If you're annoyed trying to fix the flickering light issue in Skyrim try these mods *-Luminosity* Enhances the vanilla lighting and a must have *-Relighting Skyrim (interiors only)* moves light sources instead of adding, basically a fix for Skyrim's not so perfect light placement *-Embers HD (not XD)* fire enhancer essentially *-ENB Light* This allows particle effects/glow from magic in your hand for example and much more (does not cause flickering but can be performance heavy) *-Torches Cast Shadows* (smoking torches mod optional) this will help with the 4 light source limit and has customizable mcm for torch brightness and distance *-Darker Nights/ Seriously Darker Nights* self explanatory both do just about the same thing try them both out *-ENB + Weather Mod* will give you lots of options when it comes to ambient lighting (personally using NAT and Obsidian, just make sure you find an enb that is tweaked for your choice of weather mod) This list has given me the best results I could ask for and I am a very picky person when it comes to bugs so I cannot accept any flickering surfaces or graphical bugs (Funny thing to say when it comes to skyrim lol) Feel free to mix and match but at least use Luminosity as a base Basically these mods are just vanilla lighting enhancers that do not ADD light sources ( Skyrim has a 4 light source limit for the meshes so when you start adding them you get that flicker effect (this can also be a load order issue) I've tried ELFX, Lux (all 3 mods) and RLO. None of these work properly even with the proper patches and there are ALOT of them depending on your mod list (you could patch everything yourself for better results but you'll need to educate yourself, google is your friend but not your BEST friend) If you want to use torches or wearable lanterns without flickering IGNORE ALL MODS THAT STATE THAT THEY ADD LIGHT SOURCES. I'm warning you now there is no EASY way to fix these issues even as an adept mod user. (Lots of xEdit fixes needed for your personal mod list to fix 80% of the flickering which is not 100%) All in all try these recommendations and if you have any issues *READ THE MOD PAGE DESCRIPTION* you may have missed essential parts of the installation process and *LOAD ORDER MATTERS*
great video man.... that little touch with the scene changing with the piano chords in the intro was a nice touch... details like those keeps people watching...
So glad to see this. I am new to Skyrim and was just looking at the different homes and really turned off by the awful flat lighting in nearly every home. This is fantastic. Thank you!
Have you ever thought about doing mystery videos? You have the perfect voice for it! A lil creepy mixed with a chill and calming tone. Keep killing it bro
Loved the video, a small tip from sound engineer, cut lows a little bit from your voice (around 50-100hz) and increase highs, will give you better results. Subbed!
Thanks man! I plan on releasing my modlist at some point, but it wont be until I'm comfortable releasing it as a stable finished product, one that people can reference without issue
Your videos are brilliant. Sad that I only got to discover them recently! I only got skyrim for console and I don't know if I have the space to do all your suggestions 😭
The first mod, Lux, causes 100% CTD. I have all prerequisites correctly installed, in the correct order (as per the mod's Nexus FAQ). No conflicting mods.
its god damn 4 in the morning and after installing a new mod i have to test for compatibility and then i fall down the rabbit hole and install the next mod. Maybe i should just go to bed
Lux looks tempting, but I'm probably gonna stick to Luminosity and Relighting Skyrim. That said, I will probably grab some of these other mods that emit light.
Hey! Very good edit Video!! And i need youre Help! The Mod "Rudification - Rudy Candles Expanded"... which overwriting and Load Order for the Mods you used? Ive some issues with that! Thanks
I use far too many graphical/texture mods to list them all out in a single comment. I'll eventually make a video on my setup, but a few of the major ones I use are; Skyrim 2020, Noble Skyrim, Septentrional Landscapes, Folkvangr, Jedi Trees, Water for ENB, Skyrim 3D, SMIM, Embers XD, and Blended Roads Redone.
Awesome video! I'm not really sure what to pick for a new playthrough to be honest. I thought I was set on Obsidian Weathers + RLO Interior + Ruby ENB but LUX looks great and is newer than RLO. I play AE Edition and want a lighting mod that works well with the latest updates plus some other mods that change the world. 1. I really like Obsidian so could I just install LUX interior instead of RLO? 2. Does LUX exterior conflict with Obsidian? 3. I have JK's Skyrim and Lanterns of Skyrim II installed. Do they work with LUX exterior? It looks like some of the popular ENBs have requirements and a more complicated installation proces than they used to. Admittedly its been a while since I modded and usually I was most comfortable with just having the raw ENB files copied manually into the Skyrim folder. That way I could just delete them manually and use another one if I wanted to without worrying about the mods, but maybe things have changed and there are better ways of doing it?
