Feels more like the end of the 4th season. Season 1 finale brexit is voted on, Cameron resigns Season 2 finale general election of 2017, setback for theresa May, Season 3 parliament votes against all deals, theresa May fights for survival with no confidence vote. Season 4 shock episodes as May resigns and Boris Johnson rises to power only to lose a long battle of procuring parliament. Have to say that season 4 is the most gripping one yet.
Oh goodness! I feel sorry for my 4 year old! Actually I feel sorry for myself as he will be asking me questions in 12 years time when he is doing his GCSE’s!!!
@Dave Davidson I doubt supreme judges are stupid enough to let their own opinions conflict with their job when reviewing the constitutional legitimacy of prolonging parilement in such a manor and they ruled against Boris to limit the power of one man to protect the country from conflict of interest 😂 😂😂
It certainly is. Such empowerment, when exercised correctly, can serve as a masterclass in law and civility, something that many western leaders are sorely lacking.
@@MrAckers75 The problem with North Korea is precisely that they do NOT have courts that can squash the overreach of government, as the UK Supreme Court just did. That lack of counterweight is what allows a dictator like Kim to rule by fiat and whim.
@@Jesse_359 Yet you're not concerned about the politicians derailing a free referendum at every conceivable opportunity? I guess some forms of government overreach are not equel to others.
Another way of looking at it is that you handed every card in your hand to the EU the moment you voted to leave. From that moment on the EU had the UK over a hard barrel where they had all the negotiating power due to their superior economic position, and your own negotiator's requirement to come out with a deal 'no matter what', or crash out with far more disastrous effects to the UK than for the EU. The EU for its part needs to make sure that while countries CAN leave voluntarily, it's never a fun ride to do so - so they have few incentives to grant you any leeway in negotiations. Basically your leaver politicians went about this whole thing in the most ham-handed way imaginable, because they knew that there would never be sufficient political support within parliament for what they wanted to do, and the only way they could get their way was to promise the public an amazing deal which was PURE FANTASY FROM THE BEGINNING. Needless to say you're now stuck chasing that fantasy in endless circles and harming your political system in the process. Some leavers just want out no matter what including a no deal crash, but the fact is a new referendum taken on those terms - which are entirely different from what was promised in the first referendum - would very likely fail.
BTW, you do realize that when you crash out from the EU in the end and come crawling hat in hand to the US for a trade deal, we're going to ride you hard and put you away wet, right? Might as well just put a big Trump logo on Buckingham Palace the day you leave. You'll have nowhere else to go and we're vastly bigger than you, which means that we'll dictate the terms of your trade with us however we wish. You'll be dreaming fondly about the days when you were part of a large open market and not a tiny economic slave to my country.
Stephan Bruno nope you’re keeping a right wing majority and when RBG dies which is only a matter of time Trump will elect a nice new right wing Supreme Court judge and there’s nothing you can do about it
It is refreshing to see what judiciary urgency and speed means. US has a lot to learn from UK it seems. This verdict was so fast and so to the point. Respect. Especially for defending democracy.
@happyhiker4805you would have to be a total idiot to listen to this judgement and come to that conclusion, you obviously read something in some biased newspaper and didn’t understand the judgement. Boris Johnson used executive powers to try and prevent parliament (which IS the people) from debating issues for 5 weeks, rather than the usual 4-6 days. The judges simply said this was unlawful, because it prevents the people (through parliament) having a voice. The Brexit referendum vote did not mean that all other parliamentary business should stop and start again weeks later, or that Boris Johnson and his cabinet could single-handedly decide the future of this country. Out of interest, how do you feel the Brexit and the country have done in the last 4 years under this government?
Okay, so yes, but in fairness they did say they didn't need to make a judgement on the reasons why he did it, just the effect that it had. I.e. proroguing parliament for 5 out of the 8 weeks parliament was sitting before Brexit day would naturally stop parliament from being able to legislate effectively.
I have a phobia about spiders and I was just going to comment 'The Witch and her Wardrobe's Spider have ruled..' And where is Harry Potter when he's needed? What about giving a bit of protection for the sake of Democracy? It's not the end for Brexit though.
@Aaron O'Neill But there was a vote to join in the 1970s and the people voted to join. I find it amusing how brexiteers complain about revoting for the right outcome, while in fact the actual referendum they 'won' was also a revote. Double standards anyone?
@Z R We have an uncodified Constitution which means we have every freedom until it is taken away by law through democratic means. This is the Constitution at work. I think if we managed Magna Carta we can manage a codified Constitution.
It is good to see that the Supreme Court is not in the pocket of the government and is indeed a separate and independent pillar of State. As it should be. To my mind, the court's ruling is quite simply translated as Boris did an ad hoc level of preparation and failed to justify his intentions fully for prorogation. Furthermore, he attempted to use the monarch in political manoeuvrings that were neither appropriate or constitutional. I suppose that this what we should expect from someone who simply wanted to be Prime Minister and not someone who wanted to do his best for the country. A lesson to us is that the most reluctant of MPs is probably the best person for the job.
blackpig52 you don't think a justice system can be corrupted? We all have our motives. Supreme court wants to make it harder for the government to uphold democracy... they've succeeded in doing that and you pathetic weak-willed soy beans want to remain within a to-be superstate? Maybe one day you will get what you wished for! But if you defy the people, they will not forgive. There is blood on someone's hands, you think this is it, but so help me, if Boris is blocked and cannot uphold the referendum, all that will become much, much less hazy, and the bloody pendulum will be swinging in your direction.
It is not exactly an independent pillar of state in the UK. Its entire authority arises from acts passed by Parliament and exercise in the name of the Queen. In the end, most formal authority derives from the Queen. The court can be abolished by Parliament if it so desires.
Orangutan, A ‘remoaner’? God how intelligent people stupidly think they are by parroting what is frankly a laughably childish label-decidedly un-British in your humour, dear man. I’m Australian, fyi-the Republic-voting type, not the Monarchy-pandering type. A complete outsider looking on and enjoying the show. Doesn’t this mean Boris lied to her Majesty! Shocking. Very un-British.
Orangutan, he just gave a shitload of taxes back to me, so he’s cool. Why should I pay for other people’s education and healthcare when I have private health insurance and my kids go to private school, right? So back to that second Brexit referendum...
It is only this fast when it has anything to do with remaining in the eu, anything to do with leaving takes forever and then corrupt judges will refuse the case to be heard.
Aethel Yfel The Bill Of Rights 1688/9 came before them and LAW is LAW they either do not know the LAW very well or they are corrupt and should be held accountable.
@@davidepps9134*"The Bill Of Rights 1688/9 came before them and LAW is LAW."* Quite right. Article 9 is unequivocal. But perhaps you could tell us how it is supposed to apply to something that never happened?
12:11 Lady Hale: 'Parliament has NOT been prorogued.' 11:0 votes! Not a single dissenting vote. How much more soundly can you make your point? There can be no doubt on whose side the law is. Sadly and to the detriment of us all there will be many people who are too close minded and will cry havoc come what may.
You're an idiot if you think unelected judges should be inferfering in the decisions of an elected government backed up by a democractic referendum, many brave men and women fought and died to defend democracy and you're happy it's now lost, you should be ashamed of your ignorant position.
Are there any working class Supreme Court Judges? No? Can I presume its 11 privileged remoaners obfuscating the will of the people then? No different to the bent politicians voting against their constituencies.
It is vital for a modern democratic society that we all accept the decisions of the highest court in the land. The alternatives are not pretty and risk undermining all our values including what you think is paramount.
@@granville7 That is not democracy, that is kritarchy. Judges should not be higher than parliament or the crown ... but today they are. Sad day for Britain.
David Ward - No. These judges are diverse. They weren’t ruling on if Brexit is cool or not. The case was about how do you hold the executive accountable when you have no parliament while in national crisis. A simple premise, is it proper to close parliament for an extended period without good reasoning. Apparently it isn’t lawful, it is unlawful. He didn’t break the law, he just created a new one by acting like a twot. That law had never been tested, no PM in the history of parliament had ever been that contemptuous of our democracy. He took ill advice and acted upon it. He closed parliament with his dodgy legal advice, lied to parliament, lied to the people (not for the 1st time) and lied to the Queen, no crimes. But he acted unlawful and it doesn’t make for a good resume for a future leader, or even a good choice to serve your party in an election. Looks like a dead man walking to me - I’ll give him till next Monday to pop his clogs.
