A:뱃살을 빼고 싶은데 하루에 근력운동를 얼만큼 해야 할까요? B:사실 복근을 만들지 않는 이상 근력운동이랑 뱃살빼는 거랑은 크게 관련이 없어. 진짜 중요한 건 먹는 양이야. 평소 먹는 양을 줄이고 간식만 먹지 않는다면 뱃살은 빠질거야. A:How often should I do weights in a day if I want to get lose my belly fat. B:Actually, it doesn't matter how often you do weights unless you want to get abs. The importance thing is how much you eat. As long as you eat less than usual and you don't eat snacks between meals, you get lose your belly fat.
A: What should I put first? powder? noodle? (라면 스프랑 면 중에서) B: Well, people say that it doesn't really matter what you put first. I even saw people who put powder after the noodle was totally cooked. I thought it would taste weird but you know what? It actually tasted OK. But I still prefer to put powder first before I put noodle for some reason. It feels like the soup gets testier that way. A: What do you think is more productive between being a night owl and an early bird? B: Actually, I don't think it really matters when you wake up and go to bed. As long as you plan what you're going to do and do it properly, I think it's all great no matter when you do it. You know, becoming an early bird was a kind of trend for a while. But some people could waste time during the day even after they get up at 4 am. Unless you waste a few hours looking at your phone, you don't need to feel bad about staying up late. A: What exercise should I do? B: Actually, it doesn't really matter what exercise you do. It could be yoga, swimming, walking, weight training, badminton or just stretching. What matters is just do something consistently on a daily basis. Whether you do or don't is more important than what you do.
오늘도 좋은 영상 감사합니다. :) A: Is being a morning person better? B: It doesn't really matter what time you wake up. As long as you're more productive at night, you don't necessarily need to be a morning person. A: Which way is better for learning English? B: Well, it doesn't really matter which way you choose. Unless you don't practice enough, you're not going to improve your English anyway.
선생님! Good morning! 주말 잘 보내셨어요? 월요일 아침 선물 같은 선생님 강의. 말할때 늘 사용해야 하는 표현들인데 익숙치 않았던 표현들 , 열심히 듣고 따라해 보겠습니다.감사합니다. A: What kind of dress should I put on in choir? B: It doesn't really matter which dress you put on design and style. unless you wear a short red dress. we are going to wear a little dark dress anyway. A: It's sunday, should we leave early? B: Well, actually, it doesn't really matter when we leave, as long as we can arrive there within today anyway.
A : It must be super nice to work from home. B : Actually, it doesn't really matter where you work. Everything has its pros and cons. so, unless there's someone you really don't want to see at work and as long as you can leave work on time, i don't think there's a difference between the two.
항상 많이 해야하는 말인데 감사합니다! 연습 많이 하겠습니다 :) A: 배운걸 이해했는데, 왜 말하는 건 어렵지? B: 내 경험상 머릿속으로 얼마나 이해했는지는 별로 상관없어. 일상생활에서 쓰는게 아니면 어차피 따로 연습을 많이 해야 해. A: I understood what I learned. But why I’ve still get struggle with speak? B: For my experience, it doesn’t matter how much you understand in your head. Unless you use it in your daily life, you have to practice a lot anyway. A: 몇 권의 영어책을 보면 영어를 잘 할 수 있을까요? B: 얼마나 많은 책으로 배웠는지는 별로 상관없어. 연습을 많이 하기만 하면 어차피 언젠가 잘 하게 되어있어. A: How many books do you think should I study to speak English properly? B: Actually, it doesn’t matter how many books you read. As long as you practice a lot, you’ll get it anyway.
A: Which English books should I get? Is it better to buy this book to improve my English? B: Well, actually, it doesn't matter, what book you get. As long as you study English every day regularly, you’ll improve your English anyway.
열심히 흉내 내보는데도 돌아서면 금방 잊어 버리고, 스스로 나만의 문장을 만들어 보는 일은 어렵기도 하지만, 보석같고 단비같은 귀한 수업과 함께 언제나 격려 해주시고 푸쉬?^^ 해주시는 선생님 덕분에, 언제가 될지는 모르겠지만, 조금이라도 선생님을 닮아갈 제 모습을 기분좋게 상상하면서 오늘 저희에게 내주신 할일을 합니다^^ 감사 드려요 선생님!!! A: It has tons of lessons there we can learn. So I'm not sure which one is better if I should take the class in ordered updating latest nor choose from what I'm interested in right away. (A: 거기에 배울수 있는 수업이 엄청 많아. 그래서 최근에 업데이트 된 순서대로 듣는게 좋을지 아니면 지금 당장 내가 관심 있는 것부터 듣는게 좋을지 잘 모르겠어) B: I think it doesn't really matter what you choose first. You will go through all of the classes one day anyway as long as you don't give up. Just try to beginning with what you're interested in this moment based on the very beginning part together. (B: 내 생각엔 어떤걸 먼저 듣던 크게 문제될건 없어. 너가 포기 하지만 않으면 어차피 그 모든 수업을 언젠간 다 듣게 될테니까. 아주 기초적인 부분을 토대로 해서 너가 지금 관심 있는 부분을 함께 시작 해봐) Unless it rains tomorrow, I'm going to go hiking that we didn't make it before with my friends. (내일 비가 오지 않으면 친구들이랑 지난번에 약속했다가 지키지 못했던 하이킹을 갈 생각이야) As long as I can finish the work on time, I'll try to make it to the party. (오늘 할일을 제 시간에 끝낼수만 있으면 나도 그 파티에 참석하도록 노력해볼께)
A: What is faster to get there? Bus or subway? B: It doesn't really matter whatever you take. Unless you're hurry, you'd better to take bus. It's a good way to take a look outside. A:How long do I have to work out? B:It doesn't really matter as long as you're not hurt. The more you exercise, the better for your health and shape.
점점재미있어 집이다 Unless I study Language hard I will not get Communiaed deeply Unless you buy stocks you are going to get normal life As long as you work Continue
오늘 강의도 감사해요~~ A:What kind of shoes are you looking for? B: It doesn't matter what kind( they are? )as long as they are comfortable. 어떤신발 찾고있어요? 편안하기만하면 종류는 상관없어요 A:So, your future boyfriend should be tall and handsome? B: It doesn't matter how tall or handsome he is unless he is shorter than me. 너 장래 남자친구는 크고 잘생겨야해? 나보다 작지만 않으면 크거나 잘생긴건 상관없어
A: I brush my teeth 3 times a day but I keep getting cavities. Do you think I need to brush more? B1: As long as you brush more than 2 times a day, it doesn't make much difference how many more times you brush . You need to floss your teeth anyway. B2: Actually, it doesn't really matter how many more times you brush, if you've already been brushing 3 times a day. Flossing is the key. Unless you're lying about that 3.
A: Do you have anything special in mind for Lexi’s Christmas present? B: Oh, right. We have only a month left until Christmas. I think it doesn‘t really matter what we buy. As long as it’s kind of Lego blocks, she will be happy with it anyway. A: How was your long-distance driving? Do you think you’ve gained some confidence? B: Well, I don’t think so. Actually it doesn’t matter how far I drive. Unless I drive frequently, I can’t gain confidence by driving once in a while.
A:그녀 생일에 무슨 선물 살까? What should I buy for her birthday? (What present should I buy for her birthday?) 뭐가 맞아요? B: 사실 어떤 것이든 상관없어. 너의 마음이 중요하지. Actually it doesn't really matter what you buy. (what it is). It's important to express your heart. (Your heart is important.)이것도 되나요? 정말 쓸모없는 거 아니면 걘 좋아할거야. Unless it's useless, she'll like it.
Grace가 친구 Mark 점심을 대신해서 사는 상황입니다. (전화로 통화중) Grace: Which menu can I choose for you? There are too many options. Mark: It doesn't really matter. Unless there is seafood. I am allergic to seafood. thanks. 쌤! 오늘도 강의 잘들었습니다. 감사합니다. XOXO
Is taking a bus better than a subway to get your home after work? Actually it doesn't matter at that time. Unless I go to home a little earlier from the office, it takes about the same hour.
