Just wanted to let you know that I watched your video and out of all of them I watched, yours was superior. My project turned out perfect with your method. Before that I had destroyed 8 Tee-Shirts. Thank you so much for teaching me the proper way.
+Deborah Shaw I'm glad you enjoyed the video and were able to make a perfect t-shirt. Can I ask what was different with my method than others? I am curious! Please be sure to like and subscribe to our channel. We plan to have more machine embroidery videos in the future.
Hello, You used a different Stabilizer. It was so awesome. Not just that, your explanation was very easy to understand. Step by step you guided me through the process and I was able to do this without a hitch. Thank you so much for being a good teacher. Since I wrote to you I have done six more with ease. In the future I will most differently be watching for your videos. I did like your channel and did subscribe.
+Deborah Shaw Thanks Deborah. It's good to know what we are doing right! Glad to hear you are able to make a bunch of t-shirts! You might enjoy the "In the hoop" projects... they are so much fun! I have a video on them and there are lots of great designers making ITH project patterns.
My sister just sent me some machine embroidered towels, and this video explained the whole process much better than several other ones I watched. I worked in a machine shop with computer-controlled machine tools for years, and I'm fascinated by how the same kind of machine positioning and mapping software technologies are being applied to sewing machines, and are available for use in our own houses! And just as I admire quilters and knitters, I'm impressed by all of you sewing machine enthusiasts out there creating such complex and beautiful patterns on fabric.
Thanks for your kind comments, Jack. We have many other machine embroidery videos available here: www.needlepointers.com/main/ShowArticles.aspx?NavID=2981. Please subscribe to our channel and join our mailing list to keep up with our videos and tutorials.
Hi. Glad you enjoyed our video. I used a Schmetz Embroidery Needle size 90/14. This is the size I generally use for embroidery. Please click the 'Like' button on our video and subscribe to our channel. We will be having more machine embroidery projects coming up. Let me know if there is a technique/project you are interested in!
I watched this video because I am about to apply for an embroidery position and wanted to get an idea on how it's done. After seeing this, I feel like it would be a really fun job to do and at least I will have some knowledge to start out with. Thanks for the video!
Thanks, I hope your embroidery blanket is turning out nicely! We have lots of other machine embroidery videos on our site: needlepointers.com/main/ShowArticles.aspx?NavID=2981
Great video and very informative. It has never occurred to me to put the sticky stabilizer on the back. I was taught to hoop it and then use a sharp object to cut it out around the edges. Kudos! One thing, it looks like you might still have the plastic removable film on your hoop.
Thank you for sharing your talent and showing me how to do this, I have wanted to try this however I didn't even know where to begin. Again thank you so much.
You are so welcome! Check out our other machine embroidery tutorials www.needlepointers.com/main/showarticles.aspx?navid=2981 for other techniques and fun machine embroidery projects. And don't forget to subscribe to our channel so you won't miss new videos.
Congrats on starting embroidery! We have a bunch of videos on machine embroidery including tutorials and project ideas. Check this page for other videos: www.needlepointers.com/main/ShowArticles.aspx?NavID=2981. Subscribe to our channel so you won't miss new videos.
Good job on the video. Your explanation is simple, yet precise. Like another said, I've also messed up t-shirts or onesies and sewed them together. You explained and showed every detail. The only thing I would do in addition to your video, is to use the jumbo clips to hold the fabric out of the way. Thanks for your video.
+jamiekrista I found these on Amazon. www.amazon.com/World-Weidner-Pieces-Quilting-Crafting/dp/B015GESEDO/ref=sr_1_8?ie=UTF8&qid=1459339488&sr=8-8&keywords=quilting+jumbo+clips. I have very small clips and think I need to get some of these to try the larger ones which would probably work better!
Wow that is really beautiful. What a lucky little girl that will get that. Great job. Love that stabilizer. I am just beginning to do tshirts and plan on buying that stabilizer
Thanks Maureen! I love the sticky back stabilizer for stretchy t-shirts! We have many other machine embroidery video tutorials and projects available here: www.needlepointers.com/main/ShowArticles.aspx?NavID=2981
Thanks for the very helpful tutorial. I imagine you use white thread only for the bobbin throughout the changes of colour and make sure it is full prior to starting? Would have liked to see the adding of the soft layer to minimize the “roughness” of the stabilizer/embroidery work in the video that you mention at the end of the video .
I use white bobbinfil thread in the bobbin. If it runs out in the middle, the machine will stop and prompt you to fill the bobbin. The soft layer is just a soft iron on fabric that is ironed onto the back side of the t-shirt covering the stitches. Happy Embroidery!
Thank you for this. Today I learned why sticky back is so much better and needed. I tried today with normal stabiliser and it kept shifting then pulled into the plate 🙈 So have ordered what you used and will try again when it arrives!
Thank you! Let us know how it goes. I hope you are able to make beautiful shirts now. We post new videos weekly so be sure to subscribe to our channel. Please share our videos with your friends and on social media. Visit our web site, www.needlepointers.com/main/youtube.aspx to find more videos and to follow us on Facebook, Twitter and Pinterest. Happy Machine Embroidering!
Wife has just ordered one loves her sewing but looks as if it’s going to take a long time to learn she makes horses doorstops flowers Christmas stockings and lots more I hope she likes it and thankyou for the video
+MissK Pyle I thought the same thing when I purchased my other machine. They had options for machines where you could download different stitches! Embroidery machines are a lot of fun though... I have gotten into making "in the hoop" bags and other items which are all stitched by the machine. But, it's hard to say "I made this bag" when the machine does all of the work! :)
LaVonne Watson Glad you enjoyed the video. Please like, share and subscribe to our channel. We will be making more machine embroidery videos in the future.
I enjoyed this - very easy to follow! Thank you! I am new to embroidery, having just bought a new machine .... how do you change thread colors while embroidering?
Norma, congratulations on the purchase of a new embroidery machine! You will have so much fun with it. When you are embroidering, the pattern has stop points between each color. So, when it's done with a color, the machine will stop and prompt you to change to the next color. You take out the current color thread and then thread the new color on the machine. Then press the button and it will start stitching again! Happy Embroidering!