1. Of course 2. They don't conflict and Rudy ENB for Obsidian Weathers has an option for LUX 3. JK's Skyrim is fine but LOS II wont work well with Lux Orbis. Although you can use Lux Via which is compatible and it basically serves as a replacement to LOS by placing light sources all across the roads of Skyrim Lastly you can still install ENBs by manually dropping the files in your game folder, but there is an option with MO2 where you can install ENB files within the mod manager and therefore enable and disable/remove them with ease.
@@DoctorNostalgiaMods Thanks for the answers! It seems like installing all three LUX mods would be a better solution than using LOS II then. I use Vortex but I'll probably have to check out the LUX version of Ruby ENB. Manual ENB install is what I'm used to but one can change. Thanks again!
Great video man! I have a couple questions If you have time for it. Im new to modding. I bought myself a gaming desktop a couple months ago. First computer in ten years so nothing is easy. I have picked myself my own modlist, approx 500 mods, and I’m done with the mod setup, in other word I have installed all Utility, Enginefixes, Bugfixes and Tool mods. I’m also done with the ENB installation and the weather mod. I picked Rudy ENB with Obsidian weather. All my INI files is at a Mega Super Ultra level so when I installed the ENB my FPS dropped from 144 down to 70 FPS. That’s outside Whiterun and that’s a terrible plays for FPS. Tomorrow I’m going to run BethINI on High so I expect my FPS will rise some. I have no texture mods installed yet tho so I don’t know how much I will drop after I installed all them. But to my question: - Have you compared ELFX and ELE enhancer to LUX with Windows Shadows? I understand it as that LUX/WS will take a lot more FPS than ELFX/ELE. I really would like to try LUX/WS but I’m afraid my setup can’t handle it, especially if I’m using Pascal’s Ray Tracing. I really like to end up on the higher side of 45 FPS when I’m done. If you have compared them I would love to here your input on that? My second question is about all the popular big texture overhauls out there. Do you install them at 1440 or 4K? Some people say that big things you often are very close to should be in 4K and all the small stuff in 2k. But then there is people saying exactly the opposite so I don’t know what to do. I writing down my setup and if you have a tip or two for me I’m very grateful. Setup: CPU: I5-10600k GPU: RTX 3070 TI ROG STRIX 8GB OC RAM: Corsair 16GB 2666MHz Mobo: MSI Z590 pro SSD: Samsung 980 M.2 NVMe 512 GB for Windows SSD: Samsung 980 M.2 NVMe 1 TB only for Skyrim with mods HDD: 2TB games I play without excessive modding Display: ACER PREDATOR X34GS Nano IPS in 3440x1440x180
It’s as you said, ELFX & ELE are more performance friendly compared to Lux/WS. Although, looking at your specs you should have no issues with Lux/WS performance wise. Where your performance will really be tested is in exteriors due to grass, trees, LODs, etc. Many people have different philosophies on the texture size argument. One thing I can say for certain though, is that if you care for performance you will want to mix and match 2k & 4k textures. If you slam 4k textures on every piece of clutter, then you put 50 of these objects in a cell, yes it is going to negatively impact your fps. So my biggest piece of advice is to be conservative on 4k/8k textures and mostly use 2k. As an example, I use 4k textures on mountains and water, but 2k on fences and farmhouses.
@@DoctorNostalgiaMods Thanks man, really appreciate it. I think I will try with LUX then and 2K textures with only a few 4K. Do you think it’s a good thing to combine LUX/WS with ELFX (I have seen a lot of that recently) or is it best to settle with LUX/WS only? I was so happy yesterday. After a long days work with all the ultility mods and Rudy ENB + Obsidian the game looked so beautiful. The night was almost pitch black and the colours vibrant. But when I woke up today everything is a little more washed and the nights isn’t as dark. All my INI files are the same. No difference in ENB settings. So I don’t know if this is just bc som weather shift within Obsidian or if something happened when I closed the computer. I reinstalled everything ENB and Obsidian but it is all the same. I don’t know what I can do beyond what i already done. Im going to uninstall Rudy ENB again and try Rudy with Climates of Tamriel and/or Rudy with Cathedral. If I’m going Lux I need to do that anyway. Have a nice weekend. BR
Yea, Lux is standalone. At the end of the day it comes to down to personal preference which you use. Each are good looking in their own respect. Good luck to you!
