erotic' sense). Then it derived to mean a prick/moron/twat/idiot .... So it can be rude when you insult someone calling them un 'con' with a derogative, offensive tone. But, just like in English in certain context, a rude term can also be used as a term of 'endearment' with friends so you can call a friend 'un con!' when he says a nonsense or pulls /plays you a prank/trick/joke for example. So you would say to him: T'es con ! T'es un con ! Quel con ! .... ;-)
It is in your answer to Carlos Henrique below! ;-) I promise you're gonna be shocked yourself ...:-) You 'shamely' wrote: "You’re comments are always appreciated" Possessive YOUR! and not 'you are=you're' which here doesn't mean a thing ... I'm sure even Francesco would fall over with a feather seeing it! 😂😂. ...Or maybe he is the one who writes the comments?! 😂😂😂 I'm kidding of course! .... ;-) I know he's brilliant. Hi to him and best wishes 2022! :-) You spotted it? P.S: Of course Leila don't take me too seriously. (That's the contrary of me.) Being serious without taking oneself seriously! is the deal ;-) My love and admiration are absolutely not impaired by what one could think is an insignificant detail but ... not so much in fact (!) and I'm pretty sure that as a teacher (of the English language namely) you will totally agree with me ... Bisous Leila! 🧡🌹
Everything seems so obvious but... How to apply these in daily life?😩 The method is only one, practice 😄 As usual knowledge of English is enormous but using much worse 😭
Hi Leila,
I am 63 old man from Poland. Your lesson was very useful for me. Greetings.
It was such a sensational lesson.And you know, this lesson teaches us both basic and native English,so this was soo useful. You guys rockk!❤
I've been following a lot of English teaching channels for a long time now, But, trust me, you guys provide the most advanced and natural language. My respect to you ladies ❤❤
Wow Leila! My goodness! What a gift! What a gem! How I loved that lesson !!! Honestly I just didn't see the 15 minutes pass. I totally lost the track of time that flew off in a blink of an eye. Not only all the expressions were absolutely amazing but I laugh my ass off all the lesson long (especially the part related to the 'I made a a mistake' alternatives 😂). Your humour and facial expressivity are a real treat and pleasure! It was very rhythmic and edgy; clear, fluid, accurate, expressive and rather straight to the point or ... How to learn without even realising! 👍 Probably the greatest compliment a teacher can receive I guess ...
Both you and Sabrah are incredible teachers. Your British voices and accent are to me like the epitome of the English language and a real climax to my ears !!!
Thanks a million for that. I just ...love you my sweeties 👏👏👏...
I feel like that lesson is gonna be a hit!
Gros bisous Leila! You rocked it, you kicked ass... That was downright fantastic 🥰😘🌹🌹🧡🧡💕💕 ........+ ∞
I think I'm gonna watch this endlessly ...
Please all, share, SHARE! 😊
Love your body language Leila. It's always a pleasure to watch your videos I always learn new words and expressions.
I love your teaching techniques I Particularly your mime and gesture, I am all ears.
Hello Leila, My son and I are learning English from your channel. My son is primary 4 in Hong Kong. His English teacher always made positive comments on his writing , excellent usage of vocabularies and outstanding adjectives! He learned all of english from you. Thank you very much indeed!
Hi!!! What a wonderful comment to read! Thank you so much for taking the time to message us and put a big smile on my face! What’s your son’s name? I’ll say hi in the next video I film! 💕💕💕
Absolutely great expressions! Thank you!
Hi Leila, it's another great lesson, you have always provided crystal clear explanations which have taken my English to next level . you hit it off the park.
Keep up the good work. 👍
Thank you Carlos! You’re comments are always appreciated 🥰🥰
Leila english teaching the lessons create some thing new words to learn some of them are know and not know becouse never have use familiar daily life thanks to you
You are a great and beautiful teacher. I respect you from Turkey.
Super teacher super english! Bravo!
You’re fabulous teacher thank you so much
From Birmingham 🇬🇧
You are the best teacher. 👌 very well 👏 done.