Borris is doing it right as parliament especially the Labour Party are traitors and not doing anything to get brexit going through. They are stopping it and wasting time
Jeremy Corbyn just announced labours new policy position of minting a new world cup for every citizen. It will seize peoples second homes to fund this.
Its not! Its really bloody pointless and painful to be involved in. Boris is bad news indeed. As is most of the shit Trump bestows on the US people. In fact the similarities are blatent! These cold and calculating sub humans should be perminently ejected from power, for the sake of all that is good for us, the people who suffer their pathological lies.
@@summersevening I know The Royal Family are Rightwing kooks. #whitesupreamacist kingship. What are you going to do about it? Answer is Brexit . go to work. Lasy UK slackers.
ss ss the Supreme Court does not make law but merely interpret the law of parliament to decide whether something is against the legislation passed by parliament you moron :)
An impeccably thought out and written judgement - the full version, which Lady Hale recommends reading, is just as clear and brilliant. BTW the full judgement nails as a lie some of the desperate Boris spin from today - the court did NOT say that Boris hadn't lied to the Queen - they said they couldn't rule on this because the court was given no statement from him. Therefore it's just as valid to say that the Supreme Court didn't say that Boris had told the Queen the truth.
@Dave Davidson Heritage like in the Case of Proclamations (1610) where the famous line "The King hath no prerogative, but that which the law of the land allows him" came from? There, the courts ensured that the King could only make laws through Parliament. Substitute the King for the Govt (inheritors of the prerogative) and three centuries later in AG v De Keyser's (1920), the court prevented the Govt from trying to bypass Parliament. There are more examples of the courts intervening to protect Parliament from the Executive (govt) and vice versa. Checks and balances. Democracy. Safeguards. Again, stop spreading misinformation.
@Dave Davidson Sorry, I disagree. As Lady Hale made clear, this decision was NOT about Brexit, and NOT about the content of and motive behind Johnson's advice to the Queen. It was about the EFFECT of the prorogation, which the Supreme Court unanimously decided - 11-0 - was to unreasonably undermine Parliament, and therefore unreasonably undermine Parliamentary Sovereignty (the protection of which, acording to hard Brexiters, is what Brexit's mainly about !). All very straightforward and reasonable really.
It is a deliberate mis representation of S9 of the bill of rights to screw over brexit, this was politically driven and not legislature. The courts had absolutely no right to any of the decisions Boris made.
@@pg8835 Hi. Sorry, that's nonsense. The Supreme Court was simply protecting the power of Parliament, something that all democrats should celebrate. Boris Johnson's actions showed, I'm sorry to say, that he needed reminding that he's not a dictator. Brexit can of course still happen very soon, if a deal somehow emerges of which Parliament approves.
So basically there is now a new limit on the powers of prorogation as it is on the ability to call snap elections. The Prime Minister is now fully accountable to parliament.
@@paladinoestetica New limit meaning, a new precedent set by the supreme court. Prior there was no official ruling in the UK to that effect. Parliament did assert itself during Charles I reign, however it was only because that king needed to raise funding for his government via parliament. Parliament had the upper hand without the intervention of a court.
Are the Republican's in the US watching this video and self-schooling as to how proper government works? There is still hope so long as such minds hold such sway.
@NewtNukem An advisory referendum that produced no mandate was not a "vote on brexit". Treason is trying to illegally lock parliament out of their sovereign decision to vote on it.
Jubsy Saddinger, Please allow yourself to judge people based on their action and not what they say they do. Could it be your moral compass is at odds with what you have been told you wanted? The frustration and anger I read in your response suggest it is not your compass that is at fault but instead the propaganda you have been systematically fed. Hang in there and I hope you soon find peace.
@@emmanuelcharlot1695 You should always question and scrutinise, regardless of their position or profession, even a supreme court judge, what ever side your on. Your comment is idiotic.
@SpiritedAway, I urge you to celebrate the privilege of living in a country where the rule of law still stands firm. It is regrettably still a privilege on this world. You would not have to travel too far to get an immediate sense of how blessed you are to live in this country. Less of the bitter Spirited self and more of the inquisitive stow Away! Peace!
The court has spoken! Even without a written constitution, British Supreme Court was still able to get the unwind the country out of a constitutional crisis. The US has a lot to learn. Very impressive indeed!
@NewtNukem Or MAYBE Brexit is gonna harm the UK in a big way and they're looking out for the interests of the people? Why are you more inclined to believe conspiracy theories than facts and supreme court justices who go into detail about WHY and HOW this particular prorogation of parliament was unlawful?????
@@ormrvoid3231 If you'd paid attention during the referendum, Brexit was known to be a huge undertaking, estimated to take 7 years of work by unbiased independent experts. Hence why triggering article 50 early was such a big mistake for negotiations which is less the fault of the opposition getting in the way of Brexit than it was the tory government's inability to make the bloody thing work. remember theresa may made a deal (which was a compromise) that got us out of the EU but did not have detail or clarity on huge issues like the introduction of a border wall in ireland and having to adopt a lot of EU laws to access the free market (which is economically the best option to have as it is less harmful to the planet than importing/exporting more goods to the otherside of the planet, is hugely lucrative and already intertwined with UK Businesses) but not being allowed to contest these laws like when we actually were in the EU (a half in half out strategy that didn't appeal to the brexiters OR the remainers) losing in the greatest defeat in parliamentary history. You were told that brexit would be easy, but still haven't realised that you were lied to and brexit is inherently a cluster f designed to divide public opinion and give power to the machievellian right-wing of british politics.
@NewtNukem that escalated quickly. Calm down mate, no need to rape anyone remember you still have morals and a conscience to listen to. I do understand what you're saying, after the results of the referendum I was cool to let it happen as I was cautiously optimistic about the result, but can you not see that it's been a mess without anyone from the opposition having to even do anything? the leave campaign said "the deal would be the easiest, we'd have countries queued up around the corner to make trade deals" and it's been proven to all be untrue. businesses are struggling, the pound is crumbling, all because of the uncertainty caused by the government being unable to come up with a solid plan. People certainly didn't vote for no deal either btw, I think a further referendum with more options can clear the impasse and give the government direction to move in, but there's too many of you brexiteers who refuse to have it because you think you'll lose and it'll be seen as undemocratic! despite another vote being the embodiment of democracy. especially when the parliamentary system is breaking down as it is.
@@sumorabbit2160 You got a little over half the votes with the argument of returning sovereignty to the UK government. You're now complaining about what the UK government is doing within their legal sovereignty. Suffer.
@@rationalroundhead6739 Riiiight! so you think parliamentary sovereignty means ignoring the people and holding parliament in a deadlock while they throw their dummies out of the pram because they didn't get their own way??
@@sumorabbit2160 No, I think dressing up a no deal Brexit as being the "will of the people" and pretending that anyone who doesn't support that one course of action is a corrupt national traitor who doesn't deserve to have their legal authority respected is pure demagoguery and should be treated as such whenever it's encountered.
The answer is that two courts - the Court of Sessions in Scotland and now the Supreme Court in London agree that the prorogation of Parliament was not legitimate. That means that Parliament may well be recalled by the end of this week. (Though Monday is the more likely outcome of that. ) There's no sense of triumphalism for me! In many senses we are still on a precarious river. Some depth left but the shallows are nearby. We are in danger of running aground.
I was a bit off with estimating next Monday. Apparently this Wednesday as I had originally suspected. However. It won't mean that Brexit is on the cards because of a more urgent debate that will have to come first. The National Emergency declaration of the environmental problem with regard to the British Isles. That's now the more urgent debate to be had. And Parliament will have to deal with that first. Brexit will have to wait. If you Brexiteers cry out " Foul, most foul!" To that! Bear in mind this fact. Michael Gove issued it! And any National Emergency declaration has to be debated first. And look at it this way. Bremainers are likely to dislike it too. But that's the case of that as it holds.
