@@kawaii33366 is that an example white privilege, though? Is a Chinese or Indian person more likely to be viewed with suspicion in a store than a white person? I think it's unlikely they would, so I would categorise that as racial discrimination/ stereotyping against black people than an example of white privilege. The concept of black and white neighbourhoods is a little bit alien to me as I'm English and there is far more mixing between races where living arrangements are concerned. That isn't to say that predominantly white and predominantly black neighbourhoods don't exist at all, just that - in my home city at least - it's not the norm. There are perhaps just two neighbourhoods in my city that fit that description, and even then there are significant minorities of both races in each. I myself grew up in a working class neighbourhood that was approx 50/50 white to black/ other. Went to a school that reflected the local community as well. This is quite normal in multicultural parts of England. In England the value of your property will be affected more by social class and quality of housing stock and local school than colour, though it's true to say that a black person is more likely to live in a working class or deprived area than an affluent one. Perhaps white privilege, if it does exist, is more applicable America than elsewhere.
Honestly they're barking at the wrong tree. It isn't "white privilege" but rather "rich privilege". Also, there's a ton of factors that can influence the results of the experiment, if the white man is; gay, poor or uneducated. They would be facing similar instances of discrimination. So imo this isn't about race but about money...just like everything else in this world.
I'm white and from Ireland, I work in South Korea for the last 13 years. If I took part in this experiment I'd be close to the back. Not sure what this proves!
for those who are having trouble understanding the experiment, this is about most of the "privilege" people receive is NOT based on race, but being a part of the majority. If you used this same experiment in Africa, black people would be a the front of the room, if you did this in America or England, white people would be at the front, if you did this in japan, Japanese people would be at the front and so on......
Means that it is still valid if that also happen in Malaysia based in your comment..i bet i would said your comment will be different if this experiment happen in Malaysia because the majority is not the same as your race in Singapore..
Being part of some assumed "majority" is not special treatment or an exemption from being treated humanely. The definition of privilege has been skewed to imply someone who does not suffer is privileged vs someone who does suffer. But is the absence of suffering and living a basic boring normal existence a privilege? No. Privilege is above and beyond, SPECIAL treatment or Exemptions, waiving punishments, providing gifts, favors, or special services that others are not afforded. Everyone should be exempt from racial/social injustice. Being exempt from an injustice or cruel treatment is in no way a privilege, benefit, special treatment. It should be the most basic Norm.
@@ChristieCrossley Privilege is defined as a special right, advantage, or immunity granted or available only to a particular person or group. Being exempt from social injustice is absolutely a privilege. It is a privilege to belong in a society built specifically with you in mind. The unconscious beliefs you develop about yourself when you are not impaired by institutionalized constructs that are built specifically for you and against others, allow you to move unimpeded through the world. Acknowledging that your own privilege came at the expense of another person’s ability to move freely same as you, does not make you a bad person. You won the lottery of being related to people who decided to build your future on the backs of or in spite of others. What does make you a bad person is denying that privilege exists and continuing to benefit (even if it is not in a way you would prefer) at the expense of others. Because then, while your mouth is saying “I never got anything easy” your actions are saying “I’m okay with people having to fight harder than me to get what I have or less and I’m jealous and will sabotage anyone who does better than me because inherently I know I’m supposed to be better than them”.
“is your boss the same race as you” that only matters on the racial diversity based on your neighborhood... *it has NOTHING to do with corporations being racist.*
But it is a privilege to have the boss the same race as you. You can connect to them better. Perhaps it’s saying this because most bosses are white. Also the video wasn’t about racism it’s about privilege. May seem the same to you, but it’s slightly different. Privilege is caused because of racism, but the actual privilege isn’t the fault of the people who are privileged in this case per se.
@@islamicinformation495 "But it is a privilege to have the boss the same race as you. You can connect to them better. Perhaps it’s saying this because most bosses are white." If the person experiencing this has a problem, why did they accept the job? What is the point of this video? If it was reversed, a white man working for a say an Indian boss, is it unfair for them to not be able to fully connect culturally? I don't think so. If you are a smart boss (which most are), it doesn't matter where any of your employees come from or what they culturally represent, it matters how effective they are at doing their tasks. So what, it makes the employee feel better with the same heritage of their boss? That is being a racist. The free market doesn't care about color of skin, and expecting results to be equally diverse is amoral.
I don't understand why questions such as "is your boss of the same race" or "have you been the only person of race in a room" is relevant to the concept of privilege. What is it that an individual gains or loses if the answer is yes or no?
@ , I think mathematical probability creates the construction of assumptions. When you see more of a certain kind of persons associated with a particular power situation, it makes an impression.
If you're in a company where you're the only asian person and everyone else iswhite and western, do you think you have to work harder than everyone else to prove your worth? Do you think you will be promoted easily compared to the other employees who have more solid connections to the boss due to sharing the same language and culture? Do you think you will never ever be isolated and if tragedy happens or civil war broke out you will get the same treatment and protections as the majority?
Social justice warriors and feminists love invalid experiments that easily fool the stupid. They are not truth or science based, they care only about pushing their existing world view, not proving whether their world view correct or not.
Christobanistan Lmao they’re retards. Growing up in a home without a father is because the father was a lazy piece of shit, not because the color of your skin. Privilege is a made up excuse for people’s failures.
stepping back if your boss isnt the same race of yours being asked to a minority that represents less than 1% of the population is just a "guaranteed step back" even if there was 0 discrimination/racism.
Europeans are one of the most welcoming societies. I am a Filipino living in Canada and I recently learned that during Syria’s refugee crisis, Germany, Sweden, and many other European countries INDIVIDUALLY brought in more Syrians than oil rich Saudi Arabia
@Chris Ruiz It’s due to kindness my dude. I’m not white but European/western countries in the 21st century are the most welcoming societies out there. We know how fortunate we are and are willing to allow others the chance to also have a prosperous and privileged life. What about my country Canada? We were not part of that event that “overthrew your government and dumped thousands of firearms into the hands of militants” or whatever thing your talking about but we and Justine Trudeau has humbly accepted thousands of Syrian refugees into our countries. I as an immigrant here born from Asia would not be in a western country if it wasn’t for the kind and generous mindsets of Europeans and the western society. Let that sink in.
LOL yes you are correct Nick. Idiotic experiment. and I am of a visible minority ... sort of. I received the best education money could buy in the very best schools. This is fucking idiotic. Ask the pertinent question. Who the fuk cares if you boss is another race... an Irish person working for an Italian is not privileged because his boss is not Irish... dumbfuckery
@Andrew Man111 Not necessarily. It could apply to a white guy whose super rich daddy gave a ton of cash to Harvard so that his not so super son could get in. Witness Ghislaine Maxwell et al at Oxford.
@@christophermartin7927 THE MAIN ISSUE IS "pecking orders" only... nevermind the system itself is sociopathic by nature. because the colleges and university arent even on LEVEL playing fields. you see how mad this is? WHEN A MANGO TREE BEARS FRUIT it doesnt give YOU 5 fruits . and the best and BIGGEST mangoes are not on top! its not a natural order the mango on top or low hanging fruit are the SAME size, they come in the same season; the tree is plentiful. and tree survives. there is no social tension if 5 of your friends visit a fruit tree. so you can create an education or economic system that reflect this as well. Nature dont enforce privileges. ask covid
Many students who go to Harvard/Ivy Schools without being rich or a scholar tend to have massive student debt. So most kids who don't make it to such schools just dodged a bullet lmao
No one is shaming the winner. We're acknowledging the ones that aren't privileged so we can do something about it in our day-to-day lives. I've grown up in Ethiopia and haven't experienced any of these until I moved so I would be in the front. And that means I am grateful. There is no reason for the person in the front to take it personally. it doesn't make sense. Ignoring others' problems doesn't fix it. These are necessary so we can see what happens to people around us without experiencing it. It opens our eyes. Ignorance is the reason. This still happens.
Although I have to say, some of these questions are kinda off-topic and a few, irrelevant. Like the one about being the only person of that race in a classroom.
