You know what he means,. Being sarcastic doesn't make you look any better. None is talking about the mages point of view, were talking about the shamans... Ice block belong in hall of fame, It has long since outstayed it's welcome in standard.
That's the problem, no one is talking about the mage's POV. Board state isn't and shouldn't be a certain way to win games, so they should either give at least some classes some efficient removal, not this 7 mana 4 damage garbage that basically doesn't clear anything above 4 mana, or enable some decks to control the board in an indirect way such as this one.
ArcanumVader this doesn't so much "control the board" as it does "make everything your opponent does for the entire game completely irrelevant". And what do you mean "board state shouldn't be a way to win"? The 'board' is literally everything. That's why 'controlling the board' is a thing, because if you don't have control over it, you generally lose. Except for freeze/quest Mage because they can completely ignore the board. Ignoring something until you win is not "effective removal". What other class has a card that says "3 mana, gain 9999999 armour for a turn when you most need it"? Or "3 mana 0/9999999 taunt minion that cannot be targeted by spells or hero powers" because that's essentially what ice block and frost nova do. And blizzard does the same. Any one, or even two, of these cards isn't a problem, but when you have 7 cards in your deck that all do shit like this, that's why they need removing. Mages have tons of single target damage and removal, so they don't often even need wide board clear. I mean, manat decks don't have high damage board clear cards but they still find reasonable ways to win. Shamans, Druids, hunters, rogues, paladin (technically they do, but that requires two or more cards to pull off), warlock has some but it kills your own shit, priest has one but it kills your own shit. Goddamn. The only classes that have any high damage, aoe removal cards are warlock, priest and Mage. And yes, 7 mana aoe 4 damage is high. If you want to know how good a card is generally, look how good it is in arena. Oh look, in arena, flame strike is amazing. Mages have TONS of good removal. These 7 cards, ice block, blizzard, frostnova and quest is just overkill. "I could remove your board. But instead il just pretend it doesn't exist for 7 turns then 1 shot you"
Opponent has about 60 damage on board, but I have no dignity and will play a class that can freeze and prolong the game until I can kill you, and you can barely do anything about it.
I only play Priest , and whenever I get matched against this cancerous bullshit I know I'm about lose. Guess I should run Eater of Secrets... such a meta card. Edit: I'm f2p but even if I paid for an otk Priest mage will Iceblock me until I concede.
And this is the prime example of why i hate mage. I'd rather deal with a pirate warrior or a jade druid, at least when they go below 1 they fucking die.
Because winning is the most important, right? Doesn't matter games against pirate warriors are stupid af and druid is... I don't want to even say anything about the 10 mana super broken card. The games which just requires 0 skill and 0 understanding of the game and resources saving. I don't understand how can someone hate something like living one more turn and like something like 20/20 stats in one turn or bloodlust on 5 and do 25 dmg by 1 drops.
Jakub Skonieczny 1) you can play around 25 damage bloodlust by not giving the shaman board full of 1 drops. If you play a greedy priest deck with nothing to do until turn 5 and you lose to bloodlust that is entirely on you. There is set up and interaction with 25 damage blood lust because you let it get that far. There is no counterplay to ice block since the ONLY out is putting in a 4 mana 2/4 in hopes you play mage (One of the lower playrate classes right now compared to the tier 1) or they don't draw any of their freeze cards and you win as an aggro deck. Eater being a 4 mana 2/4 that only counters 1 deck makes it basically unplayable unless both mage and Aggro paladin are popular whereas cards like skulking Geist have decent statlines (6 mana 4/6 is fine since it generally trades with something and has 4 attack so priest can't remove it easily) and hits a LOT of decks (jade druid, all priest decks, aggro druid, and most warrior decks lose at least 1 card to geist).
Jakub, I wonder if you've played hearthstone, since you seem to take living one more turn very lightly, also they never said they liked the pirate warriors or the jade druids.
For me isn't counterplay against Bloodlust, it's immpossible to keep opponent's board without minions for a whole game. "Great" combo is Devolve and Bloodlust or 2x Bloodlust. Maybe with priest and mage, they have lots of removals and boardclears.