Thanks for the information. I've been told that to embroider a t-shirt you'll need a tearaway stabilizer under the t-shirt and a washaway stabilizer over it. Do you ever tried this method and come to the conclusion that the sticky tearaway stabilizer alone is the best or would you consider both methods to be succesfull?
Daniela, the sticky tearaway stabilizer is a tearaway stabilizer and I feel it works better than a normal tearaway because it keeps the t-shirt from stretching or moving in the hoop as it's being sewn. If you are sewing a dense pattern, more layers of tearaway (or cutaway) can be floated underneath the hoop to add more stability. There is no need to have a washaway on t-shirts unless they are fluffy or something other than normal t-shirt material. Washaway is used to hold down the pile of a fluffy fabric like a towel. This allows the stitches to stay up above the fabric and not disappear within the fabric. The washaway does not provide any stability once the t-shirt is washed. Happy Sewing!
Thank you for sharing. Your work and patience are great. I am considering purchasing a machine to do home projects for my family. This was very helpful!
Thanks Kay! Please be sure to subscribe to our channel and click the 'Like' button on videos you like. We have quite a few Machine Embroidery videos so check them out! Let us know if there is a video you'd like us to make.
Are there any vertical barriers that can be added to these hoops that would keep the fabric neatly out of the way? Kind of like a small hoop wall that can be inserted once it is attached to the machine.
I enjoyed the video and it was very helpful as I am about to do my first T.Shirt embroidery so I would like to thank you for making this video. Your's thankfully from Tony in England.
Thanks Tony! I'm glad you enjoyed the video. We have a lot of other machine embroidery videos here: th-cam.com/play/PLmfp5aNSxEF1OZuTYImhKJmqiWqNwpYIM.html. Let us know if there is another video you'd like to see. Also, don't forget to subscribe to our channel so you don't miss new videos!
This would depend on your pattern and where you want to place it. This Embroiders Helper may be helpful to you: www.needlepointers.com/main/youtubecontent.aspx?youtubepageid=505
Hi Gayle! I'm glad you enjoyed our video. There are many places where you can purchase designs online. I have a series of videos which show different functions of a Brother Innovis series (www.needlepointers.com/main/youtubecontent.aspx?youtubepageid=98) and it also includes how to download designs and how to copy them to a USB which you may find helpful. We have a collection of links to free machine embroidery designs (www.needlepointers.com/main/showarticles.aspx?navid=1496) that can be downloaded. These designers will also have paid designs you can download. And on our Machine Embroidery Videos page (www.needlepointers.com/main/showarticles.aspx?navid=2981) you will find lots of other tutorials and project ideas you can make with your embroidery machine. Happy Stitching!
I have THE Dream Machine by Brother and I hoop the sticky-back then secure it on each perimeter with long pins (basically same effect) then to keep the fabric on the outside of the hoop from interloping into the needle bay I use wooden clothes pins to keep the loose fabric from 'falling' into the needle bay. Good video -- thanks.
Great. I was so satisfied to discover I am having trouble centering and hooping on a center line, only to find out later my stich h out is off to the left ot something. And that blind hooping! Eeek, I have to calm myself down trying to do that. I do use fabric markers for cross lines and center. I still was happy that you were struggling with that aspect also. I don’t feel so alone now. I also liked how you can measure hoop edge to fixed point to find out if hoop will be straight. My Biggest annoyance is after washing a few times, the design starts sticking out, curling and just being funky. I would like to know if you have any issues like that, maybe show some examples of hooping, stitching, stabilizers and washing afterwards. Thank you for a nice clear video.
Sheri, thanks for the suggestions. Hooping is a pain! For the washing, it could be that you need more layers of stabilizer. Try floating a cut away stabilizer underneath. If you are stitching a dense pattern you would need more layers of stabilizer.
Jenny, please go to our page www.needlepointers.com/main/youtubecontent.aspx?youtubepageid=54 on this project and near the end are links to the products I discussed. Thanks for watching our video!
Great vid. In the past my tshirts have puckered a little. I'm looking forward to trying your method. Also sending to my DD -- I think she has same machine. Will any sticky tear a way work? Thank you.
We are glad you liked the video! I have not tried other brands of sticky back stabilizer but I would expect them to work as well. Happy Stitching and thanks for the sub!
Sweatshirts and hoodies are also pretty stretchy so I recommend the sticky back stabilizer. You can hoop sweatshirts/hoodies in the same manner as the t-shirt or you can float it.
hi im looking for a sewing machine that can digitally embroid but also be able to handle thicker fabrics my budget is somwhere under 300 what should i do?
For the needle of the machine, if it has ever broken for you, which one would u recommend buying? Because mine broke and I'm not sure what kind of needle to purchase
Hi tinykidvale ! Great question! I prefer to use Schmetz Embroidery needles size 90 /14 when I embroider. I have a link to them near the end of this page: www.needlepointers.com/main/youtubecontent.aspx?youtubepageid=54. Happy Embroidering!
Lyra, each design has different amounts of stitch time. Even designs that are the same size can vary greatly on the amount of stitch time depending on the amount of stitches there are in the design. Each machine also stitches at a specific rate so the machine can also make a big difference in time. The design I stitched was a 5"x7" design.
You would only take the stabilizer off from around the outside since this is a densely stitched embroidery pattern. If it's an applique pattern, you may want to take the stabilizer out from behind where you apply the fabrics.
Also, are you supposed to use a specific needle # for embroidery? Total newbie here - helping my son set up a clothing company that he's been working on for awhile now :)
what brand stabalizer and what size and type of needle do you use.,please i am getting ready to start Christmas presents and this was very helpful. Thank you.
Debby, I like to use the Sulky Sticky back stabilizer and Schmetz 90/14 needles. You can find more information and links to these items on this page: www.needlepointers.com/main/youtubecontent.aspx?TH-campageid=54.
Well, the sticky backed stabilizer is sticky so it would stick to the hoop when you are hooping. I don't want to have to try to get it off afterwards. If you want to float your t-shirt, I would hoop a tear away or cut away stabilizer and put the sticky back on your t-shirt and then float it.
