good insight Olly..Never been easy for the small farmer for hundreds of years.. it is what the uk farming life is built on..good for you and your family for hanging in there...
aye olly i cant understand the growing of maize to feed AD plants .i agree with you a grea use of waste but do not agree with it using high quality crop solely to produce energy..
Massey have just bought out a 7s, which looks the proper deal. I think the appealing thing of Massey’s is the price for small farmers like yourself and we can’t forget that Mother Deere is only wanting to support huge dealerships and farming enterprises... look at sharmans. Take a look at the 7s, new joystick and design might be to your taste.
Olly. I operate a local MF dealership and If you want to have a go with one then please let me know. We’re a 6 generation family machinery dealer that have sold Massey machines since 1907.
Big plus of a 6630 over say a 63 or 6430 for you would be the fact if you do go ahead and buy it, I’d advise to get a set of loader brackets fitted to it, to suit your front end loader as I know for definite it will fit from experience(friend had a 145r with loader bought a 6530 and the loader worked when the right brackets were sourced.)☺️ i had this done with my 6420s. I already had a 6330 with a 633 loader I sourced brackets for a 633 mounted them to the 6420s and used one loader between 2 tractors. It worked a treat. Handy if one tractor was gone or broke down etc etc.
Hi Olly, thanks for making these videos they help me through tough times ever since i started watching(about a year ago and i can say i have not missed a video!) For me as a classic i will always choose a Massy but modern i could not choose between a deer and a big blue beast Have a great rest of your day
the masseys have only been good to us, also if ur trading the 6155r then the new 7S is probably a better upgrade if u think the 8S is too big, itll be something to look at either way
I’m a Yank farmer that just retired after 45 years farming in Missouri. I rented my land to two neighbor brothers that have a family operation as ours is and was before I retired. While there is a condition for agribusiness to tailor their products for the industrial farming operator, I can tell you that that trend will fail and family farms will prosper in the end. Industrial scale farming will lead to market distortions that cannot be easily rectified in a time frame that would result in a situation where starvation could not be prevented. Family farms produce for short term demand and will continue to do so in order to satisfy the wants of the consumer and not some corporate board of directors or any government bureaucrat, regardless of country or nationality. Best of luck to you, Cousin.
sorry but big ag will be replaced by real factory farms ,food grown in factories to save the planet .i say that with a wry smile .city vertical hydroponic farms growing veg etc just like that farmland will be owned by mega corps and they,ll also own the real factory farms
@@MrPeachblossom with so much food in one area failure due to one mis step will result in starvation just easy from the weather. Diseases spread faster the more somethings in one space... chemicals only go so far before it gets too costly... look at any farming done in high intensity nature is about balance ... too much water removed for cotton results in dry terrain that turns to dust... we as the dominant species must balance it or risk killing our selsves off eventually cause we kill the planet... rich fat cats don't care they make the rules...
Olly, I work recommend a McConnel PA6565T. We have one on the back of our Deere and it works a treat. Also has a long reach which would be good for your overgrown hedges 👍👍
A contractor picking work and not actually doing what you contract them to do? Well good bye contracts! Good see and hear a young man talking about the real day to life of farming! Thanks Keep up the good work!
The thing you said about the amount of tractors, we got 6 tractors not including the handler and believe me it’s very nice always having a tractor at hand, 4 fendt 724’s 4220 and 6430 jd, really nice to have
Hello there from Washington State USA 🇺🇸! It’s interesting to see how you Farm there and in other Countries! I love Farming but I’m actually a Commercial Fisherman. My Father grew up Farming and I was involved with my Grandfather’s Farm and my Father retired as a Pharmacist and bought a Ranch and is now Farming in Retirement! I will be someday too 😏 so it’s best to learn as much as possible. 🖖🏼🇺🇸
How many new modern tractors will be stil lworking in 40 to 50 years time. None, I expect. Got a 42 year old MF 565. Needed a new water pump and radiator recently. I went to a Massey local retail dealer, and got both off the shelf. Family used to farm 100 acre small farm. Sold most off now, and down to the last main 20 acre bit in the New Forest SW Hampshire area. Sadly, now from what you are saying, 100 acres is now a small holding. Had 70 to 80 cattle from calves to calved heffers, sold at local markets, for dairy's. Did very well at the time. Now, too much paperwork, and red tape.
