There does not seem to be a direct connection between your comment and what Kotoka is talking about in this clipping. I’m a Japanese, but I think it’s not because of translation problems. Because Kotoka’s name isn’t in your comment, right? Please write your opinion to your places somewhere not here if they are not about this clipping. --- I don’t judge the truth of opinions written on the comment. I just mean it doesn’t deserve here. You can discuss as you like at your own place not here if you have logical thinking truly.
I'm a Japanese and my English skill is poor. So, please replace proper expression on your own. Your mention is helpful for Vtubers fan community in every country. But Japanese society has the spread of the disease that let people regard just a company as superiors to a individual. You see "Because Kotoka’s name isn’t in your comment, right?". This phrase presents the mainstream Japanese Vtuber fans mentality. They don't have logical thinking and only follow "superiors". So, they don't understand the freedom of speech. Japanese mainstream people don't feel that it is necessary they should claim on "superiors" to maintain correctness, fairness and equitableness.They still live in the class system of feudal society. Almost all length of the Japan hisotry after the WW2, only "Liberal Democratic Party(自由民主党)" is the government party. This situation much like China, USSR and the north Korea. If a former prime minister Abe wasn't shot,it didn't get realized that the political party has close relationship of a cult. Niji-sanji is similar to this LDP. There was a reported incident in which an employee in the central department (the HR manager at the time) was involved in another Vtuber project as a side job, where he imposed a one-sided contract on the people involved in a mafia or yakuza-like manner. The accusation was made by one of the Vtubers, and in order to harass him, Niji-sanji forced him to cancel the participation of Vtubers belonging to Niji-sanji who were already scheduled to participate in an LOL competition that the Vtuber was attending, as an order from their office. This is also an intimidation against conventions that involve Vtubers who do things that are not in their favor. The person who caused the problem is still working as a director of Nijisanji without any penalty. I'm sorry but I should tell you the truth.There isn't Prester John here. Vtuber culture broken out in Japan but much Japanese Vtuber fan who has serfdom mentality never get taken any role except that. I believe and want that the Westerners get the mainstream of Vtuber cultuers in the world through objecting to ridiculous management companies. It is that you and many fans claim about Zaion problem now. However, I'd like to take sides with you if I can. Through this ploblem, Vtuber fan culture may get change and happen mutual interaction that let something get better. So, I would like to know where I get knowledge about the Westerners Vtuber fans opinions and objection on Nizisanji's action over the Zaion ploblem.