Marthese, this pattern was completely stitched with thread and no applique. If you are interested in learning how to machine applique, we have this video: th-cam.com/video/QAvUsAjJekk/w-d-xo.html.
hi... when i embroider direct to a t shirt... it creates holes... i even used 3 plies of tear away stabilizer... i am using innovis nv 800... and new to this embroidery stuff... does the sticky stabilizer help preventing the holes?
There could be many reasons. The shirt could be getting caught and stretched in the stitches causing the holes. The design you are stitching could be very dense and causing the many stitches to create holes. It couldn't hurt to try the sticky back stabilizer and if you have a dense pattern even float another layer of tear-away underneath. Also, you could try a layer of wash away stabilizer on top to give more support during stitching.
Love the video my question is I noticed you used the Sulky Sticky + which is a tear away. I thought you were suppose to use cut away on stretchy materials. I swear this stabilizer has me so confused. I don't know what to use on what.
+Djidade Muhavi I have never had any problems with the tear away stabilizer as it doesn't wash out the same as cut away. For t-shirts though, I think it's important to use the sticky back stabilizer because the t-shirt can stretch and move in the hoop while embroidering. The sticky back keeps this from happening. I don't know if they make sticky back cut away stabilizer. Thank you for your comment and I hope you subscribe to our channel and click like on our video!
+Deanna Tucker I use a regular embroidery needle for the embroidery on t-shirts. Because you use stabilizer on the t-shirt you would want to use the embroidery needle not a ballpoint.
So does the machine just stop when you need to change colour? Also, do you keep the bobbin thread the same throughout or does that have to change with the main thread colour?
El, yes, the machine stops after stitching each color so that the thread can be changed. For machine embroidery, you usually use white (or black) bobbin thread in the bottom so you don't need to change it after every color. Bobbin thread is thinner so it reduces bulk on the back.
Needlepointers thanks for replying! The reason I asked on the bobbin is because I’ve just got a brother m230e and I was using black to embroider but suddenly the white bobbin thread started showing on top and I have no idea why!
@@elh9995 The bobbin showing on top can be tension issues or even stabilizer or threading the machine. You can search on Google for "machine embroidery bobbin thread showing on top" and find many articles on how to fix. If you are embroidering lettering, it's sometimes recommended to use the same color on the bobbin thread as the top. Don't forget to subscribe to our channel! And visit our site for many other machine embroidery video tutorials www.needlepointers.com/main/showarticles.aspx?navid=2981
Hi, I think the thread will come off after we put that T-shirt in washer machine for 2-3 times. Do you put anything over the embroidery project ? Thanks
Hi. Thanks for your question. The thread is sewn onto the shirt so it will not come out in the washer even if you wash it 10 times. Similar to how your shirt is sewn together, the thread is sewn onto the shirt. It does not come off. You do not put anything over it.
+Tumelo Manamela Hi. I think you are asking about using the stabilizer on the back. It is necessary for every embroidery project to use some sort of stabilizer. When you are adding the design stitches to the fabric, the fabric (ie t-shirt) cannot support all of the stitches in the pattern by itself and the fabric will pucker or just not look right. Stabilizer allows all of the stitches to be stitched and gives a foundation to support the stitches. There are many articles online about stablilizers but here is one: www.craftsy.com/blog/2013/12/stabilizers-for-machine-embroidery/
Hi I wonder if you could help me. I've recently purchased a Futura XL400. When I tried the tutorial design flower, it embroided really fast. However when I tried to do my own design with AutoPunch it stitches really slow even though the speed slider is set to maximum? Thanks.
I have not digitized patterns myself so I cannot give you much advice. I can say that some patterns stitch faster than others, it depends on what it's stitching as to whether the machine can go faster. You should look around in the software though, because maybe there is a speed setting in there which is making it go slower. Also, I know my Brother machine has the same slider as yours but it only is for regular sewing and not for embroidery. The embroidery setting is in a different place, so maybe your machine is similar. Happy Embroidering!
Hi. This was a fantastic video with easy to follow steps. However, I am wondering about the different colours for the embroidery. How do you switch the colours? Does the machine do this on its own? You mention at the beginning that an embroidery machine is needed. Is the machine able to hold all the reels at the same time and then use them as needed? Clearly, I am a total novice who has never even seen an embroidery machine. Thanks for any useful information.
Hi Maggie! Thanks for your interest in our video tutorial. So, there are different types of embroidery machines. Mine is a "single needle" which is like a regular sewing machine but it also does machine embroidery. So, what happens is that the pattern is written to have stops after each thread color. The machine will stop after each color so you can change/thread the next color. It shows on the screen what section it is sewing next so you know which color to thread. There are also multi-needle machines which can hold multiple colors at once and then just change to the next color automatically. We have many other machine embroidery tutorials: www.needlepointers.com/main/ShowArticles.aspx?NavID=2981.
Hi. When using this method of hooping did ever happen to you after removing the t-shirt from the hoop to find holes in the t-shirt in the place where the hoop was? I am using this method and until now I destroyed 3 t-shirts. Any idea why this is happening? Thank you.
Livia, I have never had this happen to me when embroidering. The shirt will have marks where it was hooped like shown here: th-cam.com/video/F9T7oCdg3L0/w-d-xo.html. But I can't think of a way it would have holes. When you embroider other fabrics, does this also happen? And if the holes are always in the same place, check your hoop for burrs or something that would make the holes. You could also try to float the t-shirt in the hoop instead of actually hooping the shirt. Watch this video for how to float your t-shirt th-cam.com/video/xEHLafchO4k/w-d-xo.html. You may not need the cutaway stabilizer if your pattern is not dense. Hope this helps!
For machine embroidery, you usually use white bobbin weight thread and don't change colors. I used the white bobbin thread for this project. The bobbin thread is lighter so more will fit on the spool and I also believe it helps on the back make it not so thick.
Hi Sam & Kate! Thank you for your interest in our video. In order for the embroidery machine to stitch the pattern, the image must be digitized into a pattern for the machine. The pattern is in a computer file and a USB or direct connection to your PC is used to copy the pattern onto the machine so it can stitch. I have more info on embroidery machines here: www.needlepointers.com/main/youtubecontent.aspx?youtubepageid=54
Thank you so much for your video. I was perplexed how I could embroidery a kid's t-shirt and not sew it to the back. LOL. Now I know! I've also never used stabilizer before so that helped me a lot. Any ideas how to embroider a pocket on a man's shirt?
