It's a bit of a hidden one. I was thinking before how can I get the sniper at the fort, but I'm just a level lower. Than realised there is a way to get a bit higher up.
Currently almost done with this one. Just wanted to see if we did the same long shot. I don't know about you, but after that my first instinct was to go to the lighthouse and decimate the map from above. Tons of fun but weirdly also felt like cheating. Edit: holy hell, I didn't realize you could climb onto that wooden platform. I got the same kill but only thanks to bullet drop since you can't actually see him.
Definitely need to climb a bit higher to see him properly. The lighthouse is a good sniper spot. From there, I also completed the objective to neutralise radio communications at the fort.
Hi Daz, just had 4 long shots to go. FINALLY got the super hard 1800m authentic one in Spy Academy (doesn't seem to be anything else that's 675 m), then I came here for the Landing Force long shot (couldn't figure out how to get on that ledge so thanks!) so now that's also done in Authentic. Just two authentic long shots to go - Kraken awakes and Wolf Mountain!
i chose to shoot the sniper while he was standing on the right looking towards the sea and then me. Apparently a headshot doesn't kill him because of his helmet, or I aimed too high, anyway I had to reload and then killed him with what looked like the famous lung/arm shot. I love these instruction videos, one thing that would maybe make it easier for viewers is if you would show the starting location on the map right in the beginning, before you start to move on the map. That would make it easier to copy your action which is often important due to timing.
Google Translate: "Very good video friend, thanks for sharing, I haven't downloaded those new maps yet, hahaha, greetings!" You're welcome. I hope it helps other players too. The DLC maps are quite enjoyable for sure. I've only played Wolf Mountain and Landing Force so far. There is a lot to do in each of them. I'm sure you'll like them too.
@@DazActionok thanks, there must be something i'm missing, 'cause tried this last night with 1903/a2 optical/match bullet, but couldnt get close, just saw the bullet flight do a long loop towards the sniper/tower and nothing... I'm sure your 1903 has a different sight ???
My M.1903 loadout: Sight: A2 Optical Barrel: Stargauge Sniper Muzzle: Moore-1 Suppressor Magazine: Standard Issue Stock: Leather Pad Receiver: M40 High Calibre Construction: Standard
@@LandyVlad_Rideskinda obvious, lot of time just talking wasted time. Just show the location point, where to aim and clip of shot. That is all that is needed
Never knew the vines were there. Thanks Mucho!!!
You're welcome.
Hi DAZ lovely tutorial I never knew that tower had another level by climbing out that small window. 👍👍👍
It's a bit of a hidden one. I was thinking before how can I get the sniper at the fort, but I'm just a level lower. Than realised there is a way to get a bit higher up.
me neither - until now :) Daz to the rescue again.
Currently almost done with this one. Just wanted to see if we did the same long shot. I don't know about you, but after that my first instinct was to go to the lighthouse and decimate the map from above. Tons of fun but weirdly also felt like cheating.
Edit: holy hell, I didn't realize you could climb onto that wooden platform. I got the same kill but only thanks to bullet drop since you can't actually see him.
Definitely need to climb a bit higher to see him properly.
The lighthouse is a good sniper spot. From there, I also completed the objective to neutralise radio communications at the fort.
Hi Daz, just had 4 long shots to go. FINALLY got the super hard 1800m authentic one in Spy Academy (doesn't seem to be anything else that's 675 m), then I came here for the Landing Force long shot (couldn't figure out how to get on that ledge so thanks!) so now that's also done in Authentic. Just two authentic long shots to go - Kraken awakes and Wolf Mountain!
Great to see you getting them done.
i chose to shoot the sniper while he was standing on the right looking towards the sea and then me. Apparently a headshot doesn't kill him because of his helmet, or I aimed too high, anyway I had to reload and then killed him with what looked like the famous lung/arm shot. I love these instruction videos, one thing that would maybe make it easier for viewers is if you would show the starting location on the map right in the beginning, before you start to move on the map. That would make it easier to copy your action which is often important due to timing.
Nice long shot guide. Love the ending zip line 😂😂😂😂
Thank you. I had fun making this video. And the zip line was a nice way to end it for sure.
muy buen video amigo, gracias por compartir, aún no descargo esos nuevos mapas, jajaja, saludos!
Google Translate: "Very good video friend, thanks for sharing, I haven't downloaded those new maps yet, hahaha, greetings!"
You're welcome. I hope it helps other players too.
The DLC maps are quite enjoyable for sure. I've only played Wolf Mountain and Landing Force so far. There is a lot to do in each of them. I'm sure you'll like them too.
I have yet to play this level but thanks for the advice.
You're welcome. All the DLC maps have been great. I'm sure you'll enjoy them.
as the medals shown at the end are both standard and authentic, Are you doing this on Authentic level, cant tell from the start of video ?????
It's on Authentic difficulty.
@@DazActionok thanks, there must be something i'm missing, 'cause tried this last night with 1903/a2 optical/match bullet, but couldnt get close, just saw the bullet flight do a long loop towards the sniper/tower and nothing... I'm sure your 1903 has a different sight ???
My M.1903 loadout:
Sight: A2 Optical
Barrel: Stargauge Sniper
Muzzle: Moore-1 Suppressor
Magazine: Standard Issue
Stock: Leather Pad
Receiver: M40 High Calibre
Construction: Standard
Is that mission one you have to pay and download
Yes, Landing Force is a DLC mission.
Looks good lol😂
Thank you kindly.
😊nice tut, but 6 minutes of wasted time
umm, why?
@@LandyVlad_Rideskinda obvious, lot of time just talking wasted time. Just show the location point, where to aim and clip of shot. That is all that is needed
@@DustySeven7 No - this is information and entertainment. Daz is great but if you prefer there are plenty of unexciting options out there instead,