A: I think my salay is too low to save. B: Well, actually, It's doesn't really matter how much your salay is. As long as you don't buy some luxury goods, you would save a lot of money. A : What kind of food should I prepare? B: Actually, it's doesn't really matter what kind of food you cook. The children are going to eat them unless they are too spicy.
(드레스 코드 이야이 도중) A:라운드 넥? 스퀘어넥? 복장에 관련해서 자세히 설명해주시겠어요? 소음때문에 못들었어요. B: 사실 어떤 디자인이든 상관없어요. 빨간색 계열이기만 하면 가능해요. 멀리서 봤을 때 우리팀인건만 구분할 수있으면 되거든요. 이해됐나요? A: 네 감사해요. A: Round neck? Squareneck? oh...I couldn't follow..because of the noises. Could you elaborate on the attire for tomorrow? B: No worries!! Actually, it doesn’t really matter what kind of clothes you're going to wear. as long as it’s red-ish and noticeable that everyone knows that you are our team. clear? A: Crystal clear. Thank you.
It doesn't really matter what you eat. Actually, unless you do overeating at late night. you can easily lose weight anyway. It must be nice to live close to work. Well, It doesn't really matter how close you live. Unless it's within walking distance, It takes about an hour anyway because of the heavy traffic. Is it cheaper to buy it at that store? Actually, It doesn't really matter where you buy it. As long as you buy it for cash, you can get a discount anyway.
오늘도 감사합니다. :) 1. What color should I get? Well, actually it doesn't really matter what color you get. You're going to use a tablecloth, right? As long as you cover it with a tablecloth, you won't see it anyway. 2. Does wearing this red lipstick look better? Well, actually it doesn't really matter what color of the lipstick you wear. As long as you are outside, you need to wear a mask all day anyway. 3. Is it better to take some medicine for a cold? Well, actually it doesn't matter whether you take it or not. As long as you get some deep rest for couple of days, you'll get better naturally anyway. 4. It must be happy to live close to the library. Well, actually it doesn't really matter how close you live. If you're interested in books, it's pointless. 5. Is it better to take an express bus to get there at this point? 지금 이시점에 고속버스 타는게 더 낫을까 Well, actually it doesn't really matter what kind of bus you take. Unless you can fly , it'll take about over an hour because of the rally.
A:꿀 먹는 게 당뇨병에 안 좋나? Is eating honey bad for diabetes? B:너무 많이 먹지만 않으면 괜찮을거야. Unless you eat too much honey, I'll be fine. 적당히 먹기만 하면 건강에 도움이 돼. As long as you eat honey properly, it is good for your health.
A : LA Academy 로 영어 공부하는게 도움이 돼? - Is it helpful to study English with LA Academy? B : 응. 많이 향상된 것 같아. 그런데, 사실, 누구로부터 영어를 배우는 것이 중요하지 않아. 매일 어느정도의 시간을 영어 공부하는데 투자하지 않는 한 영어는 절대 안 늘어. - Yeah, I feel like I've improved a lot. But, you know what, actually, it doesn't really matter who you learn English from. Unless you spend some time studying English every day, you won't improve your English at all.
A : It must be really nice to have a car to drive to work B : Well, it doesn’t really matter if you have a car these days, unless the oil price gets to decrease soon, as long as they have a shuttle bus to take us to work, it must much better to use it anyway
Which way is faster to get there? Actually it doesn’t really matter to go any way. Unless it’s under constructed on the road and as long as you avoid the rush hour. Did I make right sentence?…
A: Where should we meet? B: As long as it's close to the subway station, it doesn't really matter where we meet. I'm going to take the subway anyway. A: What should we get for dinner? B: It doesn't really matter what we get. Unless it's too expensive, anything is fine. I'm so starving that I will probably enjoy anything anyway.
Is it better to get my hair cut? How much should I get my hair cut? Actually, it doesn't really matter unless my hair isn't too short as enough I can tie my hair. As long as I can cut my all demaged hair, I won't have to worry about my demaged hair. Thank you so much always ! Hope you're having a good day ! :))
A: Is it better to buy the item today or to wait until Black Friday sale? B: Acutually, it doesn't matter when you purchase. As long as it is in stock, you'll get it anyway because it never gets on sale.
Should i take a taxi or a bus? Well, It doesn't really matter which one you take. As long as you leave now there's no traffic anyway. Is it better to sign up for the gym? It doesn't really matter if you sign up or not. As long as you can maintain the discipline to exercise regularly, you'll get there. Is it okay to have coffee everyday? I mean i drink coffee at least 3 cups a day. It doesn't really matter. Unless you have trouble sleeping. It shouldn't be a problem anyway.
샘~~ 저는 미국에사는 중딩 애들 둘 엄마예요. 한국에서 대학졸업 회사 10년 일하다가 미국왔는데.. 어릴때 책으로 공부한 영어로 일상회화에 한계를 많이 느끼며 살아왔어요. 최근 남편 직장 와이프 모임에서 수개월 활동할일이 있었는데…아카데미 토들러가 절 살려고요 요즘도 배운건 가서 무조건 쓰려고 하고 있어요. 일단 내가 배운걸 내뱉고 보면 다음엔 기억이 뽝 나더라구요. 내것이 되었는지 그 상황이 오면 금새 입에서 잘 나와요. Unless , as long as 샘한테 배워서 잘 쓰고 있었는데 이렇게 다시 보니 감사한 마음에 이렇게 글 남깁니다. 적지 않은 나이 지금 45세이지만 영어가 특히 회화가 재밌어요. 다시 한번 감사합니다.
unless 않는다면은 '다면' 한국식사고를 빼더라도 본질인 '가정,조건' 이라는 그림이 혼란스럽게 하는데 바로 자꾸 if절을 떠오르게 합니다 ..의미차이가 궁금해집니다. if에 너무 익숙해져서 may(might)/could/ unless,as long as 이런것들을 생각치못하고의미구분을 못하고 있는거 같네요.
A : Should i buy this book? B : Actually it doesn’t really matter what book you study with. As long as you have dependence and keep studying, you can improve your english. A : I worry about my baby doesn’t eat so well these days. B : It doesn’t really matter how much he eats. Unless he loses weight, you don’t need to worry about that seriously. He will eat as much as he needs. I think it is more important he enjoys his meal time.
A : I hope to continue working from home even after Corona is over. B : I think it doesn’t matter where you work. As long as you have to communicate through messenger even at home and report daily work status, there is no difference between working from home and working in a company.
Which one do you want to have? Actually, it doesn't matter what I eat. I'm almost starving to death, so as long as I can have something, it makes me happy.
A: It must be nice to live close to school. It takes for me an hour and a half to get here. 학교 가까이에 살아서 좋겠다. 나는 여기까지 오는 데 1시간 30분 걸려. B: Well, actually, I think it doesn't really matter how close you live. Unless it's within walking distance, it takes about the same anyway because subway and bus make a detour. 사실 아무리 가까이 살아도 별로 상관 없는 것 같아. 걸어다닐 수 있는 거리가 아닌 이상 지하철이랑 버스가 돌아서 가기 때문에 비슷하게 걸리더라고. A: Is studying with songs in background bad for concentrating? 노래 틀어놓고 공부하면 집중하는 데 안 좋은가요? B: It doesn't really matter whether you listen to them. As long as you are a person who can do multiple things at the same time, it won't bother you anyway. 음악을 듣는 건 별로 상관 없어요. 당신이 여러 일을 동시에 할 수 있는 사람이라면 어차피 방해되지 않을 거예요.