@@国葬上めろ-v5r 日本語(DeepL翻訳) こんにちは。 1)少し誇張したことを認めるべきでしょう。 にじさんじ苑に怒っている人はたくさんいると言いましたが、それは事実です。しかし、本当に私たちが多数派なのかどうかは不明です。ドラマから遠ざかっているにじさんじファンもまだたくさんいます。欧米のファンコミュニティ全体が怒っているわけでもない。 元のコメントでそれを明記しなかったのは、詳細が増えると文章が複雑になり、間違った翻訳をする可能性が高くなるからです。だから、あまり細かいことを書かないようにしたんです。 2) 日本文化のある側面に対するあなたの不満は理解できます。私自身はロシア人ですが、ソビエト連邦後の羊のメンタリティは日本よりずっとひどいと信じています。このように表現することができると思います。ロシア人は日本文化のマイナス面をほとんど共有していますが、プラス面は欠けています。 しかし、私自身は西洋の文化に親しんでいますが、西洋を理想化しないようにお願いしたいのです。彼らには彼らなりの大きな問題があるのだから。 3)ザイオンの件は、欧米人にはどうすることもできないし、日本人に迷惑をかけるのもよくないと思う。これは外国からの影響であり、日本の社会がにじさんじに対してではなく、西洋の社会に対してネガティブな反応を引き起こす可能性が高いです。 日本人ににじさんじを批判させるよりも、日本人がにじさんじを批判することで外国人を嫌いになるのを防ぎたかったのです。 おそらく間違った翻訳 結局、これはどうでもいいことなんです。 ザイオンは新しい会社を見つけるか、独立したVtuberに戻るだろうから、何も問題ないんだ、本当に。 4)最後の段落で、この状況について私の情報源を聞かれました。私はほとんどtwitterの投稿を参照するので、twitterであなたに連絡した方が効率的です。 これは私のツイッターアカウントです。 English (original): Hello. 1) I should admit that I exaggerated the situation a little bit. I said there are many people who are angry at NijisanjiEN, and it's true. However, it's unclear whether we are indeed the majority. There are still many Nijisanji Fans who stay away from the drama. It's not like the entire western fan community is angry. I didn't specify that in the original comment because more details make sentances more complex, which increases the chances of incorrect translation. So I tried to avoid too many details. 2) I understand your frustration with certain aspects of Japanese culture. I myself is Russian, and trust me, our post soviet sheep mentality is much worse than Japanese. I think it can be expressed in this way: Russians share most of the negative aspects of Japanese culture, but lack the positive aspects. But even though I myself associate myself with the western culture, I want to ask you to not idealize West. They have their own big issues. 3) There is nothing westerners can do about the situation with Zaion, and I don't think it's good to bother Japanese people about it. This would be foreign influence, and would most likely provoke negative reaction from Japanese community towards western community, rather than towards Nijisanji. Rather than making Japanese people criticize Nijisanji, I wanted to prevent Japanese people hating foreigners for criticizing Nijisanji. In the end, this doesn't matter. Zaion will either find a new company or return to being independent Vtuber, so everything is fine, really. 4) In your last paragraph you asked me for my sources about the situation. Since I will mostly be referring to twitter posts, it will be more efficient if I contact you on twitter. This is my twitter account.
そんなんする暇あるなら選考基準厳格化しろって( ´ー`)y-~~
こんにちは。私は日本人ではありません。このコメントは機械翻訳されているため、不適切な翻訳部分がある可能性があります。申し訳ありません。 現在、にじさんじの英語支部に対して、vtuberファンコミュニティで嫌われ者がたくさんいます。 日本人の何人かがそれを見たのではないかと心配しました。 日本人は、ザイオンを会社に戻すように要求していると思い込んでしまうのではないかと心配していました。 それはまったく真実ではありません。
ザイオンは、経営陣との彼女のすべての問題のために解雇されるに値しました. しかし、にじさんじがダメージを最大化するために自分の罪を誇張することを選んだという事実はうんざりです. そして、彼女の過去の同僚が彼女に嫌がらせを続けた方法は、それを「謝罪」と偽装しながら、さらにうんざりしています. 特にザイオンは、機密保持契約を破ったとして会社が彼女に対して訴訟を起こす可能性があるため、彼女の側の話をすることはできません.
ヘックス は犠牲者を演じているだけです。 彼は冗談で大騒ぎし、気分を害したふりをして、ザイオンに対して使用するためににじさんじに余分な弾薬を与えました. これは嫌な偽のパフォーマンスです。 人はバカ扱いされるのを嫌います。
そういうわけで、コミュニティの多くの人々が虹園に怒っています。 経営陣と同僚の両方が、ザイオンの評判を傷つけるためにできる限りのことをしたからです。 彼女が解雇された理由の経営陣によって与えられた理由のほとんどは、誇張されたナンセンスです. ほとんどの NijiEN の vtuber は、これらのことをいくつか行っており、決して罰せられることはありません。 ザイオンの評判をできるだけ落とすための口実でしかない。
彼らはただ真実を言うことができました:彼女が規則を破っていたと言う. しかし、彼らは嘘をつくことによっても、彼女の評判を可能な限り傷つけたかった.
または、あいまいで何も開示していない可能性があります。 日本企業はそれで知られています。それが、そのような状況での彼らの通常の行動方針です。 しかし、ここで、にじさんじは彼女のすべての罪をリストすることに決めました。そのほとんどは、他の同僚によって何の罰も受けずに何度も犯されています. では、なぜ経営陣はそれを最初に言及したのでしょうか。 ダメージを最大化する。
最後に、繰り返したいのですが、彼女は解雇されるべきでした。 しかし、彼女は会社から嫌がらせを受けるに値しませんでした。
また、このコメントで同じことを異なる言葉で何度も繰り返したことをお詫び申し上げます。 Google が個々の文をどのように翻訳するかはわかりません。そのため、重要な点が見落とされていないことを確認したかったのです。
また、このコメントを書いた理由を繰り返したいと思います。 憎しみを広めることは私の意図ではありません。 「西洋人はザイオンを解雇したことで会社を非難している」のような誤解を避けたいだけです. そのような人はほとんどいませんが、私たちの多くは、この状況のいくつかの状況が気に入らないだけなのです。
There does not seem to be a direct connection between your comment and what Kotoka is talking about in this clipping.