Lois, I have never embroidered on a pocket before but the only options I can see are to sew through the whole pocket making it unusable or you would have to remove the pocket, embroider it and then sew it back on very carefully. If the pocket is not being used, then embroidering over the pocket and thereby closing it would be just fine.
Hello, I have watched a few of you videos now and have enjoyed them. My husband had picked me up a machine like the one you are using of at all places a thrift store. I have been playing around with it, but was wondering if there was a way to embroider names like for the left chest?
Elizabeth, the Innovis 4000D has built in patterns which includes fonts. On the machine itself, you can pull up the letters you want to embroider and line them up on the screen. It is not an easy process and quite time consuming, but it can be done. I have done this in the past. If you do not want to do this, you would need to purchase software used to create machine embroidery patterns and then create your letters in there and transfer the pattern to your machine.
Thanks for all of the info, 2 questions: Does the bobbin thread need to match the top thread color when embroidering in this method? and, how do you transition from one thread color to the next? thx so much!!
Hi. I'm glad you liked our video! When you embroider, you usually use white bobbin fill in your bobbin. Bobbin fill is lighter than normal thread so you can get more onto the bobbin so you have less refills/changes. You would not want to have to change the bobbin after every thread. The machine stops after each thread color is done. So, you then take the thread out and put in the next color which is indicated by the machine/pattern. Don't forget to subscribe to our channel so you don't miss any videos!
Adan, the machine is programmed with a design and when the designer creates it, they set the colors to use for each section. So, the machine just knows when to stop. I pick the actual thread colors to use and thread them onto the machine after each stop.
Just wanted to let you know that I watched your video and out of all of them I watched, yours was superior. My project turned out perfect with your method. Before that I had destroyed 8 Tee-Shirts. Thank you so much for teaching me the proper way.
+Deborah Shaw I'm glad you enjoyed the video and were able to make a perfect t-shirt. Can I ask what was different with my method than others? I am curious! Please be sure to like and subscribe to our channel. We plan to have more machine embroidery videos in the future.
You used a different Stabilizer. It was so awesome. Not just that, your explanation was very easy to understand. Step by step you guided me through the process and I was able to do this without a hitch. Thank you so much for being a good teacher. Since I wrote to you I have done six more with ease. In the future I will most differently be watching for your videos. I did like your channel and did subscribe.
+Deborah Shaw Thanks Deborah. It's good to know what we are doing right! Glad to hear you are able to make a bunch of t-shirts! You might enjoy the "In the hoop" projects... they are so much fun! I have a video on them and there are lots of great designers making ITH project patterns.
Deborah Shaw
Needlepointers Shut the fuck up
At last, a video that doesn't just show a machine stitching, but actually shows how you set it up. Thank you.
+M Rik Rutter-DaCosta You're welcome.
Thank you so much ms Needle! Lots of helpful info for beginners like me
Glad it was helpful!
My sister just sent me some machine embroidered towels, and this video explained the whole process much better than several other ones I watched. I worked in a machine shop with computer-controlled machine tools for years, and I'm fascinated by how the same kind of machine positioning and mapping software technologies are being applied to sewing machines, and are available for use in our own houses! And just as I admire quilters and knitters, I'm impressed by all of you sewing machine enthusiasts out there creating such complex and beautiful patterns on fabric.
Thanks for your kind comments, Jack. We have many other machine embroidery videos available here: www.needlepointers.com/main/ShowArticles.aspx?NavID=2981.
Please subscribe to our channel and join our mailing list to keep up with our videos and tutorials.
Hi. Glad you enjoyed our video. I used a Schmetz Embroidery Needle size 90/14. This is the size I generally use for embroidery. Please click the 'Like' button on our video and subscribe to our channel. We will be having more machine embroidery projects coming up. Let me know if there is a technique/project you are interested in!
Needlepointers ?)
Thank you! My project worked out perfect. Your method of hooping was so easy
Glad it helped!
This is crazy that we can do this these days. Thank you for showing the full process.
Thank you for the video on how to embroider a T-shirt. The instructions and details are very precise and easy to understand. Thanks for sharing!
Jennie Young you’re welcome sweetheart
I like the idea to use the egg crate to keep the thread in order!
Thanks Pam!
I liked your precise presentation on this video. Will now be embroidering my first T-shirt.
thank you for sharing feel more confident at having a go now xx
I'm so glad!
Thanks for explaining so nicely not only embroidery but also placement.
Most welcome 😊 Be sure to subscribe to our channel so you won't miss new videos. Visit Needlepointers.com to sign up for our newsletter.
I use hair clips to hold my fabric out of the way and it works amazingly
+Eva Williams Good idea.
Great video , lots of great tips, the I needed was the fusable iron on to prevent scratching , thank you
Glad it was helpful! Subscribe to our channel so you won't miss new videos. Happy Sewing!
This is so pretty. I didn't know it even existed so it opened a whole new world to me. It takes some time, but the result is great!
I watched this video because I am about to apply for an embroidery position and wanted to get an idea on how it's done. After seeing this, I feel like it would be a really fun job to do and at least I will have some knowledge to start out with. Thanks for the video!
You are welcome! Good luck with the job interview! Let us know how it goes.
Super helpful - easy to follow! Thanks!
Glad it was helpful!
Thank you for the great video . I'm sewing my first embroidery blanket with a lot of mistakes
You give me hope
Thanks, I hope your embroidery blanket is turning out nicely! We have lots of other machine embroidery videos on our site: needlepointers.com/main/ShowArticles.aspx?NavID=2981
Very nice video. You didn't miss anything. Excellent!! Thank you!!
Just moved back home and after having my embroidery machine for a few years, I will try to use it. Thanks for the tutorial. I learned a lot!
+Frances Mock Thanks and have fun using your machine!