I play on STEP skyrim with Rudy enb + cathedral sessons and relight skyrim + lumosity. But now i think to add ELE for my pack or just LUX with LUX exteriors what you think? I know that i can check by my self but i've so many mods that i need doing it carrefurly. Btw whats your best weather system mod and texture pack? Ps. I test many trees mod and Happy Little Tree is a new level.
Non of Rudy's more lights for enb work for me. I keep getting unresolved file conflicts in vortex And when trying to fix them I get cyclical rule errors. No one on nexus is responding. And I'm pulling my hair out trying to fix this. Can anybody help me please?
You certainly can, try out Cathedral Weathers, Dynamic Volumetric Lighting and Sun Shadows, ELFX, and Tamriel Master Light. It's a good performance friendly combination that you can get away with using without an ENB
Hey first of this video is aswome but im having lots of problems with loading order of mods, like missing textures or like how many of the extra light mods (like the magic casting one or the soul gems one) do not work. any tips?
Does anyone know how to turn down the brightness and volume of the dust and light from the windows in Lux cause my ebb makes it really bright and I don’t know what setting I need to turn down
Which file should one install for enb light anyway? Because there are updated versions of the main file in the update files and I honestly can't decide which one to use
I can't speak much on the bugs as I haven't experienced many myself. Although the alpha version has addition features, fixes, and compatibility patches
You probably made the mistake of installing the mod without the ENB core files, if you download any ENB preset from Nexus this will not include all the files it needs to work, the creator of ENB has rules over his files, so the only way to get ENB core files is to download it first downloading the base ENB from it's page and then apply the preset you like, then the other ENB related mods should work properly.
@@danriu I actually did download the ENB, and tried applying Rudy ENB for Cathedral Weathers. There's a prerequisite file for that which I suspect is incompatible with AE until the address libraries are updated. Perhaps if I tried a different ENB it would work properly.
@@JetSe77er Or you can rollback you Skyrim executable to the one before AE, there is a mod for that that let you switch updates to your liking, I'm using it right now, I have all the AE new content with older executable and all the mods are running flawlessly., the mod patches your AE executable into the older one, so you get best of both.
Great video! What is your opinion on load order regarding ENB Light and ELFX? I have ENB Light loading after ELFX, but I am not sure if it makes more sense to load before... Thanks :)
Watching this with MO2 open, and interrogating it via search bar as I watch. Why search bar? I have 956 mods/671 plugins. And this is after the Purge before this play through.
First this video is awesome. Great quality. Second, I have most of this working. However, for the life of me, the game both interior and exterior does not get dark for me. with enb and lux, i still have vanilla game ambient lighting. Anyone have any ideas on what I am doing wrong?
It's hard to say for sure based on the limited information you provided, but it's more than likely a load order or compatibility issue with your current mod list. The author of Lux is very responsive to questions so it may be worth posting over there for help
@@DoctorNostalgiaMods Thank you very much for responding and your help. Yes i was pretty sure it was a load order issue. Everything else about lux works except interior darkness. Thank you!
I was afraid to watch this, I've spent hours working on my lighting...
This is one of the highest quality videos for skyrim I've seen man. Really great job with the editing!
Thanks! Appreciate you taking the time to comment and welcome to the channel!
If you're annoyed trying to fix the flickering light issue in Skyrim try these mods
*-Luminosity* Enhances the vanilla lighting and a must have
*-Relighting Skyrim (interiors only)* moves light sources instead of adding, basically a fix for Skyrim's not so perfect light placement
*-Embers HD (not XD)* fire enhancer essentially
*-ENB Light* This allows particle effects/glow from magic in your hand for example and much more (does not cause flickering but can be performance heavy)
*-Torches Cast Shadows* (smoking torches mod optional) this will help with the 4 light source limit and has customizable mcm for torch brightness and distance
*-Darker Nights/ Seriously Darker Nights* self explanatory both do just about the same thing try them both out
*-ENB + Weather Mod* will give you lots of options when it comes to ambient lighting (personally using NAT and Obsidian, just make sure you find an enb that is tweaked for your choice of weather mod)
This list has given me the best results I could ask for and I am a very picky person when it comes to bugs so I cannot accept any flickering surfaces or graphical bugs (Funny thing to say when it comes to skyrim lol)
Feel free to mix and match but at least use Luminosity as a base
Basically these mods are just vanilla lighting enhancers that do not ADD light sources (
Skyrim has a 4 light source limit for the meshes so when you start adding them you get that flicker effect (this can also be a load order issue)
I've tried ELFX, Lux (all 3 mods) and RLO. None of these work properly even with the proper patches and there are ALOT of them depending on your mod list (you could patch everything yourself for better results but you'll need to educate yourself, google is your friend but not your BEST friend)
If you want to use torches or wearable lanterns without flickering IGNORE ALL MODS THAT STATE THAT THEY ADD LIGHT SOURCES.
