This is the hidden price for being poor and only having a 9-5 as your source of income. The faster you take money out of your check, the less money you'll save before the next pay day. You may be able to pay certain bills, but it will stagnate your financial growth.
This is the hidden price for being poor and only having a 9-5 as your source of income. The faster you take money out of your check, the less money you'll save before the next pay day. You may be able to pay certain bills, but it will stagnate your financial growth.
Why are you obsessed with bashing this app?! Lmao it’s not that serious I literally see you in every comment section
Cause these people get their money in advance and still don't know how to do anything better.with it
Got an ad for it on this video 😂😂
Exactly lol
There’s nothing free in America
Not even the air
You Got that right
Accept Covid-19 Vaccinations😂
So why does TH-cam have so many ads daily, if you have no finance subscriptions at all
1 question to everyone who gave a testimony. Is there a contract, and who has the contract?
The rake
I will not use a single 3rd party for anything. My money is mine. No favors needed, i do my own. 🤨🤑
Its only a problem because the government hasn't done ot first
And a lot of bosses are doing this until employees and it's sad..but they will reap what they's not cool at all
When you say most of us... Who is us when you say us?