Great video and very informative. It has never occurred to me to put the sticky stabilizer on the back. I was taught to hoop it and then use a sharp object to cut it out around the edges. Kudos! One thing, it looks like you might still have the plastic removable film on your hoop.
Glad it was helpful!
Thank you so much! I am new to embroidery and now I know how to do a t-shirt.
This is so cute. I love it. Thank you for a fun video!
You are so welcome! Glad you enjoyed it.
Yes it is beautiful
Thank you for posting
I’m researching
I like t shirts and just want to make my own designs
You’re welcome 😊
Thank you so much. Been trying to find out how it would come out on clothing before I purchased my own machine. You helped a lot
Thank you for sharing your talent and showing me how to do this, I have wanted to try this however I didn't even know where to begin. Again thank you so much.
You are so welcome! Check out our other machine embroidery tutorials www.needlepointers.com/main/showarticles.aspx?navid=2981 for other techniques and fun machine embroidery projects. And don't forget to subscribe to our channel so you won't miss new videos.
Brilliant and informative video. Love the design and Your Embroidery machine.. Thanks for taking the time to make and share
Was looking for tips on embroidery but now I want that shirt. :)
Ha! Well, little ponies are really cute!
Very good video! Thank you.
Thank you too!
Wow...such a beautiful design. Thank you for taking the time to produce such a helpful video.x
Thanks Su M-M! Be sure to subscribe to our channel so you don't miss our new videos and click the LIKE button!
So impressed! Excited to start embroidery on my machine!
Congrats on starting embroidery! We have a bunch of videos on machine embroidery including tutorials and project ideas. Check this page for other videos: www.needlepointers.com/main/ShowArticles.aspx?NavID=2981. Subscribe to our channel so you won't miss new videos.
Good job on the video. Your explanation is simple, yet precise. Like another said, I've also messed up t-shirts or onesies and sewed them together. You explained and showed every detail. The only thing I would do in addition to your video, is to use the jumbo clips to hold the fabric out of the way. Thanks for your video.
Jumbo clips? Where can I find that? Do you have an Amazon link? Appreciate it thanks!
+Dorothy McCurdy Thanks for the idea. I have not tried using clips myself but I do know people use them!
+jamiekrista I found these on Amazon. www.amazon.com/World-Weidner-Pieces-Quilting-Crafting/dp/B015GESEDO/ref=sr_1_8?ie=UTF8&qid=1459339488&sr=8-8&keywords=quilting+jumbo+clips. I have very small clips and think I need to get some of these to try the larger ones which would probably work better!
Wow that is really beautiful. What a lucky little girl that will get that. Great job. Love that stabilizer. I am just beginning to do tshirts and plan on buying that stabilizer
Thanks Maureen! I love the sticky back stabilizer for stretchy t-shirts! We have many other machine embroidery video tutorials and projects available here: www.needlepointers.com/main/ShowArticles.aspx?NavID=2981
Thanks! Love your videos!!!!!
We are glad you are enjoying our videos. Don't forget to subscribe to our channel so you do not miss future videos.
Thanks for the very helpful tutorial. I imagine you use white thread only for the bobbin throughout the changes of colour and make sure it is full prior to starting? Would have liked to see the adding of the soft layer to minimize the “roughness” of the stabilizer/embroidery work in the video that you mention at the end of the video .
I use white bobbinfil thread in the bobbin. If it runs out in the middle, the machine will stop and prompt you to fill the bobbin. The soft layer is just a soft iron on fabric that is ironed onto the back side of the t-shirt covering the stitches. Happy Embroidery!
Thank you. Is there a particular brand that you prefer (soft layer)?
@@abymom Actually, I just used fusible interfacing. But, there are special products made just for this. One is called "soft and stable".
This is really informative! I have plans to do this...
Thank you for this. Today I learned why sticky back is so much better and needed. I tried today with normal stabiliser and it kept shifting then pulled into the plate 🙈 So have ordered what you used and will try again when it arrives!
Thank you! Let us know how it goes. I hope you are able to make beautiful shirts now. We post new videos weekly so be sure to subscribe to our channel. Please share our videos with your friends and on social media. Visit our web site, www.needlepointers.com/main/youtube.aspx to find more videos and to follow us on Facebook, Twitter and Pinterest. Happy Machine Embroidering!
Wife has just ordered one loves her sewing but looks as if it’s going to take a long time to learn she makes horses doorstops flowers Christmas stockings and lots more I hope she likes it and thankyou for the video
It's crazy to me that sewing machines are digital these days.
+MissK Pyle I thought the same thing when I purchased my other machine. They had options for machines where you could download different stitches! Embroidery machines are a lot of fun though... I have gotten into making "in the hoop" bags and other items which are all stitched by the machine. But, it's hard to say "I made this bag" when the machine does all of the work! :)
Shut the fuck up
MissKPyle. We have mini computers in our pockets now
Lexxi Smith Lmfao I ugly laughed at this reply
@@lexxismith4701 hey lexxi, hows the muslimization of the west going?
Superb Madam very nice
Thank you very easy steps and instructions
You are welcome!
Very helpful. Thank you very much for sharing.
LaVonne Watson Glad you enjoyed the video. Please like, share and subscribe to our channel. We will be making more machine embroidery videos in the future.
wow love the design and video thx for sharing
I enjoyed this - very easy to follow! Thank you! I am new to embroidery, having just bought a new machine .... how do you change thread colors while embroidering?
Norma, congratulations on the purchase of a new embroidery machine! You will have so much fun with it. When you are embroidering, the pattern has stop points between each color. So, when it's done with a color, the machine will stop and prompt you to change to the next color. You take out the current color thread and then thread the new color on the machine. Then press the button and it will start stitching again! Happy Embroidering!
Thank you very much!!
That was brilliant thank you!
You're very welcome!
Thank you very very much! Extremely helpful!
Wow this is awesome, thank you so much is extremely helpful!!!!
So glad!
Thanks for the information. I've been told that to embroider a t-shirt you'll need a tearaway stabilizer under the t-shirt and a washaway stabilizer over it. Do you ever tried this method and come to the conclusion that the sticky tearaway stabilizer alone is the best or would you consider both methods to be succesfull?