1 mana 12/12 +1 mana 13/13+ 1 mana 13 armor? not its not broken.haha druid pppl so glad it is nerfed and cant ramp THAT hard.and shaman....turn 6 you play what?18 mana turn?really?with 2 cards combo?so lets block its broken.but evolve into 18 mana turn its not. you speak right Jakub Skonieczny.
I mean it formed out of two epics but would have been cool if they made it a legendary just because. Either way doesn't really change the core gameplay
Savjz, love your stuff as always. This is also exhibit A in the case of why ice block needs to fuck off to the HOF as quickly as possible. It literally didn't matter what that guy did, and he basically didn't even get to play.
Sure. There are a million ways to get it, or freezes, and each freeze and ice block is a time walk against any deck that wins on board. Which is the vast majority of decks. But ice block is the keystone to this whole bullshit strategy, and I'm tired of it after three years. Just take it out. i don't care if mage sucks (it will be fine). If freeze mage is still a huge thing at least you can play decks that play to board with burn finishers. At least you get to play a card game instead of just passing turn and watching mage durdle around until it wins or fizzles. It's the same reason storm was a huge mistake in MTG and has been nerfed to all hell as a result. CCGs shouldn't be solitaire.
Basically, a spell with Storm would cast itself again times the amount of spells you casted that turn. It's notable for "Eggs" deck ("Great if you get them but easy to break"), that relied on casting a bunch of dumpster spells (mostly draw, mana generation and cycling) and then finishing with Grapeshot (2 mana, deal 1 damage) or Brain Freeze (2 mana, burn top 3 cards of your deck [notable since MTG didn't go to fatigue - if you had no cards to draw, you lost] ). So you'd watch your opponent set up a megaturn and then just watch him play solitaire as he keeps drawing, ramping and cycling until he cast enough spells to OTK you. It wasn't as bad in MTG since you could interact in your opponent's turn, but it was still pretty 'interactive' when it did work. Nowhere as 'interactive' as Iceblock, though.
And without ice block it literally wouldn't matter what the mage was doing, or a lot of other decks for that matter, since no class has efficient removal and you just win games off of insane earlygame and stupid winmore cards like flametongue and bloodlust. It's only fair there's a deck that counters broken board-centric decks. The board state isn't the only element of the game, and it's not even an automatic lose matchup.
Ice Block has been a problem since the game came out. It's beyond stupid that a card that costs 3 mana can protect you from EVERYTHING for 1 turn. There is 0 counter play except for popping it or forcing your opponent to mill (lol). To make matters worse, mage can run 2 of them and, given how many "discover" spells they play, odds are they pick up a 3rd along the way. It's time for it to be rotated into the Hall of Fame so mage is allowed to have more archetypes. As is, mage is limited in the cards it is allowed to receive all because of Freeze Mage.
It would indeed be nice to see mage decks without fireball/iceblock/frostbolt/polymorph/blizzard/flamestrike/nova. I don't think any other class has as much excellent/near-auto include cards in their basic+classic sets.
Blizzard hates decks that dont let you interact with before they can affect you. *1year later* Introducing Quest Mage, you get 2 turns in a row, do 30+ mana plays while your opponent can watch and do nothing.
They only hated charging minion OTK decks like Worgen warrior and Frothing berserker warrior, they're fine with spell based OTK decks like mage and priest. Although I don't really understand that logic... They're really not that different and just as frustrating to lose to.
Yeah its basically making wild unplayable right now. Raza priest in wild is disgusting levels of broken. If you don't kill them within the first few turns you just lose.
Nice one. I used to have a quest in my mage deck, though only as back-up, removed it since even when I got it I barely ever needed it. Currently I run a control spell mage (not freeze mage, the only freeze cards I run are Breath of Sindragosa and Frostbolt) that uses hard removal and spell generation, with Sindragosa, Medivh, Antonidas, Alextrasza, Frost Lich Jaina and Yogg'Saron.
Ice block is "broken" but having almost 30 dmg board on turn 7 is fun and interactive. Then having twice powerful board on next turn is even more fun for both sides. Besides, on 9 mana there is only 2 charged minions that can deal w Doom(and one in 8 mana, plus Rag that also can have luck), and Shaman highrolled one of them. Is Shaman doesn't highrolled all of that, all that freezes and Ice bloksc wasn't even nessesary. Because that is good matchup for mage.