75% of the statements (9 out of 12) in this "Social Experiment" DO NOT reflect actual privilege. Here are my individual comments on each statement to discuss my personal thoughts on the topic. 1. In the last one week, I have seen an advertisement with a model of the same race as me. INVALID: It is expected that advertisements and marketing strategies would appeal to a target audience which is at most times, the majority. As long as no one is forcing you to purchase products you don't like or perhaps, stopping you from buying things you like, then this will does not prove social privilege. 2. My boss is the same race as me. INVALID: This statement is actually racist because it implies that all bosses secured their positions based solely on the color of their skin and not on merits. 3. I have never been the only person of my race in a room. INVALID: The only thing this proves is your race is most likely not the majority in your location. Unless other people are prohibiting you to enter a room only because of your race, then this statement stays INVALID. 4. In the last month, you tried to get food and the person spoke to you in a language you didn't understand. INVALID: If you emigrate from another nation, you are expected to assimilate yourself to the nation you are emigrating to. This is to pay respect to the culture and heritage of the citizens of the nation you are entering. You don't expect all of them to adjust for the newcomer. 5. Your friends in conversation used the words "you people" to you, meaning your whole race. INVALID: This does not prove social privilege because you could also say "you people" to your friends. Besides, they're your friends and they most likely are joking and do not intend any harm. If they do, then find new friends. :-) 6. You've done something well and you've been congratulated because you're a credit to your race. VALID: This is valid because it implies that your race is being generalized as somewhat subpar or incompetent, thus, you being congratulated for being a credit to your race seems a valid statement to me. 7. Your race has been brought up in a job interview. INVALID: The only way this becomes valid is when you get approved/rejected based solely on your race. Simply bringing up your race in a job interview does not prove anything other than being a personal talking point. 8. Someone's made fun of you at school because of the color of your skin. VALID: This must be the most valid statement among the list. 9. At school or at work, you have two or less food stalls where you can get food you like. INVALID: Food you like is very subjective and may even have nothing to do with your race. You could be asian, but like french cuisine. If this statement specifically stated "Food related to your race and has found zero food stalls serving them," this could yield a more objective result. Although naturally, you would find native/local/national food more prevalent in the area. 10. You've ever been asked to stop loitering at the void deck. INVALID: The statement is vague. The only reason this will be valid is if you we're asked to stop loitering based solely on the color of your skin. 11. You've watched a racial stereotype on TV and you thought it was offensive. VALID: I'll consider this valid but should be taken carefully. Being offended can be subjective especially when it comes to jokes, although I will agree that inappropriate jokes exist. 12. You've heard your friends make a joke about race, make a joke about a racial stereotype, but you we're too afraid to say anything, you didn't want to cause offence. INVALID: The only person stopping you here is yourself. The difference between this and the previous statement is, you can talk to your friends here and also, they are your "friends". If they are truly your friends, they will understand that you took offense and they will be more careful next time. If they are offended with you confronting them, then find new friends. From my understanding, privilege is an advantage or special right given only to a specific group of people, in this case - race. The determining factor in each statement should be your race to qualify as an objective assessment point. In my opinion, I found that most of these statements do not qualify to obtain a more accurate result to the experiment. If anything, the experiment, to an extent, harmed the participants by making them think they are somehow victims or oppressed which is not a healthy mentality. Even the paticipants themselves are surprised by the results, and they are the primary witnesses of their personal experiences.
Oh look!, it's a *male* member of a majority group telling everyone else not to be a victim, and that there really is no oppression or marginalisation of minorities going on. Thank you very much for your comment. You've helped me to understand that this is a flaw/blindspot ("bug" if you like) in human nature; You've helped me understand why white people can say with a straight face that there is no racism etc. In a way, you have "humanised" them, I previously used to think that this "lack of empathy" was something only white people had. Now, I see it is actually a "blindspot" all humans have. For that reason, thank you for your comment.
@@lesleykramer7207 I dont think anyone was saying that privilege does not exist. The statement was that if you want to experiment on whether privilege has something to do with race, they were asking the wrong questions and making people feel they were victims when they never saw themselves that way. Because the truth is, there is nothing to be gained by seeing yourself as a victim. Everyone should look at their privileges, because most likely, you will find that you have a lot, despite having less than others. It is just weird. Nowadays, it is considered a privilege to be a victim. How can one assess their own privilege when the victims are asserting their victimhood as a privilege in itself? It makes people ask... who really has the privilege here? So yes I get access to a private school when you dont... but because of that you get to label me all sorts of things while silencing my right to defend myself because that would be racist... I think everyone needs to start examining their privileges, victim or not.
The statements the guy with glasses made were bad: "person of the same race"....by WHAT STANDARD? A Han Chinese is not the same race as a Persian or a Japanese. An Eritrean is not the same race as a West African. If you use United States standards of race, those checkboxes you fill at the IRS, that is unhelpful and contrived.
4:11, if you are a minority in a country that speaks another language than you, that's not privilege, that's called logic. Speaking English isnt a privilege in countries that speak english, that's there native tongue. You are not a native... that said, the fact that you can speak English as well as other languages in a privilege. And as for the lady after him, what the fuck? I felt bad for the older guy.
Do you even read the Singapore context of this video? In Singapore there are 4 official languages (English, Chinese, Malay, Tamil). Most people speaks a 'mother tongue' i.e. the other 3, and also English, everyone studies in English almost all throughout their education it is either a first or close to first language. And although nationwide English is supposed to be the unifying one, people do get excluded from certain things. There are many employment ads that demands for 'Bilingual speakers only', and no by that not English and Malay, 80% of the time they're referring to Chinese and English but they just don't say it out loud (well some do). This is why a lot of minorities question why just English is insufficient unless your job deals with China or something. It is as if employers are trying to exclusively limit their employees to a clique / in group
To put into context, English is the language of administration and is technically Singapore's first language. I think what the guy is trying to say is that he felt excluded because technically everyone is supposed to be using English at workplaces etc.
He's obviously not referring to English because he speaks it just fine. He's referring to Chinese colleagues (70+% of the population) who'll converse in mandarin while you're right there in the room/conversation/meeting with them. It happens a lot, and it's just rude honestly.
Im pakistani american. And i stepped back on nearly every question. But to be fair I’m doing well in life and am 10 years out of high school and doing much better than majority of kids who i went to high school with who were mostly white so i guess if u just work hard and try not to pay too much attention to race, you can still have a pretty good equal life
This is what all these "social justice" idiots don't get. They massively exaggerate the effects of minor, stupid shit and fan the flames of race and sex hatred to the benefit of no one.
@Gambit That's why I love the USA cuz even though in the place i come from we have very good racial harmony and are considered one of the happiest people on earth, we can't achieve success to the extent Americans do with an equivalent amount of effort. Cuz we are a socialist nation and the government is the biggest sector who we look towards to solve almost all our problems. Don't get me wrong, I love my country and our value system doesn't sit a lot on materialistic accomplishments alone but we would've never seen an iPhone or cars if it weren't for capitalistic principles, competition and innovation.
If your IQ is so low that you fell for this totally subjective experiment please take a step forward. This is so easily debunked. The questions are subjective. Who says those things make you priveleged? You can ask a whole different set of questions that would give you the opposite result. No one actually cares about stereotypes btw.
Yes, you could totally ask different types of questions and someone the people in the back may be in the front. I'm not saying would for sure be but it's possible. We should have an inclusive society where no one is oppressed or treated unfairly because of their skin color, nationality, sex, gender, etc. I dont ubderstand how some of these questions mean that that person has been oppressed because of their race.
Do yoou happen to live in Singapore?:) I think you have to live in a country that makes you say the pledge " regardless of race,language or religion' daily to understand this experiment a bit better.
U ask questions like ‘ is ur boss of the same race’ or ‘ have u been the only person of that race in a room’. Of course there is higher of a chinese having a boss of the same race and an indian guy being an only indian in the room. It’s simply because they are more chinese and less indians in Singapore... how is being a majority race “ social privilege “? How is this movement going to change the fact that a chinese will always have a higher chance of having a boss of the same race? And questions like “ only have 2 or less food stalls u can choose from” ... this is obviously targeted mainly at malays because majority of them are muslims and hence can only eat from halal certified stalls. So how are u going to solve this? Make all food stalls halal? Racial discrimination is having a hawker center or food court with NO halal stalls at all.
My privilege comes from: listening to parents listening to teachers and coaches listening to police studying hard investing in my own education, financially as needed working hard to get and keep jobs; did not always happen not giving up; when I failed, trying again or trying different tool not getting drunk or high not selling drugs or illegally buying alcohol not vandalizing not looting or stealing not looking for fights not getting someone pregnant respecting people around me, including superiors, peers and subordinates not making racial or religious slurs not making fun of people's hindrances, be they physical, mental, other not calling myself a victim when I didn't get my way (it's called life) not using an unfair or unpleasant experience as an excuse to do whatever I want These are just some of the rules to live by; follow them and you will be largely "privileged" too
This is high school level manipulation. “Step back or step forward” to respond to each question. There is no “not applicable”. You are either with us or against us. No room for nuance or personal experience. No allowance for individuality, but rather designed to divide people who have much more in common than reason to dislike one another. It seems to me this is the real underlying problem that this “experiment” masks, and why it would never stand up to scientific (and peer reviewed) research. Feelings aren’t scientific by definition, but who cares anymore. Post modernism has finally taken root and these are the expected results; feelings presented as material fact.
What is Privilege???? 1) Privilege is wearing $200 sneakers when you’ve never had a job. 2) Privilege is wearing $300 Beats headphones while living on public assistance. 3) Privilege is having a Smartphone with a Data plan, which you receive no bill for. 4) Privilege is living in public subsidized housing where you don’t have a utility or phone bill and where rising property taxes, rents and energy costs have absolutely no effect on the amount of food you can put on your table, which is largely covered by Government Food Stamps. 5) Privilege is having free health insurance for you and your family that's paid for by working taxpayers who often can't afford proper health coverage for their own families. 6) Privilege is having multiple national organizations promoting and protecting just your race alone -- that are subsidized by federal tax dollars. 7) Privilege is having access to a national college fund that supports only one race. 8) Privilege is having a television network that supports only one race. 9) Privilege is having most of the media news networks refuse to cover incidents wherein one race (one-eighth of the population) commits 50% of the crimes. 10) Privilege is the ability to go march against, and protest against anything that triggers you, without worrying about calling off from work and the consequences that accompany such. 11) Privilege is having as many children as you want, regardless of your employment status, and be able to send them off to daycare or pre-school you don’t pay for. 12) Privilege is being able to vote in many states without showing a driver's license, voter ID card or other credentials -- just because your race claims they should be exempt from such requirements. 13) Privilege is being able to riot, loot, commit arson and tear down historic monuments without consequences -- just because you don't like folks such as Columbus, U. S. Grant or even Lincoln. 14) Privilege is being able to get into almost any college of your choosing based on your race, not your grades or merit. 15) Privilege is having most of your life paid for by the working men and women who DO HAVE TO DEAL WITH RISING TAXES AND COSTS! you know, those you now call “PRIVILEGED.”