Daniela, the sticky tearaway stabilizer is a tearaway stabilizer and I feel it works better than a normal tearaway because it keeps the t-shirt from stretching or moving in the hoop as it's being sewn. If you are sewing a dense pattern, more layers of tearaway (or cutaway) can be floated underneath the hoop to add more stability. There is no need to have a washaway on t-shirts unless they are fluffy or something other than normal t-shirt material. Washaway is used to hold down the pile of a fluffy fabric like a towel. This allows the stitches to stay up above the fabric and not disappear within the fabric. The washaway does not provide any stability once the t-shirt is washed. Happy Sewing!
@@Needlepointers thank you so much
Thank you for sharing. Your work and patience are great. I am considering purchasing a machine to do home projects for my family. This was very helpful!
Thanks Kay! Please be sure to subscribe to our channel and click the 'Like' button on videos you like. We have quite a few Machine Embroidery videos so check them out! Let us know if there is a video you'd like us to make.
you can save a step and hoop the sticky stabilizer and stick you tshirt to the stabilizer. then you don't have to hoop the shirt.
Are there any vertical barriers that can be added to these hoops that would keep the fabric neatly out of the way? Kind of like a small hoop wall that can be inserted once it is attached to the machine.
I have not heard of one. Using clips and tucking it back works best for me.
I enjoyed the video and it was very helpful as I am about to do my first T.Shirt embroidery so I would like to thank you for making this video. Your's thankfully from Tony in England.
Thanks Tony! I'm glad you enjoyed the video. We have a lot of other machine embroidery videos here: th-cam.com/play/PLmfp5aNSxEF1OZuTYImhKJmqiWqNwpYIM.html. Let us know if there is another video you'd like to see. Also, don't forget to subscribe to our channel so you don't miss new videos!
Thank you so much, how do I know how far down I need to put the hoop from the neckline?
This would depend on your pattern and where you want to place it. This Embroiders Helper may be helpful to you: www.needlepointers.com/main/youtubecontent.aspx?youtubepageid=505
Love that design, where can you download designs, for NV800E Brother embroidery machine?
Hi Gayle! I'm glad you enjoyed our video. There are many places where you can purchase designs online. I have a series of videos which show different functions of a Brother Innovis series (www.needlepointers.com/main/youtubecontent.aspx?youtubepageid=98) and it also includes how to download designs and how to copy them to a USB which you may find helpful. We have a collection of links to free machine embroidery designs (www.needlepointers.com/main/showarticles.aspx?navid=1496) that can be downloaded. These designers will also have paid designs you can download. And on our Machine Embroidery Videos page (www.needlepointers.com/main/showarticles.aspx?navid=2981) you will find lots of other tutorials and project ideas you can make with your embroidery machine. Happy Stitching!
I have THE Dream Machine by Brother and I hoop the sticky-back then secure it on each perimeter with long pins (basically same effect) then to keep the fabric on the outside of the hoop from interloping into the needle bay I use wooden clothes pins to keep the loose fabric from 'falling' into the needle bay. Good video -- thanks.
Great ideas Dennis. I'll have to try that too!
Great. I was so satisfied to discover I am having trouble centering and hooping on a center line, only to find out later my stich h out is off to the left ot something. And that blind hooping! Eeek, I have to calm myself down trying to do that. I do use fabric markers for cross lines and center. I still was happy that you were struggling with that aspect also. I don’t feel so alone now.
I also liked how you can measure hoop edge to fixed point to find out if hoop will be straight.
My Biggest annoyance is after washing a few times, the design starts sticking out, curling and just being funky.
I would like to know if you have any issues like that, maybe show some examples of hooping, stitching, stabilizers and washing afterwards. Thank you for a nice clear video.
Sheri, thanks for the suggestions. Hooping is a pain! For the washing, it could be that you need more layers of stabilizer. Try floating a cut away stabilizer underneath. If you are stitching a dense pattern you would need more layers of stabilizer.
Could you share links to the stabilizer and also the iron on material you mentioned for the inside of the shirt? Thanks!!
Jenny, please go to our page www.needlepointers.com/main/youtubecontent.aspx?youtubepageid=54 on this project and near the end are links to the products I discussed. Thanks for watching our video!
OMG thats so beautiful
Yeah, Dashie is pretty, but nopony out-cutes me!
+Rhonda Thomas Congrats on your new machine purchase! I hope you have a fun time with your new machine.
Great vid. In the past my tshirts have puckered a little. I'm looking forward to trying your method. Also sending to my DD -- I think she has same machine. Will any sticky tear a way work? Thank you.
Am subbing!
We are glad you liked the video! I have not tried other brands of sticky back stabilizer but I would expect them to work as well. Happy Stitching and thanks for the sub!
For sweatshirts/hoodies, what stabilizer would you recommend? Also, is it the same process as embroidering on a t-shirt?
Sweatshirts and hoodies are also pretty stretchy so I recommend the sticky back stabilizer. You can hoop sweatshirts/hoodies in the same manner as the t-shirt or you can float it.
hi im looking for a sewing machine that can digitally embroid but also be able to handle thicker fabrics my budget is somwhere under 300 what should i do?
Hi Yo !! I do not know if the inexpensive machines < $300 would be able to handle thicker fabrics or not. Please consult the manufacturers.
For the needle of the machine, if it has ever broken for you, which one would u recommend buying? Because mine broke and I'm not sure what kind of needle to purchase
Hi tinykidvale ! Great question! I prefer to use Schmetz Embroidery needles size 90 /14 when I embroider. I have a link to them near the end of this page: www.needlepointers.com/main/youtubecontent.aspx?youtubepageid=54. Happy Embroidering!
Very helpful thank you
You're welcome!
Did you use a stretch embroidery needle for this project?
I use a regular embroidery needle usually 90/14. Since there is stabilizer underneath you don't use a stretch needle.
Hey what size is the design? And how long do it take to embroider a design with multi colors and of the sizing you did?
Lyra, each design has different amounts of stitch time. Even designs that are the same size can vary greatly on the amount of stitch time depending on the amount of stitches there are in the design. Each machine also stitches at a specific rate so the machine can also make a big difference in time. The design I stitched was a 5"x7" design.