I'm warning you now there is no EASY way to fix these issues even as an adept mod user. (Lots of xEdit fixes needed for your personal mod list to fix 80% of the flickering which is not 100%)
All in all try these recommendations and if you have any issues *READ THE MOD PAGE DESCRIPTION* you may have missed essential parts of the installation process and *LOAD ORDER MATTERS*
Presentation and content are tops. Remember us when you hit it big, right?
No need to worry about that. I'll be sure to remember those that were around from the start
Gaddamn now that's a well done mod showcase video!
Thanks Peter! Cheers!
Your videos are really high quality!
Extremely underrated channel
Glad you're enjoying them! Thank you for the kind words
great video man.... that little touch with the scene changing with the piano chords in the intro was a nice touch... details like those keeps people watching...
Glad you liked it! That was my first time editing to music in that way and it’s definitely something I plan on doing more often
absolutely insane these videos are some of the highest quality ive ever seen, thank you for what you contribute to the modding community !
Thank you very much, glad you're enjoying them! :)
some of the best editing i think i will ever see on a skyrim modding video wow
Great video, really well done! Thank you for showcasing some of mine and others mods :)
My pleasure! Thanks for your contribution to the community :)
So glad to see this. I am new to Skyrim and was just looking at the different homes and really turned off by the awful flat lighting in nearly every home. This is fantastic. Thank you!
Have you ever thought about doing mystery videos? You have the perfect voice for it! A lil creepy mixed with a chill and calming tone. Keep killing it bro
Another top quality video. I'll have to dive in and overhaul my lighting soon. Thanks for the awesome lighting showcase.
Glad you enjoyed it! Appreciate the comment
Great fucking video.
I wow. The quality is just great.
I predict u will get big soon, good luck
Downloaded just about all of these after watching your video, and they look great! Many many thanks!
Amazing editing skills man 👍 An amazing set of mods
My favorite skyrim mod showcase youtuber! I always go to you to look for cool mods!
Thanks Josiah! I appreciate you taking the time to comment this :)
Very good, now time to wait for the great gpu shortage to end
Very good video! Keep it up man
Thanks, will do :)
Loved the video, a small tip from sound engineer, cut lows a little bit from your voice (around 50-100hz) and increase highs, will give you better results. Subbed!
This was an amazing video keep up the great work! I’ll be trying out all the mods showcased 🤘🏼
Epic video. And showcased some bloody top mods too. Real cool!
Amazing video! I went to install ENB Light because the mod is honestly amazing but wow it is a pain in the ass to install😂
What daedric sword replacer you used at 6:16 ?
Thank you for the upload. I play on fhd/60fps and 3700x/5700 xt is JUST enough for this. :)
Aaaaand subbed! Now to binge your other videos, fantastic work!
Great editing man
Bro we need to see the mods you use your skyrim looks amazing
Thanks, was missing a couple of those mods from Rudy's lineup. ^^
God damn all of your videos are phenomenal
Skyrim 4 Ever! Modding community still strong after a decade! FUS RO DAH!
respect for this style of editing
Good Job man. Nice to see you growing.
Thanks man, really appreciate the extra bit of encouragement you gave me when I was sitting at just a few hundred subs
@@DoctorNostalgiaMods all goods man. keep it up
Great video quality bro!