Olly. Exactly! Vertical farming is not the answer! Not a future we want. It is up to each and everyone of us to make a choice how we spend our hard earned cash. Personally I would rather have less but ensuring quality and supporting family farmers like you. Niche is a good way to go. Organic and traceability. It should be paramount. UK farming is vital for all our futures. Thank You.
Another great insight Olly, a lack of local grocers and butchers due to super markets is ruining quality and small farms/businesses. Its great to see so many people here in the comments being so supportive. When dealing with small farms and businesses there is always a higher regard for quality and care its a shame this isn't recognised more often in the whole i want it now culture. Wouldn't it be much better for the environment if we began to eat more seasonally again.
I’ve only just found your channel Olly and would like to say how impressed I am with the video content. You put your views across in a clear, concise and eloquent manner. You are a smart, cheerful and camera-friendly chap. I hope you make a great success of all you do, which I’m sure you will if you keep working hard.
Bought a second hand pa93 years ago. Haven’t had to put any mechanical parts in, just the wear items flails, rubbers etc operator error caused a few not seeing stones in hedges etc… 🙈 wouldn’t say it’s anything to worry about, but then I got a cable machine not electric
I had a Massey Ferguson 7726 for rent given. And It was a nightmare the tractor was 2015 MY, with 3000hours made. It had many problems, transmission was mostly terrible, not calibrated and it sometimes glitched. And you couldn't make a higher or smaller gear. The turnsignal was turning on by using Hydraulic SCV. The weight for 240 hp was 7.5tons which is very bad. And whatever I was trying to harrow it, it got something a little wet. It just got stuck. So basically. Don't deal with Masseys Olly!
Taking of gear is pain one day last silage season I put on and off a loader 2 times tedder twice and mower once in a day I think 155r is nicer tractor be next 6930
Hey olly of you need a secundary tractor Why dont you get a 6430 premium its a bit smaller than the 6630 more Agile more Confort it can be a bit Faster and it consumes a bit less fuel cause its a 4cyl and it could even Run the maschio And for the bigger tractor as you talked about the MF 8s and why not the 6250r cause youre more familiar with the deeres and the Dealer is the same And for the Next classic what about a deutz 40 06
Supermarket and politician have/are killing the farming sector, the small family farm will survive that i ve got faith in , farm shops , proper public interaction is critical
I think smaller farmers will be going back to old reliable machinery and tech. With the spiralling costs of new equipment and the the size of it stuff from the 90's and early 2000's or whatever will do the job and not break the bank.
The price of all new farm equipment is to expensive for a small time farm to ever make a profit to live on . A person is much better off to run good used equipment that can be paid for in the fraction of the time and a fraction of the cost. We have always run Massey Ferguson tractors with good results. It like any thing else take care of your equipment. We also run John Deere tractors with good results.
Vertical farming isn't going to replace small beef and arable farmers. Vertical farming is only helping secure food supply in large urban areas. Lets be honest, small salad greens commonly grown in vertical farms will not feed the world. Its a niche in its own.
Yeah definitely pursue the niche markets (organic lamb, farmer’s markets etc) The Industrialisation of Agriculture has far more cons than pros, imho. I’m highly sceptical regarding all of this ‘Climate Change/Carbon Footprint’ BS.
I would use the Massey as it better then a John Deere’s. Also Massey Ferguson’s are insane for bailing and moving. So basically the bailing side of things
500 acres is a small farm. !!!!!! That's not far off a square mile. Are UK farmers like their Irish counterparts food shopping in supermarkets ie a direct contradiction re the purpose of farming.
good insight Olly..Never been easy for the small farmer for hundreds of years.. it is what the uk farming life is built on..good for you and your family for hanging in there...
aye olly i cant understand the growing of maize to feed AD plants .i agree with you a grea use of waste but do not agree with it using high quality crop solely to produce energy..
It amazing how contractors in England pick and choose their work, Irish Contractors would bite your hand off for any type of work. Great Video
Trouble with modern tractors there is so much more to go wrong with an older tractor it's all mechanical so easier to maintain
Even a skilled engineer cannot tackle some jobs and it has to be done by the main dealer who charge megabucks! £750 just for changing two oil filters.