James Baldwin said it best. He said that while other people of color can experience different levels of racism, there is considerable solace in the fact that they aren't "black".
I'm a white male. I would have no choice but to step back in all except ONE of those questions. The experiment could be summed up as follows: have you ever, your entire life, ran into racial stereotypes that were used against you in such and such situations? Unless you've spent your whole life with only your ethnicity and have never travelled, I don't see how most people wouldn't end up near the back of the bus.
"is your boss of the same race" - so if a Chinese Person has a Sikh boss, is that racism? "Have you ever been the only person of your race in a room?" - w If I went to live in Nigeria, and I had a problem with being in a room full of Nigerians - then wouldn't that make ME the racist?
"Racism is not dead, but it is on life support - kept alive by politicians, race hustlers and people who get a sense of superiority by denouncing others as racists"-Thomas Sowell.
During the Republican primary of the 2016 presidential election, Sowell criticized Donald Trump, questioning whether Trump had "any principles at all, other than promoting Donald Trump?"[74] Two weeks before the 2016 presidential election, Sowell recommended voters to vote for Trump over Hillary Clinton , because he would be "easier to impeach".[75] In 2018, when asked on his thoughts of Trump's presidency, Sowell replied, "I think he's better than the previous president."[17] Thomas Sowell, the coward Republicans plant
As a black woman who lived and work in China , I saw this play out towards darker skin Chinese. For me,because of my skin I didn’t experience it, but I saw darker skins black people. I look forward to day when everyone will be treated equally.
This is a real thing We can’t blame any individual for this problem. It’s in my opinion all people problem that we all has to resolve and seriously work on ourselves to fix. It’s not necessary a white or black, or Indian, or Asian, or European issue or even in today’s world directly responsibility. We all plays a part of this issue regardless if we agree or not. We all need to stop to observe our own doing in racism. It’s a real problem that we all has to work on to eradicate. Stop hating each other as it’s senseless.
When I heard the statement "your boss is the same race as you" and I'm like "huh?". I don't think being a certain race secure you a position somewhere on top as it depends on your work performance. You can't judge someone's performance through a stereotype 🤨 As a minority in my country, I could say that language is not a privilege problem imo. I speak Chinese and Indonesian but many of my friends speak Javanese or other local languages when they're together in a group (esp when they're from the same area or same ethnicity). I asked them to teach me; which they did and I learned bit by bit of their language. And vice versa. But most of the time if my friends start conversing in their own language, I wouldn't mind either. It could be they're talking about private things or because they're used to speak that certain language to the other person. I know how weird it feels like when you speak language B to a person that you usually speak language A with. If they speak in their own language for a prolonged period of time, chances are they do not want you to be involved in their conversation.
"I don't think being a certain race secure you a position somewhere on top as it depends on your work performance". I'm a little late to the party but maybe you were a bit too young when you posted this comment, like I was. Cause this would've been my answer too. The language part, I agree with you. Shouldn't be an issue. But that quoted one up there, that's what you think sweetheart. I've heard and seen it happened. Not everything is the way it seems. Maybe you don't see it cause you're not a person of colour or maybe you haven't really seen the real world. Maybe one day you will, it takes time. But let's start with this (have a read alright) - www.todayonline.com/singapore/older-generation-singaporeans-not-ready-non-chinese-pm-heng-swee-keat
I think this experiment would need to be a little more specific The is thing that for me should count as sistematícele like language . Language is A barrier if you don’t lead it . You challenge the local lenguaje is too close to attack who speaks it . Is each individual obstacle to achieve . So no not that one
Is this a joke, Calista Zhu? You mean you don’t realise that you’re overprivileged minority in Indonesia where the Chinese make minority disproportionately own economic assets?
A lot of questions here are absurd too. For example not easy finding food stall with food you like. What do you expect if you are a minority? I was a minority in USA and I don't expect White Americans to make everything convenient for me.
Let's repeat this "exercise" again in the country of origin of the "experimenter". Why do countries openly invite immegrants who move to a foreign country, then demand that country change to meet their needs? Meanwhile, the country of origin for the immegrant fails to accept citizens who except immegrants, no resiprocity. Therefore, the citizens of the country excepting immegrants from a country with no resiprosity, in totality, limit the opportunities for their native citizens by increasing competition, setting diversity targets and excluding natural born from taking a high paying job in the immigrants country of origin. Only a finite number of jobs in the world and limiting natural born citizens, by any means should be prevented. However, this "experiment" just highlights why an idealogical falocy regarding "equity" is dangerous to the well being of the Native born citizens.
Ummm... No! Just because people don't buy into your left-wing B.S. about "white privilege", does not mean that they do not understand discrimination. Get a clue!
The more you are LIKE the majority, the more privilege you have. Religion, race, food, music, etc. This is how the world works. In Asia, most ads show Asians. In the middle east, most ads show arabs. Minority groups will always be at a disadvantage because humans will ALWAYS feel more comfortable with what they KNOW. The more different you are, the more discomfort you will cause to those who aren't used to your differences. I am not saying this is good, or ideal, or that "this is how it is so we shouldn't try to stop it." Just explaining what the issue is in more detail. You can combat negative effects to a certain degree, but this will always exist. It is literally impossible to fully get rid of it. We ought to always try to bring equality to the world, but we must also fully understand that this is how things are. I personally think the best way to combat the negative effects of majority privilege, is for minorities to spread out and befriend as many of the majority as possible. That way you normalize your presence as much as possible. Make yourself known, so that you are not unknown. By doing such you will spread comfort to the majority about your minority group. This is the primary way I see. Let em know what other things you guys think?
Amelia Wiseman And you assume that you are typical? Are you not able to mentally put yourself in the position of a minority and imagine how their experience might be different than yours?
David T And people like you are just trying to ruin things for everyone with needlessly divisive rhetoric that sees the world in purely oppressor and victim terms.
Regardless or race, language or religion to build a democratic society based on justice and equality so as to achieve happiness prosperity and progress for our nation
Yes and you are awesome Amelia, but you also have to understand that other people do not accept everyone because of their race and they are the problem that need to be addressed.
All this did was made the ones at the back feel inadequate, and all at the front were maybe feeling guilty. Either way it proves NOTHING. I am one of 6 ( adult ) children, we are all in different positions in life because we all have differing aspirations, made different choices, chose different paths and have different attitudes. None of us have any say in our gender, colour, background etc, etc. We need to be encouraging our kids that THEIR destiny is in THEIR hands.
Oh yes I benefitted from privilege ! I sometimes went to school with worn holes in my shoes with a piece of cardboard inside. We had to wait for my Dad to get home on a Friday with his wages so that my mum could go and by food because the money had run out. I had so few clothes that they would fit in a draw, never needed a wardrobe. I worked hard because I did not want that for myself or my children, I started my own business and got myself out of that position, not because I was brighter, privileged or any other reason. Of course privilege exists, it's just that it meant nothing to me then and it means nothing to me now.
As an Indian I have experienced prejudice, I’ve been told “ you don’t smell like Indian, your skin is much more fairer than local Indians” the absolute worst was an Realestate agent who told me the landlord rejected my application for a condo because I’m Indian and Indian people cook smelly greasy food. Walking in to a luxury watch shop I have been neglecting, spoken to and then left by myself when a person of the majority race comes in….Indians are super racist, against,colour, religion and of course against other Indians and their castes so I make no defence for them. I’m just surprised that we have issues in SG. It will get better!
Interesting to see the racial perceptions in Singapore.. I'm pretty sure it varies from country to country as in my country (The U.S.A) it varies from sub city to sub city..drastic changes can happen a block or two away depending on the race and class
Remember when teachers would threaten us by saying xyz is a privledge not a right and can be taken away? To have privileges means you have earned something extra that isn't necessary, or given an honor. The things that are discussed today as privledges are not privileges at all. They are rights. Humans should have access to education, jobs, housing, etc. If a group of people are not receiving these or not benefiting from them than we should be asking why? And how can we solve that problem? Not let's shame the people who already do have those rights.
Why are these non-Singaporeans (eg Americans forced to watch this as a class assignment) missing the fact that this is a report on race relations in SINGAPORE? After 50 years of state-driven multicultural policies stressing inclusivity and diversity? Why not find out more about the context before dissing the activity (experiment is indeed a bad word choice) which the participants did find meaningful?
Beautiful way of knowing we’re you stand in the community you leave😊 I’ve been discriminated by my own race because I speak with an accent my mother’s tongue ( Romanian 🇷🇴) but, living in 🇬🇧 Uk and have an accent speaking English I’m often asked were I come from… I don’t know what to answer… I don’t belong anywhere ☹️😕😩
I think the question was just poorly phrased and was asked with the intent to find out if the food provided in these institutes are inclusive (do they have halal options and what not) which cater to all groups of people especially since different religions have different dietary requirements. I don’t think we should bash their efforts even if it’s not ideally presented but at least they made the attempt to somehow show the way certain groups in Singapore are more privileged than others. That being said, I do agree that much of the questions did not explicitly demonstrate privilege and were poorly phrased, the ostensibly good intent was just not well executed I Guess 🤷♂️
Fun fact: in Belgium and in France, race is referred to human race separate from animals and plants. But ethnicity is referred to skin colour. It is extremely offensive to use the term "race" for skin colour (unless for historical context). A good way to describe someone: "Cette personne est d'origine ethnique africaine, asiatique, blanche etc. "
My mum is white and she can’t find a job with 2 bachelors and a master also 18 years of work experience. We moved to Canada and she got a Canadian degree. She can’t find a job and we’re white. Usually employers hire people of their own race . For example my mum went for an interview and all of the employees were of a certain race and their hr was of the same race after the hr was fired people of other races started becoming employees as well. Take Vancouver for example most of the jobs require mandarin. Which crosses out almost all of the potential employees of another races. Countries with lots of immigrants are not discriminatory towards people of colour but towards immigrants I’m general.
you can be as open minded as you think you are but subconsciously you will always gravitate towards your own race. It’s like being in a clique. Nothing wrong about it. It’s just that the biggest clique in the population would get the bigger say as it will be in the best interest for the whole community in that context.
