SENECA!!!! ANYONE DOING ANY SORT OF REVISION NEEDS TO SIGN UP TO SENECA!!! its completely free and covers whatever subject and exam board youre doing, its amazing!!!!
I’m in year 10 and I feel like I only have a year until GCSEs so I need to revise but everyone’s saying it’s too soon and that why I’m so stressed all the time, I don’t know what to do because I want to do really well and I feel like I’m not good enough😔
If you want to revise then go for it, there's no wrong time to start revising. Some people start revising in year 10 and others close to their exams but revising soon will make it easier to remember the topics and relieve the pressure of year 11. Especially if you like to be prepared and it comforts you to know you did all the revision you could. If you want to do well then do what is best for you, revise if you want but make sure you take time to just breathe and take time for yourself. You've got this and have no reason to feel you're not good enough because whatever you do you tried and that will always be enough. I hope this helped and you've got so many people to support you, you can do it and you can do it well. - from a current year 11
I’m in year 11 and I would definitely recommend revising in year 10, even if you don’t ‘revise’ I would suggest preparing by making flashcards etc because then when it comes to year 11 and you get a lot of mocks you already have all your revision ready and it’s about recapping and learning them, trust me make them now, Dong stress yourself too much but if everything’s done you’ll feel organised and prepared
amelie cox Year 10 is just as important as year 11, in our school we have term tests and basically year 10+11 are all together so if you do well in year 10 then year 11 will be easier, year 11 (once you’ve finished content) is all revision and so if you feel confident with year 10 you’ll ace the year 11 exams! I would recommend making flashcards everyday after your lesson and relaxing on the weekends, that way you won’t work yourself up last minute, also over the summer look over your exams and focus on the bits that perhaps didn’t go as well💗 I’m sure you’ll do great anyway ! Good lucj
I am in year 9 and we have already started our GCSE options. I chose Geography, German, P.E and Textiles. I am currently working at a level 7 in all of these subjects😁
I'm in year 11 and also take PE. I love it but PLEASE get your practical video evidence together as soon as possible! Get loads of videos, more than you think you need and you will be solid and have no worries by year 11 :) Level 7 is great !
You might be getting level 7 now but watch that drop once you start them! I'm in year 11 and its a lot harder than year 7&8 but congrats on level 7 it's good but remember to revise and study don't think it will be easy because you have them grades! Good luck! 😊💕
Trust me when you get to a levels it’s a whole new board game so I was strongly recommend if you want to do a levels do the subjects you get the best in or that you love doing. I got a 7 in science and I’ve taken biology and I’m struggling to scrape a b. At least I have another year though to learn as I’m only in year 12.
Hello. I am from Russia and I watch you. Your videos are very cool. Despite the fact that I do not speak a foreign language, I still understand the essence of the video. Good luck to you💕
I’m going into year 10 this year and I’m a little worried. I have extremely average grades (B-C’s and occasional D/E) I really want to try hard but I find that I need to know how I should write my notes, how to take good notes, how to colour odd and highlight, how to take notes on my laptop and how to use flashcards, etc.... I just really need people to break everything down for me. :/
This helped so much, thank you! I’m in yr10 and it’s rly stressful and pressurising so this rly helped, bc sometimes I don’t know how to revise and that stresses me out even more ❤️
I got my results in 2017 and passed everything apart from maths I got a 3 went to college and did a resit and got a 4 I did this by *Corbett maths 5 a day worksheets and did them everyday *maths do a past paper at the weekend find them on maths genie. Mark the paper see what you did wrong the topics you did wrong that will be your revision for the following week. *maths genie has every past exam question's on every topic go to to the topic that is your weakness. *do the paper from the previous weekend to see if you can get those questions. Closer to the exam Corbett maths and maths genie do predicted papers go check them out