Any chance for a modlist? Your game looks amazing
Thanks man! I plan on releasing my modlist at some point, but it wont be until I'm comfortable releasing it as a stable finished product, one that people can reference without issue
1:14 nice arrow, bro 😆
Your videos are brilliant. Sad that I only got to discover them recently! I only got skyrim for console and I don't know if I have the space to do all your suggestions 😭
The first mod, Lux, causes 100% CTD. I have all prerequisites correctly installed, in the correct order (as per the mod's Nexus FAQ). No conflicting mods.
can i ask which mod does those flying books in a library? at 00:52
its god damn 4 in the morning and after installing a new mod i have to test for compatibility and then i fall down the rabbit hole and install the next mod. Maybe i should just go to bed
Lux imo is the best. Mostly because there are patches for EVERYTHING. And it's all in the main installer. Bonus: It looks amazing
Hey mate what texture pack are you using it looks gorgeous
Great Videos! Which Tree Mod do you use?
I use Jedi Trees
In the description of the PC, did not specify the monitor resolution - this is important.
Lux looks tempting, but I'm probably gonna stick to Luminosity and Relighting Skyrim. That said, I will probably grab some of these other mods that emit light.
just seeing the name rtx 3070 makes me cry
I feel your pain.. It took me awhile to get my hands on one
Nice vid man you earned a sub do you think silent herizon enb would work will with lux
It works with lux, although I’ve never used them together so I can’t attest to how it looks
Amazing list but i was wandering will lux work with enb light?
It does. Everything included in the video works together as long they're installed properly with the correct load order
Do you have a mod list / load list available somewhere?
Hey! Very good edit Video!! And i need youre Help! The Mod "Rudification - Rudy Candles Expanded"... which overwriting and Load Order for the Mods you used? Ive some issues with that! Thanks
Rudification should overwrite all conflicts and Loot should be fine with sorting the load order of all the mods I've Included
Love your videos i just came across them. Could you tell me the graphical/Texture mods you have would be much appreciated.
I use far too many graphical/texture mods to list them all out in a single comment. I'll eventually make a video on my setup, but a few of the major ones I use are; Skyrim 2020, Noble Skyrim, Septentrional Landscapes, Folkvangr, Jedi Trees, Water for ENB, Skyrim 3D, SMIM, Embers XD, and Blended Roads Redone.
Love ya videos
Awesome video! I'm not really sure what to pick for a new playthrough to be honest. I thought I was set on Obsidian Weathers + RLO Interior + Ruby ENB but LUX looks great and is newer than RLO. I play AE Edition and want a lighting mod that works well with the latest updates plus some other mods that change the world.
1. I really like Obsidian so could I just install LUX interior instead of RLO?
2. Does LUX exterior conflict with Obsidian?
3. I have JK's Skyrim and Lanterns of Skyrim II installed. Do they work with LUX exterior?
It looks like some of the popular ENBs have requirements and a more complicated installation proces than they used to. Admittedly its been a while since I modded and usually I was most comfortable with just having the raw ENB files copied manually into the Skyrim folder. That way I could just delete them manually and use another one if I wanted to without worrying about the mods, but maybe things have changed and there are better ways of doing it?
1. Of course
2. They don't conflict and Rudy ENB for Obsidian Weathers has an option for LUX
3. JK's Skyrim is fine but LOS II wont work well with Lux Orbis. Although you can use Lux Via which is compatible and it basically serves as a replacement to LOS by placing light sources all across the roads of Skyrim
Lastly you can still install ENBs by manually dropping the files in your game folder, but there is an option with MO2 where you can install ENB files within the mod manager and therefore enable and disable/remove them with ease.
@@DoctorNostalgiaMods Thanks for the answers! It seems like installing all three LUX mods would be a better solution than using LOS II then.
I use Vortex but I'll probably have to check out the LUX version of Ruby ENB. Manual ENB install is what I'm used to but one can change. Thanks again!
Great video man!
I have a couple questions If you have time for it.
Im new to modding. I bought myself a gaming desktop a couple months ago. First computer in ten years so nothing is easy.
I have picked myself my own modlist, approx 500 mods, and I’m done with the mod setup, in other word I have installed all Utility, Enginefixes, Bugfixes and Tool mods.
I’m also done with the ENB installation and the weather mod. I picked Rudy ENB with Obsidian weather. All my INI files is at a Mega Super Ultra level so when I installed the ENB my FPS dropped from 144 down to 70 FPS. That’s outside Whiterun and that’s a terrible plays for FPS.