I am quite unsure of why people disliked this video; there is no real commentary to the "news" presented. Baroness Hale just delivered an opinion of a court of ultimate appellate jurisdiction.
but at the end of the day it is just an opinion, Boris broke no law, this was just a spin on S9 of the bill of rights, and that is it, realistically speaking it should still be prougued. But as we have seen , the Head Speaker is well and truly in the pocket of the Remain camp, the whole thing is a complete and utter Stitch up of our Democracy, If we do not leave on OCt 31st on WTO then we are officially under communist dictatorship from a foreign power and we fought 2 world wars for nothing.
@@pg8835 A Court's Opinion is synonymous with a Court's Ruling on a case. The Supreme Court did not go into session for the production of abstract thought. Accusing the Speaker of the House of Commons to be biased is absurd, Bercow has be nothing but impartial throughout BREXIT proceedings, and the fact that BREXITeers do not enjoy his decisions on some matters does not point at his objectivity but mostly at their knowledge of parliamentary procedure. Parliament should not be prorogued as the Speaker announced today, the matter of justiciability of the Supreme Court's capacity to produce an opinion was just affirmed, and as of tomorrow Parliamentary Business will be resumed and MPs will resume their legislative duties which they had been barred from exercising. If you are referring to Article 9 of the Bill of Rights I can assure you that this is no spin thereof. As seen in a MULTITUDE of cases (Pepper v Hart is a common, relatively modern example) Article 9 does not provide for full immunity from the Courts, that would be even more ridiculous than your comment about Bercow. You are confusing parliamentary privilege with the substantial constitutional question that lied before the Supreme Court. A question which was, in its entirety, answered here.
"When a prime minister is found to have acted unlawfully and undemocratically, I don’t see how that person thinks that he can legitimately continue in office."
@David Ward His actions were unlawful, but he has not strictly broken the law, because there was no prior ruling to define the 'law' in this respect. The Supreme Court has reaffirmed that Parliament (not the people) appoint and control the government, and that the government has no authority over Parliament. The people elect the MP’s in Parliament, and Parliament acts to the best of its judgement on behalf of the people. When no party has a working majority, any government will depend on - and must seek - cross-party consensus. If the people are unhappy about the actions of the government or Parliament they can make their dissatisfaction known to the MP, and they can elect a new parliament in a GE.
For someone I'd never heard of, I think she's great! Her presentation --- no ego!!!! I intend to listen to this lovely reading whenever I feel hung up: That's Hung Up, not Strung Up.... no further comment 🙏🏼🌹🙏🏽
@@ciaranocallaghan5113 One thing a do know, that's clearly a White Widow spider Brooch, (google images: White Widow Spider) and she is dressed in BLACK (death). I white widow spider injects a highly toxic venom into its unfortunate victim, first paralysing it, before death ensues quite soon after. The very striking brooch is a subliminal, coded warning message, from a highly intelligent women to Boris Johnson, and any actions he might be tempted to take in the future....
@@Edmund-King Sounds powerful imagery but I still did not hear anything concerning the enforcement of the judgement. Who's going to jail? What's the fine? Sounds like wind on the meadow and we are the lovely blades of grass and odorant colourful flowers waving under the breeze, making us forget that the land mowers are coming and that we are the product.
actually Abhishek no even that. Listen carefully and don't be fooled by the accent. The average person walking on the street will tell you of their day that "I was sat on a chair" and most of them do not render h's silent when they need to be which is normally when they are pronouncing the name of the letter. H is pronouncesd _ Heich.... trust they no longer have that command.
@@cgkty5315 The phrase is that a person 'has command of the language' not that the language itself commands anything. It simply means that the person is able to use the language to a high standard and although commonly used as an English phrase, it could apply to the skillful person using any language.
3:18 "This judgement is the unanimous judgement of all eleven justices ..." Full case details via Supreme Court: www.supremecourt.uk/cases/uksc-2019-0192.html Summary (PDF): www.supremecourt.uk/cases/docs/uksc-2019-0192-summary.pdf Judgement (PDF): www.supremecourt.uk/cases/docs/uksc-2019-0192-judgment.pdf
One wonders if it wouldn't be more efficient to have some constitutional mechanism for the Queen to refer suspect advice from a PM to the Supreme Court before having to act on it.
Democracy restored by unelected judges over ruling an elected government with a referendum mandate from the people? You must be a pretty thick brainwashed remainer to spout such crap.
"And a 3rd and 4th and 5th untill i get what i want" yes! Lets also get another vote on elections if labour gets in too. If liverpool lost a football match can they have a second try and count that as official result, the vote has been cast and nothing is going to undo it. If they cancel brexit then the goverment would have ignored the democratic will of the people, yes its a small margine of a majority but everyone got a chance to vote, i would bet if it was 48%leave and 52% remain there would be less of an uproar on the result but we will not find out if im right or wrong. No turning the clocks back, respect the result.
@@320speed who didn't know what they where voting for. The remainers? The people who voted for tony blair, surely not the people who voted leave. Thats a poor argument saying the opposition didnt know what they where voting for. What about remainers not knowing what they where voting for meaning it should have been a 60%+ leave result e.t.c.
This ruling achieves nothing besides setting up the foundations of a constitutional crises down the road, Parliament will still be suspended. Why do you approve of pointless constitutional crises caused by judges attempting to push their personal agenda in defiance of the will of the people?
SO WHAT ABOUT THE LAW BROKE WHEN WE WERE OUT OF THE EU ON THE 29TH MARCH DO NOT HEAR ANYONE ON ABOUT THAT IT WORKS BOTH WAY >>>we should not be having this bs the people had a democratic vote and voted out end of>>shows how its one sided
The US constitution is based on the Magna Carta. Most modern constitutions are. Its why innocent until proven guilty and the right to a fair trial are fundamentals of every western nation ... it was wriiten in the Magna Carta first.
Well what a surprise! Lots of London based judges all voted against a PM who is trying to uphold the referendum result. Well who would have guessed that...
@@_Churchy he lied to the queen, please do tell what lie, because they said they could not prove it but if you have evidence please can you let me know?
@@sonofsomerset1695 Only a fool would argue that a completely independent organ to control the government is not necessary, as literally every democracy has such a court
@@somerandomnon-importantper3219 So you are suggesting that we need a tiny group of unelected civilians to overrule the people who we elect? Thats exactly why we are leaving the EU. What kind of dystopian future are you wishing for?
@@somerandomnon-importantper3219 you do realise 3 of the last 5 PMs for the uk were not elected by the people. There is no democracy in the uk only the illusion of it.
This is democracy in its full glory in the UK. The people ask for brexit, the Parliament goes for what they wish. I mean what fills their pockets from back hand and corrupt law passing.
They're doing everything in their power to end up dead in their own beds at this rate with more than 2/3 of the nation ready to stand up and do a better job. Heck, a cat could run the government better.
Uhm, how? There is precedent of new governments asking for prorogation and precedent for using prorogation to push through bills. The unelected court and remainer parliament have conspired against the British people and government with a foreign power that wishes to rule over us....
@@blazednlovinit Again, it is kind of like you people are unable to read strategy. The principle was about having someone with unfettered power in these circumstances not about brexit. In theory it can make Brexit more likely (by forcing Boris into a pact with farage) and not less. IT literally takes a 'remoaner' like me to point this out...does that not worry you? That someone who is completely opposed to you has to tell you that it could work out for your side? That would worry me deeply, especially about about the kinds of judgements being made and conclusions being drawn.
@@cgillespie8010 Sweet ;) The other thing that is good to come out of this, is the fact that Boris cannot now re present May's WA as the Parliament session where it was voted against is still the same session!
@@allycollyer3961 my concern would be that it doesnt preclude him actually proroguing for a reasonable time period. As far as I've heard anyone say this was very conditional, so it doesnt mean he couldn't do it for a reasonable timescale which I would say wouldn't fit the ruling so he could bring it back. Unfortunately for everyone, on every side, it is still very potentially unpredictable. - e.g., having a few weeks more (due to the ruling) before that date would uncut the argument that parliament couldn't scrutinise in other words
@@jshin0274 The EU is not a foreign power to you? It is a domestic institution I suppose? Never mind that you have to flash your passport to go see the rest of it xD
A huge thanks you to those 11 judges that put parliament right back in place to act like silly little children. You are a disgrace to our people and are causing anxiety country wide. You don’t care so long as you get your fat wage packets for keeping us in indecision.