These questions are useless. For most of them, I say "so what". I don't lose anything if I don't see a person who looks like me in an advertisement. I don't gain anything if I see a person who looks like me in an advertisement.
WE ARE ALL IN THIS TOGETHER!!!! We need to stop playing the victim game and move forward. Carpe Diem. Of coarse the navigation through life is different from person to person, but if you want success then seize it, it's the 21'st century for goodness sake. The only thing oppressing you is your lack of motivation, desire, and your eagerness to 'hot potato' your shortcomings to anyone achieving more than you. Make a difference, not an excuse.
yan, this exercise just sensitizes you to hidden assumptions you may hold. You can use this information to your betterment or not use it if you think that that is to your betterment.
Dumb experiment. Dumb questions. Nothing in common with privilege. You can even see the expectations of the contestants. People are quite happy with their privileges, but YOU made them feel less privileged. Isn't it discrimination?
Let me take a step back because someone has said the phrase "you people" when everything to blacks. Also, another step for me doing something well and that being a credit to my race. And yet another step for if I mes up anything, it is representative of the shortcomings of my entire race...
For all those who say that others have the privilege in certain situations, I have a question for you: the fact that you are on this video on youtube and you have eyes to see, you have both hands, both legs, you have shoes, you have something to eat, etc. those are not a privilege for you? If we do not know how to handle our minds, then we see only what we want to see.😂😂
If you're in a company where you're the only asian person and everyone else is white and western, do you think you have to work harder than everyone else to prove your worth? Do you think you will be promoted easily compared to the other employees who have more solid connections to the boss due to sharing the same language and culture? Do you think you will never ever be isolated and if tragedy happens or civil war broke out you will get the same treatment and protections as the majority? The point of all those questions is to prove who is in an easier position and who has to live life in hard mode.
Very bias and lame experiment.....obviously the majority will stand out. Exactly what is expected when the ‘experiment’ is conducted by a guy who wants to make his point with bias
Probably im wrong, but this prove more the concept of being a foreing than being discriminated. I mean, this exercise can be applied anywere and the results would depend of the dominant race. For example, if I do this experiment in India the people from Singapore would be at the back.
Well I'm happy for people who think these question weren't racist. I consider at least 9 out of 10 as indicators of racism. I've experienced all of them in real life, and thats all symptoms of it. Whoever sees that as indicators of being minority, have been quite priviledged their whole life, congrats to you
@@yee9222 Why do people comment without a second thought this day. She saying that China cares far more for their people FAR more. So being white in China is automatic gives you less privilege because they are a minority. That's just normal. You be told go back to your country and be hesitant to talk to you or give you a job. Thats just how it is when you are a minority. Worst case be if they try to not give you access to school, healthcare , jobs and put you for prison based on color/belief.
My first time working for a boss that was close to the same race as me and she was the only black person with a seemingly completely black crew. (We had 2 mixed women with caramel color, a couple Latinos, a darker skinned Korean guy, and me). I’ve seen POC with better work ethic and credentials get skipped for a boss’ position due to race more times than I can count and it saddens me to see people say that the question “Is your boss the same race as you?” Is not relevant in this social experiment. People who are closer to the top when it comes to the hierarchy of race do get the privilege of “boss”. These “bosses” choose people they feel more comfortable around, which would be more often than not, people of the same race or people closer to their class. Making it harder for people on the lower end of the hierarchy to become a boss or to even receive proper jobs at all. This question will remain relevant when it comes to privilege until it stops being one. Those who are affected by this privilege would be able to speak on the affects. If you are positively affected then you wouldn’t care for or really see the negative affects to be able to speak on them.
As a brown Latino I’ve seen both sides of the coin, but I’m here to tell you that you will never stop people from being people and you’ll never stop bosses from elevating people they’re comfortable with.
About 2 years ago, my employer had to fire about 50% of the employees. That the remaining employees became more effective and actually got a shorter workday because of this isn't politically correct to mention. I've worked for this company for 28 years. To get rid of the people needing extreme support while slowing down those of us that don't need supervision every second, was actually beneficial. The company did actually get complaints since it was minorities that was fired. That they didn't do their job and actually slowed down those of us that was beneficial, wasn't something anyone mentioned. I work with delivery. I wouldn't mind the salary that a brain surgen have but i know that i wouldn't deserve it. Idiots getting paid for destroying the actual workers job is called inclusion. I would call it indoctrination with a strong smell of Communism.
Hi CNA thanks for bringing out the social issues we face by bringing up the elephant in the room. But, by showing these things how do we become more progressive? I would love to see more of such genuine unfiltered conversations
I'm black, was considered slow, couldn't read write or talk until 8 grade. From the projects back in the 90s in murder capital. I make more than $300k a year. Adopted 2 kids, started a business, educate others. And priveledge has never come up in any topics on advancement.
This was a very poorly constructed experiment.
why because they're not westerns?
@@AshG321M Biased, arbitrary, non-scientific. It's front-loaded to guarantee the desired result.
how would you do it?
I totally agree. The questions were terrible.
None of those statement have anything to do with privilege
It was the questions like look who he’s talking to and the questions he’s asking
@@kawaii33366 no such thing as white privilege, only majority privilege and class/ socio-economic privilege.
@@kawaii33366 is that an example white privilege, though? Is a Chinese or Indian person more likely to be viewed with suspicion in a store than a white person? I think it's unlikely they would, so I would categorise that as racial discrimination/ stereotyping against black people than an example of white privilege.
The concept of black and white neighbourhoods is a little bit alien to me as I'm English and there is far more mixing between races where living arrangements are concerned. That isn't to say that predominantly white and predominantly black neighbourhoods don't exist at all, just that - in my home city at least - it's not the norm. There are perhaps just two neighbourhoods in my city that fit that description, and even then there are significant minorities of both races in each.
I myself grew up in a working class neighbourhood that was approx 50/50 white to black/ other. Went to a school that reflected the local community as well. This is quite normal in multicultural parts of England. In England the value of your property will be affected more by social class and quality of housing stock and local school than colour, though it's true to say that a black person is more likely to live in a working class or deprived area than an affluent one.
Perhaps white privilege, if it does exist, is more applicable America than elsewhere.
Honestly they're barking at the wrong tree. It isn't "white privilege" but rather "rich privilege".
Also, there's a ton of factors that can influence the results of the experiment, if the white man is; gay, poor or uneducated. They would be facing similar instances of discrimination.
So imo this isn't about race but about money...just like everything else in this world.
@@jamesmason8436 yeah...which privilage exists. let me guess, you're white?
I'm white and from Ireland, I work in South Korea for the last 13 years. If I took part in this experiment I'd be close to the back. Not sure what this proves!
Yeah a very stupid "experiment"
It proves nothing.
You seem to automatically assume because you are white you are privileged. You are stereotyping all white people as privileged.
@@bpw8139 just like bogus "experiments" like this?
@@iDiamonda It's not an experiment and you clearly didn't get it.
for those who are having trouble understanding the experiment, this is about most of the "privilege" people receive is NOT based on race, but being a part of the majority. If you used this same experiment in Africa, black people would be a the front of the room, if you did this in America or England, white people would be at the front, if you did this in japan, Japanese people would be at the front and so on......
White people in Africa are lucky when they aren't murdered or raped. So theres that...
Means that it is still valid if that also happen in Malaysia based in your comment..i bet i would said your comment will be different if this experiment happen in Malaysia because the majority is not the same as your race in Singapore..
Being part of some assumed "majority" is not special treatment or an exemption from being treated humanely. The definition of privilege has been skewed to imply someone who does not suffer is privileged vs someone who does suffer. But is the absence of suffering and living a basic boring normal existence a privilege? No. Privilege is above and beyond, SPECIAL treatment or Exemptions, waiving punishments, providing gifts, favors, or special services that others are not afforded.
Everyone should be exempt from racial/social injustice.
Being exempt from an injustice or cruel treatment is in no way a privilege, benefit, special treatment. It should be the most basic Norm.
@@ChristieCrossley Privilege is defined as a special right, advantage, or immunity granted or available only to a particular person or group. Being exempt from social injustice is absolutely a privilege. It is a privilege to belong in a society built specifically with you in mind. The unconscious beliefs you develop about yourself when you are not impaired by institutionalized constructs that are built specifically for you and against others, allow you to move unimpeded through the world. Acknowledging that your own privilege came at the expense of another person’s ability to move freely same as you, does not make you a bad person. You won the lottery of being related to people who decided to build your future on the backs of or in spite of others. What does make you a bad person is denying that privilege exists and continuing to benefit (even if it is not in a way you would prefer) at the expense of others. Because then, while your mouth is saying “I never got anything easy” your actions are saying “I’m okay with people having to fight harder than me to get what I have or less and I’m jealous and will sabotage anyone who does better than me because inherently I know I’m supposed to be better than them”.
“is your boss the same race as you”
that only matters on the racial diversity based on your neighborhood... *it has NOTHING to do with corporations being racist.*
The BBall TV but it does fr
But it is a privilege to have the boss the same race as you. You can connect to them better. Perhaps it’s saying this because most bosses are white.
