Takes a bunch of practice this seems like he's been playing maybe for 2-3 years or maybe even 1 his accuracy is amazing though that takes a bit to master
@@Lezris that's amazing performance, so far I can only do 3.7 with like 14 misses only been playing for at least 130 hours in all rhythm games in total
What Your Favourite osu!mania Pattern Says About You!WhatYouKnowAboutRollingDownInTheDeepWhenYourBrainGoesNumbYouCanCallThatMentalFreezeWhenThesePeopleTalkTooMuchPutThatShitInSlowMotionYeahIFeelLikeAnAstronautInTheOceanAyyWhatYouKnowAboutRollingDownInTheDeepWhenYourBrainGoesNumbYouCanCallThatMentalFreezeWhenThesePeopleTalkTooMuchPutThatShitInSlowMotionYeahIFeelLikeAnAstronautInTheOceanSheSayThatImCoolImLikeYeahThatsTrueIBelieveInGODDontBelieveInTHOTSheKeepPlayingMeDumbImaPlayHerForFunYallDontReally
+rep can almost play osu intro song
he did replay because he doesn't want to do it again
Ojala poder jugar así al Osu ;-;, nuevo sub
you are really good!
Thanks man! Still got a long wait to go though to get where I want
i wonder how ppl are so good at mania or this time of games, i just cant get good at it lol
Takes a bunch of practice this seems like he's been playing maybe for 2-3 years or maybe even 1 his accuracy is amazing though that takes a bit to master
@@FallenRaiz Almost exactly a year, it's amazing what you can do in such a short time with enough dedication and no life lmao
@@Lezris that's amazing performance, so far I can only do 3.7 with like 14 misses only been playing for at least 130 hours in all rhythm games in total