Great ending for Brexit Season 3
Winston Footlong
Your comment is very silly.
Great ending for overturning results of referenda you dont like
Feels more like the end of the 4th season.
Season 1 finale brexit is voted on, Cameron resigns
Season 2 finale general election of 2017, setback for theresa May,
Season 3 parliament votes against all deals, theresa May fights for survival with no confidence vote.
Season 4 shock episodes as May resigns and Boris Johnson rises to power only to lose a long battle of procuring parliament.
Have to say that season 4 is the most gripping one yet.
Lol it's brexiteers that repeat the same bullshit lines like 'project fear' when they need an excuse to ignore empirical evidence
Criminally overlooked at the Emmys.
Supreme Court: *makes important decision*
The internet: "SPIDER BROOCH!"
History essays in the future:
Discuss Brexit. (100 marks)
In the future? Just last semester, I had to write two 2500 words essays on Brexit and it’s legal implications.
History essay in future, How did democracy die in Britain?
Oh goodness! I feel sorry for my 4 year old! Actually I feel sorry for myself as he will be asking me questions in 12 years time when he is doing his GCSE’s!!!
@@EIizabethGrace how'd you find it?
@@BonnieSumo100 democracy only works when the majority actually know what there doing.
Wow! TLDR sure pick a hell of a day to go on vacation
Right ! 😂
Don't be surprised if he puts out some kind of emergency video
Yes, quite!
This is the greatest comment ever.
Yes! I'm a bit loathed to get my Brexit news from anywhere else these days haha
Boris can't be back for Prime Ministers questions, he travelled with Thomas Cook.
And there's the funny comment. It's taking longer and longer to find them.
StephenFiorentini stop being naughty 😂😂😂😂😂
paul 2019 lolll
Unanimous decision of all eleven justices. Wow.
@Dave Davidson i may be wrong, but i believe its custom for supreme court justices to abstain from voting as they must try to be politically neutral
@Dave Davidson I doubt supreme judges are stupid enough to let their own opinions conflict with their job when reviewing the constitutional legitimacy of prolonging parilement in such a manor and they ruled against Boris to limit the power of one man to protect the country from conflict of interest 😂 😂😂
i'm sure they can now retire to their holiday homes in the south of france
@@Drobium77 Yep homes they own because they are much more successful then you could ever dream to be :)
@@Honking_Goose I don't want to be 'successful' , I have acheived everything I ever wanted to. so, your point is not valid matey
Lady Hale made an interesting choice of brooch to wear on this occasion
Oh what a tangled web we weave when first we practice to deceive. Perhaps she's implying that.
Seriously. All you could come up with was a Brooch. Liberal ponces make me want to vomit.
U mad, bro?
There are tee shirts now available with the brooch design in same place
Bercow is gonna ODDAAA ODDDAAA more in his last few weeks than he did in his entire career...
Perhaps now the courts are getting involved in politics we can start taking people like Bercow to court for ignoring the referendum result.
ancietman - what you are doing there is confusing the law with talking bollocks.
"Ordah. Ordah. Ordah. Take up yoga. Medicament. Junior minister. Flying Flamingo. Ordah. Ordah. Ordah."
I tried lemon sorbet today and it was quite nice
Callum a strawberry sorbet is always good, would highly recommend it for your next frozen snack
I will challenge you in the highest court of this land your right to try lemon sorbet.
Try a mango sorbet, they r sublime
What Haleem Kahn said, mangos a banger
@RED yep
Very well written.
Concise, simple language : a master-class in writing.
(I wonder who penned it)
Juan carlos your king
It certainly is. Such empowerment, when exercised correctly, can serve as a masterclass in law and civility, something that many western leaders are sorely lacking.
Lady Hale and Lord Reed wrote the judgment.
It must have been diane abbott, none else could have articulated them selfs in such a way
@Bilal Khalid You're a joke. So is Boris.
In usa you have spiderman, in UK you have spiderlady.
She looks like aunt May :)
Spiderman doesn't exist, Spiderlady does.
in Russia spider wears lady pin
@@pinkiesue849 haahahaha
Its lady spider III in britain get it right
Constitutional law students 😭 your coursework is on prerogative powers and rule of law
How does this relate with rule of law?
@@harryrushton5270 All of us are equal before the law. Even the government.
I could see teachers using this as an A* example of an essay on our government.
Then England is doomed then.
You might as well turn into North Korea then you idiot
@@MrAckers75 The problem with North Korea is precisely that they do NOT have courts that can squash the overreach of government, as the UK Supreme Court just did. That lack of counterweight is what allows a dictator like Kim to rule by fiat and whim.
@@Jesse_359 Yet you're not concerned about the politicians derailing a free referendum at every conceivable opportunity?
I guess some forms of government overreach are not equel to others.
Another way of looking at it is that you handed every card in your hand to the EU the moment you voted to leave. From that moment on the EU had the UK over a hard barrel where they had all the negotiating power due to their superior economic position, and your own negotiator's requirement to come out with a deal 'no matter what', or crash out with far more disastrous effects to the UK than for the EU. The EU for its part needs to make sure that while countries CAN leave voluntarily, it's never a fun ride to do so - so they have few incentives to grant you any leeway in negotiations.
Basically your leaver politicians went about this whole thing in the most ham-handed way imaginable, because they knew that there would never be sufficient political support within parliament for what they wanted to do, and the only way they could get their way was to promise the public an amazing deal which was PURE FANTASY FROM THE BEGINNING.
Needless to say you're now stuck chasing that fantasy in endless circles and harming your political system in the process. Some leavers just want out no matter what including a no deal crash, but the fact is a new referendum taken on those terms - which are entirely different from what was promised in the first referendum - would very likely fail.
BTW, you do realize that when you crash out from the EU in the end and come crawling hat in hand to the US for a trade deal, we're going to ride you hard and put you away wet, right? Might as well just put a big Trump logo on Buckingham Palace the day you leave.
You'll have nowhere else to go and we're vastly bigger than you, which means that we'll dictate the terms of your trade with us however we wish. You'll be dreaming fondly about the days when you were part of a large open market and not a tiny economic slave to my country.
She reminds me of professor Mcgonagul from harry potter
Stefan Granderson same
Or Madam Web from the Spider Man series!
I concur
If I had 10% of her legal brains I’ll be rich!
Read a different book
Wow, she's a great orator. So much calm vocal clarity.
Tanith Rosenbaum shame he’s talking bollocks.
@@CynicalScientist261 cretin
@@CynicalScientist261 shame you can’t tell her gender 🤔🙄
Well She is a Justice , and she is British
Can we get her on the US Supreme court?
agreed. but at her age "rent, don't buy".
Stephan Bruno nope you’re keeping a right wing majority and when RBG dies which is only a matter of time Trump will elect a nice new right wing Supreme Court judge and there’s nothing you can do about it
Stephan Bruno why?
We have Ruth. We don’t need her
No she's not a frat house party boy
did the supreme court just destroy boris johnson's career????
Nah, he dies not have a career
Mohd Mohtashim this country needs a civil war
No, his ego did that the second he ran for PM. All those years of grifting blown in a single attempt to avoid democracy.
@@zxcbbnm7552 No it does not... you have no idea of what you are talking about.
Mohd Mohtashim you have no idea that your prophet was a paedofile and allah is gay but here we are
It is refreshing to see what judiciary urgency and speed means. US has a lot to learn from UK it seems. This verdict was so fast and so to the point. Respect. Especially for defending democracy.
The only reason this was so fast is because they’re biased, as with most upper class slobs.
@happyhiker4805you would have to be a total idiot to listen to this judgement and come to that conclusion, you obviously read something in some biased newspaper and didn’t understand the judgement.
Boris Johnson used executive powers to try and prevent parliament (which IS the people) from debating issues for 5 weeks, rather than the usual 4-6 days. The judges simply said this was unlawful, because it prevents the people (through parliament) having a voice.
The Brexit referendum vote did not mean that all other parliamentary business should stop and start again weeks later, or that Boris Johnson and his cabinet could single-handedly decide the future of this country.
