That's sad if he did get killed and some of these people don't care who they kill they just want to rake other people life away just because thay life not perfect like others that man was a good man he probably didn't do nun to nobody he was just a singer and rapper with his friends thats just sad to hear this is coming from a 12 year old and thats ashamed to hear that caus egalf of these grown folks don't understand wat us kids got to go threw wen these grown man out here killing us kids and rapping us and things like that that stuff doesn't make since they should be ashamed of their self right about now taking people life away like they tool my momma friend away his name was Nelson he was a good man he didn't mess with nobody and they took his life away from his kids sad things happen all the time that don't need to happen love all of you people out here
I love this song JCT&AJM For Ever 4/18/15 For Ever Always ❤️💯❤️💯❤️💯 Me n My Baby been together for 3 years now we for ever gone together I can’t wait to get my diamond ring that my baby will be buying me this year 😩😍😩😍
still listening in 2022 😩❤️
I had to been the #one fan cause it’s damn near 2023 and I’m still here damn near 10 years later ❤
Yes ready for pt 2
😎😍😍😍 Boyyy Im So In Love
This leaves me in my feelings EveryTime. It's so close to reality!.. I'm so In love 💔💔
Ayeee ... You aint lying
My song!!
new favoritee song
Ubeta make it quick bc im bout ready n yall need 2 do more of these
Where can I find the mo3 ??
i luv dys song i wish all plp was like dem
When is the next one coming out? I wanna see it..!!!
I love this song can't wait for part 2
omg!! i love this, she's such a beautiful girl w/ a beautiful vc!!!
Awwwww that was very cute,I Loved it! They make a cute couple forreal thoe
man is part two out ishh i love diss ishh man
This was my song back then🙌🏽😩
Can We get A Part 2 ,, ? ILove this song !
I love this song 12-2-11😍😍
Ashley & Jerome ! cuz we dnt wanna Neva End
2019 love song
Money Grip kno he fine.! Love dis song.!
Kiara can sing.!
i like the way its made like i wanna make a video like that its cute and i wish they made a pt 2 to it by the way it ended.
I wanna see what happens next !!
PART 2......... HRRY UP!!!!
Thiss Is My Songg !..
Tears this made me feel sum kind of way
I don't knw how many times I cryed to this song it gets to me I just my relationship can be like that so cute
this is the song right here
Awww ☺
Im so in love
love this song
Yes my new shid
I love this song they need to make a part two
"I have to tell you something doe I'm pregnant" that shit blew me
i fuxks wit this song and video!!
I loveee dhis song it makee me think of my baby !
Kiara is so beautiful in this video !!
Umm , Yea . They Need To Gone Head & Make Part 2 !
Part 2 need to HURRY UP!,,,,,
, I'm so inlovee O42212 💚
go job tj im so in love :-X....
Good azz vid!!!
yessssss but he came back to his babe gurl
they need to make the rest of this song because i love it
she has beuatiful voice..!
He was pretty and he always make good songs . and somebody told me he got killed
That's sad if he did get killed and some of these people don't care who they kill they just want to rake other people life away just because thay life not perfect like others that man was a good man he probably didn't do nun to nobody he was just a singer and rapper with his friends thats just sad to hear this is coming from a 12 year old and thats ashamed to hear that caus egalf of these grown folks don't understand wat us kids got to go threw wen these grown man out here killing us kids and rapping us and things like that that stuff doesn't make since they should be ashamed of their self right about now taking people life away like they tool my momma friend away his name was Nelson he was a good man he didn't mess with nobody and they took his life away from his kids sad things happen all the time that don't need to happen love all of you people out here
R.I.p To All of the dead folks
He didn’t get killed
I lovee this omg
broski said nd df you thank you talkn to shit was funny but fye doe
Dhat Was A Cute Luh Story
5/25/09 .... 5 years and still counting lorddddd don't know what I been threw whit it...
Kiara is absolutly beautiful with a gorgeous smile!!!
they would make a greatttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttt couple
I got y'all !
i swear i hateto see TO BE CONTINUED when it gets good
ThiS SONG :)))))
I love this songs
Love it wish he understand Wea Im comin Frm
lol i fucking love this video im mad yall needa hurry up and do other half straight up
Im so in love with my girl!
9 years later first time seeing April 28 2022
Yooo, I went to school with Tj! Nice video tho, I ♥ it.
omg i loved it but wat happened after dat
hate wen its a good song n video n den it be like to be continued lol
love dis
Make Another Part , I
This a amazing sonh
I love this song
I love diz song so much itz dope asf but I hate wen TJ friend got shot
I love tis song :))
Omg I love this songni love my boyfrewnd
at the it was like a "dont be a menace to society part" But calmer. LOL I like though
I love this song
JCT&AJM For Ever
For Ever Always ❤️💯❤️💯❤️💯
Me n My Baby been together for
3 years now we for ever gone together
I can’t wait to get my diamond ring that my baby will be buying me this year 😩😍😩😍
I Actually Bought This Song , Thats How Good It Is :)
3.18.14 5L & Forever ! 💕❤😍👏
Where Can I Download This At
Dawq She Fine Af
no no no i need to see the ending omg ..
Can We Get A Par2 Next Year
I alwasy listen to her songs
New fav sng
All He Saying Is Hell Yeah
Love it
where dey from?
Almost She'd Some Tears While Watching This Video. Too Much Like My Relationship.!
Damn he went thourh it !! 12.7.12
i love the song feel happy :)
Im gonna ride for your 1/29/14 forever rockin love yhu baaee
shes gorgeous
This song touch me ... Keep doing good guys I love you money grip ❤❤
🚨🚨 Money Grip Flyerr ft Tray G - Southside 🔥🔥🔥
Song still rides in 2024
dang i was into it to damn yaw just cut it off lol it was hella good tho !!!
I love u baebeee i aint gone leave u we in this together I luh ........................
Where Is Part Too Andd They Baby Go be Pretty As'f On Ma
- So In Love"