Also the video wasn’t about racism it’s about privilege. May seem the same to you, but it’s slightly different.
Privilege is caused because of racism, but the actual privilege isn’t the fault of the people who are privileged in this case per se.
@@islamicinformation495 "But it is a privilege to have the boss the same race as you. You can connect to them better. Perhaps it’s saying this because most bosses are white."
If the person experiencing this has a problem, why did they accept the job? What is the point of this video? If it was reversed, a white man working for a say an Indian boss, is it unfair for them to not be able to fully connect culturally? I don't think so. If you are a smart boss (which most are), it doesn't matter where any of your employees come from or what they culturally represent, it matters how effective they are at doing their tasks. So what, it makes the employee feel better with the same heritage of their boss? That is being a racist. The free market doesn't care about color of skin, and expecting results to be equally diverse is amoral.
gman They accepted the job because they needed money. What do you mean
Islamic Information you have a choice of where and who you make a living from.
I don't understand why questions such as "is your boss of the same race" or "have you been the only person of race in a room" is relevant to the concept of privilege. What is it that an individual gains or loses if the answer is yes or no?
It means jackshit. This video is dumb as fuck.
@ , I think mathematical probability creates the construction of assumptions. When you see more of a certain kind of persons associated with a particular power situation, it makes an impression.
It’s a privilege to feel more represented/comfortable. If I am the only anything I feel uncomfortable.
Sounds like you've never been the only person of your race in a room
If you're in a company where you're the only asian person and everyone else iswhite and western, do you think you have to work harder than everyone else to prove your worth? Do you think you will be promoted easily compared to the other employees who have more solid connections to the boss due to sharing the same language and culture? Do you think you will never ever be isolated and if tragedy happens or civil war broke out you will get the same treatment and protections as the majority?
Very unprofessional way for experiment. Absolutely in accurate.
Social justice warriors and feminists love invalid experiments that easily fool the stupid. They are not truth or science based, they care only about pushing their existing world view, not proving whether their world view correct or not.
@ms wpwm that's a bad argument
Christobanistan Lmao they’re retards. Growing up in a home without a father is because the father was a lazy piece of shit, not because the color of your skin. Privilege is a made up excuse for people’s failures.
stepping back if your boss isnt the same race of yours being asked to a minority that represents less than 1% of the population is just a "guaranteed step back" even if there was 0 discrimination/racism.
I'm a straight white guy, and I'd be at the back of the room with these dumb questions
Hammerknife exactly. Proves you’re privileged.
Phillip Conley no these questions are just stupid and irrelevant to the topic
Europeans are one of the most welcoming societies. I am a Filipino living in Canada and I recently learned that during Syria’s refugee crisis, Germany, Sweden, and many other European countries INDIVIDUALLY brought in more Syrians than oil rich Saudi Arabia
@Another Maori Hori
@Chris Ruiz It’s due to kindness my dude. I’m not white but European/western countries in the 21st century are the most welcoming societies out there. We know how fortunate we are and are willing to allow others the chance to also have a prosperous and privileged life. What about my country Canada? We were not part of that event that “overthrew your government and dumped thousands of firearms into the hands of militants” or whatever thing your talking about but we and Justine Trudeau has humbly accepted thousands of Syrian refugees into our countries.
I as an immigrant here born from Asia would not be in a western country if it wasn’t for the kind and generous mindsets of Europeans and the western society. Let that sink in.
good job you proved nothing at all
Because you're a fucking degenerate
¡No Pasarán! You should listen to the lady at 5:00 I think you are a degenerate
LOL yes you are correct Nick. Idiotic experiment. and I am of a visible minority ... sort of. I received the best education money could buy in the very best schools. This is fucking idiotic. Ask the pertinent question. Who the fuk cares if you boss is another race... an Irish person working for an Italian is not privileged because his boss is not Irish... dumbfuckery
education / brainwashing.
so called academic data is politics
Privilege is having it easier than others like when you get into Harvard with SAT score below 1000
Yes, but you would really struggle at Harvard and probably drop out without having gained a degree.
@Andrew Man111 Not necessarily. It could apply to a white guy whose super rich daddy gave a ton of cash to Harvard so that his not so super son could get in. Witness Ghislaine Maxwell et al at Oxford.
@@christophermartin7927 The graduation rate is 97.3%
@@christophermartin7927 THE MAIN ISSUE IS "pecking orders" only... nevermind
the system itself is sociopathic by nature. because the colleges and university arent even on LEVEL playing fields. you see how mad this is?
WHEN A MANGO TREE BEARS FRUIT it doesnt give YOU 5 fruits . and the best and BIGGEST mangoes are not on top! its not a natural order
the mango on top or low hanging fruit are the SAME size, they come in the same season; the tree is plentiful. and tree survives.
there is no social tension if 5 of your friends visit a fruit tree. so you can create an education or economic system that reflect this as well. Nature dont enforce privileges. ask covid
Many students who go to Harvard/Ivy Schools without being rich or a scholar tend to have massive student debt. So most kids who don't make it to such schools just dodged a bullet lmao
This is like taking every race and dropping them into a tic tac toe game then shaming the winner
But remember science said race is not real. See how this is pure ideology.
No one is shaming the winner. We're acknowledging the ones that aren't privileged so we can do something about it in our day-to-day lives. I've grown up in Ethiopia and haven't experienced any of these until I moved so I would be in the front. And that means I am grateful. There is no reason for the person in the front to take it personally. it doesn't make sense. Ignoring others' problems doesn't fix it. These are necessary so we can see what happens to people around us without experiencing it. It opens our eyes. Ignorance is the reason. This still happens.
Although I have to say, some of these questions are kinda off-topic and a few, irrelevant. Like the one about being the only person of that race in a classroom.
Every race? I only see black, Asian and middle eastern people.. Where are the Europeans or white American people?
@@Moesmakendehakker658 This experiment is taken in Singapore
75% of the statements (9 out of 12) in this "Social Experiment" DO NOT reflect actual privilege. Here are my individual comments on each statement to discuss my personal thoughts on the topic.
1. In the last one week, I have seen an advertisement with a model of the same race as me.
INVALID: It is expected that advertisements and marketing strategies would appeal to a target audience which is at most times, the majority. As long as no one is forcing you to purchase products you don't like or perhaps, stopping you from buying things you like, then this will does not prove social privilege.
2. My boss is the same race as me.
INVALID: This statement is actually racist because it implies that all bosses secured their positions based solely on the color of their skin and not on merits.
3. I have never been the only person of my race in a room.
INVALID: The only thing this proves is your race is most likely not the majority in your location. Unless other people are prohibiting you to enter a room only because of your race, then this statement stays INVALID.
4. In the last month, you tried to get food and the person spoke to you in a language you didn't understand.
INVALID: If you emigrate from another nation, you are expected to assimilate yourself to the nation you are emigrating to. This is to pay respect to the culture and heritage of the citizens of the nation you are entering. You don't expect all of them to adjust for the newcomer.
5. Your friends in conversation used the words "you people" to you, meaning your whole race.
INVALID: This does not prove social privilege because you could also say "you people" to your friends. Besides, they're your friends and they most likely are joking and do not intend any harm. If they do, then find new friends. :-)
6. You've done something well and you've been congratulated because you're a credit to your race.
VALID: This is valid because it implies that your race is being generalized as somewhat subpar or incompetent, thus, you being congratulated for being a credit to your race seems a valid statement to me.
7. Your race has been brought up in a job interview.
INVALID: The only way this becomes valid is when you get approved/rejected based solely on your race. Simply bringing up your race in a job interview does not prove anything other than being a personal talking point.
8. Someone's made fun of you at school because of the color of your skin.
VALID: This must be the most valid statement among the list.
9. At school or at work, you have two or less food stalls where you can get food you like.
INVALID: Food you like is very subjective and may even have nothing to do with your race. You could be asian, but like french cuisine. If this statement specifically stated "Food related to your race and has found zero food stalls serving them," this could yield a more objective result. Although naturally, you would find native/local/national food more prevalent in the area.
10. You've ever been asked to stop loitering at the void deck.
INVALID: The statement is vague. The only reason this will be valid is if you we're asked to stop loitering based solely on the color of your skin.
11. You've watched a racial stereotype on TV and you thought it was offensive.
VALID: I'll consider this valid but should be taken carefully. Being offended can be subjective especially when it comes to jokes, although I will agree that inappropriate jokes exist.
12. You've heard your friends make a joke about race, make a joke about a racial stereotype, but you we're too afraid to say anything, you didn't want to cause offence.
INVALID: The only person stopping you here is yourself. The difference between this and the previous statement is, you can talk to your friends here and also, they are your "friends". If they are truly your friends, they will understand that you took offense and they will be more careful next time. If they are offended with you confronting them, then find new friends.
From my understanding, privilege is an advantage or special right given only to a specific group of people, in this case - race. The determining factor in each statement should be your race to qualify as an objective assessment point. In my opinion, I found that most of these statements do not qualify to obtain a more accurate result to the experiment.
If anything, the experiment, to an extent, harmed the participants by making them think they are somehow victims or oppressed which is not a healthy mentality. Even the paticipants themselves are surprised by the results, and they are the primary witnesses of their personal experiences.
Best comment ever.
Oh look!, it's a *male* member of a majority group telling everyone else not to be a victim, and that there really is no oppression or marginalisation of minorities going on.