If the Shaman is able to pull this off, he should be able to win. Everything in his deck worked *really really* well, while Mage only had to draw *pretty* well, and Mage still won.
Do you read my comment till end? That is good matchup for mage. In all collecitibe card games(MtG, YGO etc.) decks have good and bad matchups, there is no decks that is good against everything(ad least shouldn't be).
well to be fair the shaman wouldn't have had so much power on the board by turn 7 if he played against a deck that actually needed to interact with his board
It's a completely fair game, you don't get to play a lot of games nowadays where you sit there hopelessly watch your opponent dance their fingers and kill you while you have a massive advantage over them. Yeah, Blizzard, make more OTK decks, its the way to go, I am sure many people will enjoy and join Hearthstone.
Man I love how much time Blizzard spend on readiing playerbase opinions.. I love being useless for 12+ turns then I just die to some bullshit that a Mage pulled out of their ass.
Well, if your opponent doesn't have any minions would you try to hit face or just skip your turn? SMOrc is more like "oh you have 4 good health-stat minions? Too bad they don't have taunt..SMOrc"
So everyone is gonna complain about ice block and freeze but not mention the insane Evolve rng. That was the luckiest I've seen any shamen get. Wow belongs in a montage of evolve moments.
Ghorn Is bae the only evolve that mattered that game was king Krush. Any of the other cards could have been random non-1/1s and he would have won against any other deck. Also, the 9 mana slot is so small that the chances of highrolling something like ysera, nozdormu, king krush, or obsidian statue are actually pretty high. He had a full board and upped the cost of every card by 3 (? I don't remember if he evolved before thrall or not) which means he auto won against basically any other deck besides control warrior or control Warlock since he would have just thrown 30+ damage face the following turn with 3 9 drops and a couple 8 drops or whatever he ended up with. Evolve randomness is MOST OF THE TIME not relevant unless you get a powerful deathrattle or low roll extremely hard (bomb squad/racketeer) since most of the time you average out to something like a 6 mana 6/6 with no effect since battlecries don't happen. The only reason he could have kept his board is by getting king krush, but had he been against something like Priest (another solitaire-ish deck that passes for the first 3 turns) he wouldn't have even needed the king Krush since that doomsayer would have never went off anyway.
You get 2+ free turns by IceBlockAndSomeDiscoverFuckingBullshit™ you get to freeze your opponent's board atleast 3 times thanks to AbsurdBoardFreezesAndDiscoveredBullshit™ and lastly- with the Exodia combo you can kill anyone who has less than 300 HP.. I guess that you always have 400+ HP on your ladder games right? It sounds amazingly interactive... RIGHT!?!?! *RIGHT!?!?!?!?!?!*
Quest mage games are extremely luck based. There is absolutely some skill that goes into playing the deck no doubt, but the majority of games come down to if the mage can randomly generate enough ice blocks or freeze spells they win, if they can't they lose. It just feels bad to lose and know there is nothing you could have done to win the game, because you opponent got lucky with his random cards off of babbling books and such.
This disgusting cancerous shit right here is why I want to disenchant all of my Mage cards.. but they're too OP and I may need 3 free wins for some gold one day.
quest mage has less than 50%-40% win rate why the fk they wanna remove ice block? it is not like mages are dominating like druid or priest!!! i mean if you so annoyed about the one extra turn ice block gives to mage then give mage greedy cards like priest or stronger board clears or minions (mage cant clear a board of big minions like paladin/priest/warlock)
Probably because was already eating himself up against this rando/freeze mage. Like: your deck is not fun at all to play against why give him the satisfaction of IceBlocking 29 damage.
So we have to wait until January - March for Ice Block to MAYBE get Hall of Famed MAYBE. Because even though it's been at least a 1-of in literally 98% of all Mage decks since the start of the game it doesn't deserve it yet. I guess they're waiting until Eater of Secrets rotates out so that there actually is 0 way to counter it. But why the fuck should we have to run Eater of Secrets in a Priest / Tempo meta. Fuck sake.
98% is seriously a overstatement. Mech, secret and aggro burn mages don't run them. In fact, the only decks that run ice blocks are control mages, freeze mage and exodia mage.