What time should I pick it up? 언제 물건 픽업 할까? I don't think it will matter what time you are going to come . 언제 오는지는 상관 없을거 같은데 I am supposed to be staying at home all day long today anyway . 난 어차피 오늘 하루종일 집에 있어야 하니까 As long as you tell me ahead when you are arriving here , I'll be ready to be out around that time. 니가 미리 언제 도착하는지 말해주면 내가 그 시간에 나갈 준비하고 있을께 Text me 10 minutes before getting here. 도착 10분 전에 문자 줘 고쳐줄 부분있음 고쳐주셔도 돼요 감사합니다
What should I take to get to the Seoul complex station? It doesn't really matter what you take. Unless you drive the car, it takes about an hour from here.
A: Is it a little cheaper to pay with cash, rather than a credit card? B: Actually, it doesn't really matter what you pay with. As long as you buy it within this month, it will cost you the same.
what should i do? actually i’m wasted money these day, i need to save money but i can’t. things that for me really don’t matter, but almost everything is not that necessary, i don’t know why i spend too much money. as far as i’m concerned, i’m getting out of my mind, 어떡해야하지? 나 요즘 돈을 너무 낭비해, 돈을 아껴야하는데 그게 안되네. 나를 위한 거는 괜찮아, 근데 대부분 꼭 그렇게 필요하지 않아, 돈을 왜이리 많이 쓰는지 모르겠네 내 생각에는 내가 점점 미쳐가나봐.
any place you have in mind? well nothing comes to my mind yet. actually unless it is within walking distance, I live in Paju-si so It takes about an hour anyway to get to Seoul.
It doesn't really matter when I wake up. Because I'm on a vacation and I need to take more rest. As long as I get up before afternoon Its ok. nowdays, I have been gaining weight. I have gotten 5Kg and I feel like Im a pig. So I need to controll my food. First of all I need to stop eating chickin and pizza. as öong as I don't eat the two food It doesnt matter what food I eat.
처음으로 댓글 남겨봅니다. 실제로 제 것으로 만들고 응용하는 것은 어렵네요ㅠㅠ A : 저녁으로 뭐 먹을래? B : 사실 뭘 먹든 간에 별로 상관없어. 어제 피자를 먹었기 때문에 너무 느끼한 음식만 아니면 돼. 그거 말고는 다 먹을 수 있을 것 같아. A : What do you want to eat for dinner? B : Well, actually, it doen't really matter what we eat. As long as it isn't oily food, I can eat anything what you want because I ate pizza yesterday.
A:I've heard you had a big argument with him the other day. Did he say something hurtful to you? B:Actually I can't exactly remember what he said to me. What made me flip out was the way he treated me. He treated me like a little girl who doesn't know the world(세상물정 모르는 을 표현하고 싶었는데, 혹시 아시는 분들 알려주시면 감사하겠습니다^^). I think it doesn't matter what to say when it comes to relationships. As long as you treat your partner with some respect, you could get over small conflicts and move on anyway. 짧게 할려고 했는데 주저리 길어졌네요^^ treat도 연습해봤습니다.^^
항상 감사합니다:D A : I have to move out in a week so I need to find an apartment that has 2 bedrooms. B : How much is your budget for rent a month? A : It's 600 dollars a month. B : As long as it's under 600 dollars, it might be hard to find a 2 bedroom apartment.
Which color should i get? It doesn’t really matter what color you get. You gonna use a phone case, right? Unless you use a clear case, u won’t see it anyway. It must be nice to live close to work. Actually, it doesn’t really matter where you live. Unless it’s within walking distance, it takes a hour anyway because if the traffic. Is it cheaper to buy it directly from the website? Actually it doesn’t really matter where you buy it. As long as it goes through custom clearance, it costs about the same anyway. Is A bad for weight-loss? Is eating right before bed bad for weight-loss? Actually it doesn’t really matter when you eat. Unless it bothers your sleep and as long as you burn more calories than you consume in a day, you lose weight anyway.
이게 더 맞는 연습법인가요? 사실 어떻게 연습하든 상관없어요. 선수들 훈련법을 따라한다고 해도 너가 열심히 하지않으면 실력은 늘지않아요. 그러니 계속 해야해요. Is it better way training like this to improve tennis skills than other else? Well, I think It doesn't really matter which way you do. Actually It is more important to work and get training everyday than what way you choose. Unless you take much times to get learned, you won't get better which way you do, even though many pro-players do the same thing, anyway. just keep going.
세부사항 저맥락 1 : 부정형?? : ~치만 않다면 세부사항 저맥락 2 : 긍정형?? : ~기만 하다면 ?? 추가 내용 ?? Which color should I get? What color should I get? 어떤 색으로 할까?? It doesn't really matter what color you get. 사실 어떤 색으로 하든 별로 상관없어. 단순 세부사항 저맥락 간접의문문 : 무슨 색으로 하든 you're going to use a phone case, right? 폰케이스 쓸 거 잖아요. 그렇지? 단순 세부사항 저맥락 : 단순 세부사항 저맥락 : ~할 거잖아요(you're ~ right?) 단순 세부사항 저맥락 : =/= 하는거 맞아?? (are you ~?) 확인 차 하는 질문 So, unless you use a clear case, you won't see it anyway. 투명 케이스만 안 쓰면 어차피 안 보일 거야. 단순 세부사항 저맥락 : 하지 않으면 : 안 쓰면 파동 상황 고맥락 : 어차피 안보일 거야 =/= 어차피 보지 못해. 파동 상황 고맥락 : 어차피 =/= 어쨌든 ** 매우 중요!! : anyway : 어차피, 어쨌든 세부사항 저맥락 1 : 부정형?? : ~치만 않다면 세부사항 저맥락 2 : 긍정형?? : ~기만 하다면 It must be nice to live close to work. 직장에서 가까이 살아서 좋겠다. 좋겠다 : 만족스럽다 : 편하겠다 세부사항 저맥락 : 편리한 상황(근로조건, 처우개선)이라서 You는 X : 상황에 대해 얘기를 한다?? 세부사항 저맥락(예측) : You와 어울리는 동사는 "관용어구"라고 생각한다. : You'd better?? Actually, it doesnt' really matter how close you live. 사실 아무리 가까이 살아도 별로 상관없어. 파동 상황고맥락 : 아무리 가까이 살아도 별로 상관없어. =/= 얼마나 가까이 사는지는 상관이 없다. Unless it is within waling distance, ~ 걸아갈 수 있는 거리가 아닌 이상, : 걸어다닐 수 있는 거리만 아니면, ~ 파동 상황고맥락 : 걸어갈 수 있는 거리가 아닌 이상, =/= 걸어다닐 수 있는 거리만 아니면, ~ 파동 상황고맥락 : within waling distance 파동 상황고맥락 : 걸어갈 수 있는 거리 =/= 걷는 거리 이내에 it takes about an hour anyway because of the traffic. 