I’m a Japanese, but I think it’s not because of translation problems.
Because Kotoka’s name isn’t in your comment, right?
Please write your opinion to your places somewhere not here if they are not about this clipping.
I don’t judge the truth of opinions written on the comment.
I just mean it doesn’t deserve here.
You can discuss as you like at your own place not here if you have logical thinking truly.
I'm a Japanese and my English skill is poor. So, please replace proper expression on your own.
Your mention is helpful for Vtubers fan community in every country.
But Japanese society has the spread of the disease that let people regard just a company as superiors to a individual.
You see "Because Kotoka’s name isn’t in your comment, right?".
This phrase presents the mainstream Japanese Vtuber fans mentality.
They don't have logical thinking and only follow "superiors".
So, they don't understand the freedom of speech.
Japanese mainstream people don't feel that it is necessary they should claim on "superiors" to maintain correctness, fairness and equitableness.They still live in the class system of feudal society.
Almost all length of the Japan hisotry after the WW2, only "Liberal Democratic Party(自由民主党)" is the government party. This situation much like China, USSR and the north Korea.
If a former prime minister Abe wasn't shot,it didn't get realized that the political party has close relationship of a cult.
Niji-sanji is similar to this LDP.
There was a reported incident in which an employee in the central department (the HR manager at the time) was involved in another Vtuber project as a side job, where he imposed a one-sided contract on the people involved in a mafia or yakuza-like manner. The accusation was made by one of the Vtubers, and in order to harass him, Niji-sanji forced him to cancel the participation of Vtubers belonging to Niji-sanji who were already scheduled to participate in an LOL competition that the Vtuber was attending, as an order from their office.
This is also an intimidation against conventions that involve Vtubers who do things that are not in their favor.
The person who caused the problem is still working as a director of Nijisanji without any penalty.
I'm sorry but I should tell you the truth.There isn't Prester John here.
Vtuber culture broken out in Japan but much Japanese Vtuber fan who has serfdom mentality never get taken any role except that.
I believe and want that the Westerners get the mainstream of Vtuber cultuers in the world through objecting to ridiculous management companies. It is that you and many fans claim about Zaion problem now.
However, I'd like to take sides with you if I can. Through this ploblem, Vtuber fan culture may get change and happen mutual interaction that let something get better.
So, I would like to know where I get knowledge about the Westerners Vtuber fans opinions and objection on Nizisanji's action over the Zaion ploblem.
2) 日本文化のある側面に対するあなたの不満は理解できます。私自身はロシア人ですが、ソビエト連邦後の羊のメンタリティは日本よりずっとひどいと信じています。このように表現することができると思います。ロシア人は日本文化のマイナス面をほとんど共有していますが、プラス面は欠けています。
日本人ににじさんじを批判させるよりも、日本人がにじさんじを批判することで外国人を嫌いになるのを防ぎたかったのです。 おそらく間違った翻訳
English (original):
1) I should admit that I exaggerated the situation a little bit.
I said there are many people who are angry at NijisanjiEN, and it's true. However, it's unclear whether we are indeed the majority. There are still many Nijisanji Fans who stay away from the drama. It's not like the entire western fan community is angry.
I didn't specify that in the original comment because more details make sentances more complex, which increases the chances of incorrect translation. So I tried to avoid too many details.
2) I understand your frustration with certain aspects of Japanese culture. I myself is Russian, and trust me, our post soviet sheep mentality is much worse than Japanese. I think it can be expressed in this way: Russians share most of the negative aspects of Japanese culture, but lack the positive aspects.
But even though I myself associate myself with the western culture, I want to ask you to not idealize West. They have their own big issues.
3) There is nothing westerners can do about the situation with Zaion, and I don't think it's good to bother Japanese people about it. This would be foreign influence, and would most likely provoke negative reaction from Japanese community towards western community, rather than towards Nijisanji.
Rather than making Japanese people criticize Nijisanji, I wanted to prevent Japanese people hating foreigners for criticizing Nijisanji.
In the end, this doesn't matter.
Zaion will either find a new company or return to being independent Vtuber, so everything is fine, really.
4) In your last paragraph you asked me for my sources about the situation. Since I will mostly be referring to twitter posts, it will be more efficient if I contact you on twitter.
This is my twitter account.