If you look at decks over time, there was a 2 year period where Freeze Mage was viable in all metas. So that's 2 years of 2-of Ice Block. So then Mage lost popularity for a while, while still having some tempo decks around, then there was Quest with Ice Blocks again, then recently it's about a 70/30 split on Quest or Jaina / Tempo or Secret. So if you check the amount of decks played vs the cards included in the meta decks. It really isn't that big of a stretch to say that 98% of decks over the last 4 years have had at LEAST 1 Ice Block, sometimes 2
Hearthstone community acts like spoiled kids. Jade druid - crying because it's op. Razakus priest - crying because it's op. Pirate warrior - crying (at some point) because it was op. Mage - crying because ice block is op. Etc. Etc. JESUS F....G CHRIST. I just can't read it anymore.....
And yet you still follow Hearthstone streamers? Sorry to say but that seems a bit sad when you trashtalk the game at the same time. Time to move on bud.
There's alot of people who watch streamers such as Dane.. not entirely for the game itself, but the streamer's ability to entertain. I'd also quit the game if it wasn't for the 5% of players who didn't disenchant 8 classes to make a retarded meta deck or pay to make a retarded meta deck.
Best thing I've seen in awhile
Hahahaha, best Savjz moment ever
Savjz trying to summon jade golem
Savjz Spirit LMAO
needs to be the new donate sound.
People playing quest mage are the same people that demanded a quest rogue nerf.
doesnt ever matter oponent board, how can some1 say it is interactive ( i know u are sarcastic im talking about the people defending the deck)
@@Bilal-eq6ul let's be honest quest rogue was broken af
@@poorsoul5695 i just ate fireballs to the face and infinite board freezes tbf
Fun and Interactive Boys
You're right, he supposed to not freeze and be killed by 60/60 in one turn ;)
You know what he means,. Being sarcastic doesn't make you look any better. None is talking about the mages point of view, were talking about the shamans...
Ice block belong in hall of fame, It has long since outstayed it's welcome in standard.
ooh no, mage has a way of winning games, nerf that class now!
That's the problem, no one is talking about the mage's POV. Board state isn't and shouldn't be a certain way to win games, so they should either give at least some classes some efficient removal, not this 7 mana 4 damage garbage that basically doesn't clear anything above 4 mana, or enable some decks to control the board in an indirect way such as this one.
ArcanumVader this doesn't so much "control the board" as it does "make everything your opponent does for the entire game completely irrelevant". And what do you mean "board state shouldn't be a way to win"? The 'board' is literally everything. That's why 'controlling the board' is a thing, because if you don't have control over it, you generally lose. Except for freeze/quest Mage because they can completely ignore the board. Ignoring something until you win is not "effective removal". What other class has a card that says "3 mana, gain 9999999 armour for a turn when you most need it"? Or "3 mana 0/9999999 taunt minion that cannot be targeted by spells or hero powers" because that's essentially what ice block and frost nova do. And blizzard does the same. Any one, or even two, of these cards isn't a problem, but when you have 7 cards in your deck that all do shit like this, that's why they need removing. Mages have tons of single target damage and removal, so they don't often even need wide board clear. I mean, manat decks don't have high damage board clear cards but they still find reasonable ways to win. Shamans, Druids, hunters, rogues, paladin (technically they do, but that requires two or more cards to pull off), warlock has some but it kills your own shit, priest has one but it kills your own shit. Goddamn. The only classes that have any high damage, aoe removal cards are warlock, priest and Mage. And yes, 7 mana aoe 4 damage is high. If you want to know how good a card is generally, look how good it is in arena. Oh look, in arena, flame strike is amazing. Mages have TONS of good removal. These 7 cards, ice block, blizzard, frostnova and quest is just overkill. "I could remove your board. But instead il just pretend it doesn't exist for 7 turns then 1 shot you"
Why ice block belongs in the hall of fame.
Opponent Has About 60 Damage on Board, But I Have Ice Blocks*
Opponent has about 60 damage on board, but I have no dignity and will play a class that can freeze and prolong the game until I can kill you, and you can barely do anything about it.
Bad day?
A Priest only player, the only way control priest can beat that is if they go afk.. I haven't played ladder for months, may as well uninstall soon.
just watching this game makes me tilted
I only play Priest , and whenever I get matched against this cancerous bullshit I know I'm about lose.
