Another excellent video! Slightly unrelated question for Aqua Girl and the goldie community. I recently bought a set of 5, 4 orandas and a ryukin ( for now.) I was wondering what the various morphs i had were called. The ryukin is a calico, 1 oranda is a solid gold, another is a red cap, but im curious about the other 2. One has a reddish orange cap, and orange all the way down the dorsal, otherwise white. The last one is some sort of....transparent calico? Keep in mind these are all 3-5 month bebes by my best guess, and changing color daily. Thanks in advance!
Very nice!
Nice addition! Your tank is fabulous
That’s super awesome aqua girl 👍👍
You will see alot of rock flower growing in your tank will be beautiful..
Another excellent video! Slightly unrelated question for Aqua Girl and the goldie community. I recently bought a set of 5, 4 orandas and a ryukin ( for now.) I was wondering what the various morphs i had were called. The ryukin is a calico, 1 oranda is a solid gold, another is a red cap, but im curious about the other 2. One has a reddish orange cap, and orange all the way down the dorsal, otherwise white. The last one is some sort of....transparent calico? Keep in mind these are all 3-5 month bebes by my best guess, and changing color daily. Thanks in advance!
I have the same event going on right now... can it crash my tank? ... im concerned