Chargers Jim Harbaugh Establishing New Culture | Differences From Previous Coaches | WINNING FORMULA

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 18 ธ.ค. 2024

ความคิดเห็น • 42

  • @Charlie-wt6hv
    @Charlie-wt6hv 5 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    I'm an Oregon fan and have followed Players and Coaches to the NFL. When Chip Kelly took the Eagles HC job there was a surface level buy-in to his ways but I felt that deep down the veteran players were wondering, how is this crazy collage stuff going to work in the NFL. Well it didn't. Chip had no NFL experience and the talent level of most NFL defenses shut down his spread offense. Jim Harbaugh as a former player and with his HC winning record gave him instant credibility and respect. What stands out is what the players are saying. He and his staff are connecting with the players. When Derwin James say that the room changes when Coach enters that say a lot. When you hear that Coach is working out with the players that gets their attention and respect. Coach could have gone anywhere but as he was winning at Michigan he was watching NFL games and saw the perfect team for him to reenter the NFL with. That team had a top level quarterback who was under preforming because the defense couldn't stay on the field, didn't have a solid run game and the O line, despite having Slater, allowed too many hits to their quarterback. So while most fans cried when Joe Alt was drafted I cheered. As Coach says, it all begins at the O line.

  • @jameswagner2116
    @jameswagner2116 6 หลายเดือนก่อน +5

    ABSOLUTELY great show and RIGHT TOPIC...Discipline, is breeding the right connection...Norv, Mike, Anthony, and Staley all had no true GRIDIRON LEGACY with meticulous FOOTBALL CULTURE DETAIL, Harbaugh unlike those others is not to insecure of himself that HE WILL BRING POSITION STAFF that are positionally smarter than he may be for the purpose of WINNING... regardless of past failed anticipation, while KEEPING IT REAL...I suppose I will maintain HI EXPECTATIONS LOL...SORRY, GOD BLESS YOU GUYS, AND THANK YOU BOTH AGAIN. .!!!

  • @kellyabrams304
    @kellyabrams304 6 หลายเดือนก่อน +5

    Great topic. The last time the chargers had a similar culture was under Marty. Who fires a coach that has a 14 2 record? Marty built that team & culture. Norv was a play caller yes man to a smith. He reaped the rewards of what Marty built. AFC championship. Harbaugh is the same kind of coach Marty was. One play at a time. Beat a team up with your will. Listen to Lo Neil and former chargers greats talk about the attention to detail Marty had. His message was clear and it went straight down through the staff with nothing to be lost in translation. The Spanoses have went full circle by hiring Harbaugh. Coaches like this build perineal powerhouses. Who make it to the tournament every year. That is all you need to do. Like the ravens, Steelers, chiefs 49ers packers etc

  • @thomascostello5780
    @thomascostello5780 6 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

    Top 5 podcast gents and it flowed really well. Thanks

    • @ChargersUnleashed
      @ChargersUnleashed  6 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      Thank you for the feedback, Thomas! - Dan

  • @francisbeland8959
    @francisbeland8959 6 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

    I believe the biggest culture change has been brought by the Spanos. They finally decided to invest in a high profile coach and accept everything that goes with it. As for the previous coaches, I believe they all brought a culture change. Lynn, who I believe is a wonderful human beeing brought that physicality culture and that was great. Everything fell apart on gameday though when I think he was clueless on how to manage a game. I think that when he was there, Rivers covered his mistakes by taking charge on the field. It all became obvious on Herbert's first season. Added to that, he seems to be too kind. Chargers were building huge leads on first half and it seems they stopped trying to score points on second half and the other team was coming back. As for Staley, I believe he had an idea and did not want to budge from it even if it was not working. As mentioned, we were all in for the 4th and Staley and having a coach that want to win instead of a coach that doesn't want to lose but he became reckless. My biggest problem with Staley was not the HC part but the DC part. He should have left the DC call defensive plays and concentrate on the HC job only. The other thing that bothered me was during the first half of the Jags playoff game. I saw players waving at the crowd to troll them. I hope that it's because Staley did not see that because I personally would have snapped at those players. Imo, Harbaugh is the complete package and I'm hyped for the next season.... even if my little longtime Chargers fan voice is telling me to temper my hype. Continue with your great podcast!

  • @StevenGpavones
    @StevenGpavones 6 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    Great Show!

  • @frankbettencourt9098
    @frankbettencourt9098 6 หลายเดือนก่อน +4

    Wow,great I finally ear a honest and thoughtful podcast. Not best roster on papper bullshit year after year.

  • @AnilChandy-qo5mo
    @AnilChandy-qo5mo 6 หลายเดือนก่อน +4

    Why y'all keep saying everybody was in to Brandon Staley, I personally know many fans did not like that hire especially since he only got 4 years of NFL experience. I did not like the hire either but was willing to give him a shot, soon as interim HC from texans coached circles arnd him I was 75% out.

  • @Jonny_fantasyfootball_beerfoam
    @Jonny_fantasyfootball_beerfoam 6 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    If u guys ever debate on dropping some merchandise - t-shirt, hat or something, let the record reflect I’d be in!

  • @martin9410
    @martin9410 6 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    I think there are some obvious differences. Lynn seemed like a solid coach but not a top ten coach. Sometimes he did some crazy things in regard to play calling and time management. Staley came in with very little experience. His calling card was defense, and we were shocked to see that we had one of the worst defenses every season he coached. Plus, Staley's play calling and risk taking was bonkers. Everyone was shaking their heads with some of his play-calling. Plus, his very poor decisions, like playing key players in a game that doesn't count right before the playoffs, and then we lost Williams for the playoffs and probably cost us a playoff win, or calling a time out to prevent a tie and us going to the playoffs another season. We've all seen Harbaugh's history. He won't make those bad calls that cost us the playoffs. Plus, he comes in with a wealth of experience from both the player area to many years of coaching. He's seasoned and smart. No expert in their right mind would even consider the other two coaches comparable to Harbaugh. So there is a huge difference. Plus, the Chargers, up till this time, never were willing to play for a top flight coach, instead, it was always experimenting with more inexperienced coaches.

