That kid sends it so naturally. So many people try to bunny hop to boost them further/higher. But you really want to ride the entire jump. You can see the adult is over thinking it and pumping way to early loosing all of the power before he even enters the jump.
Prima, Respekt! Hab richtig mitgefiebert.
That kid with the orange helmet is very impressive. As an adult, I couldn't even get close of his distance.
That kid sends it so naturally. So many people try to bunny hop to boost them further/higher. But you really want to ride the entire jump. You can see the adult is over thinking it and pumping way to early loosing all of the power before he even enters the jump.
Cool, man kann in den Gesichter bei Zeitlupe sehen wieviel Spass die Kids haben. Werde mir quch so einen Hopper kaufen. Danke für das Video!
Mega. Hab mir den gestern bestellt.. Whooop
Awesome jumping !! We just got an MTB Hopper, time to practice my jumping ! I just turned 4 yrs old so cannot wait to jump this good
Bruh ur kidding ain’t u
Maybe, just maaaybe his parents are doing all the onlinestuff :D
The moment when your 7 year old kid beats you at mountainbiking 🤘😄 ...I still have 3 years 😎
kid got skills
Thx :-)
colles Video wie heißt der kika
MTB Hopper Intro
Awesome 👍👍
Ja will mal Bike Profi sein
nice :)
Ja will mal Fahrrad Profi werden
Den Gesichtsausdruck beim Springen unbedingt beibehalten! :D
Jo alda 3m ins flat holy
Die Kleinen haben halt oft die größten 🥚Respekt🖖😉
sikc grandpa lol
Das ist nicht mein Opa das ist mein Vater
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