Guess I should run Eater of Secrets... such a meta card.
Edit: I'm f2p but even if I paid for an otk Priest mage will Iceblock me until I concede.
And this is the prime example of why i hate mage. I'd rather deal with a pirate warrior or a jade druid, at least when they go below 1 they fucking die.
Because winning is the most important, right? Doesn't matter games against pirate warriors are stupid af and druid is... I don't want to even say anything about the 10 mana super broken card. The games which just requires 0 skill and 0 understanding of the game and resources saving.
I don't understand how can someone hate something like living one more turn and like something like 20/20 stats in one turn or bloodlust on 5 and do 25 dmg by 1 drops.
Jakub Skonieczny 1) you can play around 25 damage bloodlust by not giving the shaman board full of 1 drops. If you play a greedy priest deck with nothing to do until turn 5 and you lose to bloodlust that is entirely on you. There is set up and interaction with 25 damage blood lust because you let it get that far. There is no counterplay to ice block since the ONLY out is putting in a 4 mana 2/4 in hopes you play mage (One of the lower playrate classes right now compared to the tier 1) or they don't draw any of their freeze cards and you win as an aggro deck. Eater being a 4 mana 2/4 that only counters 1 deck makes it basically unplayable unless both mage and Aggro paladin are popular whereas cards like skulking Geist have decent statlines (6 mana 4/6 is fine since it generally trades with something and has 4 attack so priest can't remove it easily) and hits a LOT of decks (jade druid, all priest decks, aggro druid, and most warrior decks lose at least 1 card to geist).
Jakub, I wonder if you've played hearthstone, since you seem to take living one more turn very lightly, also they never said they liked the pirate warriors or the jade druids.
For me isn't counterplay against Bloodlust, it's immpossible to keep opponent's board without minions for a whole game. "Great" combo is Devolve and Bloodlust or 2x Bloodlust. Maybe with priest and mage, they have lots of removals and boardclears.
1 mana 12/12 +1 mana 13/13+ 1 mana 13 armor? not its not broken.haha druid pppl so glad it is nerfed and cant ramp THAT hard.and shaman....turn 6 you play what?18 mana turn?really?with 2 cards combo?so lets block its broken.but evolve into 18 mana turn its not. you speak right Jakub Skonieczny.
Savjz like 10 videos ago playing vs this deck "Oh look how fun this is, frezing the board turn after turn"
I didn't even know that the Ancient One is an epic card and not a legendary. 9 mana 30/30 epic. Seems like a legit shaman card Kappa.
overload 20 then we talkin
Why... would it be Legendary? It is formed out of two epics why wouldn't it be too
how about overload 30 for the tunnel trogg otk
Shaman went from 4 mana 7/7 to 9 mana 30/30
That sure escalated quickly 🤔
I mean it formed out of two epics but would have been cool if they made it a legendary just because. Either way doesn't really change the core gameplay
If I would be that Shaman I would have smashed my PC xD
haha absolutely xD
Savjz, love your stuff as always.
This is also exhibit A in the case of why ice block needs to fuck off to the HOF as quickly as possible. It literally didn't matter what that guy did, and he basically didn't even get to play.
Westcoastradamus P Ice block isn't the issue, it's the amount of options and ways mage has getting it and otk
Sure. There are a million ways to get it, or freezes, and each freeze and ice block is a time walk against any deck that wins on board. Which is the vast majority of decks.
But ice block is the keystone to this whole bullshit strategy, and I'm tired of it after three years. Just take it out. i don't care if mage sucks (it will be fine). If freeze mage is still a huge thing at least you can play decks that play to board with burn finishers. At least you get to play a card game instead of just passing turn and watching mage durdle around until it wins or fizzles.
It's the same reason storm was a huge mistake in MTG and has been nerfed to all hell as a result. CCGs shouldn't be solitaire.
Westcoastradamus P wooo. What's storm? What makes it the MTG ice block?
Basically, a spell with Storm would cast itself again times the amount of spells you casted that turn. It's notable for "Eggs" deck ("Great if you get them but easy to break"), that relied on casting a bunch of dumpster spells (mostly draw, mana generation and cycling) and then finishing with Grapeshot (2 mana, deal 1 damage) or Brain Freeze (2 mana, burn top 3 cards of your deck [notable since MTG didn't go to fatigue - if you had no cards to draw, you lost] ).