Massey have just bought out a 7s, which looks the proper deal. I think the appealing thing of Massey’s is the price for small farmers like yourself and we can’t forget that Mother Deere is only wanting to support huge dealerships and farming enterprises... look at sharmans. Take a look at the 7s, new joystick and design might be to your taste.
maybe even a 6s
Olly. I operate a local MF dealership and If you want to have a go with one then please let me know. We’re a 6 generation family machinery dealer that have sold Massey machines since 1907.
Big plus of a 6630 over say a 63 or 6430 for you would be the fact if you do go ahead and buy it, I’d advise to get a set of loader brackets fitted to it, to suit your front end loader as I know for definite it will fit from experience(friend had a 145r with loader bought a 6530 and the loader worked when the right brackets were sourced.)☺️ i had this done with my 6420s. I already had a 6330 with a 633 loader I sourced brackets for a 633 mounted them to the 6420s and used one loader between 2 tractors. It worked a treat. Handy if one tractor was gone or broke down etc etc.
Hi Olly, thanks for making these videos they help me through tough times ever since i started watching(about a year ago and i can say i have not missed a video!)
For me as a classic i will always choose a Massy but modern i could not choose between a deer and a big blue beast
Have a great rest of your day
the masseys have only been good to us, also if ur trading the 6155r then the new 7S is probably a better upgrade if u think the 8S is too big, itll be something to look at either way
I’m a Yank farmer that just retired after 45 years farming in Missouri. I rented my land to two neighbor brothers that have a family operation as ours is and was before I retired. While there is a condition for agribusiness to tailor their products for the industrial farming operator, I can tell you that that trend will fail and family farms will prosper in the end. Industrial scale farming will lead to market distortions that cannot be easily rectified in a time frame that would result in a situation where starvation could not be prevented. Family farms produce for short term demand and will continue to do so in order to satisfy the wants of the consumer and not some corporate board of directors or any government bureaucrat, regardless of country or nationality. Best of luck to you, Cousin.
Don't forget bio resilience. Big farm with a disease the whole thing goes capute fast...more smaller more food secure.
sorry but big ag will be replaced by real factory farms ,food grown in factories to save the planet .i say that with a wry smile .city vertical hydroponic farms growing veg etc just like that farmland will be owned by mega corps and they,ll also own the real factory farms
@@MrPeachblossom with so much food in one area failure due to one mis step will result in starvation just easy from the weather. Diseases spread faster the more somethings in one space... chemicals only go so far before it gets too costly... look at any farming done in high intensity nature is about balance ... too much water removed for cotton results in dry terrain that turns to dust... we as the dominant species must balance it or risk killing our selsves off eventually cause we kill the planet... rich fat cats don't care they make the rules...
COVID proved your point
It’s good you are doing other work than just your own farm work - helping other farmers out is a good thing to do 👍🏼
7720 S would be ideal for you olly have a bit of a read up and see if u can have hire of one for a day or two. Great machines
Massey are my favourite
Great video Olly. Grew up on farms, love the lifestyle and work. Small dairy and sheep at the time. Will start watching more, thanks. 👍💪
We just got a John deer 5100m 2011 got to say We love it good size for are family farm and plenty of hp
We on our farm are starting vertical farming it seams to be really good
Poor 135 is feeling insulted by that title olly!
Olly, I work recommend a McConnel PA6565T. We have one on the back of our Deere and it works a treat. Also has a long reach which would be good for your overgrown hedges 👍👍
The 5S, 6S and 7S Masseys also look great - it's not just the 8S in their new line up.
A contractor picking work and not actually doing what you contract them to do?
Well good bye contracts!
Good see and hear a young man talking about the real day to life of farming!
Keep up the good work!
The thing you said about the amount of tractors, we got 6 tractors not including the handler and believe me it’s very nice always having a tractor at hand, 4 fendt 724’s 4220 and 6430 jd, really nice to have
Hello there from Washington State USA 🇺🇸! It’s interesting to see how you Farm there and in other Countries! I love Farming but I’m actually a Commercial Fisherman. My Father grew up Farming and I was involved with my Grandfather’s Farm and my Father retired as a Pharmacist and bought a Ranch and is now Farming in Retirement! I will be someday too 😏 so it’s best to learn as much as possible. 🖖🏼🇺🇸
How many new modern tractors will be stil lworking in 40 to 50 years time. None, I expect. Got a 42 year old MF 565. Needed a new water pump and radiator recently. I went to a Massey local retail dealer, and got both off the shelf.