교통 때문에 어차피 1시간 정도 걸려. 파동 상황 고맥락 : anyway 파동 상황 고맥락 : anyway : 어차피 =/= 어쨌든 세부사항 저맥락 1 : 부정형?? : ~치만 않다면 세부사항 저맥락 2 : 긍정형?? : ~기만 하다면 Is it (a little) cheaper to buy it directly from thw website? 웹사이트에서 직접 구매를 하면 (좀) 더 싼가요? 파동 상황고맥락 : buy it directly 파동 상황고맥락 : buy it directly : 직접 구매 =/= 직접적으로 구매 Well, actually, it doesn't really matter where you buy it. 사실 어디서 사든 별로 상관 없어요. 단순 세부사항 저맥락 As long as it goes through customs, ~ 그게 세관을 통과하기만 하면, ~ 단순 세부사항 저맥락 어감은 살짝 다르다 : Unless : As long as not :: 의미전달에는 똑같다. 둘 다 똑같은 말이다. : Customs : Customs clearance it costs about the same anyway. 어차피 돈은 비슷하게 들어요. 파동 상황 고맥락 : anyway 파동 상황 고맥락 : anyway : 어차피 =/= 어쨌든 세부사항 저맥락 : "about the same" : 비용이 비슷하게 든다. 세부사항 저맥락 : "the same" : 비용이 똑같이 든다. 세부사항 저맥락 1 : 부정형?? : ~치만 않다면 (unless) 세부사항 저맥락 2 : 긍정형?? : ~기만 하다면 (As long as) Is eating "right before bed" bad for weight-loss? "자기 직전에" 식사하는 게 다이어트에 안 좋은가요? 고립사고회로 : Is eating "right before bed" + bad : 안 좋은가요. : 부사구 순서가 고정인지 잘 모르겠다. 단순 세부사항 저맥락 Actually, it doesn't really matter when you eat. 사실 언제 먹든 별로 상관 없어요. 단순 세부사항 저맥락 Unless it bothers you sleep ~ As long as it doesn't bother your sleep, ~ 그게 수면을 방해하지만 않고 ~ 단순 세부사항 저맥락 as long as you burn more calories than you consume in a day 하루 중에 섭취하는 칼로리보다 더 많은 칼로리를 태우기만 한다면 매우중요!! : (as long as + as long as(특이한 종속절) + 주절) 매우중요!! : (as long as + as long as(특이한 종속절) + 주절) : and를 안 써도 된다. : 단순 세부사항 저맥락 you lose weight anyway. 살은 어차피 빠져요. 파동 상황 고맥락 : anyway 파동 상황 고맥락 : anyway : 어차피 =/= 어쨌든
p.s.p.s. p.s.p.s. 스크립트, 대본 세부사항 저맥락 1 : 부정형?? : ~치만 않다면 (unless) 세부사항 저맥락 2 : 긍정형?? : ~기만 하다면 (As long as) Which color should I get? What color should I get? 어떤 색으로 할까?? It doesn't really matter what color you get. 사실 어떤 색으로 하든 별로 상관없어. you're going to use a phone case, right? 폰케이스 쓸 거 잔항요. 그렇지? So, unless you use a clear case, you won't see it anyway. 투명 케이스만 안 쓰면 어차피 안 보일 거야. 세부사항 저맥락 1 : 부정형?? : ~치만 않다면 (unless) 세부사항 저맥락 2 : 긍정형?? : ~기만 하다면 (As long as) It must be nice to live close to work. 직장에서 가까이 살아서 좋겠다. : You는 X : 상황에 대해 얘기를 한다?? Actually, it doesnt' really matter how close you live. 사실 아무리 가까이 살아도 별로 상관없어. Unless it is within waling distance, ~ 걸어다닐 수 있는 거리만 아니면, ~ it takes about an hour anyway because of the traffic. 교통 때문에 어차피 1시간 정도 걸려. 세부사항 저맥락 1 : 부정형?? : ~치만 않다면 (unless) 세부사항 저맥락 2 : 긍정형?? : ~기만 하다면 (As long as) Is it (a little) cheaper to buy it directly from thw website? 웹사이트에서 직접 구매를 하면 (좀) 더 싼가요? Well, actually, it doesn't really matter where you buy it. 사실 어디서 사든 별로 상관 없어요. As long as it goes through customs, ~ 그게 세관을 통과ㅏ하기만 하면, ~ it costs about the same anyway. 어차피 돈은 비슷하게 들어요. 세부사항 저맥락 1 : 부정형?? : ~치만 않다면 (unless) 세부사항 저맥락 2 : 긍정형?? : ~기만 하다면 (As long as) Is eating right before bed bad for weight-loss? 자기 직전에 식사하는 게 다이어트에 안 좋은가요? Actually, it doesn't really matter when you eat. 사실 언제 먹든 별로 상관 없어요. Unless it bothers you sleep ~ As long as it doesn't bother your sleep, ~ 그게 수면을 방해하지만 않고 ~ as long as you burn more calories than you consume in a day 하루 중에 섭취하는 칼로리보다 더 많은 칼로리를 태우기만 한다면 매우중요!! : (as long as + as long as(특이한 종속절) + 주절) you lose weight anyway. 살은 어차피 빠져요.
A: i need to go to Seoul this Sat. as you know i haven't been there yet. so i just wonder how to get there. B: really? it doesn't matter what transportation you use. A: come on. it is weekend!!! i am worried that there will be good chance to get the bad traffic.!! B: oh~ sorry for that. umm.. unless you take a bus or drive your own car, you will get there on time. ( as long as you don't take a bus or drive your own car, you will get there on time.)
토들러라고 우습게 쉽게 생각했다가 큰 코 다치는게 라이브아카데미 토들러 ㅎ 때로는 스스로 중급이라고 생각했다가 크게 반성하고 가게 되는 토들러 채널입니다 ㅎ
정말 공감합니다. 어쩔 땐 본채널보다 토들러가 제겐 더 어렵습니다. 오늘도 그러네요.ㅎㅎ
@@3beans516 생각치도 못했던 헛점을 발견하게 되는 채널이죠 ㅎ 헛점발견채널
@@강영미-g3l 좋아요가 많은걸 보니 많은 분들이 공감하고 반성하는것 같습니다 ㅎ
공감하고 갑니다 ㅎㅎ
스스로 나는 초중급 정도인가...라고 막연히 생각했다가
빨간모자님 토들러 보다보면
내 영어는 토들러구나하고 빠져들어서 보고 갑니다 ㅎㅎ
이 분 정말 독보적입니다. 영어 예문도 어쩜 그리 잘 뽑아서 완벽하게 가르치시는지요. 공로상은 따논 단상.
이분은 그냥 교육의 목적과 방식. 그 근본이 다르다 respect!
영상 말미에 얘기하신부분.
훅 와닿습니다.
오늘아침 '꼭같은걸 반복하는건 늘제자리'라는 글을 봤었는데요.
늘 같은자리를 넘기위한 훈련의 중요성을 새삼 깨닫습니다.
굿~역시는 역시네요~오늘두 강의와 조언 잘 듣고 갑니다~^^ 다시 아자아자~!!!
오늘도 이른 아침부터 할일 접수입니다. 부지런한 샘과 함께 부지런히 일주일 시작요~
빨간모자쌤의 강의를 들으며 자신감 얻고 있습니다. 결국엔 스스로 반복하고 연습해야 자기 것으로 남게된다는 말씀도 진정으로 학생들을 생각해주시는 것 같아 더 영어 강의에 진심이 느껴져요. 아무튼 새해 복 많이 받으시고, 항상 좋은 일로 가득하시길 바랍니다 ^^
A:뱃살을 빼고 싶은데 하루에 근력운동를 얼만큼 해야 할까요?
B:사실 복근을 만들지 않는 이상 근력운동이랑 뱃살빼는 거랑은 크게 관련이 없어. 진짜 중요한 건 먹는 양이야.
평소 먹는 양을 줄이고 간식만 먹지 않는다면 뱃살은 빠질거야.
A:How often should I do weights in a day if I want to get lose my belly fat.
B:Actually, it doesn't matter how often you do weights unless you want to get abs.
The importance thing is how much you eat. As long as you eat less than usual and you don't eat snacks between meals, you get lose your belly fat.
선생님 한국어 실력에 놀라고 영어수업에 반하고 갑니다 ㅠㅠ 토들러,,, 도 안되는 비루한 영어실력을 키우도록 할게요! 아직 neonates 인듯... ㅠㅠ
하흥 진짜 내가 말하는 한국말 그대로 영어로해줘서 넘나조타
A: What should I put first? powder? noodle? (라면 스프랑 면 중에서)
B: Well, people say that it doesn't really matter what you put first. I even saw people who put powder after the noodle was totally cooked. I thought it would taste weird but you know what? It actually tasted OK. But I still prefer to put powder first before I put noodle for some reason. It feels like the soup gets testier that way.
A: What do you think is more productive between being a night owl and an early bird?