I’m not going my GCSE’s yet, but here are some maths websites that have saved my ass on various tests: Corbettmaths has videos, exam style questions, textbook exercises and answers with written out solutions. It’s so helpful! On their website there are also these flashcards that she talked about in the video Mathsgenie is similar to corbettmaths but it has edexcel (lol i cant spell) gcse questions. It has videos too Kahn academy is like a huge school. It is American but it still has some of the topics. It has pdf files explaining how you do things and I like using it for transformations work because its didgital and more efficient to use
im definaltly taking your advice because i know that it will help me thanks for doing one of these videos really gonna help for when i do mine in may xxx
I really recommend hegarty maths and my gcse science. My school paid for both of them however I think you can pay by yourself. They are so helpful as they have a video on each topic then exam questions for you to complete
I’m in year 9 and I’ve been put on the pathway yellow T which mean that I have to do triple science and all the others as well, so I’m doing English lit, English language, higher maths, re, history, french, anddd art and design
I’m currently in year 10, but I really really want to do well as I’m sure a lot of people do! Thankyou for this video hope! I’m gonna try do a little revision this summer but I don’t wanna base my whole life around it💛
I’m in college a year early so I don’t really need this but I do for maths and english but I’m not doing poems and some other things that you do in school xxxx
Hi this video was so helpful do you by any chance know how long delivery is on the Corbett maths revision cards like roughly how long it took them to get to you xx
This helped me a lot because I'm in year 9 and I'm starting my gcses in May. I'm unsure whether I should pick history or not - is it a lot of work? I'm definitely picking food tech, health and social and RE but I'm stuck on what else I can pick! Thank you so much for doing this video Hope :) xxx
Another really good maths revision tool is hegarty maths - it’s really good because it has online tasks for every section you need to know... it also sets it all out on a pie chart so you know how much of the content you have covered and gives you practice questions on tasks you are struggling on.. highly recommend ❤️
i am in year 9 going into year 10 and i am taking similar subjects to you: history, french, photography, drama, and the core subjects. going into year 10, is it a lot of stress because of mocks and revision and all subjects?
I'm in yr 9 so I'm doing my GCSEs in 2022 but I'm watching revision tips because I have exams in January which decides my sets in yr 10 and my mum is stressing me out saying I need to do revision when it hasn't helped in the past so I'm trying to find ways for me to remember it so my mum can relax
Let me know if you have any more questions about gcses💖
heyitshope could you link to the revision cards please
khadija mohamed just linked everything!! Xx
Can you please show the cards in a video because I don’t know if I should get them x
Please make n period vid🌷🌷🌷🌷
you took photography, so i was wondering how you stayed on track of deadlines for the exam unit?
I'm doing my gcses in 2021 so I have no idea why I'm here but I found this so useful so thank youu
Annabelle it’s good to study before hand
Same looolll
omg we have the same name and are in the same year LOL
sameee :)
Everyone: *class of 2020 or 2021*
Me: *cLaSS oF 2022 aNYoNe?? 😰*
I haven't started revising yet 😕 I've got no motivation whatsoever but i do go to morning and after school revisions most weekdays I'm so tiredd
me too💀
We all better start revising 😂
Class of 2020 anyone??
Ola. P meee💞
hell yes
2021 :)
Me 😇
Class of 2021
SENECA!!!! ANYONE DOING ANY SORT OF REVISION NEEDS TO SIGN UP TO SENECA!!! its completely free and covers whatever subject and exam board youre doing, its amazing!!!!
Sophia Ambrose I love it I think it’s one of the best revision websites!