Out of interest, how do you feel the Brexit and the country have done in the last 4 years under this government?
So he DID lie to the queen.
Okay, so yes, but in fairness they did say they didn't need to make a judgement on the reasons why he did it, just the effect that it had.
I.e. proroguing parliament for 5 out of the 8 weeks parliament was sitting before Brexit day would naturally stop parliament from being able to legislate effectively.
He misled the Queen as well as the country. Sure he would do very well in his Turkish ancestral home.
Is it true BJ has a phobia about Spiders? cos after this ruling he will.
"Weaving spiders come not here"
@Ann-Marie Paliukenas Miller is called the 'Black Widow' and I had not seen the brooch and thought you were referring to Miller.
I have a phobia about spiders and I was just going to comment 'The Witch and her Wardrobe's Spider have ruled..' And where is Harry Potter when he's needed? What about giving a bit of protection for the sake of Democracy? It's not the end for Brexit though.
These are alien spiders that sit on the shoulder discretely and control their host. Well, maybe not that discreetly.
That's what you call a Supreme Smackdown. That's what an independent judiciary is supposed to do when the executive has violated the law.
@Aaron O'Neill But there was a vote to join in the 1970s and the people voted to join. I find it amusing how brexiteers complain about revoting for the right outcome, while in fact the actual referendum they 'won' was also a revote. Double standards anyone?
I'm in the US. Our Justices on the court serve life terms giving them as much independence as possible.
Aaron O'Neill while I do not wish that the US would have a monarchy, I do wish that our debates were as vivacious as The UK house of commons.
This is a f'ing landmark world changing case. The monarch and PM just got checked.
It may be as powerful as marbury v. Madison.
Love her brooch.
Sumanth K S how is he screwed 😂 Trudeau is screwed more like
It's a killer 🤭
@Orangutan For some reason, Trudeau is not screwed, but he’s openly accepted and popular in Québec even after the scandals.
Josh Daws It absolutely sums up this corrupt decision. The elites win again.
So do her EU pay masters. It lets them know she's working in their interests.
Spectacular British law at work, referencing rulings which happened 500 years ago.
Yes, we are an old civilisation with consistency.
@Z R We have an uncodified Constitution which means we have every freedom until it is taken away by law through democratic means. This is the Constitution at work. I think if we managed Magna Carta we can manage a codified Constitution.
@@compendioussuccient6784judicial precedence is much more preferable to blind faith in a constitution that is contemporaneous.
It is good to see that the Supreme Court is not in the pocket of the government and is indeed a separate and independent pillar of State. As it should be.
To my mind, the court's ruling is quite simply translated as Boris did an ad hoc level of preparation and failed to justify his intentions fully for prorogation. Furthermore, he attempted to use the monarch in political manoeuvrings that were neither appropriate or constitutional. I suppose that this what we should expect from someone who simply wanted to be Prime Minister and not someone who wanted to do his best for the country. A lesson to us is that the most reluctant of MPs is probably the best person for the job.
not in the pocket of the government, of course not! In the pocket of the EU. They all are
@@Wilantonjakov butthurt gammon!
Parliament is sovereign,not the PM ,not the EU and certainly not you cry baby leavers
blackpig52 you don't think a justice system can be corrupted? We all have our motives. Supreme court wants to make it harder for the government to uphold democracy... they've succeeded in doing that and you pathetic weak-willed soy beans want to remain within a to-be superstate? Maybe one day you will get what you wished for! But if you defy the people, they will not forgive. There is blood on someone's hands, you think this is it, but so help me, if Boris is blocked and cannot uphold the referendum, all that will become much, much less hazy, and the bloody pendulum will be swinging in your direction.
blackpig52 hah! And do motive-less robots run parliament?
It is not exactly an independent pillar of state in the UK. Its entire authority arises from acts passed by Parliament and exercise in the name of the Queen. In the end, most formal authority derives from the Queen. The court can be abolished by Parliament if it so desires.
This is like the greatest bed time story of all time.
Brilliant, bloody brilliant. You Brits still can entertain.
Anon die remoaner vermin
Orangutan, A ‘remoaner’? God how intelligent people stupidly think they are by parroting what is frankly a laughably childish label-decidedly un-British in your humour, dear man. I’m Australian, fyi-the Republic-voting type, not the Monarchy-pandering type. A complete outsider looking on and enjoying the show. Doesn’t this mean Boris lied to her Majesty! Shocking. Very un-British.
@@zxcbbnm7552 i love it when idiots highlight themselves to the rest of us
Anon you have a right wing prime minister, that must hurt so much 😂😂 did I mention he’s friends with Trump
Orangutan, he just gave a shitload of taxes back to me, so he’s cool. Why should I pay for other people’s education and healthcare when I have private health insurance and my kids go to private school, right? So back to that second Brexit referendum...
If only supreme Court decisions were this fast in the United States....
Oh they'd find a way if the elites wanted to stop something quick.
It is only this fast when it has anything to do with remaining in the eu, anything to do with leaving takes forever and then corrupt judges will refuse the case to be heard.
The system is meant to be inefficient in the United States. It ensures government never gets to powerful or does things in haste.
Aethel Yfel The Bill Of Rights 1688/9 came before them and LAW is LAW they either do not know the LAW very well or they are corrupt and should be held accountable.
@@davidepps9134*"The Bill Of Rights 1688/9 came before them and LAW is LAW."* Quite right. Article 9 is unequivocal. But perhaps you could tell us how it is supposed to apply to something that never happened?
12:11 Lady Hale: 'Parliament has NOT been prorogued.' 11:0 votes! Not a single dissenting vote. How much more soundly can you make your point? There can be no doubt on whose side the law is. Sadly and to the detriment of us all there will be many people who are too close minded and will cry havoc come what may.
11 is so impressive, not as impressive as 17,000,000, however.
You're an idiot if you think unelected judges should be inferfering in the decisions of an elected government backed up by a democractic referendum, many brave men and women fought and died to defend democracy and you're happy it's now lost, you should be ashamed of your ignorant position.
Are there any working class Supreme Court Judges? No? Can I presume its 11 privileged remoaners obfuscating the will of the people then? No different to the bent politicians voting against their constituencies.
It is vital for a modern democratic society that we all accept the decisions of the highest court in the land. The alternatives are not pretty and risk undermining all our values including what you think is paramount.
@@granville7 That is not democracy, that is kritarchy. Judges should not be higher than parliament or the crown ... but today they are. Sad day for Britain.
This is how checks and balances is supposed to work
When it feels wrong it is wrong - a timely reminder to politicians that they are not above the law of the land!
David Ward - No. These judges are diverse. They weren’t ruling on if Brexit is cool or not. The case was about how do you hold the executive accountable when you have no parliament while in national crisis. A simple premise, is it proper to close parliament for an extended period without good reasoning. Apparently it isn’t lawful, it is unlawful. He didn’t break the law, he just created a new one by acting like a twot. That law had never been tested, no PM in the history of parliament had ever been that contemptuous of our democracy. He took ill advice and acted upon it. He closed parliament with his dodgy legal advice, lied to parliament, lied to the people (not for the 1st time) and lied to the Queen, no crimes. But he acted unlawful and it doesn’t make for a good resume for a future leader, or even a good choice to serve your party in an election. Looks like a dead man walking to me - I’ll give him till next Monday to pop his clogs.
Borris is doing it right as parliament especially the Labour Party are traitors and not doing anything to get brexit going through. They are stopping it and wasting time
I feel as if the UK has just won the World Cup!
It probably would if we had a UK-wide team lol
The supreme court just told the world that the UK is not another shit hole country
It's coming home!
Jeremy Corbyn just announced labours new policy position of minting a new world cup for every citizen. It will seize peoples second homes to fund this.
Lol, Brits. They can't go a full sentence without exposing their hatred for curry.
10:04 the final rule.
Brexit is better than Netflix series! 🍿🥤
Alessandro Comparoni BRETFLIX
Nothing beats GoT.
Not if you’re one of us forced to live through this right wing coup. Heartbreaking.
Its not! Its really bloody pointless and painful to be involved in. Boris is bad news indeed. As is most of the shit Trump bestows on the US people. In fact the similarities are blatent! These cold and calculating sub humans should be perminently ejected from power, for the sake of all that is good for us, the people who suffer their pathological lies.