B: Actually, I don't think it really matters when you wake up and go to bed. As long as you plan what you're going to do and do it properly, I think it's all great no matter when you do it. You know, becoming an early bird was a kind of trend for a while. But some people could waste time during the day even after they get up at 4 am. Unless you waste a few hours looking at your phone, you don't need to feel bad about staying up late.
A: What exercise should I do?
B: Actually, it doesn't really matter what exercise you do. It could be yoga, swimming, walking, weight training, badminton or just stretching. What matters is just do something consistently on a daily basis. Whether you do or don't is more important than what you do.
오늘도 좋은 영상 감사합니다. :)
A: Is being a morning person better?
B: It doesn't really matter what time you wake up. As long as you're more productive at night, you don't necessarily need to be a morning person.
A: Which way is better for learning English?
B: Well, it doesn't really matter which way you choose. Unless you don't practice enough, you're not going to improve your English anyway.
선생님 말씀이 정말 옳아요. 항상 자꾸 느슨해지곤 해서 말씀 주실 때마다 뜨끔하지만, 오늘은 왠지 좀 더 따듯하게 들리네요^^ 요즘 강조해주시는 부분 계속 잊지않고 잘 생각해서 꼭 연습을 직접 하도록 노력하겠습니다. 감사합니다.
Thanks a million! Have a great day. 오늘 말씀이 저한테는 맞는것 같아요. 영어가 참 늘지 않아요. 운동도 그렇긴한데 둘다 그렇네요. 그래도 열심히 해야겠어요.
요런 문장연습 정말 큰 도움이 됩니다
The practice sentences you make for us
are very helpful for my English studies
매번 최고 강의 몰입해서 듣고 반복중입니다
정말 너무너무 감사합니다~~~강의 하나하나가 주옥같습니다~~~
항상 좋은 강좌 올려 주셔서 감사합니다. 잘 보겠습니다.
영어 발음과 한국발음 둘다 이렇게 좋을수 있다니… 감탄 .. 구독
매일 유튜브 들어오면 라이브 아카데미 먼저 들어와야 마음이 안정됩니다. 이거 중독 맞죠? ^^ 너무나 바람직한 중독 ~~
홈트는 매트준비, 영트는 생수한병준비!^^ 스피킹 연습하다가 혀에 쥐나면 뿌듯해하겠습니당~^^ 오늘도 감사~
열심히 공부하고 마지막에 신나는 음악으로 마무리❤ 좋아요
선생님! Good morning! 주말 잘 보내셨어요? 월요일 아침 선물 같은 선생님 강의. 말할때 늘 사용해야 하는 표현들인데 익숙치 않았던 표현들 , 열심히 듣고 따라해 보겠습니다.감사합니다.
A: What kind of dress should I put on in choir?
B: It doesn't really matter which dress you put on design and style. unless you wear a short red dress. we are going to wear a little dark dress anyway.
A: It's sunday, should we leave early?
B: Well, actually, it doesn't really matter when we leave, as long as we can arrive there within today anyway.
A : It must be super nice to work from home.
B : Actually, it doesn't really matter where you work.
Everything has its pros and cons.
so, unless there's someone you really don't want to see at work and as long as you can leave work on time, i don't think there's a difference between the two.
영상 하나하나가 너무 귀합니다. 이렇게 훌륭한 영상 올려주셔서 감사해요~
항상 많이 해야하는 말인데 감사합니다! 연습 많이 하겠습니다 :)
A: 배운걸 이해했는데, 왜 말하는 건 어렵지?
B: 내 경험상 머릿속으로 얼마나 이해했는지는 별로 상관없어. 일상생활에서 쓰는게 아니면 어차피 따로 연습을 많이 해야 해.
A: I understood what I learned. But why I’ve still get struggle with speak?
B: For my experience, it doesn’t matter how much you understand in your head. Unless you use it in your daily life, you have to practice a lot anyway.
A: 몇 권의 영어책을 보면 영어를 잘 할 수 있을까요?
B: 얼마나 많은 책으로 배웠는지는 별로 상관없어. 연습을 많이 하기만 하면 어차피 언젠가 잘 하게 되어있어.
A: How many books do you think should I study to speak English properly?
B: Actually, it doesn’t matter how many books you read. As long as you practice a lot, you’ll get it anyway.
응용문장 만들기 어려웠는데 참고해서 잘봤어요! 감사합니다☺
마지막 말씀 정말 진리입니다!! 항상 감사합니다
A: Which English books should I get? Is it better to buy this book to improve my English?
B: Well, actually, it doesn't matter, what book you get. As long as you study English every day regularly, you’ll improve your English anyway.
쌤같은 트레이너를 만나서 얼마나 감사한지 몰라요. 제대로 열심히 운동할게요!
열심히 흉내 내보는데도 돌아서면 금방 잊어 버리고, 스스로 나만의 문장을 만들어 보는 일은 어렵기도 하지만, 보석같고 단비같은 귀한 수업과 함께 언제나 격려 해주시고 푸쉬?^^ 해주시는 선생님 덕분에, 언제가 될지는 모르겠지만, 조금이라도 선생님을 닮아갈 제 모습을 기분좋게 상상하면서 오늘 저희에게 내주신 할일을 합니다^^
감사 드려요 선생님!!!
A: It has tons of lessons there we can learn. So I'm not sure which one is better if I should take the class in ordered updating latest nor choose from what I'm interested in right away.
(A: 거기에 배울수 있는 수업이 엄청 많아. 그래서 최근에 업데이트 된 순서대로 듣는게 좋을지 아니면 지금 당장 내가 관심 있는 것부터 듣는게 좋을지 잘 모르겠어)
B: I think it doesn't really matter what you choose first. You will go through all of the classes one day anyway as long as you don't give up. Just try to beginning with what you're interested in this moment based on the very beginning part together.
(B: 내 생각엔 어떤걸 먼저 듣던 크게 문제될건 없어. 너가 포기 하지만 않으면 어차피 그 모든 수업을 언젠간 다 듣게 될테니까. 아주 기초적인 부분을 토대로 해서 너가 지금 관심 있는 부분을 함께 시작 해봐)
Unless it rains tomorrow, I'm going to go hiking that we didn't make it before with my friends.
(내일 비가 오지 않으면 친구들이랑 지난번에 약속했다가 지키지 못했던 하이킹을 갈 생각이야)
As long as I can finish the work on time, I'll try to make it to the party.
(오늘 할일을 제 시간에 끝낼수만 있으면 나도 그 파티에 참석하도록 노력해볼께)
외국인 학부모들과 많이 사용하는 생활영어..오늘도 좋은 표현 가르쳐주셔서 감사합니다.^^
A: What is faster to get there? Bus or subway?
B: It doesn't really matter whatever you take.
Unless you're hurry, you'd better to take bus.
It's a good way to take a look outside.
A:How long do I have to work out?
B:It doesn't really matter as long as you're not hurt.
The more you exercise, the better for your health and shape.
It doesn't really matter ~
As long as~
Thank you so much 💓
항상 감사드립니다~^^
아 오늘도 너무 고맙~
출근길 너무나 유용한 영상!!
점점재미있어 집이다
Unless I study Language hard I will not get Communiaed deeply
Unless you buy stocks you are going to get normal life
As long as you work Continue
오늘 강의도 감사해요~~
A:What kind of shoes are you looking for?
B: It doesn't matter what kind( they are? )as long as they are comfortable.
어떤신발 찾고있어요?
편안하기만하면 종류는 상관없어요
A:So, your future boyfriend should be tall and handsome?
B: It doesn't matter how tall or handsome he is unless he is shorter than me.
너 장래 남자친구는 크고 잘생겨야해?
나보다 작지만 않으면 크거나 잘생긴건 상관없어
4:40 8:04 12:19 15:30
It doesn't really matter where I am as long as I can access the internet! I can always reach you! Teacher~thank you soooooo much 🎅
유익한 강의 너무 감사합니다
늘 감사드립니다, ^^ 👍
늘 유익한 조언 감사합니다 ~^^
* 너 ~하겠다 / ~했겠다
* 어쨋든
* ~ 별로 상관 없어요.