I just wish you'd shown at least one color thread switch.
I have a new video which shows how you switch colors on an embroidery machine. th-cam.com/video/7BTWMLKcBO0/w-d-xo.html
Redbird same
So, do you have to change the thread for each color or does it do a couple colors at a time? How does the egg carton of colors get used??? (Beginner)
Alisha, the machine stops after it's done stitching each color so you can change the thread.
I have a new video which shows how you switch colors on an embroidery machine. th-cam.com/video/7BTWMLKcBO0/w-d-xo.html
Loved the video! Very helpful
Question- did you take out the rest of the stabilizer inside the design stitch lines...not just around the outside??
You would only take the stabilizer off from around the outside since this is a densely stitched embroidery pattern. If it's an applique pattern, you may want to take the stabilizer out from behind where you apply the fabrics.
Also, are you supposed to use a specific needle # for embroidery? Total newbie here - helping my son set up a clothing company that he's been working on for awhile now :)
Jenny, thanks for your question. I usually use a Schmetz Embroidery needle size 90/14 when I do embroidery.
Wow! Considering of buying one! What machine do you use ? Thank you for this awesome video!
Hi! I have a Brother Innovis 4000D. Find out more information here: www.needlepointers.com/main/youtubecontent.aspx?youtubepageid=54
Quick question is the light blue of the pony is that felt or did you use all thread
Iam, it's all thread!
what brand stabalizer and what size and type of needle do you use.,please
i am getting ready to start Christmas presents and this was very helpful. Thank you.
Debby, I like to use the Sulky Sticky back stabilizer and Schmetz 90/14 needles. You can find more information and links to these items on this page: www.needlepointers.com/main/youtubecontent.aspx?TH-campageid=54.
@@Needlepointers Thanks much!
nice explaination. If using sticky back stabilizer, is there any reason you wouldnt hoop the stabilizer then stick the t-shirt on hoop??
Well, the sticky backed stabilizer is sticky so it would stick to the hoop when you are hooping. I don't want to have to try to get it off afterwards. If you want to float your t-shirt, I would hoop a tear away or cut away stabilizer and put the sticky back on your t-shirt and then float it.
Your videos are really helpful and I will love for u to make a video showing how to switch color of threats when making a t-shirt,please
I will make a video soon.
I have a new video which shows how you switch colors on an embroidery machine. th-cam.com/video/7BTWMLKcBO0/w-d-xo.html
I watched your video with great interest .Did you made appliqué where there was the grey part please ?Thanks for the video .
Marthese, this pattern was completely stitched with thread and no applique. If you are interested in learning how to machine applique, we have this video: th-cam.com/video/QAvUsAjJekk/w-d-xo.html.
hi... when i embroider direct to a t shirt... it creates holes... i even used 3 plies of tear away stabilizer... i am using innovis nv 800... and new to this embroidery stuff... does the sticky stabilizer help preventing the holes?
There could be many reasons. The shirt could be getting caught and stretched in the stitches causing the holes. The design you are stitching could be very dense and causing the many stitches to create holes. It couldn't hurt to try the sticky back stabilizer and if you have a dense pattern even float another layer of tear-away underneath. Also, you could try a layer of wash away stabilizer on top to give more support during stitching.
Love the video my question is I noticed you used the Sulky Sticky + which is a tear away. I thought you were suppose to use cut away on stretchy materials. I swear this stabilizer has me so confused. I don't know what to use on what.
+Djidade Muhavi I have never had any problems with the tear away stabilizer as it doesn't wash out the same as cut away. For t-shirts though, I think it's important to use the sticky back stabilizer because the t-shirt can stretch and move in the hoop while embroidering. The sticky back keeps this from happening. I don't know if they make sticky back cut away stabilizer. Thank you for your comment and I hope you subscribe to our channel and click like on our video!
Loved your tutorial...do you need a ballpoint needle for the knit tee shirts?
+Deanna Tucker I use a regular embroidery needle for the embroidery on t-shirts. Because you use stabilizer on the t-shirt you would want to use the embroidery needle not a ballpoint.
So does the machine just stop when you need to change colour? Also, do you keep the bobbin thread the same throughout or does that have to change with the main thread colour?
El, yes, the machine stops after stitching each color so that the thread can be changed. For machine embroidery, you usually use white (or black) bobbin thread in the bottom so you don't need to change it after every color. Bobbin thread is thinner so it reduces bulk on the back.
Needlepointers thanks for replying! The reason I asked on the bobbin is because I’ve just got a brother m230e and I was using black to embroider but suddenly the white bobbin thread started showing on top and I have no idea why!
@@elh9995 The bobbin showing on top can be tension issues or even stabilizer or threading the machine. You can search on Google for "machine embroidery bobbin thread showing on top" and find many articles on how to fix. If you are embroidering lettering, it's sometimes recommended to use the same color on the bobbin thread as the top. Don't forget to subscribe to our channel! And visit our site for many other machine embroidery video tutorials www.needlepointers.com/main/showarticles.aspx?navid=2981
Love this video!! Thanks for sharing 💋
Thank you for posting this video. It was a huge help to me.
Hi, I think the thread will come off after we put that T-shirt in washer machine for 2-3 times. Do you put anything over the embroidery project ? Thanks
Hi. Thanks for your question. The thread is sewn onto the shirt so it will not come out in the washer even if you wash it 10 times. Similar to how your shirt is sewn together, the thread is sewn onto the shirt. It does not come off. You do not put anything over it.
Hi Needlepointers,
I would like to know if its neccesesarily to use stitch and tear cloth, and what is the purpose of if? I am still new to embroider
+Tumelo Manamela Hi. I think you are asking about using the stabilizer on the back. It is necessary for every embroidery project to use some sort of stabilizer. When you are adding the design stitches to the fabric, the fabric (ie t-shirt) cannot support all of the stitches in the pattern by itself and the fabric will pucker or just not look right. Stabilizer allows all of the stitches to be stitched and gives a foundation to support the stitches. There are many articles online about stablilizers but here is one: www.craftsy.com/blog/2013/12/stabilizers-for-machine-embroidery/
Hi there, loved the video! What’s the name of the sewing machine you used? The link in your description doesn’t seem to work anymore
Hi Sierra, I have a Brother Innovis 4000D machine. You can read more about it here: www.needlepointers.com/main/youtubecontent.aspx?TH-camPageID=54
Hola, muy linda la maquina bordadora, no la encuentro por ebay, que piensas de la singer futura quartet? gracias por el video, me encantó...saludos
Sorry, I don't have any info on that machine.