Family used to farm 100 acre small farm. Sold most off now, and down to the last main 20 acre bit in the New Forest SW Hampshire area. Sadly, now from what you are saying, 100 acres is now a small holding. Had 70 to 80 cattle from calves to calved heffers, sold at local markets, for dairy's. Did very well at the time. Now, too much paperwork, and red tape.
If you do get a 6630, get premium over the standard. I’ve driven both and I felt personally the premium was a better tractor all round
Olly. Exactly! Vertical farming is not the answer! Not a future we want. It is up to each and everyone of us to make a choice how we spend our hard earned cash. Personally I would rather have less but ensuring quality and supporting family farmers like you. Niche is a good way to go. Organic and traceability. It should be paramount. UK farming is vital for all our futures. Thank You.
Another great insight Olly, a lack of local grocers and butchers due to super markets is ruining quality and small farms/businesses. Its great to see so many people here in the comments being so supportive. When dealing with small farms and businesses there is always a higher regard for quality and care its a shame this isn't recognised more often in the whole i want it now culture. Wouldn't it be much better for the environment if we began to eat more seasonally again.
Olly,would you try the wrapper on the 65 or the 135 when she's back?
I wrecking they'd work it for you 🤔
Great video Olly. Keep up the great work. You make a great point about family farms. Quick question are you still looking at getting a muck spreader?
get you a valtra with the Direct gearbox. awesome kit, never skips a beat
A massey is classy the tractors that saved men by been killed
The 135 and 65 feel insulted! Great video Olly
Masseys are the best
No John Deere
No new Holland
No Massey
Great video olly the new Massey 7s looks nice 👍 keep them coming stay safe 👍👌👩🌾🏴🇬🇧🚜
Great video of you talking mate.
Do you recomend old John Deere tracktors? Like The 3020?
I use Massey to farming and i am happy to do that
I think case pumas are the best tractors to go for in my opinion
I’ve only just found your channel Olly and would like to say how impressed I am with the video content. You put your views across in a clear, concise and eloquent manner. You are a smart, cheerful and camera-friendly chap. I hope you make a great success of all you do, which I’m sure you will if you keep working hard.
I have a 1998 kubota l4200 for mowing and I highly recommend it for mowing
Nice to see the horses Ollie.
The flail mower mounted at the front of the deere, with the hedge cutter behind seems like a good idea.
You should try the 6s on demo
Can’t beat a Deere I used to drive a 6215r with a 20tone dump trailer for the forestry and it was a proper beast 🤌🏼
Love your vids olly, keep up the good work.
Ive taken a new holland tractor for test drive and it was fantastic and such a smooth ride great video as usual
Claas are a lot smoother ride than NH
@@martinwilson5404 But a New Holland is a better tractor and cheaper.
Have u any stock at all or do u just draw Grants to buy machinery
we have two tractors that are similar hp but one has a front loader and is newer. the other one is a bit bigger and has a bit more go to her
Sorry to hear you own a John Deere
500 acres would be a big farm here in Ireland
I love masseys I have a 6170 great tractor
Bought a second hand pa93 years ago. Haven’t had to put any mechanical parts in, just the wear items flails, rubbers etc operator error caused a few not seeing stones in hedges etc… 🙈 wouldn’t say it’s anything to worry about, but then I got a cable machine not electric
I had a Massey Ferguson 7726 for rent given. And It was a nightmare the tractor was 2015 MY, with 3000hours made. It had many problems, transmission was mostly terrible, not calibrated and it sometimes glitched. And you couldn't make a higher or smaller gear. The turnsignal was turning on by using Hydraulic SCV. The weight for 240 hp was 7.5tons which is very bad. And whatever I was trying to harrow it, it got something a little wet. It just got stuck. So basically. Don't deal with Masseys Olly!