Thank you very much for your comment. You've helped me to understand that this is a flaw/blindspot ("bug" if you like) in human nature; You've helped me understand why white people can say with a straight face that there is no racism etc. In a way, you have "humanised" them, I previously used to think that this "lack of empathy" was something only white people had.
Now, I see it is actually a "blindspot" all humans have. For that reason, thank you for your comment.
@@lesleykramer7207 I dont think anyone was saying that privilege does not exist. The statement was that if you want to experiment on whether privilege has something to do with race, they were asking the wrong questions and making people feel they were victims when they never saw themselves that way. Because the truth is, there is nothing to be gained by seeing yourself as a victim. Everyone should look at their privileges, because most likely, you will find that you have a lot, despite having less than others.
It is just weird. Nowadays, it is considered a privilege to be a victim. How can one assess their own privilege when the victims are asserting their victimhood as a privilege in itself? It makes people ask... who really has the privilege here? So yes I get access to a private school when you dont... but because of that you get to label me all sorts of things while silencing my right to defend myself because that would be racist... I think everyone needs to start examining their privileges, victim or not.
Pollen Ainne Genius.
I am not sure exactly what they proved.
They proved that
1. They have a TH-cam account
2. They can make videos
3. They can make people fools
The proved that 4800+ dumbfuks can give a thumbs up to an idiotic video
The statements the guy with glasses made were bad: "person of the same race"....by WHAT STANDARD? A Han Chinese is not the same race as a Persian or a Japanese. An Eritrean is not the same race as a West African. If you use United States standards of race, those checkboxes you fill at the IRS, that is unhelpful and contrived.
Sounds like welfare and black only universities are the real Privilege rofl
It’s total nonsense isn’t it?
4:11, if you are a minority in a country that speaks another language than you, that's not privilege, that's called logic. Speaking English isnt a privilege in countries that speak english, that's there native tongue. You are not a native... that said, the fact that you can speak English as well as other languages in a privilege. And as for the lady after him, what the fuck? I felt bad for the older guy.
Do you even read the Singapore context of this video?
In Singapore there are 4 official languages (English, Chinese, Malay, Tamil). Most people speaks a 'mother tongue' i.e. the other 3, and also English, everyone studies in English almost all throughout their education it is either a first or close to first language.
And although nationwide English is supposed to be the unifying one, people do get excluded from certain things.
There are many employment ads that demands for 'Bilingual speakers only', and no by that not English and Malay, 80% of the time they're referring to Chinese and English but they just don't say it out loud (well some do). This is why a lot of minorities question why just English is insufficient unless your job deals with China or something. It is as if employers are trying to exclusively limit their employees to a clique / in group
@James Carmody No that's a base-case scenario. Being able to immigrate to a wealthier country and dine at the master's table is a privilege.
@James Carmody This is what they want you to unironically believe, yet the world would be better off if the races were separated
To put into context, English is the language of administration and is technically Singapore's first language. I think what the guy is trying to say is that he felt excluded because technically everyone is supposed to be using English at workplaces etc.
He's obviously not referring to English because he speaks it just fine. He's referring to Chinese colleagues (70+% of the population) who'll converse in mandarin while you're right there in the room/conversation/meeting with them. It happens a lot, and it's just rude honestly.
in singapore chinese people prefere chinese people thats a fact, experienced it on my own
Im pakistani american. And i stepped back on nearly every question. But to be fair I’m doing well in life and am 10 years out of high school and doing much better than majority of kids who i went to high school with who were mostly white so i guess if u just work hard and try not to pay too much attention to race, you can still have a pretty good equal life
+rabblerouser it's not a mentality, it's a reality
This is what all these "social justice" idiots don't get. They massively exaggerate the effects of minor, stupid shit and fan the flames of race and sex hatred to the benefit of no one.
Ing Karina it’s a mentality.
True. And we’re you an immigrant or is that just your race? Being an immigrant is hard for anyone.
@Gambit That's why I love the USA cuz even though in the place i come from we have very good racial harmony and are considered one of the happiest people on earth, we can't achieve success to the extent Americans do with an equivalent amount of effort. Cuz we are a socialist nation and the government is the biggest sector who we look towards to solve almost all our problems. Don't get me wrong, I love my country and our value system doesn't sit a lot on materialistic accomplishments alone but we would've never seen an iPhone or cars if it weren't for capitalistic principles, competition and innovation.
If your IQ is so low that you fell for this totally subjective experiment please take a step forward. This is so easily debunked. The questions are subjective. Who says those things make you priveleged? You can ask a whole different set of questions that would give you the opposite result. No one actually cares about stereotypes btw.
Yes, you could totally ask different types of questions and someone the people in the back may be in the front. I'm not saying would for sure be but it's possible.
We should have an inclusive society where no one is oppressed or treated unfairly because of their skin color, nationality, sex, gender, etc. I dont ubderstand how some of these questions mean that that person has been oppressed because of their race.
Awesome response...LOLOL
Do yoou happen to live in Singapore?:) I think you have to live in a country that makes you say the pledge " regardless of race,language or religion' daily to understand this experiment a bit better.
U ask questions like ‘ is ur boss of the same race’ or ‘ have u been the only person of that race in a room’. Of course there is higher of a chinese having a boss of the same race and an indian guy being an only indian in the room. It’s simply because they are more chinese and less indians in Singapore... how is being a majority race “ social privilege “? How is this movement going to change the fact that a chinese will always have a higher chance of having a boss of the same race?
And questions like “ only have 2 or less food stalls u can choose from” ... this is obviously targeted mainly at malays because majority of them are muslims and hence can only eat from halal certified stalls. So how are u going to solve this? Make all food stalls halal? Racial discrimination is having a hawker center or food court with NO halal stalls at all.
It shows it's not just "white" at least! So it's a great experiment that shows it can be anyone.
Not the point still points in the video which are blatant racism especially skin color
People obsessed with social justice are never good at math or critical thinking.
@Jo Jo no one cares
My privilege comes from:
listening to parents
listening to teachers and coaches
listening to police
studying hard
investing in my own education, financially as needed
working hard to get and keep jobs; did not always happen
not giving up; when I failed, trying again or trying different tool
not getting drunk or high
not selling drugs or illegally buying alcohol
not vandalizing
not looting or stealing
not looking for fights
not getting someone pregnant
respecting people around me, including superiors, peers and subordinates
not making racial or religious slurs
not making fun of people's hindrances, be they physical, mental, other
not calling myself a victim when I didn't get my way (it's called life)
not using an unfair or unpleasant experience as an excuse to do whatever I want
These are just some of the rules to live by; follow them and you will be largely "privileged" too
Sir stop having common sense and being responsible. That's not allowed here.
Privilege is nicer word for arrogance who want to be that 🤣🤣😆💯👉💀
@@starblane1023 you have low I.Q
Yes, live a moral life and raise your children right. This video is just more antiwhite nonsense
"Take 50 steps forward if all these negatives have happened to you, and you don't care, because you've got more important things to think about"
"My boss is the same race as me, if you agree step forward" that isnt something you agree to it's a fact, this proves nothing.
Woah all the previous comments got deleted.
This is high school level manipulation. “Step back or step forward” to respond to each question.
There is no “not applicable”. You are either with us or against us. No room for nuance or personal experience. No allowance for individuality, but rather designed to divide people who have much more in common than reason to dislike one another.
It seems to me this is the real underlying problem that this “experiment” masks, and why it would never stand up to scientific (and peer reviewed) research. Feelings aren’t scientific by definition, but who cares anymore. Post modernism has finally taken root and these are the expected results; feelings presented as material fact.
Your comment is exactly what a wall-eyed person would say.
What is Privilege????
1) Privilege is wearing $200 sneakers when you’ve never had a job.
2) Privilege is wearing $300 Beats headphones while living on public assistance.
3) Privilege is having a Smartphone with a Data plan, which you receive no bill for.
4) Privilege is living in public subsidized housing where you don’t have a utility or phone bill and where rising property taxes, rents and energy costs have absolutely no effect on the amount of food you can put on your table, which is largely covered by Government Food Stamps.
5) Privilege is having free health insurance for you and your family that's paid for by working taxpayers who often can't afford proper health coverage for their own families.
6) Privilege is having multiple national organizations promoting and protecting just your race alone -- that are subsidized by federal tax dollars.
7) Privilege is having access to a national college fund that supports only one race.
8) Privilege is having a television network that supports only one race.
9) Privilege is having most of the media news networks refuse to cover incidents wherein one race (one-eighth of the population) commits 50% of the crimes.
10) Privilege is the ability to go march against, and protest against anything that triggers you, without worrying about calling off from work and the consequences that accompany such.
11) Privilege is having as many children as you want, regardless of your employment status, and be able to send them off to daycare or pre-school you don’t pay for.
12) Privilege is being able to vote in many states without showing a driver's license, voter ID card or other credentials -- just because your race claims they should be exempt from such requirements.
13) Privilege is being able to riot, loot, commit arson and tear down historic monuments without consequences -- just because you don't like folks such as Columbus, U. S. Grant or even Lincoln.
14) Privilege is being able to get into almost any college of your choosing based on your race, not your grades or merit.
15) Privilege is having most of your life paid for by the working men and women who DO HAVE TO DEAL WITH RISING TAXES AND COSTS! you know, those you now call “PRIVILEGED.”
Ok, so you’re hinting at black people, you made your point.
James Baldwin said it best.
He said that while other people of color can experience different levels of racism, there is considerable solace in the fact that they aren't "black".
I love how everyone is mutually confused as to the takeaway here
I'm a white male. I would have no choice but to step back in all except ONE of those questions. The experiment could be summed up as follows: have you ever, your entire life, ran into racial stereotypes that were used against you in such and such situations? Unless you've spent your whole life with only your ethnicity and have never travelled, I don't see how most people wouldn't end up near the back of the bus.