  • @rockjocks3863
    @rockjocks3863 6 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    The older I get the more I truly believe “culture eats strategy for breakfast” - be it sports, business, etc if you don’t build and maintain the right culture no amount of strategy or fluff rhetoric will make up for it…

  • @TheAdmiralMDSpecialAgent
    @TheAdmiralMDSpecialAgent 6 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    Nothing wrong with having hope

  • @nick21b1985
    @nick21b1985 6 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    I feel like all sports analyst say the exact same thing every.single.year

  • @gabrielcaldera8834
    @gabrielcaldera8834 6 หลายเดือนก่อน

    There is no volume. I cant hear ya guys

  • @alanteague2799
    @alanteague2799 6 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    Why believe in Harbaugh??? If the player is not doing what he wants. Any player no mater the star factor. He will find a player that will do what he wants. End of story. He is a no B.S. Head Coach that is why he wins.

  • @rememberda4736
    @rememberda4736 5 หลายเดือนก่อน

    I’m gonna start Time stamping when they say “Ad nauseam”
    Today is 1:21

  • @BlackDeath920
    @BlackDeath920 5 หลายเดือนก่อน

    No chargers hc has a resume like harbaugh. That should be enough. Also that means the chargers have no exuse but to win a superbowl.

  • @chargersina
    @chargersina 6 หลายเดือนก่อน

    We begged Spanos not to move out of San Diego then we begged him to hire somebody with the winning record. Then we begged them not to be so cheap. So who do you think is responsible for us losing for so many years? 😂

  • @johnardoin7751
    @johnardoin7751 5 หลายเดือนก่อน

    They should have more"LIKES" ppl... IF YOU SUBSCRIBED THEN 👍🏽 Dont just critque Support Support... #BOLTUP ⚡️⚡️⚡️

  • @Dubmcbogie
    @Dubmcbogie 5 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Buying in is almost a useless word..good coaches..with good concepts..coaching good their strengths...winning the way you say you're going to win...Quality talent across the franchise...then you dont have to "buy" anything. It's just understood..and expected.⚡

  • @kevenadrien
    @kevenadrien 6 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    This video was good, but the grounds of it were faulty. The Chargers terrible performance over the last 3 coaching staffs prior to Harbaugh, was never a question of coaching staff. It was always the general manager at the root of every mishap this team suffered: Tom Telesco. That’s who you guys should have been talking about. You can’t have a good, stable organization, if your general manager isn’t up to par with the NFL’s standards. With “Coupon Tom” calling most of the shots, this team was never going to succeed. They could have had Bill Bellichick, but under Telesco, it would have never worked.

    • @ChargersUnleashed
      @ChargersUnleashed  6 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      Patience 😉👍

    • @CarlosGarcia-zt3mr
      @CarlosGarcia-zt3mr 6 หลายเดือนก่อน

      PFF had this roster ranked 3rd in 2022 and 10th in 2023.

    • @kevenadrien
      @kevenadrien 6 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@ChargersUnleashed hehehe

    • @kevenadrien
      @kevenadrien 6 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      @@CarlosGarcia-zt3mr because it was so top-heavy.

    • @CarlosGarcia-zt3mr
      @CarlosGarcia-zt3mr 6 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      @@kevenadrien Now that I agree with. Anyways he is Raider now, their fans think he is a good GM. I didn’t want him to go to the Raiders.

  • @giamarshall6323
    @giamarshall6323 6 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    Brandon Staley was not qualified

    • @giamarshall6323
      @giamarshall6323 6 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

      He refused to let Ansley call the defensive plays

  • @moepaknia1
    @moepaknia1 6 หลายเดือนก่อน

    If you have seen HBO Movie Band of Brothers; Brandon Staley reminded of Captain Sobel. He might have been good coach in the class room, but he made horrible decisions on the field.

  • @ricardosantin6686
    @ricardosantin6686 6 หลายเดือนก่อน

    You cant compare the other hirings with Harbaugh
    They were all stupid hirings from the start Mike McCoy got luck, you know damn well Manning ran that offense. I hated it because we chose McCoy over Reid
    Lynn was a OC for 1 season and before that he was a RB coach.
    Staley was in the NFL for 3-4 seasons.
    Non of these guys deserved a shot to be HC
    The team was just talented enough to win games but wasn’t gonna go anywhere

  • @AnilChandy-qo5mo
    @AnilChandy-qo5mo 6 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Even though i like harbough, i personally would have prefered a offesnsive minded HC for justin. Ben Johnson or some one from shannahan tree then pair him up with expereienced DC. Stud qb with a offensive mind would succeed in the league, zach taylor, sean mcvay, matt laflur, keven o connoel, andy reid, shannahan.

    • @BlackDeath920
      @BlackDeath920 5 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Harbaugh is an offensive coach lol.

  • @EnzoMoresi-mj8bc
    @EnzoMoresi-mj8bc 5 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Def want to see Jesse Minter do well at all his future spots but Harbaugh - he's 100% for Harbaugh. Just another episode of the Harbaugh sh_tshow for the first few years at yet another stop. Beyond stale.

  • @Dubmcbogie
    @Dubmcbogie 5 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Norv's and Marty's teams were lightyears more talented across the entire roster than anything tt put together...he was a failure.