That prayer was answered 2000 yrs ago when the PRINCE OF PEACE came to that city and was rejected and murdered. 'He came unto His own and His own received Him not...'
That won't be answered because it was answered 2000 yrs ago when the PRINCE OF PEACE came to that city and was rejected and murdered. 'He came unto His own and His own received Him not...' and still don't.😪
Beautiful message Amir. I totally enjoy your teachings. ❤️🙏. You truly bring the Bible to life and God speaks loudly through you. Praise be to God 🙌🙏. I am a Gentile and my heart hurts for the Jewish people right now. I pray daily for peace and comfort for all of you. From the USA.
If you are grafted in as Paul teaches, you are no longer a Gentile, but rather you are part of the Israel of God. Maybe that's why your heart hurts for Israel.
Once blind, I now see! I am a 72 year old Christian father, grandfather, and great- grandfather who was once the chief among sinners. But what Satan meant for evil in me, Yahweh used for good to confound the wise and mighty in this world. (1Co 1:27) Now, the prayers of thanksgiving and praise are always upon my lips and tongue! I am a Gentile by physical birth but a Jew, and Lion's whelp, reborn in the Holy Spirit of Father Yahweh:grafted into the natural (good) Olive Tree, Messiah Jesus, the Lion of the Tribe of Judah, Whom bears my name in the breastplate, heart, and ephod of His righteous judgement, the Urim (Law) and Thummim (Prophets, Spirit). The Lights OF perfection!These two righteous witnesses and lots are cast continuously upon me and all His Disciples, the learned, whom bear record of Jesus in earth as He is in heaven. (Ex 28:29, Prov 3:3) Christians are priests of our most High Priest, Jesus. Christians are the church: arks, and temple Keepers of His Word and Holy Spirit here on earth! This is a free gift of grace received through faith in Jesus Messiah, our Father and Triune Creator! (Eph 2:8) Christians live and walk, in earth, bearing witness to His Word and Spirit, in One which are One in the heavenly record of: 1. Father, 2. Son (Word/Immanuel) Isa 7:14, 8:8, Jhn 1:14) and 3. Holy Spirit. (1Jhn 5:6-8) Through baptism: (our ritual washing) by the water of repentance, blood of atonement (justification by faith) and Holy Spirit of sanctification (renewal in regeneration), Christians are followers of Jesus: crucifying the evil lust of the flesh in "Adultery, fornication, uncleanness, lasciviousness, Idolatry, witchcraft, hatred, disputing, wrath, strife, resistance to the Law of Father God, heresies, envyings (ambitions to equal or excel others), murders, drunkenness, revellings, and such like." (Gal 5:19-21) Through His Spirit, we deny this flesh to live and walk in the hope of our soon coming redemption and resurrection. This is our daily priestly offering, by fire, to God the Father and it is a living sacrifice (Lev 3:3) in all: 1. Love 2. Joy 3. Peace 4. Longsuffering 5. Gentleness 6. Goodness 7. Faith 8. Meekness 9. Temperance "Against such fruit as this, there is no Law." (Gal 5:22-25) We have heard the Truth of God! "Wherefore the Law was our schoolmaster to bring us unto the Gospel, Messiah Jesus, through repentance, that we might be justified through faith in His precious shed blood. But after that faith is come, we are no longer under a schoolmaster but indwelling Holy Spirit. As was our daddy, Abraham, Christians are circumcised through faith in the Law and Prophets, Jesus Messiah, the fulfillment of Heavenly Father's everlasting covenant, to Israel, on Mount Moriah: the Gospel of Jesus! (1Ch 16: 16-17 , Psa 105:8-10) "For we (Christians) are all the children of God by faith in Messiah Jesus." (Gal 3: 26) "For the fruit of the Spirit, is in all goodness righteousness and truth." (Eph 5:9) This is our living sacrifice that is holy, acceptable, and reasonable service/worship in Spirit and Truth to a loving, faithful, and living Creator/Savior, Whom has created us for His pleasure! (Rom 12:1, Rev 4:11) Again, For a testimony and witness, as One here in earth, Christians have received by grace and through faith (Eph 2:8) that covenant of two witnesses of Father God. For as it is written, "Mercy (Spirit) and Truth (Law) are met together; righteousness (Law) and peace (Spirit) have kissed each other" (Psa 85) within our souls, to conceive a new and born again creature: circumcised of that fleshy foreskin of an evil heart! (Deu 10:16, 30:6, Jer 4:4,17:9, Jhn 3:3) Let your light shine brothers and sisters! (Mat 5:16) To the Law and to the Testimony (Spirit), if they speak not according to this WORD/ COVENANT, JESUS, it is because there is no light in them." (Isa 8:20, Jhn 8:12, Rom 3:21) Dear reader, Do you want the faith of a mustard seed that removes mountains? (Mat 17:20) The mystery of faith is held in a pure conscience! (1Ti 3:9) This is a heart that is found free, by the Holy Spirit, of evil: wilfull sin against Father God and fellow man. Now dear brothers and sisters, you Disciples of Messiah Jesus filled with the joy of the Holy Spirit, let's do what Father has ordained of us and speak with our new tongues of fire, in Truth, "Bind up the testimony, seal the law among My disciples." (Isa 8:16) Let's pray wihout ceasing (1Sa 12:23, 1Th 5:17) and present this everlasting Gospel of the Kingdom to those Father is calling: with the ears to hear this faith of healing in new birth and placing within our realm of influence! Our Creator, the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob stepped down from Divinity to show His great love towards His Creation. Yahweh took upon Himself the form of a servant, the likeness of men, Jesus Messiah of Nazareth, that through His righteous shed blood in death, burial and resurrection, He crucified our sins, the works of the flesh and in so doing defeated death (sin) and the grave! (Jhn 15:13) We did not choose to be born in this earth and its circumstance! But now, by His grace (Loving sacrifice) and through faith we are given a choice: to follow Him in the first resurrection to life or death in the second resurrection! Repent, Choose life everlasting in this Gospel of the Kingdom! Call upon Jesus Messiah of Nazareth: the One true living God. (Jhn 3:16-19) Amen
@@audreystone6294 With respect, go back and read Romans 11 and Isaiah 56:1-6 then look at Paul's teaching on adoption. What is adoption? It usually means that you have been grafted into a new family. Then go read Jeremiah 31:30-36. Especially see verse 30 and note that the NEW COVENANT is with Israel and Judah, there is no third entity called the "Church", so again with respect, if you are not grafted in to either Israel or Judah as a gentile, meaning you have not been adopted in to God's family= Israel= whose head is Yeshua Messiah, the Mediator of the renewed covenant, then what part do you have in the family of God? Happy for you to disagree and I won't let this become a division, but for the sake of truth please at least investigate with an open heart. Bless you.
I pray for the peace of Jerusalem. With praise unto the Lord our God, the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. For God, our God, will never forsake Israel! Merciful FATHER! All his promises are sure! Praise him all ye nations! Exalt him above the nations for our God is coming again and will rescue Israel. Thank you Abba FATHER. Shalom. AMEN. And to God be the honour, thanks, and glory, praise. For our God is a great God to be greatly feared and praised!! Much Love to all. Stand firm in the faith, never wavering. Firm! Greetings from South Africa. I belong to Jesus. And it's an honour to say that! He has no favourites and does not turn away anyone who calls to him. Jeremiah 33:3.
Amen! Once blind, I now see! I am a 72 year old Christian father, grandfather, and great- grandfather who was once the chief among sinners. But what Satan meant for evil in me, Yahweh used for good to confound the wise and mighty in this world. (1Co 1:27) Now, the prayers of thanksgiving and praise are always upon my lips and tongue! I am a Gentile by physical birth but a Jew, and Lion's whelp, reborn in the Holy Spirit of Father Yahweh:grafted into the natural (good) Olive Tree, Messiah Jesus, the Lion of the Tribe of Judah, Whom bears my name in the breastplate, heart, and ephod of His righteous judgement, the Urim (Law) and Thummim (Prophets, Spirit). The Lights OF perfection!These two righteous witnesses and lots are cast continuously upon me and all His Disciples, the learned, whom bear record of Jesus in earth as He is in heaven. (Ex 28:29, Prov 3:3) Christians are priests of our most High Priest, Jesus. Christians are the church: arks, and temple Keepers of His Word and Holy Spirit here on earth! This is a free gift of grace received through faith in Jesus Messiah, our Father and Triune Creator! (Eph 2:8) Christians live and walk, in earth, bearing witness to His Word and Spirit, in One which are One in the heavenly record of: 1. Father, 2. Son (Word/Immanuel) Isa 7:14, 8:8, Jhn 1:14) and 3. Holy Spirit. (1Jhn 5:6-8) Through baptism: (our ritual washing) by the water of repentance, blood of atonement (justification by faith) and Holy Spirit of sanctification (renewal in regeneration), Christians are followers of Jesus: crucifying the evil lust of the flesh in "Adultery, fornication, uncleanness, lasciviousness, Idolatry, witchcraft, hatred, disputing, wrath, strife, resistance to the Law of Father God, heresies, envyings (ambitions to equal or excel others), murders, drunkenness, revellings, and such like." (Gal 5:19-21) Through His Spirit, we deny this flesh to live and walk in the hope of our soon coming redemption and resurrection. This is our daily priestly offering, by fire, to God the Father and it is a living sacrifice (Lev 3:3) in all: 1. Love 2. Joy 3. Peace 4. Longsuffering 5. Gentleness 6. Goodness 7. Faith 8. Meekness 9. Temperance "Against such fruit as this, there is no Law." (Gal 5:22-25) We have heard the Truth of God! "Wherefore the Law was our schoolmaster to bring us unto the Gospel, Messiah Jesus, through repentance, that we might be justified through faith in His precious shed blood. But after that faith is come, we are no longer under a schoolmaster but indwelling Holy Spirit. As was our daddy, Abraham, Christians are circumcised through faith in the Law and Prophets, Jesus Messiah, the fulfillment of Heavenly Father's everlasting covenant, to Israel, on Mount Moriah: the Gospel of Jesus! (1Ch 16: 16-17 , Psa 105:8-10) "For we (Christians) are all the children of God by faith in Messiah Jesus." (Gal 3: 26) "For the fruit of the Spirit, is in all goodness righteousness and truth." (Eph 5:9) This is our living sacrifice that is holy, acceptable, and reasonable service/worship in Spirit and Truth to a loving, faithful, and living Creator/Savior, Whom has created us for His pleasure! (Rom 12:1, Rev 4:11) Again, For a testimony and witness, as One here in earth, Christians have received by grace and through faith (Eph 2:8) that covenant of two witnesses of Father God. For as it is written, "Mercy (Spirit) and Truth (Law) are met together; righteousness (Law) and peace (Spirit) have kissed each other" (Psa 85) within our souls, to conceive a new and born again creature: circumcised of that fleshy foreskin of an evil heart! (Deu 10:16, 30:6, Jer 4:4,17:9, Jhn 3:3) Let your light shine brothers and sisters! (Mat 5:16) To the Law and to the Testimony (Spirit), if they speak not according to this WORD/ COVENANT, JESUS, it is because there is no light in them." (Isa 8:20, Jhn 8:12, Rom 3:21) Dear reader, Do you want the faith of a mustard seed that removes mountains? (Mat 17:20) The mystery of faith is held in a pure conscience! (1Ti 3:9) This is a heart that is found free, by the Holy Spirit, of evil: wilfull sin against Father God and fellow man. Now dear brothers and sisters, you Disciples of Messiah Jesus filled with the joy of the Holy Spirit, let's do what Father has ordained of us and speak with our new tongues of fire, in Truth, "Bind up the testimony, seal the law among My disciples." (Isa 8:16) Let's pray wihout ceasing (1Sa 12:23, 1Th 5:17) and present this everlasting Gospel of the Kingdom to those Father is calling: with the ears to hear this faith of healing in new birth and placing within our realm of influence! Our Creator, the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob stepped down from Divinity to show His great love towards His Creation. Yahweh took upon Himself the form of a servant, the likeness of men, Jesus Messiah of Nazareth, that through His righteous shed blood in death, burial and resurrection, He crucified our sins, the works of the flesh and in so doing defeated death (sin) and the grave! (Jhn 15:13) We did not choose to be born in this earth and its circumstance! But now, by His grace (Loving sacrifice) and through faith we are given a choice: to follow Him in the first resurrection to life or death in the second resurrection! Repent, Choose life everlasting in this Gospel of the Kingdom! Call upon Jesus Messiah of Nazareth: the One true living God. (Jhn 3:16-19) Amen
Amen! Absolutely wonderful reminder of our future for those of us who are waiting and watching for the Blessed Hope! Praying for boldness in reaching many more people before that day. ❤
Remember when teaching that the spirit and soul are connected, the body has not been redeemed yet. The spirit and soul have been redeemed the moment we are born again. The soul is the mind The spirit is the real us The body allows us to participate with the world we live in We are triune human, made in God's image We are a Spirit that lives in a Body and we possess our soul Our mind that is also triune, 3 parts, Will, Emotion's and intellect. Life ( the life nature of God) enters into our spirit when we are born again, we can control our minds by renewing it with the word of God. Our mind is a go between our spirit and body. When our spirit is born again our whole body receives salvation a gift from God. Jesus is able to save to the uttermost. Amen.
Yes ,I believe that .Our mind does indeed have three parts. You have studied well .I ,too ,have searched and studied ( for many years ).I've found completion and satisfaction in Jesus .Praying for Israel ,ALWAYS .....🎉
Thank you for posting this message. Amir, Thank you for your dedication to sharing THE WORD OF GOD thru the LIFE AND LIGHT OF YESHUA with the world in all that you do ! We pray for you, your family, your team, for Israel, for those kidnapped by Hamas, for the IDF - Leaders and those serving as soldiers, and for the world ...for we are all potential children of Creator GOD.
Thank you Amir for the voice God is using wisely to be the amazing Bible teacher that the Holy Spirit works through for the Glory to God and our Lord Jesus Christ Amen 🙏🇮🇱❤️
Praying for Israel and Praying for you and your family. May the Lord continue to use your message of hope to your people and may you see many come to know Jeshua as thier savior.
