これは、ある程度英語でビジネスで話せても非常に有効な動画だと思います。 こうゆう簡単で使い回しの効く英語を覚えて実際のビジネスの現場で、外国人と敢えて使って話してみるというのが、実際英語力が上がる秘訣だと思ってます。 The key point of improving English speaking skill is that we dare to use the simple and useful phrases what we have learned in this video.
Oh, thank you sooo much for your complement. It means a lot to me. I rarely get feedback on my videos, so please feel free to give me feedback anytime. Also, I would love to know what kind of topics you would like.
Oh wow, congratulations on getting 800 on the TOEIC. That is very impressive. And thank you for watching our videos. Please let me know if you have some good ideas for videos too. Good luck with your studies. : )
LINE友達追加で『現場でそのまま使える ビジネス英語フレーズ150選』『仕事で使える基本動詞50選』など、
The key point of improving English speaking skill is that we dare to use the simple and useful phrases what we have learned in this video.
Good luck with your studies! : )
Thank you Hika-san. Your video is very good. It's really an efficient way to learn business English.
Oh, thank you sooo much for your complement. It means a lot to me. I rarely get feedback on my videos, so please feel free to give me feedback anytime. Also, I would love to know what kind of topics you would like.
Oh, that means so much to me. Thank you so much for your positive comments. Hope to make more videos like this. : )
Thank you so much for your feedback! I hope to come up with more videos like this soon! : )
Happy New Year✨今年もよろしくお願いします!
ビジネスではreschedule forの方が良いのではないでしょうか。
Yes, "reschedule" is commonly used in business.
Yes, Nishikawa san has a very good understanding of what our viewers want to know so I enjoy talking to him. : )
Oh wow, congratulations on getting 800 on the TOEIC. That is very impressive. And thank you for watching our videos. Please let me know if you have some good ideas for videos too. Good luck with your studies. : )