Nje nga veprat me madhore ingjinero teknike ushtarake ne Shqiperi dhe shume strategjike ndertuar ne kohen e Komunizmit perballe kslase mdheshtore te Ali Pashe Tepelenes .Te dyja do te ngelen vepra historike shekullore .
These started as caves that had CAVE Paintings older then the cave paintings in France's Lascaux and Chuvet 17,000 years old The dictator Hoxha didn't care about ancient art, a primitive uneducated tyrant
Nje nga veprat me madhore ingjinero teknike ushtarake ne Shqiperi dhe shume strategjike ndertuar ne kohen e Komunizmit perballe kslase mdheshtore te Ali Pashe Tepelenes .Te dyja do te ngelen vepra historike shekullore .
Ai tunel ka percjellur djem te rinj ne ate boten tjeter
A jia vlente ?
I mallkuar
These started as caves that had CAVE Paintings older then the cave paintings in France's Lascaux and Chuvet 17,000 years old The dictator Hoxha didn't care about ancient art, a primitive uneducated tyrant