Jesus has turned my pain into purpose. It’s been a tough three years. But I got so much closer to the Lord. As a single mother I’m struggling. Struggling to buy groceries struggling to pay rent every month is a battle. My health is also fading since having a heart attack Jesus heal me. But I trust your plan Lord. Lord please protect and provide for my boys. Both of my sons are autistic so they are challenging at times. Thanks to God my children have made so much progress now that I’m homeschooling them but my hours to work are limited. I will keep faith in you Lord Jesus no matter my struggles.❤
Our minister does not speak of the tribulation or rapture. I am so blessed that God directed me to you on you tube. Thank you so much for your Bible teaching. You are a blessing to many people around the world.
Do not wait on your pastor. God's Word is infused with the Holy Spirit! Once blind, I now see! I am a 72 year old Christian father, grandfather, and great- grandfather who was once the chief among sinners. But what Satan meant for evil in me, Yahweh used for good to confound the wise and mighty in this world. (1Co 1:27) Now, the prayers of thanksgiving and praise are always upon my lips and tongue! I am a Gentile by physical birth but a Jew, and Lion's whelp, reborn in the Holy Spirit of Father Yahweh:grafted into the natural (good) Olive Tree, Messiah Jesus, the Lion of the Tribe of Judah, Whom bears my name in the breastplate, heart, and ephod of His righteous judgement, the Urim (Law) and Thummim (Prophets, Spirit). The Lights OF perfection!These two righteous witnesses and lots are cast continuously upon me and all His Disciples, the learned, whom bear record of Jesus in earth as He is in heaven. (Ex 28:29, Prov 3:3) Christians are priests of our most High Priest, Jesus. Christians are the church: arks, and temple Keepers of His Word and Holy Spirit here on earth! This is a free gift of grace received through faith in Jesus Messiah, our Father and Triune Creator! (Eph 2:8) Christians live and walk, in earth, bearing witness to His Word and Spirit, in One which are One in the heavenly record of: 1. Father, 2. Son (Word/Immanuel) Isa 7:14, 8:8, Jhn 1:14) and 3. Holy Spirit. (1Jhn 5:6-8) Through baptism: (our ritual washing) by the water of repentance, blood of atonement (justification by faith) and Holy Spirit of sanctification (renewal in regeneration), Christians are followers of Jesus: crucifying the evil lust of the flesh in "Adultery, fornication, uncleanness, lasciviousness, Idolatry, witchcraft, hatred, disputing, wrath, strife, resistance to the Law of Father God, heresies, envyings (ambitions to equal or excel others), murders, drunkenness, revellings, and such like." (Gal 5:19-21) Through His Spirit, we deny this flesh to live and walk in the hope of our soon coming redemption and resurrection. This is our daily priestly offering, by fire, to God the Father and it is a living sacrifice (Lev 3:3) in all: 1. Love 2. Joy 3. Peace 4. Longsuffering 5. Gentleness 6. Goodness 7. Faith 8. Meekness 9. Temperance "Against such fruit as this, there is no Law." (Gal 5:22-25) We have heard the Truth of God! "Wherefore the Law was our schoolmaster to bring us unto the Gospel, Messiah Jesus, through repentance, that we might be justified through faith in His precious shed blood. But after that faith is come, we are no longer under a schoolmaster but indwelling Holy Spirit. As was our daddy, Abraham, Christians are circumcised through faith in the Law and Prophets, Jesus Messiah, the fulfillment of Heavenly Father's everlasting covenant, to Israel, on Mount Moriah: the Gospel of Jesus! (1Ch 16: 16-17 , Psa 105:8-10) "For we (Christians) are all the children of God by faith in Messiah Jesus." (Gal 3: 26) "For the fruit of the Spirit, is in all goodness righteousness and truth." (Eph 5:9) This is our living sacrifice that is holy, acceptable, and reasonable service/worship in Spirit and Truth to a loving, faithful, and living Creator/Savior, Whom has created us for His pleasure! (Rom 12:1, Rev 4:11) Again, For a testimony and witness, as One here in earth, Christians have received by grace and through faith (Eph 2:8) that covenant of two witnesses of Father God. For as it is written, "Mercy (Spirit) and Truth (Law) are met together; righteousness (Law) and peace (Spirit) have kissed each other" (Psa 85) within our souls, to conceive a new and born again creature: circumcised of that fleshy foreskin of an evil heart! (Deu 10:16, 30:6, Jer 4:4,17:9, Jhn 3:3) Let your light shine brothers and sisters! (Mat 5:16) To the Law and to the Testimony (Spirit), if they speak not according to this WORD/ COVENANT, JESUS, it is because there is no light in them." (Isa 8:20, Jhn 8:12, Rom 3:21) Dear reader, Do you want the faith of a mustard seed that removes mountains? (Mat 17:20) The mystery of faith is held in a pure conscience! (1Ti 3:9) This is a heart that is found free, by the Holy Spirit, of evil: wilfull sin against Father God and fellow man. Now dear brothers and sisters, you Disciples of Messiah Jesus filled with the joy of the Holy Spirit, let's do what Father has ordained of us and speak with our new tongues of fire, in Truth, "Bind up the testimony, seal the law among My disciples." (Isa 8:16) Let's pray wihout ceasing (1Sa 12:23, 1Th 5:17) and present this everlasting Gospel of the Kingdom to those Father is calling: with the ears to hear this faith of healing in new birth and placing within our realm of influence! Our Creator, the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob stepped down from Divinity to show His great love towards His Creation. Yahweh took upon Himself the form of a servant, the likeness of men, Jesus Messiah of Nazareth, that through His righteous shed blood in death, burial and resurrection, He crucified our sins, the works of the flesh and in so doing defeated death (sin) and the grave! (Jhn 15:13) We did not choose to be born in this earth and its circumstance! But now, by His grace (Loving sacrifice) and through faith we are given a choice: to follow Him in the first resurrection to life or death in the second resurrection! Repent, Choose life everlasting in this Gospel of the Kingdom! Call upon Jesus Messiah of Nazareth: the One true living God. (Jhn 3:16-19) Amen
God chose to take my only child to my son Christopher Home at age 36. For Chris' spirit is alive with Abba Father God and our Lord Jesus Christ. Yes I miss him and I will see him again. I know my Redeemer Lives and God knows my heart. I am in Love with Jesus! I long for Jesus' Appearing ❤️🙏🇮🇱 Shalom 🙏❤️✝️
@@judysmith3249 Yes and I know we will always miss our sons. Christmas seems to make me feel more sad. Cause it's with family we celebrate Jesus' Birth. Even though we don't know the exact day Jesus was born, it is that we know by Scripture Jesus was born as the Son of Man period. As a baby in a stable. God bless you and I pray your Christmas is merry. In Jesus Mighty Powerful Living Name Amen ❤️
Thank you Pastor Amir. The Lord is upon His Throne; Psalm 110: An will Rule in the Midst of his Enemies. Psalm 2: This is what the Sovereign Lord says! Do Not Hate ! Leviticus 19: 17; Hatred leads to Murder ! And I Hate This says The Lord Almighty! Leave Vengeance to God . Romans 12:17-20 . When God Calls His children Back; Zechariah 8:14-16 ;ff There will Be Peace when They Kingdom Come ! May The God of Peace Be with you All Psalm 133 : 1:ff In Christ Jesus Name Amen.
" Be still and know that I am God". We must always remember that our God is on his throne, working out his will. God bless you and all the people of Israel. Shalom 🙏
Amen! Once blind, I now see! I am a 72 year old Christian father, grandfather, and great- grandfather who was once the chief among sinners. But what Satan meant for evil in me, Yahweh used for good to confound the wise and mighty in this world. (1Co 1:27) Now, the prayers of thanksgiving and praise are always upon my lips and tongue! I am a Gentile by physical birth but a Jew, and Lion's whelp, reborn in the Holy Spirit of Father Yahweh:grafted into the natural (good) Olive Tree, Messiah Jesus, the Lion of the Tribe of Judah, Whom bears my name in the breastplate, heart, and ephod of His righteous judgement, the Urim (Law) and Thummim (Prophets, Spirit). The Lights OF perfection!These two righteous witnesses and lots are cast continuously upon me and all His Disciples, the learned, whom bear record of Jesus in earth as He is in heaven. (Ex 28:29, Prov 3:3) Christians are priests of our most High Priest, Jesus. Christians are the church: arks, and temple Keepers of His Word and Holy Spirit here on earth! This is a free gift of grace received through faith in Jesus Messiah, our Father and Triune Creator! (Eph 2:8) Christians live and walk, in earth, bearing witness to His Word and Spirit, in One which are One in the heavenly record of: 1. Father, 2. Son (Word/Immanuel) Isa 7:14, 8:8, Jhn 1:14) and 3. Holy Spirit. (1Jhn 5:6-8) Through baptism: (our ritual washing) by the water of repentance, blood of atonement (justification by faith) and Holy Spirit of sanctification (renewal in regeneration), Christians are followers of Jesus: crucifying the evil lust of the flesh in "Adultery, fornication, uncleanness, lasciviousness, Idolatry, witchcraft, hatred, disputing, wrath, strife, resistance to the Law of Father God, heresies, envyings (ambitions to equal or excel others), murders, drunkenness, revellings, and such like." (Gal 5:19-21) Through His Spirit, we deny this flesh to live and walk in the hope of our soon coming redemption and resurrection. This is our daily priestly offering, by fire, to God the Father and it is a living sacrifice (Lev 3:3) in all: 1. Love 2. Joy 3. Peace 4. Longsuffering 5. Gentleness 6. Goodness 7. Faith 8. Meekness 9. Temperance "Against such fruit as this, there is no Law." (Gal 5:22-25) We have heard the Truth of God! "Wherefore the Law was our schoolmaster to bring us unto the Gospel, Messiah Jesus, through repentance, that we might be justified through faith in His precious shed blood. But after that faith is come, we are no longer under a schoolmaster but indwelling Holy Spirit. As was our daddy, Abraham, Christians are circumcised through faith in the Law and Prophets, Jesus Messiah, the fulfillment of Heavenly Father's everlasting covenant, to Israel, on Mount Moriah: the Gospel of Jesus! (1Ch 16: 16-17 , Psa 105:8-10) "For we (Christians) are all the children of God by faith in Messiah Jesus." (Gal 3: 26) "For the fruit of the Spirit, is in all goodness righteousness and truth." (Eph 5:9) This is our living sacrifice that is holy, acceptable, and reasonable service/worship in Spirit and Truth to a loving, faithful, and living Creator/Savior, Whom has created us for His pleasure! (Rom 12:1, Rev 4:11) Again, For a testimony and witness, as One here in earth, Christians have received by grace and through faith (Eph 2:8) that covenant of two witnesses of Father God. For as it is written, "Mercy (Spirit) and Truth (Law) are met together; righteousness (Law) and peace (Spirit) have kissed each other" (Psa 85) within our souls, to conceive a new and born again creature: circumcised of that fleshy foreskin of an evil heart! (Deu 10:16, 30:6, Jer 4:4,17:9, Jhn 3:3) Let your light shine brothers and sisters! (Mat 5:16) To the Law and to the Testimony (Spirit), if they speak not according to this WORD/ COVENANT, JESUS, it is because there is no light in them." (Isa 8:20, Jhn 8:12, Rom 3:21) Dear reader, Do you want the faith of a mustard seed that removes mountains? (Mat 17:20) The mystery of faith is held in a pure conscience! (1Ti 3:9) This is a heart that is found free, by the Holy Spirit, of evil: wilfull sin against Father God and fellow man. Now dear brothers and sisters, you Disciples of Messiah Jesus filled with the joy of the Holy Spirit, let's do what Father has ordained of us and speak with our new tongues of fire, in Truth, "Bind up the testimony, seal the law among My disciples." (Isa 8:16) Let's pray wihout ceasing (1Sa 12:23, 1Th 5:17) and present this everlasting Gospel of the Kingdom to those Father is calling: with the ears to hear this faith of healing in new birth and placing within our realm of influence! Our Creator, the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob stepped down from Divinity to show His great love towards His Creation. Yahweh took upon Himself the form of a servant, the likeness of men, Jesus Messiah of Nazareth, that through His righteous shed blood in death, burial and resurrection, He crucified our sins, the works of the flesh and in so doing defeated death (sin) and the grave! (Jhn 15:13) We did not choose to be born in this earth and its circumstance! But now, by His grace (Loving sacrifice) and through faith we are given a choice: to follow Him in the first resurrection to life or death in the second resurrection! Repent, Choose life everlasting in this Gospel of the Kingdom! Call upon Jesus Messiah of Nazareth: the One true living God. (Jhn 3:16-19) Amen