Muchas gracias por contestarme, bendiciones
beautiful job
Thank you! 😊
Hi I wonder if you could help me. I've recently purchased a Futura XL400. When I tried the tutorial design flower, it embroided really fast. However when I tried to do my own design with AutoPunch it stitches really slow even though the speed slider is set to maximum? Thanks.
I have not digitized patterns myself so I cannot give you much advice. I can say that some patterns stitch faster than others, it depends on what it's stitching as to whether the machine can go faster. You should look around in the software though, because maybe there is a speed setting in there which is making it go slower. Also, I know my Brother machine has the same slider as yours but it only is for regular sewing and not for embroidery. The embroidery setting is in a different place, so maybe your machine is similar. Happy Embroidering!
Thanks for the reply. I'll dig deeper and see what I can find!
Hi. This was a fantastic video with easy to follow steps. However, I am wondering about the different colours for the embroidery. How do you switch the colours? Does the machine do this on its own? You mention at the beginning that an embroidery machine is needed. Is the machine able to hold all the reels at the same time and then use them as needed? Clearly, I am a total novice who has never even seen an embroidery machine. Thanks for any useful information.
Hi Maggie! Thanks for your interest in our video tutorial. So, there are different types of embroidery machines. Mine is a "single needle" which is like a regular sewing machine but it also does machine embroidery. So, what happens is that the pattern is written to have stops after each thread color. The machine will stop after each color so you can change/thread the next color. It shows on the screen what section it is sewing next so you know which color to thread. There are also multi-needle machines which can hold multiple colors at once and then just change to the next color automatically. We have many other machine embroidery tutorials: www.needlepointers.com/main/ShowArticles.aspx?NavID=2981.
I have a new video which shows how you switch colors on an embroidery machine. th-cam.com/video/7BTWMLKcBO0/w-d-xo.html
Wow that so awesome. I wanna order one of these
What kind of machine can I get pls?
Hi! I have some info on purchasing machines here: www.needlepointers.com/main/youtubecontent.aspx?TH-camPageID=54.
Hi. When using this method of hooping did ever happen to you after removing the t-shirt from the hoop to find holes in the t-shirt in the place where the hoop was? I am using this method and until now I destroyed 3 t-shirts. Any idea why this is happening? Thank you.
Livia, I have never had this happen to me when embroidering. The shirt will have marks where it was hooped like shown here: th-cam.com/video/F9T7oCdg3L0/w-d-xo.html. But I can't think of a way it would have holes. When you embroider other fabrics, does this also happen? And if the holes are always in the same place, check your hoop for burrs or something that would make the holes. You could also try to float the t-shirt in the hoop instead of actually hooping the shirt. Watch this video for how to float your t-shirt th-cam.com/video/xEHLafchO4k/w-d-xo.html. You may not need the cutaway stabilizer if your pattern is not dense. Hope this helps!
Did you change bobbin colour at all or same bobbin throughout?
For machine embroidery, you usually use white bobbin weight thread and don't change colors. I used the white bobbin thread for this project. The bobbin thread is lighter so more will fit on the spool and I also believe it helps on the back make it not so thick.
Thanks for a GREAT video!
how’d you get the print ? like can you just print any image out? and then how’d you get it on the machine and stuff
Hi Sam & Kate! Thank you for your interest in our video. In order for the embroidery machine to stitch the pattern, the image must be digitized into a pattern for the machine. The pattern is in a computer file and a USB or direct connection to your PC is used to copy the pattern onto the machine so it can stitch. I have more info on embroidery machines here: www.needlepointers.com/main/youtubecontent.aspx?youtubepageid=54
Thank you so much for your video. I was perplexed how I could embroidery a kid's t-shirt and not sew it to the back. LOL. Now I know! I've also never used stabilizer before so that helped me a lot. Any ideas how to embroider a pocket on a man's shirt?
Lois, I have never embroidered on a pocket before but the only options I can see are to sew through the whole pocket making it unusable or you would have to remove the pocket, embroider it and then sew it back on very carefully. If the pocket is not being used, then embroidering over the pocket and thereby closing it would be just fine.
+Needlepointers what machine model are you using?
Nerd Kink -- I have a Brother Innovis 4000D machine.
Hello, I have watched a few of you videos now and have enjoyed them. My husband had picked me up a machine like the one you are using of at all places a thrift store. I have been playing around with it, but was wondering if there was a way to embroider names like for the left chest?
Elizabeth, the Innovis 4000D has built in patterns which includes fonts. On the machine itself, you can pull up the letters you want to embroider and line them up on the screen. It is not an easy process and quite time consuming, but it can be done. I have done this in the past. If you do not want to do this, you would need to purchase software used to create machine embroidery patterns and then create your letters in there and transfer the pattern to your machine.
Thanks for all of the info, 2 questions: Does the bobbin thread need to match the top thread color when embroidering in this method? and, how do you transition from one thread color to the next? thx so much!!
Hi. I'm glad you liked our video! When you embroider, you usually use white bobbin fill in your bobbin. Bobbin fill is lighter than normal thread so you can get more onto the bobbin so you have less refills/changes. You would not want to have to change the bobbin after every thread. The machine stops after each thread color is done. So, you then take the thread out and put in the next color which is indicated by the machine/pattern. Don't forget to subscribe to our channel so you don't miss any videos!
Needlepointers amazing!! Thank you so much!! Can't wait to try it.....
How does the embroidery know which color of thread to use for the design? incredible video btw.
Adan, the machine is programmed with a design and when the designer creates it, they set the colors to use for each section. So, the machine just knows when to stop. I pick the actual thread colors to use and thread them onto the machine after each stop.
Do you put all the color thread in the machine or it finish one color then u add the next color
One color at a time.
Amazing content