I find things like this to be toxic. No wonder our society is so obsessed with race and victim hood 👎🏻
oh man the PRIVILEGE of seeing a commercial with someone the same race as me, HASHTAG BLESSED
saw the first minute and already understood how absurd this experiment was.
"is your boss of the same race" - so if a Chinese Person has a Sikh boss, is that racism? "Have you ever been the only person of your race in a room?" - w If I went to live in Nigeria, and I had a problem with being in a room full of Nigerians - then wouldn't that make ME the racist?
I think the boss 1 is about job opportunities and the context is in SG, not other countries.
"Racism is not dead, but it is on life support - kept alive by politicians, race hustlers and people who get a sense of superiority by denouncing others as racists"-Thomas Sowell.
There are people of Thomas Sowell's race who feel Thomas Sowell is racist.
@@lyricessence wow, that means everything then!
During the Republican primary of the 2016 presidential election, Sowell criticized Donald Trump, questioning whether Trump had "any principles at all, other than promoting Donald Trump?"[74] Two weeks before the 2016 presidential election, Sowell recommended voters to vote for Trump over Hillary Clinton , because he would be "easier to impeach".[75] In 2018, when asked on his thoughts of Trump's presidency, Sowell replied, "I think he's better than the previous president."[17]
Thomas Sowell, the coward Republicans plant
All I got from this was that a lot of people surround themselves with bad friends
As a black woman who lived and work in China , I saw this play out towards darker skin Chinese. For me,because of my skin I didn’t experience it, but I saw darker skins black people. I look forward to day when everyone will be treated equally.
I look forward to the day black groups stop killing each other at 4 times the rate of white groups.
Sometimes is not even the skin bro
Sometimes is your ethnicity they don't like
@@cocaineminor4420 you are right. This is what I tell my fellow black people. We should stay away from events that don’t have black representatives
In Singapore in most positions it is obvious that The Chinese are the most privileged comapred to Malays, And Indians
This is a real thing
We can’t blame any individual for this problem. It’s in my opinion all people problem that we all has to resolve and seriously work on ourselves to fix.
It’s not necessary a white or black, or Indian, or Asian, or European issue or even in today’s world directly responsibility. We all plays a part of this issue regardless if we agree or not.
We all need to stop to observe our own doing in racism.
It’s a real problem that we all has to work on to eradicate.
Stop hating each other as it’s senseless.
Meeting someone who don’t understand my language doesn’t make me less privilege.
All the chinese comments proves that they are previliged enough to be against i wonder what will these people go through when they go to america
When I heard the statement "your boss is the same race as you" and I'm like "huh?". I don't think being a certain race secure you a position somewhere on top as it depends on your work performance. You can't judge someone's performance through a stereotype 🤨
As a minority in my country, I could say that language is not a privilege problem imo. I speak Chinese and Indonesian but many of my friends speak Javanese or other local languages when they're together in a group (esp when they're from the same area or same ethnicity). I asked them to teach me; which they did and I learned bit by bit of their language. And vice versa.
But most of the time if my friends start conversing in their own language, I wouldn't mind either. It could be they're talking about private things or because they're used to speak that certain language to the other person. I know how weird it feels like when you speak language B to a person that you usually speak language A with. If they speak in their own language for a prolonged period of time, chances are they do not want you to be involved in their conversation.
"I don't think being a certain race secure you a position somewhere on top as it depends on your work performance". I'm a little late to the party but maybe you were a bit too young when you posted this comment, like I was. Cause this would've been my answer too. The language part, I agree with you. Shouldn't be an issue. But that quoted one up there, that's what you think sweetheart. I've heard and seen it happened. Not everything is the way it seems. Maybe you don't see it cause you're not a person of colour or maybe you haven't really seen the real world. Maybe one day you will, it takes time. But let's start with this (have a read alright) - www.todayonline.com/singapore/older-generation-singaporeans-not-ready-non-chinese-pm-heng-swee-keat
I think this experiment would need to be a little more specific
The is thing that for me should count as sistematícele like language . Language is A barrier if you don’t lead it . You challenge the local lenguaje is too close to attack who speaks it . Is each individual obstacle to achieve . So no not that one
@@amiraha9353 I agree
You’re white.
Is this a joke, Calista Zhu? You mean you don’t realise that you’re overprivileged minority in Indonesia where the Chinese make minority disproportionately own economic assets?
This is modern day scientific racism.
A lot of questions here are absurd too. For example not easy finding food stall with food you like. What do you expect if you are a minority? I was a minority in USA and I don't expect White Americans to make everything convenient for me.
hehe yes and we totally don't make things difficult for minorities. just blame them for wanting 'convenient things' hehe so sneaky
Let's repeat this "exercise" again in the country of origin of the "experimenter". Why do countries openly invite immegrants who move to a foreign country, then demand that country change to meet their needs? Meanwhile, the country of origin for the immegrant fails to accept citizens who except immegrants, no resiprocity. Therefore, the citizens of the country excepting immegrants from a country with no resiprosity, in totality, limit the opportunities for their native citizens by increasing competition, setting diversity targets and excluding natural born from taking a high paying job in the immigrants country of origin. Only a finite number of jobs in the world and limiting natural born citizens, by any means should be prevented. However, this "experiment" just highlights why an idealogical falocy regarding "equity" is dangerous to the well being of the Native born citizens.
People who don't understand the principle behind this, will NEVER understand discrimination! They should learn to handle the TRUTH!
Ummm... No! Just because people don't buy into your left-wing B.S. about "white privilege", does not mean that they do not understand discrimination. Get a clue!
Discrimination is diversity quotas...
@@cockoffgewgle4993 And why do you think they have diversity quotas?
@@huneylove5 Because they're racist and sexist.
Critical race theory is not truth . Its theory, Marxist theory.
The more you are LIKE the majority, the more privilege you have. Religion, race, food, music, etc. This is how the world works. In Asia, most ads show Asians. In the middle east, most ads show arabs. Minority groups will always be at a disadvantage because humans will ALWAYS feel more comfortable with what they KNOW. The more different you are, the more discomfort you will cause to those who aren't used to your differences. I am not saying this is good, or ideal, or that "this is how it is so we shouldn't try to stop it." Just explaining what the issue is in more detail. You can combat negative effects to a certain degree, but this will always exist. It is literally impossible to fully get rid of it. We ought to always try to bring equality to the world, but we must also fully understand that this is how things are. I personally think the best way to combat the negative effects of majority privilege, is for minorities to spread out and befriend as many of the majority as possible. That way you normalize your presence as much as possible. Make yourself known, so that you are not unknown. By doing such you will spread comfort to the majority about your minority group.
This is the primary way I see. Let em know what other things you guys think?
Your parents put a huge amount of value on education and make sure you reach your academic potential…3 steps forward
Yea some people don't have that, that's why its a privilege's, why do you people think privilege's is a bad thing?
I don’t get how being the same race or different race makes you any different in the workplace I accept everyone regardless of race
Amelia Wiseman And you assume that you are typical? Are you not able to mentally put yourself in the position of a minority and imagine how their experience might be different than yours?
David T And people like you are just trying to ruin things for everyone with needlessly divisive rhetoric that sees the world in purely oppressor and victim terms.
Regardless or race, language or religion to build a democratic society based on justice and equality so as to achieve happiness prosperity and progress for our nation
Yes and you are awesome Amelia, but you also have to understand that other people do not accept everyone because of their race and they are the problem that need to be addressed.
All this did was made the ones at the back feel inadequate, and all at the front were maybe feeling guilty. Either way it proves NOTHING.
I am one of 6 ( adult ) children, we are all in different positions in life because we all have differing aspirations, made different choices, chose different paths and have different attitudes.
None of us have any say in our gender, colour, background etc, etc.
We need to be encouraging our kids that THEIR destiny is in THEIR hands.
Oh stop it. If you deny that privilege exist, it's probably because you benefit from it. Most people just deal with it.
Oh yes I benefitted from privilege !
I sometimes went to school with worn holes in my shoes with a piece of cardboard inside. We had to wait for my Dad to get home on a Friday with his wages so that my mum could go and by food because the money had run out. I had so few clothes that they would fit in a draw, never needed a wardrobe.
I worked hard because I did not want that for myself or my children, I started my own business and got myself out of that position, not because I was brighter, privileged or any other reason.
Of course privilege exists, it's just that it meant nothing to me then and it means nothing to me now.
As an Indian I have experienced prejudice, I’ve been told “ you don’t smell like Indian, your skin is much more fairer than local Indians” the absolute worst was an Realestate agent who told me the landlord rejected my application for a condo because I’m Indian and Indian people cook smelly greasy food. Walking in to a luxury watch shop I have been neglecting, spoken to and then left by myself when a person of the majority race comes in….Indians are super racist, against,colour, religion and of course against other Indians and their castes so I make no defence for them. I’m just surprised that we have issues in SG. It will get better!
Interesting to see the racial perceptions in Singapore.. I'm pretty sure it varies from country to country as in my country (The U.S.A) it varies from sub city to sub city..drastic changes can happen a block or two away depending on the race and class
Singapore is a homogenous nation. So of course their beliefs will be one way.
Lmao at all those bots that liked this. How desperate can a person be?
I am shocked by how similar their accents are to some South African accents. If they came here no one would assume they're from anywhere else.
Wait, the title says “regardless of race” but then every single question is about race or nationality?