It is rly good. Make notes on spec. Then go seneca. Revise on notes by having released questions. Question practice and repeats lots and lots
Seneca is the best , it uses psychological research about how people remember things and it’s free
Sophia Ambrose 😂😂😂😂
Omgg yes I have that it helps me so much when it comes to revision
Mathswatch is very good also. I highly recommend. There are videos to show you the way to do it and questions that you can answer
Itz Hannah hegartymaths is a life saver u get actual question thats are in detail and they show you exactly how to do it xx
@@jindoratheexplorer3678 I might try that. Thank you
Mathswatch is so filthy I hate it
My maths teacher uses mathswatch to set homework and everyone is sick of it as she sets it every week but ngl it really helps x
@@jessx2235 Whenever my maths teacher sets mathswatch everyone gets so angry 😂
My maths : *nothing*
*mr hegarty walks in *
Corbett maths is the alpha
YES. OMG hegarty maths helped so much for me istg-
I screamed
Mr Hard Apple what about ‘wolfram alpha’ hmm 😂
mr hegarty scared me
I’m in year 10 and I feel like I only have a year until GCSEs so I need to revise but everyone’s saying it’s too soon and that why I’m so stressed all the time, I don’t know what to do because I want to do really well and I feel like I’m not good enough😔
If you want to revise then go for it, there's no wrong time to start revising. Some people start revising in year 10 and others close to their exams but revising soon will make it easier to remember the topics and relieve the pressure of year 11. Especially if you like to be prepared and it comforts you to know you did all the revision you could. If you want to do well then do what is best for you, revise if you want but make sure you take time to just breathe and take time for yourself. You've got this and have no reason to feel you're not good enough because whatever you do you tried and that will always be enough. I hope this helped and you've got so many people to support you, you can do it and you can do it well. - from a current year 11
Yeah revise when you want xx I will in year 10 , I’m in yr 9
I’m in year 11 and I would definitely recommend revising in year 10, even if you don’t ‘revise’ I would suggest preparing by making flashcards etc because then when it comes to year 11 and you get a lot of mocks you already have all your revision ready and it’s about recapping and learning them, trust me make them now, Dong stress yourself too much but if everything’s done you’ll feel organised and prepared
amelie cox Year 10 is just as important as year 11, in our school we have term tests and basically year 10+11 are all together so if you do well in year 10 then year 11 will be easier, year 11 (once you’ve finished content) is all revision and so if you feel confident with year 10 you’ll ace the year 11 exams! I would recommend making flashcards everyday after your lesson and relaxing on the weekends, that way you won’t work yourself up last minute, also over the summer look over your exams and focus on the bits that perhaps didn’t go as well💗 I’m sure you’ll do great anyway ! Good lucj
Start revising little by little and keep going over everything you’ve done for the last few years
Oh I defo need this
So stressed
Time is flying
layna lol same
Hope there going ok!!! x
Number one rule also don’t stress as you will forget everything
Also if you are doing an inspector calls talk about context
In my inspector calls mock I basically only did context 😭
Do context in all texts it will get you the higher grades
Whos doing there GCSEs in 2 months and literally does not know shit???
*Me bih*
Literally haven't even started revising yet but it's okay lmaooo
Haven't started yet...... exams start in 5 days thats just brilliant
I’m in y8 and I am revising for end of year exams and it’s so stressful
@@rainbow7830 Don't stress I don't even remember my year10 end of year results. year 8 doesn't matter
Idk Man lol
Class of 2019!
Ye😐 unfortunately
Yup 😑
I've no idea why I'm watching this. I'm in university. Great video, anyway!
I am in year 9 and we have already started our GCSE options. I chose Geography, German, P.E and Textiles. I am currently working at a level 7 in all of these subjects😁
Nomi Foggy Level 7 is fab! Wow well done you! And keep it up and you’ll do so well
that's amazing !!♡
I'm in year 11 and also take PE. I love it but PLEASE get your practical video evidence together as soon as possible! Get loads of videos, more than you think you need and you will be solid and have no worries by year 11 :) Level 7 is great !
Oh my God.. Teach me!
You might be getting level 7 now but watch that drop once you start them! I'm in year 11 and its a lot harder than year 7&8 but congrats on level 7 it's good but remember to revise and study don't think it will be easy because you have them grades! Good luck! 😊💕
this helped me so much thank u
aaron mackay Honestly anytime
I got my igcse November session results 2 weeks ago and I have 3 A*s, 5As and 1B
I needed this😊especially with 3 GCSES this year thanks so much Hope xxxxx❤
Yas EB 3’s not a lot I’m doing like 9 ( not hate) xx
@@ellieheaney5959 hi yh its not alot but this my first time doing it and i get really stressed with exams hope all urs go well xxx
Trust me when you get to a levels it’s a whole new board game so I was strongly recommend if you want to do a levels do the subjects you get the best in or that you love doing.
I got a 7 in science and I’ve taken biology and I’m struggling to scrape a b. At least I have another year though to learn as I’m only in year 12.
@amelie cox coz in my school u do re, language in yr 10 and the rest in yr 11 x
@@lilytinkerbellemorgan64 ah ok thanks so much😊 good luck in ur exams x
one of the most helpful videos I've ever watched, honestly I love you so much xxxxxx
I start my exams next year and i have to say thank you so much for this video, especially on the mrbruff channel.
Finally!!!! I have my mocks in March so I'm so nervous x
Becca may March????