So you'd watch your opponent set up a megaturn and then just watch him play solitaire as he keeps drawing, ramping and cycling until he cast enough spells to OTK you. It wasn't as bad in MTG since you could interact in your opponent's turn, but it was still pretty 'interactive' when it did work. Nowhere as 'interactive' as Iceblock, though.
And without ice block it literally wouldn't matter what the mage was doing, or a lot of other decks for that matter, since no class has efficient removal and you just win games off of insane earlygame and stupid winmore cards like flametongue and bloodlust. It's only fair there's a deck that counters broken board-centric decks. The board state isn't the only element of the game, and it's not even an automatic lose matchup.
Legit hate quest Mage deck
The problem is definitely not the quest at all. Its Ice block!
Ice Block has been a problem since the game came out. It's beyond stupid that a card that costs 3 mana can protect you from EVERYTHING for 1 turn. There is 0 counter play except for popping it or forcing your opponent to mill (lol). To make matters worse, mage can run 2 of them and, given how many "discover" spells they play, odds are they pick up a 3rd along the way. It's time for it to be rotated into the Hall of Fame so mage is allowed to have more archetypes. As is, mage is limited in the cards it is allowed to receive all because of Freeze Mage.
It would indeed be nice to see mage decks without fireball/iceblock/frostbolt/polymorph/blizzard/flamestrike/nova. I don't think any other class has as much excellent/near-auto include cards in their basic+classic sets.
^ Why Mage is the best class in Arena (or was, IDK, haven't played the game in 1.5 years. Just watch now).
eater of secrets
Should've conceded out of respect.
Savjz rubbing Kripp salt on that shaman.
Fun and interactive mage...
"nothing that deals with the doomsayer...
no chargers!"
top 10 moments captured right before disasters.
Blizzard hates decks that dont let you interact with before they can affect you.
*1year later*
Introducing Quest Mage, you get 2 turns in a row, do 30+ mana plays while your opponent can watch and do nothing.
They only hated charging minion OTK decks like Worgen warrior and Frothing berserker warrior, they're fine with spell based OTK decks like mage and priest. Although I don't really understand that logic... They're really not that different and just as frustrating to lose to.
what i find more annoying is that fucking Raza Shadowreaper Bullshit for priests.
Yeah its basically making wild unplayable right now. Raza priest in wild is disgusting levels of broken. If you don't kill them within the first few turns you just lose.
What a rollercoaster of emotions. Jesus Christ...
Nice one. I used to have a quest in my mage deck, though only as back-up, removed it since even when I got it I barely ever needed it. Currently I run a control spell mage (not freeze mage, the only freeze cards I run are Breath of Sindragosa and Frostbolt) that uses hard removal and spell generation, with Sindragosa, Medivh, Antonidas, Alextrasza, Frost Lich Jaina and Yogg'Saron.
Legendary: *Kalecgos* 9 Mana, 4/9. *Spell Damage +2.* *Battlecry:* Cast one of each *Spell* in your hand. _(Targets chosen randomly.)_
3:21 "that's ridiculous" ( mage quest deck)
Summon the ancient one, still lose. Quest mage everybody!
Such interaction, much fun game, so wow
Awww, really wanted to see that Ancient One shams the face.
Ice block is "broken" but having almost 30 dmg board on turn 7 is fun and interactive. Then having twice powerful board on next turn is even more fun for both sides. Besides, on 9 mana there is only 2 charged minions that can deal w Doom(and one in 8 mana, plus Rag that also can have luck), and Shaman highrolled one of them. Is Shaman doesn't highrolled all of that, all that freezes and Ice bloksc wasn't even nessesary. Because that is good matchup for mage.
If the Shaman is able to pull this off, he should be able to win. Everything in his deck worked *really really* well, while Mage only had to draw *pretty* well, and Mage still won.
Do you read my comment till end? That is good matchup for mage. In all collecitibe card games(MtG, YGO etc.) decks have good and bad matchups, there is no decks that is good against everything(ad least shouldn't be).
well to be fair the shaman wouldn't have had so much power on the board by turn 7 if he played against a deck that actually needed to interact with his board
It's a completely fair game, you don't get to play a lot of games nowadays where you sit there hopelessly watch your opponent dance their fingers and kill you while you have a massive advantage over them. Yeah, Blizzard, make more OTK decks, its the way to go, I am sure many people will enjoy and join Hearthstone.