You're so right Leila! Learning and becoming familiar with the expressions, idioms and phrases is so important because they are so much used on a daily basis and also they make the richness and 'colour' of the language. I dunno if you studied a bit of French next to Italian and Spanish but I know Sabrah did so here are some common equivalents in French you'll maybe find interesting:
1) I'm afraid I can't
J'ai bien peur de ne pas pouvoir .... Then you can give a reason like
Je suis vraiment désolé mais j'ai déjà autre chose de prévu....etc.
2) Over my dead body
Ah non! Plutôt mourir !
Il faudra me passer sur le corps !
Sur mon cadavre !
Jamais de la vie !
3) It's not really my thing!
C'est pas trop mon truc/mon 'trip' ! Ex: Non, merci mais c'est pas trop mon truc en fait !
4) I would jump at the chance!
Je sauterais sur l' occasion / Je foncerais sans hésiter / je n' hésiterais pas une seconde ...
5) How could I say no to that!
Comment refuser ! / Comment pourrais-je refuser ! / Comment dire non ! ....
6) Would you like to get a coffee/glass/drink...? Wanna grab a coffee?
Tu prends un café ? / Tu bois un coup ? / Tu prends un verre ? ... (or you can use the more polite 'vous prenez' if you don't know the person well)
7) Wait! (Attends/Attendez ! ) Hang on! could/would you hang on?
excuse(z)-moi une seconde/minute ! Patiente(z) un instant s.v.p. ! ...
8) Hold your horses! On se calme ! / du calme ! / Attends un peu ! / Minute papillon ! ...
9) Gimme a sec! (Donne-moi/laisse moi) une seconde/minute ! Donnez-moi/Laissez-moi une seconde/minute !
10) Hurry up! (Dépêche-toi ! fam: Magne-toi ! Grouille-toi ! ...) Dépêchez-vous ! Magnez-vous ! Grouillez-vous !
Don't dilly dally Ne traine(z) pas ! Ne lambinez pas !
11) Stop faffing about/around! arrête(z)/cesse(z) de traîner/tourner en rond/tergiverser !
12) Why? (pourquoi ?) how come?
Comment se fait-ce ? Comment ça se fait ? Comment se fait-il ?
13) Can you help me? Would you ming giving me a hand? Could you give me a hand?
Peux-tu/pouvez-vous me donner un coup de main (s.v.p.) ?
Pourrais-tu/pourriez-vous me donner un coup de main (s.v.p.) ?
14) What do you fancy?
Que veux-tu ? Que désires-tu ? Que souhaites-tu ? Que voulez-vous ? Que désirez-vous ? Que souhaitez-vous ?
Or with the 'est-ce que' as you know very used in French:
Qu' est-ce que tu veux/désires/souhaites ? Qu'est-ce que vous voulez/désirez/souhaitez ?
More polite using the conditional:
Que voudrais/désirerais/souhaiterais-tu ? Que voudriez/désireriez/souhaiteriez-vous ?
qu'est-ce que tu voudrais/désirerais/souhaiterais ? Qu'est-ce que vous voudriez/désireriez/souhaiteriez ?
Note: A perfect example where you see how English is way much simpler than French, right? 😂
15) What's wrong? What's up?
Qu'est-ce qui ne va pas ? Qu'est-ce qu'il se passe ? Que se passe-t-il ? Qu' y-a-t-il ?
16) Long time no see!
ça faisait longtemps ! ça fait un bail ! ça fait une paye ! Depuis le temps ! ....
To be followed ... 🥰🌹🧡
Thanks a lot about your great lesson my amazing teacher i would rather learn more about it coz your lesson is being helpful
Very useful expressions,thanks ❤
I love lessons with teacher Leila😍
Very very useful
You rock, I love this lesson.
I love English idioms. Keep it up
Dear laila madam,
You help me a lot in improving spoken English. You are a great teacher.
Thank you to the moon and back, so many useful phrases!
You’re welcome Natalia 💕💕 (beautiful name by the way!)
Great alternative expressions!
Super excellent lesson!
This is teaching. Keep going !
Hello, Leila! I'm all ears to your explanation. I get it and would like to apply several of the words I could remember on my conversation. Thank you for the materials. It helps me a lot.
Such a great event : first lesson of the new year from teacher Leila.