@@summersevening I know The Royal Family are Rightwing kooks. #whitesupreamacist kingship. What are you going to do about it? Answer is Brexit . go to work. Lasy UK slackers.
Guess the British system is not all crazy. There are checks and balances.
You haven't got a clue - they literally made up the law on the spot to make it unlawful. Without hearing any solid evidence.
@@ssss-df5qz They did not make up any law. Try and learn the difference between unlawful and illegal.
ss ss the Supreme Court does not make law but merely interpret the law of parliament to decide whether something is against the legislation passed by parliament you moron :)
An impeccably thought out and written judgement - the full version, which Lady Hale recommends reading, is just as clear and brilliant.
BTW the full judgement nails as a lie some of the desperate Boris spin from today - the court did NOT say that Boris hadn't lied to the Queen - they said they couldn't rule on this because the court was given no statement from him. Therefore it's just as valid to say that the Supreme Court didn't say that Boris had told the Queen the truth.
It's not unconstitutional. It is safeguards.
@Dave Davidson Heritage like in the Case of Proclamations (1610) where the famous line "The King hath no prerogative, but that which the law of the land allows him" came from? There, the courts ensured that the King could only make laws through Parliament.
Substitute the King for the Govt (inheritors of the prerogative) and three centuries later in AG v De Keyser's (1920), the court prevented the Govt from trying to bypass Parliament.
There are more examples of the courts intervening to protect Parliament from the Executive (govt) and vice versa. Checks and balances. Democracy. Safeguards.
Again, stop spreading misinformation.
@Dave Davidson Sorry, I disagree.
As Lady Hale made clear, this decision was NOT about Brexit, and NOT about the content of and motive behind Johnson's advice to the Queen.
It was about the EFFECT of the prorogation, which the Supreme Court unanimously decided - 11-0 - was to unreasonably undermine Parliament, and therefore unreasonably undermine Parliamentary Sovereignty (the protection of which, acording to hard Brexiters, is what Brexit's mainly about !).
All very straightforward and reasonable really.
It is a deliberate mis representation of S9 of the bill of rights to screw over brexit, this was politically driven and not legislature. The courts had absolutely no right to any of the decisions Boris made.
@@pg8835 Hi. Sorry, that's nonsense.
The Supreme Court was simply protecting the power of Parliament, something that all democrats should celebrate.
Boris Johnson's actions showed, I'm sorry to say, that he needed reminding that he's not a dictator.
Brexit can of course still happen very soon, if a deal somehow emerges of which Parliament approves.
Lady Hale has my heart always.
So basically there is now a new limit on the powers of prorogation as it is on the ability to call snap elections. The Prime Minister is now fully accountable to parliament.
It's not a New limit. King Charles couldn't porogue parliament neither can Boris
@@paladinoestetica New limit meaning, a new precedent set by the supreme court. Prior there was no official ruling in the UK to that effect. Parliament did assert itself during Charles I reign, however it was only because that king needed to raise funding for his government via parliament. Parliament had the upper hand without the intervention of a court.
KUDOS UK Supreme Court 👍
Only an idiot would be happy that unelected judges are overuling an elected Government.
Another foreigner happy that more than likely the EU and the EU citizens can carry on stealing our money.
@@sonofsomerset1695 the government is NOT elected you utterly clueless buffoon!
@@keithhiggins2237 you dont have any money to steal you toothless feckless peasant!
Fantastic ruling that also took us down the memory lane.
This is what happens where the rule of law is alive.
Kudos to the 11 justices.
Are the Republican's in the US watching this video and self-schooling as to how proper government works? There is still hope so long as such minds hold such sway.
Trump 2020.
Except the separation of powers which holds it together has been broken.
@NewtNukem An advisory referendum that produced no mandate was not a "vote on brexit". Treason is trying to illegally lock parliament out of their sovereign decision to vote on it.
Robert Alker You have a great sense of humor. 🇺🇸
Brexit Season 3 is quite entertaining so far.
rumour has it that someone important dies in season 5
Kasey Washington The script writers deserve an Emmy!!
I always ask my dates if they want to brexit-and-chill back at my place, works every time.
This meme needs to stop these are real people and brexit will hurt a great deal of people rich and poor.
@@Mageroeth If we can't joke about this I think we'll all go crazy...
She's just chilling with her spider friend
The brave and rare individuals who fight to protect the rule of law have their intentions questioned. What a strange world we live in...
@Jubsy Saddinger A perfect description of Boris Johnson.
Jubsy Saddinger, Please allow yourself to judge people based on their action and not what they say they do. Could it be your moral compass is at odds with what you have been told you wanted? The frustration and anger I read in your response suggest it is not your compass that is at fault but instead the propaganda you have been systematically fed. Hang in there and I hope you soon find peace.
@@emmanuelcharlot1695 You should always question and scrutinise, regardless of their position or profession, even a supreme court judge, what ever side your on. Your comment is idiotic.
@SpiritedAway, I urge you to celebrate the privilege of living in a country where the rule of law still stands firm. It is regrettably still a privilege on this world. You would not have to travel too far to get an immediate sense of how blessed you are to live in this country. Less of the bitter Spirited self and more of the inquisitive stow Away! Peace!
I like the judge's spider brooch. That's bad-ass.
your a fuckin ass
it's very distracting and provokes other negative innate responses
@@georgechristie9464 Wow. You're such a pathetic loser.
@Protestant That's awesome. And I thought Game of Thrones was over.
Lol you can't say anything here without being mindlessly insulted.
The court has spoken! Even without a written constitution, British Supreme Court was still able to get the unwind the country out of a constitutional crisis. The US has a lot to learn. Very impressive indeed!
Wow, a real country with real check and balances ... oh, to live in a REAL country that holds their leaders accountable ... whatta dream ...
Right so are you referring to those same checks and balances that have dragged this Brexit well beyond its 2 year mark and continue to do so?
What country are you implying that doesn't hold their leaders accountable?
@NewtNukem Or MAYBE Brexit is gonna harm the UK in a big way and they're looking out for the interests of the people? Why are you more inclined to believe conspiracy theories than facts and supreme court justices who go into detail about WHY and HOW this particular prorogation of parliament was unlawful?????
@@ormrvoid3231 If you'd paid attention during the referendum, Brexit was known to be a huge undertaking, estimated to take 7 years of work by unbiased independent experts. Hence why triggering article 50 early was such a big mistake for negotiations which is less the fault of the opposition getting in the way of Brexit than it was the tory government's inability to make the bloody thing work. remember theresa may made a deal (which was a compromise) that got us out of the EU but did not have detail or clarity on huge issues like the introduction of a border wall in ireland and having to adopt a lot of EU laws to access the free market (which is economically the best option to have as it is less harmful to the planet than importing/exporting more goods to the otherside of the planet, is hugely lucrative and already intertwined with UK Businesses) but not being allowed to contest these laws like when we actually were in the EU (a half in half out strategy that didn't appeal to the brexiters OR the remainers) losing in the greatest defeat in parliamentary history. You were told that brexit would be easy, but still haven't realised that you were lied to and brexit is inherently a cluster f designed to divide public opinion and give power to the machievellian right-wing of british politics.
@NewtNukem that escalated quickly. Calm down mate, no need to rape anyone remember you still have morals and a conscience to listen to.
I do understand what you're saying, after the results of the referendum I was cool to let it happen as I was cautiously optimistic about the result, but can you not see that it's been a mess without anyone from the opposition having to even do anything? the leave campaign said "the deal would be the easiest, we'd have countries queued up around the corner to make trade deals" and it's been proven to all be untrue. businesses are struggling, the pound is crumbling, all because of the uncertainty caused by the government being unable to come up with a solid plan.
People certainly didn't vote for no deal either btw, I think a further referendum with more options can clear the impasse and give the government direction to move in, but there's too many of you brexiteers who refuse to have it because you think you'll lose and it'll be seen as undemocratic! despite another vote being the embodiment of democracy. especially when the parliamentary system is breaking down as it is.
This is what it looks like when a democracy withstands an attack upon it.
EU: So UK, are you leaving the EU
UK: Well yes, but actually no.
UK: Yes
UK MP's: No!