Amen! Once blind, I now see! I am a 72 year old Christian father, grandfather, and great- grandfather who was once the chief among sinners. But what Satan meant for evil in me, Yahweh used for good to confound the wise and mighty in this world. (1Co 1:27) Now, the prayers of thanksgiving and praise are always upon my lips and tongue! I am a Gentile by physical birth but a Jew, and Lion's whelp, reborn in the Holy Spirit of Father Yahweh:grafted into the natural (good) Olive Tree, Messiah Jesus, the Lion of the Tribe of Judah, Whom bears my name in the breastplate, heart, and ephod of His righteous judgement, the Urim (Law) and Thummim (Prophets, Spirit). The Lights OF perfection!These two righteous witnesses and lots are cast continuously upon me and all His Disciples, the learned, whom bear record of Jesus in earth as He is in heaven. (Ex 28:29, Prov 3:3) Christians are priests of our most High Priest, Jesus. Christians are the church: arks, and temple Keepers of His Word and Holy Spirit here on earth! This is a free gift of grace received through faith in Jesus Messiah, our Father and Triune Creator! (Eph 2:8) Christians live and walk, in earth, bearing witness to His Word and Spirit, in One which are One in the heavenly record of: 1. Father, 2. Son (Word/Immanuel) Isa 7:14, 8:8, Jhn 1:14) and 3. Holy Spirit. (1Jhn 5:6-8) Through baptism: (our ritual washing) by the water of repentance, blood of atonement (justification by faith) and Holy Spirit of sanctification (renewal in regeneration), Christians are followers of Jesus: crucifying the evil lust of the flesh in "Adultery, fornication, uncleanness, lasciviousness, Idolatry, witchcraft, hatred, disputing, wrath, strife, resistance to the Law of Father God, heresies, envyings (ambitions to equal or excel others), murders, drunkenness, revellings, and such like." (Gal 5:19-21) Through His Spirit, we deny this flesh to live and walk in the hope of our soon coming redemption and resurrection. This is our daily priestly offering, by fire, to God the Father and it is a living sacrifice (Lev 3:3) in all: 1. Love 2. Joy 3. Peace 4. Longsuffering 5. Gentleness 6. Goodness 7. Faith 8. Meekness 9. Temperance "Against such fruit as this, there is no Law." (Gal 5:22-25) We have heard the Truth of God! "Wherefore the Law was our schoolmaster to bring us unto the Gospel, Messiah Jesus, through repentance, that we might be justified through faith in His precious shed blood. But after that faith is come, we are no longer under a schoolmaster but indwelling Holy Spirit. As was our daddy, Abraham, Christians are circumcised through faith in the Law and Prophets, Jesus Messiah, the fulfillment of Heavenly Father's everlasting covenant, to Israel, on Mount Moriah: the Gospel of Jesus! (1Ch 16: 16-17 , Psa 105:8-10) "For we (Christians) are all the children of God by faith in Messiah Jesus." (Gal 3: 26) "For the fruit of the Spirit, is in all goodness righteousness and truth." (Eph 5:9) This is our living sacrifice that is holy, acceptable, and reasonable service/worship in Spirit and Truth to a loving, faithful, and living Creator/Savior, Whom has created us for His pleasure! (Rom 12:1, Rev 4:11) Again, For a testimony and witness, as One here in earth, Christians have received by grace and through faith (Eph 2:8) that covenant of two witnesses of Father God. For as it is written, "Mercy (Spirit) and Truth (Law) are met together; righteousness (Law) and peace (Spirit) have kissed each other" (Psa 85) within our souls, to conceive a new and born again creature: circumcised of that fleshy foreskin of an evil heart! (Deu 10:16, 30:6, Jer 4:4,17:9, Jhn 3:3) Let your light shine brothers and sisters! (Mat 5:16) To the Law and to the Testimony (Spirit), if they speak not according to this WORD/ COVENANT, JESUS, it is because there is no light in them." (Isa 8:20, Jhn 8:12, Rom 3:21) Dear reader, Do you want the faith of a mustard seed that removes mountains? (Mat 17:20) The mystery of faith is held in a pure conscience! (1Ti 3:9) This is a heart that is found free, by the Holy Spirit, of evil: wilfull sin against Father God and fellow man. Now dear brothers and sisters, you Disciples of Messiah Jesus filled with the joy of the Holy Spirit, let's do what Father has ordained of us and speak with our new tongues of fire, in Truth, "Bind up the testimony, seal the law among My disciples." (Isa 8:16) Let's pray wihout ceasing (1Sa 12:23, 1Th 5:17) and present this everlasting Gospel of the Kingdom to those Father is calling: with the ears to hear this faith of healing in new birth and placing within our realm of influence! Our Creator, the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob stepped down from Divinity to show His great love towards His Creation. Yahweh took upon Himself the form of a servant, the likeness of men, Jesus Messiah of Nazareth, that through His righteous shed blood in death, burial and resurrection, He crucified our sins, the works of the flesh and in so doing defeated death (sin) and the grave! (Jhn 15:13) We did not choose to be born in this earth and its circumstance! But now, by His grace (Loving sacrifice) and through faith we are given a choice: to follow Him in the first resurrection to life or death in the second resurrection! Repent, Choose life everlasting in this Gospel of the Kingdom! Call upon Jesus Messiah of Nazareth: the One true living God. (Jhn 3:16-19) Amen
This is AWESOME! I know recently, I had said somethin like this to my mom (about so many "religions" and how it made no sense if you don't actually believe the ENTIRE WORD of the HOLY BIBLE). Bc different religions believe, different then the others. I told her, we've only 1 God. There is no plus or minus or seperation from the whole truth!... She just looked at me, shook her head and started playin on her phone. But thank you, Pastor Amir Tsarfati. I now feel so much better, having at least tried. It's like the Spirit leads me to more truth each day. I'm just so thankful. Listening to you, almost makes it feel like I was there (meaning, i understand more then i ever imagined). And I realize more everyday, why I questioned "How are there so many religions, but only 1 God". Which each passing day, since I chose to believe and decided to be saved, then not too long after I decided to baptized in 2020; even though I felt so much closer each day, and my chains were gone and i was free, it just seemed like diff religions went down diff roads. 🤔 So that's the part I couldn't accept. Bc I was sure, there was only 1 road to heaven. And this teaching here, explains why I wasn't complete. And makes so much sense to me now. Now ... I'm sure I'm complete 🙌🕊✝️🙏🐑🌊🙌
PSALM 121:1 I will lift up mine eyes unto the hills, from whence cometh my help. 121:2 My help cometh from the LORD, which made heaven and earth. 121:3 He will not suffer thy foot to be moved: he that keepeth thee will not slumber. 121:4 Behold, he that keepeth Israel shall neither slumber nor sleep. 121:5 The LORD is thy keeper: the LORD is thy shade upon thy right hand. 121:6 The sun shall not smite thee by day, nor the moon by night. 121:7 The LORD shall preserve thee from all evil: he shall preserve thy soul. 121:8 The LORD shall preserve thy going out and thy coming in from this time forth, and even for evermore.
I grew up in a false church that didn’t believe in the rapture. Twelve years ago God led me to a church where I would learn the Truth. I still had a hard time believing the rapture as it is taught by many American preachers and I have studied a lot to try and understand. You have finally explained the rapture that totally makes sense to me and I am so excited in this Truth! I am so thankful that the Holy Spirit led me to you so I can fully understand the Scriptures and I love listening to your sermons. Thank you!!! Also praying for you and for Israel from North Carolina.
Wonderful teaching. Amir is a blessing. I’m praying for Israel, the IDF and Netanyahu and salvation for the Jews. Thank you so much Amir for such a powerful message.
The picture that you put on your page reminded me of a vision that I had a few months ago, just before I woke up. I was standing in a doorway of a nicely decorated living room, admiring it, and blinked my eyes and I saw that the room was completely empty, even to the point of the paint was stripped off of the walls. There was some moving boxes sitting in the middle of the room as if it was time to put them into moving trucks to move away. But I noticed on four of the boxes there were letters placed consecutively on each box, which were in large print spelling; A W A Y! That was, in my heart, the Lord telling me that it was about time to be taken away in the rapture! Have a blessed day and thank you so much for your ministry for the Lord! I am praying for Israel! 🎉 HALLUJAH!!!❤
Amen! Once blind, I now see! I am a 72 year old Christian father, grandfather, and great- grandfather who was once the chief among sinners. But what Satan meant for evil in me, Yahweh used for good to confound the wise and mighty in this world. (1Co 1:27) Now, the prayers of thanksgiving and praise are always upon my lips and tongue! I am a Gentile by physical birth but a Jew, and Lion's whelp, reborn in the Holy Spirit of Father Yahweh:grafted into the natural (good) Olive Tree, Messiah Jesus, the Lion of the Tribe of Judah, Whom bears my name in the breastplate, heart, and ephod of His righteous judgement, the Urim (Law) and Thummim (Prophets, Spirit). The Lights OF perfection!These two righteous witnesses and lots are cast continuously upon me and all His Disciples, the learned, whom bear record of Jesus in earth as He is in heaven. (Ex 28:29, Prov 3:3) Christians are priests of our most High Priest, Jesus. Christians are the church: arks, and temple Keepers of His Word and Holy Spirit here on earth! This is a free gift of grace received through faith in Jesus Messiah, our Father and Triune Creator! (Eph 2:8) Christians live and walk, in earth, bearing witness to His Word and Spirit, in One which are One in the heavenly record of: 1. Father, 2. Son (Word/Immanuel) Isa 7:14, 8:8, Jhn 1:14) and 3. Holy Spirit. (1Jhn 5:6-8) Through baptism: (our ritual washing) by the water of repentance, blood of atonement (justification by faith) and Holy Spirit of sanctification (renewal in regeneration), Christians are followers of Jesus: crucifying the evil lust of the flesh in "Adultery, fornication, uncleanness, lasciviousness, Idolatry, witchcraft, hatred, disputing, wrath, strife, resistance to the Law of Father God, heresies, envyings (ambitions to equal or excel others), murders, drunkenness, revellings, and such like." (Gal 5:19-21) Through His Spirit, we deny this flesh to live and walk in the hope of our soon coming redemption and resurrection. This is our daily priestly offering, by fire, to God the Father and it is a living sacrifice (Lev 3:3) in all: 1. Love 2. Joy 3. Peace 4. Longsuffering 5. Gentleness 6. Goodness 7. Faith 8. Meekness 9. Temperance "Against such fruit as this, there is no Law." (Gal 5:22-25) We have heard the Truth of God! "Wherefore the Law was our schoolmaster to bring us unto the Gospel, Messiah Jesus, through repentance, that we might be justified through faith in His precious shed blood. But after that faith is come, we are no longer under a schoolmaster but indwelling Holy Spirit. As was our daddy, Abraham, Christians are circumcised through faith in the Law and Prophets, Jesus Messiah, the fulfillment of Heavenly Father's everlasting covenant, to Israel, on Mount Moriah: the Gospel of Jesus! (1Ch 16: 16-17 , Psa 105:8-10) "For we (Christians) are all the children of God by faith in Messiah Jesus." (Gal 3: 26) "For the fruit of the Spirit, is in all goodness righteousness and truth." (Eph 5:9) This is our living sacrifice that is holy, acceptable, and reasonable service/worship in Spirit and Truth to a loving, faithful, and living Creator/Savior, Whom has created us for His pleasure! (Rom 12:1, Rev 4:11) Again, For a testimony and witness, as One here in earth, Christians have received by grace and through faith (Eph 2:8) that covenant of two witnesses of Father God. For as it is written, "Mercy (Spirit) and Truth (Law) are met together; righteousness (Law) and peace (Spirit) have kissed each other" (Psa 85) within our souls, to conceive a new and born again creature: circumcised of that fleshy foreskin of an evil heart! (Deu 10:16, 30:6, Jer 4:4,17:9, Jhn 3:3) Let your light shine brothers and sisters! (Mat 5:16) To the Law and to the Testimony (Spirit), if they speak not according to this WORD/ COVENANT, JESUS, it is because there is no light in them." (Isa 8:20, Jhn 8:12, Rom 3:21) Dear reader, Do you want the faith of a mustard seed that removes mountains? (Mat 17:20) The mystery of faith is held in a pure conscience! (1Ti 3:9) This is a heart that is found free, by the Holy Spirit, of evil: wilfull sin against Father God and fellow man. Now dear brothers and sisters, you Disciples of Messiah Jesus filled with the joy of the Holy Spirit, let's do what Father has ordained of us and speak with our new tongues of fire, in Truth, "Bind up the testimony, seal the law among My disciples." (Isa 8:16) Let's pray wihout ceasing (1Sa 12:23, 1Th 5:17) and present this everlasting Gospel of the Kingdom to those Father is calling: with the ears to hear this faith of healing in new birth and placing within our realm of influence! Our Creator, the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob stepped down from Divinity to show His great love towards His Creation. Yahweh took upon Himself the form of a servant, the likeness of men, Jesus Messiah of Nazareth, that through His righteous shed blood in death, burial and resurrection, He crucified our sins, the works of the flesh and in so doing defeated death (sin) and the grave! (Jhn 15:13) We did not choose to be born in this earth and its circumstance! But now, by His grace (Loving sacrifice) and through faith we are given a choice: to follow Him in the first resurrection to life or death in the second resurrection! Repent, Choose life everlasting in this Gospel of the Kingdom! Call upon Jesus Messiah of Nazareth: the One true living God. (Jhn 3:16-19) Amen
@@annbailey179 My brother and wife were going with their church on October 8 then war broke on October 7 which was his birthday. They were so sad they couldn’t go. Luckily they got full refunds
@debbielynn9540 I flew into Athens, Greece on the 13th. I was with Amir Tsarfati Behold Israel Tour, The Footsteps of Paul. We were in Turkey 3 days. I wasn't afraid but concerned. It was a wonderful tour. My brother brother got back to the States less than a week from Israel before the Oct. 7th war started.