자주 쓰는 말인데
실사용에서는 바로 튀어나오지 않았던 표현 같아요.
오늘 머리에 콕 박고 가요^^
A: I brush my teeth 3 times a day but I keep getting cavities. Do you think I need to brush more?
B1: As long as you brush more than 2 times a day, it doesn't make much difference how many more times you brush . You need to floss your teeth anyway.
B2: Actually, it doesn't really matter how many more times you brush, if you've already been brushing 3 times a day. Flossing is the key. Unless you're lying about that 3.
A: Do you have anything special in mind for Lexi’s Christmas present?
B: Oh, right. We have only a month left until Christmas. I think it doesn‘t really matter what we buy.
As long as it’s kind of Lego blocks, she will be happy with it anyway.
A: How was your long-distance driving? Do you think you’ve gained some confidence?
B: Well, I don’t think so. Actually it doesn’t matter how far I drive. Unless I drive frequently, I can’t gain confidence by driving once in a while.
A:그녀 생일에 무슨 선물 살까?
What should I buy for her birthday?
(What present should I buy for her birthday?) 뭐가 맞아요?
B: 사실 어떤 것이든 상관없어. 너의 마음이 중요하지.
Actually it doesn't really matter what you buy. (what it is).
It's important to express your heart.
(Your heart is important.)이것도 되나요?
정말 쓸모없는 거 아니면 걘 좋아할거야.
Unless it's useless, she'll like it.
🥇best teacher in english
Grace가 친구 Mark 점심을 대신해서 사는 상황입니다. (전화로 통화중) Grace: Which menu can I choose for you? There are too many options. Mark: It doesn't really matter. Unless there is seafood. I am allergic to seafood. thanks. 쌤! 오늘도 강의 잘들었습니다. 감사합니다. XOXO
Is taking a bus better than a subway to get your home after work?
Actually it doesn't matter at that time. Unless I go to home a little earlier from the office, it takes about the same hour.
A: I think my salay is too low to save.
B: Well, actually, It's doesn't really matter how much your salay is.
As long as you don't buy some luxury goods, you would save a lot of money.
A : What kind of food should I prepare?
B: Actually, it's doesn't really matter what kind of food you cook.
The children are going to eat them unless they are too spicy.
Did you make this video voiceovered? I'm not sure though 👍😂👏
(드레스 코드 이야이 도중)
A:라운드 넥? 스퀘어넥?
복장에 관련해서 자세히 설명해주시겠어요? 소음때문에 못들었어요.
B: 사실 어떤 디자인이든 상관없어요.
빨간색 계열이기만 하면 가능해요. 멀리서 봤을 때
우리팀인건만 구분할 수있으면 되거든요. 이해됐나요?
A: 네 감사해요.
A: Round neck? Squareneck?
oh...I couldn't follow..because of the noises.
Could you elaborate on the attire for tomorrow?
B: No worries!!
Actually, it doesn’t really matter what kind of clothes
you're going to wear.
as long as it’s red-ish and noticeable that everyone knows that you are our team. clear?
A: Crystal clear. Thank you.
우왓... 트레이너 비교 찰떡이네요... 연습하자!!!
It doesn't really matter what you eat. Actually, unless you do overeating at late night. you can easily lose weight anyway.
It must be nice to live close to work. Well, It doesn't really matter how close you live. Unless it's within walking distance, It takes about an hour anyway because of the heavy traffic.
Is it cheaper to buy it at that store? Actually, It doesn't really matter where you buy it. As long as you buy it for cash, you can get a discount anyway.
오늘도 감사합니다. :)
1. What color should I get?
Well, actually it doesn't really matter what color you get. You're going to use a tablecloth, right?
As long as you cover it with a tablecloth, you won't see it anyway.
2. Does wearing this red lipstick look better?
Well, actually it doesn't really matter what color of the lipstick you wear.
As long as you are outside, you need to wear a mask all day anyway.
3. Is it better to take some medicine for a cold?
Well, actually it doesn't matter whether you take it or not.
As long as you get some deep rest for couple of days, you'll get better naturally anyway.
4. It must be happy to live close to the library.
Well, actually it doesn't really matter how close you live.
If you're interested in books, it's pointless.
5. Is it better to take an express bus to get there at this point? 지금 이시점에 고속버스 타는게 더 낫을까
Well, actually it doesn't really matter what kind of bus you take.
Unless you can fly , it'll take about over an hour because of the rally.
A:꿀 먹는 게 당뇨병에 안 좋나?
Is eating honey bad for diabetes?
B:너무 많이 먹지만 않으면 괜찮을거야.
Unless you eat too much honey, I'll be fine.
적당히 먹기만 하면 건강에 도움이 돼.
As long as you eat honey properly, it is good for your health.
How can I make big muscle?
well.. actually as long as you don't give up to exercise you are going to have a good muscle. cheer up!
A : LA Academy 로 영어 공부하는게 도움이 돼?
- Is it helpful to study English with LA Academy?
B : 응. 많이 향상된 것 같아. 그런데, 사실, 누구로부터 영어를 배우는 것이 중요하지 않아. 매일 어느정도의 시간을 영어 공부하는데 투자하지 않는 한 영어는 절대 안 늘어.
- Yeah, I feel like I've improved a lot. But, you know what, actually, it doesn't really matter who you learn English from. Unless you spend some time studying English every day, you won't improve your English at all.
A : It must be really nice to have a car to drive to work
B : Well, it doesn’t really matter if you have a car these days, unless the oil price gets to decrease soon, as long as they have a shuttle bus to take us to work, it must much better to use it anyway
뭐라해도 빨모쌤이 최고임
Which way is faster to get there?
Actually it doesn’t really matter to go any way.
Unless it’s under constructed on the road and as long as you avoid the rush hour.
Did I make right sentence?…
A: Where should we meet?
B: As long as it's close to the subway station, it doesn't really matter where we meet. I'm going to take the subway anyway.
A: What should we get for dinner?
B: It doesn't really matter what we get. Unless it's too expensive, anything is fine. I'm so starving that I will probably enjoy anything anyway.
Is it better to get my hair cut? How much should I get my hair cut?
Actually, it doesn't really matter unless my hair isn't too short as enough I can tie my hair.
As long as I can cut my all demaged hair, I won't have to worry about my demaged hair.
Thank you so much always ! Hope you're having a good day ! :))
실전 감각이 중요한 표현들.
오우 너무 좋아요. 이 정도 수준.
제 수준 발전에 딱 입니다
A: Is it better to buy the item today or to wait until Black Friday sale?
B: Acutually, it doesn't matter when you purchase. As long as it is in stock, you'll get it anyway because it never gets on sale.
Unless you get in a rut you are too late, it doesn't matter how old you are. Just start what you want to do.
Is it better to work out at the gym?
actually, it doesn't matter where you exercise.
As long as you exercise hard, you will be healthy anyway.
Should i take a taxi or a bus?
Well, It doesn't really matter which one you take.
As long as you leave now there's no traffic anyway.
Is it better to sign up for the gym?
It doesn't really matter if you sign up or not. As long as you can maintain the discipline to exercise regularly, you'll get there.
Is it okay to have coffee everyday?
I mean i drink coffee at least 3 cups a day.
It doesn't really matter. Unless you have trouble sleeping. It shouldn't be a problem anyway.
한글도 두번 보게 되네요 한국말부터 늘리고 오겠습니다
Is it difficult to lose weights?
