Do I understand it correctly that with frame relay, you have an addressing method that's like the IPv4 addressing method, but frame relay doesn't work on Layer 3 of the OSI model (like IPv4 networks do), but on Layer 2 of the OSI model? For example, frame relay uses DLCIs to identify nodes and paths between those nodes, whereas IPv4 networks use IPv4 addresses routing tables to do the same?
I've been struggling with this concept a little bit, and you really helped to clear it up for me. Thank you!
Thank you same for me
Perfect... so I understood in 12 min what I could not at many lessons and many google searches... Thank you!
thanks for those additional information, i never thought that it is related to a stitch port.
man made a video so that i can pass my exam 4 years later
Love the road analogy
Really informational video about Frame Relay, thank you for clearing up this topic for me!
this is a very good and practical explanation of this fuzzy topic. Well done i give it to you.!!!
Awesome video! You explained a lot better than my book did. Thank you
I finally understood clearly this concept. Thanks !!
Thanks! This is just what I needed!
Clear and easy to understand thank you.
Thanks a lot for making this concept an easy grasp
Great video
awesome video~ easy to learn!
Amazing explanation. Thank you!
We need more like this video's
Amazing video, thank you!
"This road only goes to my favorite bar".. haha i see what u did there😃✌
Just cleared my concept.
really helpful
so amazing
Great intro to the subject. But with the proliferation of MPLS VRF VPN, is not Frame fast becoming yesterday's technology?
thank you very much sir.
thank you that was very helpful
Do I understand it correctly that with frame relay, you have an addressing method that's like the IPv4 addressing method, but frame relay doesn't work on Layer 3 of the OSI model (like IPv4 networks do), but on Layer 2 of the OSI model? For example, frame relay uses DLCIs to identify nodes and paths between those nodes, whereas IPv4 networks use IPv4 addresses routing tables to do the same?
thnk u
please can u give an explanation in one word what is frame relay about? please guyses answer me very well ...
So it's a transparent router...
Great info, but move your mic back from your mouth.