Tomorrow I’m going to run BethINI on High so I expect my FPS will rise some. I have no texture mods installed yet tho so I don’t know how much I will drop after I installed all them. But to my question:
- Have you compared ELFX and ELE enhancer to LUX with Windows Shadows? I understand it as that LUX/WS will take a lot more FPS than ELFX/ELE. I really would like to try LUX/WS but I’m afraid my setup can’t handle it, especially if I’m using Pascal’s Ray Tracing. I really like to end up on the higher side of 45 FPS when I’m done.
If you have compared them I would love to here your input on that?
My second question is about all the popular big texture overhauls out there. Do you install them at 1440 or 4K? Some people say that big things you often are very close to should be in 4K and all the small stuff in 2k. But then there is people saying exactly the opposite so I don’t know what to do.
I writing down my setup and if you have a tip or two for me I’m very grateful.
CPU: I5-10600k
RAM: Corsair 16GB 2666MHz
Mobo: MSI Z590 pro
SSD: Samsung 980 M.2 NVMe 512 GB for Windows
SSD: Samsung 980 M.2 NVMe 1 TB only for Skyrim with mods
HDD: 2TB games I play without excessive modding
Display: ACER PREDATOR X34GS Nano IPS in 3440x1440x180
It’s as you said, ELFX & ELE are more performance friendly compared to Lux/WS. Although, looking at your specs you should have no issues with Lux/WS performance wise. Where your performance will really be tested is in exteriors due to grass, trees, LODs, etc.
Many people have different philosophies on the texture size argument. One thing I can say for certain though, is that if you care for performance you will want to mix and match 2k & 4k textures. If you slam 4k textures on every piece of clutter, then you put 50 of these objects in a cell, yes it is going to negatively impact your fps. So my biggest piece of advice is to be conservative on 4k/8k textures and mostly use 2k. As an example, I use 4k textures on mountains and water, but 2k on fences and farmhouses.
Thanks man, really appreciate it. I think I will try with LUX then and 2K textures with only a few 4K.
Do you think it’s a good thing to combine LUX/WS with ELFX (I have seen a lot of that recently) or is it best to settle with LUX/WS only?
I was so happy yesterday. After a long days work with all the ultility mods and Rudy ENB + Obsidian the game looked so beautiful. The night was almost pitch black and the colours vibrant. But when I woke up today everything is a little more washed and the nights isn’t as dark.
All my INI files are the same. No difference in ENB settings. So I don’t know if this is just bc som weather shift within Obsidian or if something happened when I closed the computer. I reinstalled everything ENB and Obsidian but it is all the same. I don’t know what I can do beyond what i already done. Im going to uninstall Rudy ENB again and try Rudy with Climates of Tamriel and/or Rudy with Cathedral. If I’m going Lux I need to do that anyway.
Have a nice weekend. BR
My bad. ELFX isn’t combine with LUX. It’s ELFX, ELE and WS people have been combining.
Yea, Lux is standalone. At the end of the day it comes to down to personal preference which you use. Each are good looking in their own respect. Good luck to you!
@@DoctorNostalgiaMods Thanks!
Great video. I have similar pc specs, but I struggle to make this run well at 4K... what resolution do you use?
I play in 2k for the most part. My frame rates would suffer at 4k for sure
I don't think my games use this particle system except maybe shadow of Tsushima ,with some programming they could add more detail .
I play on STEP skyrim with Rudy enb + cathedral sessons and relight skyrim + lumosity. But now i think to add ELE for my pack or just LUX with LUX exteriors what you think? I know that i can check by my self but i've so many mods that i need doing it carrefurly. Btw whats your best weather system mod and texture pack? Ps. I test many trees mod and Happy Little Tree is a new level.
Non of Rudy's more lights for enb work for me. I keep getting unresolved file conflicts in vortex
And when trying to fix them I get cyclical rule errors. No one on nexus is responding. And I'm pulling my hair out trying to fix this. Can anybody help me please?
I'm in love with Lux!
Same, what's not to love!
Great video, are any of these for Xbox even if a light version
As far as I'm aware all of these are PC exclusive
Greetings from Germany, you make really great vids better as the german ones 😅, you have my sub
Glad you're enjoying the vids, and welcome to the channel! :)
If my pc can't keep up an enb, can i achieve a good lighting in Skyrim?
You certainly can, try out Cathedral Weathers, Dynamic Volumetric Lighting and Sun Shadows, ELFX, and Tamriel Master Light. It's a good performance friendly combination that you can get away with using without an ENB
Do you think Lux interiors and exteriors would go good with Rudy ENB for vivid weathers + ENB light?