Sumo Rabbit they don’t know, nobody knows!!
@@sumorabbit2160 You got a little over half the votes with the argument of returning sovereignty to the UK government.
You're now complaining about what the UK government is doing within their legal sovereignty.
@@rationalroundhead6739 Riiiight! so you think parliamentary sovereignty means ignoring the people and holding parliament in a deadlock while they throw their dummies out of the pram because they didn't get their own way??
@@sumorabbit2160 No, I think dressing up a no deal Brexit as being the "will of the people" and pretending that anyone who doesn't support that one course of action is a corrupt national traitor who doesn't deserve to have their legal authority respected is pure demagoguery and should be treated as such whenever it's encountered.
The answer is that two courts - the Court of Sessions in Scotland and now the Supreme Court in London agree that the prorogation of Parliament was not legitimate. That means that Parliament may well be recalled by the end of this week. (Though Monday is the more likely outcome of that. )
There's no sense of triumphalism for me! In many senses we are still on a precarious river. Some depth left but the shallows are nearby. We are in danger of running aground.
I was a bit off with estimating next Monday. Apparently this Wednesday as I had originally suspected. However. It won't mean that Brexit is on the cards because of a more urgent debate that will have to come first. The National Emergency declaration of the environmental problem with regard to the British Isles. That's now the more urgent debate to be had. And Parliament will have to deal with that first. Brexit will have to wait.
If you Brexiteers cry out " Foul, most foul!" To that! Bear in mind this fact. Michael Gove issued it! And any National Emergency declaration has to be debated first. And look at it this way. Bremainers are likely to dislike it too. But that's the case of that as it holds.
Such professionalism, staying absolutely to the point even though there’s a fuck off spider crawling up her shirt
I am quite unsure of why people disliked this video; there is no real commentary to the "news" presented. Baroness Hale just delivered an opinion of a court of ultimate appellate jurisdiction.
@Marina E 😂 I would like to believe that, but to view this video some 400 people clicked on it.
@@maxcassidi6768 Right wing Brexiteers hate the BBC, they weirdly think it's far left propoganda or some such deluded shit.
but at the end of the day it is just an opinion, Boris broke no law, this was just a spin on S9 of the bill of rights, and that is it, realistically speaking it should still be prougued. But as we have seen , the Head Speaker is well and truly in the pocket of the Remain camp, the whole thing is a complete and utter Stitch up of our Democracy, If we do not leave on OCt 31st on WTO then we are officially under communist dictatorship from a foreign power and we fought 2 world wars for nothing.
@@pg8835 A Court's Opinion is synonymous with a Court's Ruling on a case. The Supreme Court did not go into session for the production of abstract thought. Accusing the Speaker of the House of Commons to be biased is absurd, Bercow has be nothing but impartial throughout BREXIT proceedings, and the fact that BREXITeers do not enjoy his decisions on some matters does not point at his objectivity but mostly at their knowledge of parliamentary procedure. Parliament should not be prorogued as the Speaker announced today, the matter of justiciability of the Supreme Court's capacity to produce an opinion was just affirmed, and as of tomorrow Parliamentary Business will be resumed and MPs will resume their legislative duties which they had been barred from exercising. If you are referring to Article 9 of the Bill of Rights I can assure you that this is no spin thereof. As seen in a MULTITUDE of cases (Pepper v Hart is a common, relatively modern example) Article 9 does not provide for full immunity from the Courts, that would be even more ridiculous than your comment about Bercow. You are confusing parliamentary privilege with the substantial constitutional question that lied before the Supreme Court. A question which was, in its entirety, answered here.
@@pg8835 LOL. You just made my evening. 🤣🤣 Communist dictatorship. 🤣🤣🤣
Well written, well-articulated, well delivered. This is an example of how higher courts should proceed 👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏
Bojo should now stay back in the US
No, thanks. Ya'll can keep him. We have enough of a mess as it is.
@@WenD1908 lol
@@WenD1908 Good luck with yours. I'm a big Stephen Colbert fan. 😊
Bless you,@@earthman6700. We sure can use it.
Colbert is funny, a smart funny just like I like.
*Brexit Season 3* - Post Credit Scene
I find that spider ornament really annoying!
That was glorious! I’m so proud and relieved!
"When a prime minister is found to have acted unlawfully and undemocratically, I don’t see how that person thinks that he can legitimately continue in office."
@David Ward His actions were unlawful, but he has not strictly broken the law, because there was no prior ruling to define the 'law' in this respect.
The Supreme Court has reaffirmed that Parliament (not the people) appoint and control the government, and that the government has no authority over Parliament. The people elect the MP’s in Parliament, and Parliament acts to the best of its judgement on behalf of the people. When no party has a working majority, any government will depend on - and must seek - cross-party consensus. If the people are unhappy about the actions of the government or Parliament they can make their dissatisfaction known to the MP, and they can elect a new parliament in a GE.
@@guardianangel6926 Indeed. People need to understand the difference between unlawful and illegal.
For someone I'd never heard of, I
think she's great! Her presentation
--- no ego!!!!
I intend to listen to this lovely reading whenever I feel hung up:
That's Hung Up, not Strung Up....
no further comment 🙏🏼🌹🙏🏽
Barbara Weaver It's called being educated and professional.
Time for an election me thinks
Dreama40 ☆ Boris' Grand Plan is to Nuke Himself with a "Vote of No Confidence" which will also Freeze Parliament well past Samhain.
Season 4 Labour die politically.
What happened in European Parliament when they voted? They voted Brexit party by Nigel Farage. Wait until Nigel is the MP in the next votings.
The majority of voters think its time for an election. Which generally means we probably won't get one.
Shame that whatever happens we are going to have a complete idiot in number 10
Bojo should resign immediately
Outh... BoJo gets bitten by the white widow!
@@ciaranocallaghan5113 One thing a do know, that's clearly a White Widow spider Brooch, (google images: White Widow Spider) and she is dressed in BLACK (death). I white widow spider injects a highly toxic venom into its unfortunate victim, first paralysing it, before death ensues quite soon after.
The very striking brooch is a subliminal, coded warning message, from a highly intelligent women to Boris Johnson, and any actions he might be tempted to take in the future....
British constitution has died because of these judges they either do not know the Bill Of Rights 1688/9 or they are corrupt.
@@Edmund-King Sounds powerful imagery but I still did not hear anything concerning the enforcement of the judgement. Who's going to jail? What's the fine? Sounds like wind on the meadow and we are the lovely blades of grass and odorant colourful flowers waving under the breeze, making us forget that the land mowers are coming and that we are the product.
Congratulations to people in UK, evidently your institutions work so well!!
A lesson for SC of India on suspension of Kashmir parliament and locking up its leaders. Kashmir should file a case in the SC.
brexit is the best thing on the telly right now
It's all people talk about nowadays
I know! I’d actually feel kinda bereft without it tbh 😂
Who needs Netflix if you have this ?
GoT won many Emmys and now we'll see this spin-off win more Emmys too! At least the crew are keeping their jobs to continue shooting this show!
The Queen should get a backbone and shut them all down
The queen's power is purely ceremonial. If she tried she'd get stripped of her power and status
This is asngoodntime as any to use her power geez Henry Viii would of just taken their heads
Droneworld23 Flyer and Photography do you really want a 97 year old to be humiliated and stripped of any thing she owns?
i hope i don't have to wait too long for a TLDR video on this, he took a bad day to go on holiday
Bloody hell Borris! What have you done?
The only thing desirable about Great Britain is the command over English language. I wish I could speak and write like that.
Bercow is the apex of command of the English...
actually Abhishek no even that. Listen carefully and don't be fooled by the accent. The average person walking on the street will tell you of their day that "I was sat on a chair" and most of them do not render h's silent when they need to be which is normally when they are pronouncing the name of the letter. H is pronouncesd _ Heich.... trust they no longer have that command.
Why do people believe the English language is superior in terms of "commanding" the language ? On what basis
@@kncdco5966 h is pronounced aitch
@@cgkty5315 The phrase is that a person 'has command of the language' not that the language itself commands anything. It simply means that the person is able to use the language to a high standard and although commonly used as an English phrase, it could apply to the skillful person using any language.