Hello. I am from Russia and I watch you. Your videos are very cool. Despite the fact that I do not speak a foreign language, I still understand the essence of the video. Good luck to you💕
Александра Лисина 💖💖💖
Александра Лисина Privet, a vy toshe GCSE delaete?
gcses 2021 ://// this helped sm tyyy xxx
Can’t wait to start implementing these tips! 🥰 Btw I share a lot of gcse study with me videos and general tips! Xx
I’m going into year 10 this year and I’m a little worried. I have extremely average grades (B-C’s and occasional D/E) I really want to try hard but I find that I need to know how I should write my notes, how to take good notes, how to colour odd and highlight, how to take notes on my laptop and how to use flashcards, etc.... I just really need people to break everything down for me. :/
this helped me so much hope considering I have my GCSEs this year thank you so much💖💖💖
I’m deciding to go over all of my material this week. Hopefully I’ll have enough notes by then
i literally have no idea how to revise for history because its all essay based. This video is so helpful, thank you!!
I was the worst at maths too! I feel you! I was sooo glad when I finally dropped it!!
Thank you so much this made me just a little bit less nervous xx
This helped so much, thank you! I’m in yr10 and it’s rly stressful and pressurising so this rly helped, bc sometimes I don’t know how to revise and that stresses me out even more ❤️
This was so helpful!!! I just recently chose my GCSE’s and so you’ve put my mind at rest xxx
What did the librarian say to the student?
Read more
This helped me so much thank you! Could u maybe do a video soon on your photography coursework it would be really interesting and helpful xxxx
I'm starting year 9 in September and my GCSE preparing etc so I've found this useful for when I star
I am having my gcse o level this year! Thank you❤❤
I'm doing macbeth inspector calls and Jekyll and Hyde too help
Thank you! I’ve been panicking recently and this has really amped my motivation up again! Xx
Maths genie is good if you want to have exam questions on each topic it also grades each topic making it easier💕
Yep I shred
This was so incredibly helpful thank you so much!!
Thank you for this video! I’m only doing my choices this year but this was really helpful for my tests this year and next year! x
I got my results in 2017 and passed everything apart from maths I got a 3 went to college and did a resit and got a 4 I did this by
*Corbett maths 5 a day worksheets and did them everyday
*maths do a past paper at the weekend find them on maths genie. Mark the paper see what you did wrong the topics you did wrong that will be your revision for the following week.
*maths genie has every past exam question's on every topic go to to the topic that is your weakness.
*do the paper from the previous weekend to see if you can get those questions.
Closer to the exam Corbett maths and maths genie do predicted papers go check them out
I’m not going my GCSE’s yet, but here are some maths websites that have saved my ass on various tests:
Corbettmaths has videos, exam style questions, textbook exercises and answers with written out solutions. It’s so helpful! On their website there are also these flashcards that she talked about in the video
Mathsgenie is similar to corbettmaths but it has edexcel (lol i cant spell) gcse questions. It has videos too
Kahn academy is like a huge school. It is American but it still has some of the topics. It has pdf files explaining how you do things and I like using it for transformations work because its didgital and more efficient to use
This is so helpful as I’m doing mine this year! Thanku xxx
im definaltly taking your advice because i know that it will help me thanks for doing one of these videos really gonna help for when i do mine in may xxx
This was the best video about revision and has motivated me so much I’m only in year 10 but this is so helpful
I really recommend hegarty maths and my gcse science. My school paid for both of them however I think you can pay by yourself. They are so helpful as they have a video on each topic then exam questions for you to complete
I’m in year 11.
I have have my actually health social exam on 1st February and I also do history, geography and photography
Shayna Morgan how is health and social care going? Im thinking of choosing it as an option but im not sure
It’s alright if you can handle assessment which are like essay more
Hey sis how did u find the exam today?
Dere horrible tbh
samira yamout I didn’t think section a was that bad but struggle with section b more
Loved the video! I find CorbettMaths really helpful as well 👍
I’m in year 9 and I’ve been put on the pathway yellow T which mean that I have to do triple science and all the others as well, so I’m doing English lit, English language, higher maths, re, history, french, anddd art and design
Yass I do triple and further maths. Did my English Lit last year.