To know that you are born again means that you will automatically be repulsed by the things of the flesh and you will be astounded that you were able to live like that. The difference is that now all you want is the love and the joy of the Lord ❤
Amen! Once blind, I now see! I am a 72 year old Christian father, grandfather, and great- grandfather who was once the chief among sinners. But what Satan meant for evil in me, Yahweh used for good to confound the wise and mighty in this world. (1Co 1:27) Now, the prayers of thanksgiving and praise are always upon my lips and tongue! I am a Gentile by physical birth but a Jew, and Lion's whelp, reborn in the Holy Spirit of Father Yahweh:grafted into the natural (good) Olive Tree, Messiah Jesus, the Lion of the Tribe of Judah, Whom bears my name in the breastplate, heart, and ephod of His righteous judgement, the Urim (Law) and Thummim (Prophets, Spirit). The Lights OF perfection!These two righteous witnesses and lots are cast continuously upon me and all His Disciples, the learned, whom bear record of Jesus in earth as He is in heaven. (Ex 28:29, Prov 3:3) Christians are priests of our most High Priest, Jesus. Christians are the church: arks, and temple Keepers of His Word and Holy Spirit here on earth! This is a free gift of grace received through faith in Jesus Messiah, our Father and Triune Creator! (Eph 2:8) Christians live and walk, in earth, bearing witness to His Word and Spirit, in One which are One in the heavenly record of: 1. Father, 2. Son (Word/Immanuel) Isa 7:14, 8:8, Jhn 1:14) and 3. Holy Spirit. (1Jhn 5:6-8) Through baptism: (our ritual washing) by the water of repentance, blood of atonement (justification by faith) and Holy Spirit of sanctification (renewal in regeneration), Christians are followers of Jesus: crucifying the evil lust of the flesh in "Adultery, fornication, uncleanness, lasciviousness, Idolatry, witchcraft, hatred, disputing, wrath, strife, resistance to the Law of Father God, heresies, envyings (ambitions to equal or excel others), murders, drunkenness, revellings, and such like." (Gal 5:19-21) Through His Spirit, we deny this flesh to live and walk in the hope of our soon coming redemption and resurrection. This is our daily priestly offering, by fire, to God the Father and it is a living sacrifice (Lev 3:3) in all: 1. Love 2. Joy 3. Peace 4. Longsuffering 5. Gentleness 6. Goodness 7. Faith 8. Meekness 9. Temperance "Against such fruit as this, there is no Law." (Gal 5:22-25) We have heard the Truth of God! "Wherefore the Law was our schoolmaster to bring us unto the Gospel, Messiah Jesus, through repentance, that we might be justified through faith in His precious shed blood. But after that faith is come, we are no longer under a schoolmaster but indwelling Holy Spirit. As was our daddy, Abraham, Christians are circumcised through faith in the Law and Prophets, Jesus Messiah, the fulfillment of Heavenly Father's everlasting covenant, to Israel, on Mount Moriah: the Gospel of Jesus! (1Ch 16: 16-17 , Psa 105:8-10) "For we (Christians) are all the children of God by faith in Messiah Jesus." (Gal 3: 26) "For the fruit of the Spirit, is in all goodness righteousness and truth." (Eph 5:9) This is our living sacrifice that is holy, acceptable, and reasonable service/worship in Spirit and Truth to a loving, faithful, and living Creator/Savior, Whom has created us for His pleasure! (Rom 12:1, Rev 4:11) Again, For a testimony and witness, as One here in earth, Christians have received by grace and through faith (Eph 2:8) that covenant of two witnesses of Father God. For as it is written, "Mercy (Spirit) and Truth (Law) are met together; righteousness (Law) and peace (Spirit) have kissed each other" (Psa 85) within our souls, to conceive a new and born again creature: circumcised of that fleshy foreskin of an evil heart! (Deu 10:16, 30:6, Jer 4:4,17:9, Jhn 3:3) Let your light shine brothers and sisters! (Mat 5:16) To the Law and to the Testimony (Spirit), if they speak not according to this WORD/ COVENANT, JESUS, it is because there is no light in them." (Isa 8:20, Jhn 8:12, Rom 3:21) Dear reader, Do you want the faith of a mustard seed that removes mountains? (Mat 17:20) The mystery of faith is held in a pure conscience! (1Ti 3:9) This is a heart that is found free, by the Holy Spirit, of evil: wilfull sin against Father God and fellow man. Now dear brothers and sisters, you Disciples of Messiah Jesus filled with the joy of the Holy Spirit, let's do what Father has ordained of us and speak with our new tongues of fire, in Truth, "Bind up the testimony, seal the law among My disciples." (Isa 8:16) Let's pray wihout ceasing (1Sa 12:23, 1Th 5:17) and present this everlasting Gospel of the Kingdom to those Father is calling: with the ears to hear this faith of healing in new birth and placing within our realm of influence! Our Creator, the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob stepped down from Divinity to show His great love towards His Creation. Yahweh took upon Himself the form of a servant, the likeness of men, Jesus Messiah of Nazareth, that through His righteous shed blood in death, burial and resurrection, He crucified our sins, the works of the flesh and in so doing defeated death (sin) and the grave! (Jhn 15:13) We did not choose to be born in this earth and its circumstance! But now, by His grace (Loving sacrifice) and through faith we are given a choice: to follow Him in the first resurrection to life or death in the second resurrection! Repent, Choose life everlasting in this Gospel of the Kingdom! Call upon Jesus Messiah of Nazareth: the One true living God. (Jhn 3:16-19) Amen talk ever; you keep getting better, and better! Thank you, for this tarnished world needs a spit and shine. Eagerly awaiting HIS return! Soon, and very soon! Maranatha! ❤
🏜☝️😎❤ Live as though it was your last day on Earth. Everyone is one heartbeat 💓 away from eternity. Choose eternal life and share the Gospel of Jesus Christ while you can. ✡️✝️🛐❤
Great teaching, I have to listen again. We learn a lot more about the time we are living. To be honest the book of Revelations was a mistery for me as well as Daniel. Knowing Amir has been a blessing . Praying for the Peace of Jerusalem !!!
Amir, you shared that the “Jerusalem saints” went with Jesus at his resurrection”. Can you explain where this is found in scriptures and who these saints were? We love your messages and always look for the next to share with friends! We pray for Israel daily!
Here's a nother verse, Mr. Amir, fits in perfectly with you're message. Jesus was not a victim of the Cross but a willing sacrifice, sent by the Father. *John 10:18 (nkjv)* _18 No one takes it from Me, but I lay it down of Myself. I have power to lay it down, and I have power to take it again. This command I have received from My Father.”_
Thank you for this teaching! May you Bless Amir and his family, Israel , her people and the IDF with protection from all enemies and evil one. Be with us all Lord and lead us back home.
God Bless you Brother Joe I’m so sorry for your loss of your Mother and pray God’s continued Strength and Comfort be with you during this season in your life ❤
Amir, my brother, I must say this was one of the greatest messages ever heard by me. What a wonderful sermon! Once blind, I now see! I am a 72 year old Christian father, grandfather, and great- grandfather who was once the chief among sinners. But what Satan meant for evil in me, Yahweh used for good to confound the wise and mighty in this world. (1Co 1:27) Now, the prayers of thanksgiving and praise are always upon my lips and tongue! I am a Gentile by physical birth but a Jew, and Lion's whelp, reborn in the Holy Spirit of Father Yahweh:grafted into the natural (good) Olive Tree, Messiah Jesus, the Lion of the Tribe of Judah, Whom bears my name in the breastplate, heart, and ephod of His righteous judgement, the Urim (Law) and Thummim (Prophets, Spirit). The Lights OF perfection!These two righteous witnesses and lots are cast continuously upon me and all His Disciples, the learned, whom bear record of Jesus in earth as He is in heaven. (Ex 28:29, Prov 3:3) Christians are priests of our most High Priest, Jesus. Christians are the church: arks, and temple Keepers of His Word and Holy Spirit here on earth! This is a free gift of grace received through faith in Jesus Messiah, our Father and Triune Creator! (Eph 2:8) Christians live and walk, in earth, bearing witness to His Word and Spirit, in One which are One in the heavenly record of: 1. Father, 2. Son (Word/Immanuel) Isa 7:14, 8:8, Jhn 1:14) and 3. Holy Spirit. (1Jhn 5:6-8) Through baptism: (our ritual washing) by the water of repentance, blood of atonement (justification by faith) and Holy Spirit of sanctification (renewal in regeneration), Christians are followers of Jesus: crucifying the evil lust of the flesh in "Adultery, fornication, uncleanness, lasciviousness, Idolatry, witchcraft, hatred, disputing, wrath, strife, resistance to the Law of Father God, heresies, envyings (ambitions to equal or excel others), murders, drunkenness, revellings, and such like." (Gal 5:19-21) Through His Spirit, we deny this flesh to live and walk in the hope of our soon coming redemption and resurrection. This is our daily priestly offering, by fire, to God the Father and it is a living sacrifice (Lev 3:3) in all: 1. Love 2. Joy 3. Peace 4. Longsuffering 5. Gentleness 6. Goodness 7. Faith 8. Meekness 9. Temperance "Against such fruit as this, there is no Law." (Gal 5:22-25) We have heard the Truth of God! "Wherefore the Law was our schoolmaster to bring us unto the Gospel, Messiah Jesus, through repentance, that we might be justified through faith in His precious shed blood. But after that faith is come, we are no longer under a schoolmaster but indwelling Holy Spirit. As was our daddy, Abraham, Christians are circumcised through faith in the Law and Prophets, Jesus Messiah, the fulfillment of Heavenly Father's everlasting covenant, to Israel, on Mount Moriah: the Gospel of Jesus! (1Ch 16: 16-17 , Psa 105:8-10) "For we (Christians) are all the children of God by faith in Messiah Jesus." (Gal 3: 26) "For the fruit of the Spirit, is in all goodness righteousness and truth." (Eph 5:9) This is our living sacrifice that is holy, acceptable, and reasonable service/worship in Spirit and Truth to a loving, faithful, and living Creator/Savior, Whom has created us for His pleasure! (Rom 12:1, Rev 4:11) Again, For a testimony and witness, as One here in earth, Christians have received by grace and through faith (Eph 2:8) that covenant of two witnesses of Father God. For as it is written, "Mercy (Spirit) and Truth (Law) are met together; righteousness (Law) and peace (Spirit) have kissed each other" (Psa 85) within our souls, to conceive a new and born again creature: circumcised of that fleshy foreskin of an evil heart! (Deu 10:16, 30:6, Jer 4:4,17:9, Jhn 3:3) Let your light shine brothers and sisters! (Mat 5:16) To the Law and to the Testimony (Spirit), if they speak not according to this WORD/ COVENANT, JESUS, it is because there is no light in them." (Isa 8:20, Jhn 8:12, Rom 3:21) Dear reader, Do you want the faith of a mustard seed that removes mountains? (Mat 17:20) The mystery of faith is held in a pure conscience! (1Ti 3:9) This is a heart that is found free, by the Holy Spirit, of evil: wilfull sin against Father God and fellow man. Now dear brothers and sisters, you Disciples of Messiah Jesus filled with the joy of the Holy Spirit, let's do what Father has ordained of us and speak with our new tongues of fire, in Truth, "Bind up the testimony, seal the law among My disciples." (Isa 8:16) Let's pray wihout ceasing (1Sa 12:23, 1Th 5:17) and present this everlasting Gospel of the Kingdom to those Father is calling: with the ears to hear this faith of healing in new birth and placing within our realm of influence! Our Creator, the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob stepped down from Divinity to show His great love towards His Creation. Yahweh took upon Himself the form of a servant, the likeness of men, Jesus Messiah of Nazareth, that through His righteous shed blood in death, burial and resurrection, He crucified our sins, the works of the flesh and in so doing defeated death (sin) and the grave! (Jhn 15:13) We did not choose to be born in this earth and its circumstance! But now, by His grace (Loving sacrifice) and through faith we are given a choice: to follow Him in the first resurrection to life or death in the second resurrection! Repent, Choose life everlasting in this Gospel of the Kingdom! Call upon Jesus Messiah of Nazareth: the One true living God. (Jhn 3:16-19) Amen
Thank you Amir!!! THE WORDS AND WISDOM OF GOD is really in your teachings and I'm. also a Bible teacher and trying to teach according to God's Words in the. BIBLE.. THANKS BE TO GOD ....
Praying for Israel and all Christians around the world ❤
Yes , praying for the peace of Jerusalem
Praying peace and protection over all of Israel and God’s children around the world.
ALL overcomers In Christ😂🎉
Do not give to Red Cross or World Vision (Hamas supporters)
Pray for the peace of Jerusalem,
May they prosper who love you (Jerusalem)
@@lindadurand247In JESUS CHRIST'S NAME. AMEN!!🕊🇮🇱😍🙏
🇮🇱 : 🙏✝️🙏
That prayer was answered 2000 yrs ago when the PRINCE OF PEACE came to that city and was rejected and murdered. 'He came unto His own and His own received Him not...'
Praying for God's Grace and protection over Amir as he travels back home🙏🙏🙏
Praying for the peace of Jerusalem and salvation of Israel ❤🇮🇱❤️🙏🙏🙏🙏
That won't be answered because it was answered 2000 yrs ago when the PRINCE OF PEACE came to that city and was rejected and murdered. 'He came unto His own and His own received Him not...' and still don't.😪
Praying in agreement for Israel from ALASKA 🙏🏼💙🇮🇱
Beautiful message Amir. I totally enjoy your teachings. ❤️🙏. You truly bring the Bible to life and God speaks loudly through you. Praise be to God 🙌🙏. I am a Gentile and my heart hurts for the Jewish people right now. I pray daily for peace and comfort for all of you. From the USA.
If you are grafted in as Paul teaches, you are no longer a Gentile, but rather you are part of the Israel of God. Maybe that's why your heart hurts for Israel.
@@nigellloyd-jones2064We are grafted in Christ, not Israel. Jewish people still belong to God.
Once blind, I now see! I am a 72 year old Christian father, grandfather, and great- grandfather who was once the chief among sinners. But what Satan meant for evil in me, Yahweh used for good to confound the wise and mighty in this world. (1Co 1:27) Now, the prayers of thanksgiving and praise are always upon my lips and tongue! I am a Gentile by physical birth but a Jew, and Lion's whelp, reborn in the Holy Spirit of Father Yahweh:grafted
into the natural (good) Olive Tree, Messiah Jesus, the Lion of the Tribe of Judah, Whom bears my name in the breastplate, heart, and ephod of His righteous judgement, the Urim (Law) and Thummim (Prophets, Spirit). The Lights OF perfection!These two righteous witnesses and lots are cast continuously upon me and all His Disciples, the learned, whom bear record of Jesus in earth as He is in heaven. (Ex 28:29, Prov 3:3) Christians are priests of our most High Priest, Jesus. Christians are the church: arks, and temple Keepers of His Word and Holy Spirit here on earth! This is a free gift of grace received through faith in Jesus Messiah, our Father and Triune Creator! (Eph 2:8) Christians live and walk, in earth, bearing witness to His Word and Spirit, in One which are One in the heavenly record of: 1. Father, 2. Son (Word/Immanuel) Isa 7:14, 8:8, Jhn 1:14) and 3. Holy Spirit. (1Jhn 5:6-8) Through baptism: (our ritual
washing) by the water of repentance, blood of atonement (justification by faith) and Holy Spirit of sanctification (renewal in regeneration), Christians are followers of Jesus: crucifying the evil lust of the flesh in "Adultery,
fornication, uncleanness,
lasciviousness, Idolatry, witchcraft, hatred, disputing, wrath, strife, resistance to the Law of Father God, heresies, envyings (ambitions to equal or excel others), murders, drunkenness, revellings, and such
like." (Gal 5:19-21) Through His Spirit, we deny this flesh to live and walk in the hope of our soon coming redemption and resurrection. This is our daily priestly offering, by fire, to God the Father and it is a living sacrifice (Lev 3:3) in all:
1. Love
2. Joy
3. Peace
4. Longsuffering
5. Gentleness
6. Goodness
7. Faith
8. Meekness
9. Temperance
"Against such fruit as this, there is no Law." (Gal 5:22-25) We have heard the Truth of God! "Wherefore
the Law was our schoolmaster to bring us unto the Gospel, Messiah Jesus, through repentance, that we might be justified through faith in His precious shed blood. But after that faith is come, we are no longer under a schoolmaster but indwelling Holy Spirit. As was our daddy, Abraham, Christians are circumcised through faith in the Law and Prophets, Jesus Messiah, the fulfillment of Heavenly Father's everlasting covenant, to Israel, on Mount Moriah: the Gospel of Jesus!