Man I love how much time Blizzard spend on readiing playerbase opinions.. I love being useless for 12+ turns then I just die to some bullshit that a Mage pulled out of their ass.
Iconic savjz noise
Stop Freezing His Board Bro! He's Trying to SMOrc!
Well, if your opponent doesn't have any minions would you try to hit face or just skip your turn? SMOrc is more like "oh you have 4 good health-stat minions? Too bad they don't have taunt..SMOrc"
3:30 i was like he could evole the turtle to get an other 9/9 and boom i was like lmfao
When will they nerf or cycle Ice block????
Ben angel Should happen when the next standard year comes around
Bullshit deck is bullshit
New Savjz video yay!
"Get fucking arcanegiant rekt. Look at that hoooly shit" (c)
But in the end... it doesn't even matter!
Hey guys. Ice block is going to the hall of fame
You could say that it was a "Crushing" turn
that bm at the end
So everyone is gonna complain about ice block and freeze but not mention the insane Evolve rng. That was the luckiest I've seen any shamen get. Wow belongs in a montage of evolve moments.
Ghorn Is bae the only evolve that mattered that game was king Krush. Any of the other cards could have been random non-1/1s and he would have won against any other deck. Also, the 9 mana slot is so small that the chances of highrolling something like ysera, nozdormu, king krush, or obsidian statue are actually pretty high. He had a full board and upped the cost of every card by 3 (? I don't remember if he evolved before thrall or not) which means he auto won against basically any other deck besides control warrior or control Warlock since he would have just thrown 30+ damage face the following turn with 3 9 drops and a couple 8 drops or whatever he ended up with.
Evolve randomness is MOST OF THE TIME not relevant unless you get a powerful deathrattle or low roll extremely hard (bomb squad/racketeer) since most of the time you average out to something like a 6 mana 6/6 with no effect since battlecries don't happen. The only reason he could have kept his board is by getting king krush, but had he been against something like Priest (another solitaire-ish deck that passes for the first 3 turns) he wouldn't have even needed the king Krush since that doomsayer would have never went off anyway.
This is why i hate Mage.
play mill rogue and tear them apart. it's doing surprisingly well on ladder right now
This game is the video proof of why ice block should go in pantheon
massive play savjz, most guys would have conceded :D
Caba tome into caba tome into caba tome
Why do you guys all hate quest mage? Imo, that's the best deck of all so far. I love watching Savjz playing this deck. Am I the only one?
You get 2+ free turns by IceBlockAndSomeDiscoverFuckingBullshit™ you get to freeze your opponent's board atleast 3 times thanks to AbsurdBoardFreezesAndDiscoveredBullshit™ and lastly- with the Exodia combo you can kill anyone who has less than 300 HP.. I guess that you always have 400+ HP on your ladder games right?
It sounds amazingly interactive... RIGHT!?!?!
No, it doesn't, but it sounds fun.
Pay 30$ and play singleplayer mode. Fun stuff.
Quest mage games are extremely luck based. There is absolutely some skill that goes into playing the deck no doubt, but the majority of games come down to if the mage can randomly generate enough ice blocks or freeze spells they win, if they can't they lose. It just feels bad to lose and know there is nothing you could have done to win the game, because you opponent got lucky with his random cards off of babbling books and such.
Cabalist into cabalist into cabalist....
The BM was good on this one
So this is where the *WOOOOHOOHOOHOOOOOO* is from
Ahhh so thats were the new sub sound came from :D
If my opponent is a Mage and they play quest turn 1 I just concede. I don't hate myself enough to put myself through that.
Time to move the ice block to hall or fame...
It will fuck wild.. just nerf it to hell or delete it.
The disrespect is unbelievable
That shaman deserved to lose for not attacking with his Ancient One
Oh hey, that's a little bit fcked isnt it
That shaman has to be so salty
Savjz gets evölved 3:15
This disgusting cancerous shit right here is why I want to disenchant all of my Mage cards.. but they're too OP and I may need 3 free wins for some gold one day.
And he still won thanks to freeze and ice block. Balanced deck.
