Hacking is ruining the game. I’m only gold4 and faced a hacker twice in 1 week playing ranked. Devs need to invest more of OUR money into the anti-cheat system.
Twist, the opinion u mentioned about the other day is so good. U know the one with u have to get this amount of kills to get Master and this amount to whatever. This will not only reduce hackers, it will also reduce players that get carried and get a high percent of wins after the 10 placements matches that get Master in 10 matches...
When ever I see a TH-cam notification and twist is written on it I have to only leave whatever I am doing to give a LIKE weather the video is good or bad 😂❤
@SlobberChops No because the hackers are making the community stressed, which is leading to everyone leaving, So of Twist leaves c-ops i can never imagine C-ops the same. I hate hackers because they are the cancer of the C-ops which is ruining the gameplay for content creators
I had a game of ranked a earlier today where they got AT LEAST 1 afk every round after like the third or fourth one, and because of that 1 guy from their team started cheating but fortunately he was banned very quickly after he was reported
Bro i steel dont understand why the title of ur video if is " African hackers " i mean are they African or u jet dont like Africa and u jet put that title um anyways i love ur video keep it up and nowadays Hackers are in so many ranked defuse and they're spoiling the game lol .
A critical ops dev told me they are working on making better anti cheat and doing more to get rid of hackers. Idk if that makes anyone feel better but hope it reminds you guys that they still care about their game.
1st step is to bring back mods, and if they ban someone who wasn't cheating they r punished or something to not have mod for a certain amount of time (No matter mistakenly or intentionally)
Guyssss twist was partying with me loll he dropped 38 kills in one match in other 28 and in last he dropped litreally 43 and he got heckers so he got gud content so he posted this lmaooo
So whats happening here is, that lophee gives them team radar and when he dies they won't get tr anymore and they play bad. I have played a lot of time against them and the lophee guy is always bottom goin neg bcz he is base tryin not to die and give them tr.
Twist start playing saints matchmaking, it’s a discord server and you que up and once 10 people are in a que a math will be made and you just scrim and get better
Twist back in 2020 my account got scammed and the person got me perm banned idk how is there a way I can get it unbanned cause I spent a lot of money on that account but I did make a new one so if not it is ok
im so sorry for u but my rounds are the same even tho im bronze i usually kill plats and diamonds in normal games ez and in ranked i get everytime minimum one afk guy and often hackers .....
Publish plz
Twist I want gun skin free
man i feel bad for u Twist. Better luck next time i guess
Twist sacrificing his sanity for content
When coolmark doesn't get noticed
Twist if u heart his comment and u see mine plz heart mine too cuz y not
@@エロ天国-e2u how about me to
@@エロ天国-e2u Cringe
@@Andolina12 commenting cringe is cringe
as a representative of the south african critical operations community, we do not claim these hackers
Wow yeah
There's a community?
I want to join
Hacking is ruining the game. I’m only gold4 and faced a hacker twice in 1 week playing ranked. Devs need to invest more of OUR money into the anti-cheat system.
Twist start playing royal matchmaking it's fun
Bro how to do royal matchmaking pls tell me
@King of Bud Light and can platinum players do this royal matchmaking
@@htmaster575 yes everyone can
@@htmaster575 but U get smacked cuz the most of the players are Spec or elite ops
Btw how do u hack?
Twist, the opinion u mentioned about the other day is so good. U know the one with u have to get this amount of kills to get Master and this amount to whatever. This will not only reduce hackers, it will also reduce players that get carried and get a high percent of wins after the 10 placements matches that get Master in 10 matches...
Hackers: no man scares me, but that thing
Twist: yooooo wsp
Hackers: it scares me
*You know what's funny? People think that Critical Jok- I mean Force Will Fix its anti cheat.*
@@abu789 Eyoo Abuuuu! :D
Sup NiFo dude!
Damn hackers just love giving twist content
Imagine the hacker watching and saying IM NOT AFRICAN!!! xd
When ever I see a TH-cam notification and twist is written on it I have to only leave whatever I am doing to give a LIKE weather the video is good or bad 😂❤
others watching how to sus a hacker*
Hackers watching how not to get sus*
unfortunately, this video is useful for both.
Dude it’s so weird when u say they going a 😂
I really can’t imagine C-ops without Twist, That’s why i hate hackers so much.
@SlobberChops No because the hackers are making the community stressed, which is leading to everyone leaving, So of Twist leaves c-ops i can never imagine C-ops the same. I hate hackers because they are the cancer of the C-ops which is ruining the gameplay for content creators
@@samuraijack1920 I can handle hackers its part of games u cant never get rid of them. Lmao.
@@Lone_47 No ur not getting it, It’s not what the hackers doing to me it’s what it’s doing to the community
@@Lone_47 U think ur cool for being able to “handle hackers”
@@Lone_47 th-cam.com/video/82ohrv3HVrs/w-d-xo.html look at this vid, twist said it’s the end of his days on c-ops
I’m from North Africa and I’m lagging Af and this is the first time I see a an African hacker lmao
Keep up the good work twist I watch you everyday ❤️
Long Time no see I missed critical ops no game bz of eye problem not good for blue light
Hey twist im an old subscriber i dont play c ops anymore i switched to codm im glad to see you still play c ops
new day, new game, new hackers everyday :( feels sad bro
Welcome to Critical ops!
Hey, are you gonna do any streams any time soon?
Welp this is the fastest reply ever lmao
@@twist2op aw, okay thanks for the info.