Thanks a lot
Very useful video lesson
Oh wow, lovely to see you in the brand new.year....
Infact, I was impatiently waiting to wish you for the new 2022 but this was the only forum that I can get through to you and glad you came up with this great lesson earlier than expected which helped me in a big way to wish you and sabrah for the new 2022 ❤️❤️... And here's to you and Sabrah for a great 2022...and May you and sabrah draw all the courage and blessings and execute your precious and valuable lessons as the year unfolds!!! 🙏🙏
Tnx for all your commitment and support during the last year... ❤️❤️😘👍🙏
Finally, May god bless you,Sabrah and all your families and friends always and forever...
Yours always xoxoxo,
"Gams..." ❤️
Hey Gams! Big hugs from us to you! And thank YOU for all your support and positive comments! We always appreciate them and love reading them 💕💕💕
@@LoveEnglishUK tnx leila and the feeelings are reciprocal... 🙏😘😘❤️
Just take care of yourself dear and see ya later... 😘😘👍
I m starting to love your videos
Beautiful video.... I remember all these words I read in novels.
All your videos are useful big time, thanks for your help
It was cool! I screenshot some of the expansions.
I hope will use it soon
I do adore your lesson. Ta. Love you. A
Hey Andrea!! How are you? 🥰
@@LoveEnglishUK Hey Leila ! I’m fine thank you , and you ? Your baby ? Ti abbraccio affettuosamente. A
Madam Leila is bestowed a prudent trait that catalyses the listeners' curiosity and attention towards her well lovely explained lessons! Actually beautiful and Paradised teacher.
☺️☺️☺️ Ahmed, you’re such a charmer! Thank you for the wonderful compliment 👍💕
Excellent lesson best teacher i like really your teaching way
Thank you so much Umar ☺️💕
Thank you for your help you are incredible amazing I appreciate what you do o love your way of teaching thank you again
Thank you Jalal ☺️💕💕
Leila, you narrated amazingly!
Thank you ☺️☺️💕
You thoroughly deserved appreciation.
God bless you and family.
We can also use the phrase "what's eating you?" meaning "what's wrong?". Thanks for the video!
I admire you mam your accent is mindblowing
Thanks alot,you guys are making abig difference in peoples lives
Thank you so much, always lovely to hear and keeps us motivated! 🥰💪👍💕
Just a word to describe you and your lessons: SUPER! Thank you so much!
You’re very welcome! ☺️💕
It very useful
you are brilliant 👏
☺️☺️☺️ thank you 😊
Knowledgeable video
Wonderful lesson ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
thank you!:)
Love your voice and accent 😍 can’t stop to listening to you 💕
Thank you darling 💕💕👍☺️
My pleasure 😇
Hi, Queen Leila. Holy cow, what a great smashing lesson! You're on a whole new level. Moreover it was laughable, you put a smile on our faces. Your expressive facial expressions are a real doozy! A total class act!👍🏻❣️
Wishing you the best!
Tons of love!🥰💞🤘😘💖💗💗💕
Hey ladies! Loved the message! Thank you as always!! 💕💕💕
Hi Leila,
Wish you a very Happy New Year!
An interesting and informative lesson about idioms and phrases to daily uses. I sincerely appreciate your efforts and learnered many new things. It is truly useful to all learners.
Thanks and regards,
☺️☺️☺️ thank you 💕
Great teach 💕👍💕👍
I loved it !!!! ❤️
Thank you sweetie 🥰💕
Leila mam u r stupendous 😇😇and unstoppable ,nothing can stop ur great effort, it's been everyone's privilege to have u as a great tutor 👨🏫👨🏫each and every videos🎥🎥 you are uploading it brings a great smile😊😊😊 on our face, for this smile we always eager to learn something new that we haven't learn during our past time so and we always exhilarating ourselves and prepare for your next video
WoW! Fabulous comment! It really brought a smile to me face!! ☺️☺️☺️👍💕
So eager to watch this 😀
Thks so much for new year gift in 2022.