Actually it doesn't matter if you lose weights
I think as long as you have confidence
You don't need to lose weights
샘~~ 저는 미국에사는 중딩 애들 둘 엄마예요. 한국에서 대학졸업 회사 10년 일하다가 미국왔는데.. 어릴때 책으로 공부한 영어로 일상회화에 한계를 많이 느끼며 살아왔어요. 최근 남편 직장 와이프 모임에서 수개월 활동할일이 있었는데…아카데미 토들러가 절 살려고요 요즘도 배운건 가서 무조건 쓰려고 하고 있어요. 일단 내가 배운걸 내뱉고 보면 다음엔 기억이 뽝 나더라구요. 내것이 되었는지 그 상황이 오면 금새 입에서 잘 나와요. Unless , as long as 샘한테 배워서 잘 쓰고 있었는데 이렇게 다시 보니 감사한 마음에 이렇게 글 남깁니다. 적지 않은 나이 지금 45세이지만 영어가 특히 회화가 재밌어요. 다시 한번 감사합니다.
unless 않는다면은 '다면' 한국식사고를 빼더라도 본질인 '가정,조건' 이라는 그림이 혼란스럽게 하는데 바로 자꾸 if절을 떠오르게 합니다 ..의미차이가 궁금해집니다.
if에 너무 익숙해져서 may(might)/could/ unless,as long as 이런것들을 생각치못하고의미구분을 못하고 있는거 같네요.
A : Should i buy this book?
B : Actually it doesn’t really matter what book you study with. As long as you have dependence and keep studying, you can improve your english.
A : I worry about my baby doesn’t eat so well these days.
B : It doesn’t really matter how much he eats. Unless he loses weight, you don’t need to worry about that seriously. He will eat as much as he needs. I think it is more important he enjoys his meal time.
A : I hope to continue working from home even after Corona is over.
B : I think it doesn’t matter where you work. As long as you have to communicate through messenger even at home and report daily work status, there is no difference between working from home and working in a company.
Which one do you want to have?
Actually, it doesn't matter what I eat. I'm almost starving to death, so as long as I can have something, it makes me happy.
A: It must be nice to live close to school. It takes for me an hour and a half to get here. 학교 가까이에 살아서 좋겠다. 나는 여기까지 오는 데 1시간 30분 걸려.
B: Well, actually, I think it doesn't really matter how close you live. Unless it's within walking distance, it takes about the same anyway because subway and bus make a detour. 사실 아무리 가까이 살아도 별로 상관 없는 것 같아. 걸어다닐 수 있는 거리가 아닌 이상 지하철이랑 버스가 돌아서 가기 때문에 비슷하게 걸리더라고.
A: Is studying with songs in background bad for concentrating? 노래 틀어놓고 공부하면 집중하는 데 안 좋은가요?
B: It doesn't really matter whether you listen to them. As long as you are a person who can do multiple things at the same time, it won't bother you anyway. 음악을 듣는 건 별로 상관 없어요. 당신이 여러 일을 동시에 할 수 있는 사람이라면 어차피 방해되지 않을 거예요.
What time should I pick it up?
언제 물건 픽업 할까?
I don't think it will matter what time you are going to come .
언제 오는지는 상관 없을거 같은데
I am supposed to be staying at home all day long today anyway .
난 어차피 오늘 하루종일 집에 있어야 하니까
As long as you tell me ahead when you are arriving here , I'll be ready to be out around that time.
니가 미리 언제 도착하는지 말해주면 내가 그 시간에 나갈 준비하고 있을께
Text me 10 minutes before getting here. 도착 10분 전에 문자 줘
고쳐줄 부분있음 고쳐주셔도 돼요 감사합니다
What should I take to get to the Seoul complex station?
It doesn't really matter what you take. Unless you drive the car, it takes about an hour from here.
A: Is it a little cheaper to pay with cash, rather than a credit card?
B: Actually, it doesn't really matter what you pay with. As long as you buy it within this month, it will cost you the same.
감사합니다 ^^
열심히 영어 운동 하겠습니다 ^^
what should i do? actually i’m wasted money these day, i need to save money but i can’t.
things that for me really don’t matter, but almost everything is not that necessary, i don’t know why i spend too much money.
as far as i’m concerned, i’m getting out of my mind,
어떡해야하지? 나 요즘 돈을 너무 낭비해, 돈을 아껴야하는데 그게 안되네.
나를 위한 거는 괜찮아, 근데 대부분 꼭 그렇게 필요하지 않아, 돈을 왜이리 많이 쓰는지 모르겠네
내 생각에는 내가 점점 미쳐가나봐.
Is eating right before bed bad for weight-loss?를 Is it bad for weight-loss to eat right before bed? 로 써도 되나요??
예문중에 "니가 하루에 섭취하는것보다 더 많은 칼로리를 태우기만 한다면...." 요 부분에서 consume이란 단어가 맞는 건가요?? have나 eat가 맞지 않나요?
any place you have in mind? well nothing comes to my mind yet. actually unless it is within walking distance, I live in Paju-si so It takes about an hour anyway to get to Seoul.
It doesn't really matter when I wake up.
Because I'm on a vacation and I need to take more rest. As long as I get up before afternoon Its ok.
nowdays, I have been gaining weight. I have gotten 5Kg and I feel like Im a pig. So I need to controll my food. First of all I need to stop eating chickin and pizza. as öong as I don't eat the two food It doesnt matter what food I eat.
처음으로 댓글 남겨봅니다. 실제로 제 것으로 만들고 응용하는 것은 어렵네요ㅠㅠ
A : 저녁으로 뭐 먹을래?
B : 사실 뭘 먹든 간에 별로 상관없어. 어제 피자를 먹었기 때문에 너무 느끼한 음식만 아니면 돼. 그거 말고는 다 먹을 수 있을 것 같아.
A : What do you want to eat for dinner?
B : Well, actually, it doen't really matter what we eat. As long as it isn't oily food, I can eat anything what you want because I ate pizza yesterday.
It doesn't matter how many times you watch the vid. Unless you practice enough, you won't get any progress in learning English.
A:I've heard you had a big argument with him the other day. Did he say something hurtful to you?
B:Actually I can't exactly remember what he said to me. What made me flip out was the way he treated me. He treated me like a little girl who doesn't know the world(세상물정 모르는 을 표현하고 싶었는데, 혹시 아시는 분들 알려주시면 감사하겠습니다^^).
I think it doesn't matter what to say when it comes to relationships. As long as you treat your partner with some respect, you could get over small conflicts and move on anyway.
짧게 할려고 했는데 주저리 길어졌네요^^ treat도 연습해봤습니다.^^
You won’t see it anyway처럼 unless뒷 절은 미래시제 써야하는거 아닌가요?ㅠㅠ 다른예시들은 다 현재시세 쓰셔가지구요
항상 감사합니다:D
A : I have to move out in a week so I need to find an apartment that has 2 bedrooms.
B : How much is your budget for rent a month?
A : It's 600 dollars a month.
B : As long as it's under 600 dollars, it might be hard to find a 2 bedroom apartment.
Which color should i get?
It doesn’t really matter what color you get. You gonna use a phone case, right?
Unless you use a clear case, u won’t see it anyway.
It must be nice to live close to work.
Actually, it doesn’t really matter where you live. Unless it’s within walking distance, it takes a hour anyway because if the traffic.
Is it cheaper to buy it directly from the website?
Actually it doesn’t really matter where you buy it.
As long as it goes through custom clearance, it costs about the same anyway.
Is A bad for weight-loss?
Is eating right before bed bad for weight-loss?
Actually it doesn’t really matter when you eat.
Unless it bothers your sleep and as long as you burn more calories than you consume in a day, you lose weight anyway.
이게 더 맞는 연습법인가요?
사실 어떻게 연습하든 상관없어요. 선수들 훈련법을 따라한다고 해도 너가 열심히 하지않으면 실력은 늘지않아요. 그러니 계속 해야해요.
Is it better way training like this to improve tennis skills than other else?
Well, I think It doesn't really matter which way you do.
Actually It is more important to work and get training everyday than what way you choose. Unless you take much times to get learned, you won't get better which way you do, even though many pro-players do the same thing, anyway. just keep going.
세부사항 저맥락 1 : 부정형?? : ~치만 않다면
세부사항 저맥락 2 : 긍정형?? : ~기만 하다면
?? 추가 내용 ??