(1Ch 16: 16-17 , Psa 105:8-10) "For we (Christians) are all the children of God by faith in Messiah
Jesus." (Gal 3: 26) "For the fruit of the Spirit, is in all goodness righteousness and truth." (Eph 5:9) This is our living sacrifice that is holy, acceptable, and reasonable service/worship in Spirit and Truth to a loving, faithful, and living Creator/Savior, Whom has created us for His pleasure! (Rom 12:1, Rev 4:11) Again, For a testimony and witness, as One here in earth, Christians have received by grace and through faith (Eph 2:8) that covenant of two witnesses of Father God. For as it is written, "Mercy (Spirit) and Truth (Law) are met together;
righteousness (Law) and peace (Spirit) have kissed each other" (Psa 85) within our souls, to conceive a new and born again creature: circumcised of that fleshy foreskin of an evil heart! (Deu 10:16, 30:6, Jer 4:4,17:9, Jhn 3:3) Let your light shine brothers and sisters! (Mat 5:16) To the Law and to the Testimony (Spirit), if they speak not according to this WORD/ COVENANT, JESUS, it is because there is no light in them." (Isa 8:20, Jhn 8:12, Rom 3:21) Dear reader, Do you want the faith of a mustard seed that removes mountains? (Mat 17:20) The mystery
of faith is held in a pure conscience! (1Ti 3:9) This is a heart that is found free, by the Holy Spirit, of evil: wilfull sin against Father God and fellow man. Now dear brothers and sisters, you Disciples of Messiah Jesus filled with the joy of the Holy Spirit, let's do what Father has ordained of us and speak with our new tongues of fire, in Truth, "Bind up the testimony, seal the law among My disciples." (Isa 8:16) Let's pray wihout ceasing (1Sa 12:23, 1Th 5:17) and present this everlasting Gospel of the Kingdom to those Father is calling: with the ears to hear this faith of healing in new birth and placing within our realm of influence! Our Creator, the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob stepped down from Divinity to show His great love towards His Creation. Yahweh took upon Himself the form of a servant, the likeness of men, Jesus Messiah of Nazareth, that through His righteous shed blood in death, burial and resurrection, He crucified our sins, the works of the flesh and in so doing defeated death (sin) and the grave! (Jhn 15:13) We did not choose to be born in this earth and its circumstance! But now, by His grace (Loving sacrifice) and through faith we are given a choice: to follow Him in the first resurrection
to life or death in the second resurrection! Repent, Choose life everlasting in this Gospel of the Kingdom! Call upon Jesus Messiah of Nazareth: the One true living God. (Jhn 3:16-19) Amen
@@audreystone6294 With respect, go back and read Romans 11 and Isaiah 56:1-6 then look at Paul's teaching on adoption. What is adoption? It usually means that you have been grafted into a new family. Then go read Jeremiah 31:30-36. Especially see verse 30 and note that the NEW COVENANT is with Israel and Judah, there is no third entity called the "Church", so again with respect, if you are not grafted in to either Israel or Judah as a gentile, meaning you have not been adopted in to God's family= Israel= whose head is Yeshua Messiah, the Mediator of the renewed covenant, then what part do you have in the family of God? Happy for you to disagree and I won't let this become a division, but for the sake of truth please at least investigate with an open heart. Bless you.
For ye have not received the spirit of bondage again to fear; but ye have received the Spirit of adoption, whereby we cry, Abba, Father. Romans 8:15
Praise God for his Glory 💗🙌💗
I pray for the peace of Jerusalem. With praise unto the Lord our God, the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. For God, our God, will never forsake Israel! Merciful FATHER! All his promises are sure! Praise him all ye nations! Exalt him above the nations for our God is coming again and will rescue Israel. Thank you Abba FATHER. Shalom. AMEN. And to God be the honour, thanks, and glory, praise. For our God is a great God to be greatly feared and praised!! Much Love to all. Stand firm in the faith, never wavering. Firm! Greetings from South Africa. I belong to Jesus. And it's an honour to say that! He has no favourites and does not turn away anyone who calls to him. Jeremiah 33:3.
Excellent. Thank YOU
I totally. AGREE. -- THANK YOU Diana
Amen 💜
Please, "LIKE" to push this video out!❤
Amen! Once blind, I now see! I am a 72 year old Christian father, grandfather, and great- grandfather who was once the chief among sinners. But what Satan meant for evil in me, Yahweh used for good to confound the wise and mighty in this world. (1Co 1:27) Now, the prayers of thanksgiving and praise are always upon my lips and tongue! I am a Gentile by physical birth but a Jew, and Lion's whelp, reborn in the Holy Spirit of Father Yahweh:grafted
into the natural (good) Olive Tree, Messiah Jesus, the Lion of the Tribe of Judah, Whom bears my name in the breastplate, heart, and ephod of His righteous judgement, the Urim (Law) and Thummim (Prophets, Spirit). The Lights OF perfection!These two righteous witnesses and lots are cast continuously upon me and all His Disciples, the learned, whom bear record of Jesus in earth as He is in heaven. (Ex 28:29, Prov 3:3) Christians are priests of our most High Priest, Jesus. Christians are the church: arks, and temple Keepers of His Word and Holy Spirit here on earth! This is a free gift of grace received through faith in Jesus Messiah, our Father and Triune Creator! (Eph 2:8) Christians live and walk, in earth, bearing witness to His Word and Spirit, in One which are One in the heavenly record of: 1. Father, 2. Son (Word/Immanuel) Isa 7:14, 8:8, Jhn 1:14) and 3. Holy Spirit. (1Jhn 5:6-8) Through baptism: (our ritual
washing) by the water of repentance, blood of atonement (justification by faith) and Holy Spirit of sanctification (renewal in regeneration), Christians are followers of Jesus: crucifying the evil lust of the flesh in "Adultery,
fornication, uncleanness,
lasciviousness, Idolatry, witchcraft, hatred, disputing, wrath, strife, resistance to the Law of Father God, heresies, envyings (ambitions to equal or excel others), murders, drunkenness, revellings, and such
like." (Gal 5:19-21) Through His Spirit, we deny this flesh to live and walk in the hope of our soon coming redemption and resurrection. This is our daily priestly offering, by fire, to God the Father and it is a living sacrifice (Lev 3:3) in all:
1. Love
2. Joy
3. Peace
4. Longsuffering
5. Gentleness
6. Goodness
7. Faith
8. Meekness
9. Temperance
"Against such fruit as this, there is no Law." (Gal 5:22-25) We have heard the Truth of God! "Wherefore
the Law was our schoolmaster to bring us unto the Gospel, Messiah Jesus, through repentance, that we might be justified through faith in His precious shed blood. But after that faith is come, we are no longer under a schoolmaster but indwelling Holy Spirit. As was our daddy, Abraham, Christians are circumcised through faith in the Law and Prophets, Jesus Messiah, the fulfillment of Heavenly Father's everlasting covenant, to Israel, on Mount Moriah: the Gospel of Jesus!
(1Ch 16: 16-17 , Psa 105:8-10) "For we (Christians) are all the children of God by faith in Messiah
Jesus." (Gal 3: 26) "For the fruit of the Spirit, is in all goodness righteousness and truth." (Eph 5:9) This is our living sacrifice that is holy, acceptable, and reasonable service/worship in Spirit and Truth to a loving, faithful, and living Creator/Savior, Whom has created us for His pleasure! (Rom 12:1, Rev 4:11) Again, For a testimony and witness, as One here in earth, Christians have received by grace and through faith (Eph 2:8) that covenant of two witnesses of Father God. For as it is written, "Mercy (Spirit) and Truth (Law) are met together;
righteousness (Law) and peace (Spirit) have kissed each other" (Psa 85) within our souls, to conceive a new and born again creature: circumcised of that fleshy foreskin of an evil heart! (Deu 10:16, 30:6, Jer 4:4,17:9, Jhn 3:3) Let your light shine brothers and sisters! (Mat 5:16) To the Law and to the Testimony (Spirit), if they speak not according to this WORD/ COVENANT, JESUS, it is because there is no light in them." (Isa 8:20, Jhn 8:12, Rom 3:21) Dear reader, Do you want the faith of a mustard seed that removes mountains? (Mat 17:20) The mystery
of faith is held in a pure conscience! (1Ti 3:9) This is a heart that is found free, by the Holy Spirit, of evil: wilfull sin against Father God and fellow man. Now dear brothers and sisters, you Disciples of Messiah Jesus filled with the joy of the Holy Spirit, let's do what Father has ordained of us and speak with our new tongues of fire, in Truth, "Bind up the testimony, seal the law among My disciples." (Isa 8:16) Let's pray wihout ceasing (1Sa 12:23, 1Th 5:17) and present this everlasting Gospel of the Kingdom to those Father is calling: with the ears to hear this faith of healing in new birth and placing within our realm of influence! Our Creator, the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob stepped down from Divinity to show His great love towards His Creation. Yahweh took upon Himself the form of a servant, the likeness of men, Jesus Messiah of Nazareth, that through His righteous shed blood in death, burial and resurrection, He crucified our sins, the works of the flesh and in so doing defeated death (sin) and the grave! (Jhn 15:13) We did not choose to be born in this earth and its circumstance! But now, by His grace (Loving sacrifice) and through faith we are given a choice: to follow Him in the first resurrection
to life or death in the second resurrection! Repent, Choose life everlasting in this Gospel of the Kingdom! Call upon Jesus Messiah of Nazareth: the One true living God. (Jhn 3:16-19) Amen
AMEN 🙏 Blessed be he who comes in the Name of the LORD ❤
Amen! Absolutely wonderful reminder of our future for those of us who are waiting and watching for the Blessed Hope! Praying for boldness in reaching many more people before that day. ❤
Shalom family in Christ. Praying for Israel always 🙏 u
Remember when teaching that the spirit and soul are connected, the body has not been redeemed yet. The spirit and soul have been redeemed the moment we are born again.
The soul is the mind
The spirit is the real us
The body allows us to participate with the world we live in
We are triune human, made in God's image
We are a Spirit that lives in a Body and we possess our soul
Our mind that is also triune, 3 parts,
Will, Emotion's and intellect.
Life ( the life nature of God) enters into our spirit when we are born again, we can control our minds by renewing it with the word of God. Our mind is a go between our spirit and body.
When our spirit is born again our whole body receives salvation a gift from God.
Jesus is able to save to the uttermost.
Yes ,I believe that .Our mind does indeed have three parts. You have studied well .I ,too ,have searched and studied ( for many years ).I've found completion and satisfaction in Jesus .Praying for Israel ,ALWAYS .....🎉
Wonderful sermon. I am blessed. Thank you Amir
Thank you Amir for your teaching you explain the scripture to where I can understand, praying for you and your family and peace for Israel
Thank you for posting this message. Amir, Thank you for your dedication to sharing THE WORD OF GOD thru the LIFE AND LIGHT OF YESHUA with the world in all that you do ! We pray for you, your family, your team, for Israel, for those kidnapped by Hamas, for the IDF - Leaders and those serving as soldiers, and for the world ...for we are all potential children of Creator GOD.
See you tomorrow
Hello from Tampa FL. Constantly praying for Israel & all God’s people to stand on God’s side till the end!
Agreeing with you in prayer, also from Tampa
Agreeing! Daily praying from SW FL! 🙌🏻🇮🇱❤️
Prayers for Isreal from AZ❤
Very good teaching pastor Amir. Praise Jesus 👏 🙌. He is coming soon. Praying for Israel 🇮🇱 🙏 and all lost souls to accept Jesus 🙏
Amir is not a pastor.
@@Paul-in-Australia well then He is an anointed teacher.
Thank you Amir for the voice God is using wisely to be the amazing Bible teacher that the Holy Spirit works through for the Glory to God and our Lord Jesus Christ Amen 🙏🇮🇱❤️
Praying for Israel and Praying for you and your family. May the Lord continue to use your message of hope to your people and may you see many come to know Jeshua as thier savior.
More then words can say .... i am indeed EAGERLY waiting for His return! 🙌☁️😍💯
Praying for peace and protection for all believers, especially people of Israel
in Jesus' name, 🙏
Blessings for all my brothers and sisters, love from Holland ❤ and ofcourse praying for Israël 🙏🌹
Jesus has turned my pain into purpose. It’s been a tough three years. But I got so much closer to the Lord. As a single mother I’m struggling. Struggling to buy groceries struggling to pay rent every month is a battle. My health is also fading since having a heart attack Jesus heal me. But I trust your plan Lord. Lord please protect and provide for my boys. Both of my sons are autistic so they are challenging at times. Thanks to God my children have made so much progress now that I’m homeschooling them but my hours to work are limited. I will keep faith in you Lord Jesus no matter my struggles.❤
Thank-you Amir.. you are such a GREAT CHILD OF JESUS our SAVIORXXXX 😢❤ GOD BLESS YOU..FAMILY AND 🇮🇱 🇮🇱 🇮🇱 🇮🇱
Praying for the Peace of JERUSALEM
Our minister does not speak of the tribulation or rapture. I am so blessed that God directed me to you on you tube. Thank you so much for your Bible teaching. You are a blessing to many people around the world.
You might also enjoy Footsteps of the Messiah by Dr. Arnold Fruchtenbaum, Ariel Ministeris.