Remember when teachers would threaten us by saying xyz is a privledge not a right and can be taken away? To have privileges means you have earned something extra that isn't necessary, or given an honor. The things that are discussed today as privledges are not privileges at all. They are rights. Humans should have access to education, jobs, housing, etc. If a group of people are not receiving these or not benefiting from them than we should be asking why? And how can we solve that problem? Not let's shame the people who already do have those rights.
Why are these non-Singaporeans (eg Americans forced to watch this as a class assignment) missing the fact that this is a report on race relations in SINGAPORE? After 50 years of state-driven multicultural policies stressing inclusivity and diversity?
Why not find out more about the context before dissing the activity (experiment is indeed a bad word choice) which the participants did find meaningful?
Beautiful way of knowing we’re you stand in the community you leave😊 I’ve been discriminated by my own race because I speak with an accent my mother’s tongue ( Romanian 🇷🇴) but, living in 🇬🇧 Uk and have an accent speaking English I’m often asked were I come from… I don’t know what to answer… I don’t belong anywhere ☹️😕😩
“At school or at work you have two or less food stalls where you can get food you like”
Bish what the-
It was the reason the slaves rose up in Haiti
I think the question was just poorly phrased and was asked with the intent to find out if the food provided in these institutes are inclusive (do they have halal options and what not) which cater to all groups of people especially since different religions have different dietary requirements. I don’t think we should bash their efforts even if it’s not ideally presented but at least they made the attempt to somehow show the way certain groups in Singapore are more privileged than others. That being said, I do agree that much of the questions did not explicitly demonstrate privilege and were poorly phrased, the ostensibly good intent was just not well executed I Guess 🤷♂️
be less discriminated is not a privilege
Um I'm white and my back's touching the wall... What does that mean?
I'm really sorry but these questions were so stupid even though you ended up staying at the back you are more privileged than 6.5 billions of people.
1:23 if that happens, move to a place where people can speak your language
Fun fact: in Belgium and in France, race is referred to human race separate from animals and plants. But ethnicity is referred to skin colour. It is extremely offensive to use the term "race" for skin colour (unless for historical context). A good way to describe someone: "Cette personne est d'origine ethnique africaine, asiatique, blanche etc. "
My mum is white and she can’t find a job with 2 bachelors and a master also 18 years of work experience. We moved to Canada and she got a Canadian degree. She can’t find a job and we’re white. Usually employers hire people of their own race . For example my mum went for an interview and all of the employees were of a certain race and their hr was of the same race after the hr was fired people of other races started becoming employees as well. Take Vancouver for example most of the jobs require mandarin. Which crosses out almost all of the potential employees of another races. Countries with lots of immigrants are not discriminatory towards people of colour but towards immigrants I’m general.
The Unconscious Bias
you can be as open minded as you think you are but subconsciously you will always gravitate towards your own race. It’s like being in a clique. Nothing wrong about it. It’s just that the biggest clique in the population would get the bigger say as it will be in the best interest for the whole community in that context.
These questions are useless. For most of them, I say "so what". I don't lose anything if I don't see a person who looks like me in an advertisement. I don't gain anything if I see a person who looks like me in an advertisement.
Move to a country where you are the majority and then conduct this experiment again 🤷🏼♂️
The experiment was to see how much stupidity can be crammed into a 7 minute video.
We need to stop playing the victim game and move forward. Carpe Diem. Of coarse the navigation through life is different from person to person, but if you want success then seize it, it's the 21'st century for goodness sake. The only thing oppressing you is your lack of motivation, desire, and your eagerness to 'hot potato' your shortcomings to anyone achieving more than you. Make a difference, not an excuse.
yan, this exercise just sensitizes you to hidden assumptions you may hold. You can use this information to your betterment or not use it if you think that that is to your betterment.
Dumb experiment. Dumb questions. Nothing in common with privilege.
You can even see the expectations of the contestants. People are quite happy with their privileges, but YOU made them feel less privileged.
Isn't it discrimination?
@6:00 the guy said " and they are just not open to seeing how other people's way of life is" and this comment section shows HAHA
You cant deny that the questions were poorly constructed.
People speak their language for a prolonged period of time???? WTF? And his English is excellent! What a bunch of BS.
Let me take a step back because someone has said the phrase "you people" when everything to blacks. Also, another step for me doing something well and that being a credit to my race. And yet another step for if I mes up anything, it is representative of the shortcomings of my entire race...
Most of the question are more if your race is the majority and not the most privileged.
Hopefully this is the dumbest thing I see today, It’s 9am, you have set the bar high.
I think money has to do more with privilege than race
For all those who say that others have the privilege in certain situations, I have a question for you: the fact that you are on this video on youtube and you have eyes to see, you have both hands, both legs, you have shoes, you have something to eat, etc. those are not a privilege for you? If we do not know how to handle our minds, then we see only what we want to see.😂😂
Those are material "privileges". The "privileges" in the video are abstract "privileges". There's quite a distinction between the two.
Privilege is being born into wealth
Something like that yes.
The questions seem unintuitive and this seems like some sort of wierd exercise to try to prove a point. Wired and biased
Love Asian privilege too
If you're in a company where you're the only asian person and everyone else is white and western, do you think you have to work harder than everyone else to prove your worth? Do you think you will be promoted easily compared to the other employees who have more solid connections to the boss due to sharing the same language and culture? Do you think you will never ever be isolated and if tragedy happens or civil war broke out you will get the same treatment and protections as the majority?
The point of all those questions is to prove who is in an easier position and who has to live life in hard mode.
Very bias and lame experiment.....obviously the majority will stand out. Exactly what is expected when the ‘experiment’ is conducted by a guy who wants to make his point with bias
Privelage is just one's own perception,
As a kid grown in remote india I always felt privileged because I didn't knew about outside world much.
I don't get this experiment? Most of the questions are related to diversity rather than privilege
Start of video "step forward if you agree" somewhere in the middle "step backward if you agree" are you kidding me?!
Probably im wrong, but this prove more the concept of being a foreing than being discriminated. I mean, this exercise can be applied anywere and the results would depend of the dominant race. For example, if I do this experiment in India the people from Singapore would be at the back.
There are malay and indian Singaporeans. The people involved in this experiments are not foriegners.
The Indian mother is terrible. Wishing the worst for her son, just to prove a point.
Well I'm happy for people who think these question weren't racist. I consider at least 9 out of 10 as indicators of racism.
I've experienced all of them in real life, and thats all symptoms of it. Whoever sees that as indicators of being minority, have been quite priviledged their whole life, congrats to you
If I moved to China I would also be right at the back, even if my grandparents moved there and I was born there
I'm sorry but what???
@@yee9222 Why do people comment without a second thought this day. She saying that China cares far more for their people FAR more. So being white in China is automatic gives you less privilege because they are a minority. That's just normal. You be told go back to your country and be hesitant to talk to you or give you a job. Thats just how it is when you are a minority. Worst case be if they try to not give you access to school, healthcare , jobs and put you for prison based on color/belief.
The one hosting the experiment that never serve NS but still MP has the most privilege.
I would’ve been right at the back and I consider myself privileged. Those questions were really dumb
You’re not getting into some universities if you’re Asian your docked -50 points but if you’re black you get +25 points on entry test
My first time working for a boss that was close to the same race as me and she was the only black person with a seemingly completely black crew. (We had 2 mixed women with caramel color, a couple Latinos, a darker skinned Korean guy, and me). I’ve seen POC with better work ethic and credentials get skipped for a boss’ position due to race more times than I can count and it saddens me to see people say that the question “Is your boss the same race as you?” Is not relevant in this social experiment. People who are closer to the top when it comes to the hierarchy of race do get the privilege of “boss”. These “bosses” choose people they feel more comfortable around, which would be more often than not, people of the same race or people closer to their class. Making it harder for people on the lower end of the hierarchy to become a boss or to even receive proper jobs at all. This question will remain relevant when it comes to privilege until it stops being one. Those who are affected by this privilege would be able to speak on the affects. If you are positively affected then you wouldn’t care for or really see the negative affects to be able to speak on them.
As a brown Latino I’ve seen both sides of the coin, but I’m here to tell you that you will never stop people from being people and you’ll never stop bosses from elevating people they’re comfortable with.
About 2 years ago, my employer had to fire about 50% of the employees. That the remaining employees became more effective and actually got a shorter workday because of this isn't politically correct to mention.
I've worked for this company for 28 years. To get rid of the people needing extreme support while slowing down those of us that don't need supervision every second, was actually beneficial.
The company did actually get complaints since it was minorities that was fired. That they didn't do their job and actually slowed down those of us that was beneficial, wasn't something anyone mentioned.
I work with delivery. I wouldn't mind the salary that a brain surgen have but i know that i wouldn't deserve it.
Idiots getting paid for destroying the actual workers job is called inclusion. I would call it indoctrination with a strong smell of Communism.
They should be blindfolded when doing this.
Hi CNA thanks for bringing out the social issues we face by bringing up the elephant in the room. But, by showing these things how do we become more progressive? I would love to see more of such genuine unfiltered conversations
I'm black, was considered slow, couldn't read write or talk until 8 grade. From the projects back in the 90s in murder capital.
I make more than $300k a year. Adopted 2 kids, started a business, educate others. And priveledge has never come up in any topics on advancement.
lmao its the same person who set-up that lame interview with students from different educational backgrounds.....
Omg the world is not fair... what a revelation
Very interesting - I never thought of some things mentioned as a matter of "one's privilege"
Should now
This video is so trash lol all the points suck
In America I am the only Asian in classrooms
Clap. Now continue pay attention to what the teacher says and does.