Which color should I get?
What color should I get?
어떤 색으로 할까??
It doesn't really matter what color you get.
사실 어떤 색으로 하든 별로 상관없어.
단순 세부사항 저맥락
간접의문문 : 무슨 색으로 하든
you're going to use a phone case, right?
폰케이스 쓸 거 잖아요. 그렇지?
단순 세부사항 저맥락 :
단순 세부사항 저맥락 : ~할 거잖아요(you're ~ right?)
단순 세부사항 저맥락 : =/= 하는거 맞아?? (are you ~?)
확인 차 하는 질문
So, unless you use a clear case, you won't see it anyway.
투명 케이스만 안 쓰면 어차피 안 보일 거야.
단순 세부사항 저맥락 : 하지 않으면 : 안 쓰면
파동 상황 고맥락 : 어차피 안보일 거야 =/= 어차피 보지 못해.
파동 상황 고맥락 : 어차피 =/= 어쨌든
** 매우 중요!! : anyway : 어차피, 어쨌든
세부사항 저맥락 1 : 부정형?? : ~치만 않다면
세부사항 저맥락 2 : 긍정형?? : ~기만 하다면
It must be nice to live close to work.
직장에서 가까이 살아서 좋겠다.
좋겠다 : 만족스럽다 : 편하겠다
세부사항 저맥락 : 편리한 상황(근로조건, 처우개선)이라서 You는 X : 상황에 대해 얘기를 한다??
세부사항 저맥락(예측) : You와 어울리는 동사는 "관용어구"라고 생각한다. : You'd better??
Actually, it doesnt' really matter how close you live.
사실 아무리 가까이 살아도 별로 상관없어.
파동 상황고맥락 : 아무리 가까이 살아도 별로 상관없어. =/= 얼마나 가까이 사는지는 상관이 없다.
Unless it is within waling distance, ~
걸아갈 수 있는 거리가 아닌 이상, : 걸어다닐 수 있는 거리만 아니면, ~
파동 상황고맥락 : 걸어갈 수 있는 거리가 아닌 이상, =/= 걸어다닐 수 있는 거리만 아니면, ~
파동 상황고맥락 : within waling distance
파동 상황고맥락 : 걸어갈 수 있는 거리 =/= 걷는 거리 이내에
it takes about an hour anyway because of the traffic.
교통 때문에 어차피 1시간 정도 걸려.
파동 상황 고맥락 : anyway
파동 상황 고맥락 : anyway : 어차피 =/= 어쨌든
세부사항 저맥락 1 : 부정형?? : ~치만 않다면
세부사항 저맥락 2 : 긍정형?? : ~기만 하다면
Is it (a little) cheaper to buy it directly from thw website?
웹사이트에서 직접 구매를 하면 (좀) 더 싼가요?
파동 상황고맥락 : buy it directly
파동 상황고맥락 : buy it directly : 직접 구매 =/= 직접적으로 구매
Well, actually, it doesn't really matter where you buy it.
사실 어디서 사든 별로 상관 없어요.
단순 세부사항 저맥락
As long as it goes through customs, ~
그게 세관을 통과하기만 하면, ~
단순 세부사항 저맥락
어감은 살짝 다르다 : Unless : As long as not :: 의미전달에는 똑같다.
둘 다 똑같은 말이다. : Customs : Customs clearance
it costs about the same anyway.
어차피 돈은 비슷하게 들어요.
파동 상황 고맥락 : anyway
파동 상황 고맥락 : anyway : 어차피 =/= 어쨌든
세부사항 저맥락 : "about the same" : 비용이 비슷하게 든다.
세부사항 저맥락 : "the same" : 비용이 똑같이 든다.
세부사항 저맥락 1 : 부정형?? : ~치만 않다면 (unless)
세부사항 저맥락 2 : 긍정형?? : ~기만 하다면 (As long as)
Is eating "right before bed" bad for weight-loss?
"자기 직전에" 식사하는 게 다이어트에 안 좋은가요?
고립사고회로 : Is eating "right before bed" + bad : 안 좋은가요. : 부사구 순서가 고정인지 잘 모르겠다.
단순 세부사항 저맥락
Actually, it doesn't really matter when you eat.
사실 언제 먹든 별로 상관 없어요.
단순 세부사항 저맥락
Unless it bothers you sleep ~
As long as it doesn't bother your sleep, ~
그게 수면을 방해하지만 않고 ~
단순 세부사항 저맥락
as long as you burn more calories than you consume in a day
하루 중에 섭취하는 칼로리보다 더 많은 칼로리를 태우기만 한다면
매우중요!! : (as long as + as long as(특이한 종속절) + 주절)
매우중요!! : (as long as + as long as(특이한 종속절) + 주절) : and를 안 써도 된다. :
단순 세부사항 저맥락
you lose weight anyway.
살은 어차피 빠져요.
파동 상황 고맥락 : anyway
파동 상황 고맥락 : anyway : 어차피 =/= 어쨌든
p.s.p.s. 스크립트, 대본
세부사항 저맥락 1 : 부정형?? : ~치만 않다면 (unless)
세부사항 저맥락 2 : 긍정형?? : ~기만 하다면 (As long as)
Which color should I get?
What color should I get?
어떤 색으로 할까??
It doesn't really matter what color you get.
사실 어떤 색으로 하든 별로 상관없어.
you're going to use a phone case, right?
폰케이스 쓸 거 잔항요. 그렇지?
So, unless you use a clear case, you won't see it anyway.
투명 케이스만 안 쓰면 어차피 안 보일 거야.
세부사항 저맥락 1 : 부정형?? : ~치만 않다면 (unless)
세부사항 저맥락 2 : 긍정형?? : ~기만 하다면 (As long as)
It must be nice to live close to work.
직장에서 가까이 살아서 좋겠다.
: You는 X : 상황에 대해 얘기를 한다??
Actually, it doesnt' really matter how close you live.
사실 아무리 가까이 살아도 별로 상관없어.
Unless it is within waling distance, ~
걸어다닐 수 있는 거리만 아니면, ~
it takes about an hour anyway because of the traffic.
교통 때문에 어차피 1시간 정도 걸려.
세부사항 저맥락 1 : 부정형?? : ~치만 않다면 (unless)
세부사항 저맥락 2 : 긍정형?? : ~기만 하다면 (As long as)
Is it (a little) cheaper to buy it directly from thw website?
웹사이트에서 직접 구매를 하면 (좀) 더 싼가요?
Well, actually, it doesn't really matter where you buy it.
사실 어디서 사든 별로 상관 없어요.
As long as it goes through customs, ~
그게 세관을 통과ㅏ하기만 하면, ~
it costs about the same anyway.
어차피 돈은 비슷하게 들어요.
세부사항 저맥락 1 : 부정형?? : ~치만 않다면 (unless)
세부사항 저맥락 2 : 긍정형?? : ~기만 하다면 (As long as)
Is eating right before bed bad for weight-loss?
자기 직전에 식사하는 게 다이어트에 안 좋은가요?
Actually, it doesn't really matter when you eat.
사실 언제 먹든 별로 상관 없어요.
Unless it bothers you sleep ~
As long as it doesn't bother your sleep, ~
그게 수면을 방해하지만 않고 ~
as long as you burn more calories than you consume in a day
하루 중에 섭취하는 칼로리보다 더 많은 칼로리를 태우기만 한다면
매우중요!! : (as long as + as long as(특이한 종속절) + 주절)
you lose weight anyway.
살은 어차피 빠져요.
A: i need to go to Seoul this Sat. as you know i haven't been there yet. so i just wonder how to get there.
B: really? it doesn't matter what transportation you use.
A: come on. it is weekend!!! i am worried that there will be good chance to get the bad traffic.!!
B: oh~ sorry for that. umm.. unless you take a bus or drive your own car, you will get there on time.
( as long as you don't take a bus or drive your own car, you will get there on time.)