Do not wait on your pastor. God's Word is infused with the Holy Spirit! Once blind, I now see! I am a 72 year old Christian father, grandfather, and great- grandfather who was once the chief among sinners. But what Satan meant for evil in me, Yahweh used for good to confound the wise and mighty in this world. (1Co 1:27) Now, the prayers of thanksgiving and praise are always upon my lips and tongue! I am a Gentile by physical birth but a Jew, and Lion's whelp, reborn in the Holy Spirit of Father Yahweh:grafted
into the natural (good) Olive Tree, Messiah Jesus, the Lion of the Tribe of Judah, Whom bears my name in the breastplate, heart, and ephod of His righteous judgement, the Urim (Law) and Thummim (Prophets, Spirit). The Lights OF perfection!These two righteous witnesses and lots are cast continuously upon me and all His Disciples, the learned, whom bear record of Jesus in earth as He is in heaven. (Ex 28:29, Prov 3:3) Christians are priests of our most High Priest, Jesus. Christians are the church: arks, and temple Keepers of His Word and Holy Spirit here on earth! This is a free gift of grace received through faith in Jesus Messiah, our Father and Triune Creator! (Eph 2:8) Christians live and walk, in earth, bearing witness to His Word and Spirit, in One which are One in the heavenly record of: 1. Father, 2. Son (Word/Immanuel) Isa 7:14, 8:8, Jhn 1:14) and 3. Holy Spirit. (1Jhn 5:6-8) Through baptism: (our ritual
washing) by the water of repentance, blood of atonement (justification by faith) and Holy Spirit of sanctification (renewal in regeneration), Christians are followers of Jesus: crucifying the evil lust of the flesh in "Adultery,
fornication, uncleanness,
lasciviousness, Idolatry, witchcraft, hatred, disputing, wrath, strife, resistance to the Law of Father God, heresies, envyings (ambitions to equal or excel others), murders, drunkenness, revellings, and such
like." (Gal 5:19-21) Through His Spirit, we deny this flesh to live and walk in the hope of our soon coming redemption and resurrection. This is our daily priestly offering, by fire, to God the Father and it is a living sacrifice (Lev 3:3) in all:
1. Love
2. Joy
3. Peace
4. Longsuffering
5. Gentleness
6. Goodness
7. Faith
8. Meekness
9. Temperance
"Against such fruit as this, there is no Law." (Gal 5:22-25) We have heard the Truth of God! "Wherefore
the Law was our schoolmaster to bring us unto the Gospel, Messiah Jesus, through repentance, that we might be justified through faith in His precious shed blood. But after that faith is come, we are no longer under a schoolmaster but indwelling Holy Spirit. As was our daddy, Abraham, Christians are circumcised through faith in the Law and Prophets, Jesus Messiah, the fulfillment of Heavenly Father's everlasting covenant, to Israel, on Mount Moriah: the Gospel of Jesus!
(1Ch 16: 16-17 , Psa 105:8-10) "For we (Christians) are all the children of God by faith in Messiah
Jesus." (Gal 3: 26) "For the fruit of the Spirit, is in all goodness righteousness and truth." (Eph 5:9) This is our living sacrifice that is holy, acceptable, and reasonable service/worship in Spirit and Truth to a loving, faithful, and living Creator/Savior, Whom has created us for His pleasure! (Rom 12:1, Rev 4:11) Again, For a testimony and witness, as One here in earth, Christians have received by grace and through faith (Eph 2:8) that covenant of two witnesses of Father God. For as it is written, "Mercy (Spirit) and Truth (Law) are met together;
righteousness (Law) and peace (Spirit) have kissed each other" (Psa 85) within our souls, to conceive a new and born again creature: circumcised of that fleshy foreskin of an evil heart! (Deu 10:16, 30:6, Jer 4:4,17:9, Jhn 3:3) Let your light shine brothers and sisters! (Mat 5:16) To the Law and to the Testimony (Spirit), if they speak not according to this WORD/ COVENANT, JESUS, it is because there is no light in them." (Isa 8:20, Jhn 8:12, Rom 3:21) Dear reader, Do you want the faith of a mustard seed that removes mountains? (Mat 17:20) The mystery
of faith is held in a pure conscience! (1Ti 3:9) This is a heart that is found free, by the Holy Spirit, of evil: wilfull sin against Father God and fellow man. Now dear brothers and sisters, you Disciples of Messiah Jesus filled with the joy of the Holy Spirit, let's do what Father has ordained of us and speak with our new tongues of fire, in Truth, "Bind up the testimony, seal the law among My disciples." (Isa 8:16) Let's pray wihout ceasing (1Sa 12:23, 1Th 5:17) and present this everlasting Gospel of the Kingdom to those Father is calling: with the ears to hear this faith of healing in new birth and placing within our realm of influence! Our Creator, the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob stepped down from Divinity to show His great love towards His Creation. Yahweh took upon Himself the form of a servant, the likeness of men, Jesus Messiah of Nazareth, that through His righteous shed blood in death, burial and resurrection, He crucified our sins, the works of the flesh and in so doing defeated death (sin) and the grave! (Jhn 15:13) We did not choose to be born in this earth and its circumstance! But now, by His grace (Loving sacrifice) and through faith we are given a choice: to follow Him in the first resurrection
to life or death in the second resurrection! Repent, Choose life everlasting in this Gospel of the Kingdom! Call upon Jesus Messiah of Nazareth: the One true living God. (Jhn 3:16-19) Amen
God chose to take my only child to my son Christopher Home at age 36. For Chris' spirit is alive with Abba Father God and our Lord Jesus Christ. Yes I miss him and I will see him again. I know my Redeemer Lives and God knows my heart. I am in Love with Jesus! I long for Jesus' Appearing ❤️🙏🇮🇱 Shalom 🙏❤️✝️
My son Daniel 29yrs. is in heaven also. Soon we will be with them again ❤
@@judysmith3249 Yes and I know we will always miss our sons. Christmas seems to make me feel more sad. Cause it's with family we celebrate Jesus' Birth. Even though we don't know the exact day Jesus was born, it is that we know by Scripture Jesus was born as the Son of Man period. As a baby in a stable. God bless you and I pray your Christmas is merry. In Jesus Mighty Powerful Living Name Amen ❤️
Thank you Pastor Amir.
The Lord is upon His Throne; Psalm 110:
An will Rule in the Midst of his Enemies.
Psalm 2:
This is what the Sovereign Lord says!
Do Not Hate !
Leviticus 19: 17;
Hatred leads to Murder ! And
I Hate This says The
Lord Almighty!
Leave Vengeance to God .
Romans 12:17-20 .
When God Calls His children Back;
Zechariah 8:14-16 ;ff
There will Be Peace when They Kingdom
Come !
May The God of Peace Be with you All
Psalm 133 : 1:ff
In Christ Jesus Name Amen.
" Be still and know that I am God". We must always remember that our God is on his throne, working out his will. God bless you and all the people of Israel. Shalom 🙏
Amen! Once blind, I now see! I am a 72 year old Christian father, grandfather, and great- grandfather who was once the chief among sinners. But what Satan meant for evil in me, Yahweh used for good to confound the wise and mighty in this world. (1Co 1:27) Now, the prayers of thanksgiving and praise are always upon my lips and tongue! I am a Gentile by physical birth but a Jew, and Lion's whelp, reborn in the Holy Spirit of Father Yahweh:grafted
into the natural (good) Olive Tree, Messiah Jesus, the Lion of the Tribe of Judah, Whom bears my name in the breastplate, heart, and ephod of His righteous judgement, the Urim (Law) and Thummim (Prophets, Spirit). The Lights OF perfection!These two righteous witnesses and lots are cast continuously upon me and all His Disciples, the learned, whom bear record of Jesus in earth as He is in heaven. (Ex 28:29, Prov 3:3) Christians are priests of our most High Priest, Jesus. Christians are the church: arks, and temple Keepers of His Word and Holy Spirit here on earth! This is a free gift of grace received through faith in Jesus Messiah, our Father and Triune Creator! (Eph 2:8) Christians live and walk, in earth, bearing witness to His Word and Spirit, in One which are One in the heavenly record of: 1. Father, 2. Son (Word/Immanuel) Isa 7:14, 8:8, Jhn 1:14) and 3. Holy Spirit. (1Jhn 5:6-8) Through baptism: (our ritual
washing) by the water of repentance, blood of atonement (justification by faith) and Holy Spirit of sanctification (renewal in regeneration), Christians are followers of Jesus: crucifying the evil lust of the flesh in "Adultery,
fornication, uncleanness,
lasciviousness, Idolatry, witchcraft, hatred, disputing, wrath, strife, resistance to the Law of Father God, heresies, envyings (ambitions to equal or excel others), murders, drunkenness, revellings, and such
like." (Gal 5:19-21) Through His Spirit, we deny this flesh to live and walk in the hope of our soon coming redemption and resurrection. This is our daily priestly offering, by fire, to God the Father and it is a living sacrifice (Lev 3:3) in all:
1. Love
2. Joy
3. Peace
4. Longsuffering
5. Gentleness
6. Goodness
7. Faith
8. Meekness
9. Temperance
"Against such fruit as this, there is no Law." (Gal 5:22-25) We have heard the Truth of God! "Wherefore
the Law was our schoolmaster to bring us unto the Gospel, Messiah Jesus, through repentance, that we might be justified through faith in His precious shed blood. But after that faith is come, we are no longer under a schoolmaster but indwelling Holy Spirit. As was our daddy, Abraham, Christians are circumcised through faith in the Law and Prophets, Jesus Messiah, the fulfillment of Heavenly Father's everlasting covenant, to Israel, on Mount Moriah: the Gospel of Jesus!
(1Ch 16: 16-17 , Psa 105:8-10) "For we (Christians) are all the children of God by faith in Messiah
Jesus." (Gal 3: 26) "For the fruit of the Spirit, is in all goodness righteousness and truth." (Eph 5:9) This is our living sacrifice that is holy, acceptable, and reasonable service/worship in Spirit and Truth to a loving, faithful, and living Creator/Savior, Whom has created us for His pleasure! (Rom 12:1, Rev 4:11) Again, For a testimony and witness, as One here in earth, Christians have received by grace and through faith (Eph 2:8) that covenant of two witnesses of Father God. For as it is written, "Mercy (Spirit) and Truth (Law) are met together;
righteousness (Law) and peace (Spirit) have kissed each other" (Psa 85) within our souls, to conceive a new and born again creature: circumcised of that fleshy foreskin of an evil heart! (Deu 10:16, 30:6, Jer 4:4,17:9, Jhn 3:3) Let your light shine brothers and sisters! (Mat 5:16) To the Law and to the Testimony (Spirit), if they speak not according to this WORD/ COVENANT, JESUS, it is because there is no light in them." (Isa 8:20, Jhn 8:12, Rom 3:21) Dear reader, Do you want the faith of a mustard seed that removes mountains? (Mat 17:20) The mystery
of faith is held in a pure conscience! (1Ti 3:9) This is a heart that is found free, by the Holy Spirit, of evil: wilfull sin against Father God and fellow man. Now dear brothers and sisters, you Disciples of Messiah Jesus filled with the joy of the Holy Spirit, let's do what Father has ordained of us and speak with our new tongues of fire, in Truth, "Bind up the testimony, seal the law among My disciples." (Isa 8:16) Let's pray wihout ceasing (1Sa 12:23, 1Th 5:17) and present this everlasting Gospel of the Kingdom to those Father is calling: with the ears to hear this faith of healing in new birth and placing within our realm of influence! Our Creator, the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob stepped down from Divinity to show His great love towards His Creation. Yahweh took upon Himself the form of a servant, the likeness of men, Jesus Messiah of Nazareth, that through His righteous shed blood in death, burial and resurrection, He crucified our sins, the works of the flesh and in so doing defeated death (sin) and the grave! (Jhn 15:13) We did not choose to be born in this earth and its circumstance! But now, by His grace (Loving sacrifice) and through faith we are given a choice: to follow Him in the first resurrection
to life or death in the second resurrection! Repent, Choose life everlasting in this Gospel of the Kingdom! Call upon Jesus Messiah of Nazareth: the One true living God. (Jhn 3:16-19) Amen
AMEN!!! 🙂😊🥳🥳🥳❣️
From Crestview FL. Praying for Israel
Praying from Bradenton, Florida
Praying from Lynchburg ohio
Thank you Pastor Amir 😊😊
Praying all the time for Isreal
Awesome 👌 thanks Amir..So great message..Amen God Blessings from Capetown South Africa 🇿🇦 💙 ❤️ 🙏
Amen! Once blind, I now see! I am a 72 year old Christian father, grandfather, and great- grandfather who was once the chief among sinners. But what Satan meant for evil in me, Yahweh used for good to confound the wise and mighty in this world. (1Co 1:27) Now, the prayers of thanksgiving and praise are always upon my lips and tongue! I am a Gentile by physical birth but a Jew, and Lion's whelp, reborn in the Holy Spirit of Father Yahweh:grafted
into the natural (good) Olive Tree, Messiah Jesus, the Lion of the Tribe of Judah, Whom bears my name in the breastplate, heart, and ephod of His righteous judgement, the Urim (Law) and Thummim (Prophets, Spirit). The Lights OF perfection!These two righteous witnesses and lots are cast continuously upon me and all His Disciples, the learned, whom bear record of Jesus in earth as He is in heaven. (Ex 28:29, Prov 3:3) Christians are priests of our most High Priest, Jesus. Christians are the church: arks, and temple Keepers of His Word and Holy Spirit here on earth! This is a free gift of grace received through faith in Jesus Messiah, our Father and Triune Creator! (Eph 2:8) Christians live and walk, in earth, bearing witness to His Word and Spirit, in One which are One in the heavenly record of: 1. Father, 2. Son (Word/Immanuel) Isa 7:14, 8:8, Jhn 1:14) and 3. Holy Spirit. (1Jhn 5:6-8) Through baptism: (our ritual
washing) by the water of repentance, blood of atonement (justification by faith) and Holy Spirit of sanctification (renewal in regeneration), Christians are followers of Jesus: crucifying the evil lust of the flesh in "Adultery,
fornication, uncleanness,
lasciviousness, Idolatry, witchcraft, hatred, disputing, wrath, strife, resistance to the Law of Father God, heresies, envyings (ambitions to equal or excel others), murders, drunkenness, revellings, and such
like." (Gal 5:19-21) Through His Spirit, we deny this flesh to live and walk in the hope of our soon coming redemption and resurrection. This is our daily priestly offering, by fire, to God the Father and it is a living sacrifice (Lev 3:3) in all:
1. Love
2. Joy
3. Peace
4. Longsuffering
5. Gentleness
6. Goodness
7. Faith
8. Meekness
9. Temperance
"Against such fruit as this, there is no Law." (Gal 5:22-25) We have heard the Truth of God! "Wherefore
the Law was our schoolmaster to bring us unto the Gospel, Messiah Jesus, through repentance, that we might be justified through faith in His precious shed blood. But after that faith is come, we are no longer under a schoolmaster but indwelling Holy Spirit. As was our daddy, Abraham, Christians are circumcised through faith in the Law and Prophets, Jesus Messiah, the fulfillment of Heavenly Father's everlasting covenant, to Israel, on Mount Moriah: the Gospel of Jesus!