"I'm sorry if I'm giving you adhd"
Critical ops 1.30 the era of hackers
Hello Twist,
Will you change the game anytime soon ? Cod or csgo or something else ?
I will love to watch any of your content.
Can I subscribe 1000 for the honor of coming new year 💓
I had a game of ranked a earlier today where they got AT LEAST 1 afk every round after like the third or fourth one, and because of that 1 guy from their team started cheating but fortunately he was banned very quickly after he was reported
Qwary sends u hello😁
The title "African hackers" is funny as fuck😂😂😂😂
Why ?
At this point I think twist is finding the hackers not them
Can I subscribe 1000 for the honor of coming new year 💓
I like your optimismus in videos :)
Can I subscribe 1000 for the honor of coming new year 💓
I feel u twist I lost against 3 hackers today it ridiculous
Yeah i playd yesterDay In gold i playd 3 ranks and all tre ranks where hackers and it destroyd my kd and my rank
+ after that there where 2 afk
In an other rank*
In plat- dia there is many hackers as well
Dw twist we had a good laugh at the hackers with you. They are lame for needing hacks to win, how do they even enjoy playing that way lol
bro do u even realise how insane u are? those headshots are crispp
Dont give up man i know how it feels i have too speed cheating i too reported him and he doesnt get banned
Like the devs sayd..They to many Players..and They to many new players and They cant fix the matchmaking and the hackers problem…sad
Sure 3000❤️= video tmr
Keep the work up
The vurd guy partied with a hacker tho
Can I subscribe 1000 for the honor of coming new year 💓
Bro yesterday I had a hacker and he got banned first round never seen that before I was impressed
Fxlcon also partied w hacker. Now u know how we feel.
Love To Watch Your Vedios bro
Try Asian Server or Indian Server u will get less hackers specially in Indian Server
no se que dices pero eres una bestia jugando
Bro i steel dont understand why the title of ur video if is " African hackers " i mean are they African or u jet dont like Africa and u jet put that title um anyways i love ur video keep it up and nowadays Hackers are in so many ranked defuse and they're spoiling the game lol .
hello sir how did you change ur crosshair? im curious cus im new
I have faced 5 hackers in a row in ranked and lost so much rating.I hope they fix this problem
A critical ops dev told me they are working on making better anti cheat and doing more to get rid of hackers.
Idk if that makes anyone feel better but hope it reminds you guys that they still care about their game.
1st step is to bring back mods, and if they ban someone who wasn't cheating they r punished or something to not have mod for a certain amount of time
(No matter mistakenly or intentionally)
Dammm it they are back destroying the game
Twist this title got me giggling just a tad bit☻
Can I subscribe 1000 for the honor of coming new year 💓
@@Alitsnn huh
Royal matchmaking has no hackers
Twist nice thumbnail
Twist if you don’t want hackers in ur game just play royal match making its soo much better ngl
Can I subscribe 1000 for the honor of coming new year 💓
@@Alitsnn stop self promoting
What is that
twist is about to become TimeIsButAWindow but in C-Ops instead
Ya I also get hacker in rank and can see enemies in radar
Love the vids
The thumbnail tho
Can I subscribe 1000 for the honor of coming new year 💓
Waiting for a new video already
Guyssss twist was partying with me loll he dropped 38 kills in one match in other 28 and in last he dropped litreally 43 and he got heckers so he got gud content so he posted this lmaooo
Out of No where they couldn’t do anything anymore ;-;
Can I subscribe 1000 for the honor of coming new year 💓
Hi mama im in tv 📺
me everytime i see noob hackers
Me: Weakness disguis me!
Twis i foumd its many hakers in my team 4 and me
notice the mic sounds a bit different
Cops is the best game bro
I found radar hacker yesterday in diamond
If only twist was mod
So many hackers now
So whats happening here is, that lophee gives them team radar and when he dies they won't get tr anymore and they play bad. I have played a lot of time against them and the lophee guy is always bottom goin neg bcz he is base tryin not to die and give them tr.
Твист топ♥️
Twist start playing saints matchmaking, it’s a discord server and you que up and once 10 people are in a que a math will be made and you just scrim and get better
And that why i retired from c OPS for a while
Those 200 plus pings defo from Africa
You can’t talk about hackers on the official c ops discord server lmao 😜
twist mad mad
This clan is 👌🏻
k yes bro
I played against them 2 weeks ago and he was boosting in spec ops so sad
Bro am big fan plz reply
2:09 skin name
BTW I bought a new skin for 150
Of Aug
Ash skin
U know it's hackers when twist uploads 🤧😑😔😒
Do the best cross hair video
My account has been banned unfairly, what should I do please tell me :( plsss
Every video is now about hackers
Cops devs should Serious on this hackers….Otherwise hackers will be on cops forever!
Can I subscribe 1000 for the honor of coming new year 💓
This legit gives me depression watching this. So sad they don't fix their game fr.
Can I subscribe 1000 for the honor of coming new year 💓
Literally after he gets done talking about hos hackers are coming back n ruining the game
Twist back in 2020 my account got scammed and the person got me perm banned idk how is there a way I can get it unbanned cause I spent a lot of money on that account but I did make a new one so if not it is ok
im so sorry for u but my rounds are the same even tho im bronze i usually kill plats and diamonds in normal games ez and in ranked i get everytime minimum one afk guy and often hackers .....
Critical oof Eh?
As an African I find this interesting
Wait twist u got vurd banned 🥺🥺🥺🥺
Twist op
BLM ✊🏿
Gg twist
Can we play this game on pc??
More hackers???
hi bro