Excellent lesson as always. I really appreciate yr time n yr hard work to do this. Happy New Year Leila
Keep up the great work 💕👍🥰
Thank you so much 😊
Fair enough
I really liked 'wait a sec, I'll be there in a minute ...' and then you're left waiting for - how long? rofl - honestly, I really do enjoy your lessons.
Really Thanks so much for your video, it's really very useful for me to understand the native English speakers, I really like it cos these English expressions I were never taught in local school in Hong Kong. You know what? the expression "Long time no see" , this one I totally understand it, cos this expression is a Chinese word directly translated to an English word. The Chinese English teachers always laugh that students should not say in this way, cos it's "a very Chinese "English expression. But now is a Native English Speaker like you to say it is more native way to express "Haven't seen you for ages"is "Long Time No See " Is it ridiculous?!
Love that ♥️
Hi Leila, great video. Apropos the first example i.e. “No”, if I have to decline an offer of tea at my friend’s place, what else could I colloquially say in English / American lingo (besides “I’m good”) ?
Can I use those as formal English
A very beneicial viedo.
You name is nice.
All the best for you.
I really liked "cocked it up" - it sounds pretty much like the four-letter word in this sense, and "I don't give a crap" sounds just fine as well. Just found "I don't give a flying crap" is also acceptable, or rather unacceptable, and most amazing, "I don't give a rat's behind".
Thanks a million for such an entertaining lesson. I'd better stop dilly dallying and write some of those phrases down
Great use of that expression!! 👍☺️
I love the facial expression of Leila when she was using these expression. It makes the language come to life.
Thank you ☺️👍
C'mon guys hit the thumbs up , chop chop !
plz leila do u have a video abt abriviation ☺
Pronunciation one? 👍
Golly 😍 What a dog's bollocks lesson!!!🥰 It's hecka come in handy for us mam.....You rock everywhen mam...A heart-to-heart with you mam It's been ages since you and your pal saw on TH-cam mam..... Are you okay mam?🤔 Nevertheless Your teaching is greatest thing since sliced bread and your mate as well mam.....😁 Thanks for sharing spectacular lesson and I'm so grateful for your assistance mam.....♥️♥️♥️
Thank you so much! What a fantastic comment!! 👍💕💕👍☺️☺️
Hello Leila! Hope you are doing great! I want to tell you something, maybe no one has never told you this, you are soo hilarious. You got me at 8:02🤣🤣🤣 I never heard of such thing before. I wondered how hard was it for you to hold your laugh. Probably, you are that funny that you haven't paid attention to it. I love watching your videos to see the jokes you crack. Anyway, have a good one.
Being funny is the biggest compliment you could pay me! Thank you so much and I’m so glad you enjoy our lessons! ☺️👍💕
I love you Leila. Do you recognise it that your name is an Arabic one 😀
my favourite english idioms is it's the best things since sliced bread.
‘Thing’ not ‘things, but yeah , fantastic expression!!! 👍
I get it
I know that one...its not rocket science..one of my favourites
One of mine too! 💕👍
I always wondered.......Is it England, Great Britain, or the UK?.......... hmm? Isn't she charming?......Love the accent!!!
Good job teacher, excellent class, I have learned several expressions more, but please, don't let me down, sometimes I am feeling blue because I get lost ( I don't use a translator) with your words. You slam the accelerator and I start being back and forth trying to understand, and taking up the lesson again. Good job, I can't keep with your rhythm. I am a marathon man not a sprinter like Usain Bolt. Bolt, It is funny, you don't run as Bolt does, you fly. But I need to get used to following your rhythm. It will be my challenge.
Are you sure that in UK it's said "It was a piece of cake" or does another kind of stuff exist for cake?
There are lots of expressions with ‘cake’ I think Americans say ‘easy as pie’ too 👍👍👍
@@LoveEnglishUK gotcha
For seriously I heard the more rude expression "Shut up!". Definitely very colloquial and only used between friends, I guess.
I wish I could give you a hundred likes.
Just one like from you makes us happy! 👍🥰💕
Anyone help me in speaking language
You are a little bit faster. But it is fantastic Could you make it slower please?