Taking of gear is pain one day last silage season I put on and off a loader 2 times tedder twice and mower once in a day I think 155r is nicer tractor be next 6930
Awesome video Olly I love watching your channel
The 8s has the same design of cad as the 2600 series and 2700 series
fantastic video olly!
I'd like to have a small farm like your one. 300 acres of grassland and. 200 acres of arable must be nice to own.
Love your vids so much
Organic is not about not spraying. Many organic crops are sprayed, if deemed necessary and approved.
👍💯👍 , Olly hello from the U.S. , really enjoy the Channel.
I think a fendt 312/313 vario would be a great 2ndt tractor for you guys
Hi Olly produce grown in the soil are tastier and more nutritious than produce grown in a vertical farms
coleur an brand doesnt matter red yellow or blue! its what match to you!!
How Many hectars do u have ?
It’s not a vario gearbox it’s a dyna 7,
Hey olly of you need a secundary tractor Why dont you get a 6430 premium its a bit smaller than the 6630 more Agile more Confort it can be a bit Faster and it consumes a bit less fuel cause its a 4cyl and it could even Run the maschio
And for the bigger tractor as you talked about the MF 8s and why not the 6250r cause youre more familiar with the deeres and the Dealer is the same
And for the Next classic what about a deutz 40 06
Supermarket and politician have/are killing the farming sector, the small family farm will survive that i ve got faith in , farm shops , proper public interaction is critical
Your so inspirational
I want to be a farmer when I am older
Certainly a big overhead with many tractors as well as a large capital investment
I think smaller farmers will be going back to old reliable machinery and tech. With the spiralling costs of new equipment and the the size of it stuff from the 90's and early 2000's or whatever will do the job and not break the bank.
Hi olly
Maybe a Deutz Fahr series 8 would be also something for you since are takeing a look at the mf 8s.
You should try the new 6s Massey
The price of all new farm equipment is to expensive for a small time farm to ever make a profit to live on . A person is much better off to run good used equipment that can be paid for in the fraction of the time and a fraction of the cost. We have always run Massey Ferguson tractors with good results. It like any thing else take care of your equipment. We also run John Deere tractors with good results.
Tractor = CLAAS
Olly stay farming your way get that shop open and sell your produce there show them how a real farm works
Vertical farming isn't going to replace small beef and arable farmers. Vertical farming is only helping secure food supply in large urban areas. Lets be honest, small salad greens commonly grown in vertical farms will not feed the world. Its a niche in its own.
If you ever wanted a bigger tractor in the future, why not stick with John deer and get a 6195 or 6215r
What model of John Deere you looking for
My neighbour has an ad plant and has around 1000 acres on it
Or just the new 6 or 7s could be Nice for your size of farm
olly honestly u should buy a new hedgecutter because anything could go wrong with a second hand one
I love Massey Fergusons🥺😩
Me to 🙂
Massey all the way
The massey ferguson 6s
Yeah definitely pursue the niche markets (organic lamb, farmer’s markets etc)
The Industrialisation of Agriculture has far more cons than pros, imho.
I’m highly sceptical regarding all of this ‘Climate Change/Carbon Footprint’ BS.
What is your favourite tractor brand?
Olly have u seen what sharmens have done they have turned there part of the country from green to red cases they are a serious contender
You could have had the new John Deere 6M on Demo
What about a fastrac on demo ???
Get second hand McConnell they are the best never break ?
Never get a case Olly - cheapy unreliable machines!
Massey Ferguson have absolutely destroyed themselves in Moçambique. However I think New Holland Tractors are way superior to even John Deere.
Thay don't have a fendt transmission thay have massey dina shift
We have 10 tractors for their own jobs
Massey Fergusons, no apostrophe. An apostrophe NEVER means a plural.
JD is overpriced Playmobil plastic. As cattle farmer: Deutz Fahr work the best for us.
I would use the Massey as it better then a John Deere’s. Also Massey Ferguson’s are insane for bailing and moving. So basically the bailing side of things
for god sake the 7s / 8s deos not have the same gearbox as the fendt
500 acres is a small farm. !!!!!! That's not far off a square mile. Are UK farmers like their Irish counterparts food shopping in supermarkets ie a direct contradiction re the purpose of farming.