3:18 "This judgement is the unanimous judgement of all eleven justices ..."
Full case details via Supreme Court: www.supremecourt.uk/cases/uksc-2019-0192.html
Summary (PDF): www.supremecourt.uk/cases/docs/uksc-2019-0192-summary.pdf
Judgement (PDF): www.supremecourt.uk/cases/docs/uksc-2019-0192-judgment.pdf
Beautiful elegant summary.
And what about the Robin Tilbrook case. Not even a hearing! How corrupt is this? Our establishment's incompetence is gargantuan.
And Julian Assange got detained indefenitely
and David Noakes and Lyn Thyer on GcMAF. Clearly the court system is not issuing Justice.
One wonders if it wouldn't be more efficient to have some constitutional mechanism for the Queen to refer suspect advice from a PM to the Supreme Court before having to act on it.
Most governments don't try to pass illegal acts.... apart from brexit-obsessed Tory governments of course.
To freak out weak-minded people who cannot understand what is happening
@@jacobjorgenson9285 hahahaha calm down mate
I love her spider. Fantastic brooch ! 🤩
Waw, that’s impressive. Every dictator should take a few moments of their busy schedule to ponder this.
Dictators are despised for ignoring the will of the people. So far, parliament has ironically been doing a much better job with that than Boris.
Fantastic outcome. GG Boris.
You can always trust a woman with a spider on her shoulder.
Said the fly
Lady Hale is a model of graciousness and a superior legal mind. If only the UK had a PM of her stature.
Lady Hale is wonderful!
all these talks are making me hungry for pierogies
Oh what a tangled web we weave...
When at first we practice to deceive 👍
Wow now they can shout at each other for 2 more months and get to nowhere, like they did for last 2 years.
She wasn’t there. Nobody was addressing her.
Well done scotland. Democracy restored.
Democracy restored by unelected judges over ruling an elected government with a referendum mandate from the people? You must be a pretty thick brainwashed remainer to spout such crap.
Democracy "restored" by disenfranchising 17.4 million people.
Actually better than Game Of Thrones Season 8
Just have a 2nd referendum.
"And a 3rd and 4th and 5th untill i get what i want" yes! Lets also get another vote on elections if labour gets in too. If liverpool lost a football match can they have a second try and count that as official result, the vote has been cast and nothing is going to undo it. If they cancel brexit then the goverment would have ignored the democratic will of the people, yes its a small margine of a majority but everyone got a chance to vote, i would bet if it was 48%leave and 52% remain there would be less of an uproar on the result but we will not find out if im right or wrong. No turning the clocks back, respect the result.
@@anikidwolfy most people didn't even know what they were voting for tho 😂😂🤣
@@320speed who didn't know what they where voting for. The remainers? The people who voted for tony blair, surely not the people who voted leave. Thats a poor argument saying the opposition didnt know what they where voting for. What about remainers not knowing what they where voting for meaning it should have been a 60%+ leave result e.t.c.
Thank goodness
This ruling achieves nothing besides setting up the foundations of a constitutional crises down the road, Parliament will still be suspended. Why do you approve of pointless constitutional crises caused by judges attempting to push their personal agenda in defiance of the will of the people?
@@micfail2 I don't think there was anything personal from the judges in this ruling. It seemed pretty measured and rational
That fuckin spider broach. Didn't know the UK had Classy Hot Topic but now I know I guess.
The huge spider 🕷 on the lady’s 👵🏻 shoulder is creepy af
Cool af* you mean
*metal af
metal judge slamming boris in the gonads
*savage af
this ruling should really please brexiteers. Proving once again we DO have autonomy and our own laws. No need to leave now
SO WHAT ABOUT THE LAW BROKE WHEN WE WERE OUT OF THE EU ON THE 29TH MARCH DO NOT HEAR ANYONE ON ABOUT THAT IT WORKS BOTH WAY >>>we should not be having this bs the people had a democratic vote and voted out end of>>shows how its one sided
@@rounsterbout Because there was no law broken. The extension was voted for by Parliament and so was the law.
the people had a democratic vote and voted to leave and leave they will
@@garethhanby they did not have the right to an extension
@Edje pé>>> the eu is a dictatorship and has been proved that this is a fact sooner out tHe better even though we left >>BY LAW ON THE 29TH MARCH
Maybe if Boris changed his name to Oliver Cromwell Johnson?
@benvolio mozart I meant that Cromwell ended parliament
@Duncan Sands thanks
This is why we need a WRITTEN constitution.
@Alex Spray That is then a different _we._
we have years of statutes and legal precedent
The US constitution is based on the Magna Carta. Most modern constitutions are. Its why innocent until proven guilty and the right to a fair trial are fundamentals of every western nation ... it was wriiten in the Magna Carta first.
@@tadatscorregidor but no codified formal constitution
This is better than "The Crown"!!!
Well what a surprise! Lots of London based judges all voted against a PM who is trying to uphold the referendum result. Well who would have guessed that...
A PM who lied to the Queen and tried to uphold the referendum illegally.
@@_Churchy Not illegally, unlawfully.
@@garethhanby You say tomato...
@@_Churchy he lied to the queen, please do tell what lie, because they said they could not prove it but if you have evidence please can you let me know?
regardless of one's opinion WRT brexit, i say bravo! supreme court.
Only a fool would applaud unelected judges interfering in the political business of an elected government supported by a referendum.
@@sonofsomerset1695 Only a fool would argue that a completely independent organ to control the government is not necessary, as literally every democracy has such a court
@@somerandomnon-importantper3219 So you are suggesting that we need a tiny group of unelected civilians to overrule the people who we elect? Thats exactly why we are leaving the EU. What kind of dystopian future are you wishing for?
@@Aspartame69 You do realize your PM is unelected himself, don't you?
@@somerandomnon-importantper3219 you do realise 3 of the last 5 PMs for the uk were not elected by the people. There is no democracy in the uk only the illusion of it.
This is democracy in its full glory in the UK. The people ask for brexit, the Parliament goes for what they wish. I mean what fills their pockets from back hand and corrupt law passing.
It clearly show the Judges are as corrupt as the MPs. The system doesn't believe in democracy only economy.
They're doing everything in their power to end up dead in their own beds at this rate with more than 2/3 of the nation ready to stand up and do a better job. Heck, a cat could run the government better.
The court unanimously rules to frustrate and prevent the democratic will of the people as expressed in the referendum
Kinda want to mail Boris a jar of Vaseline cause this has gotta hurt lol.
Yeah he needs to give his Johnson a good rub so he can calm down after this.
The UK just dodged a dictatorship bullet. And a solid reason to remove BoZo. Be gone foul smell.
Uhm, how? There is precedent of new governments asking for prorogation and precedent for using prorogation to push through bills. The unelected court and remainer parliament have conspired against the British people and government with a foreign power that wishes to rule over us....
@@blazednlovinit Again, it is kind of like you people are unable to read strategy. The principle was about having someone with unfettered power in these circumstances not about brexit. In theory it can make Brexit more likely (by forcing Boris into a pact with farage) and not less. IT literally takes a 'remoaner' like me to point this out...does that not worry you? That someone who is completely opposed to you has to tell you that it could work out for your side? That would worry me deeply, especially about about the kinds of judgements being made and conclusions being drawn.
@@cgillespie8010 Sweet ;) The other thing that is good to come out of this, is the fact that Boris cannot now re present May's WA as the Parliament session where it was voted against is still the same session!
@@allycollyer3961 my concern would be that it doesnt preclude him actually proroguing for a reasonable time period. As far as I've heard anyone say this was very conditional, so it doesnt mean he couldn't do it for a reasonable timescale which I would say wouldn't fit the ruling so he could bring it back. Unfortunately for everyone, on every side, it is still very potentially unpredictable. - e.g., having a few weeks more (due to the ruling) before that date would uncut the argument that parliament couldn't scrutinise in other words
@@jshin0274 The EU is not a foreign power to you? It is a domestic institution I suppose? Never mind that you have to flash your passport to go see the rest of it xD
Great voice for audible
A huge thanks you to those 11 judges that put parliament right back in place to act like silly little children. You are a disgrace to our people and are causing anxiety country wide. You don’t care so long as you get your fat wage packets for keeping us in indecision.