Hey Luis! How’s it going? ☺️💕
1:27 Hahaha! 😂Personally I would be so chuffed to bits if I could be uploaded in the flesh by you and Sabrah even only for a hug, to say you a little hello and be close to you 2 my sweeties! I feel a bit devastated that you don't need to upload me! 😂😂👍👌
🥰😘🌹🌹🧡💕. Gonna watch the lesson now. See ya later Leila!
😂😂😂 glad you enjoyed my mistake! I was gonna edit it out but thought it funny! 👍☺️
I often use a made up expression of mine which is hold the phone pls … which makes my British friend laughs each time . ( meaning wait a sec )
Nice! The ability to be creative with a language shows you’ve really mastered the language! 💪👍☺️
@@LoveEnglishUK thank you but I am far away of having mastered British English language .. I keep plugging away learning. ☺️
Damn after a couples of hours I have realized you have made my day with your comment . Thank you.
Don't worry, your secret is safe with me, my lips are sealed!
It beats me
"When push comes to shove".
(suite...) For you Sabe ;-)
17) I said the wrong thing! I put my foot in it!
J'ai fait/commis une gaffe ! (or une bévue/une maladresse) J'ai gaffé ! Colloquial: J'ai merdé ! J'ai foiré !
J'ai mis les pieds dans le plat (but here there is sometimes an intention!)
18-21) I made a mistake I messed/ballsed/screwed/cocked up!
J' ai fait une erreur/faute/bêtise/gaffe/bévue ...
Colloquial-informal: J'ai merdé ! J'ai merdoyé ! J'ai foiré ! J'ai fait une connerie ! ... je me suis planté ! Je me suis gourré !
22-24) I don't know! (je ne sais pas!) I haven't got the foggiest! (a clue!) Beats me!
Je n'en ai pas la moindre idée ! Aucune idée ! Beats me!: Cela/ça me dépasse !
25) Make up your mind! You have to make up your mind!
Décide-toi ! Décidez-vous ! Tu dois te décider ! Vous devez vous décider ! Il faut te décider ! Vous faut vous décider !
Prends une décision ! Prenez une décision ! Tu dois prendre une décision ! Vous devez prendre une décision !
26-28) I don't mind! I'm easy! I'm not bothered/fussed!
Peu importe ! Peu m'importe ! ça m'est égal ! C'est égal ! C'est comme vous voulez ! Faites comme bon vous semble ! ....
Cela/ça ne me dérange pas !
29) I don't understand (je ne comprends pas !) I don't get it!
Je ne pige pas ! (parlé: J'pige pas !) Je ne capte pas ! J'ai rien pigé ! J'ai rien capté ! (je n'ai pas...)
Je ne saisis pas ! J'ai pas saisi ! (je n'ai pas...)
Slang / argot / vulg. J'ai rien bité ! (to be used with care: bite =cock!)
30-31) I understand (je comprends) Fair enough!
Je pige ! Je saisis ! (fam.) J'ai capté ! ...
fair enough!: ça me va ! Ok, (bon) d'accord ! C'est assez juste ! Très bien !
31) I'm listening to you! (je t'écoute/je vous écoute) I'm all ears
Je suis tout(e) ouïe !
32-35) I'll pay the bill! (je paye l'addition !) It's on me! Let me get this! My shout!
C'est pour moi ! C'est ma tournée ! C'est moi qui invite !
A fun expression to 'invite' someone to buy a round: Tu pousses ton cri ?! ... (familiar) --> your shout?! ...
36-38) I don't have any money! (Je n'ai pas d'argent/de monnaie/de sous sur moi !) I'm skint/broke/brassic/hard up!
J' ai pas un rond ! J'ai pas un radis ! J'ai pas une thune ! J'ai pas un copeck ! (spoken; correct form= je n'ai pas)
Je suis fauché ! je suis à sec ! je suis sans le sou ! Je suis capot ! je suis sur la paille !
39-40) That's expensive! (C'est cher !) It's a rip off! It costs an arm and a leg!
C'est une arnaque ! Le prix est exorbitant ! C'est prohibitif !
ça coute bonbon ! ça coute les yeux de la tête ! ça coute la peau des fesses ! fam./vulg.: ça coute la peau du cul ! ça coute peau de balle ! ....