I don't think you can go wrong with that combo. I've never personally tried it, but it should look great
Going to have to do it again 😅
Hey first of this video is aswome but im having lots of problems with loading order of mods, like missing textures or like how many of the extra light mods (like the magic casting one or the soul gems one) do not work. any tips?
quite literally the perfect video
Does anyone know how to turn down the brightness and volume of the dust and light from the windows in Lux cause my ebb makes it really bright and I don’t know what setting I need to turn down
can u make a collection for a graphics mods only plz
People really don't understand how much lighting impacts the visual experience.
Do you have a texture video?
What was that shop interior mod???
Which file should one install for enb light anyway? Because there are updated versions of the main file in the update files and I honestly can't decide which one to use
Use the ENB Light 0.98 Alpha 2 file
@@DoctorNostalgiaMods is there any particular reason to choose it? Because I heard it's quite buggy and glitchy
I can't speak much on the bugs as I haven't experienced many myself. Although the alpha version has addition features, fixes, and compatibility patches
Did LUX work without ENB. Or must use ENB?
Lux works without ENB, but you get much better results if you're using both
What textures are you using?
Mostly Noble Skyrim and Skyrim 2020
Could you give a short hierarchy of gpu/cpu demand so I know what I can get away with?
I tried ENB Light recently but it didn't seem to do anything. Do you know if it's working for Skyrim AE?
Should work fine with AE. Make sure you're using the latest ENB binaries and have complex particle lights enabled in your ENB settings
You probably made the mistake of installing the mod without the ENB core files, if you download any ENB preset from Nexus this will not include all the files it needs to work, the creator of ENB has rules over his files, so the only way to get ENB core files is to download it first downloading the base ENB from it's page and then apply the preset you like, then the other ENB related mods should work properly.
@@danriu I actually did download the ENB, and tried applying Rudy ENB for Cathedral Weathers. There's a prerequisite file for that which I suspect is incompatible with AE until the address libraries are updated. Perhaps if I tried a different ENB it would work properly.
@@JetSe77er Or you can rollback you Skyrim executable to the one before AE, there is a mod for that that let you switch updates to your liking, I'm using it right now, I have all the AE new content with older executable and all the mods are running flawlessly., the mod patches your AE executable into the older one, so you get best of both.
ok but how do you handle the 4 light limit
What is the mod for whiterun houses please?
Great video! What is your opinion on load order regarding ENB Light and ELFX? I have ENB Light loading after ELFX, but I am not sure if it makes more sense to load before... Thanks :)
how do i get the enb mod on xbox? i searched it but it doesent come up.
Watching this with MO2 open, and interrogating it via search bar as I watch. Why search bar? I have 956 mods/671 plugins. And this is after the Purge before this play through.
when I use candlelight spell all the shadows break or glitch
First this video is awesome. Great quality. Second, I have most of this working. However, for the life of me, the game both interior and exterior does not get dark for me. with enb and lux, i still have vanilla game ambient lighting. Anyone have any ideas on what I am doing wrong?
It's hard to say for sure based on the limited information you provided, but it's more than likely a load order or compatibility issue with your current mod list. The author of Lux is very responsive to questions so it may be worth posting over there for help
@@DoctorNostalgiaMods Thank you very much for responding and your help. Yes i was pretty sure it was a load order issue. Everything else about lux works except interior darkness. Thank you!
Keep it up 🔥
is it recommended to uninstall light mods such as ELFX when using LUX?
Yes, Lux isn't compatible with other interior lighting overhauls
I tried the lux mods and they kept crashing my game, they also had way too many incompatibilities with other mods I used.
realistic "I can't see a thing".
may i ask you how to load order lux and lux via . lux orbis ?
Any alternatives to zangdars enb? Asking for Xbox users
Hate when enbs add black borders, this doesnt do that right?
It does, although you can disable letterbox in the ENB settings to get rid of it
What i can't stand anymore is the bloomy look Skyrim has.
can someone pleeaase make an All-In-One package to let it look like this?
Too bad Lux Orbis makes nights way too bright, paired with RAID its impossible to sneak through the night :(
Good job
Top quality 👌
Огромное спасибо за отличное видео!
Skyrim Mod Edition
Dude add some emotion and octave to your voice. Please. Fantasy rpg and gravel monotone dont go well together.
Its a good narrating tone for the videos. I hate videos where the speaker is over enthusiastic, seems forced and fake