(1Ch 16: 16-17 , Psa 105:8-10) "For we (Christians) are all the children of God by faith in Messiah
Jesus." (Gal 3: 26) "For the fruit of the Spirit, is in all goodness righteousness and truth." (Eph 5:9) This is our living sacrifice that is holy, acceptable, and reasonable service/worship in Spirit and Truth to a loving, faithful, and living Creator/Savior, Whom has created us for His pleasure! (Rom 12:1, Rev 4:11) Again, For a testimony and witness, as One here in earth, Christians have received by grace and through faith (Eph 2:8) that covenant of two witnesses of Father God. For as it is written, "Mercy (Spirit) and Truth (Law) are met together;
righteousness (Law) and peace (Spirit) have kissed each other" (Psa 85) within our souls, to conceive a new and born again creature: circumcised of that fleshy foreskin of an evil heart! (Deu 10:16, 30:6, Jer 4:4,17:9, Jhn 3:3) Let your light shine brothers and sisters! (Mat 5:16) To the Law and to the Testimony (Spirit), if they speak not according to this WORD/ COVENANT, JESUS, it is because there is no light in them." (Isa 8:20, Jhn 8:12, Rom 3:21) Dear reader, Do you want the faith of a mustard seed that removes mountains? (Mat 17:20) The mystery
of faith is held in a pure conscience! (1Ti 3:9) This is a heart that is found free, by the Holy Spirit, of evil: wilfull sin against Father God and fellow man. Now dear brothers and sisters, you Disciples of Messiah Jesus filled with the joy of the Holy Spirit, let's do what Father has ordained of us and speak with our new tongues of fire, in Truth, "Bind up the testimony, seal the law among My disciples." (Isa 8:16) Let's pray wihout ceasing (1Sa 12:23, 1Th 5:17) and present this everlasting Gospel of the Kingdom to those Father is calling: with the ears to hear this faith of healing in new birth and placing within our realm of influence! Our Creator, the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob stepped down from Divinity to show His great love towards His Creation. Yahweh took upon Himself the form of a servant, the likeness of men, Jesus Messiah of Nazareth, that through His righteous shed blood in death, burial and resurrection, He crucified our sins, the works of the flesh and in so doing defeated death (sin) and the grave! (Jhn 15:13) We did not choose to be born in this earth and its circumstance! But now, by His grace (Loving sacrifice) and through faith we are given a choice: to follow Him in the first resurrection
to life or death in the second resurrection! Repent, Choose life everlasting in this Gospel of the Kingdom! Call upon Jesus Messiah of Nazareth: the One true living God. (Jhn 3:16-19) Amen
This is AWESOME! I know recently, I had said somethin like this to my mom (about so many "religions" and how it made no sense if you don't actually believe the ENTIRE WORD of the HOLY BIBLE). Bc different religions believe, different then the others. I told her, we've only 1 God. There is no plus or minus or seperation from the whole truth!... She just looked at me, shook her head and started playin on her phone.
But thank you, Pastor Amir Tsarfati. I now feel so much better, having at least tried. It's like the Spirit leads me to more truth each day. I'm just so thankful. Listening to you, almost makes it feel like I was there (meaning, i understand more then i ever imagined). And I realize more everyday, why I questioned "How are there so many religions, but only 1 God". Which each passing day, since I chose to believe and decided to be saved, then not too long after I decided to baptized in 2020; even though I felt so much closer each day, and my chains were gone and i was free, it just seemed like diff religions went down diff roads. 🤔 So that's the part I couldn't accept. Bc I was sure, there was only 1 road to heaven. And this teaching here, explains why I wasn't complete. And makes so much sense to me now. Now ... I'm sure I'm complete 🙌🕊✝️🙏🐑🌊🙌
Glad to have had the chance to listen and meet you in Lee’s Summit, Ks at Abundant Life Church. God Bless tHis Ministry, Shalom 🙏🏼
Folks, this is the easiest & simplest truth about what we must believed in faith...🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏
Praying for God's peace and standing with Israel!
God Bless You Amir. I appreciate your messages.🙏❤️🙏
Praying for you as you head back to your family. May God bless you and all the Jews.
Let's pray 🙏 for all Gazans affected by the war. ❤❤❤
121:1 I will lift up mine eyes unto the hills, from whence cometh my help.
121:2 My help cometh from the LORD, which made heaven and earth.
121:3 He will not suffer thy foot to be moved: he that keepeth thee will not slumber.
121:4 Behold, he that keepeth Israel shall neither slumber nor sleep.
121:5 The LORD is thy keeper: the LORD is thy shade upon thy right hand.
121:6 The sun shall not smite thee by day, nor the moon by night.
121:7 The LORD shall preserve thee from all evil: he shall preserve thy soul.
121:8 The LORD shall preserve thy going out and thy coming in from this time forth, and even for evermore.
My Great Aunt Will Ann favorite Psalm ❤
❤❤❤❤❤❤❤prayers for brothers and sister to share the gospel more and to do the will of God!
Amen!! What wonderful life we will have in Christ, our hope of glory!! Thank you, Amir!! GOD BLESS YOU!! GOD BLESS ISRAEL!!
praying that more people will believe in Jesus Christ 🙏🙏
As a Christian the hardest part is trying to understand why there has to be eternal torment for unbelievers.
We rely on these broadcasts to pray for Israel. I can't think of any other trusted resource, although I am sure they are out there.
I grew up in a false church that didn’t believe in the rapture. Twelve years ago God led me to a church where I would learn the Truth. I still had a hard time believing the rapture as it is taught by many American preachers and I have studied a lot to try and understand. You have finally explained the rapture that totally makes sense to me and I am so excited in this Truth! I am so thankful that the Holy Spirit led me to you so I can fully understand the Scriptures and I love listening to your sermons. Thank you!!! Also praying for you and for Israel from North Carolina.
Praying for Israel and Christians all over the world
Thank You Father for Your Blessings through sending us understanding of Your Word by way of Your servant Amir how humbled we are 🙌🏽
Thank you Amir for helping me understand what the Bible has to say about the afterlife of believers and nonbelievers.
I stand with Isreal!❤
Thank you Amir for this wonderful message. Praying for the peace of Jerusalem 🙏🙏
Praise the Lord, for giving bro. Amir the spirit of boldness in expounding the Gods word. From the Phillipines
Thank you, thank you, thank you, Pastor Amir Tsarfati! I am complete now!!! 🙌
And thank you God ... for leading me to him!
Thank you Amir, bless you, your family, your ministry and Israel!
Peace brother pastor Amir ,this Paul’s verse from Phillipeans 1:21-23 👏
It’s very relevant for all of us !❤❤❤
Gracias Amir por tu mensaje que nos alienta, orando por Israel desde España.🙏🙏
Shabbat shalom ❤️🇮🇱
Thank you Jesus for Amir. Amen to his teaching. God Bless You. ❤🎉
The Holy Spirit prays for Israel with groans to deep for words.🕊
❤❤always appreciate sitting under your umbrella of teaching, Be blessed ❤❤ Monique Verasamy Capetown South Africa
Prating for Israel from Norway.
Praying for Yeshua to complete ABBA'S perfect WILL to be done ferfectly, and that i follow his instructions for all who believe. ❤😊👋
Wonderful teaching. Amir is a blessing. I’m praying for Israel, the IDF and Netanyahu and salvation for the Jews. Thank you so much Amir for such a powerful message.
The picture that you put on your page reminded me of a vision that I had a few months ago, just before I woke up.
I was standing in a doorway of a nicely decorated living room, admiring it, and blinked my eyes and I saw that the room was completely empty, even to the point of the paint was stripped off of the walls. There was some moving boxes sitting in the middle of the room as if it was time to put them into moving trucks to move away.
But I noticed on four of the boxes there were letters placed consecutively on each box, which were in large print spelling; A W A Y!
That was, in my heart, the Lord telling me that it was about time to be taken away in the rapture!
Have a blessed day and thank you so much for your ministry for the Lord! I am praying for Israel!
Came in late to this but it was just the encouragement I needed. Thank you Amir and God bless 🙏
Amen! Once blind, I now see! I am a 72 year old Christian father, grandfather, and great- grandfather who was once the chief among sinners. But what Satan meant for evil in me, Yahweh used for good to confound the wise and mighty in this world. (1Co 1:27) Now, the prayers of thanksgiving and praise are always upon my lips and tongue! I am a Gentile by physical birth but a Jew, and Lion's whelp, reborn in the Holy Spirit of Father Yahweh:grafted
into the natural (good) Olive Tree, Messiah Jesus, the Lion of the Tribe of Judah, Whom bears my name in the breastplate, heart, and ephod of His righteous judgement, the Urim (Law) and Thummim (Prophets, Spirit). The Lights OF perfection!These two righteous witnesses and lots are cast continuously upon me and all His Disciples, the learned, whom bear record of Jesus in earth as He is in heaven. (Ex 28:29, Prov 3:3) Christians are priests of our most High Priest, Jesus. Christians are the church: arks, and temple Keepers of His Word and Holy Spirit here on earth! This is a free gift of grace received through faith in Jesus Messiah, our Father and Triune Creator! (Eph 2:8) Christians live and walk, in earth, bearing witness to His Word and Spirit, in One which are One in the heavenly record of: 1. Father, 2. Son (Word/Immanuel) Isa 7:14, 8:8, Jhn 1:14) and 3. Holy Spirit. (1Jhn 5:6-8) Through baptism: (our ritual
washing) by the water of repentance, blood of atonement (justification by faith) and Holy Spirit of sanctification (renewal in regeneration), Christians are followers of Jesus: crucifying the evil lust of the flesh in "Adultery,
fornication, uncleanness,
lasciviousness, Idolatry, witchcraft, hatred, disputing, wrath, strife, resistance to the Law of Father God, heresies, envyings (ambitions to equal or excel others), murders, drunkenness, revellings, and such
like." (Gal 5:19-21) Through His Spirit, we deny this flesh to live and walk in the hope of our soon coming redemption and resurrection. This is our daily priestly offering, by fire, to God the Father and it is a living sacrifice (Lev 3:3) in all:
1. Love
2. Joy
3. Peace
4. Longsuffering
5. Gentleness
6. Goodness
7. Faith
8. Meekness
9. Temperance
"Against such fruit as this, there is no Law." (Gal 5:22-25) We have heard the Truth of God! "Wherefore
the Law was our schoolmaster to bring us unto the Gospel, Messiah Jesus, through repentance, that we might be justified through faith in His precious shed blood. But after that faith is come, we are no longer under a schoolmaster but indwelling Holy Spirit. As was our daddy, Abraham, Christians are circumcised through faith in the Law and Prophets, Jesus Messiah, the fulfillment of Heavenly Father's everlasting covenant, to Israel, on Mount Moriah: the Gospel of Jesus!
(1Ch 16: 16-17 , Psa 105:8-10) "For we (Christians) are all the children of God by faith in Messiah
Jesus." (Gal 3: 26) "For the fruit of the Spirit, is in all goodness righteousness and truth." (Eph 5:9) This is our living sacrifice that is holy, acceptable, and reasonable service/worship in Spirit and Truth to a loving, faithful, and living Creator/Savior, Whom has created us for His pleasure! (Rom 12:1, Rev 4:11) Again, For a testimony and witness, as One here in earth, Christians have received by grace and through faith (Eph 2:8) that covenant of two witnesses of Father God. For as it is written, "Mercy (Spirit) and Truth (Law) are met together;
righteousness (Law) and peace (Spirit) have kissed each other" (Psa 85) within our souls, to conceive a new and born again creature: circumcised of that fleshy foreskin of an evil heart! (Deu 10:16, 30:6, Jer 4:4,17:9, Jhn 3:3) Let your light shine brothers and sisters! (Mat 5:16) To the Law and to the Testimony (Spirit), if they speak not according to this WORD/ COVENANT, JESUS, it is because there is no light in them." (Isa 8:20, Jhn 8:12, Rom 3:21) Dear reader, Do you want the faith of a mustard seed that removes mountains? (Mat 17:20) The mystery
of faith is held in a pure conscience! (1Ti 3:9) This is a heart that is found free, by the Holy Spirit, of evil: wilfull sin against Father God and fellow man. Now dear brothers and sisters, you Disciples of Messiah Jesus filled with the joy of the Holy Spirit, let's do what Father has ordained of us and speak with our new tongues of fire, in Truth, "Bind up the testimony, seal the law among My disciples." (Isa 8:16) Let's pray wihout ceasing (1Sa 12:23, 1Th 5:17) and present this everlasting Gospel of the Kingdom to those Father is calling: with the ears to hear this faith of healing in new birth and placing within our realm of influence! Our Creator, the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob stepped down from Divinity to show His great love towards His Creation. Yahweh took upon Himself the form of a servant, the likeness of men, Jesus Messiah of Nazareth, that through His righteous shed blood in death, burial and resurrection, He crucified our sins, the works of the flesh and in so doing defeated death (sin) and the grave! (Jhn 15:13) We did not choose to be born in this earth and its circumstance! But now, by His grace (Loving sacrifice) and through faith we are given a choice: to follow Him in the first resurrection
to life or death in the second resurrection! Repent, Choose life everlasting in this Gospel of the Kingdom! Call upon Jesus Messiah of Nazareth: the One true living God. (Jhn 3:16-19) Amen
God bless Israel. I long to see the place my Lord and savior lived and grew up
Me too, never been to ISRAEL 🇮🇱, BUT THAT'S OUR FUTURE HOME ❤
@@annbailey179 My brother and wife were going with their church on October 8 then war broke on October 7 which was his birthday. They were so sad they couldn’t go. Luckily they got full refunds
@debbielynn9540 I flew into Athens, Greece on the 13th. I was with Amir Tsarfati Behold Israel Tour, The Footsteps of Paul. We were in Turkey 3 days. I wasn't afraid but concerned. It was a wonderful tour. My brother brother got back to the States less than a week from Israel before the Oct. 7th war started.