C'est 'reuch' ! (Verlan (envers) I reckon I already explained the principle of French Verlan/backwards slang: reuch=cher (backwards))
41) I'll keep your secret! Mum's the word!
Motus ! Motus et bouche cousue !
42-43) I fell asleep! I nodded/dozed off!
Je me suis assoupi(e) J'ai somnolé ! J'ai piqué du nez !
44) I'll call you later! (Je te rappelle !) I'll give you a bell!
j' te 'bigophone' ! j' te phone !
45) It's not difficult! It's really not rocket science!
C'est pas sorcier ! C'est pas la mer à boire ! (parlé! forme correcte = ce n'est pas)
46) That was easy! (C'était facile) That was a piece of cake!
C' était un jeu d'enfant ! C'était de la rigolade ! C'était une partie de plaisir !
C' est du gâteau / de la tarte ! note: tarte is more used in a negative sentence to say it was not easy: C'était pas de la tarte! (ce n'était pas ...)
47) I'm going to (Je vais à ...) I'm popping to the shops
Je fais un saut à/au ... (à la boulangerie, au magasin etc.)
faire un saut, faire un crochet, faire l'aller-retour vite fait ....
48-50) I'm going home (je rentre à la maison ! - Je m'en vais !) I'm gonna head off! I'm gonna take off! I'm gonna hit the road!
Je me sauve ! Je file ! Je décolle ! Je reprends la route !
slang (argot): Je me casse ! Je me tire ! je m' arrache ! (j'me tire; j'me casse; j'm'arrache..)
51-52) Are you serious? (tu es sérieux ?) For real? Are you kidding me? Are you pulling my leg?
T'es sérieux là ?! ... Pour de vrai ? ... Tu te moques de moi ?! Sans blague ?! Tu plaisantes ?! .... Tu rigoles ?! ...
slang/colloquial: tu déconnes ? ...
Hope you'll like it. Bisous 🥰🌹🧡
Funny fact: In English the 'C' word is the most taboo! In French 'con!' is very used and one of the most popular, along with 'merde!' of course! Sorry, excuse my French! ;-) 😂
Or should I say maybe: Excuse my English! like you Leila! (thanks by the way! 😂)
In fact 'un con' originally designated the female pudenda and therefore the same thing as a 'c--t' but it hasn't the same vulgar or dirty connotation in French ! (For example Georges Brassens or Pierre Perret used it in many songs with that 'erotic' sense). Then it derived to mean a prick/moron/twat/idiot .... So it can be rude when you insult someone calling them un 'con' with a derogative, offensive tone. But, just like in English in certain context, a rude term can also be used as a term of 'endearment' with friends so you can call a friend 'un con!' when he says a nonsense or pulls /plays you a prank/trick/joke for example. So you would say to him: T'es con ! T'es un con ! Quel con ! .... ;-)
Hey Fabrice! How’s it going? Good start to the new year? 😊👍
I fucked up is more vulgar ,although it’s use in many tv series.🤬😂
Very true! 😂😂😂
It is in your answer to Carlos Henrique below! ;-) I promise you're gonna be shocked yourself ...:-)
You 'shamely' wrote: "You’re comments are always appreciated" Possessive YOUR! and not 'you are=you're' which here doesn't mean a thing ...
I'm sure even Francesco would fall over with a feather seeing it! 😂😂. ...Or maybe he is the one who writes the comments?! 😂😂😂
I'm kidding of course! .... ;-) I know he's brilliant. Hi to him and best wishes 2022! :-)
You spotted it?
P.S: Of course Leila don't take me too seriously. (That's the contrary of me.) Being serious without taking oneself seriously! is the deal ;-)
My love and admiration are absolutely not impaired by what one could think is an insignificant detail but ... not so much in fact (!) and I'm pretty sure that as a teacher (of the English language namely) you will totally agree with me ...
Bisous Leila! 🧡🌹
Ahhh typo! 🤪😂😱
My bad
Everything seems so obvious but... How to apply these in daily life?😩 The method is only one, practice 😄 As usual knowledge of English is enormous but using much worse 😭
Teacher I have just subscrive .Please speak slowly
You can set the speed of the videos a bit slower if that helps ☺️💕