Ice block for retirement 2018!
sick BM
Even as a Mage main, I fucking hate Quest decks. Just look at it :V
Rosâry how sad of you to consider yourself a main in a game such as hearthstone
it's astradene What can I say I'm really not into other classes yet ;_;
Most disgusting evolve ever. I feel dirty just looking at that board! o.O
At that time every hunter deck should've use Flare (I know he is shaman)
Best Evolve EU
Because y'know: Exodia > Ultimate Blue Eyes
Guy just get punished for not attacikng with The Acient One xD
I saw this in stream lel
On stream*
quest mage has less than 50%-40% win rate why the fk they wanna remove ice block? it is not like mages are dominating like druid or priest!!!
i mean if you so annoyed about the one extra turn ice block gives to mage then give mage greedy cards like priest or stronger board clears or minions (mage cant clear a board of big minions like paladin/priest/warlock)
And this is why I hate ice block
The Archmage version is better cuz it also deals with warriors
And this version of the deck is 100% lose vs fatigue warrior or even a jade druid
"He has a slightly more powerful board than I do" - Savj 2017
This is why i tech in secret keeper
why would he not attak with the ancient one....that is lame...
akahren1996 BM: the act of trying to make the enemy as salty as possible.
akahren1996 Ikr?
Probably because was already eating himself up against this rando/freeze mage. Like: your deck is not fun at all to play against why give him the satisfaction of IceBlocking 29 damage.
To reduce him down to 1 health in case the mage managed to pull a twisting nether or some other full board clear bullshit out of his ass.
We mean when the mage was 1 HP, the shaman decided to proc with the 6/6 and not proc with The Ancient One.
E Z P Z Lemon Squeezy
So we have to wait until January - March for Ice Block to MAYBE get Hall of Famed MAYBE. Because even though it's been at least a 1-of in literally 98% of all Mage decks since the start of the game it doesn't deserve it yet. I guess they're waiting until Eater of Secrets rotates out so that there actually is 0 way to counter it. But why the fuck should we have to run Eater of Secrets in a Priest / Tempo meta. Fuck sake.
98% is seriously a overstatement. Mech, secret and aggro burn mages don't run them. In fact, the only decks that run ice blocks are control mages, freeze mage and exodia mage.
If you look at decks over time, there was a 2 year period where Freeze Mage was viable in all metas. So that's 2 years of 2-of Ice Block. So then Mage lost popularity for a while, while still having some tempo decks around, then there was Quest with Ice Blocks again, then recently it's about a 70/30 split on Quest or Jaina / Tempo or Secret. So if you check the amount of decks played vs the cards included in the meta decks. It really isn't that big of a stretch to say that 98% of decks over the last 4 years have had at LEAST 1 Ice Block, sometimes 2
You are correct about Mech Mage though, I forgot that was a thing with Flamewakers.
You guys want a nerf to mage but no jade/Druid nerf? Good meme
But I have the highground
Funny game to watch, utterly disgusting to participate in.
Thats fucked...the ancient 1 and 2 boogeymen and u still just instant kill with bonus turn
Fucking ice block haha
Night night!
That just shows how stupid ice block is.
No you have iceblock
people play skullking geist just for jade idol, why not play eater of secret for the dozens of secrets not just ice block????
Next level bm :)))
Hearthstone community acts like spoiled kids. Jade druid - crying because it's op. Razakus priest - crying because it's op. Pirate warrior - crying (at some point) because it was op. Mage - crying because ice block is op. Etc. Etc. JESUS F....G CHRIST. I just can't read it anymore.....
Ele jogou mt
Only the highest of rolls
g damn
epic game nice
This is why I stopped playing this shitty fun and interactive game
And yet you still follow Hearthstone streamers? Sorry to say but that seems a bit sad when you trashtalk the game at the same time. Time to move on bud.
There's alot of people who watch streamers such as Dane.. not entirely for the game itself, but the streamer's ability to entertain. I'd also quit the game if it wasn't for the 5% of players who didn't disenchant 8 classes to make a retarded meta deck or pay to make a retarded meta deck.
This game... -,_,-
why only 50 dislikes?
Because he doesn't play this regualrly, but I agree- it needs a bit more.
#still win
30-30 versus 8-8