@@judysmith3249 that sounds wonderful. Would love to meet Amir he’s amazing. I also like Johnathon Kahn
To know that you are born again means that you will automatically be repulsed by the things of the flesh and you will be astounded that you were able to live like that. The difference is that now all you want is the love and the joy of the Lord ❤
Thank you more afrikaans...thaught so..? Political issues...the word tells us to pray for our enemies...May God bless them all.
Praise God for His salvation plan for all mankind.
Amen! Once blind, I now see! I am a 72 year old Christian father, grandfather, and great- grandfather who was once the chief among sinners. But what Satan meant for evil in me, Yahweh used for good to confound the wise and mighty in this world. (1Co 1:27) Now, the prayers of thanksgiving and praise are always upon my lips and tongue! I am a Gentile by physical birth but a Jew, and Lion's whelp, reborn in the Holy Spirit of Father Yahweh:grafted
into the natural (good) Olive Tree, Messiah Jesus, the Lion of the Tribe of Judah, Whom bears my name in the breastplate, heart, and ephod of His righteous judgement, the Urim (Law) and Thummim (Prophets, Spirit). The Lights OF perfection!These two righteous witnesses and lots are cast continuously upon me and all His Disciples, the learned, whom bear record of Jesus in earth as He is in heaven. (Ex 28:29, Prov 3:3) Christians are priests of our most High Priest, Jesus. Christians are the church: arks, and temple Keepers of His Word and Holy Spirit here on earth! This is a free gift of grace received through faith in Jesus Messiah, our Father and Triune Creator! (Eph 2:8) Christians live and walk, in earth, bearing witness to His Word and Spirit, in One which are One in the heavenly record of: 1. Father, 2. Son (Word/Immanuel) Isa 7:14, 8:8, Jhn 1:14) and 3. Holy Spirit. (1Jhn 5:6-8) Through baptism: (our ritual
washing) by the water of repentance, blood of atonement (justification by faith) and Holy Spirit of sanctification (renewal in regeneration), Christians are followers of Jesus: crucifying the evil lust of the flesh in "Adultery,
fornication, uncleanness,
lasciviousness, Idolatry, witchcraft, hatred, disputing, wrath, strife, resistance to the Law of Father God, heresies, envyings (ambitions to equal or excel others), murders, drunkenness, revellings, and such
like." (Gal 5:19-21) Through His Spirit, we deny this flesh to live and walk in the hope of our soon coming redemption and resurrection. This is our daily priestly offering, by fire, to God the Father and it is a living sacrifice (Lev 3:3) in all:
1. Love
2. Joy
3. Peace
4. Longsuffering
5. Gentleness
6. Goodness
7. Faith
8. Meekness
9. Temperance
"Against such fruit as this, there is no Law." (Gal 5:22-25) We have heard the Truth of God! "Wherefore
the Law was our schoolmaster to bring us unto the Gospel, Messiah Jesus, through repentance, that we might be justified through faith in His precious shed blood. But after that faith is come, we are no longer under a schoolmaster but indwelling Holy Spirit. As was our daddy, Abraham, Christians are circumcised through faith in the Law and Prophets, Jesus Messiah, the fulfillment of Heavenly Father's everlasting covenant, to Israel, on Mount Moriah: the Gospel of Jesus!
(1Ch 16: 16-17 , Psa 105:8-10) "For we (Christians) are all the children of God by faith in Messiah
Jesus." (Gal 3: 26) "For the fruit of the Spirit, is in all goodness righteousness and truth." (Eph 5:9) This is our living sacrifice that is holy, acceptable, and reasonable service/worship in Spirit and Truth to a loving, faithful, and living Creator/Savior, Whom has created us for His pleasure! (Rom 12:1, Rev 4:11) Again, For a testimony and witness, as One here in earth, Christians have received by grace and through faith (Eph 2:8) that covenant of two witnesses of Father God. For as it is written, "Mercy (Spirit) and Truth (Law) are met together;
righteousness (Law) and peace (Spirit) have kissed each other" (Psa 85) within our souls, to conceive a new and born again creature: circumcised of that fleshy foreskin of an evil heart! (Deu 10:16, 30:6, Jer 4:4,17:9, Jhn 3:3) Let your light shine brothers and sisters! (Mat 5:16) To the Law and to the Testimony (Spirit), if they speak not according to this WORD/ COVENANT, JESUS, it is because there is no light in them." (Isa 8:20, Jhn 8:12, Rom 3:21) Dear reader, Do you want the faith of a mustard seed that removes mountains? (Mat 17:20) The mystery
of faith is held in a pure conscience! (1Ti 3:9) This is a heart that is found free, by the Holy Spirit, of evil: wilfull sin against Father God and fellow man. Now dear brothers and sisters, you Disciples of Messiah Jesus filled with the joy of the Holy Spirit, let's do what Father has ordained of us and speak with our new tongues of fire, in Truth, "Bind up the testimony, seal the law among My disciples." (Isa 8:16) Let's pray wihout ceasing (1Sa 12:23, 1Th 5:17) and present this everlasting Gospel of the Kingdom to those Father is calling: with the ears to hear this faith of healing in new birth and placing within our realm of influence! Our Creator, the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob stepped down from Divinity to show His great love towards His Creation. Yahweh took upon Himself the form of a servant, the likeness of men, Jesus Messiah of Nazareth, that through His righteous shed blood in death, burial and resurrection, He crucified our sins, the works of the flesh and in so doing defeated death (sin) and the grave! (Jhn 15:13) We did not choose to be born in this earth and its circumstance! But now, by His grace (Loving sacrifice) and through faith we are given a choice: to follow Him in the first resurrection
to life or death in the second resurrection! Repent, Choose life everlasting in this Gospel of the Kingdom! Call upon Jesus Messiah of Nazareth: the One true living God. (Jhn 3:16-19) Amen talk ever; you keep getting better, and better! Thank you, for this tarnished world needs a spit and shine. Eagerly awaiting HIS return! Soon, and very soon! Maranatha! ❤
🏜☝️😎❤ Live as though it was your last day on Earth. Everyone is one heartbeat 💓 away from eternity. Choose eternal life and share the Gospel of Jesus Christ while you can. ✡️✝️🛐❤
You Amir are our Awakening to GOD ! Thank you GOD for your Blessings
Great teaching, I have to listen again. We learn a lot more about the time we are living. To be honest the book of Revelations was a mistery for me as well as Daniel. Knowing Amir has been a blessing . Praying for the Peace of Jerusalem !!!
Just like the hymn What a Day That Will Be When My Jesus I Shall See. Nomore sin, sickness, death,hunger,thirst and struggling to make it.
Amir, you shared that the “Jerusalem saints” went with Jesus at his resurrection”. Can you explain where this is found in scriptures and who these saints were?
We love your messages and always look for the next to share with friends! We pray for Israel daily!
Thank you Teacher Amier. Jesus take care of Teacher and his family..Amen.
Thanks Amir. Pray for you and your family in Israel!
JEREMIAH 31:1-3.
I stand with Israel
God bless Israel and ❤to Amir Tsarfati, thank you 😊
Here's a nother verse, Mr. Amir, fits in perfectly with you're message. Jesus was not a victim of the Cross but a willing sacrifice, sent by the Father.
*John 10:18 (nkjv)* _18 No one takes it from Me, but I lay it down of Myself. I have power to lay it down, and I have power to take it again. This command I have received from My Father.”_
My now day, Apostle Paul, Amir! Thank you,!!!
Amir Happy Hanukkah. Peace to Israel.
A reliable teaching to obtain eternal salvation. May God of Israel strengthen Amir to do further 🙏🏻
Thank you for this teaching! May you Bless Amir and his family, Israel , her people and the IDF with protection from all enemies and evil one. Be with us all Lord and lead us back home.
God Bless you Brother Joe I’m so sorry for your loss of your Mother and pray God’s continued Strength and Comfort be with you during this season in your life ❤
Amir, my brother, I must say this was one of the greatest messages ever heard by me. What a wonderful sermon! Once blind, I now see! I am a 72 year old Christian father, grandfather, and great- grandfather who was once the chief among sinners. But what Satan meant for evil in me, Yahweh used for good to confound the wise and mighty in this world. (1Co 1:27) Now, the prayers of thanksgiving and praise are always upon my lips and tongue! I am a Gentile by physical birth but a Jew, and Lion's whelp, reborn in the Holy Spirit of Father Yahweh:grafted
into the natural (good) Olive Tree, Messiah Jesus, the Lion of the Tribe of Judah, Whom bears my name in the breastplate, heart, and ephod of His righteous judgement, the Urim (Law) and Thummim (Prophets, Spirit). The Lights OF perfection!These two righteous witnesses and lots are cast continuously upon me and all His Disciples, the learned, whom bear record of Jesus in earth as He is in heaven. (Ex 28:29, Prov 3:3) Christians are priests of our most High Priest, Jesus. Christians are the church: arks, and temple Keepers of His Word and Holy Spirit here on earth! This is a free gift of grace received through faith in Jesus Messiah, our Father and Triune Creator! (Eph 2:8) Christians live and walk, in earth, bearing witness to His Word and Spirit, in One which are One in the heavenly record of: 1. Father, 2. Son (Word/Immanuel) Isa 7:14, 8:8, Jhn 1:14) and 3. Holy Spirit. (1Jhn 5:6-8) Through baptism: (our ritual
washing) by the water of repentance, blood of atonement (justification by faith) and Holy Spirit of sanctification (renewal in regeneration), Christians are followers of Jesus: crucifying the evil lust of the flesh in "Adultery,
fornication, uncleanness,
lasciviousness, Idolatry, witchcraft, hatred, disputing, wrath, strife, resistance to the Law of Father God, heresies, envyings (ambitions to equal or excel others), murders, drunkenness, revellings, and such
like." (Gal 5:19-21) Through His Spirit, we deny this flesh to live and walk in the hope of our soon coming redemption and resurrection. This is our daily priestly offering, by fire, to God the Father and it is a living sacrifice (Lev 3:3) in all:
1. Love
2. Joy
3. Peace
4. Longsuffering
5. Gentleness
6. Goodness
7. Faith
8. Meekness
9. Temperance
"Against such fruit as this, there is no Law." (Gal 5:22-25) We have heard the Truth of God! "Wherefore
the Law was our schoolmaster to bring us unto the Gospel, Messiah Jesus, through repentance, that we might be justified through faith in His precious shed blood. But after that faith is come, we are no longer under a schoolmaster but indwelling Holy Spirit. As was our daddy, Abraham, Christians are circumcised through faith in the Law and Prophets, Jesus Messiah, the fulfillment of Heavenly Father's everlasting covenant, to Israel, on Mount Moriah: the Gospel of Jesus!
(1Ch 16: 16-17 , Psa 105:8-10) "For we (Christians) are all the children of God by faith in Messiah
Jesus." (Gal 3: 26) "For the fruit of the Spirit, is in all goodness righteousness and truth." (Eph 5:9) This is our living sacrifice that is holy, acceptable, and reasonable service/worship in Spirit and Truth to a loving, faithful, and living Creator/Savior, Whom has created us for His pleasure! (Rom 12:1, Rev 4:11) Again, For a testimony and witness, as One here in earth, Christians have received by grace and through faith (Eph 2:8) that covenant of two witnesses of Father God. For as it is written, "Mercy (Spirit) and Truth (Law) are met together;
righteousness (Law) and peace (Spirit) have kissed each other" (Psa 85) within our souls, to conceive a new and born again creature: circumcised of that fleshy foreskin of an evil heart! (Deu 10:16, 30:6, Jer 4:4,17:9, Jhn 3:3) Let your light shine brothers and sisters! (Mat 5:16) To the Law and to the Testimony (Spirit), if they speak not according to this WORD/ COVENANT, JESUS, it is because there is no light in them." (Isa 8:20, Jhn 8:12, Rom 3:21) Dear reader, Do you want the faith of a mustard seed that removes mountains? (Mat 17:20) The mystery
of faith is held in a pure conscience! (1Ti 3:9) This is a heart that is found free, by the Holy Spirit, of evil: wilfull sin against Father God and fellow man. Now dear brothers and sisters, you Disciples of Messiah Jesus filled with the joy of the Holy Spirit, let's do what Father has ordained of us and speak with our new tongues of fire, in Truth, "Bind up the testimony, seal the law among My disciples." (Isa 8:16) Let's pray wihout ceasing (1Sa 12:23, 1Th 5:17) and present this everlasting Gospel of the Kingdom to those Father is calling: with the ears to hear this faith of healing in new birth and placing within our realm of influence! Our Creator, the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob stepped down from Divinity to show His great love towards His Creation. Yahweh took upon Himself the form of a servant, the likeness of men, Jesus Messiah of Nazareth, that through His righteous shed blood in death, burial and resurrection, He crucified our sins, the works of the flesh and in so doing defeated death (sin) and the grave! (Jhn 15:13) We did not choose to be born in this earth and its circumstance! But now, by His grace (Loving sacrifice) and through faith we are given a choice: to follow Him in the first resurrection
to life or death in the second resurrection! Repent, Choose life everlasting in this Gospel of the Kingdom! Call upon Jesus Messiah of Nazareth: the One true living God. (Jhn 3:16-19) Amen
I agree with you in what I read but was way too lng to keep reading. 👍✝️
Thank you Amir!!! THE WORDS AND WISDOM OF GOD is really in your teachings and I'm. also a Bible teacher and trying to teach according to God's Words in the. BIBLE.. THANKS BE TO GOD ....
Where? ISRAEL🌱🔑🔥
Born Again! Yes Born Again! Look up for our Redeemer DRAWTH NIGH
Thanking God that He is the Almighty Creator . Sustainer and ultimate Deliverer and our tiimes are in His Hands!
Let me tell you this this minister is one of the best ministers ever Toda rav tsafarti brukh Hashem machikh yahusha
Amen and amen Amir
Gods blessings fall upon you and your family in Jesus name