You covered all the subjects I am nervous about. Thank you so much this was very helpful 💕
so helpful I’ve still got 2 and a 1/2 years but time will flow by thank q x
Thank you so much! I feel relieved
i’m so happy you have done this video! thank youu❤️
Thank you so much coz I'm starting my GSCEs this year :(
this is very helpful thank you so much hope xx
We've just started using Corbett Maths, actually. It's pretty good.
Thx for this video it's so helpful😊
Ur honestly one of my favourite TH-camrs❤️
I’m going into year 9 in September but this video was super helpful
I'm doing my exams in 2 months and your so helpful and btw your beautiful.
This helped so much thank you xx
I love your hair it looks so nice! Also great tips xx
I’m currently in year 10, but I really really want to do well as I’m sure a lot of people do! Thankyou for this video hope! I’m gonna try do a little revision this summer but I don’t wanna base my whole life around it💛
Omg love that !!! Pls more Videos like that!!
really needed this thank you💗💗
Oh I do history, graphics and photography too so this should ve really helpful!!
For my options I have taken history,graphics,media and photography have you got any tips for the last three 💛
I’m in college a year early so I don’t really need this but I do for maths and english but I’m not doing poems and some other things that you do in school xxxx
this is honestly so useful, thanku so much Hope!!!💘🥰xxx
This video was so good Hope! love ur videos so much theyre the best!😍😍❤🌹
Great advice :) past papers are the absolute best way to revise maths :)
yes girl! LOl i have them corbett cards too - practically my whole class does lol
Hi this video was so helpful do you by any chance know how long delivery is on the Corbett maths revision cards like roughly how long it took them to get to you xx
💕 this will help since I’m starting soon
Omg this is sooooo helpful thank you xxx 😊
Omg I needed this I still haven’t done my revision nd everyday teachers are reminding me of the days left till my first exams
ya got 9 weeks!
This helped me a lot because I'm in year 9 and I'm starting my gcses in May. I'm unsure whether I should pick history or not - is it a lot of work? I'm definitely picking food tech, health and social and RE but I'm stuck on what else I can pick! Thank you so much for doing this video Hope :) xxx
Do not pick history lol it requires a lot of work and revivision everyday but its upto u
History is extremely hard
Awais Karnee Thank you for your advice, it means a lot💖 I’ve heard others that’ve done history say the same as you as well x
Blamekpop101 Thanks for your advice😁x
Molly x That’s very true! Thank you so much x
what sort of thing do you want to do as a job? its a weird question but i love your videos so much😘😘💗
Thanks so much for this ❤️
Needed this sooo much thank you so much hope ❤️❤️
Another really good maths revision tool is hegarty maths - it’s really good because it has online tasks for every section you need to know... it also sets it all out on a pie chart so you know how much of the content you have covered and gives you practice questions on tasks you are struggling on.. highly recommend ❤️
I have this but your school has to pay for it
Not stressing as much anymore Thank you, love you xo
This was soo so helpful Thankyou xx
could you do a video on your photography books/how you got a 7 in the end! i would loveee a 7 or above in photography! 💓
Amazing TH-camr , love your videos sm ! ❤️
hope ilysm !!! this is so useful ty xxxx
I’m in year 10 and next week have my mocks and I’ve lost my English folder and my citizenships booklet
How do you edit your videos? 🤗
This is so so so helpful tysm!!
i am in year 9 going into year 10 and i am taking similar subjects to you: history, french, photography, drama, and the core subjects. going into year 10, is it a lot of stress because of mocks and revision and all subjects?
ive done my gcses but only watching this to remember the bad times of gcse revision aha
I failed everything in my mocks so I literally give up now
Kaitlin Rinelle I’m taking my mocks this May and I’m going to stress
Same I failed my mocks I got 2s
:( same
i'm taking them so this is so helpful
this helped so much xx
This is so useful thankyou xx
Caitlin x 💖💖💖
I'm in yr 9 so I'm doing my GCSEs in 2022 but I'm watching revision tips because I have exams in January which decides my sets in yr 10 and my mum is stressing me out saying I need to do revision when it hasn't helped in the past so I'm trying to find ways for me to remember it so my mum can relax
This helped me even though in yr 10 x
i am going in yr 10 now and i r3what to go to queens 6 forn and cambridge university so this video was a good ider